MIRROR OF TRANSVIA'ANIA C017NTY IjFF'K Brevard News (Name dianged from Sylvan VaUey News, January I, 1917.) VOLUME-XXII BREVARD. NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY. .IIINK 2^. 1917. NUMBER-26 FOURTH OF JULY TO BE OBSERVED IN BREVARD; TAKE THE DAY OFF AND BRING ALONG THE FAMILY An Abundance of Free Lemonade and Hot Coffee , WHI Youth of *17 with the Spirit of *76 || Served But No Free Lunch, as Funds Intended for This Will Go to Red Gross; Stores Will Remain Open Until 2 O'clock; Thrte Big Speakers Will Be Heard. Noxt Wo(lnosliiy is tlu* (ilorious | Fourth unci Triinsylvfitiiniis nr(' preparing to ()l)scrvt‘ tli'* day m a inniim'r. j Tho ilnnior Onlrr of I’lutiMl Aim’- I rican whicli boasts | ■with fjot'd uf its putrn'tism. i has pri'piTv' l ;i in uoeonl | ■with tho sjiirit the day Ni\ Fourth v'f .Inly is cvunplt'to without its tuiblic spe.-jker, Hiid tho .InTUors hftvo snc(*i*i‘dt'd in t't’ttinir thrt‘t> who will surely not dis!ti)[)oint I'xpectation**, thon^h tlu'V l>t“ jtiti'li- ou high. (’oniplyinir with tin* wishes of tiu* .Inniors, Muyor \V. K. Bri'i'so. ninisrlf a .luiiior, wrote to thv**»> iiuMi and n‘(‘«'iv» d favorabh* roi'.lii's. Two of tht'Sf are men of* rank in tlu'ord('r: District I) *pntv romicilor \V. B. Sprinkle of le\ cester. and State I’onneilor Ah'xan- der ot ('hurl itte. Th»' other speaker. Jndvre .T Pritchard oI A>lu‘vilh*, i** w;dely known a> an ahle jurist, stnlvsn’.nn and eloijiifiit spf«k»T. Free U*mon:tde a’.id coffee v. ill he Morvetl in ahunda!\oe. It is de^'.red that'no ont* ^o aw.-tv thirsty 'I’lie roniniittee hHvinu in elmr^'i- the matter of rofn-shnients di'cided tliat it wouUl e>^st at h-nst with H burden td toil and car*- to even MTve « hi:ht, unsatisfyini; lunch «nd that in vit*w of the ur^etii itp]H‘al that is beint' inude for sul»- M-riptions to Aint'ricfiii Ke l ’r*ss wi>rk it would he far nior*' litti^’tr and ])fitriotic to eontnliute ainone/.t to tlie Ked ('ross. I’ise country dnrinir tlie t^'-o w'» ks cont-rihutedover 1 oo.mm.oiki ti this OHUse but Traii'-ylviinia has cioiie ])raetically nothing and an ctVi>it probably will !*•> iiiadf to ra i-se iii the T>piKhborho\id of .■l,on(t nr > »t an earlv date. (METHODIST MISSIONARY LADIES MET IN BREVARD Tho annual niootinj? of the Wotnan’s Missionary societies of tin* A>hevilb’t district of tho Metho dist ehur'h W(is lield hi'rtithis wook betiinnimr 'ruesljiy afternoon. About r>'J deleuates were jiresi'nt. Many uf thi rn arrivc'd on the noon train Tues(hiv. ])n.grain was The followi!V{> cnrried out : ‘J p. n*. Tuesday, prayer and l>raise se» vice—|,, d by Mrs. Fri'd Ft lin* t —(>r;^ani/.ation. A^ldrfss of welcome —Mrs. . II. 'lYttwbrid^e. Ki >P'uist* — Mrs. •!.('. Orr. ;> l-i, Uistrict seiTftary’s rejjort. —Mr>. \ L .'