Brevard New (Name changed from !^y^van VaUey News, January 1, 191?.) VOLDME-XXTI BREVARD. NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, APRIL 6.-1917. , NUMBER-14 Resurrection As the Lify Crows An Easter Carol By FREDERICK MERES I The tomb was s*aled. the watch was set. Within the portals lay the form Who by the host of heaven was met. As he arose on Easter morn When the Ar.gcl rolled away the stone, The risen Lord in glory shone. And though the tomb was sealed, i Resurrection was revealed. The Roman guard In terror fled From the Angel bright.with flaming sword, 'When the Son of Man rose from the dead. And spoke to frightened souls the word That conquers sin. prevails o’er death. Transports the soul at parting breath. And though the tomb was sealed. Resurrection was revealed. The Magdalen with pious love. At early morning sought the tomb. Was met by Angel from above. Who pointed to the empty room. The grave clothes on the floor were spread. Not with the napkin that pressed his head; And though the torr.b was sealed. Resurrection was revealed. “Who seek ye here?” the Angel said To Mary, who was bound in prayer **The living Christ among the dead. He is not here, but will appear In glory, filling all the skies, The pardoned sinners’ sacr fice;** And though the tomb was sealed. Resurrection was revealed. What the Season Means to Us. The real lesson that we ought to get out of this Easter sea.son is not simply the fact of life beyond death, but rather tlio possibility and the beauty of liviii" the risen life while we are yet in the body. If, after the strains of Easter music have died away, and the fragrance of the lilies has gone from the church, we pass on to live the same old lives, seeking the things that are below more zeal ously than the things that are above, whal has Easter profited us? In what way does the fact of Clirisl's resurrec tion make its power felt in the mold- iHg of our character and the formius of our life plans? If, having passed through tlie events of the Passion week, and experiencing in thought the glory of the resurrection morning, v.’e do not attune our lives to a diviner key, and bring more of heaven into our evci-yday pursuits, are we not worse ratlior than better for these experiences? JURY LIST FOR SUPERIOR COURT'/ is tlie jury list for tlio two -ertn uf court to on A})i ii !*■»: First Week. D. T. Gillespie, J. A. Allison, F. F. Turner, 'V. 1*. .\k(Jaha, J. H. Harkins, W. E. Hall, Fiem Galloway, J. E. Cox. A. E. ngland, W. E. Head, l. k Doaver. George "shop, Z. V. Burrell, Julius M. Mci.ail, A. 'Hupj'ins. Chas. Aiken, K. L Wright, Carlos Clayton. \V. K. Lyday, G. U. Shu- ford, B. P. 'I’homas. B. A. Krady, A. N. Col lins, F. V. Whitmire, Wales Lankford, T. T. Patton, I). S. Morgan, Henry N. Car rier, J. O’Neal Cantrell, N. A. Batson, M. M. Bryant, W. J Kay, K. L. Capps, Hiinry Hinkle, E. D. Ou t n. E. A. Batson, Rad Nicholson, E. I?. Kit hen. W. W. (JalU»- way, Ed. Lance, J. L. (iruvky, R. M. Powell. Second Week. W. H. Nicholson, W. W. Gravley, Jr., B. J, Gl.izener, J. G. Barton, L. V. Sigman, W. R. Wilson, John W. Owen, Julius L. Lance, T. A. Barrett, J. F. Lyday, U. G. Reaves, e! R. Bir:.hop, Johnnie Whitmire. V. B. Mc- iDaha, Ora L. Jones, T. 0. Thrash, Lonnie Holden, H. S- McCall, Thos. J. Wilsnn, J. V. Gillespie, L. C. Case, E. L. T. Eubank, C. W. Ilogscd, G. L. Dalton. I proper Time for Rejoicing. If youth takes a ga^ view of its iq)ringtime liberties and opFortunitles, !lf the leap of the expanding season : seems to accentuate the senses In its Joy of color and clothes, the splendid significance of Easter is not dimmed its nohle harmonies abated. i Thr Hcpn of the Ulles la bound :iiiil holden. Its IcrenNe rifirs In bordered nivlen; Tbere'n the promise of npriuK In the ftnnllKhi eolden. Tliore’N the jt>y of NprinB In the elill«lrcn*« RmllcM! And yenterday’s tell and burried cfnmor. The city’s throne and the city’s strife. Its cluttered scene and Its fercred Klaniour That make us the strusele vre dare call Life. We leare It all at some fair, dim portal, (The Llllesi sleam la the bor> dered aisles!) And oh, the message and gift Immortal! (“There’s the Joy of spring In the children’s smiles!) And ^e hear of that far-off Syrian (garden, liVhere Mary’a Master ■tilled her fear. And the aneel’s words of hope and pardon: *^For He Is rlsent He Im not here.” Risen! Sweet Christ of the dis tant ases! Like Mary, we listen and know the Toleei And more than the story of hal lowed paKes The touch of His love and life rejoice. For in any sadness of some to morrow, If we hear His answer we lose all care. And above forsotten tears and sorrow^ The scent of the L.illes aball llnser there! RARE FiORAL SPECIES ONLY IN MOUNTAINS AND JAPAN Discovered here l>y the French naturalist, Michaux, over ICO years ago, then lost for moro than u cen tnry. found onct^ more in a oove near Brevard, tran.'