B&EVASD NEWS, BREVARD, N. 0. Notice to Farmers and StOGkii;eii Service of Ja«.k ROllUSt 'liar- Vi The service of the Kentuck y Jack known in this county as.' '= the ‘‘Aiken'^ Jack, may be had at my stables at any time. People desiring service m.iy rely upon the assurarxj that there will be no dii-appoiri:- ment, even though thcv nidKe no previous engagement* For further particulars ap ply to T, S, WOOD, Brcv£jrdt N. C. \.i,i p;10i?r.£. C3ii .iHd's ani iPosc who have treated t!;cir rr.ii:nis vvilh Argc-Phssphate 3IC «i;-!i»ginr Ihia, ciie;iiic wcman wiih funsters tissues, flabby iiiio Ihe ncs! beau- t'.hil ic,y chf 'kf.d and plunp rour.il iorined •women imag- inabis. * ^ e I Tae i)a1j '>ns c. 'J " '• ]jr f'l i \ »'i' nroji ' Nf'cji l,v1h»' Mi,' -it '/■r\ j g Progress “ool 1 a\M> n r siit to I’oel kcf-niy 1. 1 .ri tin: ing 1L ! iii'C* do as v ill 'i:!s ;!(!con fi'oin tli • rocort^a in the offici of vJounly S iprii;iu*ii !''ii I’. • ^ IJ.-'miV "son I ti u 12c per pdund ci^sli paid for liens and fryers. C; s i market prices paid for We h:ive tlic fc!lo\vinj^ m. ats anil produce f*>r sa’e: Cliickens Fv^rk Leliiii'^ Swt ct Potatoes Beef Fish Celery Turnips We buy all kinds of hides. City Msrk AlL-ntii, (?, . I'r. .l;icobs(>ii said ia :• 1‘coiit irUo v'o'.v 1 hat DO ]h‘:' (flit nT t'.n ttiii (• T: I'roin i.« v\(.uis n onlv bii cor- nctcil by ithe noces- ‘:irv ’)lii •.';;li:>ti'S ft rli; lU'i voiis ^y t II tluit i'- ijr'Idi in t)ui food t\; , :iiui tills ijiii lie qniclily .-uitiiliiil 1)V {:iki*’;.r one (>v two .‘i- !,T;\in Ar^xo Phci'^'pliM r tn1»lt*ls jiftcM* t';i( li ii'.imI, jiTi i jit !n‘ci tiint'. It will in riiuny fh-;'- make h scrawny la. . I' jiiftr.it! of I'.c’iltli ill a I ltavi‘soon women t!i:(t I cxix ru-d xvonul liavo to I'O l;;Mit iiTi'li r 1 ri‘}iTii;i Tit for innntlis . (‘stori (1 1 o t n u \ I !s: I ’■ I' ; ll;* 11 1 ( I i( .)..(•(»!)- ii .■licit i.s r. i-i ; I ' siciall'-' i ’ •mu! will f. , l! N rvi. i I •' .1 li ■>, I ' I 1atioi; f I, i \ i ’: : ! ■ ii ' i; not : i'lK.SM’uit- . •iv ct lU'allh in ono or . • .. irn(lf('i liv 1)! . !•' ■ ’’ifill! s jil'.iij'jilu;' .-I i.x t by 1 ' li' -nt ‘he \\ .(1 li! ■.'(> !()>..•! tlu' n’.".' ! ■ ir t r ;i ti;.s; on t ;ri;' ■ i)ys])rl.'; , I ii^ I'ci'', -.tul Ni'vvt'ii- 1. \.iii _\i'Ui I Vi.'ii'- U!.’ 1 ’l.li If v(a:r vln;;::zi> ;iy V''- ■'‘'itli A! ■ > '• .1 xi ; o :,.v ' OI.D 1 AVJ;.^0 .C.jUOL S. F. ALLISON, Proprietor 4? 1 •. v,'o ( iu TT ;■ *i C' ’I r J £ ?? 5 '* I IjP.isStL fililh ciA'i I-: -Ailv. ’’th sill' l.Ml At> ; !.ta. Ji Usiversiiy of sicrili Garaiins CHAPZL HILL, N. C. Jisr*e 13toJigly2f (Write fiT It aiiiiounofnKnt.) Able Faculty CoD'''k:’=c‘c Curriculum Moderate Rates Credt: Courses Dc‘l;g:htt-u 1 Environtnent Hxcursion Rate Tickets The Si iiurier Laiv School June 14 to Aiig-ist 24 R.eswJar Sct.szoi\ Opens ‘Ul In tlu* A]>ril issu(‘ of the Norili ( artilina Ei.lii(*;iti(-ntil News, a jour nal ])ubli.'lu ii at Kult'iiJ:h, is a tablo I oi'statislirs sliowiji!' certain edu- |cation!il conditions in the sttitc. 