t>T5 P T7 .* 3, iiREVARD, N. C. ^ LITTLE RIVER RIPPLES. ^ * ^ Rev. Mi'i^an preuchod an inter- estinf? Hiiraion tit Little River last Sunday. His text was “Prepare to Meot Thy tiod.” Miss Lillie McC'all who is with her sister, Mrs. F. .Tones of Hender sonville, visited her parents, Mr. und Mrs. A. J. McCall. Lntlu'r (’ouch has ])ur(*hnsed a new Ford Irom the King Livery i\). Air. ('ouch and family spent Jast wet'lv with friends and relatives in Si)artiinburg and (.ireenville, making the trip in their new ear. Missi's Lillie Pick('lsiini‘r and Mfuv Kilpatrick, who I'.ave bct'n iittcntling scliooi at lUillowlu'e are houjc I'or a few months. Mrs. A. .1. (u'orf^e and family have moved to (’ampobi'llo, S. I’., t1ii\v are expecting to farju this season. Mrs. Katie Watkins of Kosman is visitinir lier ]»an*nts, Mr.aml Mrs. Willi:im Mern'll this week. Friends »)t Mrs. Uolu'rt Kilpatrick, wlu) li'is 1) 'cn ct»nlined to her bed fer a lew wi'eks. will bi' ])le(is', (l to K'iirn tljat lit-r eoiulition is itnjirov- inir. Her h [ilth has not been very C(M>d for (|uitt‘ a \vhih‘. Vii'ual and family of V'rab Treek liave uiovimI into thi‘ (laullin houM' recently vacated by Tom >lerri-ll aiul family. Mrs |)i-. r, ivtl is visiting lier so;i, t'te])iien S iv'd of Hlantyre. ( larence Nicholson has ])nrehasi d 4 Tjew Ovt'i'laud car. He is L'oing V > do ]',r.blic service \-,-ork in Bre vard this >'iinmer. Mv; (Jl.idys llaiuiiton and Tarrie Mc(',ill aii' h'>me from Fi'uit- Saiid Institiiti*. .Mi.-s Ilarniltoii was a ^enio^ tliis year and had thi h‘ >nor of bringing her diploma along Mias Emily Moore of Brevard is spending a few days with Miss Pauline Hart. L M. Hamilton w^as called tT Greenville last w’oek on account of the illness of his brother, t^eph Hamilton. There will be an all day singing and dinner on the grounds at Little River next Sunday Mav 1.”. Eueli and every one is cordially invited. Some of the singers will be from (Trconvilbv “(’ome, and WO will do theo good.” Lewis D. Batson, Chirence E. Pace, (’arl M. Smith and Otis H. Hart of (xrenville and Miss (Ji'neva Hart of Zirconia spent Sunday o*' Tjittle Kiver visiting tlu' ( ascade Pow('r ])lant and other points of intere.st. Th(‘ young ladies have raise*] almost ('nough money to repaint th('church and r*'])air the w’indows. \\'i‘ !in* anxious to S(‘e the wt)rk in ]^rogress. Melton Hawkins and family have moved from AshevilU; to tlu'ir farin on Little River. Our farmers are irettinir luisy. Many acres of soil h:ivi‘ been turnc(] Within the ]iast few we.'ks, ’)f(>’>:*r- ed and i)lanted. Evt'ry farmer should mak(' use of theo)M)ortuT:i!y presented Iiim. l-\)od ])roducts ar«> s 'arct' and will hi* shorter than in many y»‘ars if thert* is active war fare with the rniti'd State's. 