MJKROl; > NSYI.v^ANIA COTjN'TY l.tfk B r e va r New (Name changed frcri Sylvan Valley News, January 1, 1917.) VOLUME-XXII BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY. APRIL 20. 1917. USTER OF PATRIOTIC GEMS Eloquent Tribute* of Daniel Webster to Our Country’s Needs and Greatness. ' O Liberty and union, now and forever, ®ne and insepai'tble. ♦ ♦ ♦ I^t our objoct l>e our country, our whole country, nnd nothing but our country. ♦ ♦ * If we arc true to our country In our day and gcnorntion. nnd those who «ome after us .shall be true to It alst*. assuredly we shall ‘Ievate her to n pitch of prosperity and happiness, of honor and iMiwer n«‘ver yet reached by any nation beneath the sun. ♦ ♦ * This lovely land, this ;:l«>rious lib erty, these benlKii Institutions, the dear purchase of our fathers, are ours; ours to enj(»y, ours to preserve, ours to trnnsniit. (Jenerations past and gen- erntions to r»ine hold us responsible for this sacred trust. ^ USe National Guard By K«nnetl\ MacDougall Pusliera of prns anil penrils, Workers of wood and »steel. Uoi tors. lawyers ami l>i:sincss men. Answer the bugle's peal. IIurrylriB tlirongs of khaki, Runiblu ol waKon train. Clatter of »-avalry horses. The Guard Is callcd out aeain. Back from tne sun-baked desert, Stalvart. alert .md hard, Protei ting the natlon’.s vitals. Is much-knocked National Guard. Give them the praise that’s due them. For the reg’ilar calls ’em “pard.” Watch out for the wives and fam ilies of the men of the Nation al Guard. f BREVARD SCHOOL TO CLOSE ON APRIL 27 Dr. Poteat of Furman University to Deliver Address; High School Play on April 25; Picnic on April 27; Only Four Gradu ates. The Brevard pubiio school will close on Friday, April 27. The commencement uddresa will be delivered hy Dr. E. M. Poteat, president of Furman university of Greenville, S.I'., a speaker of ability and attraction, on the night of April 27. On Wednesday night, April 25, at 8:15, the hi^h school students will render the play which they have been rehearsing for several weeks. On April 27 the school W’ill enjo;v an all-day picnic on the grounds of the French Broad camp. Patrons and friends of the school are cordi ally invited to enjoy the occasion with the school children. No formal program has been arranged but ex ercises of various kinds will serve to pass the day pleasantly. The graduating class is composed of Hubert Hardin. Robert Deaver, jr., Misses Georgia Burrell and Alberta Perkins. Their exercises will be rendered on Friday night. *^FARMERS' UNION IN BREVARD NEXT SATURDAY A meeting of the Transylvania County Farmers Union will be held Brevard at 10 o'clock on Satur day, April 21. Every local in the county, should be represented at this meeting. It is very necessary at this time to consider some mat. ters of special importance to the Union ,and to the whole county. T.C. Henderson, President of County Union. NEW EUCTRICAL BUSINESS L C. Loftis has arranged to carry a stock of electrical supplies in the Michael music house and is also bidding for electrical work. OREVARD DEMOCRATS I NAME TOWN TICKET WOULD-BE RING-BREAKERS FAILED TO DENT RING Messrs. Breese, Kilpatrick, Sncl- son, Miller, Bromfield and Ward Compose Ticket. At a meeting of democrats of the town of Brevard at the court honse Tne.svhiy night the following demo cratic ticket was nominated for town ollicers for two years, the election to take place on May H: Mayor : W. E. Bre*»se. Aldermen: J. M. Kilpatrick, T. L. 8nelson, J. A. Miller, jr., J. S. Bromfield, D. G. Ward. The meeting was called to order by N, A. Miller, chairman of the town organization. J. L. Bell was nominated us temporary chHirman Hnd Ora L. .Tones as temporary setTetarj*. This organization was later made permanent. Coleman (Jjilloway nominated W. E. Breese tor mayor and Prof. C. H. Trowbridge nominated Ora L. Jones for the jsame ticket. The ballot resulted in 47 lor Mr. Breei-e and li> for Mr. .Tones. For alderman E. H. Norwood nominated the folk)wing ticket: W. S. Ashworth. A. M. Verdery, D. P. Kilpatrick, B \V. TranthMm, F. D. Clement. .Judge