BSEVASD NEWS, BKEVAKD, N. C. AFTER TWO YEARS Asheville Testimony Remains Unshaken. Time is the boat test of trntb. Qeofe is »in Asheville story that has ^tood the test of time. It is a story with a point which will come >«traigbt home to many of us. Mrs. M. P. Lee, JIO Ashland Ave., Asheville, N. C.,s}iys: “I suffered from pains throuf'h my back and tsides. My kidneys were irrogular tn action and I hud nervous and lizzy spells. Doan’s Kidney Pills made me feel better.” (Statement •^riven February 17, llU'i.) RESULTS THAT REMAIN. OVER TWO YEARS LATER, Mrs. Lee said : “I have had no oc- *asion to use Doan’s Kidney Pills ftitelv. I atn still contident that they are afjjood kidney medicine.” Price r)Oc, at all dealers. Don’t simplv ask for a kidney renn'dy— *;et Doan’s Kidney Pills—the sanu' that Mrs. Li*e has twice publicly recoinmendt'd. Fosti'rMilbnrn ('o.. Pni])s,, ButTalo, X- Y.—Advertise rnent. WANTS MORE ORCHARD CRASS B. M. Boyd of the Little River section, who has the only piece of orchard grass in his community, believes that it coulu be made very profitable to the farmers either as hay or pasture since it affords the latest green feed in the fall and the earliest in the spring. He had great success growing it in Wadi- son county and thinks he will at his Little River home. Anyvva3\ he is proud of his crop this year on which his stock is grazing to sjden- did advantage. Mr. Boyd would like to see more farmers growing it and paying less attention to the wood industry in the busy farm season. GLOUCESTER NEWS PLANS MAKING FOR BIG SUNDAY SCHOOL RALLY IN BREVARD ON MAY 1 City Market 12c per pound cash paid for hens and fryers. Cash market prices paid for ctrjjs. We have the following meats and produce for sale: Chickens Pork Lettur*^ Beef Fish Celery Sweet Potatoes Turnips We buy all kinds of hides. City MarkeL S. F. ALLISON, Proprietor PHONE 47 Ro"inald Kitchen of Brevnrd In stitute is detained at home m Jic- count of sickness. Hurt Stover made a business trip to Brevard Wednesday. L. Galloway and J. M. Galloway visited Rosman Saturday. Alien (’raft left Monday for a week’s visit to friends and rela tives in Kentucky. lioy LuMance, who has been in Texas and Okluhoma for the |)ast 17 months, has returned home. Clarence Green visited Iriends and relatives at Balsam l ist week. Ernest Allen, while at work in the woods last Wednesday receivj‘d a very j)ainful wound. A limb struck him across the face, sever ing his nose. George Holt, who has been suf fering from a broken leg since last Oi'tobcr, was rt'niovcd last week to a hospital in Asheville f»)r treat ment. Boomkk. Resolutions Of Respect A NEW SUIT COSTS FROM $10 to $50 I Moiiuirials, rrsohitiDti'-anil c.inl'i of thanks pu'olislu'il 111 tliis cdliiiiin at rate of onc-foiiitli I ct'iit a wDiil. Wlicrcas. on the eis^lith day of j March, l'.'i7, tlic Lord, in IJis infi- nit(‘ wisdom, saw lit to takd from I atnon^ us on«W)f our most lu'lpful Sundav soliool workers and in- Your old suit can be cleaned, pressed, repair ed and made to look almo.Nt us jjood as new for 50 cents; SI.00 a month for foui suits. Citi' Pressing Club J. E. WATERS, Prop. EYEGLASS SATISFACTION I Means Relief, Comfort and .Style. lU'comin'j: Glasses Cost no IMore, OU.C.OENISQIUQii'i.O.) Oj>tni',ii ti ;.-t aii;I (! '.'' liin. 52 Pat!on Avenue, Asii^vilSe, N. C. (In lii-n'i;TS'in .Icwi Ir'.' Slorc.) j fln(‘ntial nn'uibers, Mr. Miles Ret'ce : Be it Kcsolvi'd, Tliereiore : First, That wo bow in bumble snljunssion to the will of our Lord Jesus Christ. Si'cond, That the work lu* has been (loini^ must be continued, and that wt‘ ap](ly ourselvt's mort' re solutely.t.) its aeeoiM])lishment. Tliiril, That wt* take bis life as a model in evt'ry res]ject and strive to reach the goal to which Ik; con tinually pointed us in the Sunila\’ scln'ol work. Fourth, That we exti‘nd our deejiest syin])a*liy to the bereaviul laniily, and ])vay that they may be (•'Hriiorted with the thought that , their loss is his t'tt'rnal j;ain. Fifth, That cojtii's ot tlu‘s«* reso lutions be sent to the faiuilv, tlie Brevard News, Th(i Fri('i\ds Mes ser,tlu^ (’hristian Advocate, and the Missionary V(iice, ami a (H)]»r be s])r('ad on the Jiiinutes of the tSnnday sfhx;l. VolioN \ H A IIUKI.SON, .1. K. M ith(*ws, Ea KI.KKN K 1’( >I N DKXTF.K, (,'oininittee. T H A s Our straw hat family is a large one, grades and prices ranging to suit tdstc and purSe; anywhere