'I’he favmi'r owes it to hitnself and to lii-. (•■ eintry to grow as much s;n!', :i> for it will l>e ucvl(d a!ul most likt ly at tojvuotch prices. PK(;«;ik. ‘'Seek and ye shali find” tl) rouirh t!ie Diversified colmnr. THEWEEirSEVQiTS Important News of the State, Nation, and World Told in a Few Lines for Your Convenience. ROUND ABOUT^THE WORLD A Condensed Record of HappeninQt of Interest From All Points of the World. j-. I' ri- ■.'T ‘-•'r'* • • I . • ^ -?T" -.--r i.—- -1 y !il,i V’ ■ r.e;;'V v'r:r‘ fll iiook G'^an FREE; Kcr Farra il5^i.?ding 1-1 rruiiciings has a diredt - - T-v.--;; your [nrrA profits, ii.ach one oc ; ■ 'I'i- ^.rotc^'’’iGa to whatever it co: • r::i o.i;;;'': Lu be as convenieni as it can I :: ;:c t^ ’ c c'.: jriicnc- means ti.m, and y ’ I » . . . h: : r . cr. to I'ull ! cr .omoclel any liullcling, V . c ! • * ! ■ y Ti. - - r .—:x rc^uiar $1 book cn i i.:.r j I'lcm.L.. Ju..; \is your name. MILLE'-* SUPPLY COMPANY 8i;t'«r,D, !i. c. me i ih-. end I'-'xs N-'ar S’ l .( :.c.—O:;' of .1 ’ ■' " : O' ail lumbers for farm roc'-ni.-p -£>na It is adaptable »o r.ii;,' i.u " j ! : / .r. co^i, c.i:tri:cLivo in cppearancs, and ci'/Ov.: 'i'-. in c-„i\iCC- Domestic A Verdict of guilty of mardrr wa.^^ relununl by ilie jury in the case of Harry J. Spaiioll, charged with tlio killing; of Licul. Col. M. C. IJutler at (\tli aiaii, Texas. I’unishinont was ti.\ed at live y*>ars’ iiiiprisoniiient. The full sireimlh of llie first war army or^ianizcd uiu’er the select ivo draft bill uill bo is,r):;s officers and 5L*N,(;r)9 enli.'led uiei', nrtUing up isi war sirciigtli divisioiis oojiiplete in i tveiy arm and ."■uppleincnt«‘d by si\'-j lecn reKinier.ts ot lieavy Ih'ld ariil-; U'ry, equipped with large caliber how itzers. ! Suhsci-iptions to the lib(>rly loan i poured into the Irea.'^ury dei)artment at the rate of n('arly twenty million dollars an hour on the finU day. The in the history of ihe world is fore- i nthe history of tlv,' worid is fore- sha'low(>',I by thi.-; rc spouse to the of- ferini; of the loan. | On(‘ .sah-ciii:tion of twenty million' dollais to tlie liberty loan was ^;e^l by a Xt vn York ba:ik. .\noilu>r l)ank of ilie .^aiv.e city ; T’t I'lv.’ million dol lars. Tile saiailcsi subs: ription the fir.-^I day was live thousand doi-' lars. , I-.CSS tlian fv.o per cent of the brmk.s of the country took in o!u> day G74,(t'i(» of ih,' iilieriy loan. i A pro-d.rjni'n i:i;'eiins? in ('oo])or Uniiiii li:;ii in New 1'oi-k Cily, ciini- I'lose.l niosiiy of Iri.^liiiicn, broke up in a riot, and the police madt* free , U. !