W. H. Allison nominatad the following ticket: J. M. Kilpatrick, T. L Snelson, .1, A. Miller, jr., J. S. Bromfield, D. G. Ward. The vote resulted as follows: J. A. Miller, jr., 49, .T. M. Kilpat rick 45, T. L. Snelson 45. J. S. Bromfield 44, D. G. Ward 44, W. S. Ashworth 26, A. M. Verder.v 27. D. P. Kilpatrick 25, B. W. Trantham 35, F. D. Clement 31. The five re oeiving the highest votes were nominated. Every movement of the meeting passed with its characteristic smoothness. It was a case of outs against the ins fighting what they term the “ring”. Tickets had been carefully prepared before hand and given general distribu i m. As shown by the number of votes re- cieved by those whose names were before the convention, there were very slight changes iu the tickets that had been prepared. The ring breakei’s didn't dent the ring of the old guard and of course went off mumbling ugly things and threatening to put an independent ticket in the field and win to it the strength of the rt^publicans in order to conquer the so-called ringleaders. Chairman Boll .‘•aid that ho was one of the oldest voters present and that ho had seen more fiinching than had pleased him by persons who served tta alderm n for a while and then resigned. He said that the people didn’t like quitters and be admonished the nominees to so condnct the affairs of the town in a way that conditions would not become nupleusant. The meeting adjourned to re solve itself into a mass meeting of citizens to jiass a war resolution, which will be found elsewhere in the News. MORGAN CHILD BURNED The five year-old child of Mr. and Mrs. M. Morgan of Pisgah Forest was badly burned when the boiling contents of a kettle badly scalded its back, one arm and one leg. The injuries were serious, but the child is recovering nicely. Statistics of Blindness. The 12 countries haying the fewest blindness are as follows: Belgium (before the great war) had 43 blind persons to every 100,000 of the popula tion; Canada, 44; Netherlands, 46: Saxony, 47; New Zealand, 47; west ern Australia, 50; 'Hongkong. 61; Prussia, 62; Denmark, 62; Oermany, 60; New South Wales, 60, and the United States, 62. Trans loania’s Pledge. FoUowi-1" ' *hc democratic convention in Brev ard ^ ^sday night those present remained and passed the followia.; resolution prepared by the committee appoint ed by the mo in);: At this time of t risis in the affairs of the Nation, when we find ourselves forced into a war that we have steadfastly sought to avoid, it is fitting th^’it Americans should have the opportunity, as unquestionably they have the will, to give assurance of their loyal support to the Government in its measures to uphold American rip^'its and protect the lives of American citizens. Therefore, Be it resolved by the citizens of Transylvania County, North Carolina, in mass meeting assembled, that as Americans, faithful to American idc-.ils of justice, liberty and humanity, and confident that the Government has exerted its most earnest efforts to keep us at peace with the world, we hereby declare our absolute an J unconditional loyalty to the Government of the United States and pledge our undivided support to the President of the United States and offer our assistance in prosecuting tae war wiili Germany and her al lies to a final and satisfactory conclusion. Unanimously adopted at Brevard, N. C., by a mass meet ing of the citizens, this 17th day of April, 1917. C. II. TROWBRIDGE, WELCH GALLOWAY, ORA L. JONES, Committee. ^he Stat^Span^led * * * 8ou>OEQuABnr. Francis ScGtt Key. „ f " r I' I' 1. Oh, say can you see', by the dawn’s ear - ly light. What so proad - ly we 2. Oil the shore dim * ly seen thra* the mists of - the deep. Where the foe’s hangh-ty 3. And where is that bind who so yaunt-ing • ly swore That the har - oc of 4. Oh, thus be it er - et when free-maa shall stand Be - tweea their loved » rn—rm C ^ . P N- _N I- F- i hsQsd at the twi-Gght’s last gleaming, Whose broad stripes and bright stan, thro* tha host in dread si • lence re • pos • es, What Is that which the breeze* o’er the war and the bat-tie’s con • fOi*doa A home and a conn - try should boms and wild war’s des r o • la-tion; Bleot with vic-t’ry and peace, may tha 3 per - ii>ous fight. O’er tte ram-parts we watched were so gal • lant tow - er«ing iteep, At it fit - ful • ly Uowi, hall eoa*oeaIs, half dit* kave us do more? Their' blood has washed oat their foul foot*stepe*’ pol> heaT’n*resaed land Praise the Pow’r that hath made and pre?served !