MIRROR OF TRANSYL.VANIA COUNTY LIFE New (Name changed from Sylvan Valley News, January 1, 1917.) VOLUME-XXTI BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, MAY 18. 1917. NUMBER-^0 3,000 GERMANS COMING TOJAVIOSON RIVER litverDinent Proposes to Establish Model Internment Gamp For Bermans In Plsgah National Forest In Four Miles of Brevard Pending War With Bermany. The United States Rovernnient has practically ilocided to use a portion of its great forest area known as the risgah National for est, near Brovard, as a model prison camp for about :{,000 interned Ger mans. About two weeks ago the govern, ment decided upon Kanuga lake, near Hendersonville, but when it became known that the title to the property was clouded the annual lease rental of 5,000 was cancelled and the government oflBcials visit ed the Davidson River section for th& second time and practically decided upon the location of the camp fo»* the (Germans near the Yorng place about four miles from Brevard and two miles from Pisgah Forest. When it was learned on last Fri day that the camp would not be located at Kanuga, on a hurry call a number of the business and pro fessional men of Brevard met in the Brevard club room^ and decided to send a delegation by automobile to Hendersonville to meet the officials. The men at the meeting unani- monsly decided to extend a willing and helping hand to the govern ment and a welcome to the German colony. The officials were conferred with by the following committee on Friday afternoon and night: C. B. Deaver, W. E. Breese, li. H. Patton, T. H. Shipman, C. M. Doyle, VV. H. Allison and U. W. Clayton. Arrangements were made to ac company the officials to the David son River property on Saturday morning, when they were taken up the river by D. L. English, J. A. Miller and A H. King. They unof ficially decided upon the location of tho camp at the Young place and on Monday Col. C. C. Hodges, •nperintendent of the Transylvania division of the Sothern railway, was on the grounds with the men with the view to locating a spur track of about feet from the DELAYS ARE DANGEROUS; SWAT THE FLY TODAY! Now Is The time t') lt(‘- .irin ti) swat tbe lly—rifriit to day. Doij't wait until tomorrow. Perhaps .vou've n«>ti(‘ed on mild aftoniooiis when the sun is briirhr tliat one two buzzed thoir deadly sonjj ahom yoiir cars. Tbey’rc here. But flioro me only a few’ now. Maybe there was only one in your kome. But did you swat it? Got out tho swattor that you usim] last year and kill the flies before 4hoy multiply. The Uy ia horn in tilth ajnl live.s hi filtli. It can't be l)Ianicd. then, because it arrics a supply of bacteria constantly. Physician.*: say cverj’ fly that escaijcs the swatter r.ow means several million equally evasive 'jrerm carrying insects in a month or so. To eliminate the housefly effectively you must eliminate it early in the .season, before it has time to batch its e^rss. Get your screens ready. Bar the fly from the house. But if it slips by you—swat it. ♦ ♦ ♦ SWAT THE FLY! ♦ ♦ ♦ # One of the first guns of pre- parednes^ lu tbe fly crusade is a ^ swatter. 4 Have you your fly swatter ♦ ^ ready? If you haven’t one get one. If you have one don’t let that deadly fly get away! ^ Smash him now! ^ Swat tbe fly! ♦ ♦ ■sfy" tracks of the Carr Lumber company. The government proposes to build houses for sheltering the Germans and to enclose them in a stockade so that their prosence or movements will not be a menace. The site de cided upon is in an isolated com munity sparsely settled and within the borders of the government’s forest area. When it was decided to locate the Germans at Kanuga, Secretary of Labor Wilson, of Washington, gave out the following statement as to the status of the Germans and the governmont's purposes : “With the ctmiing of warm weath. r it w^as realizi'd that oppor tunities should be provided that would aflFord the individuals in terned a chance to work and ob tain recreation ; apparently they would enjoy greater liberties than are possible at the various immi gration stations, where they are now interned. This government desires to treat interned persons with the greatest courtesy and make the conditions under which they must live as pleasant as pos sible. “Consequently, I detailed Fred erick C. Howe, commissioner of immigration at the port of New York, to select a suitable camp site. He covered New^ England, North Carolina and New York and recommended the place which I have selected. “To this camp will be consigned the 1,S00 officers and men from the German interned ^hips who have been temporarily held at Ellis Island. Boston, Philadelphia and New Orleans. In addition there are api)roximately 1,200 individu als who are being held at the im migration stations who must be cared for. There are alien ene mies, alien neutrals and alien allies who have come to this country through the regular channels of immigration, but are inadmissable