NIiiWS, BREVA iO’ ^0£.INA NOTICE OF SUMMONS Korth Carolina, Transylvania County, la Superior Court, Before the Clerk. J. P. Martin and wife. E. R. Martin, vs. Ben W. Raines, et al. TCotice of service of Summons by I'ublica* Otion. 'The defendants, Ben W. Raines, Annie llaines, Nony Raines, William Raines, Co- r» Raines, Joe Kelly, Maggie Kelly, Thad 'r»-cker,Sue Tucker, Herbert Owen,Florenec (i>wen and Thomas Ra nes will each take nstice that a summons in the above entiti* special proceeding was issued against ujid defendants on the 30th day of March iL'U? by the Clerk of the Superior Court of 'fftransylvania county, North Carolina, M«^ich said summons is returnable before '»»id Clerk of said Superior Court at his office in the court house in the town of Sr>Vevard, N. C. on the 30th day of April, L?>17, at 10 o’clock a. m. The defendants and each of them will ?‘xrther take notice that said special pro- (.yieding is brought by the plaintiffs .against said defendants for the purpose •-)f having certain lands lying in Dunn’s F;»}ck township, Transylvania county, N. 'I.', in which lands the plaintiffs and de fendants are tennants in common, parti- liuncd or sold for the purpose of dividing ;i'.e proceeds of said sale among the said t‘nnants in common, so that the plain- and defendants may hold their inter- ffsts in said lands in severalty. The said defendants will further take ■TiOtirc that they and each of them are re- ^uitvd ti) appear at the ofiice of the Cli rk ■ui the Superior Court of Transylvania . oiu)ty at ills oliice in the court Hdusc in iifcvard, N. C. on Monday April 30lh, 1917, -tt K) o’clock a. m. and answer or demur T.'/'i ihc pctitiun of the plaintiffs iiled in spccial proceeding, othei'wisi-, the rc- ':cf j>raye(i for in said petition will be v,iun!c(l. N. A. Millkr. Clerk Superior Court, Transylvania . unly, N. t'. This April 2nd, l‘>17. 1-6-4 REV. PAniSNALL PIEASEU TO 6IVE PRAISE, HE SAYS Notice to Farmers and Stockmen Service of Jack The scrvicc of ihz Kcntuck'/ jack known in this county as the ^’Aiken"" Jack, ni:y be had at my stables at any time. People desiring service may »*cj7 upon the assurance that c'hcrc will be no disappoint- n'ci.t, even though they make •lo previous engagement. Elm City Pastor Well And Happy After Seven Years And Thanks Tanlac. “I am gaining (Lilly in strength, woipht and liejilMi and am pleased to offer my hearty indorsement to tho Wonderful ret!ont'trocti\o power? of TanlHC,” nays the Rev. L. B. Pattishall of Elm City. “For over seven years,” the pastor continued, “I had been a victim oi f-evere stoniarh trowhles and indigestion. I was mnoh run down and my appetite failed me. Often I lor moats and vege- tables, bat my digestion would not per'iiit me to taste o£ them. Too, I wus nervous and my sleep was broken and unrestful. I tried al most everything I heard of, but nothing seemed to help me. Then I found Tanlac. “I have taken three bottles and it certainy has proven itself a great tonie in my case. Why, I can e::t any food I like now without .sclTer- ing afterward from pain arid dis tress. Nervousness is gone and my sleep is refreshing.” Tanlac is sold in Brevard by the Duckworth Pharmacy; Sapphire, .1. T, Harrison, jr.—Advertisement MEMORIAL ^ * TIT UK. Memorials, rcsolu ions anJ lardsof thanks published in tliis itlumn ut i ate of one-fifth cent a word. Memory of Katrina Burlingame. « j with mt*;; ! Velli - f bunie " i f a >n ^ ^ ^ ^ * CISEEK UORRLEBS. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ U ?»* Di-A'-er. jr , on (1-y 1»)St week n't»r ■ o«‘1 s’ cdnfinf-nient * X the rond In memory of Katrina Burlin- gaine, who departed this life March 15, 1917. Earth has lost one of her most precious jewels—a true Christian. What earth has lost heaven has gained. ’Tis sad to give u}> our loved ones, to never see their earthly face again, to' never ftM j the touch of that tender hand, to never hear their voice so “low ami sweet;” but God knows best, and in his infinite wisdom has chosen her from among the rest. To know that she is “safe in the arms ot I Jesus” should soothe our aching hearts and wipe away our tears. On many, many a stormy day. To church I’ve seen her on her way; Through wind and rain or sleet or snow. She always managed somehow to go. She was kind in manner, loving in way. She prepared on earth to meet God some day; And the day came as gentle as the breeze And wafted her soul far above the trees And carried her to her heavenly home, On earth no more to live and roam. A Fuikxd. n is rcMnped to h’S 1 tt oil iic 711» asl." . ■ ' . Si IKS Tird " liij e soniHtl'iT'i? ■ '• i'( (1 f>n tlu‘ nil ini'- for tic tni’d tax '!