BREVAllD NEW^S, BREVARD, N. C. Notice to Farmers and Stockmen Service of Jack The scrvicc of tlic Kentucky lack known in this county as the *'Aikcn" Jack, tmy be had at niy stabies at dwy time. People desiring service may rely upvm the assurance that there will be no di.^Mpp. ini- ment, even through they make no previi)us enpaj>em;:nt. For further particulars ap- rly to 'r. S. WOOD, Brevard, N, C. IJe pi'r poiiDii f,.ai p;iia tor lUMlS ;liul ( . sll 'ii.uKil pliers p.iiii lor*. \\ ^ i;.i\ v' tin- N'llow i()!4 nuatN .uul pn>aiii'».' f«n ''.'.’o: I ! ii. ki'iis !?«. I'f I’oi '-V i InIi ! -ft!I'*' ( V ii'i N SwiH't Potat lOs ! iirmps i \\ i' ini •. all k I nl > >t hi it^ . ( ! i City Market* S. V. ALLiSON. Piopriotoi PHONK tr MACHINERY AND MILL SUr:^LIES Sup,'. ^ Foundry Co. Ash \ iiu', C. EAST FORK FACTS Mr. Mild M»‘s. H-lU'st K (iilli .siti Mini huliy, liUrilc, ol' ('ol iim !im , nri' visitlii;:: rrliitivcs lii>rt> I?. Ixi'drmiM iHiil s\Ih» pur till' M 1). 'h;i piii.'i n pliii‘1 , firt> m»\v »»(Tupyiii^ i !if ct' 1’. F. Kftnu'nnir’s lumsi's, until they (mii Itinld on t !ii‘ir plnci'. Mrs. Ii’ A. (IiirifM iravt':! lit iu-r lioini' Sund.iy ii I f crix >t ii. !'l.f '. oiiiiu j) I'pl ('lijiiycd i{/ V('i \ III .“ti. Mi.-' li ’Mio (111 li'spio, \v!i’> IS .-t;!' - iir.C with lifr j-'rar.lj) irfr.s, Mr.aiul N’lis \'\' I’. Ili';.:si'd. at iJnsniini. i.'iitcd lu )iiu I«'I !vSii1r,:-di'y ai'.ti Sui'.da v. I .Mi-'S Ollu* (;illt'v](!i> was Mi-> Mildit'd t ;ii r irn mu“>t Sjinday. M (iill.‘sp;t> Ni.'^ilt-d N1; -- N'ic'tiiri.i Ii Saturday nm li t ri i, I Sun '.a \ . I?M>\ . 3ARACA ANO PHilATHEAS | HELD UNION MEETING I i I ’l'!u' ii •( a 1 1 !n ;i .-a> •! iid 1 Mi ila t lu a,-j ^ai. a i;n ii'!! ; ii-. iM:r on Si:nda> ! at,11 III t h.' Mi'I li-'(list rl;ui i']i,; ; > : \«' I't'P’ II ts i! ' 'i!i t hi' ijrli'.M 11 > 1 \»! ' .'ittcudid tlir slate ( nnviiit MC : .11 -I.. VI lit' .^l!''' ! I I! 11' Ai li ‘ t .'u'hi'!' 't thi' ^!l't!!■d^-t 1 >a I'.i I ;i j ]ir. I ,1 ()'..■;• lin' I’l'-'t i ii,u . i ]>:■(.riaiii V..-IS 1 III "I’■'t IM . t 'f', 1 a ; ir. 1 riti iHiuct'>rv remark^ J y tl'f Ifadi'i' •iii.l the di>cnssi,.ii ,.| \ .;r >■;;> I. j ■' d hy t).i '.\ rk it' ihf Cl ir. Vi ■!! t MU . 'I'h ^ t■ 11,1 r! in {ln‘.> ■ H!>- .1- r-'lurM' l di 1 'uali"- w.'rt' .Mi.---— I'mi'I i'a'il ,x!1'a:id i'. I.m Stt"U;>. .1 i;. M.:• II.M and >lr- >! | Hid. I' iM■ Mire, tea. her d' t hr | I’hllatlica Tpadt- 'im; M. I ; • ."i V ' t ;i Ik I'll • ■ i li i\v t !.c li.ii'i.'a'' a!ni I’!.', .at liras i-,'ti hilji ■ I: • .