vor.mir, - v\! (Name changei? from 1 ■■ ’ • .-r.-;., ary 1, 191?.) liRKVAlii), NO;;Ti! CAi^l.i A. i’i:!D V. ])17. NUMBER-9 gSCHEa fai:-: [;0' J'J b; i::.. V' : I • i I ■ - . s s L. N : . i' 1 ' , ■ • il I; I .:i ' v\ I. li ;! !;, 1.' 1 : ■ : i .p ■ ' r\V()-i!.iy S. V, pli , I'; Ul.iy ;i:; - S !i'!' : - I { VS ter v';; V;i , . 'f .1 ■ Ki-ii.., ■! 1U..1 ‘ 1'- , • ■i i .• t. . . A 1 S ■ ■ 1- !, 11 , I; T .!■( r ci,; r ; V : .1 ' ' ■•'t'l! I ■' ' I ■' ' ' ' ■, 1 ' ' - •' t ' t l;c : ' . I\; (i CM l-'ri .i’ . -t W . . i I'.' = !' '■ • ■•i'll ! II. • m‘ i h ■ I -1. ■ I . . y I' ■ lis; .-r ! i. I ... 1 ' ■ I ■ : :; ‘ ii. 1. I . 1! I I |1 I;. . ; ■ ;; \\ I ■ ■ . 1 I ; Cell hi .. ;is I ■:a } n, M'-t,; I 1 . ■ 11 I- 1, ;ii t; ; . ! ■;;■ , . il . 'I il.i't ■[ i“ .. i: h i-r; ’.1I'l 1 ;;i.- rr ■1 111' t ■ -1 . ■ ry » nru ■■ ■ ■ . ‘ '-UI'j^ ■ . ■ ■ ■ 1 ' , .■..■!(!• i h,’ ! lit ■ w .i ; ■ !■ \ j 1"U i':; : I I \ 111 ^ ' t 111 . ; ^ V ell ( ’.11 it I ■ ;;y i •’! t !-■ ! n \\ i I ' ! a !■ ; 1 ;:i : ■ ■t . u !;s'h will 111' .1 - i 1 1 ' i ► 1 '' ' Nl ; ■ I ! ) ■-■ ( I I ‘ I "f ■ ' , =>'i- '' i ^ / ’■ ^ ;v/-M:, 'i/ -■ A ^ r-i --1 a r;r’I i 5* w. ■ . .; K.I. . .■!il'■.!■- r - V. ' 1 I "j !■• *■'(•] i 1 I.t 1 - : I •'•:.! il ■ ;i.-; il. ' -V y>' L i-' i. V - ^ } 41. , \- ■■ i.> r.“ it? # 1 M 1 t ! -■ r.' I T-' ■lit c . ; r'.n- iv.::ory o I’lcir vy 1.1 I : ! ■ i '. r'. ••■-I I ’I ,'i n r ■j^r ■ iS U :' ir) I , -i ’ I l .. *. ’ 1 till yr W lie ;>1\ . All :i» ’.S i?i t!u' Cl ;!!:1 ■.' t I "i:i'. U ‘I \ \\ I .ii'll !>■ r;i • I ■ "I' . ; • I t i,-i ;il - i i ■ , :i'I ^ ■(•.• I, i; , ; il' K'l 1 h.‘ "t-. :■ !■ caU. r I.' t i .11 \\ i ■]■ i I 11 ill t !' ; II, • j i.'i • : • •' ' I Ill '•(•(I’M•;> li viiu:." 'riif r n'aliirc -, , ii > Tin'- ■ -I':-'!!! i.\ iiirr;v-; :t '.r.'. 111.'’. I t I 'ii' li'T V.i; li t'i • :-r!;«iiii nl' t iif * IJriWl'. ; M \» .!> C ill V 1)1 ill'll. I 'I'h'- V,','V exrcll.'nt' vv.nmcr ii.: siii)Orvi-cr is 1; ;i \lv>: Mi’.s v I'niimn- a i.mMi.. vo i.l ‘•ru.' !5lui' ri.i-A- i'- ni- tlii' niu- li't.iSni- to N ■ .1 .r-iliia. \\ »“ ai'( t-xt ir^ru 1\ Ii" tnr tin.' tn hf (li.ni*. Imt wr a; 'V. liliisl;-au!iru: rv ni ^ oii 'i't tu -:o I'V } li ^ I, ] I I., !;I Cl 1 >■ ( . ivt‘. I i(ii'l;y 1: 11iiu j ^ ill. I Li M ' • ( a ni’Si'a k”, 1 hn >r.;'il tiit Till: PICKENS ROAO W’l’ l' ■ ‘ l.> ihr !’ir‘:'i!S S'jititii'l iriiiii l.itili' I;-i"tiit .t'. .M'lT.niaiii ^ i ill'; .111' 1. il !i )\\! ti;,-- !i)>-::y: •■W w Ill ■■ . Ill' 1 \n;.- j; :!i1v ' ir.iiicTi.! *1 liv a thhu 111. I'l lilt liut il- ltd I In- 'i- I'ht' in till’ lioiiii- iiTul all curnuruii 1 to t ! ; t V ';T n . !s ‘‘ '‘'V-... .. *''* L'l'i'S • CVi'r'’ t !IM'‘ \Vl‘ C!lll. i .il tii.1 rIiiKi111y, I ♦ M/»f nmi thi‘ i»t , liUKN AKl) Ml/l'llODlST ('lll'RCIl. jTci’a'i' inuj'ic*, ^Mint'S anil n- ti'c.