■^tone. M E hoes frtira annual ino!t- iiii:.— ,\lis> llattic I'ox'y. Musi.-. Vouni; peo])lr's \virk. lie- p.>rt> :iiid Mi>titnte in eliwrtje of First \ue l’r*>ith Tit, .\^r^. \V. K. Harris. :lti. Missi>n study, Its aim «nd seo]>c.—^^Mrs. .1 ulia'IVowbridf^e. . ^ b' wliat It lias Jueaiit to file and niy j soeiet V .— Mrs. li. 'r. Kirerton > 4 ;:-)0, — Ad ji'ur iinii'tit. I'uestiay L'veJiinjj:. Devotional—lov. \\ y- 6 . 'Falk toyoun^' ])eople —J>Irs 11 arris. s ;i t; ]’oov«' W Sol(t.—Mrs W pr ibable Atnt-no that tlit n.'ed I I*e. ( Vi It IS of th* will be tiri senti'd — ]»osS'.lilv bv «lnd;^e I’ritchard—i”d an [ip >rtu- nity ^iven f«r the prop'..* ol thl'- county t'l hcij* in this ca^.■s^• The ])coplt‘ are rc(inesttHi to Virinu their dintirr anl enter inT'* the ^I)int of the dny. I'l’e will sidl handwK-hes and otiter •?; tal-lf' ait a normal cost, tlu- ]ir. .-ft t" l'o to the Ked 1 'ross fund The storesin lircvard will reniaii: open until - o rlnek in '* rdt-r tn l';v‘ tht! ])eopft-‘ an opjjort unity tu >l’op 4jr transjift itbfr bus:?n-ss. The.lnnior ^rdiT u>-ually furn; slies an interrstin:: fithletic lu-.;- fjrain and will doubtb"^ do sn to: tliis day. ’ Take a dav otY. F’.riuir your hool. — I’rof. - 'i»iiductfd fanulv and Fourth. enjoy 'the ( lor;o»i>: ALLISON AND WOOTEN ARRESTED FOB ROBBERY Frank AUi'"n. rnd i'. irost Wooten, hot h liviii!j; in the rwtti.i; mill >ection, w ‘ri' Hrirsteil f .r breaking in inui r.hhniL: N ,l»*nkins' stoii'. wKkd; occurrcil ■•ti Tnesduy nmht t t hTv; v.n-k Tht* next diivuftrr •.he robbery N. Taylor ot A sht-v.Ilo was »*ii- ;^a^*‘d to brintr iiis blixidhoiitids nnd ln‘l]i in ?>i;ik'iTi;.r an arn'sl. Atter smelliTiiT till* j roni whicdi the inoiiev was tal-ri. li" hounds took 111* ibo trail ai!i lollowed it till it led to Fort >t W'l* it-n. who was arresti'd, Shcvll't' I’axton on sus]ui‘ii>n thfU air'sti'vl Fra^ik Allison, WOot.-U '. >rv)tiif*r in-law, who later c-onft ss" I to complicitv in the ri)bbfr\ an.i ifturi;cl ii; money, whicii, 1m* Sftid. was his lihare of the i ' do-T ,• Thi* c-HS«‘ came bet. i-c the 1,‘ecord- #?r on Monday ’norniiiir. and both men wer»? bound ovt-r to Superior ('{•urt, Allis'tii ;:ave oond, hut Woott'n was comTiiitlt d t.t jail. MR. BLAKE BUILDING s ;yo. Aeldrt‘ss.~.'lrs. H. A ham. aW UslC. •Bcm*(liction. Wcdncstii y Morniuc. 'I hevotU'Jial.— Mr>. \\ VV >mble. ; 1 .■>. t 'hildrfp's iioiir. ; lifporTs. in>*it ate and }'?ro^'rain, :ti charge of Mir^s Amv Hai’kney. M U'Uv (’hristian sT(‘wartl>hij).— Atr*. K (J.Tufth*. lo App'.’al for work(“rs aiu money. ’ 'I'a kim^ (d‘ p!odi:e. l’.r‘vard ' Trow hridi^'e. ! I 1 ;0'i I >id- uate->‘ llouv i 1 1 littulid tahl * by Mrs. H A 1 >unliam. ■ i>i‘Vi)tMiial.—•Mi.-'S Uena j Mur])liy. Adjournji'fUt fiTluie-l. 