.piunted to the Siltinore estate, and seen yesterdny on Asheville streets for th« lirst time, is a concise record of ono of the rarest and most exquisitrly !»eautitui tlowers in all the world— ♦ he “shortia,” resembling izreatly the Ensjclish primrose—found only here in Japan. When Prince Jerome Bonaparte and Michanx traveled through \Vestein North Carolina about a j-(*ntury ajio they lound a dainty little plant in bloom which resembl d the Kn^lish primrose. Its leaf i.-; much like that of the j?alax, the flower small and white, and quite inde.scribaidy dainty and attrac- ti ve. About tvventy years a^otjie plant was a^ain found in u secluded c»ve in th(‘ mountains near Brevard, but by whom is unknown. A few years after this C. N. Beadle, snp» rinten- dent of the Biltmore estate, scoured one of the plants and the dainty things are now thrivinj; in another quiet and secluded spot in that threat estate bordering the city of Asheville.—Asheville Citizen. ^ast'er is Christian RUEL critics may insist that the name “Easter” is of pagan or- but, be that as it may, the “.Toy” which comes with the day of Kcsurrection is purely Christian. Tlie Harvest Home and Thank-s^iv- Ins day festivals may be enjoyed and honoi’od by all who have faith in a Su preme Ikinsr, or Creator, but Christ mas and Easter point- directly back to the World’s Redeemer, the God-man— Christ Jesus. Easter is the queen of church feasts. It commemorates the greatest of all victories—the triumph of life over death. “If,” writes St, Paul, “Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith also is va»n.” A bird cage is only a mass of gilded wire, silent and useless so long as empty. I’>y and by, when the feathered song ster lives within it, and the thrilling, rippling music Issues from its little throat, the purpose of the cage be comes apparent. So men must be mere animals in our sight, do we not discern the Holy Spir it dwelling within each human breast. Man is finite, but there is an infmite 1» him which longs for immortality, for God and heaven. Our hearts refuse to give up their dead forever. Broken-hearted, faint and lonely, yet, at the grave’s edge, the memory of the goi»d who have loved us gives us courage out of our sorrow and tears to defy death to di vide us forever. Our minds will not believe that when this life is over there is nothing beyond. The spark of divinity which in each of us whispers that somehow, some where, sometime, we shall be ourselves again and be reunited with our be loved ones. The Easter bells tell their full story only to those who know the way to the cemetery, and who often kneel by the green mound and place garlands on the pure white marble. “He lives!” “They live!” sing the chimes from many steeples. The “he” means always Je.sus. The “they” means the faces you and I mourn so deeply today. Take comfort. What our hearts tell us of future reunion in Christ is more than confirmed by holy church • and Holy Writ. The rest of paradise, the felicity of heaven, will more than compensate for all pain of the present. Parent and child, husband and wife, brother and sister, friend and friend, will clasp hailds once more, never to be torn asunder. The church in her hymn teaches: "UTien we at death must part. Not like the World’s our pain. But one in Christ, and one in heart We part to meet again. The Old Testament, speaking by the Patriarch Job, sings: “I know that my Redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth. And though after my skin worms de stroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God: Whom I shall see for my self, and mine eyes shall behold, and not another.” The New Testament, speaking with authority by the mouth of our blessed Lord, says: “I am the resurrection and the life, saith the Lord; he that be- lieveth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die.”— Jamos Henry Darlington, in Easter Joys. SUNDAY SCHOOL RAUY TO BE HELD : MAY 1 SUPERINT^:NDENTS HERE HAVE OUTLINED PLANS All Schools In County Requested > to Participate in Big Sunday School Event ifiHE Merchants who advertise in this paper will give yon best valaes for yma money. Easter Day O day of g^oiy, day most biight. That dawns upon our darkest mght. Our hearts rejoice today I In darkaess we have waited long To hear at last diy triumph*song Tliat cheen us on our way. Throughout the Lenten (a we saw The great (’jlfillicg cf the Ic’ v, The«Lamb of God was slain. He lives in glory now above And sheds od us His peace and love, Who eve.