'ri.o v( coT'd of Transylvania c«.'unty in fl;i.-. l.ibh’ Inakc^ a good average >llO\.»'l!l ! hi tliis cor.nty the ])oroouta,i;o ol flood^Damaged Lands in This Counly To Be Re-Assessed Jill Persons Having Lands Damaged By July Flood Jire l^equested to JlppLy to County^ Com* niissioners for Re-Assessment, t In the matter of re-assossinent of lands ^^nbstantiully and permanently damaged by the flood of July, IDJO. Tlio Board of County Coniniissiotiprs of Transylvania connty, by resolution adf)pted by the hoard, havinf' made application to the State I'iix Commission for authority to re-assass so much of the lands of T ransylvania county as were sabsta.itially und permanently dairmged i/y the flood July K», T.MO, and the State Tax Commission bavin" been luthori/ed by section 17 of the Machinery Act of 1917 to grant such ndief, it is therefovo Ordered, that the Board of (3ou7ity Connnissioners of Transylvania ]>e and is hereby authorizel to ujjpi»int three fr(?e-holdors as sjHJcial assessors to review and re assess particular tracts of land in such county which were snl.stanliall^'ard ])ermanfmtly damaged by the flood of July 1(5, lliKi, and thfit the aMsci'Sment made of each such tracts «'l hnid by suiih special a.-^srssors, toi^fdher with the assRssmont of each such tracts made in the year lltir», be rejiortcd to the Stale Tax Com mission for a])proval of such r{>-assessment, in accordance with section 17’ of the Machinery Act of T.ii r. A. J. MAXWELL, Clerk. By order of the commission. NOTICE All persons wishing relief from flood damaged property will make application to the Clerk to Board of County Commissioners on or before Monday, .Tune 4, 1917. By order of Board of County Commissioners. G. C. KILPATRICK, 5-25-2tc Clerk to Board. NEW DAVIDSOr; RIVER SCtlOJL 1907 1 O 0 L^)(l 0 1917 Xuinht'r «d’ rooms in school biiTldiTi;? Tainted school roorus Patent d. slcs in building' Xr.inhcr of t('aclu i-s t'inphjyed Total monthlv SHlarr of tcaclu is -\Mpoi-lioiiini-nt, cwr.nty ?-nd slat.' funds (•'iind'^ vaisi d ('y 1 'i"ii faxa’iori \ I'l'ic of >( iiool j'ru[)crty ' ■*' l:nr»ilnric!!t iii Si'ii->L! -‘>7 Averai^o daily a1 icntiancc •!, J^ength of school t^'rm in days The Davidson Ilivi'r school bnildin*? has th(‘ windows and porch i screened to ]>rev.'nt the breakin:!: of windows and the i;nterin;' of loaf- [ I'rs. It is also ]>rovided v.'iMi cloak rooms, and is sn])|)lied with an | abundance of ]>ure, cool water, conveyed to vhe buildinj; in a pipe line litan ont? of the elt'ar springs of the community. ft 1 ST) 701 ;.ss :>*■,( 1 .M i:>'t $15 Per Cord for Chestnut Wood Cut your chec-tnut into telephone poles and you will receive about $15 per cord ior them. Write for prices and specifications, ERSKINE FCLE CO„ WEAVERVILLE, N. C Cash Paiaigat Siding. A ifA. >^1. -v- ->- -O’ mt. bkeezes. i:' ii , ! >>? I JUNIORS PRESENT GULLET!N BOARD TO BREVARD CHURCHES' -chool ])0]i‘da1ion enrolh'd in s(.’ioti]sis s-J Less than halt Ihe j The Junior ()?tl(*r of L'nited cor.ntii s in the state are ahead of Hohcrt Bishop and Seldon Jones ^ A?nerican ^ie.