•liuv 'ii. " '11 !'r wa > I ~v> I ;a i > 'Mu i’N thr l’::]ii;st 1 M’l !a i i,r;.> ::i;d ; v Mi>^ M.iud. i;hr:i !‘:k.' and i'. I • Mri'a’..!. I HCySEWOBK iS k EUiiOEN ia th . . y*' Qo 1 * “ ' V " r , .i O'.' i:.-, .. i ll q I: •tv: . \' . Tin n'' 1- ! 1' a w . .i i >nr a t in->l. il:.t w 1 i h i’ai'j'.a i: • and iith>-! di-'Ti' "•i!:^" kiiiii 'v ntr .-d ' • . ' -!!i' ' •! I'.ii’di'n. 1 >1 ..’i'- K' i-inry I’ll''-- li'.vr ’i:-''..' hl'r hriL:hlr|- for ni.a;.'- A'lirv’.i r v.onn'ii. A ■ ;! V- ' M Wllli'lT)!-. !1 Irai a\( I ir .-ay^; \ yt-'ir- I'ly i)a- k \\ a ■' v. ,ik uni., iii'.a ;. \ I r Mildrr* ^-wr.’ji : ii> .. -r \\alr; '..’••-'I' cii.'.n >taiv.'- "i d'' am li' rk wit h'l-it .-nt'ri-’inu''.r: r(i:. ly il 1 'irft I'Vrr I ciMildn 1 ■'ti'.'ii.Ji'i M w't!'" It ]i';tt;im rnv land" .i» hin_: t' i- "•i]']:i Tt ’\J 'I'lni'L:-' ! wa- d' i;i’ . ".i up w it' ]■ a’..i I :':t.-n la it' !ir hrlp,-,! J t '■ 1' -d . I t >■ k ;l ; ' ■ ?i d' :V ■ ;• • !=? !U. i '! -.vM r.t ’hr 'I n'-t'.t I.Pit 1 i . ;,ik;n_: I » .an'' K’. !:■ V i';ils I’h-'V I’.’!'. . . ■! m-' f t hr r; ; 1 .! a r -- ni v ' -i; and a tr ■, 1 . \. - Tna ■ '1 : urr. M V i \ ' v ;■ -V I ■ I' a I V 1' p I. ■' 1 at a 1. " : ,dl dra:. !'• t-r-Md ' i.n: ' , Nit-r- . N N A'l .' -i■ ■ II;' nt ^r ri iK '> d sirlv'.er'.j^tioiis Pivd'Hi'ti;;- j.;iuiar> 1' will cost •SI ( ',) ;,;r ,tU‘ > C'ur, it!* l Onts It njoiitiis, trills .> '• 23 f Ills j- 2 tin MltliS. PEOPLE HAVE HAD TOO MUCH OF SPIRIT “LET GEORGE DO IT” SQU/iE Fliil nil 10 GO Time to List of Rccom.’nerdntions Mnde to Farr-'.er.s, Housewives. Gr.TcJenera , r.nj Cili/ens Generally. IJ.did: !i .lohii "aul liUras. i x '('U- ti\r of ihr >rt!i (':n.;liiia l-'noii ('i ■ i -\ I* ion ( ■ ain.i id , in i c- vir'Aiau: :iir In •! : ituaiimi 'n ii;i- 'alo }^a\ • 'la' a 1 I >i' l-iku! ai;\ir(> in Ids siif'; lit'iis (if v,a\ rvi'!-\ p";-on r;iu ht'li' ii'i;>:'i>\•' ilir i'r >.! siMialior,. M ;■ wi'o.r a' follow : To I many of our nt’.)|»Ir arr rrua-d- in,:: !h‘ lo..,l •'inr; >;' at ;.’. \vlii( 'a i ly Ji; a in ii i'M-:;>i' :’."y, a.; a pi'oh l*Mn frr tlu' faritirr. tlir tnn krr. ihrjr- nrij^tilior i.r >-()nit'onr flsr ni(i:r or Ir.^.s r*‘nir:(' ifont I hrir .rl Vr 'rtp'vr is oi’!i-i niii” of i!> ’ aiii ii of \..;.irirr ilr i: ■' l''.irtuiiat 1\. il’i-; niri: ha-; iM.iiih' i!i ;ip -a I'ina n] it i; pot too nr: !i to liojx' dia! a’l tlir pooplo (if y. :'!) (':': Iina ill i|':i'-kl\ :’a!i/(> t!..;l a i.' fa' iMf';'.'’ I'r ;po;i l^v ani] ::,i!'itv arr "’■•■atrst ;> (':>. li jir.M'a li.i.' an ii;'l;\i !:i d dii y a ii'l I ■■■ poll -I hi' it V, A l.T r.iKa''i'r of pcoT'l" wlio :-.''al- i'/o til. iv iii' rr- pc . iiaiiyv I’avt^ n-ki'd I lirni >1 Iv. s aiui oihrrs, "Wtia' (an 1 lo?" In ansv.t'r to th!' i|U' ':o:i and f )!• thr iafoi i -n of o'dn ■ \vh(' rnav ''.i\r uivrn tlir :ua;f' ’■ ’'■) daar.dit I am i'.ivin:; i ••h>\v a 1;.-I '^f r- ''OTn- mr'ail..d '’1- ■ a:'f hrii;;r r ri ■ "o farnirr, hou.-r\vif(*. i:aiil>nr;- ;ind ii:j- /rn LT' aiM'ah'. . f :in tliink of no o"*^ in .nny po i'ion or- ■ .npiiiii :: t i wiioin .air.p )f •'.• >• -a: ai- a.- ari'' not ap- pl ■ i ■ v ro ■ • I 'i’ll: ■ • a’:rl i'.'^: i:^:>' . I'v ;• vail- | a’llr ',1 a lili.di'a- ’,i:nl laa: v n i in no i'''\ !.'l, ■ ra:i' rf Cn'd; ai-■'(» I ai'rfnU> .i!‘i’ frr'iii/r inoia i:-' i\ily than 11 i-o:aaa' 'in irn r Put 'tuhii!(' lanii in 'ly I"’,ms. jiras. pi.J.i'or or iVt-'huiti a^ soon as hr tn'aiti i-^ laT Hr:-.- ii.' - o'-,,. of oiif izi'r.iir-,' ojipfM • unit ii's in rra-iii.i; ih>' !'''aL'''' in f' .wl and t'.'cd i'oP'. WIp : ■ 1 h- i a P'm a' a .ind of ( ot- ton rrida..' ua’li -. y hr ins o;- ;»ra.:. A1 ■ o ■ h> r I r. i;> in. roi ti. S.tV'“ ;dl th" riovi'i- and V' t.h sr'rd Re-tkre? m /VADE in llircc jLj Ics to niccl C’-c :a qi,'. rr ;>-n“G 1.1- Ol f\cry ci'.r owner—ihc e:!l Cli' y, Uic 131 at:’; trea;! will) • waH.y t!io fanioiu; Tuj: (i'>u;;;c 1 i»e d ■ I. u\c. U'7cr;-. oi - ’k "O'v I ynrln.. >r ad c::pc;'!(*'.ce thrdi. : Qny '■.Vjl!:ir-fcr-cioIiar tiro \alu,: any’.*I*-:c. r.4 J t - ' t r^. » . n ; L\n wo:/ n^' rc tr/j:: rtsf^f?:ircs vc;:/ pay Jjr u^’iicihing ihal dv2s net exist/* iusK' I ires For Sale Py King Livery Company $15 Per Cord for Chestnut Wood Cut your chcstnut into telephone poles and you will receive abo’U S15 per cord for them. Write for prices and’ons. ERSKINE POLE CO., V/EAVERVILLE, N. C. Cash Paid at Siding. II' ■ i;i :i!-. to 1'.- na- ii'n.!iy . ar. ah'! hicli jnii . d V(''’rli rati -i: a] i>at ■ ;• lr> t'arni ii' .. o!i V.nou i: \v ' ' har- \ > : . lovi f 'I'.! V. I'iT > IP- r s. I >'■ pa:'!'.*'? la \--i l.a’ l'',i;":ir:-;' Ta ; . : N- •T,.; 1 1 a i; : 1 ;ai! I'i:" ; a:, 1 1" u"' ’J' : ti •* a:':' a^nt d f ■ ip n. in ' i '■ f' i;an o’’ ji.r ' r - ;■■'i ■.. p.d; \ l!a i • ap' i' • ’ oi; i v ;'o’’ I -Ns '■ 'i'"n:. ■ '■ iar f r ’ ip' !aa ■ i-.e: i; d ai. ■ ■ ' ’ • : ■ V , 1 ^-a'l wip ' > ■ , . a it. ■ ^r 1 'Ua : V o" ■" t w a • a aa . . • .