• lift. (1 so tliiit tiU‘V to nvirkft. i' is a little iinder Pisgah Fov»->t visited Miss Fannie Boggs on 8nnday. There has been very little farm work done in onr neighborhood this ye«r. Not so muc^h owing to the vast quantity of the rain but owing to the way in which it has l»een distributed. But a few of ns have Kottt-n in onions, oats, Irish pota toes, spring turnips, eto. Lewis Carr and a party of five vi‘»ited tho headwaters of Turkey ereek looking over the (’arr timber interests the latter part ot last week. Viola Touts. A. E. I'Ti .T(i!tn S P, t)V«‘r 5(! ro of tli(’ ro'fi 1‘nil-Hriro * ' e.'in if^*t «tii(i Oa vid K ■ tin* W‘Htl>( I . The Rov. Mr. Liner filled his regnlar HT>i'oininv nt on th(' first '^nndav. !!*• u ok no vegnlar text j but h' gfiv.' n- H sp1T(1i(l t Ik from g^uug to huul th« th(' parabl:- of tin* Sinnaritan. About a week afro the boys and ^ men met to clear the new church ' house tjronnds and did a trood job ‘ They intend to do more wtirk soon Li‘Roy O'KrI 1V ,Tlill ll{)]linsw(ir t h, «rovern!n«Mit tih n, cHme down Tur key er«*ek MotkIuv iiiondjty early after an all night fire fight on Andy Bank’s T^laPl^ Johnny England a»?d Mr. Surrette have been haulimr acid wood on the head w’aters of Silver creek for the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Blythe of lot’s to the mill. We are determined to have our new church on the road before another winter. LaSalle Frady moved into his new honse last week and about tvventyflve boys, girls and women serenaded them Sat. night. While in the business, they serenaded A*»a England, who moved about a year ago. Misses May Bnrns and Mollv Neely spent Sat. night and Sunday with Dave England. Little Hattie Teagne of Brevard visited her sister, Mrs. Sheldon Sims, and took the measles, she is better and has retnrned home. Mrs. Wade and Virgil Galloway of Sylva are visiting relatives here and will retarn home this week. James and Will Lyday of Pisgah Forest visited their parents, Sunday Mrs. Depew Orr visited her father and mother last week. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Holingsworth spent Saturday with their daughter, Mrs. LaSalle Frady. Ben Frady and family spent Sun day with LaSalle Frady. Plowing, ditching, wood-hauling and hauling church logs are poing to keep the men hard at work for the next few weeks. Country Girl. Oil-Proof Cement. A cement which will not be affected by oil is made by mixing glycerine and litharge to the conslBtency of a thick paste. This will be found very handy in repairing cracked oil reser voirs or in making an oil-tight joint between two metal plates. The cement should be applied as soon as it is mixed, since it hardens very quickly. For further particulars to T, S* WOOD, Brevard, N, C. NEW SUIT COSTS FROM SlOtoSSO I V,- 1 \ I ! Your old suit can be cicaned, pressed, repair ed and made to look almost as pood a.s new’for 51) cent.^-; SI.OO a month for foui suits. C.ty Pressing G!ii!] CEDAR MT. UKEEZES. V ^ yli B F. Il ‘ri(l7icks of Sontli Saluda, I'., viis a wiM k-end vi.sitorin our V last Miss Rusjilee ITatnilton olos-'I her fichool last week and returned home on Sunday. Dock Heath and Arthur Bishop of Ureenville visited J. S. Heath Saturday and Sunday. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Jonej?, 071 last Monday, a girl. Mrs. Mary Allison has been on the sick list for the past week. Carl Drake was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. (j}('orge Bishop Saturday ; and Sunday. i The oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. liuljert Siiiv.iney. died at the home I of Mrs. Sunimey's mother, ]\lrs. Fannit* Bnrns, on Sunday afternoon at tho i’f-'e of 11 years and six months. >irs. Siiminey and another one of the children are in almost a hop 'less condition they have been eontined to the house for the last two weeks with measles. Pat. ELEGTiON JUDGES F. E. Slmford will be judge and W. S. Price, jr., tind D. L. Engligh v.’ill ]>e the registrars as appointed by tile board of aldermen for the TJiunicipal flection to be held in Mav. 1 rv a Diversified adv. Memory of Walter Powell , Whereas God in His infinite wis- j dom has called from our midst our ^ beloved brother, Walter Powell, tho oldest son of Bro. J. E. Powell j of lilantyre, we join with loved 1 one’s in humble submission to the ' Father’s will, knowing that He doeth all tilings “ vVaUer whs born on .Inne IS'J,') and died Feb. I i 1. llUr, ' ; ii i: ‘,'1 \iitrs old. 11h l» H\Hsi, i r’lovt 1,1 tiitlu r, ste})n)otlier, one sister, hmI liir*«‘ brothers, wl'o vvere so Ijtiihliil (inriiig his sick ness, to mourn their loss. At the m age of 16 he professed faith in Christ and joined tho Baptist church at Pleasant Grove. He became a Woodman in Oct,, 1915, and re mained one till his death. Walter was a dutiful son, never giving his i)arents any trouble. He had many friends, but never allow ed any one to do moro for him than, ho could do for them. The funeral