-l;nii‘Tit:J whu'li luui l.tcii ])Vi bihty "t ti'UfluM-, I in- ini])(»r I.t thf wurlv and tlu* sih'cial nrt'il 'livint' f^iiifliiiic.-, and tlien tlu‘ 1‘XeiviM'S with prayrr. After tht‘ op.*niii!' ext^rcisfs, Prof ^ - spoko onarith- *,.:,I.c ially the iinpor- ill tl'is subject, as well as othi'r’ ' course of ^tttdv. of accuracy, neatness and Prof J ^ - discus i ,n in ('oinmunity Civics. This nroved to »>« ono of the most inter .’ItinK topics on th«* pro^'rum and .iicitcd a lively general discussion. I this ‘general discussion the ideas > i)r'oU''lit out that in order to i'rdnce t.oy’a mi'l «>>■>» gfo® "1> « the conntry, Stay there and be , irood and usetul citizens, then* niiist bo instilled into these try children ideals of comfort- UOIIWK fnrnished with modor.i ^iniveliienws, good f.iimly llbru • H spirit of community co op- etc. The fact was brought th® teacher, as well as narcnts of the community, ia * nsible for the establishment *^®^i^«i-pi5ervation of these necessa- “fcommnnity ideals. j^ow many oi sc* :■ { 5:;-va’'1'a circ ’r v/iW' iiic »>.> A county? What do *v ci! know j-b ;uL :hc Jays Vi/hcn tlio ' , , , . • . Indians rOcUr^d O'/cr th:i: I'i- o .1.::' 'r:v- \'\c i v/hitcs and th' c;:iab^ij-h:n, ;it 01 O.c - line by the g;ovciIn crcLr to .'ivckl r:c:;'i dili'culik:: V*. Whet do y.iu know ab '-.i tn’ p: ccr v/b'i:cs v/ho found this sc:;'ij!'i liad in.c app:.irancc cr a prairie ^JSlJad ot m v.n.nn. c-^v:ic.i v.’itli virgin forest:^?' Wliat do yo-i kp-OVv a-' ;'l liov.lh C.irolina^s rci'nsal to accopt the Frcii.h B.'-xid vali:y an a gift? Vv'h.U do you know ab.at -lie war bc'f;,^'wcn Georgia afid No^'ih Carcliaa Ci: Transylvania soil over tiic boundary lincG oi' th..se two St:*len.' What do you rcall> know about your fami'y tree? What do you knov/ about the early so:ial and ■ Z^. I economic habits of Transylvania people? 1 tn • *• .1 ^ . fr What do you know about the early politics 0i the county and the reasons why its citizens take their politics "‘straight?"^ What do you know of the early industrial kfe of the county and its agricultural pursuitr., its early g development as a haven of rest ior tourists? Do you know anything abou*; the founding of Brevard, the fii si court held in the county, the noted Cognomen and Hoodlum clubs, etc.? Mr« Ora L. Jones, who for five years edited the Sylvan Vadey News, is preparing this history for the News. During his residence in this county he has been collecting this interestinp; data and much of it, which is a matter of tradition, will be published for the firsjt time. Traditional