■ a JV—h -Si m J 1- . r ‘ ■treamnngr And tiie rock-ets* red glue, dos • esT Now it catch-os the gleam la • tion. No tef-nge could save na ^ tionl Then eon-qner we tile bombs burst-Ing ia air, of the mom;ing’a first beam, the hire*ling and slave mast, wheaoor cause it is jest, CL ^ ^^ « - From the CHOBCS.; It rjsz ^ ^ , I proof thro’the night that our flag was stiH there. Oh, say, does that star-span-glM po • ty re - fleet - ed now shines on the stream: ’Tie the star*span>gled baa-ner: on ter - ror of flight or the {gloom of the grave: And the star-span-gled ban-ner ia this be our mot • tor‘‘In God b our trustl” And the star«span*^d ban-ner in ban • aer jet wave O’er the long may it wave O’er the tri - nmph doth wave O’er the tri - nmph shall wave O’er the of the of the of the of the and the homa of the bravef and the home of the brave! and the home of the brave, and the home of the brave* Written by Trar.i is Scott Key. on tlie nipht of September 14. 1814, whilu ‘ompelled to watch under the Runs of a British ship tlie bombardment of Fort McHenry. He watched the flac at tiie fort through the whole diiy with an anxiety tliat can be better folt than dest-ribed, until daricness prevented him from seeing it. During the nipht he watched the bombshells, and at early dawn his eye was again greeted by the proudly waving Hag of his country. ppppnr' MANY CASES HEARD BY SUPERIOR COURT GRAND JURY DISCHARGED WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON Present Term Noted For Big Batch Of Cases Disposed Of On First Two Days. NHMKKK-16 Superior court convened on Mon day afternoon for a term of two ■weeks with Judge H. P. I.iane pre siding. Solicitor Michael Schenck is prosecuting in behalf of the State The grand jury disposed of its business without any delays and made its renort and was discharged on Wednesday afternoon. The report will be published next week. The court dispatched a great deal of business on the first three days. Clerk N. A. Miller says that the volume of business was so great that ou Monday afternoon and Tuesday he was bnsier than ever before in order to keep up with the proceedings in regular order. About 20 cases were disposed of without any delays in one afternoon. The grand jury was composed of the following: .J. E. Cox, foreman ;Flem Galloway, A. N. Collins, K. L.-Wright, Chas. Aiken, J. A. Allison, Rad Nichol son, ,1. L. Gravley, R. M. Powell, W. P. McGahu, Henry Hinkle, J. H. Harkins, .Tulius M. McCall, W. J. Ray, G. D. Shuford, Wales Lank ford, A. E. England, A. L. Huggins H. C. Gillespie was sworn in as of ficer of the grand jury. Ralph R. Fisher exhibited his law license from the Supreme court, accepted the oath adminis tered by Judge Lane and was ad mitted to the bar of North Caro lina. There were several cases before the court in which Indictments were made at the last term of court, charging failure to pay cer tain state taxes. Several cases were continued; the following were disposed of finally: Grady Galloway, larceny, nol pros with leave. H. S. Boyd, J. E. Clayton, Miller Supply company, Cleveland Hall, A. E. Smith, W. L. Aiken, James Neeley, failure to pay tax. The jury was withdrawn and a new trial ordered in the case of Cleve land Hall. W. L. Aiken and James Neeley were found guilty. The others w’cre found not guilty. Will Hollingsworth, trespassing on reservation; taxed with one fourth of cost. Three other de fendants callcd but failed to ap pear. Dillie Owen and Sallie Green, disorderly conduct; nol prossed with leave. Otto Clemmons, assault, nol prossed. H. P. Nicholson, assault, jury withdrawn and new trial ordered, j Garland Duncan, Grady Gallo way and Cnrvie Galloway, gam bling. Duncan w^as used as wit ness for state and a nol pros was ordered in his case. Other de fendants were found guilty and fined SiiO each and taxed with the costs Mis. Oade Phillips, disorderly conduct; guilty; fined .