*more shall re^n. O day of glory, day of might! All nations shall behold thy light In love for evermore. Awake, dead soda, from sloth and nn. The day of triumph to begin. The risen Lord adoret To Clean Hnir Brusnes. To clean hair brushes take a cupful of commeal and fill the brush, rubbing gently with the hand. As it absorbs the grease and dirt shake it out and use fresh meal till the brush is cleaned thoroughly. This is better than ammonia, as there is no water to injure or loosen the back ot the brush. Representatives of the Brevard Sunday schools met at the Brevard Institute Tuesday nif;ht and per fected the program for the county Sunday school rally to be held at the Institute on Tuesday, May 1. This will be the third annual rallv and while the others were good those in charge of the one for this year hope to make it the most interesting of any. An important change in the pro gram of last year will be in the matter of refreshments. Last year the Sunday schools of Brevard fur nished the refreshments. This year all schools will be requested to co operate, each school working up at least enough interest to provide food for all its pujjila in attendance. The dinner will be served on the Institute grounds from a long table arranged for taking cure of all the provisions. While a workers’ council was held in the afternoon lust year no fixed program was arranged. This year topics of interest to superinten dents, touchers and other Sunday school workers will be interspersed with the mental contents to take place in the afternoon. An organi ZHtion will be perfected so as to have permanent ofJicers to look after tho rally arrangements from year to year. Morning Program. Miss Allie Cantrell, mounted, will act as marshall. Sunday schools will assemble at the Episcopal church at 10:30 o’clock and begin the line of march, two abreast, i)roceeding up Main street to Caldwell, thence to Depot street past the Southern depot and up Whitmire street to tho Institute, assembling in the two auditoriums at 11 o’clock, beginning the program at 11 ;30. Each Sun day school is expected to take some part in the program by music, talk, recitation, reading, etc., the kind of exercise to be optional with the school. i Henry Ranson will preside over ■ tho exercises of the morning and afternoon. , The morning session will open with the song,“America,”all stand- t hv^. This will be followed by prayer by Rev. Dr. C. D. Chapman. Prof. C. H. Trowbridge will deliver the address of welcome, to v.hich Bowling Henderson will respond. Interspersed with the exercises rendered by the various schools will be a selection by the Barber Shop chorus of Brevard. The morning exorcises will closn with a .chorus, “The Star Suengled Ban- ( ner,’’ folU wt d with prayer by Rev. j A. J. Manley. j W. O. Parker will act as chief ' upher in seating the people and in directing those i)urticipating in the program from ono auditorium to the other sini^e it will he necessary to have tiu* ]»rogram repeated in order to acommodate nil the people. Afternoon Program Convene at 2:30 in main audi torium. Mrs. J. A. Forsythe—Graded Lesions. ' Rev. J. R. Hay—“How to Interest Boys in Sunday School Work.” j “Methods in Increasing Sunday ' School Attendance”—Round table discussioi^ led by Noah M. Hollo- • well. i Perfecting permanent organiza tion. The committe on mental contests arranged for contests in chorus and quartet renderings from a choice of 14 songs designated by the com mittee. There will be contests in memory Bible work, map drawings; essi^ys on witnesses for Christ, etc., PRESIDENT WILSON eSKS FOR WAR Congress convened in extra ses sion Monday and was urged by President Wilson to declare war on Germany. Congress is debating the matter and w’ill most likely de clare a state of war while big war like preparations are being made. Champ Clark was elected speaker of the House. $52,800 WANTED BY FABMERS OF COUNTY BIG MEETING OF FARM LOAN LAST SATURDAY New Applicants Appear While Old Ones Drop Out; Large Number Seeking Loans. Unique Gift for Easter At EASTER time the people of 1‘atrick county, Virginia, fre quently send to their friends unique gifts. In this county, about cer tain beautiful springs and the clear j streams flowing from them, are found i quantities of small stone crystals in the form of perfect crosses. They are mixed with the gravel and pebbles of this limestone country. More remarkable still, the crosses are found in various shapes—the plain Ro man cross, the square maltese cross, and the Greek cross where the crystals interpenetrate each other at an angle of 60 degrees. This last is the most common form, but it is not so pleasing when the stoue is used as an ornament because of the twisted appearance it gives, although the structure itself is very interesting, resembling a double cross. Sometimes three or even four crystals are grouped "together. The crystals are six-sided prisms, and in a simple form appear in an en velope shape complete as to the poiut- ed flaps even. The scientific name of the material is “staurolite,” or “cross stone,” the name staurolite coming from the Greek words meaning “cross” and “stone.” The girls of Patrick