'l ll '.i'ti. Siiii;.' and j'rayiT. ; ‘JtlOL’;!''. Social service.—.Mrs. j W. A. N.-w-ll. ; lo.;; tni. rntlnislu-d h\4siness. i; ;Oo, ( i)iu',-ntTof rei>(*rt.s. ’ ; l.'i, ('uiisocration scrvii-c. j Ad_i'lUi’Uiii'■nt. ; In addition to this ])ro^rani ' there wi‘re i;insica.l numbers of ai I biu'b iirder. .Mrs. V.’ Xewe'l nl 'I’ryon. Mits* Mary .larti' Kiu;' atid Mi."S Flor.i I hick wort li d flrevard leiidi red t S'lldS. In the al>senee..t ,Mi> >iand .A.liisi'n, due t.i tlu' (ie.itli >.'l' Uo>a Lee Yon*;ue. •Mrs 1’ Nohie Simons prv-sided at, the new pij>i' orfj:an. Th^' confT-i eiice was turther mu(h- i!iferestin_'i ?it the Wedne-.'dav mornnii; st-ssi‘>n , l)V 1'H‘inbi T" •: the yoc.n;.^ [yenjileV society fr'im ?di!ls HiVi'r. who took lia It in t he ex excises. Amoni.' tin- Visitors, ncit dele- jiiites, wer»‘ Kev. W. F. \V(»mbh^ of 1 !.► miersonville au I 11. A. JJunham oJ Asheville. '■i I )un- Twelve Years’ Educational Progress in Transylvania County Public Schools Tho ftdlowinK statistics taken from tho records in tho oftke ut County Superintendent T. (\ Henderson, show the jirof^ress of tho schools during his superintendeTicy of \'i years. His term (jf ofTico PROF. T. C. H*^fCDERSON expii'P* this month. Tho new ooard—which is cotn])0.sf-d ot Hdwiii Poor, F. L. Wilson and John Kouthern—is scheduled to mnkoiaii *.deo- tion at its meeting; on tho first Monday in July. Prof. Henderson's ])eculiar fitness f(n* the work has b»*en r(‘sponsiblo for the remarkable ]iroi;ress of the .schools. II" took a special (*ourse j in schof)l administration and supervision ur.d'u' T>r. (iforre St.iyer ot (’(dumbia I’^niversity and anoth(*r in constructivt* school supervision under Prof. C. L. Brof^den, supervisor of idementary schools in Xortl: ( arolina. Proper Celebration of Anniversc^y of the r^ation’s Birth *'(• iiioiii V \\ I lI'Kl S V>'hpn. in tl’.i' -I'lirK.' :'r - ]Tiian cvt*nt.s. it bec(jiu> s til'l l I !iir r.ii- ik'iij.U' li. ilvs- folvo t h(> l.umis v. hi.li o.'i- Hfct.’.i tlieai \v! h a:M;li*'r aii l to ;!.s.sur.u- tho I'ev -r.s ei tt.e f.irlh the kt {>- iiratf anil cini.'O statinii u wiii' h thi- lT*^’s V laiiir.- .tiid nf i;ii»wt''s c.o.l .ritiilr thfiii. ;i lit'. iMii ;.-.'-i)i i t ic till- ■•innii'Tif of manliiii.i !en!'.v .s th->• suim;1i1 iitM‘i»_re llu- wl.k 1 iinp.'l fern i.. tlie Taf i(.|: Harrj" Blake, wlio recently pur chased* a farm fr..m Kev. ('. (’. Duckworth at S» lica, wlien in town Monday stati-d that 1:** had about comploted the erectKju of a six- room residence. Mr. Blake i)uri)0s--s to f^row thor- •nghbred cattlo on his farm. GEOfiGE REECE INJURED IN BIG EARTH SLICE \Vhih‘ at Work witli a ditcher on tlie Southern ’-ailway near I^ike 'I'oxaway. (leorye Ueecj^ on Monday was caULcht in a slide of dirt and buried four or five fc'et de.