MIRROR OK 'I'RAN'SVI.VAMA COUNTV VOLUME-XXII (Name changed from Sylvan Valley News, January 1, 191?.) BKRVARl), NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, .HIM': 1017. NUMBER-25 METHODIST'S PIPE ORGAN IS BEING INSTALLED The now nipt' ur^nii at tho Metho dist ('hnroh is vft'tMvinir tlu* linish in^ tonoht's to its i-oiistnu'tit.n tl.is wet'k at th«‘ li:;iuls ot two skillt'tl orf^an bniltU-is, M»'sms Soutli ntnl PostetttM’, Hiul it IS that the instrnim nt will ln> rr.'ulv fttr * a' choral in'aftisc nn Fridav iii^ht The th (it lh'* m iTHn wiU tuko place in coiu^rctiiwith tin* ri’mihir st*rvicc on Sn .day :iinniin^. Tht* cHUtatn oratnri.', \vhicli is * beiiiifj; ])rc|)art‘«i Vor ]uiM’;r vi ihIi r itlf;, will }n> at t!i * cnuich >!i the first Snndny in^ht .n Julv 'I'lii' music will n si'iio*.; i t rlhn ii^cs. Solos, ti5os. ;nul iniilrv the {;cnt>ral titlr, • 1'hf l>ivijn‘ Shcp herd," kU sniiLT to 'the arroiui'aiii- ineiit of till' iti'w ciLMn Mrs H. Tr«nvlinil'.;i‘ -.s directnr of tlu* innsic. Mis> Maud Alli-'nn is oiiran 1st, ar.\’ nlnMit ':C' vi!1i-i >n make up the full eliuir "Nc :i(liiu>>ii'U fre will ]>i> i luirtri d BREVARD SEWING ClUB TO HAVE CANNING DEMONSTRATION Till’* S->wiiii: c]n') uiet with Mrs. M M »'liii]tinan Wednesday tloon find suVended further meet ITi^s until la!l. 'I'lie elnl) dei-idekl to have a caTininLr demoTistralion at the home *,! Mr. M. Mm lie at lo u'elock i>n .luni* V'.tT'^rts will I'e made 1" tT.re tlie Serv.-Ct of a demnn>t! Mt'ir unde!- tlu' snoer vision of state and federal authori ties to ctuuluet the eanmnu ciperat ions An invilati >n Is extende ‘ to any one who mav he )ntere"t^“;': in tin* iniiiortant w. rk ^ f etiuservini: the fruit and vei:etaiile eron. 1’he hostess f rved lefn "liTiients, REDCROSWDSFOND ‘‘Drive” for $100,000,000 Opens Throughout Country. JUDGE PRITCHARD WILL GOME FOR 4TH JULY ArranKoments beiiiK miuk' for bis; patriotic celebration in Brevaril tin July 4th; Providing lots t)f eats. •jOdkiu'^to a more than usually I atri('tie c'h'hration of the Fourth this year, the .lunior order of I nited .'.nieriean Mecdianies have joii’ed tV.' ir elVorts with the iMtl/eiis ol tht' t 'WTI to ]t;e]»Hre for the en tertainuH iii of ;i laiLre number of peojile. and have taken slt‘]ts to si'ciire H num'iiM- of i>io'uinent s]'ei;kevs trom a distania*. 'I'he eo!iimittee on refreshnn'nts. ap})ouiteii jit a meeting of eit’./.ens H tew \\ eel: s H I. a’lil consisting of r M jiovle, S. F Allison, .1. W. McMinn. i. (' Kilpatrick, and ( \ on!_'ue. i-> ni iknu? nil Mrvanije m>Mits to iii'^uve that tli-* visitors ha v.‘ enoui; II (o e;;t asth;* town's LTUests Aetintr tor Il;t> .lunit*rs. Mayor W. K. !'ire«se ha*- ('otnn.unicated with s« ver«i men of kn.iw ability as speak.Ts, and lias ri-ceiveti fi’ten ]>ro New York and Chicago Will Give at Least $40,000,000—Every Region Must Be Generous Now. I’ncle Sam is callinL: f;>r a ReiJ ('ress fund tf ."vUMI.tHMI.OOO to el'.al'le the !:•'! Cress te Kivi- ihe Iirej.i;- .'lire to til*' sick and \\ninled, !li>' henie1-ss ;i:, ' tile desniale W lieil his nii'U ;J''t inte tlic li^'litln;^ in earnest. Ni-w York ' ity has proiiijitly il itsdi' t “rais.- • >n«'-fourth of whatever sum is (i. " ;nnd is n»>w cull, cii!);,' lii.' 'hi- iCa^o will he asked for seiiiethini; he- twreii .Sn.lMM»,00(> the lev> based on popuiati'm aii! creiiit nit in;:. !SIr. O. 1’. Towne lias been by \Vasliin;:i"U a*^ d r.ct"r nf tl’,' Jied 'Cress war fund ear'ii'aijii, fer th- tral di\ii"ii. ami will eji.n a dh\-- for th(* iii'iriey in nin** states as snen jas it has h.