^10 and costs. In a second case she was found guilty and taxed with $5 and costs. Dolph Snipes was found not guilty of maintaining a nuisance. Owen Orr entered a plea of guilty to the charge of resisting an officer and was lined ^25 and costs and will fnrnish a ^100 hood for his good behavior. The appeal having been with drawn in the case of Grady Gallo way, convicted of receiving liquor, it was ordered re-instated ou the docket. The case of John and Henry Ball, having pleaded guilty to forcible trespass, was continued until the April term, 191S, and defendants will be recogrlzrd in sum of } # 0 Weeaanothoaoroareoaatfiir ^ 0 with too deep a reverence; # j we eannot love her with an # 0 affcction too pure end fervent; J # we eannot serve her with aa ^ energy of purpose or a faith- 0 fullness of zeal too steadfast t' # and ardent.—Grimke. # # # SAIL ON, 0 SHIP OF STATE —o-^ Sail on. O ship of state; Sail on. O Union, strong and great. Humanity, with all its fears. With all its hopes of future years. Ia hanging breathless on thy fate. Sail on. nor far to breast the sea. Our hearts, our iiopes. are all with ther: Our hearts, our hopes, our prayers, oitr tears. Our faith triumphant o'er our fears. Are all with ttiee, ar«* all with thee. H. W. Longfellow. A WORTHY CITIZENSHIP It Is the Hope of the Nation—Her Welfare is Our First Concern. O » A frreat nation is made only by worthy citizens.—C. D. Warner, ir ☆ ☆ National enthusiasm Is the great nunsery of genius.—Tuckerman. ☆ ☆ ☆ Our country’s welfare Is our finr* concern, and who promotes that best, best proves his duty.—IIar\ard. ☆ ☆ ☆ Whpn’er our country calls, frfendK. sons and sires should yield their treaM- ures up. nor own a sense beyond the public safety.—Brooks. •K -K FOLLOW THE FLAG. ♦ J T is the right of the American people to enjoy a monopoly for their own flag within their own jurisdiction; It is the right, nnd should be the duty, of those who follow other flags to follow them elsewhere.—The Century Magazine. ★ ★ ★ it it n- it ★ ★ ★ ♦ ★ ★ ♦ BREVARD INSTITUTE NOTES “Much Ado About Nothing*” In reviewing the work of Institute pupils in this play it must be remembered that the players ax** inexperienced boys and girls whi* have never seen a Shakcppeareaii play presented by professionals. Their conception of their parts is therefore, largely their own. In coaching, the director tries to bring out native talent, following, of course, regular traditions of th" stage. The training is of great benefit, and is appreciated by all who take part. It involves, of course, a great deal of hard work. We feel, that considering all limi tations, our players gave as smooth and easy a rendition of their parl.«, as is often seen on the amateur stage. It is impossible to single out any one for sjiecial mention, since thexT- were a number of parts of abou? equal value, equally well performed. As to costumes, which are de signed by the director, -Miss Caro line Trowbridge, the actual work is executed in our sewing-room. under the direction of Miss Ethel Leather wood. :\Iiss Venie Johnson, who played “Beatrice” in “Much Ado About Nothing,” has returned to her home at Fletcher. Miss Geneva Hart of Zirconiit. was a guest at the Institute for a few days last week. Prof. Trowbridge attended tht* conference of mountain workers at Kuoxville last w’eek. Miss Ola Callahan had a delight ful trip to Mt. Pisgah, last Thurt - day, with Miss Allie Cantrell and Herschel W ilson. Miss Lillie Belle Hines was a guest of Miss Geneva Hart, of Zirconia, over Sunday. Try a Diversified adv. for their appearance. Charles Jamison .failure to coiii ply with school law, not grolty- On Tuesday Luther McGaha vras placed on trial for seduction . Th»‘ case com tinned through Wednet«- day and was resumed on Thursday .

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