under our laws. “In establishing these interned persons in camps a policy of segre gation will be pursued. Alien ene mies will be separated into one class ; alien neutrals and alien al lies into a second class, and aliens who have been found on examina tion to be feeble minded, into a third class. It will fall to the im migration bureau to provide for the internment of all alien enemies whom it is not deemed necessary to intern as military prisoners. As a result alien enemies resident in this country whom the depart ment of justice deems advisable to restrain, but against Avhom imme diate prosecutions are not brought, w’ill go into the camps established j by. this department. To care for ] these several classes of individuals will probably make additional ' camps necessary. ' “Under The Hague treaty this ! government is empowered to work , the interned men, or to farm them ! out to individuals or corporations, j When worked by the government J they will receive the pay of sol diers, and when farmed oat will be remunerated at prevailing wage rates. After making deduction for their maintenance, the interned men will be given at the time of their discharge by the government whatever sums they have earned. “The men in the camp in North Carolina will be used to caltivate the tract, and will be farmed ont for Inmbering and road bnilding. In view of the necessity for guards the two latter occupations appear to be tbe only ones in which they You Can Save Somebody’s Darling, If— . .u....•• You Will Screen the Baby! SWAT THE FLY! STARVE THE FLY! Table Showing How Flies Multiply Ksss. .Tune 1—One fly lays 120 June 10—00 flies lay 7.2(K) .lune 20—3.600 flies lay 432.000 June 30—2U>.000 flies lay 25.J)20.00i) July 10^12.ntK).000 flies lay l.rc»,V_»00,000 July 20—777.600.0K) flies lay 03.312.000.(XH) July 30—46,656.000,000 flies lay 5,.''t98,720,0X),0K) Aug. 0-2,799.3«K).000.000 flies lay 3.'tt.923.20o!o0o!o00 Aug. 19—167,961,(KXl.OOO.OOO flics lay 20.1.'>.'>.302.0K).000,000 Aug. 29—10.077,6n6.000.(KX),000 flies lay 1.209,323,520.(KK).000,000 Sept. 8—604,6«il,7j0.000.000,000 tfies lay. .72.5r»9,411,200,000,000.000 Sept. 18—36.279,705,600.000,000,000 flies lay.. .4,353,504,672,000,000,000,000 Sept. 28—4,353,504,672.000.000,000,000 flies. SWAT THE FLY! STARVE THE FLY! CATCH THE FLY! Commencement Exercises Of Breuard Institute Brevard Institute is bringing another successful year to a close. The commencement exercises are always looked forward to by local friends and patrons with a great deal of interest. An interesting pro gram has been prepared. It foliow^s: Friday—H :00. An Evening With the Indians. By Primary Indians. Saturday—i) ;00. Last chapel exercise. Annual field day. Girls’ basket ball. Bovs’ tennis. Admission 25c. Pupils’ musi3 recital. Scholastic procession. Commencement sermon preached by Rev. R. M. Courtney, pastor of West End Methodist church, Winston-Salem. Commencement concert. Annual Inter-society debate. Admission 25c. Field day continued. Girls’ tennis. Boys’ basket ball. Baseball. Expression recital. Reading of graduate essays and orations. Annual meeting of alumni association. (Graduation exercises. Address to graduates by President S. B. Turrentine, D.D., of Greens boro College for Women, Greensboro, N. C. Award of diplomas and certificates, announcement of honors to in dividuals, teams and societies 2:30. Saturday—H :00. Sunday—10 :30. 11:00. Monday—3 :00. 8:00. Tuesday—10:00. 2 ::K). 8:00. Wednesday—11:00. 3 :00. 8 :00. can be conveniently worked by pri vate capital. *‘Arrangements have been made already with the department of agriculture for the employment of a number of men at road bnilding on the Vanderbilt tract that ad joins the camp which has been taken over bv that department as a forest preserve.” Try a Diversified adv. SERIES OF SERMONS AT THE METHODIST CHURCH The pastor. Rev. W. E. Poovey, is preaching a series of sermons on “The Plan of the Ages” at hi^ church on Sunday evenings. The third in the series will be delivered next Sunday night on **A New Trend of Empire.” Tho public is very cordially in vited. NEW CITY BOARD BREVARD BOOKLETS OUTLINES POLICY TO BE ONE OF ECONOMY AND BUSINESS ACCURACY Office of Town Clerk Created; Messrs. Brooks, Kilpatrick and Galloway Retained. The newly elected board of alder men met on Monday night and in augurated a two-years term of town government with the election of offi cers, the appointment of commit tees, and the outlining of plans and policy. It was a full meeting of the board and Mayor W’. E. Breese presided. The general policy of the board in the administration of municipal affairs is to be one of careful econ omy and strict business accuracy. In accordance with tho new state law the financial business of the town will be conducted with abso lute fidelity to the rules and princi ples that govern all successful en terprises. To this end, the books will be kept by a city clerk with