-en ilet*riiii:i. d just Ifw iniit li he needs. I The nmii. y will be r.-iis.d by siO*- ^scription aineii;; tlu' varieus chjipters, ami it has been arrai;L' 1 that ea.-)i i-cbapter shall have uii.'-inurih ef whav- 4*v*t sum it raises. Mr. T.iwise ln'j.c that the country will raise eneu”h t Igive the national or^atiiza'ion its full $K»0.0O),0(lo over a!il above what the ichapt*rs retain. ' Th»* Red C ross is ro’npelleil to rais(^ llts fuml from the peejd.- becriU'^e it has jSO small an omlownienT fui;'i—les-s than '?2.HM».U0U—while .Taii::ti. for instance, llins more than .1.‘I,**•>.'•»»* in her fund, (the income from whirh j'liys all ex- l|Ans^8. money is noressnr;.' to kei'p up {the supplies and cfpii[iTtie!it of the base ihospitals, and for rcli» f w :i: in war. IHses to lie present .iU(ii:e.l l'n1(di:irti ot Ashevilh*. Ml- Sprinkle nt 1,- leestt r fiiid Mi- A le\;i !i-er ot ('liarli .• I.' will bet’\e ;t!idi lur "-pealier^ \i>v the jiatnotn- 1 'cea sii m. OUR RED CROSS IS NOT AIDING ENEMY NATIONSNOWADAYS P.'itT' *tic AnierierMi.' who have boon ‘heliiini: the lied C-os tiavc of late f'een ti.'din:r :in.\io::s inquiries .is n» v.-bei!i« r ili*' Inr.uau'ly and the newiral- iiy of 'he Keij ('!'o--v V>'>uld eon'^i"ai!l it To seU'j food, nie.ii'-lnes and hosr ital uni;.' n* ierniaiiy. "I u'.vlit to ;^i\e t‘ beljt elir boys j’.nd the viiiekeii people >f I'raiice and I’.el- L'ltini ati'l Serbia," i-;any a one has written in; "but I ;i>n’t feel liie (Kiinu aii\t lii;;i: if the HeriTiMis L’et part el it.” Ami'rieans neei be iimler no ai-;'re- heiisia'i. -Not a cent of Pw*'d Cross ■■ou- liibutiens is -oiiiLT t ) iJcrmany. or aas iroiie there since tin v,ar was ih-ch.red by The rnit.'d States. Coneral I'er- shin;. l.uis ;:one to llur 'jie to convey to Uk- l>;.i-~> r fneir .'^-.r.n's conipiinteiit?- in !h‘ foro of vli,.l!s ;'od Aineriean bay- on,Ms. 1 :it the Ked loss has no jiart in that •Aecpt to ea^e for such of (ren- eral Pershi4ic''^ men as may need care. The ].:iatter o; siiuliim Ked t'ross siii'i'Ii'-*- to (e'riMjij was brouL'ht up in lh>‘ n-cent Keil ('ros^ war -ouneil in Wa'liinir*on. 'hai''t-s i ►. Norton, ene of ill.- idietiibers, aiifj'vvered inpiirie.s thus: ’"i'lie answer is excetulin^ly simple. We do tio’, ]iur]'o(> to |»e tried for tri*a- soii. We do not ]*urjiose to lend aid ,‘ind comfort to our enemies. We mean to atti'nd our own American Ked(’ross atTairs.” rorini'f President Taft, who is chair man of the eitwufive f'oniTnittee. sujv ported this view, ile sai«l that when woiin lo'l (lermans fell int» the hands of the American Ked Cross they will the same treaiment as our *wn men; but ihat it would undoubtedly lie tri'uson lo Send supjilies to !(*rmany :is uo did before* we were forced into the war. S>i .\mi-r:eans -an >rive freely, knnw- iiiK tlial -very ceni is fur our own and our allies’ wounth-d, and not fur the enemv. THE SIGN OF THE RED CROSS mMmi -'V. • V'-.b' { Yankee Ingenuity. 1 In all of the Americ;ui Ked Cross ihospitals and American ambulance sta- ^tions in France are to be found in genious contrivances t» save the lives and limbs of baclly maimed soldiers. One such apparatus, aii[iarent!y a tan gle of weitrhts an«I pulley.s and rubber bands, holds up the le-s of a jiatient whose lower limbs luive tteeii broken In three or four phices hy slieil explo sion, and prevents the bones from fgrowinj: toj:cther imprr.perly. Another, which looks like a mass of small rub ber drain pi[»es suspended fnrm a baj;, IrrlRates deep wounds which have be come infected and which must be con stantly drained and cleaned with an antiseptic solution if the patient’s life Is U> saved. Red Cross Trench Work. Ked 'r.