• :'1‘ ll-eir hi’iies. ■ (Jv Aic; ).i,'!ie 1 ;;'imr.!on, son of Ceil. \v';i(|e I':;! i]' on, of ('ivil war faim . (lii 1 in (’.liin.iliia, S. af er it ^lli M ;!!r,- .-.s. tie was 3S j'ca:'.; old. i'll K.i ! f. \ ;!uk.r’u, I'. S. , .e.l a ti. -i. !:.i :'i- '* in aa aM’i'hin" iato ' I’en -.i: iia iivy .-4; i’eii.'-acola. i'la., and was i;«',1 liel'xre lii' eniiM be ex- j !i i-a;! (i I'li ni the lluatiui,' wreckaj^e of i the machine. | A i:;e I )i', v>!iich lit up ih(' In'avon- a’iiiesi ;.s liri' lil a.- day, tl'.ose Vvlio saw ii ri p(i’-t. ,l, : ii;:! over C. ui:;ia a! 11;_.» i>. I!'., Ah.y 1. It v.:;- \v:t- nes.-.'d in Aiiauta, '.iacon and IJoling-■ bri i;e. I (’( rii'iim ha^ l.eeii nu;Ie in cou’-i in \v 'i'ork Ti y hy \V(>i’ IJir. eh. a::. :• ; v. ; !i (e..M’. rri’i- ger, bdtli (^•ral:■I1;, tha: liiey were *)I1 t! ' I, : ■ I i:- IV,' a;) 1 lie e i li.-"' of ,i. r. ..li)r,:.: 'n Ce.. wheii arie i 1. ' I lir.- cli adiai'' .1 Hat !i^ ■ i:::!ue 11;e ' boi.-.li ■ i;Ki~e\'- ' hii.-i'jial. \'. I-.'.I r. l 1 .e 1'. ( i' ( ,^1-' .jzre; (lial il ■ y •i:; ’ a x.'.o a:e ;■[)- iilyiii;^ i', e'Mrarae lu il:t> i''ai.;^ cam;, io i > mj ives !'t.r e,ii..:,.I sioj'.s i;i tile ;'il( e..)i;i , v.ill !)•■ ; paid .'! '() a i .; ,, h v.hile in aaii i;n;ii t'.(y are acl,:;;!',y ceniai.— sieae.;, a; : .:'.-ii (lay will I'eceivc ! the j :,y . •' : 'r ! k. , Fe ni (■ : ! ' ! 'I'lsla I il a i' l!'.e next, i. .-I!" i- . I-' c ii'’j:"n.'S -ih:n bu ly hav ii;:: i ii.~ p.o\» ui.uer c(jn.-i ier.aiou in b.;l !l i e.;; ey. I Charges that Cuban negro rebels are burning and pillaging the homes anc properties of Americans and other for eigners in the districts of Pahuarito Baj'ate and Miranda, Oriente prov ince, Cuba, are made by twenty-fou; American and Hritish I’efugeef, wle recently arrived in New York. The; strongly assort that there will be : nuissacre of American residents uidc:; the United States intervenes and as serts that the (!uban governnu nt is ab solutely powerh'ss to cope with Iht' situation. Mo.st of the refugees es caped with only the clothes they wore. Women who stood in line to buy po- tatoef, in the southern part of Stock holm, Sweden, became unruly when informed tl’.at the stock was exhaust- (1, and began a demon.^lration which assunu'd mammoth i»roportions and gave the police no end of trouble. Se- ri(;us rioting is alt^o reported in Gut li en burg. (Jreal T.ritain has formally joinei France in the ie(ua s.l tliat the Ignited State.: si-nd troops i’nmediately to the front in t.he v>e te-:i zone of fighting. It is poiniei] out thsi su'b a course would have a Ix nelicial psychological ‘ffect on botii Fia>nch and Knglish sol diers, and Would so cement the fri('nd- ly feeling b«‘twet>n the vari(us ele- n’.ent that n(.tiling but good could ])os- sibly result. A I’ort-au-i’rince, Haiti message re cites that President Arliguenave haa sent a rnn.