Irsm 10 cents to $6.00, Here are some of oar goodsi PANAMAS, $4,00 TO $6.00 BANGKOK, $$4.50 LEGHORNS, $3.25 DRESS STRAW HATS, $1.25 TO $3.00 100 or more assorted sailors for misses and ladies, 10 to 50 cents. Panama and Straw Hats left with us before April 25 will be included with those to be shipped for cleaning and blocking. Weilt’s Gents’ Store The Sunday schools throughout the county are making prepara tions for representation at the county Sunday school rally to be held at the Brevard Institute build ings on Tuesday, May 1, This will bo the third annual rally and while the others were good those in charge of the one for this year hope to make it the most interesting of any. An important change in the pro gram of last year will be in the matter of refreshments. Last year the Sunday schools of Brevard fur nished the refreshments. This year all schools will be requested to co operate, each school working up at least enough interest to provide food for all its ])upils in attendance. The dinner will be served on the Institute grounds from a long table urrang(*d for taking care of all the j)rovisions. W'hile a workers’ council was held in the afternoon last year no fixed program was arranged. This year topics of interest to superinti'u- dents, teachers and other Sunday school workers will be interspersed with the mental contents to take ]>lace in the afternoon. An organi zation will be i)erfeeted so as to have perniani'nt oflicers to look after the rally arrangements from year to Vi'ar. Morning Proj»ram. Miss Allit: (’iiT'.trell. mounted, will act as marshal. Sunday schools will assemble at the Episcojnil churcli at 10 ::>0 o’clock and begin the line of march, twt) abreast, i)roceeding uj) Main street to ('aidwell, thence to Dejiot street past the Southern di'])ot and uj) Whitmire street to the Institute, assembling in the two auditoriumsat 11 o'clock, beginning the })rogram at 11:I?>. Each Sun day school is expected to take some ])art in tlu' ])rouram by music, talk, recitation, rt'ading, etc., tlu' kind of I'xercise to be optional with the school. Henry lianson will preside ovt'r the exercises td' the morning and aftt'rnoon. The morning st'ssion will open with the soni:,“America. ■’ all stand- iuL,'. This will 1)0 followed with ])rayer by iit'v. Dr. C. I), (’hajmian. Prof. II. Trowbridge will delivi'r the address of wi'lcome, to v.liieli Howling lliMuierson will respuiid. Tlu* exercises reud(‘red by the various schools will be inters])er.-ed with a selection Irom the LJarbc'r Shtjj) chorus of Brevard. The morning ex' icisv's will close wiih a chorus, “TIu' Star SjM'Ugled Ban- iu‘r," foil wed withjirayer by Rev. A. J. Manle\’. W. (>. Parker will act as chiel u >lier in seiiiini; the ]itH>i>le jind in directing th>ise jiartu ii'ating in thi‘ ])rogram from one auditorium to the other sinct* it will l)i‘ neet'ssary to liavi* the program rt-])eated in order to acommod:ite all lheueoi)lu. Afternoon Projjram (Convene at ‘J in main audi torium. Mrs. J. A. Forsythe—(iraded Les'ioui?. Rev. J. K. May—“How* to Interest Boys in Snnday School Work. ’ “Methods in Increasing Sunday School Att(“ndanee”—Round table (ii.'-i ii-'sion h!d by Noah M. Hollo- W»‘ 1. i'. ifecting i)ermanent organiza tion. 'I’he ati ’efic feature of the rally A ill iiu ..idi; a baseball game be tv\een Brevard and Brevard Insti tute and a basket ball game be tween the town and the Institute, in the afternoon. Mental Contests. The rules and conditions govern ing the mental contests for the afternoon exercises on the county- wide Sundav school rylly day on May I at Brevard Institute, are given below. These contests are open to members of all Snnday schools in the county. In the morn ing program every Sunday school in the county is requested to take a ])artin the way of a song, recita tion t»r some other exercise. Snn day school superintendents are urged to look after this matter ami see to it that their schools are rep resented in some wav so as to make the exercises as representa tive as possible. Contests In Bible. The folio jving passages are to be recited from memory: Nineteenth chapter of Psalms. First chapter of Psalms. Thirteenth chapter of First Corinthians. Fifty fifth chapter of Isaiah. Fourteenth chapter of John. Essay Contests Essay of not more thao 1,(U'0 words on “The Witnesses for Christ” as presented in John’s gos pel. These essays must be written by Sunday School students but sug gestions as to wording and penman ship may be made by Snnday school teachers. Map Contests. . “Map of’s Gallilean Min istry or (’>ne of Paul’s Missionary .lourneys.” Maps and essays must be pre sented to Brevard Institute or mail ed to Prof. C. H. Trowbridge not later than April 27. Singing Contests For best rendering of either quar tet, chorus or duett of any one of the following hymns: Lead Kindly Light. Jerusalem the Golden. ():iwaiil Cliristian Soldiers. Bi'ni'alh the(’ross of .lesus. 