-hanies, ulways timely ; us in D.is ])articular. 'J'he percent- visited in (^rt'enville last \v> (ik. j in it-; ^ifts t,» etlucational institn-, a ie ot -.-ciiool population attending': Miss Sarah 'roswi-ll, lu v m'tth'r : ‘.ions, ivis preseniid the cliurches sell.Kjl daily is not s;i favorable— and sister, !^Lrs. 'M Croft, of At- ni tliiS ];lacc with a bulletin board, j bciii!'iinly TiT). Of tl'.e teat hers, is.V lanta, are at their sumsncr h me which stands in tiie post t»nic(\ | ]ier cent ;ir. in sc’.:ools hfvin;.' local j fcr a few* rnotiths. |'fhe four s(i'.;ar • ^ ii t lie 'niiard are ' ta.v, ai':d in tlu* maiter of lot'al tax| A^iss Jennie liishop came l'i;?v*e f'n the use ot llit! f(;ur local j disTficts this county ranks sceonil j from C:csars Head, wlien* fi^’n-ehes in makin;^' announce-i in the State. Cunsiiu iint: the fiict ]ms h»>en visitiii”-M>'s. Soh'nioa service to th(;j v.'d c 1‘ -lo. i TiU r for li L!ii.-ir :uTan,i-- tlu'.t twelve years a^o th‘re was •lOT a spi'^h' local tax district in the county, it may lu* ?ec ;i how ra])id Las bi'cn till. ir(nvtls in tliis res])cct. if f r oklC T]u' (■'•’Wi*y I i'*sirt‘ij 1)1.1." .t!i }';T ( enl ‘ • "'.s I iMol d' ’ "i 1. bi •i unf. l i is to i e S!'’":f )vd l>0;.I’d «.j'i ]. ! iC.i ‘ i I vit o' lvluc:i1i(,n '■‘'i'—ll'i \ i-ars, si ■: !' ! 'em I -e liiii'i '■Is V : 'ii, ;i!ed with F. V.. ;.n of Cwuiity .1. eios For l)uildin”’ school hous.^ for i’t.'nvosi' liis^h schowl, contract to lu* let the llrst .Mon(iay in June. Plan of I'ui’.dimx will be furnishid by Siipt. T. C. Henderson. 'C^ V r 5) JL oe Bargains O SAVE FROM $K00 TO $1.50 ON EACH PAIR OF SHOES h.:vc about 201) p^.irs of Peter’s Oxfords in broken sizes c »rrieJ over from last year on which we can save you frcw'.i $1.03 to 51.50 on the pair. f^hocs are in fir>.N-’’;'.ris conciV!«>n and %vi!l rnaivti cith:?” rr^(uf work or drass w j various . n ' si; 1:\; vor ioo.t, wOiinen and ciiiidren. in .(ones. I Mriny t'.ni-iTij' c';r^ w ■ set-n : ])assinp' through our eommiraity; Sunday. Mrs. I'^sti 11c Croft is at her . ai'i nn'r home, Ailist a L;-d-j,-e. John G. Ca])crs eT Wasl'.ir.L:r(,;i, n. r., Jeff Kicliiirdsoii "i' Ov. .n- viViO and O. M. Vernon of K’iv.'r Falls were t’.»e gui'sts of (» Bish(.]» Sunday. Mr. C:rpiTs ' -s iier(r loDking after t he in U'r. ■ d Ids Cottage and ex’i.'ctst » bvip._: ’lis family here within thiee wi'rdcs. 'Ph' rlioir sang at the co:ivict eamj) Sunday. k iyrnond Hishcp went toRivi.r Falls Saturday. Miss Cari-it! Burns left last weelr public !;S W(dl as to the churches. 'oi'.iii'.'.or PeiTv (J.iihuvay a: nin' issU'-s an nrL-ent c;.ll t(» all inem- beis O: h.ral jiicge t ) bo ])ve.s entatUie m ('i i! .;(.u ni \r Satur day i.i^iiil, for til' trans Lction of urdir.i.