-k and ' ■ • a 1 , . > •■ ■ia:' r , la • • i • ! i’ • a . ■ ' -■■••n a I'' nda a.p : sfgaiii Coiiofer ai ?• C P ■ ■■ I Stpr W t, I ‘ii! y I i cii we ha\e desIgo.?ited as ^ ' . CoUilttV. \--r iiio :^r (,an be ^oun rl bar ;'\ins •:..u^’ooJj ar-c* '.'c^adv-co-w^ai* . ■ ■ ■ ' ' ' I r T T .£•, I'C.' in r'i ■■ ■ . !>■ - 'A i:. ■ K- ■ - - . .i . ro.. ■ • ‘^ 1 .i.,; a vjt t)i- u. J.: J d.i ^'00':^ n.aicriai and c\ 'Hi V >'d" d. i'lO'd ' i '.d V.'.:. .,n.i ihe ;'i rise d'-cks^s in p.iccs ranging irom . 5 . :r.k; i ; ••ii::! tn.j sl'irU irom 5U cent? to '^•1,25. iJr^Skc , ior chiid.’en from bO cents to Sl.25. YARD GOODS. i-.'-.-nij 0 t I j cerit'^, Suiiinj^s 23 cents, Ginf/iiam.; ii! to ij cents, Percales from U) to 15 ccnts, C'jrtain Goods ironi 12 to 15 cents. Don’t forget to ask for the "'Bargain Counter/' ry/ a' ' a ’. 11( !i't • '■ -.V a '.'.Ti V a ' "f ni'"'' •■■! :'na i "a .a in • ip. : ;. > ( - • a,- : •!; I , • ; I a'm 1 a-;'. . rr in da a . !iuMt. ■' '! ,‘i : 1 !■ .a ! . a ' !va . a ' i. a ; id ' n a’ ' a.'l j ' , a, I ■ : ip'ni .-iN. .■ ; ■: i id.d. ra. • •11,; i 1 . .k a d. 'I ’ ^ . a-.' iaaid, .■ • d f ^ ' i k i i a a'. T\ p'-opir ,a t- '.V.: a;d . i i in,: ' ‘ tiiat avaa Mr k'i.'a- « f nr n a' ; !.(.y ' of- . -d I * th*' ;I 111 a . . i' : . a i * is in ; a a i *; .• a i a ' ■ . v ■ a i ha’ . .f •, 1,. ■■ ; la'ir ni; ’ T uaus and harki:'a' l.iai,- ri.l'i-a P’re ]h*L Cl.i'in Cfric:' nt Cl'i.'irlotte. W . a 'i I .. ,aa ■ iu' ’i ■ ' ht 'P ■ .a of d.a M a- i: rii I i' , S; • ai naarr eh: .‘kv in ’"U. !i ■ .. i. .'iMi” to t!n- -n ' , *' ■ ("d ■ .-‘c'i'.n may 1m- liad in tiio' .• 11 *a a:■ riaim.-a a; ral j ' ( 'r' ' a irr u id hr r-taii!i h-'d : ! ..a' a . a;^ a T-'na.. r': >rtiv(' .iun'^ : I. . ; h;a:' il fr>aa'r diini offii f*s at , ri.:;:', c, X. .\d a’.'a. O.i , \’t"yV O.-j 1 . 1 1., and I .r;i; - vilh-. !\>a T!p- . . 'It fr>'i’ !i kid'i of'ici's a* \\' aa- j iv? I), and (dnriniaiM. Ohio, ’.vin ht? (■(.at ia ■■ d. ; 3 J I Ar! " V ^11 L" Philipp’s Bakery IM'.otic 24 n *■- 'm-.t t“L & I L--^\ LAND SALE BY COMMISSIONER Hy virtuf," if Iht* powi r, dirt'Clion and niilliuritv j.dv('t> the uii«l'ri>ij.'n»-(l, vvlio lias bel li ;i|)j>ointi (1 hy the cl*rk (tl tiir Sii|»('- ri'ir (ourl il 'I'laiisylvaiiia couiitv as (diii- niissioiu r in ;i c i sp'( ial pro( * c(]jnjr prndiii;^ in said ciairt, entitled “.I. I'. .Mar tin (t al. v.s. Ii ii K.