>ss sur^reons and orderlies i:ive tirsi aid to the wounded in little under;.'iound dressin;: stations in the iron! lim- i t nches. In tliese dark, wet places, cold and ill-vcntilnted, it i.s soinetin.i s nocessar.v to jn^rforin major op.-r:itions -sudi ;;s an anipuiation, for iiistam t. War reeonls in France show iliat as :iiany Ked Cross workers as in fantrymen are kiPed by enemy Jire in tlie ireneius. Ked Cross lield service repiire'^ 'oura>:e of tin* hiKhest order Soldier.' hav(* the stluuihition of in;r and ;_'ivii lie enemy shot for siioi and blou b ' a. The others don’t. PERSONAL MENTION Mrs. F. 1* Mc('ravy and two cinldretiof K islev, S ('., ar(* '.'Ui sis of tbs' ( rarv. Life’s Never-Ending Vortex. Life is a ceaseless vortex, a pcrj.' i ual whirlpool, from the beginning to the ending, and from the ending to the beginning. Every death is a new birth, every grave a Lr::dlG,—Macniii Ian. Love-lorn Swain Moves Sachelor to Tears On Brevard Public Square Life Filled With Romantic Traji* edy Moves Sympathetic Jtudi* ence tt} Tears in His Pathetic Deplorntion cf Cascade Power Company’s Developments. DEFENSE !S NAMED “I’m strenuously ojijtosed to any such busitn’.ss ; it's looiislnies.s ; the 'ircuiustaiK*es don't justif}' suci; i men t 'Pile 'i'ratisvl vau’a ' ''iUiity f ^)^.nc•il of I^enfi'iise has been .r;:a'ir/. •({ Th oitiiis H. Shipirian is eliaitiuan of the eouTieil. !!e wa ji imed by lb il iiiil, eh.iirman of tiie North (’aridina id l>--feii'-e, and rcipie.ted ti.' twitiie 'si.v (.1 r oro- mirc'fit. ai^Lrri—-iv co .iit’-\- 1 /vinj^ e c Millions and millions of stricken people in devastated Europe must depend on the activity of the Red Cross society alor»e for the most meager necessities of life—just enough to keep body and soul together. The Red Cross organization is the universal helping hand. But in order to extend this hand to the sorrowing and afflicted, it must havo your support. In fact, if you would do your part to relieve the suffer ing in the world, you can do it most directly and efficiently through the Red Cross. Become a member today. Give one dollar—two dollars— five dollars—as much as you can. action,’’ asserted the love-lorn swain with \in accomjianiment ol wild f'cstieulations just as the ne\vs]>a)ier man a]>])ia»ache(l and hxdvcd inciuisitivel}', thinkitij^ ]ier. haps tlu* youn;.; man who had ]iass. d the atre for .seh*ctiv»‘ war draft was op])osint^ till* administration in its deterniinntion to draft »'rj.‘),(!oo men hetwccn tlie a^es of 'Jl and 111 into army service. “Therf*'s lots d' yush in the ])a])ers ahont (itinservation of natu ral rt'sources and stndi like but I'm more interested in tin* cons(*rvatien and i)(*rpetuaticn of tlu* human race. Look at the cojtditions in i Fur(j])ean cotintru-s where tlu* yonni' men liave sziven up their ; lives for their country hy the ten- ] of thousands and nothing but wo men and a few ])unv youni: men and those bowed witii hl'c left at home. Who are the f^irls iroiUb^ to marry':' It's timi- they are thinking t)f race conservation. Why isn't that (‘tiou^^h to f*onvince you that it is all tomfoolery';'’' seriously qnerii'd the man w h j had been ([uitc untortunate in his love atTairs. 