services were con- ducti d, by the writer at Little River church, where wo laid him in the i eold, cold ^rave to awiiit thf call to jadg(Mnent. How strange to them, they live on earth, he, bi‘ sc'd. They, by the storms beaten at will. He has past all • storm, all strife lying so still so still Dearest one, thou hast h‘ft us. Here they h'ss, wo dec'ply ftH'l. lint ’tis God that hath bereft us. lie can all our sorrows heal. Peaceful be thy slumhers. Peaceful in the ffravc so low. Thou no more, wilt j.jin our niinibi'r?. Thou no mere, our sorrowr. know. T. rii i^'. i.AW, mWMl TICKET TO BE mm APR. 17 Plinnmer’s Easter Goods MOST POPULAR BLOUSES ^e to th. ni, ' 8 j 1‘neath the RT ns of life, ^ | The inos), popular of all blouses are those of g“(irgette crepe embroidered with •••ilk aiul l)ea(l.‘. Light colors, in- clutii-^ p«-aeh, .sulphur yellow, apple gre»-i and other unususi! shades are in contrasting silk.s ia the Iati*> t models. Sleeves continue long and f’ open at the throat. But lor tlu' ln'iietit «)f thin women converti- bio eoliarrf are provided. Recognizing the fact that men and women do not at ainy other season turn their attention more intently to matters of dress than just before Eastertide we have purchased heavily to fill their every need. Our stock of spring and sum mer goods is large, permits wide range of choice at prices that please, and is adapted to the needs of men, women and chil dren. i uggestioM 1 Arrow Outing SHIRTS WITH collars that may be worn open as shown in the sketch or closed, 'rhey are suitable for town, country outing or strenuous sport wear. Well made- good comfortable fit. $130 Easter is about here, which means that it is time for men to invest in spring and summer clothing. Consider the suggestions below and let us fit you up for the summer. We are p.-epared to give you a wide range of clioice in Js at ’■e-'sonable prices. ii. V. D. Union Suits $1.00. V. D. Two-piece Suits 50 cents each. Panama, Leghorn and Bangkok Hats. The latest in Summer Neckwear and Hosiery. Sport Snirts 50c to $1.50. 1^ test in Collars. Mr. Crabtree of the Hop kins Tailoring Co. will be with us to measure for more suits again on Friday and Saturday, this week. Weilt’s Gents’ Store Opposite Court House For Men. Mer/s Suits, $10 to $25, Lew quarter Shoes, various styles. Tc^nii Shoos, White and Black, j Shirts and Collars. Ties in Stripes, j Dots and F'ig;urc3. Summer Hosiery. Nobby Hats and Caps. Women and Children. Skirts, Waists, Hosiery. Summer footwear. Tennis Shoes, both White and Black. Children's Dresses, etc. A convention of the dentncratic voters ot the town of Brevard is hereby called to meet at the eonrt house on Tuesday night, Ai-ril 17, 1017, at eight o’clock, for tho pur pose of nominating candidates for mayor and aldermen for tho town of Brevard for the ensuing two years. N. A. Miller, chairman, { 4 5 2t. O. L. Jones, secretary. On our shelves you will find in ^our dry goods line some very desirable wash goods, sport, striped silks, white goods, etc. We would take pleasure in showing you our goods even though you don't buv them. ENEWED TESTIMONY N'l one in Brevard who snfl'ers backache*, hea'^aches, or distressinp -4... It* can afford .to ignore leful women’s twice-told s*tory. It is confirmed tesitmony that no Brevard residentcan doubt. Mrs. W. A. Morley, G8 Penland Ave,, Asheville, N. C., says: “Kid ney disease sapped my strength un til I w’as as helpless as a child. My body was racked with jain from morning nntil night. I whs treated by good doctors, but got no batter. At last, I used Doan’s Kidney Pills and my health and strength retnrn H(1 rapidly. I was soon able to do all my housework.” (Statement given February 6, 1911). OVER THREE YEARS LATER, Mrs. Morley said: ‘*For the past three years I have had no kidney trouble.” Price 30c, at all dealers. Don’t simply ask for a kidney remedy— £ret Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that Mrs. Morley has twice publicly recommended. Foster-MUbnrn Co., Props,, Buffalo, N* Y.—Advertise ment. j H. A. PLUMMER BREVARD, N. C. £8 BUILDER^S HARDWARE WHolesstle and Retail We can supply you with the proper hardware for your Building— anything from the Garage to the finest Residence or Hotel. Reading Locks and all necessary trimmings, Cory’s “Asfalt Slate” Shingles—one, two and three-ply Superior Roofing. Nails in great quantities. Screen Doors, Window Screens and Screen Cloth. Parlor Door Hangers and Tracks, Barn Door Hangers and Tracks. Picks, Shovels, Mattocks, Grading Plows and Drag Scrapers for Grading. Big Stock of Dependable Hardware—all bought ' before the price went up. Call, Phone or Write. OTTIS GREEN HARDWARE CO. 11 West PacR S|UAra WKolestile And Retail Plione 1353 Aslfteville. N. C.

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