T>T>r*' A T' ■. ■ i...J » , . ••"IKVATIT) N. 0. BREVARD NEWS \ ;iiiu I i; M (iiti Syiv;in X'alifV N l U s, Jv 1.1017- i.MI ,M. llOl.l,. i\VI 1.1,, I'ilito: 1‘iiblis!. "I cvci \ rini!il.i\. I ntctrd al im:-'.ilt'u .ll !4 ii-\.1;.!. N sci i'-.i 1 rl I III ,il iri . SUlUiCUIl’ rU)N PUICK: OiU' yeiir - - - - $ 1 .OO tSix luonlh.-A - - - - HO Throe uiOTiTh^^ - - - .35 Two IlU>Ilth:H . - - ,2{> PuyiiblH by i hecK. si aiiip!? or money orJi’r. fi‘S. lutii'Hs .«nd ni»* •iii'i'i ils 1 ’ h 1 . It 1 nlil IIU* Ilia: Ci* 11* N pfl Hull *1H' t 'U! t h Ci'VA ;h‘i \v»• 1: Js u':»sv' ipti-)!]*; lift ^ otjt in if 1 ;itt •I r\ ft tiVK' i-ai.l I-»! 1 \vApt ( tl 1 Nt. Friday, Jiine 1, UM7. UiiiK' s:ull>- ir.!lv!V-iiiuato liic \ lol those tliir.):;'; we liaw in or.f hnitNland I'n ou-.’li lUi-leet ill;', 'Hit ut' iliiliri'vi'. lUT ! 11 h» _i,i\ e our n;oial as well as I'luau I cial I 'I'lu-A.' liiH s ate w 1 illei; in ;1 •. I’ tl’at .U thi'' Cl'Uu;k Ta e’i’eii. I ' :n.' w'.K-'ii we ale diawii » ! .'v .• .':v \ari iM-^lilute e'"’r.i’ ;! \e will see tiu- iiaji'^aane. i. io-leri.i;^ a waiiu >i a] [ re eiatioii aiul e> ojieiatioii ami k v ] inj; e\ei in raiiiil tl:»,- \;',lne of siu li an in^litiition that is I'onti il>nl n:' i;ie:illy t > nioial aiid ednealion ' U])liu o;' nol lliis but lar (ii mi eoninnniilit-s, wluie il> inll'i .iKe will be tell id' \ t.ai.>. W'l’.c u i‘ CMisidi.; tl’.e i;’od work >i il, Insiitnte and lln' ennoblin.; a’.r (-■nrieliini; inlbunt'e to tlu eon;;i';i nit\- ot' tlK'^e re'']'on>ible tor t’.u -elioor.-- ^r.. i'L'ss we nui'I re a* . tile institution and what il mean to as an asset of lii^he''t x.ilne Ma\ l?ie\ard hivtilnte’s uselnl ni'ss 1 a]'id.l\ iiiei t. w ii li ['a^-sin;.' \ e;!i in ,«n !iic ■ I' I 1 I'oily !i,i t I ;'i'!! ; • ■ V. .■ It'ni:; ol' i'lU'li ^ms PA'r r; evibodies A ROLI' I 'c.-iTiK PN OUTLINE WITH r c;h of Dixik TO 1.; ND L If CHARMS ’•,) -I- I ■ ■; -I r\ ! rai I •■:! will i'd”. 'V !i I m, lllf'll,:' Kospoiui to tlio colors by cheerfully ro;:istcriii: .lunc 3 untler the army bill provisions i! between the a;;es of 21 and .>1 years. lC\asion carries a heavy penalty. 'I'hat 1':,in>\I\.;n;a I'onnt\ >li> n!d h.iwd b\ iou-''! liH's dirin'. th- I'a-l \ - 11 l>' tile iMt. nl o! i'- -I St.lie t ,i!':'airs th !'(. ii;i]'!«’\\d niH^n. 'That I'' tl;e i‘:ue (■: v areie.'''-ne"''. 1 >o!i'» . .\ er’. .'k u ir..; o;; June l ailu'i t'' I;ki.'\' I ■ r.’i. an he.i\ \ ’.'n^ii-ii rae'll uIkIIk" v-u; o; bkb'k. \oi; .11. ;’l \ea!: Wt ]-r '' l’ i a ’ ■ • ie 1 >i' ■1-dit '! iio;;..w.ii o! \'ard Xi.U'' ('fteiinu; a lion^e U’. I that town al a b.ir^.rin, nai;'.ei\ | 1.Son’.ivN like .1 barj^ain I s.de ol ki'l \«.ai's inillir.i I ' ](.■•>; | the W’a\ne"\ ir.c ;et We an ! di. ki;!’,*.!.-'! I ' yoii ot' tl:i. j \ (.r\- ] .tin:'nl i'.k'I ik.at tliLie i-! iioilnn'^ . ■!' r.',:'.’