MIRROR OF TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY LIFK Brevard New (Name changed from Sylvdti VaUey News, January 1, 191?.) VOLUME-XXTI BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY. JUNE 1. 1917. YEAR’S IMPRISONMENT FOR THOSE FAILING TO REGISTER FOR ARMYJRAFT ON JUNE 5 Ml Men, White or Blaok, FesMe or Strong, Between Ages of 21 and 31 Years Required to Register on June 5 or Be Subject to One Year’s Imprisonment by Federal Government; The President’s Proclamation. President Wil.^on’s procUjnsition for a selootivo rofxistration of eligiblos for niililary sorvice has become a st^at« und local matter by Governor Bickt'tt’s appointing a registration boiird in every connty. This board consists of the sheriff, olerk ef court and the connty phy sician, and is empowered to a]>- point precinct registrars, whose duty it will be on Juno 5 to register eligibl(*s for service in the army— that is, men who have reached their 2Ist and who have not yet rwiched their :Ust birthday. The hours for rejjistrution will bo from !*oven o’clock in the morn ing to nine in the evenin,^. In obedience to the proclamation the sheriff, the clerk of court sind the connty ])hysician or,utini/.( d | and made appointments of ref^is- j trars on Tuesday. The registrars | according to precincts are as fol lows : Brevard—F. E. Shuford, T. H. Hampton, O. L, Jones Boyd—L. F. Lyday, j Catheys Creek L. Waldrop. j Cedar Mountain—Ralph W. Lee. i Dunns Ilock—William Ma:cwell. 1 Eastatoe—Jordan VV’hitmire. i East Fork—-Charley Gravley. | Gloucester—J.H.* House. Hogback—W. K. Nicholson. Rosman—J. M. Zachary. Little River—H. P. Xichols.m. The local registration board, the sheriff, clerk of cor.rt and health officer have decided to give their services to the government on Jnne 5. The matter of registration is i»t « play thing. It is a serious matter and all persons subject to rr gistra- tion should make sure of resister- ing for failure subi'-'cts one to a heavy penaltj*. Registration v.-ill take place at or near the voting places. All of Specified Age Must Respond on June 5 to Cali of Nation. QDERiES TO BE ANSWERED TAYLOR HALL Government Has Issued Circulars Making It Easier for These Who Register to Req:s:>d to Inters rogations That Will Be Made. There is l»ut one answer to every iinesiidii askeil rejjsiriliuK registruti»Q, aul it i.s Lliis; “Kvery man betv.oen the nses of aiul thirty years inclusive, wlieiluT native hern, au aliea, or even an alien eaeniy, must register June 5. Tliis aiiplies also to iuvalids and per- Washington. — President Wilson’s ypcclamatioii, Into eJTet t the ! •elective draft prevision of tiie war army bill, follows: A proclamation by the President «C the TniLed Statr-s. V.^hereas, rongre:>s has enacted and iho President has on the eisliteenth day of May. one thousand nine hun dred and seventeen, appi’oved a law ^hich contains the following provis- lions: Section 5—Tnat all male persons .1>etween the aj;es of 21 and 30. both Inclusive, thall be subject to registra tion in accordance with regulations to be prescribed by the President and upon proclamation by the President or other public notice given'by him or by his direction. EtatinK tlie tima and place of such registration, it shall ,be the duty of all pensons of the de .^signated ages, excppt officers and en ■listed men of the regular Army, tbo Navy, and the National Guard and naval militia n-hilo in the service of .the United S'^.tes. to present them- '«elves for a::d submit to registration 'under the provisions of this act; and ©very such pe/sons shall be deemed to have notice of the reqiiireraent.s o: ithls act upon the pnb!i( ation of sai l proclamation or other notice as afore- eaid given by the Prefcident or by hie direction; and any r-eisons who shall I wilfully fail or refuse to present him self for re?nstratioa or to submit {thereto as herein provided, shall be Iguilty of a misdenoanor and shall, Inijon conviction in ITie DiBtrict Court iof the United States having jurisdic- Itioci thereof, be punished by imprison- jnifent for not more than one year, and ishall thereupon be duly registered. .^Provided, that, in the call of the docket preceding shall be *?iven.' in the courts ^trying the same, to the trial of crimin- Continued to page eight. L. W. Brooks, J. i ,,,-p jn ^ man is thirty until his lliirty-lirst binhday anniversary.” The government hys adoi>ted a plan to facilitate and simplify the tilling in of ^Dnscriptiou registration cards June i’irculars containing the twelve iuesti«»ns to be ask*Hl and advice as to how they should be answered have t»een prepared for «listribution. Answers to the Questions. The circular, which bj*ars the head ing. "I I ow to Answer Questions ou Itegislration (,'anls," rca(is as follows: “Que.;iions will !