-^sage to tl’.e senate and chamber of deputies deniandhig a dec laration of war against G('rniany, an;l that a oir.mission has been appointed to '*or.: idc'r llie question. The espic n:;;;(> bill has pass*>d the house v.'lih a iae:I;li;'d cens.')rship pro-j vi.^icm afer administration b aders! had l:;sT ;•/.! insisli'nt light for reten-, ! "n of the original section ainied hI t in' prhlicat ion cf news of valui' to the enemy. The fii.til vote was llOJ, to lO.j. ; A I’ekin di.-paich says th(' entry of r!iina ii>4o ih‘ war at an early date j is i:v viI aThe prosiueat and .'•en-: i'.Le are oj;;) ;..ed to such a move, but ■ t!i> h(»i!sc oi' i: i re.-( ;itat ives, tiie pre mier and the c^jaf.'renee of military g.'Ve! iic.is .!.■>* urrr'iC \vai\ 'i'hat tieris.a.ny's : iihi”arine arm, not lu'r inili:a!'y arm, is ih..' menace wliicli l!.r iii“ s greale.vt far ihe ;'u lire W(!fai(‘ cf l!;e rni'i'.l States aad il'.e ea'^ate rliies is. i'eco'n'zcd by till* c’l.a.r.eelluri. ■■ cf all i}i“ jMWer.i v>i:i.- ii a r I L\' V, ar V. ii a C.-. Tile ;;;st (i;,VS of A^ril is.;.' a tV I ii> un- dt rwa.ler l.'cnis .a rd to Uie boMoin h.uadreiis of 'Ir ii. aials of tons of shiii- ti.:> iceip Di' which \v.:uld iiavt: leii and ,41' iM.v licaiiene.i (l.eal liiiuun l-'ra:;ee. and [)i:s h i,f war is by those -)i;iii l ie.;, ihelr solsiier. llieii- at ! !i‘ve. 11- aeral l’’:^ :nes^ out 'I'he al'i' ise C.I'IT at" (■!' ■: '.i ainir w'ilii ’'■Kt inn-' I; ■ ar,- g " d a •.a:" has .a im ■ 111 . :.M i 1' ad.ii: !i.' i ■ iieiiig ci);:.;,jel anJ sea.'-j. ■, 1,. v r. way I nt B R A S vS I E R E >S BraiL icres of heavy Hnen, specially de signed act full fig:ires; front lace. In all sizes from 34 io 44. A new type of Brassieres, snug fitting, made of heavy lacc. il' you i-cive never worn a i::^jraGGieres t cffect of a carefally fiUed one. app'/eLiLi'i.e the ti y Yo'i! V7 0:,r shoos wicc r,.p..'jc of choice in sizes, Kiee-'dSiawM' s.yics and prices. White Buckskin $3.f;0 V/hite Canvas from $1.50 to S2.3' White Canvas Boot $1.60 to S.lIC White Canvas Sport Boot, kid trimming S3 ^ ' Grey Buck Boots S^.90 Brown Kid Pumps $3 ; q Patent Leather Pumps $2.75 to S7> 0 Gun Metal $2.25 to $-.>>'5 WM. P. WEILT V/ashir'^?nn ^ ■' :' si10 nrr','Uia'c ; t r t t;..' .'■" ■I 1. 'a ; •). ii.ail ' aa: Inn ir.e.l U;i'i-'S 'I;e V ar !>;a!: e la . will i;e fei' :v.’() jiia.i a ''.oisii's, and will he 1 i; ii iv i'l-in" i; 'r.ic is.- ii" : I i II' I'ejiaiar si;'n : i.'