.iner\ ''iuniticani e I What Ilegistrafion Moons n'ho youTiir l>i‘(i|tlt> of the eonn1i \ \ lew the war situation nx're sm 'U‘«lv Iroiu (Imv fi) (l;iy as they n]) itii'fieh the diitt' of re;.;istratioii .'t. for !ill men wilhcuit ri'^arci to eolt>r, ])hysi(Ml or moral eondi tioii, are riMiuiri'd to register. While registration (htes not noees ^■irilv nu»an war service now or al any future time, a n*^itration of ti‘u million mt'n in tlu* I’nitee 'fates is I'Xiieetrd and from tin 'ill- lirst draft of about half a mil Mon will he math'according to ])r("- ■ •nt ]ila;.s. Ikiiluri' to resistor or false n*]>re ' ntafio!\ as to jxissible grounds o' i-\em]'.ti> n fr(un war service in \ilfs a heavy ])unishment from jl’ncle Sam. therefore youni; men i In-tween ‘Jl and i!l yi'ars eainud ex- ; '-rei^e to.t miK'li care in such fi sen ,«ms niJittt'r. j 'The News le]>h:res tlie fact that janny aiul navy reeruitint; otVu'ers ,11! their unLTUardtni /.eal have re al t ,i' 'Ml .' I ' ".vne:''iu|>. 1-. 11 le ('r s. rted to si'emiii’jly had tactics in tlifir efforts to ;et ri'cruits. 'Phey at‘em]it in stati-nu'nts and adver tisements in newspajn'r.'^ to rell' et U]>on the youipj nu*n wlio wid :!o! V.'InnttM-r and enlist in sona :>ran(di of service by refernuL: t' them a' tlit> “wcm” or “sent" ! class, meuninu' that tlKi^e who re>;- i-«ts'r fur '-electivi' draft are tl:*' “st'nt’’ I)}’ compulsion. (■tovtM'iimi'iit authvrifirs do ni't mean to attaeh a stiLrnia to rivuds- tratie.n. This is the carefall\ Summer Scheciu tCZ t‘‘ ' thoutrht-out jilf.n of eonductini^ th i , vvui’. I !u* ti*rra o, >tMr(Mivt‘ draft i> .1 liUe I..ki ll !io;;i a sloi\ '^ijonld not he as-oeiated with the in the .V''he\ i 1 ic 1 ir.’.r^ ;‘ekili\’e to | j l,.i of •■conx'riittion.” so unpf>p’.!- lar in ('ivil war timi's. ihc ekibo;al‘- Mir.'.nier Ir.iin selicd t;Ie> oi la ■ S iuthi-:n to ihe nionn- tani". I:.;-' looks like '-e iiil lenl;on I;, w hen \'ou : I’le t- ij- : I. ::i; 1 lu. :’m: neeii l> a; ^ \ .i;: .i' >'-e, 'I'k- . he'lr.It. 'Va ti'.e Soni!'.t:'ii I ait :\ 1,. - ;ri■: .L-;:* .ironia! -..IS -.loiK- lar more i:a- c; .I'lwrii'-in-^ ('ours'‘ if actual servicv- i t > bi‘ si'cn, and it is vt'ry |tro!)t1'lr I hat it v.'ill be, ther(‘ are advan- taLjes to he had in volnnt(“erinu* iii '0!iu* l>raiu h of .•'i-rviet*. which can lir done cithcr before or after re^'- |i'-tr:ition "I'ht se advanta.Lres are to •' ^ h.Ut I fecund in the Si 1“( rion of ilu '‘-I t-dul\ I s(‘!-vie ‘ Jirefci red. Some. -."1.. . .1! leln- f,,f tht‘ mi*n with wlioni t);e 1.: n ^1.1. in'- lo bi-j volunteers will Im* as^, :cia tt i!. Ibeir a- ( r\-t. d ; otiii-crs. opportunitii-« for ])rumo- ! ti(Jii. etc. to .sc(.'i;:\ .,i I i. iu-r'■ ni.-n should cheer- i.'.. (■" .;r. ai-t.-' ;v S--11 1- tk, Is a I it ^iven will be hi-hly .il.]'’-eei.ited. As .ii..uri>t seelion t].\ leiriioiy will ''ll!el‘ eon'-a!(.-r.ib;\ II ik.' eul s>. iR'dule ;> ojieralvil Il \.ill :evil'll in an . sj'Hi. th,.