•»> ask*d for you to answer in the onU-r in which tbry ap pear on this paper. These (juestions an* s‘t out lielow with detaileti iufor- n\alion to help you answer tlsem. ‘*I>o not write on, mark or »tberwise mutilate these instructions. Do not re- movt‘ them. They should be carefully read so that you will have yimr an- Kwt'rs ready when you go before the registrar. “All answers will be written ou the registration card in ink by the regis trar, who should be careful to spell all namt‘s correctly and to write legibly. “1. Name in full. A.i;e in years. “This inuans all your names .spelled out in full. “State your age today in years only. Disri'gard additional months or days, lie prepared t* say ‘nineteen’ or •twfnty-live.’ not ‘nineteen years thrj-c months’ or the like. “2. Home atllri‘«.s. “This means the place where you have yoiir iiernmnent home, not the place whore you work. Be prepared to give the address iu this way: ‘2I12 Main sm-it. ('liicago. Cook county, Il linois;’ that is, give number and name of strei't lirst, then town, then county an»l state. Have Birthday Date Ready. “Date of birth. “Write your birthday (month, day find year) on a picce c)f paper before going to 1hi“ registrar ami give the pa- pi*r to him the first thing. Example: ‘August r>, 1S1>4.’ “If you do not re’uember the year, start to answer as you would if s«»me- one ask(‘d you your birthday, as ‘Au gust .j.’ TIu n say, ‘on my birtlulay tliis year T will Ik* (or was) years «tid.’ Tli(! registrar will then till in tlu* yi'ar of birtii. Many people do not -arry in mind the year they were born. This raay be obtained by the registrar l>.v snl»traeting the age in years on this year's birthday from 3017. “4. Are you (1) a natural born citl- INSTITUTE EXERCISES ENDED DN WEDNESDAY 3EVERAL PROGRAMS UP TO THE USUAL STANDARD Many Features of Commence ment Progjram Enjoyed By Pupils, Friends and Patrons. zen; (2) a ujituralized citizen; (il) an alien; C4) or have you declared your Intentiou to become a citizen (specify which) ? “(1) If you were born in the United States, including Alaska aud Hawaii, you are a natural born citizen, no mat ter what may have been the citizen ship or nationality of your parents. If you were born in Porto Rico you are a Continued on page eight. The exercisas connected with the commencement of Brevard Insti tute begun on Friday night and continued throufih \\’ednesday, the I day of graduation. All these ex ercises were well attende.1. Anura her of former students ca’ne to be present at the jileasant occasion, and the towns|)eoplo showed their interest by a large attendance. The programs from first to last were %vell rendered. Perhaps at no former time has there been , such general excellence, and it i should be mentioned as a matter of exceptional merit, that in almost {al) cases the prei>aratory training was given without a sacrificing of the regular school work. “An Evening With the Indians” on Friday night o,pened the series of entertainments. This was given by the primary children and others below ttie high school grades. The j little red men and squa'.vs \ver«i I well-trained in their parts, and presented some interesting scenes from “Hiawatha.” On Saturday night there was a recital by the pupils of the n-iisvc aiul expression dt partments, which v.'ss comprehensive and varitd. Individual tixlent and careful train ing were noticeable. ()^ Sunday morning the Metho dist church—both auditoiiuin and annex—was filled with a coziiaega- tion made up of all dtnounnations to hear the commencement sermon by Kev. R. M. Courtney, pastor of the West End Methodist church of Winston Salem. Mr. Courtney preached a simple and impressive sermon oa the importance of daily li ing. Real success in life, he claimed, came from living each dh,y successfully in all its little du ties and in havinf; life dignified and ennobled by love, peace, joy, ser- BDMBIE-22 PATRIOTIC MEETING IN DREVARD JULY 4 BIG SPEAKERS AND FREE LUNCH GIVEN Whole County to be Interested; Phases of Red Cross Work to be Considered. Transylvania county is to have a big patriotic gathering on the Fourth of July. The Junior order is already at work on plans fur making this » big event. At a gathering of a number of men on Monday night for the pur pose of formulating plans to further the American Red Cross work and that undertaken in Brevard by the ladies, as told in last week's News, it was decided to co-operate with the Juniors in making the event one of big patriotic value. Efforts will b« made to secure as a speaker, Dr. Boyer, who has in timate knowledge of conditions in France by reason of his visits there, and who is devoting