-j). He was taken to iiosnain, whert* his injuries wen* attended to by Dr. 'F. J. Snmmev, suri^eon of thisdivison of the i’oad. Mr. Reece had a narrow escape from death, for it i> said that it he had falh'n thiei inidies to eitlier side he wouUl have been crushed by a larre ro'^k ora heavv bar of iri 71 tb> >^^,s re.-over- III'S wrr.'e ’I'lmiMi.e .Toffersun T>ir llie ’i)ii'.iiiei:i;!l ' onirress ill tiie faiMiMis : >i'‘lar!ttif ;i »f lM(lepi“?id- rrK'e. It w:!'- riUMled ;rl Ilniepender.. e hail, riiil.i'ieb'-iii!. -I'il.' ITTi;. \Vi:h the jiealii.w "1' ’l'l Lilnrty liell th;.l tiiiinnier day hirlli of a ne\\' na.i. ii 1 \v;is aiiMounee'i. Like her sliiniv .son-' that iiaiion wu' cunreixe.: in hardshrj.. H«-r lieril:i:;e of devoiint; t> iiritscipl" was the iioliies: ^'il't hreii.L'hl I'V 111 51a.v!l*wer. lim;. te Courage j:r(‘w l'»‘ar- h'Ks in the f:ie«- of C(iiiMiiiil dan.uer, totd tier sons skillful }>y >nstant | veluped. Surely tlie jairUs toil. They ( ra\+vl ii(*t ‘ii:rtier fiivors , iiiiisie onr hilt deiiiaaiied ri.^lU To develop ; pi-,,(luce. aloii^ tlie lim s ;1’ a new (h'tkocracy tht* | (j,, naiitn then iioni, (’ontaet with the' wilderni'ss had tau.uht theta tliat— Jilaee ill d'H l»n i^;ress. this reason we celehniTe iIk* ati- niversary of the nation's l irt!i. 'I'he ; 14(- anni" “rsaries since tlieii have not | ail h‘(‘n > ■ our credit. \\'* ’.ave turned 1 fl'i'la tlif sel'iolis to tile fr.'\oioll'.:. til** It.ational f'irtliday has l>ei>ine a carin- vai. la the name »f j.nt riot isui all kinds o.'' follies have l>ee;.; [lerinitted. Instead '■■-1' real honor f li e ii;:iiiin tiic hiy li;fs heen made an iccasion for Kai:i. IVi'ple h.avt* made for 1iieiiis> lves liardshii- in a vain att«-Mi't to have 1 more no^-se than their ni'j^hhors niak(>, 1 Fitting Celebrations. I lUit vi' rejoice in th* han;;c to he | noticed .'ii tlie '.'.:;y 01 -I.'erviiiu' the n.ation's birthday. I’eof.ie aft* he^in-| nini: m s'ee liiat :iois> is: not patriotic 1 !i!id that : he youtli of ifrv pi'.-^cnt need, a lietter ideal ot* lnd i.ethli nce day. In most of tile lar^'e I'ities men of promnnMire and toresi^rh: are arran;; ini: for ouMic L^anies. What could U 'Hurt* lirn'-.ir t'or the na:iffiv‘s lii-.-iialay? U't* siioiih? he :i nation ff alhlelcs; 1 ihere is day lietter thii.i .luly 4 foi ; arousing' ihi* latent .stn*iii:lh of iiian- luiod or exliihitin:,' \vir;ll ;s nlready dt»- liould rin;r itands rau Ttdal value of public schoool ])ro])eriV School rooms with natv*nt desks Painted school houses Sc'hools bavin*' (jrtxan or jiiano Rural .school librari(*s Supi)lem(>ntal librarii*s Number ot books in libraries till scho(d census Fnrolliiient in tlu* sclioools Average daily attendance Number of schools with only cmi* teacher Number of scliools hiivini; two ti'achers Number of sdiooLs liavinu' three teacher.' Number of schools havinLC four or nuu'e teachers 'Total nutnber of teacdicrs (‘mtiloyed Numher of first |.;r:ide tea‘her.s employed Number td' teachers bavin*; nurmal trainini; Number of ti'achers havin'.