1 Abide With M;>. Ilt)ly, Holy, Holy. The Son of God Goes Forth to War. Faith of our Farthers Living Still. ) Master letjue Walk with Thee. Fling out the Banner. Doar Lord and Father of Man kind. Iinmortiil Love Foievt-r Fnll. (> l..ittle Town of B( thlehem. Wi‘ March, Wt* Marcl> to Victory. Tlu*re will be jnd^es in »‘ach of t ht'^^e contests and honorable men tion will t)e niado in the Brevard Xt'ws ol‘ tlioj^i! making first, second aud third ]ihices in each contest. Furnishing Refreshments I Th(^ rei'rt shnu-nt committee on I tlu* Siuiilay school rally to be held I on May 1 wislu'.s to call attention I to the change in the ])rogram of j last year in the matter of retresh- \ men {s. j Brevard ;ind Oak (irove hereto- fon* li;iv(; furnished lunch for the’ icountv. i ■ * » 'riiis year the coininitteo re;ira*sts I '•ueh .Stiiiday school r(*pre>ented to ! I send Inii d) for 1 hos(i in atteTi'Jance * i'rom Sunday school, and in tills Wav ]iiip(‘s to arouse a spirit of ' CO-oT er.! t.11. I I 'J'i:e will ])e left at the! main buililnig of tlu* Institute on' t’liat iii,;i‘ning where a committee i , will ri'Ci ive and take care of them. | At vliecluseof the morning ]!ro-1 m'rii;! lu’ich will be served on the I ^i:n,n?;ds oT the Institute, all gather- jing arouTid a long table, i Thost' s('c.ding ri-ire.^hments on i •plates or ]>latters arii re(}ui'st(ul to w’rite names on sanu*, also on baskets. ^ Mrs. (). L. Ekwin, i ( ('hairman Refresluiu'ut Committee, j The names of those serving on the ] cominitteL-3 follow, the letter within | parenthesis before each name indicating ; the denomination or Sunday school repre- i senteJ, the first-named being chairman. ! Athktics: (P.) John Smith; (O. G.) j Eugene Allison; (M.) Woodford Zachary; ! (I.) John Hamrick; (E.) Alex Kizer; (B.) Joe Tinsley. Mental Contests: (R) J. C. Jones; (O. (I.) \V. II. Allison; (M.) Miss Hattie Aiken; (!.) Miss .M.iud Ellen Pike; (E.) Mrs. H. N. Carrier; (P.) Miss Katherine Erwin. Refreshments: (E.) Mrs. O. L. Erwin; (O. G.) Mrs. W. H. Allison; (M.) Mrs. T. D. England; (P.) Mrs. Goode Cheatham; (H.) Mrs. W. M. Henry; (I.) Miss Alma Trow bridge. Procram: (O. G.) V. D. Peek; (B.) (). L. Jones; (P.) A. B. Riley; (I.) A. F. Mitch ell; (M ) Miss Sue Cannon; (E.) Mrs. C. M. Doyle. Hardsnip Better Than Poverty, The merchant, dreading the south west wind wrestling with the Icarian waves, praises retirement and the ru ral life of his native town, but soon he retires to his shattered bark, in capable of being taught to endure pov erty.—Horace. $15 Per Cord for Chestnut Wood Cut your chestnut into telephone poles and you will receive about $J5 per cord for them* Write for prices and specifications. ERSKINE POLE CO., WEAVERVILLE, N. C Cash Paid at Siding. f*iKa MINCK. APPLE. HUCKLEBERUY BLACKBCRRX RHUSAAB^ LEMOH, (eACK I BRISP^PIES FRESH fruits’BERRIES FDR YOUR mSLE IN SEASON. Philipp’s Bakery Phone 24 mcpm ALL KINDS \ p J T HIS grocery store wouldn’t be the complete and up to date estab lishment It is if we didii t carry a large line of crackers. The children know all about our cracker and cake and cooky tins. Trust them for that. You can often buy crackers U) bulk at a saving. Besides carrying the biggest line of groceries, we give satisfying service. COX 6c KILPATRICK Phone 41 V ' f- A' jTW Ornamental Furniture After the necessities in furnishing a home, such as beds, tables and chairs, come the pieces which give an atmosphere of beauty, elegance and prosperity. Our China Closets and Sideboards cannot be surpeissed for their decorative qualities and they will delight the eyes of every fastidious house keeper. These cabinets, appointed with gleaming silver ware and sparkling cut glass, will help to make your home an abode ot luxurious comfort Our Word Is a Guaranty of Honest Values HOME SUPPLY COMPANY C. M. COOKE, Proprietor. BREVARD, N. C.

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