'I’Ih* News last week announced that the Cascade Power coinpai’.v’ contemi)latcd a ^“Jo (IIII. (h*velo])ineTi t ' of its ])lant and that wa what the ■ai-helor was incensed at. lettini: closer hoiiie t > his s:;'i)- jc(“t, the yonne ii.a’i of ajijiart ntly many disaj'ja.intmi'nts adiici with a toi.ch of ])athos : ''rhrre are entirely too manv worthies-. >i;cli c:; s>-> as am roviiii: the country : yi s, about a hundri d rii^lit her'* in lli-evai'd. We need eVerV ])oSslble en(*ourai:e- ment and the devehijimeiit of this ])Ower plant is aj^aiiist us." 'I'he attentive li'teiu'rs irasjied and tiually oiu* hatl the nervi* to make iiu|'iiry as to what the heart- br(den man really meant, when he exph.ideil in most ]»ositive terms. ‘ IIow in tl'.o world is a timid tdd M I' Shipman has asked t he foHuw- intr to sei \ • and i.a-^ !• . Aarded their names ; .Mr liill. \-. ho will .) S Silvc]-- K' bt. ( >rr,f iM'-.\ivT!ji and forward commissions SteeU. \\ . I']. r,re-se c M . hoyh'. .1 w. Noah .M iloi.nv, II WIku tie- I ;iiti'd .stale- entered the war coiiLMis.s ere.-jted the .National Couneil (d' helens,-, the same Km 111;: e,iiilJ,M'eii ut Cabinet ollict Is. .^late ciiuneiis wi-ie creat ed and then tiie coiinty council, whi(di wi'ii cooperate wi^h each otlerand with tie* ivern>n*'nt in orL'!in;/.;ni: and diK'ctiuL'’ the re sources of thi‘ St.ate, in men an ; materials, to 'oaiie theni available and eriifti.ve for national n-es. It Is suir^'es'ed that committee^ on airrieiilt ut e, manutactui es, home s!iiri'_'. health, ra’iiiiies o; soldiers honit* :_'’uard, tood. etc . he ajipoint- ed. ''I’he ]ierfeetion of the h^tal council will douhtl 'ss he madi' a^ the t)io- Fourth ot .lui> patriotic meidin;^ to 1); held in Brevard. A. N. JEKKINS STORE WAS RUBBED TUESDAY NiCHT Hon’t Be a Business Slacker Just Sear These Facts in Mind: When someone continues advertising, Someone continues buying. When someone continues buying. Someone continues selling. When someone continues selling, Someone continues making. When someone continues making, Someone continues earning. When everyone continues earning. Everyone continues buying. It Pays to Advertise KEEP BUSINESS AS USUAL The store of .\. N. Jenkins ni'a: tlie (b ])ot was broken into i.i. 'I’ll siiay niir'at and his safe rohbi'd to the amoiiiir td' about .s; Sinee the tire hist winter, whicd: destroyed liis sfoi't* builiimi^ an , stock oi’ :^o(k1s. Mr .lenkins lias i»eeii doin^ business in the Ash worth v.’are hou-t* vm W'liitmire street. 'Phe front windows ijj>en on a hi!.:h jilatform above the street and it was thri..ui;h one of these that criminal entrance was made hy tlu* removal of a lar^e jianc* o? ^lass. 'I'he safe was locked hut the combination had not been in'oken, titid on this account the thief had been able to opou the th'tor. 'i’lu' money drawer and all wret(di like myself L'oin^ to court a j it contained was removed and jzirl in the L'lariU!^ hrii;ht li^'hts of 1 carried away. The drawer contain- money and chec'^s. Mr. .lenkins JURY LIST FOR JULY AND AUeOST Silvcrstoen, J. K. Neill, S. H. Siniard, W. L. Aiken, I). L. (.jrcenc, I’usey H. Owen, a highly develoiied hydro-eh'ctric j)lant‘r How'yt* jroin;^ t have the tuM’ve to sit and hold her hands and blow threat lumi^s of suLUir into her ears? No ! This business will he our comjdcte ruin and liri*vard will be nothinf' but a plac(‘ of wrinkled, di.sa]t]H)intt'(l maids and t'oi.d-for- nothinj:' hachelor.s. This surely means uur w’aterloo ! A sympathizer idtored a word of cheor and th(i love