county wear the cross in place of a locket or pendant on gold or silver chains. The stone is cf>niparatively soft and a small gold screw is inserted in the cross and the chain passed through a projecting ring. Sometimes those who live in this val ley search for crosses that match in size and make a long necklace of the stones themselves. The crosses vary In size from an inch to two inches in length. The writer has a fairy stone of the popular Roman style, presented by the thulor, who picked it up on a Patrick county farm. It has a dull brown color and looks as if It might be a bit of rich, dark wood from the altar of a church. The color varies from a reddish or yel lowish brown to black or gray, but is uniform in each individual stone. The inhabitants of Patrick county be lieve that the stone is found nowhere else in the world outside of their par ticular county, a picturesque mountain section of Virginia. Hardship Better Than Poverty. The merchant, dreading the south west wind wrestling with the Icarian waves, praises retirement and the ru ral life of his native town, but soon he retires to his shattered bark, in capable of being taught to endure pov erty.—Horace. regulations for which will be given in a subseo.ucnt issue of the News. Tho athletic feature of the rally will include ii baseball game be t'-veen Brevard and Brevard Insti tute and a basket ball game be- twoi n the town and the Institute, in the afternoon. The names of those serving on the committees follow, the letter within parenthesis before each name indicating the denomination or Sunday school repre sented, the first-named being chairman. Athletics: (P.) John Smith; (O. G.) Eugene Allison; (M.) Woodford Zachary; (I.) John Hamrick; (E.) Alex Kizer; (B.) Joe Tinsley. Mental Contests: (B.) J. C. Jones; (O. G.) VV. H. Allison; (M.) Miss Hattie Aiken; (1.) Miss Maud Ellen Pike; (E.) Mrs. H. N. Carrier; (P.) Miss Katherine Erv/in. Refreshments: (E.) Mrs. O. L. Erwin; (0. G.) Mrs. W. H. Allison; (M.) Mrs. T. D. England; (P.) Mrs. Goode Cheatham; (B.) Mrs. W. M. Henry; (I.) Miss Alma Trcw- bridge. Program: (O. G.) V. D. Peek; (B ) O. L. Jones; (P.) A. B. Riley; (I.) A. F. Mitch ell; (M.) Miss Sue Cannon; (E.) Mrs. C. M. Doyle. The following superintendents were present, or were represented by proxy, at the raeetinK Tuesday night: Institute, W. O. Parker; Oak Grove, If. J. Orr; Methodist, Welch Giilloway; Pres byterian A. B. Riley; Episcopal, Bfrs.D. 6. Ward; Baptbt, No^ 11 HollofireiL The National Farm Loan associa tion of Transylvania met in Bre vard Saturday and the memberR signed applications for an aggregate loan of $52,800. The selection of an attorney to pass upon titles was not made. The attendance was large and number of persons who had not in dicated their desire for a loan, made application on Saturday whik‘ some v.’ho had expressed a desire for a loan failed to put in their appear ance. The loan committee, composed of C. K. Osborne, P. J. Woodfin and J. B. Price, will finish its work next week. The board of directors have beea requested to meet again on Satur day, April 14, at 10 o’clock. The list of applicants for loans follows: Mrs. M. M. Carmichael Jake McCall G. T. Lyday A. C. Lyday J. Colev Owen C. N. Kitchen Ward Breedlove H. C. Sims Manson Hamilton T. C. McCall •T. P. Deaver •K A. Gillespie Leon Gillespie B. A Gillespie M. S. Dnnn Leo F. Norton J. B. Price W. E. Patterson 0. K. Osborne . H P. Nicholson R. H. Zachary . M. L. Hamilton P. J Woodfin T. C. Henderson W. D. Waldrop F. Henderson T. O. Thrash J. T. Justus F. Woodfin Mrs. Lillian I. Baldwin W. H. Summey W. J. Raines G W. Hall Mrs. Emma O. Zachary W. S. McLean .T. A. Middleton S. R. Owen Mrs. J. Poor W’. B. Henderson J. A. Breedlove L. F. Lyday R. L. ('apps J. M. Anders T. K. Patton, sr. C. C. Hrtll John r. Tinsley E. (). Iiyday S. H. Gillespie Wm. Minnis The oflBcers are : President. R. H. Zachary; vicf' president, M. L. Hamilton: seere- tary-treasnrer, Prof. T. C. Hender son. The directors are: 11. H. Zachary, M. L. Hamilton. T, O. Thrash, Prof. T. C. Henderson. Edwin Poor, G. T. Lyday, C. K. Osborne. ono ALEXANDER WINS Friends of Otto Alexander, of Transylvania, who is attendin'^' school at Cullowhee Normal, will be interested to know that he was elected by members of his class tt> represent them in a class debate. The debate was given Monday, March 20. The question was,“ Re solved ; That advertising increases the high cost of living.” The affir mative was discussed by Jessie* Robinson and R. E. Phillips, th*-* negative by Otto Alexander and Ernest Crawford. The judges decided unanimouslj in favor of the negative. Mr. Alex ander received the honor of beintr elected to represent his class and also won the decision. Longest Telephone Line. The longest telephone wire in the worlA^ runs from New York to Fruiclsco, a dietaiioe of S,89i' mile^