^ collei^e diplomas .. . Number d' s«-ho"ls in which hiirh school subjects are taUL'ht Numb»*r of state-aiiii d his^b s(diools Pui'ils cnrorn'd in state^aitl'-d hitrh schools .Xvera^'c attendance t*f pu])ils in >tati*-'iided hiL'li s(*huols ! Number (jf schools in local tax districts Number of t(’aclv;'rs empl(>yed in local tax dis tricts Per c(‘iit of school poj)ulation of cotinty ’n b.'i'al tax districts AveraL'c len^ith of school term in *lays, all s(dioo(S .Xverairt* term in davs in local tax viistricts IV''.'I rj 00 I) 1 0 2 b'. 1 ii 1 11 411 i:)0 01 4',' •j:. til 4t :5: 1 o o 0 0 si 4'' 1-,'; 1 i: MONTHLY CROP REPOBT FOR TRANSYLVAKIA GO. County Secretary imd Commun ity Crop Reporters Who Will tn the 1 dlowin^ with tin (>o-onerate With Government in Gatheriri}; Crop Kstiniutos. *Ti.= as t-as;.' to ho heroes as to sJl the idl>- slij \ es Of l“c!;ilary virtue exarved iipaimur fath- fl-.s" ;;iMVos. r\ieii ^rifted \vi:f> Itower fo njMliitu(h-s should this day tell what rhe nation stai>ds for and }^ay trihuie tt tliost* \\lio .are— Thrtuit^h tin* co-ojtei-ation a t‘ \v fari;;T'- in Trv.i’sylvania *or.n- , ty. croj) con«litiur.s 1ti this *ountv •vill Im^ re]»3rti-d monllily so as to be used b\ th;- I'nit al Sttite? I^*-J I n irtment of A'T^icultuie in nntkin^' 1 ciionthly c.Tor i*>t:r.u:t. s. j Frank Parker of Kaleiirh, liehi atrent for North ’.-sfoliini, is or',vtn- | i>;im; tln‘ variofss; e;>u5itn*s t)X'stM'ur ' iutr a cotirfy- s;*c;'t tary in cMch I count.v and tlie cv i.:nty seen tKry ’ secTijes frota to 'J't helpers 111 , AO.h county. Noah M porters v.'ho make ])rom{)t and rej:ular reports will bt* torwarded to the I)L'iiurtnu‘nt i>f A^ri^'ulturo and thi*y will reet'ivo the f'overn- ments Weekly News lj'tter, Monthly (.'rop Renorts and bulle tins. I Hanks fe»r tho rej>ort to be inade on this month hav»* been. forv,;trdeu rc-.jues'; tliat thi*y c>-opt*rate in this work ; .lohn S. I {oi.'trs, Mrevurd H-V ; (’ F. FaidUiii. ..ilaiityre ; \\'. L. 'i:il ley. I’et’.roso ; M. L. Hamilton, Fto wall. I\-1 ; «Tt*onre Hi>ho]>, Cedat Nbnintain : F. Hendt'r.-un. Brt‘var'1. H-1 ; A. (. Landreth. I'-revard, iv-1 L >00 (ii.h*>])ie, Hr»*vanl, ; l^ M ♦ \Vl;ltmiro. le )SiiUL'i. •; V*. ii0iist*»l •'aivert ; L, \V. BvyuiJs. nerry^'e^d U. Sh.iri', S-.