‘ tlie Soni:;t_’;i Can anoid. ther iimel\- and i sens.- of sI’l'- ' matism or rethction u])nn their i p:it riotism, ri'corcl reasons f(>r e.K- •m])tiou. if any, and stand ready j lor the eall to servi.\> sliould if I 'ome, and as for those who j_'row ^ 'oo imjiatient about tho matter or .vho have well (h'fined ])rcferenee.-, i various brun"h“S of jhe s‘rviee !'.r.> ! read}' to rooeive them. Is \a-.ir. ..;onis’ic id aid. or soaie inher !'i. la nC jn n!i; ;> ii'.- war liiii*' In a reeriit sp ■ li !o i!i(' ^aija. |) ),!y, i’r'“'.id-'nt Cim'',;!!!! iiii;': e->;, (! i ->i tin; s!;:.! tin* i);i- tr;oii( duly c.l' )>ri)i!’ ’tiM' dui'iri^j; '!i(‘ fi'a,iii'):. :; 's umU'r tlir* ( i>; r:;Mo;’ a'-.e aad. iia' ' - Im Iow the iili.\:a'ra> r'.:ai:r aieiiO: !'e" military •• i'vi I' \vi I'.' e: i»ciiiity men'idi Sli: of ili^ fiuv*'r.''ity i f ('aridi'.a are jiu-t a:' e;i‘'“r to ilo I'i’ ii> aj'-ii ai’arai loi l haait ai la'at):' a ; ii; tvr'nin?, for the liat11 Mi'I(b it'it the I’in v.Tsity I'oaimitle** t'oels it UMiiiii i>t‘ aKile to n'l'OiiMiii'iul just farm worl.. w'tlunit, hriasiMK al)out : oMn' ( (1 o!(lii.;ilion b^•t^v(‘Oll tlie farms ill nerd >r ;aI>or ami flio si'iM'k’’- wiiirh may Iw in iiart filled by eolli”;e It is tile i)in'i>o.'e of this ((uestion- nair»! to jirovidi' for the iTitellipep.t idaeiajr of i'oll»‘p;e men wliei-c tlieir labors may bo most effectiv*. Tlie work of the irainiiip: camps is oaly one of many featnrps that tln^ I'niveri'ity li>i)cs to a:-.ast id. Many .^tmlonts I'.avo alread\' fouml Held; of ))roductive hibor (luring; the summer, ami tlu* oth ers will be helped to find such jihwes. especially flio.'-e who do not 'ome fro^n farm homes. (\>-oi>eration will be ef- feot»Hl bet we.n the In'versify and tho stal.'. county and town councils of na tional defense. The following: information is sought in tho (luestionnaire: I’revious train- ia;; in various f’eld.; -a^ricnltnral. mechanical. ( lerical and miseellan- petis; idane for ocupatioii during the i^uiTMner of tt'lT; h^r.v l!ie stntlent ex pects to In' octiipied next year; wil- liie-cne.s to u:nl> rfake ;nme foj'm of jh'o (hntive woric \\hit h may directly or iti- directly ben(‘;it (,ur lountry hi the pro-f cut ion of t!ie v;ar. Heavy Hailstorm at Wilmington. Wilmin^ion. Two liail storms that hit this lity aad ou:iyiat:: districts did damaRf* to croi's. fruit rro^s and build ings that will run far into the thou- ^aads of ilollars. The first, which came at in the norniim was of live minutes dura tion ami during this time stones ;ilmort a^' larpe as hen c^ks pelted io\vn. laashiiifi skylit;;its. hreakinjr windov.'s and (Utfin^r hid(“ ii. autouiol.dle top [>arked on tli.' s!rc “! The se Olid, v.-jiich came an hour an:! a iKilf la:‘r, did f^r.'at damape in ■ ('ouiity. ''(m;p’.e!ly wiping out i.ps in cerlaia sc'ctien'^.. phe p*s the ston :• drifted six iin hes .i- ep, coi-n was a’ dov.'n aial \ ;'Va'>'(ided ity tli ■ uausually lari'e '‘i.n.