- t ie:; ; ;ll ,Mi.; : r, la \i. la iair v. 1 r o:' I'osl t’>■ (j. rnain sal.; I. a a ' ' •.. ian'r. a"" a! a u ■ s‘ a ; r 1 ( ■ .iii:' a"! til i^■ i.r t}.; a 's V. ,s a: v« r 11 ve ■•! a; w ah- iii ’-aive ef i’: ir aaiis nr I'a .•:'^!ae.:. riia! :i'" iii-o -siiy 1 f la-eMn.^ ihis Tr; ead uaia. i> r i.- .-> aiiaa.ii'iu t!ai ihe iin'.a "'a. a''i'i'.a'l ■’.■''■■a i!a> iiie (jf i!i* I’lii'.t 1 S.r " r ! b»' e'l.i ‘ii'n n. The A.,-..;ae gaverniiicni has re ceived a nu.c i'roia the Ce-rnian gtiv- ei'niia nt exp;*-sin;: ra'ai'ei for the sirdvlng f i!ie Aru:i‘aline ship .Moaa/* Priaet:'d'i, ar ‘ t is th(' sens.' of ;i'" staW' t]e!ia' :i I !;i thal diplaa.iaiic rt'-' In. i'.ns bi fwe. a Miese I'.vo- caintriej-. j ! reaaiiii unis.->!a'a iin!es .'-.aii. ■ uu-i tov> ard veia 1 iwi j ii’es. The I'nitei Sir. slarv^-. rea-’.y to' seail an :'"iay to l'a,ir.)i)i' v.h-iv v r 'h.t' allies 'e n e, v.i. e to divert the uec- ■ ’ • •a"' ;'r:'i > iraaspcn’ting fi.a l 10 tr: a • ■ ■ ’:'g men. I i! ■ ■ ! aa'ci’y kii -'vn in Vi’ash’ng- a,- • h" ;.:"V 'ra..ieni has ofi'ert'd ( ■ a" '- iiai has snrr'.'-esK'd lhai ■ ’milage of world ship- : ;■ r’;a it ira; rac:ical 10 send . ! a; on, e. A !’ ia- ils'iat.h anaomues that ;ho f'hia-'.'o minis-tcr to G'a’mnny ]ia. ■ re(e \ . i! his pa.: sp. its u:ivl is now in - uik. Whethet- ihe farce first to carry the 'tar.; an I S ri,;>s art) ha;ti(' in I’rance hall he laa-.e up 01 regulars or Xa i i’.al Clraird-!' .ai, or ba;h, has nol be .1 v. (': !:'I out, Washiivton believes tin* the I’nit- ■ I S ate- v.iil be ai)le t .'it a check . ’iie inr> a l- f.l : 1, aa'-. a.'- . !•: ii'.’o li ;‘ ar' maierce, •cants oii: iait uc'' ve 1 u-t I. ) . a- >a . . y man h'' c^'Vii y. The r. M1. h ht ■ , i-e big s' esst'ni'.'i ■ State.'- urse in 1 t!)i ommon n . r ' r. ’ vantage. I's are c’a...c diers io the st ’ Ei?ropean V*V.r 1" r..s •. 'V v- }ui '^ ! coiinter at a" ■ ’' ' ■' I'd luai i «■ s in ■ ae;r a ■. ;ai.; ! , ■ :i iiai - niji lh- • r: I •! S': .a . ' aiv* a i ; I heir ad- V nc“ III'., a! ■ I.;,- s. a ea-a'-vai'd a’aiag I l;e ( .J' liiiis' : .■■•:es, hui I iiei; ei' !• .a. I ;, I (it la-' a! Vi v'k ' ; 1 !» n claa--- i; a: ' ".-ly to tla an 1 ’■’liicM I ... i,;,!:je- on the Ger- l.MU'S N . (•' a!i : ■ v. ’ ■' -■■'av noia’ -i i,f 'i ■ . I i ; a ( a a - - ‘d uu'ir '■aiiia: a; ‘.y ;; ,i;- ; ..ial--l ojjara- tioa;-. .; ; ,,a !’-' :i.; a , ■ ini.- of siia- t -■ !. V ' ( i I r.Mur, ..a de ! 11'. a’ 1 !! ; i’.rayi-en-laion- ai lis. 'i a i’s ' ;i ■ f l’.ai:ec,)i,ri, v. liich i'-s V, ' :'’-i-,ii;i .\;ra,s anil Can:- ’ ai, S ! ■ • i ,ri: i i; a a,l iU risa:^ri • . ■ ' ■ • . :-:.siry • a^ a;aaT , ■ :1. . ar, a '--a lying \. i.!; I'ieia ^ ; s i ;' iarc('.