sick swain niedi- tatK*«l over T)y-*^one. •rolden o]>])or- I tnniti('s in the fields «d’ rcuimntic ] adventure and in a r“trosn«'ctive I fr«ni«* of mind adih*d : “'I’lu* i^ood i'Ohi days are about ovt'r for us. I lon^t'r can we sit in the* dim ' ph»w of an t'h'clric liuht, hohl her ‘ ^ hands and innse unto imrsA 1 ves, ‘th‘ I world is mine,’ for if then; evt*r a da.y when a uian felt that he owned tlu‘ whole world it was when be was close to }u*r suh*, the li^ht j v-ery dull or entirely evtin^nished. tke whipiHiorwili renh*rinir his ' nwtiotonous solo nnvl the froo’s I ercrttkin^ in mekaly sweeter than 14«cidelsshon’s wt ddinfj inarch, tlu myriadB of lii'htnin*; hui;s ftirnish- thinks that he can renu'tnher some of tht* checks and thus reduce the loss, 'i'hcre was no positive clue to the robbery. FIRST MESS OF BEANS Rev. N\ . F. l’oo\*^»y leporls en- joyiui^ a mess of \)o-ai}s from his ^iirden on SiUnr^itiy, with the add ed satisiactiu’i of helieviuLj that he _h“d the cu’niBunur lu this res[)cct. IRA LE!)BETTER OIES OF PHECMONIA; AGED 37 Ck-vflan.l Reece. F. 1>. ('it-ment, S. A. aid Smathers, Julian Allison. W. F. Merrill, * Cuj>id in jtrojutrly jdacini; his \V. L. Townsend. A. C. l.yday, A. K. darts; the tre(' fro^ ‘ryin^ loudly C.illespio, Chariie Batson, S. R. Keid, Lee j and mnniistakahly of uiiproachin*; Nicholson, F. B. ('arr, 11. Hedrick, '1'. 1’. btontif;, hut as for rjie, n»y weatln'r stati>« telling' of nothin.; hut calm Tho conrty eoniinissioners met (lalloway, Jr., 1*. J. Siiton. on Monday and made oxit the jury Second Week list for the .luly-Ansunt term of, l). p. Kilpatrick, \V. S. I'ric.', Jr. M. O. (*ourt, which follows : ^McCall. J. IV I'rvser, P. rev.Ti.st iu.'. T. H. Sims, W. A. Jenkins, Fu^jene , Jar-.es M. McT'il, L. .M. .'.iken, J. H. ('luHo- South(*r:i, .1. H. Raxter, 'I'. ’\V. Ib-id. W. I'. \vay, I . !*'. Wuoiiiin, \\. Smith. J. H. j [■(.IbTi}.‘svvortn, II. h. Sn'jtlu'r, \V. M. , I'ickelsinur, L. i'. I’i)vvt*il, A. K. Riley, I C( er>'e, .hnn s \V I'liban’nP, Hfnnett, I \Vm. Maxwell, Mack N. Raines, Henry |p. A. Aiken. Lee F. Norton. J.(’. P.aKwcll, i Garren, W. H. Mckelvey, F. W. Raxter, Nature Sing” with the deejK,*st and ' r.rani e 'I'insley. J. P. Wilson, \V. N. Corn, ' Clifford Raxter, W. E. Bishop, C. W. j significance, j R. L. Nicholson, J. O. (’antrfll. Rufus Henderson, T. Vince Smith, C. H. Jolly, ' The young lover’s lltteriincos I (.luffey, S. L. Barnett, (*. E. Lathrop, J. S. i E. F. Kennemore. i were filled with such deep senti- and nniiantic sea*^. Y>s, th(*se were th«« worth-while days of my li^e «nd now they are threatened; my ronittiitie sun is settitig, hut they were the good old days when I could chant “Let Heaven and ?ni Ledbetter died Wednesday ir.ornin- at the huluo nf hi.s aunt, **Irs S. A. Rice, ot Davidson River, fits death was the result of nn at tack of imennion^i, frotu whicii h(‘. sulVered a r»'apst*. The funeral servici*s were I'onducted Tiiursday afternoun t>y Rey. John R. Hay anil interment took ]dace at the Davidson River ceineterv. Mr. Ledbetter was a son of I. |{ Ledbetter of Davidson Riv.'r. For several years he had bt*en making his hoin»* with his aunt, Mrs. Rice. He was .1, y**ars ()ld and unmarried. nient an«l jiathos thtit siaiwurt man of IP sumuu rs. m a meditative nuiod, without ieminine eneuin- brances, was moved to copious tears on the public scjuare and the newspaper man hied to his den to record the tragedy of the town’s latest and very significant business development.