*s. ’I'he lae houses of I'ei is’ ; .v( r wi «- kt'd ;ir. ' the jdants ra '-a.k- ‘k'.niat;* d. A por' able heu^e t!:af was b.'Mi^j erf*ctel a’ Wrisht.'^vil’.e r.* aeh ollapsed. narrov- ly averting ^e.ious injury to workuie.; Houses oei u]>ie.l liy color.'d peojilc? near tlie city and i-ov(M-ed witli i v]ires: boards liad the roots beaten in like so mui h cardl'cvard . arf/i •A\f. rVERY f’TCr I GDARANTECO Br" THt OLD fLi- A!.LE^^^^MP OF 0J!A,&w\'do U' i' ■isr M FRANK D. CLEMENT The Jeweler of Transylvania County Buy in Brevard J>flVING IS A HABIT. EXTRAVAGANCE IS A HABU. EVERY GROWS ON YOU. jT the “TAVING HABIT” IS CULTIVFiTLD IN A CHILV YOU WILL SCN'.E DAY SrE THE FRUIT Of THAT HABIT A FORTUNE. EXTRAVAGANCE WILL POSITIVELY LEAD TO FUIN. £X- YOr HAVE SEEN IT. TEACH YOUR CHILD TO TAKE MONEY TO THE BANK. PffNK WITH US. WE PAY 4 PER CENT INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS BREVARD BANKING COMPANY For Weak Women In use for over 40 years! Thousands of voluntary letters from women, tell ing of the good Cardui has done them. This is the best proof of the value of Cardui. It proves that Cardui is a ^ood mcdicine for women There are no harnn'ul or habit-forminf; c:r;r;s Cardui. It is co;i:pcsed only cf mild, medicinal inpredients, with no bad after-effects. TEA AND COFFtE anu will guarantee every p(iur.a y;u buy here will picasc v(»u. MITCKELL The Grocer. TAKE vnanm9mBMmu€ :urja OUR CUSTOMERS tnid they ('an ”‘t bettvr firdcenf. h'. tter jiriccs and lietter service; hcf an el-cwliere. If you v.an'^ F'NE FRESH GROCERIES yon shi i:lfl dea' with us. 'I'ry our canned f.f>ods. Sec,}-. Ve^etahUs, Meals. Fruits, etc. Thi v are 1 hi- he.st that money wilt bu>. \Vc make a specialty of Brevard Institute I n tl , e: V a K e .nn k ti . nent | BARACA*PHILATKEA UNION SUNDAY ^en:. .!! !.x K^v. R. M, CMurliuy i.; -l .-'1111(1 IV liv ca.Ile 1 .illcnti'Cl to t-'-"l'tMlt ]iei)]i!e li,i\L- ( f see’;-.iii'4 -' r.ulli!!;- al .1 far (li^taiiee wilt 11 1 IliaL,s ^ or ! tte! ar(.- A'. :t :;;:i a: in re.ii, h. 1 Ills i- true ol iiKli.itiuius or ( oini’.mnr.ies and al tlii.s M.;;n time at ih'.- ot aia/llier ''iie- ies'{nl \aa; lor nre\arl l;,-l;:i-ir it i" (|>]' .111!:.( for U-. as ;i , oi’i niliiiily ol ]iei']ile to refiA.-'!) ll.i a])|*reeialio;i \vc sliunld h,!\t‘ for lor this worthy i:i>titiilioii. \\\ ale pi'jiR- t“ look alar t'if tor some tli'iiL^ 111 the skv aii'l eiilertaiii ideals as to att.ainiiienls we wouM like to reach in ihi? wav of ;> 1 mr- ist, iiidtistrial, a^ricnUtir.il (.(it;- cati'>nal .section and at thv s;j’.;c 'I'here will be n tinion iiieetiiit: of the li.'irjii'a urul I'liilntlii'u classes of i’.revnrd ut tlio Methodist ohiireh .'’.indiiy iifternoon at :iH(']>orts 1 nun tli(* Asiii'viile ('onventitin will !)(' ;_'iveii. 'I’lu're will bo s{)e(Miil inu-ie. All jiersons intereste(l in fi.'