-iiiU'S et al., ! will Si ll t(j the iiifflusl bidder, for cash, at the court house door in the town of Hn vard, toiiiitv of Transylvania, slate (.f North Carolma, on Monday, July 2, l'>17, at 12 oMock n., ail the follouinjf d(S' ril»ed i»ar(cl or tra( I of land '^ituate in I)iiims i^M k t(CAnshi|i, Transylvania (mntv, N. ('..on ill” south side of Durnis r* id, ;ul juinin” iands of 'I hra'-di, Martin 11 al. and tioumied ;is follows: F.c;^innin^ on a maple on lla- lianit of laiiiiis ( i'-(*k, (OMH r of the .lana s Ihddeti tr.iil, .and runs vviih the iiai' i.i ,\;!id !!,.!(!« II : r.i I soiitli !0 (le;^ v.i si .a, j,(,lps to a stake in said line; then north ■'D (h-^f '.vest 17 j.xdes to a st;ik'-; then la.rth v-; dej( '.'.est poirs to a stake; tin n i.orth .'ai (ie;^ west ') |)olcs lo a hlai k ":d;; th»ai nortii .aS (le^f west 11 |)oh'S to a Spanish oak;th'-n north 10 de;^ ('.i.U 21 [k Ii to a !iiai k ( ilk; tiu n north 71 'it'j; v/est 1 I t«i a ‘pini.Ii oak; then soutii 57 rl, 5 a.. p(dfs to a spru e pi".e; then imith 51 de^ west 17 [xdes to a hn kory; tluai north *5 dt'j; (ai^t 1 1 (lolcs to ;t siiaiii^k ('.d. anij \vhite wil.; then north 1" 'le;' ea ! '• poles to a ^jiriK'■ piac (Hi the liank ot iniinis ( reek; then up and witii the la'ii'n- (a said crcek to ill'- h'-;;iniiin;,% (ontaini;.;' lo acres, more or la;s. Said ^a!e nnme for the |)urpo'-i- id' ijj- trihiitin:*; the ]>r()( eeds d said sale anim^ t lu’ It nar:ts in common enl itie I dn re to as shown hv petition tiled in add nn.i after ( rst ,*:ai ex[)eii>es are pai 1. 'I his .M IV l'>17. \ViiL( il (k\l l.oW . > N ll( '"niiri: - i( ;. r. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER EXECUTION rii'ier and hy vir'ae of an t.\» : ition i'-'uini' liotn tlie Su;.eri*ir lanirt ( f Tran svK.aaia conalv in tlie ( a'^e of 'ik I), lint land vs. 1^. .SlcO.iiia. iiai t«i '-at at - '^.ud e.v*'i. ii'.ion i. tlic iiini(.'rsi;;:n-d a 'aalr d Tra::sy 1 vania coiiiitva state i,l .Wrtli (karrlin:i. will, *'ti Mondav. .Inl\ 1', l'M7 hetv.aen ll.e liinr> of in a. ai aiai ji, ;a. at the court h"Use dorr in drevard. '-i.untv , and Stale at"!e^ai(k .>• II to tia- ■ i;>->t bidder ;or cash lin- jToptrlv att.i' i.>al in said .-leti'.n. v. liieli i rupertv i- li* rihcl as follows, to-wit: Lyiii;: and k ani^ in Dnnn.-t Rcc a a.wn ship. 'I ran>v!vaina countv, N. . lU niii” on a 'ourwaimi on the top ( f :. i. Ij.a- and runs tu.rth (/n -, d ^ w>a-i 1’7 j and 7 link-, to a |i'ipk'r; tiua’ac la i'!^ In de^ 2'J a- p'lie.^ t( ;i , t>.t\e; t ti' . ■ ..urtli 1de;^ wa -.t .’