hir,tory will be sup- plemented'by that from the most authoritative rec ords and this information will be run in serial form in the News, beginning with the issue of March 2. Look over this copy of the News and see if it is not worth a dollar for twelve months. It will pay you fifty- two visits for this price and will give you more home ncv/s than you can get from all other publications combined. ...r..lor>. v:.,alr,as.n,..i g ti 11'nv.', \\ h'lli' h.' anil.;.!i( (li III' 1 , 41,,. , . , , , , it \\i iihl II ", I I 11) tlilri' -(’'.'lliiii'- ol ; -Ji ( _i I'. r.iiiuir'-T liiT:'! a:itl In'lp ’.lU’l,! iij) a H f .1'I'llu.'itlor.al uuvix. • .S'erialiy 1:1 \v.> Uv] .-urv I hi" > ftliill O 11.f >ta-'. Il U llllil tn 1 .. 1 • , , , 1 it !.■'t nliv a.''IV :ir ami lu-l as u'ooil "111 ilk 11: the ti‘-iCiicr in r;i-r i-rla!.. n . i i i t ^ -w I ‘ .,1 , 1 • m.'lUi-:i!iu \>tiul.l 111';is i‘a *11 v I)Ul! f. II :,t ( Iv (ii ti l' liovs a’l.l i:ii!> i:. tS A W'e .i.-k dur Iniin r;ib’t* sn; rrvi>or ii ml riir.iity coninii.-'siuTu-i's to con- r tliis \vt.‘li b-v'fnrc :;ny work i • tlirai’. W'e ;n-' j\ady to ]'ut our t. il'-’ r !(' VITV 11 :n-i‘!crnith.'i- i ii .* *> i i i- i ' ■ . ■ , , ■ .-'.loulil. r to till' '.vlu‘. 1 111 road liro !s!'Uin’.it' ni'Cf. . I'v im ' Special Announcement. ijcc mil Ni^lU: , 1,, :ai-t and till' ri'-rlit kind o! , x]i r I*. 11^“ very sen>i’ils- j-tat I'd i: it I \]U'rii. n'-e direeti'il :n th V. Il chiiuii.d—v.ithoiit tact. I'll ] i">'»na1l! y, or Jil olessioiml i Suhjccts lor n xt Sii;vl:iy: ♦ —V. as win>e tl'.iin no expe [ I ju'Lite. ' f • 11 Ni^lil: .\ DiviiU' iii.^conti u'.. 1'*' I Yiif administration ol llu” Luril's siijiptT t tehiT.'' W!M^* enti'rtaiiii’d will take jihii'f ;;l thi'r.'iiirniiiL^ S'.r\ iv"'. 1)\ ' lai ulty and pt ;l:i_riii:y eiii>.-> '1 iu-jia.^inr w ill [irorich al Oak llruve i'.icviiid In>tituli‘ Fndiiy eve- fl'uuh at • in IIk-aflcrnonn. niii ' .Mtlioniih it was verv rainy, ' nninher of tea-hers wa.^' ST. I’iilhll’S Kl'lSCOI’AL CiirRClI. p,.,!«,nt and j:n*atlv enjoyed tlu-' — Spccial Announcement. Si'iund Sunilav in Lent, ^larch •}, litanv jiart d 11 i‘ t he ocea.'-li-n. | anu ImIv ciunniuniun with st-rmon at 11; j, S if.rJiv's opening; exereisi s j sulijeit, Tlu- I'mss as a Symbol. j \vi ii' ' i!'lueti'd by !*ev. A. W. M" j l-'riikiv. .M;uch 2, ember day, litany with ; I)*iiili‘l 11»‘ read a S(;etioli from jijidress at n; subj-'ct. The Blessed Life—j tlie New TesiriTiiellt, ^pok^‘ about | ^ j tvv>n*tV minutes on the n sponsi Saturday. March ember day, ember i.,i*rx-'ot the teaeher, the ini])or prayer at 12 noon. V.'ediiesday, .March 7, lenten miisicale from 1 til2, penitential oflice with address at .