considerable time to the organization of Red Cross chapters. It has been suggested that prob ably Transylvania w’ould contribute an ambulance, which would cost about ^1,000. A program for the event has not been arranged but it has been decided to adver tise the event thoroughly over the county, with the assuranco of one or more interesting speakers, free lunch and other refrt shments. The committee appointed at the meeting Monday night over which J. S. Silverstein presided, to take charge of the matter of refresh ments, consists of C. M. Doyle, chairman; S. F. Alliso^, J. W. Mc- Minn, G. C. Kilpatrick and C- C. Yongue. The advertising committee, which will be responsible for creating in terest in the event, is composed of T. H. Shipman, chairman; O. L. Erwin, J. A. Miller, jr., Roberti Orr, D. G. Ward and J^oah M. Hol lo well, REV. lYLOR Brevard Institute is the outgrowth .»f tbe Brevard Epvv’Orth School, started in 18U5 by Rev. Fitch Tayb»r, wh > died Brevard on March 1C> 1S0\>. Mrs. Taylor, the widow of Rev. Mr. Taylor, is a resident of Brevard. BREVARD INSTITUTE GUISES BEST YEAR IN ITS HISTORY vice and fellov.’ship with Christ. The singing wa.«: hnl by the Insti- ttate choir, which gave some special .selections. The annual coiP’neneement con cert on Mouduy atternoou. aUvays of interest to music lovers, siis tained the rei)UtuTiou of tht; liisti- “Tbo Sosary” and “Perfect Day.” The Tirogram by the Gles and T3rMui.iic elubs o7\ Tuesday even ing C'iUrained si.vnes from “Much Ado Koihlii^,” vepeuted 1rt»i?> tbi earlitjr in the ye.^r, and sev^^rai vocftl numbers uien olcb. The chorus sing- tut(i made in iOiniv'r Y‘tir.s for **^5^the girlh, directed by Miss thoi'oughness uf jjre^araMiiii ar:l | e.rcelient, and unsur- quality of music. ; p-issi‘d by anything, ^K*rhaps, ren- One of the most’nt'eresting jnrts ' daring the .vtiek’s exercises, of the comnivnee’oont pi »'.'ram; S*jveral gaaies of tuisket ball and every year is the V)ruesr ber.\vwu! ^>**11 wire jilayed between the Lanier and Adelpiiian soi^eties I Tl.e two socie- in debate, reoituliiviis xjr atljb*tie.s. I laui-h enjoyed by Oa Mo-^day t he repf*senta-j Jovers of tiiose ssp»rts. tives of the twi.* so;ii.*t:o.- elusbed! The exhibits oi: tbt^ va^iou^ de- on the issue: ‘-ReL-Kilved, tbjit| in'titate work specialized farmin;^ is more bene-p' interr-};i in;r attractions to ficial to the SoatluTi! fnrnier thun i attending tiie corauifnce- diversilied farming.” E. B. Hoi-1 Jnent. land and Eustace Leatherwood, j closing exercises were held Adelphians, upheld the alllrmative ; ( Wedfie.cdwy night. President S. B. Lattie M. Hensley atid George L. j Turrejitine, D. D., of the Cireens- Smith, Lanier.-i, defended the noga- i 0*llcge for Women, made the tive and conseri'ative view. The decision fell to the Ijaniers, but the victory w^.s no easy one. The pleasure of the cveniug was in creased by the singing of the njale double quartette, which gave a much appreciated renderin^j of anncxul .iddrens to the graduating cla.-ss Prof. C. II Trowbridge de- liV, red (iiplomas to graduates, read tlie list of honors, and made au- noui;(v’nents for th« next session. A tt?.f Ilf hoMv)Ts, and avi^ards w^ill be a in the next issue of the (Prof. C. H. Trowbridge, Principal, in N.- C. Christian Advocate.) As the school session draws near ta its close, it seems fitting for a report of the year to be made to the Methodist peoide of the neigh boring conferences, for these con ferences have shown their interest not only bv sending their children in considerable numbers to Brevard Institute but also dy help in the shape of boxes of fnrnishiffgs and and other forms of encouragement/ The year has been in many re- spccty The Kiost successful one the Institute has known. The enroll ment has amounted to 299, of whom are girls and SU are boys. Tb«> girls on the campus aro housed in tl;e imposing Taylor Hall, which cuu ucconmiodate about 85 girls and teachers at u time. The boys live in frame cottages on the cam pus where there is room for about 1 half as meny boys. The students I have been of an unusally high average in earnestness and in ability. The vocational departments have been appreciated and good w rk has been accomplished along thvs-^ j)ra'^*tic!'l lines. Tiji' year has been unfortunate in the loes of two of the most impor- tant teachers. Miss Adams, who was dean of young women, lost her lieaith in the winter and was com pelled to give up her place and go tii a htf.-spital 3n the early spring. Mr. .Miles Reece, who for five years has been assistant principal, died in March, after a serious operation. Be had for so long a time done so Continued on page three.

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