■*) [.oi>- ti) a a.i, . bank oi t!u* i-'ren* li P.;. a.i ■ an e dowai the river I'Jpnle. t'l a a 'arnie south 1.' • d; ;r ea,-;t pi p-.k t . a ip,;^ wooii: ther.ia* soiilh 57 ie^ >■:, : ij* p.iies to a stak('; theme south 7 dt-j - a K? [loles t) a stakta tl'.eiaa' sontii , (h’)* v.est 15 pki ■ to iht' hcL'innin;:. laait.airun;* iS and .sl-lDii acrc> r.icre rr lt>'. 'I'he t''>re^oin^ pr('|)e:;-.- wiil i'/- .dvi subject to the dow, r ri-rlits nl ;ia- ' cl I the saai dcteiKiant, (i. i'k .Mclialai. i Said sak' to sat i: ! y aal exe. a!. n. judg ment, inliaa--:. aila hnnait, c -i -f .sale, etia This tip I'l dav i.: .hita,-, .\. P., la]7. (■ )S i’.Wl (i\. Sher :T ;■ 'i'ran.'-ylvani.i ("unty. North (i-S-ltC LAND SALE BY TRUSTEE IN BANK RUPTCY llv virtue (d' the power v.sted in the under.--iaia-a .-is tjusu->- in hani.rajiu-y of die nr'’pia-;y ami eiVect.- r^' V,. \. N'. 'kill, bankrupt. 1 v\i'l sell n- ll -■ 1: ;hi '! iridder .'or lai'-h at the cnnrt. ikn'r in the lo'.\ n III !’.ia-\ard. county cl 'I'rata-vl vania, slate ot' .\rrt!i ( at■ Id;,;. ^l..m:;lv, .luiv 2iii], 1'*'/, 1L’ o'( au k la lin- tidk'win^ ■ dc>'-Tihed re.'u e>‘.aa'. , liu- rcviT-innary intei.-st III tile ii.iid.'ia t ia >;av. : kir.'-t I'r.'. ’ '1-a' l a.tir" siitinle in- ■(.ae.-'l a' :..j\ t'l ; a lii..t lia.'t cf land lyina i:i i ■tt’a.- Idver ti..vndiip, Transyl- t'., tai tlic waters cf ( rah vara a idj. .aa.ita’ kina . .k Kdpatrick. .1. !’. ( i.p and others. Iv.-rininn^ on a roi k, kk ,k I'viipatrick's coria r, ,ind runs ipath i".-' ;,.iK's to a rink; tlu n cast s poles to ,i s!.ii..c; tiuai south 1" f."les I'l a stake; thai 1 I-t 15 jiok'.s III a slake. a t 'mdi- C' rnc:' lieiween Harriet M, 'all :md .k 1\. (.'latia than sontli P'a po i, ' to a .'lake in d'.c line ke'a.vetai Ikirriel .Mctkall and ,k II. Clark; litcn Wi 12! . p '.. s to lla. i), -t;.'.nia,u, lamt 'inin-.; : 1 1 ai 1 C' more i>r li's.>. li\'- j/dor,; ()ne half inU ri t i:; mill site a:al water power owated k .1. K'. ClarK. .Ml til • re-.a-rs;-m.iry interest c '■ W . N, M'Caii. I'.inkrpat, o\a-r at'.'; ak ■ \e his lp>ni' SU-.;d e\. m.jCdcn ill . 'd I,. Ihe t.d- havin'..; i.eseriiK . t:.n Is of Iv'd: 1 .y:n;', in !d:t’ • !!iv’".' I 'W r'.sl’.ip, '!k-.a. - .\ai.ia C"Uo:'a \. r., lai the .vale dr.. ■1 . rt.ek. adjiai,;a,.'. kinds i.:' K. .1 .; ■ and ot he: s. *" ■ a■ .k'd a.s 1 olh r.. de- a a aa "ii .1 storv-. i d^inaM'" s .■ si ii:;iv. : a 1 uns south. ; iii-;;rC'S vst .si p- !, ■; ,.a.i i '1 raks. cro-a.itiL; lac i reek, lo a h ■a'! i a- ia I ilea ■jout.i ''7 decr'ia-s west ; !; s to ■a -t' IU ; then ma'tii dia;rei'> i: 1st ,'s, k ' *..i .1 .aoi'u; tiaai north s7 devri ■cs f,l-! 