^; subjeci, The Right Motive in (Jood ; Works. I Christian Character means self-control , and self-discipline. | Each copy of BREVARD NEWS hereafter taken from office will be charged fbr at rate of 1 for 5 cents 6 for 25 cents I S.Ni If I ■ » S ’. ■ t M i j”i I»J !!•'>->" i, • ; 'V ■’%’ r 1 . r 1 • I- • L UJ tJ a r ’ 5 5^5 f. ? . «J 3 i JrS i I ■ • ■' ry (]; rr^ , 'A -()P|if 1». {>. j itMi.S r i '. cl V ' ii.'- r l.Kl. u^hLvkhii fiblLd ' I.: 11. . I ■ }HW. I'I '?». I ' ’ -.1 >, V. I m: i V rrt nr?i ■ i'l- t'-M.-- \:i (if tlHl .\v:;li! :mii i ; 1 I rs f li ' ' : V. ", 1 :. '! I r;^tit i'r '|\| I' S'l ni'iii. i'.MlI] '.ii'"i ' ■ r :■ 1 I’iit !■: - '■•■-■I , ;; 1(1 W.-ri ■; liint; T! i ;i' I ••)!].( I', l l-illcir J-,!''. 'ra a | i; -! i.. . l. !•' i“> ! . Ml' ( ‘ ■ 11 ii ’:ill'7', t ' ■■•: I ;• >1 ' !, r i ;i ■ . iir ' i I : ‘ r>. II n\\ • i ; ri- Fir.-t. , , i . . .]| . ,j :i i il- iii 111'■' o;• ;. 1 I'.';; i; ^ ' ii I : ’ ; V ■ ■ •' I'M’ ^ ' ; ■ I'lM■ . “i j)!' . ;■ : ! :!iC j : ’ i I ' • ; I; V?i « h i\ a ['■;;.lj > 1^. ' !■, ,1! :■(' • ;..: : >'!( :: . I ■ ; li; 1 !i i! f !i ,> e: e t'' ,1 ti :i !l. ., . :il )li"; I (■ til ^ 1S I , »| ■ ; ih ' :-i't • - t : • ’ ;i. ; -Ur- •;'' • :' 11V vn I ;i-i ; - I. ; 'I I »* ’ t i , • . j . : - 'i'. i- .\-I'f vil’i' I'i ’' • I ■ ’,iT 11 .' \ I T i !i !i, a 11 ■ w j li!:-? wri'k. I - ’!-I u'i't i : ■ I'lrli.ii’i is vi^-it- j 1II. I.' 1- r.;- it li' 'I' ;■ ' ; i i-., \'ii., I'l ii j '1 i I ■ ■ I i:| \ . j '!’h- .M.r ."t ii.ii'nfs of tl; > j i ’| i. . cVi • ;i i ri;i i 1. d t !.i .I i, I 1 ■' II 11I( ■ ^TS oil :1: . I'l '-liti' (if t!;c iii- ' ■ ■ ■ '■. ': ■ : ir ■ :i r - ; i : ’ r ! I'J.l i-'l I'll' ' I li' t I tl. \ 11’ :ii‘ , 'lUri; I' M 111 ; I -I ri’ ..i- r , iirr II! li I'!.', T. . ;,-l 1 l.li l! -1 • ! i . 1 •!' .'. I r, ■ ■■ I I ‘ ■ ■ -I- ,1 : •) K a •!. / I ' 1 I I I . :i '•It, I ^ - I ■ r\ i I .: I V, ;; i (;i ! • .'l :• ■■ 'iM: i -1 . i ' ■ ■ ' I !. -i 1 i 'y 1 :; ■! I-■ ■ 1. i 'iLi;. 'j "I r i - • 1 ! h" r;i;. ;ii !■■ ■ ' i ; ■ n .nil i ■ . It i;. • , • ,r i • ‘ \v>' h. Vr 1 I' • Hi ;ii!; li i-ur !■ . i .. il .e;i i i!i’i‘ \Vi• i. •:!• i'l ! • u'; .1 t 11 '-1 til . 'I'ii-; • i !. ' ! I ' ' i , ;■. ■ 1.:' a ■ r 1. . i- • ! ; l ;1 1‘. ‘'■ \-f i I 'l'.i ii'li ;i. io!' Uii ii'iu'i. lo. ali'i y‘. yi. Vi -lI . t ; ,;is ' - ri W' . ! I!' •; - I ' ■■ .:■ i i!•, 'I*' ’r v't ■( 1. * i»‘ vVS f. Tifi M 11 '-i-ntl I in t ;-ii“ >''1 i'X , 'J. K. .\. i'l ■ -i:! I • . n; Vi-v; iTi i;ri'\ .1. i ia'* > :■. :-'y. ^ i - 1 '«• ; I . ’ r : r .n a !ul .'■i \ ' I h i i'iTii: 11. '• n; to !;r.‘ '-avd l-’ii(!.!;. . Ml-- Ii .imI* .11 atti lui.-d till tracli'Ill • . i!i„-. 1 r.'i m i ^ /-li'f . \\ 1 .. 