*iica ; ,1. H. House Balsam (4rnV(* Vance Oallowav . Slow to smiti-’ ;i>i l swift to spjire, (leiitle ai:il nu-. . fal arnl jasl ! Who, in thp ftr;r ef (lOil. lin hear T'je sword of power, a aaiio.'j’.s trust. For thf'Tii to he 4'onvinc('tj •«;» as as | "c are hi need of a patri- thoniih th«* thin;; had lx*“n Iecri‘el oi j otistii as ^reat as tliat of '7(». Tin God. They wt re convinced and they proclaimed their hirtlLriirht hy clar- 1n;; their iiaii i>end»*n'e an1 then lj'i:ht- snflicientlv to wall In;: for it a,i."idnst one of the j>n»utk*st, slron^'est nations of the e:irth. Nation Wholly Worthy. It \v;i,''- iijevilahle I hat such )i h(*"'!ri r.ii".: siioidii ,>!'oduce a nation of .-!ai- wari. What they l:!-k«*d in knifihtll- nt ss tiiey made up in manliness. iJe- V('?|on to firlncipU* h*ft no room for compromise with policy. The result vv’a.s u pe»i)le choseu hy iitness for great o». i iie oe- casif>r; is different ain! the prolilem re- (prires ^^re.jter vi.sdvm in its solution. It is a satisfaction to rememhtT that the nationai sword has nevi'r lift('d i!i c; i.';n*'st. Tlu' ulnry of i;h* starry ;iair ili.af .-l.e is an ernMeia *if Ireedoiii of coris. ieiice. relisien nnd c!\il lilteriy. JI>;ce;«l in the causi» of liunianity she has never he**n in battle. Not all thiit has heen dctne under her is worthy of pral.se, hut it is .safe to say that few uationi; have a more tin sel flsh record. Ls.ke Toxaway. li-1 ; \V. 1’,. sun. V ;.ei-.-c ; 'i'. B. I\eid, OjJ.-’ 1- ♦!. iJamsoii, ji'., Sapph.ire >l;ifdia.Ty, li’.'t'vard ; Kdwin i>.ivio.von Kiver VKrd, i\-I. Tho.-e r- vivland ' R. H "oor. K. Orr, iire- accept tht* w rt'jK'. -ters are ('xjiected to II 1: '5 ! I * i n5»kt TiKMir.iilv reoorts covto iTi.r biIlow>.'il has atrreed to , ^ ^o\tlln^r ' ttn -t» ri.vjuH tive l.-rntory as far as i t 'I I ansvlvaida covintv secrerary. 4ie lias natoed several (*ommurv.;y cTvjp reporters. From their rt'pfVts will i*ompjh> ii county rt‘j‘oj t to iv- lijrwanievl to the State fieiil who will j VurtheT ct'inp'iie «nd J’orwartl to | r. p.irt ,.i rmi.htiuns; ,„p,Tii.-siiav doi-iilocl to invB*fi BETTERMENT WORK Tlu- .elution at its Tlie •.'•fvcrnnv’it fnt ni?ihes blanks and other stationerv tne re-, , , J * , 1 i wiiicli pi.rier>, a fid county sec"i^rary, ' tnrrish the inforinatuui, i.'iakinj? no chartio and rec ivim_- ft)r their service in making the monthly rc])orts. Hlanks will !te mailed each month to the re])orters, who are r»M|ut'.-'ted to nrortii tiy tdl in and return to the secretary on dates designated. The names of re- •enient V ;,lij ill frtiilt of tht' s ’lnatl It lilein^ joi* •eii ib)Tiat»Ml, alM.tiu* cost ot ioov.:i-H numDei* • >i '•’^'I'lins in the rear of the school building. iviii/. ibt‘th'*Boystian spoke on the importance of health conserva tion throu^'h physical education. The next meeting will be held in Augu.st.

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