2- :■ lies I'l beaia 'ia^. conlainiti^- i !k .ca s. e or kjss. r.';.^innia^ on a slo;u- a: 1 \. !\ i;-at- rick'.^ la-e. ami runs with '.a.i ■ .li"iUt east '' [II.its I.) the puhiii r>'.. a a ., i t (t ll'..' ituhiie road a si uth • . a ■ 15 I'oles, I'.ioia- nr h'ss t,. a si.:,, r: ! 'M* Orphnns' Hcmg to Celebrate. (;.iid 'icro. )n;*.diia lltli. rl;.' rhll- rii’fMi of tho 0!-j)h;in Hinii' at** laiiiiL'-■ t-'> :dV' i I Oo! 1 ■ aro ;i ira;^ i:''*' -.a !,r,i. !' ..) • ■ ' Crt ill e(''r>! ration o/ th } iwiai'yiif'di at.rdvr.' of t',p'> t'stali-j !' ii’ia of lirr.i’ Inaii: dir ()d 1 i-'rl- low.' O'pluiii.' llorp' at loidsn. »f(i, Oa. tkc' loih day of .'lay. t wa'r.ty-*)', • yra:'.- aeo, thrr(' v.ais ('stahlishcd in O dds hora iiy the Odd Follow.-, af tTir* Slat - if.^sorth C.ivodii;. ihr 0(hl i . i!o\-. f,,;- 'h ' I I’-r., ira.dni' ’I'l I 'n. p.’ I la ( ;■ 'h ' oraka,- iidd: an ci ».).ki l-'rdo'.vs. ^^HEAP coffee is a poor investment. There's plenty of it on the rnarket. Don’t buy it. What’s the use of spoiling a good incal with wishy-washv s-tufl that le.ues a muddy taste in the mouth and harms the system.^ We sell only good coffee. , It’s cheapest in the end because it gives satisfactioa. Everything for you tn first class groceries. COX 6c KILPATRICK Phone 41 ot ih.e \\ . N. ,\Ic(kill H a t, la*-! . sei ibcd; then with said .\li tkdl • - \ 1.' poles to tlv i'CL'i.aiiiPj. ' aaii; one at rc >m're or less i iu' s ii'i .'ak' is made tot ; ■. j.ia'-insc o' makui" assets wi'diuliiek tn p -i tk.e cxpensis conncctcd with tk,.- ii;i:a., unt's' aaid to liquiciate indekl. ,iru >-. oi said bankiupr. Tlu* sak' made pursu.nn ' tk ■ .;!)o,c : nodce will kc reported hy the uinii ’>a tied to the rclcree in bankruptc\ ana .. ■ I'l-r sons inti tcsti d arc licrcbv n'ltr'i, ; to ap- ■ pear befare said referee at las c'ia i-, I'ni ' z-n’s i'.ank 'Uiildinr, .\shevil! ■. N I', on 1 July lUlh. l'*17, al IL’ r' k . i, ; ’ . and I show cause whv the sale as s.> rep* rted ' dir.ill not k.e I ontirmcd; or wk.v. a' it ap pears ])ro;i.T, any other order in r. . ani to I tlic sale ot said pr'iperty ,'hall n.d be I iiK'de; ami at tiu sair.i- tivn- ;ind plaec whv any (.ther (udcTs proiu-r to k ■ made in this proceeding sliall not he m:ak . WKl.tdl (i.M.iJtU AV. Trustee in Bankruptcy of W. N. Mil'all, ikinkrupt. Thiji 28th day of Mav, I'd?. r l-ltc “Seek and ye sliall fimr’ through the Diversified coiiimn.