1 ,. ] . . p. V. I ir, ; iiLT .11 1 >.i V ;i i; I .'i-.ti , ,, , I'ni ■.: I'olks ''’.ndav. ^i'V:' ; iM'l • :i n-1';i;iii i,.v , l;i' I'l' ' 'ju;; III iiiiiiiinii":'. ill . f, b'a-.-' ^ i>'>nii’!; Wil.vii- •■! i i'i. 1 •r." i i\ii.i ;.!:ii;l n-> i.e ,!;au 1 v. llaii.lin ,,i il. ’I . S-;'V and Sr.nd;; I . aj.j il- I liirdi-l (liif.'-i 1 l.e ( iiti-rtaiiiiiu nt I'iveii by tin- t t : I I'iin , .-i !:a vi' i ll i.i;;. t'ii' liii.i’-ii 11 i!-i;\--il.! i.i-np;'.' of tlic ci iinn'nni t S' :i:!- ^ *:i-, i >:■•.!] ):’i i I tn tie ;! s'lr'-f-s ;i1k1 t^.- r. iiml i':nir i 11.I nr a inu iiir^! ii j t'aeiK'• i-; ver Tnii'-ii iilerisi'd \-. itii I i" ;:ind> I iViT«-i. (>■’.• r i;-:ii! 1. e i b' s .jij.er. ^'-je i h, in:M-i r>liz:-il iir.r- iiji; i-,;!:-.-d I ■ • liilii;-' n.i ‘ li m ) | 'i ; i 1 ' i 1 i b-■ ’ ■ ■ 11 fi .r t!l ' h-ni oi! r. jib.' scle '1 bnildiD'-^. 1 \v;;s I. 'iii.'d I.!-.! v.i. !c bvl('i'"r! M)'.'-;. I'nr'i (larri'n, Mr. i i'rn;n till' s •e-.'t.n-,' i ilic i-in j » f’von l^nn:m nf Iii v. v j L' :n iJ.ii-ii. at W r.'-i;. !• .rt t ..at : I"'-d. wi I'e vi.-iti >rs inCediiv j t ill- Kalion .1 Fiirni l.;'i at >‘'Kiti{ii;n S inday. I tl';pib.ia. S ('., 1.1 1 'I '! : >■ iiii.-n I A vrry in'■'ii--^‘iiiL’" r-.mmn j iK'ti I'c Ft'!?. ’J'l. ! ,. ;u:ti.'i in i lie ! ijvi'ai h 'd on S'.indiiy .• th - pa'tov, |i'ir:/:i nut J-'rh.‘.'‘J, tliiii rla* haiFk i:i ' Ki-v. K. Allisiui. and on Snnday f'oiuiti .!:i V. a^ I'T-ra ni/.' i u'l l-'clt. i!!. ; li.'ht Tiie ]);■■ ;iV- lt.-iv-' Inin ;; ])i'r.n'I- As ,;ooii as uur s^ .-reiiirv treas'U’-j 'vhieli li.' M'fiii. d tu ti]>pi'eci:tte. er i;in sieiut.' trnnr t'.ii- t I'l'iiilria j P.\ r. Hiink iiie n^e^.^lry iiaj'rr., that is, ai'jilifa ’ il in for ehii rter, tihmks ti-r eoiiiinittee ri'jiort.- i te., a ini-i-tin:: '>vih lie e;ilh (I, at which tinie v,r i x])ect to eoinph te till'orirani/; it ion In eonneetion with tho flood re- b\ api licaiion lor cdi.ivti r unu i-.v- . ]i,.f Wdrk the ixovernincnt has .^eiit ainiricr tn pass up 'Ti tl.i- orgnni/1- j |,;lin \V. MeMinn a iiu:\iber »-f si eds tio”- I for free distribi.tion and whiU- We are advi>ed that cants in thcv hot thev can be had by ealliuLr tbi'' territory e;i n evi; v t In ■_>:.-t at tiic Fnvniers !Sii});)ly eonipauyV their ini'iiey bs’ A]>ril 1. 1 will sn | stcre. m'st that all who wi.^ii tn beenw'.e j nil III!»er> notify '!\ ( 1 Iciuierr-nn. our sceri-tiirv-trcjisurer ) tli::t L.