-hi'd biisj lu- -s. BEYKEL GHUl^Gn KOIDS RALLY 13',‘tiul j>a.ui:t chufcli, colored, bad a railr day I'li Sunday, and iiie j feature 1 ni‘‘S‘ interest to the j members v. as the ri'jiort of si 101 reali>;ed I'y ih • seven clubs ut work j on a nionev canvass. One of these j clubs had raised «:;•>. H). The funds! aie t(* be used in completing the I 1 j!sem(*nt of the church and making 1 a baptistry. COHE TO IHli lAKE^Y FAsrm THAT WILL HAICE Ymm MOUTH WATEI^, Philipp’s Bakery Phone 24 for Newlu rry, S. C., for an ‘X- tended visit of about three wc'eks. Ed Cutis has returned to Cedar .Mountain on aic unit of his health : !ind is staying with Joiin Hunt. ! Teddie Snvder has bought four' Brevard Citizens Can Find TfiOB3ll3H WORK acres of land from Gecn-ge I'isho]) and is going to build a summer cot tar ■! o:i it. Pat. COMHESTEE ROARINGS Freedom From Kidney Trou bles. A dollar saved is a dollar made and if you find your choice in this lot it means a first-class shoe at a price far below that for shoes bought this season. Weilt’s Gents’ Store Chiirles Lance of Rosman visited Iiis father-in-law’, W. B.. Hogsed, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Mull and Mrs. Ra(*hel Payne of this section have taken a trip to Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Warrior ivlull ot !>avidson River are visiting Le;.* Holden. Brance Glazener of Glady Brunch was a visitor at Connestee Snnday. Mr and Mrs. Furman Whitmire of Calvert visited his brother, G. \V. Whitmire Saturday night and Sunday. The people of Connestee who don’t get the Brevard News ought to subscribe for it. It's well worth the money. Swamp Babbit. If yon sntTer from backache— From urinnry disorders— Any curable disease of the kid neys, Use a tested kidney remedy. Doan’s Kidney Pills have been tested by thon.sands. Grateful people testify. Can you ask more convincing proof of m^rit? J. A. Laugh ridge, sheriff, Flem ming avenue, Marion, N. C., says;| “My back ached and the kidney secretions passed too frequently, obliging me to get tip several times at night. I got Doan’s Kidney Pills and they helped m i from the first. WThen I finished one box the pains left my back and my kidneys became normal again.” Price 50c, at all dealers. Don’t simply a.sk for a kidney remedy— get Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that Sheriff Laughridge had. Fos- ter-Milbnrn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y.—Advertisement. J “Seek and ye shall find” through the Diversified column. definite way you can lessen the cost of living is to use dried fniits. They are cheap, they are easy lo prepare, and they go a long way. Dried fruit economy helps many a family at times. We cany a large variety of dried prunei» peaches, apricots, etc They have the advantage ' ‘ of being nutritious and good as well as cheap. ' ] I COX 6c KILPATRICK Phone 41 Always Patronize News Advertizers.

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