-;. i‘ ■; : ■■ : ! !anp"‘aian • ' ■! ];■ , ‘ , .. , ■ d , y I’l "a:er .'s r» i.'r. .il o; an fro'aive • ■ • .a" ; ; i •, I’.ise, iv far mare "'■;-ai . - ap ■ ared in c n ee! ' ' : ir ;.eoun’- oflh(' d;'!!> '■a ‘S’ a . ; i' • . ,\!1 ilie l!u la J: : i ■ ; : a !. 'Fl'e com ntion i.; f(U' a ra! . 'ecioia! r; form. A li'-'a-”.- a. ai; r. a ;«!' it Cormanv’s pe;,c. e. -itl'r' ; ^vi!I I; ; .a le hy (■'ai'H-. v.,a i: ’a a;:' Hollv,-. r a f/, aa ’a. A r aa v.er wi>! b? m.'Kiv Vvi’’ !>'; T''.a“ i)v the ( h.an''‘Cl- lor to ila- a;. a iaiicn;. anse.Hed })v th'- (’i nsri va-iva : a’-",! i].' Socialrds. i-'reach !r>;ops in a ;iew olTi-nsive alara; ih Ai: a.*' hr^v • cp' in (>'’i the \il- lage iri’ Crr aTiaiO and ilie ii!>a CJerman l;ea- i:v. a i’.otm ef ;wo aa.d a hnif lai'es !;o!'ihv;- t .1' iraei' a-. The IJi'iiish in aIe a)Tii'; n'aia. h.ave driv n ioi\.ai’d iheir line-, a.gain-i the Turks and iruuio capture's of na-n, gun and stores, 'I’he Tiirlis, il is ic;aar;ed, have ;r last f(;rced out the Ka. ■ 'ans iroi>i Mu li. in Turkish Ar?nen a. (lonernl i^hulde r('par s to liis ::ov- e’rn’a.ent thai a Turkisli army corp-- hr* ])e('n c’riven frei.i iis r-"5irion.s in Mesoi'ota.mia on both banks ( f 1 Slait i-ei-Atlhcan. Since tl'c v.ar the suri)lii ?' in;.!- in Cicrmr.ny has increase fit ,n SP'. 000 to far more than iv » iiHn. One million llu'ce hur. ;re.l thou--:”; Gcrnans have perished in '.e wa., corvling tt) a Conservative au m’a.' • . tb(' reChstag. A decided (b^crease in th. hi 1 in Gera'.auy is causinir aia'’ w Itul-^nic 'la;esmen to thin., er ]\.ay day passed in Ci-'ii.aia'. ii! e news coming out sl-o” aoL situation with rcgai to the f tiu' worknu'u. lin dispatch sr.y >'!'''*! Saciaiistr iti n 0? v/oii-' 'railed 4^15 Per Cord for Chestnut Wood Cut your chestnut into telephone poles and you will receive about $J5 per cord for them. Write for prices and specifications. ERSKINE POLE CO„ WEAVERVILLE, N. C Cash Paid at Siding^. -A'' s''' RELY m Q0R DELIVERIES FOR PRGHPIHESi EVERY DAY. QRSER BY TELEF^HiSi^i, Philipp’s Bakery Phcr.e 24 g M • 1 \ .’A. ■ ■ . '>...•••• - ^ JL * ■ ' (I. ■ ’» .j I'a ■ / ’ > ‘ ,,^ANY {oiks m town have learned that when they want really fine chrcse they must come here. It’s so. We know a whole lot ahout cheese—how to jud'^e it, how to buy it, how to keco it. Chcc.se iiKjo ir,e difjcstion, but vou must know I ^ how to eat it, and you must Mt the right kind. Drop in i{ you nrr a slrang^r and talk cheese. COX S KILPATRICK Phone 41 I I I 1 V a /i -■I i 'XI pi eiKy ot uncer your crops this year, and get it from us. Every sack guaranteed as labeled. Prices right. Cash or on time. Brevard Lumber Co. P!ione 120 Close to Depot '

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