- i I FREE SEEDS BQLL Subscription Price One year $J.OO; 6 months 60 cents; 3 months 35 cents; 2 months 25 cents. If you have friends or relatives who were once residents of this county and will furnish thj News with their names and addresses at once, such favor will be appreciated and a sample copy of the News will be sent each of them. All subscriptions payable in advance. Expiring subscriptions should be renewed if sub- I j i scribers wish the succeeding installments of this interesting history. Enclose a dollar bill, one and two-cent stamps or money order to the BREVARD NEWS, Brevard, N. C, and let the News be a regular visitor. intiy notify the eominiit-e to i xatii | me th(' Lnds of sueh aj)]»;ic ■ | I a!id li t them eonii? in ; t the e.cxi j incetini; as it niales the LMi'unittee I * : Xlien.>'e li'."> for e;ieh. a.' !i co o's-- ^ , ., ruf.v,. c.ntribnti..,, will liuv.t:. li.is Subscribers expense at this time, bitt ;i:terw:trd ('harles Ashworth I’isgah Forest eaeh ap;)li-unt will pii> the eoi!i- (J. U'.^hlrl^an AsiievilU- mittee exp;‘nse, Mrs V.I). Flier Ashevill. 1 I,„ v,. mill this niiitl.-r cnvfnlly . Mi“ J««“ Longview, To.. and tiiiiilv if the be.'t opportunity j Renevvuls ever iiiTi It'd to farmers. ’ r.- r. . P. Simons Brevarc' It is iir.pi'ssihle to uiscuss tho a. Verdery Hrevan’ b-‘ne'it> liere, but if the liirniers L. A. Kil.ni’re Hrevanl will e nie out to our next meeting; W. K. Kimsey Brevard and ^et nequainted with tlie work- Z. W. Nichols ..Brevard in;.is of tlic! ur‘,';jnization, I think Jv-u-il'- Che^ryt^elii they will tike hold, us an infhrestiug and gani/ation. q Johnson Pyatte It hiis been tho cry that farmers were forgotten in tho halls of le‘^is- i lation, but now the national ^ov- ^ 1 U > ernment hasmude a spocilic ellort S’ A T^^a^h for their beuelit, which is highly 7* V\T '’?n commended by statosmou, tho i)re.«is J?- 'V J‘’[P” " and tho people all over the country, audthefurmorsou^^htto take ud-‘T- Jnstn^- 1.00 ot it, or iu.sU ,n, iiK.ir J.; F; /.atlon, 1 think l.. W.nrooK^. «.neir>ncui I KO -isto'^i- e Miss Clessie W hitmire Rosman .1 T»r /f'tj.l.bV.M. Fuller Taylor Pisgah Forest d piotxtublo Ol- s_ complainin Ilcspectfully submitted, j W. H. Summoy. ! T. S. Wood, jr . R. H. Z.vc'HAliv. Raleigh Capps... \V. J. Raine 50u 500 800 70(‘ W. W. Galloway 1,000 The revised list of applicants for 1,00‘■ loans and the uniount to be applied Hall......................!.. .” 4,00u for follows; j Total....' 28,50u The officers are: President, R. H. Zachary; vice .T. B. Price « aOO W. E. Patterson ' oUO C. K. Osborne H P. Nicholson l,(HtO 0m ? T Toftii ‘^0 pr‘*«dent,M L. Hamilton: seere- ?>s:w^t.1,0(0 tavy-treasarer, Prof. T. C. Hender- R."h. Zachary 2,000 ® ’ M.L. Hamilton k.. 1,500 ^ ^ t tt P, J. Woodfin 1,000 R- H. Zachary M. T.. Hamilton, T. C. Henderson 600 T. O. Thrash, Prof. T. C. Henderson W. D. Waldrop 1,200 C. F. Baldwin.

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