- !’.arne:i and Philjitliea chis.st's • re invitetl to bo present. FREE OF CHARGE U hy suffer with indiifestion. lvs;:c;isi;', 'erpiil liver, cnnstii'ation, sour stom.'Hi h. ceniin}:-up-()f-f(i(i(!-aflor-eatinK, etc., \s hi-n ymi can ;;ct a sample bottle of Greei\’s iVugust Flower free at Dut kworth Drue Co.. Mrevard 'I’his medieim- has rt m.u l- aMe cur.itive pnipcrtics, and lias str.ated its efiic'cncy by fifty years of s.> •- ce-s. Headaches are often caused hy a dis Tilered stonaich. August Flower is put up in 25 and ., cent Ixittles. For sale in all civilized cojn- tri..^ Adv. Claxton Speaks at Raleigh. RaleiLMi "Kducation for a N'ew Fra" was tlio theme • f a jxiwerful ad- dre..;s by ’mr.ar^-raoner P. P. Claxton. of the Tiiited St.aie.s I)»partinent of Mducatiua, iri (onat'-t i('in with the clesinir exen ises o ffhff Raleigh Public Sclio'tN w!u'!i (lip’.nnias wa’re tjiven to r.2 students. Mr. Claxt()n characteriz ed thf' World War as a war for world dt*n)i-cracy whit h is sure to (o:ae. Whether the stru;;KU> be Ions ir short at its elo.:e there will be the j^reatest demand for trained in‘n a.nd women for all the av( nues of human endeavor and -America must furnish flu? ;jreat majority of tliem for the wliole worl 1. Even now the demand is jrreat as a world iie, d shown by the tirsi (all of the Allit s (Ml Anierieans for aid hav- in> been for li’.eoo trained enpineers to rebuil.i fheir railway.-; and for o’her const met ion work that demands the most skilled workmen. _ I NORTH CAROLINA BRIEFS. Nurses attending the state eonven- tion at Fayetteville, visiletl the statu tuberiulosis sanatorium at Mo:ltro^e. Gov. Thos. W. Pickett deliv red !h'.) annual literary addivss before the ^raduafiTiK class of Greensboro Col- lej^e for W»>men. l)ecisiin practically has been niadi to send :i.'»00 interned Cernr.ins to Pispcah forest, near 1 !■ r. 1 r.-onvil'e. This s;‘I('; iion will be ba.';--d >);; a fav orable report by the com.aission of inspf'ct ion. May HI is named by the Corptira'ion I romniission as, the da.te for )i ■a"i' ; j arguments for and apriinst t’\ ;a-op- ! ed incrt'use in i;itra-;t.ate f-■ ’it r: -s in North C:;r(dii;a. Z. I’aris. Sr.. one o' the I 'es' ’t izens of North Carolina, di ' ia ;\m i lieo county, Monday, Ma;. ' was the father of llov. ' known throughout th,'' ■ years old and I'.ad > in his county in :>": :e ■ ■ ■ ( ial, school and ( ' ' ' A Pp'^ ('ross au\i ' ' 1 Ranl:s"'^ at lancoiiUv... charter m; uir,-.';r The Woman’s Tonic You can rely on Cardui. Surely it will do for you what it has done for so many thousands of other women! It should help. “I was taken sick, seemed to be . . . writesMrs. Mary Ii.Veste, of Madison Heights, Va. “I j^ot down so weak, could hardly walk . . . just staggered around. ... I read of Cardui, and after taking one bot tle, or before taking quite all, I felt much better. I took 3 or 4 bottles at that ti;iie, and was able to do my work. I Ijkc it in the spring when run down. 1 had no appetite, and I commenced eating. It is the best tonic I ever saw.” Try Cardui. All Dniggists J. 70 NEW SUIT COSTS FROM SlOlo $50 BREVARD, - - NORTH CAROLINA Departments Cellt l-c I’rei r.ratery. N’ermal, Music. Ru.iiaess, iti- mestic Art, HouscIk.M !