all the accuracy that is found necessary in a bank. No one has as yet been elected to this office. J. A. Miller, jr., was elected mayor protem and treasurer, and D. G. Ward secretary of the board. C. C. Kilpatrick will continue as superintendent of public works. Lem Brooks was re-elected chief of police, and Welch Galloway was retained as city attorney. The board decided to carry the Poe case in which a decision against tho town was rendered in the last Superior court, to the State Su preme court. The following committees were appointed: Water and Sewer : J. A. Miller, jr., J. M. Kilpatrick, D. G. Ward. Street: J. S. Bromfield, T. L. Snelson, J. A. Miller, jr. Lights: T. L. Snelson, D. 0. Ward, J. M. Kilpatrick. Finance: D. G. W’ard, J. S. Brom field, J. A. Miller, jr. Sanitation: J. M. Kilpatrick, T, L. Snelson, J. S. Bromfield. Franchise: J. M. Kilpatrick, J. S. Bromfield. D. G. Ward. Police :J. A. Miller, jr., J. M. Kilpatrick, T. L. Snelson. Ordinances: D. G. Ward, J. A. Miller, jr., J. S. Bromfield. The retiring members are : (’. M. Cooke, mayor; J. W’^. Duckworth and A. M. Verdery. COLORED ODD FELLOWS CELEBRATE The colored Odd Fellows in con nection with their branch order, the Household of Ruth, celebrated their anniversary on Sunday at the colored Baptist church. The ad dress of welcome w'as delivered by Rev. D. C. Hall, and tbe annual sermon w’as preached tjy the pastor. Rev. C. F. Wbittenbnrg, of Spartan burg. A collection tuken for the benevelent purposes of the order amounted to S3(>.r)3. FIRES 00 Die DAMAGE IN SURROUNDING FORESTS Signs of a number of forest fires have been sean latelj*. One rnged near Quebec this week as a result of w-hich W. B. Henderson lost about one-third of his fence and L, R. McCall lost considerable chest nut wood. The foret^t fires are hard to extinguish by reason of the dry state of the w'oods. MR. PLUMMER BUYS LOT H. A. Plummer has bought from Miss Delia Gash a lot on the corner of Oaklawn and Probarte avenues, opposite J. A. Miller’s residence. The deed was negotiated through the Brevard Realty and Insurance company. NOT TO BE PRINTED ADVERTISING COMMITTEE FOUND COLD RECEPTION Individual Newspaper Advertis ing Rather Than Booklets to be Recommended. It has been practically docided that no booklets advertising Bre vard and community will be print ed this year. The advertising committee v’lll recommend to the board of gover nors of the Brevard club that through lack of funds and a proi>er sj>irit of co-operation and helpful ness from some of the boarding houses and others who would be directly benefitted, it will bo im possible to execute the plans of the committee, w^hich worked with the view to publishing several thousand booklets and following them up with advertising in a number of Southern newspapers. The committee met w ith a com mendable spirit of co-operation from a few of those solicited for aid in publishing the booklets but others showed painful lack of inter est in a matter in which the com mittee felt they should be vitally interested. It is the sense of the committee that there is ample time for the coming season for individual advertising on the part of those who desire it and in view of the fact that booklets will most likely not be published, the committee nrges that individuals do as much individual advertising in tie way of pamplets, newspaper advertising, etc., as possible in order that this section may not suffer through lack of some form of publicity. (Editor’s Note;—^The News has written to a number of selective newspapers throughout territory from which this community draws most of its tourists, asking for information as to advertising rates, and as this is received it will be published in the News, thus affording necessary infor mation for those who desire to do newspaper advertising.) ♦ STARVE THE FLY. ♦ The l-'cst method to prevent ♦ houseflies from breediiif; is to ♦ observe strict cleanliuoss in the ♦ homes .tiuI ou the streets. Tliis ❖ method was siu-cessfully carried ♦ out alo!,v: the rai;:ima canal in tlie campui.;;ii :s.:;ainst mnlaria ♦ and yellow fever, which are -on- ♦ veyod from one por.soii lo aiiutb- 4* er by mostjuitoes. Don't give the deadly fly a * chancc! ) ♦ Keep the home free of food for ♦ flics! ♦ starve hiui out! ♦ ♦ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ♦ji- **• wat the fly iarve the fly X iay the fly ♦ 4* ♦ 4* ♦ Smite Him Hip and Thigh. The bugle cali of Hy- Is .sounding througit the land. Arousing all the peo ple To form a swatting band— To swat the pesky fly at sight, And swat him hip and thigh. Till not a single buz zer Is left to make a cry, Becauj=e he carries death germs From many, many ills That itoi.sun food and people And run up doctor’s bills. The powers that be have saM “Exterminate the fly.” ’ And typhoid, with the other 111% Will bid the world goodby. Try a Diversified adv.

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