•!( mu ::av s. rii iiifurc. All departments are dirci tid by tc.icl.crs with special trainin^'anJ lar^e exjxricncc. Th( v know tlu-ir busin( ss. Influences uf the insiitnte are ah ne worth the C( st of tuition. j Touring Cars Reduced $GC. Kew Price Roadsters Reduced $45. Nev/ Price $373.50. May get htg-hcr but guaranteed no lower within a year. LET US SELL YOU ONE NOW. KING LIVERY COMPANY Agerkts for Dodge and Ford Autos. BR.EVARD N. C ^'our old suit can be cleaned, pressed, repair ed and made to look almost as jjfood as new for cents; SI.00 u month for four •^uits. Ciy Pressing Club 1.1. WATERS, Prep p", ,f Gtntirer^s for ;i' ;i ii; Ci»ntaiii Mercur*. :' 1 i : • il si'-.'V the s■ n- U-ly il ■ 'fri MKi- I !;i > ■ : > iilfliii;; il ■ ■ ‘ Sin 1: ai li.-l.‘S ;! V fnf oti rir-'soritiiiuii.. ' ■ : . i.iI'l'i. tlie dam;iK>- ' '■•.111 to till' Kond yi'U .'">>111 ilani. Mairs .famnfii by K. .[ .■liii, •) , 'i>iitaiiis no • ■ ■ > t» int( rn;illy. aelini? .'(iiOil and iniK'oii.s sur- ■ Ml. In buyir.;; llrill’s le you K«‘t Ihe ^renu- ! riifilly and niuii** in Cheney & Co. T- s- Prire TKc per hoftle. \k 11. .1 x'i.. ..ly Vlllii for cuiisupuliuu. Buy Before the Price Ac’vances The war tax niec.siire will niein a 5 per cent increa-e iti the price of Why not let us pljice or.o in your home beioro tlio ticivuiice? York wnci laving-ston piano.s and pla,j'er i-'iunoa our leaclerc?. Music Go. iireviird, N. C. ^8i NOTICE Or SUMMONS BY P!l£- LICATION X irth Carolina, Trunsylvan^i C jurit' ■ the Sut>erier Court. I , ‘ Coru Fisher vs. I Claude Fisher. The v.ie^en'Jant. Claude Fisher, .il ta.- not’iCe that an action entitleil is ci'rwjt has been commenced in the I ceurt of Transylvania county. NoitVi" Cut? lina. aaid action heinjr brought i v plaintiff and against said defentfyv: the purpose of havin;:^ the bonds (>1: va/.??. nionv hcrctof('re existinj; hetvvtf:: tie ' plaintiff and defendant dissolvtd. ;.r ' the purpose of having an t>rder b*’ ’• s. court ^-ranting the plaintiff an .diverce. The said defendant. Claude Fiihi/. -;.i- further lake notice that he is reqn/?' ;• . appear .It the next term of the Sc.Txt.-* court fur Transylvania county. Carolina, which convenes on the d*r j of July, l‘)]7, and answer or dt-myr t?.‘ complaint which will be tiled in £i j tion within the time recjuircd lv * . I otherwise the relief prayed for .sa>- complaint will be j^ranted. j This the 23rd day of Mav, 1917. I ^ ^ A- tlerk of Superior C'uurt Traiisy>'''.tr.w County.

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