MIRROK OK TKANSYIjVANIA COUNTY 1^11'i; (Name changed from Sylvan Valley News, January 1, 1917.) VOLUME-XXII BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, JULY 13. 1917. NUMBER-28 BREVMD HED CROSS HAS BEEN ORGANIZED Hamilton Tlolnios niid Dr. (iniy of Tryon spoko to a luiinbrr of Bro- Vard |HH)plo Monday niijht at llu' court house, ]>rt*sontint; tin* ntu'ds and clnims of tlu* Aiiu'iu Hn Hed Cross. Tho spenkers \v*t»‘ intro duced l)y .1. S. Silvrrstoin. At the close i>f the ud(lres^'es, T. U. Shipman mit(h‘ ii nuttion to rt^- ect an ortriviu/ition, which whk hdoptod, and a coiiinnttee \nhs up- pointed to canvass the aud'.t-nee for luenihers. T'vi'nty st'ven names ■wore added to tlie 1''who *‘niolU‘d as niemhtTs hist wt.*ek ol tin* Ashe- viUo chajiter It was decnh'd to nn-orporate the auxiliary orf.rMnr/.“d last week with the new nn*mht*rs and witli tl'.i>S(‘ who were already menil'ers ot tlie national urfjram/'ititin. niakimr a total of about ''O, and with thesi- establish a local eh:i]tt» r. The olTu’ers of the Huxiliftrv pre viously t>r^'Uii/t‘d wi'Vf ; Kev. .lohii K. H.-iy, chainnMn ; A H. Ki/,t*r, secretary . H N ('arner. treasurer. 1,800 FtlM INQUIRIES BROUGHT FEW REPLIES Less Than 200 Replies Received From Inquiry Sent Out By Local Bank to Ascertain Farm ing and Gardening Status. FRENCH BROAD GAMP HAS GOOD OPENING Frrn( li lin a l .Inly ;! \Nith 11' prospects of the HUally tint', Tlic last vear was '.M were sui)])Osed to able. Major H 1'. Kaint's, t " n late dat»* before the oitcnini:, had few expectations of cnr' ll;r.;_' a lars^f number of boys this stunnicr and W’as really uiiprejiarcd for >ueh an incrrast* ovt t la>t vear's attiiid- nnce. 'I’l- nit't t the ilemaiul h‘ was eom])elh‘d t>' tfle^^raph t.i ('harli'S- ton for inijre tents, aijil it lit'caiiu’ neces.sary to t iilurtri* thr dinintr ro^)in and make other additi^ iis to the cam]i etpr.pmont MANY LOCAL RECRUITS FOR MACHINE GUN CORPS Kn;:('ni* Allisiui rt-cfntly n ■■civeil Jij)])ointTnt'nt as ."rrL:t'ant with an tlmrity t.i Vhi'-r vi iiiiitcfis t a- a e>)m]»any of maunttd niacliinf i:\iu mrn, iindrr c. ii.numd r-f Iv. i.('herryuf 1 iit^tunia. 'I'lif (cin- I)tiny at full strfimth will havt> '.'1 rnt-n, wln> will In- rtcruitt'd wlu'liy frnm WfsT'-rn N ith Carolina. Sergeant AIIismu liiis sure.-(‘did in rai>inu' nun fr,.rn tin-' uunly. most of wli. :ii arc tr'':u IJi sman. Tlie l?revard Banking company, about six wet'ks ajit*, .sent out a nnn\ber of ]>ost cards t«) farmers and others snspectei of havini' fanning tondeneies, for the purpose of f^atherin;; infurnuitii>n (“oneern- in:^ th;s year’s crops 'I'liere were blanks to be tilled about tlie number of acres ]tlanted in corn, i)otatoes, iiTid otht'r field crops, and also (]iu‘S- tions «lin'cted to ])ersons iniltivat- iim only snuill ])ieces of land. 'I'here wer»? It'itoof these stamped cards sent t»ut. Ia*ss than ',’0(' were answert'il. For the whole county, th>‘refore, the information fxatliered WHS m»*a^re and hardly justifn'd the turn* and trouble of the under taking:, which certainly had a use ful purpost*. A flood many of tin* answers were from thos»> cultivat- in^r trardens, l»ut not many of thi‘s«* were raisin;^ vegetables to sell. Only a very few were from those v.bo were uiulertakin;.: ;;ardeiiinu fi’r the first time. v>iiic!i indicates that nmst of tlie ]>eo]ile liavi* been raisitii; v»‘LTetable> lor iheir own list' and that tliei'o has been marked increaM* in tlu* ranks t)f LT.irdeners. Sonu* of the rejilit's showed con- siderablt' interest in the riiisih^ of foodstnlTs. oTie man savinir that h** mure favor- j limi jilou^hed up his back yard tv) ! ir.eet the emergency, ant'ther le- clarint:. “By the hel]» of the Lord 1 intend to rai>e iny own living this year ■■ GANTATA-ORATORIO SUNDAY NIGHT AT METHODIST CHURCH EDUCATIONAL BOARD INrKkIv)U OF METHODIST CHURCH HEKORE INSTALLATION OK PIPE ORGAN As a recital in connection with , With vt*ry fi^w exceptions, all the tlu' installation of tlu* new ]>ipc^ songs are taken lit(‘rally from the organ, "The Divine Shejilfrd,” a Hible. ('untata-i»ratorio, will be given at Tliose having solo ]iarts are tlu! Methoilist church on Sunday Misses Flora Duckworth, Mary night by H number of singers under .lan(* King and (Jrace .Mynatt, so- the direction of .\lrs. (\ H. Trow- j>ranos; Mrs. >. W. (Godfrey, bridge. Misses Frankie fvilj)atrick, Kather- Mrs. Trowbridire has devoted in(* Frwin and Loree Smith, con mu('h time in the drilling of traltos; t'. Harwell, tenor ;(i, choruses, and one or mort> singers F. Lathrop, bass. The cliorus singers are Mesdames cam]) ojH-ned on ]iu;iils, itiid the se.'ison are unu- total eTirollll;ent when ■•o!i(l'.ti(ins be h.'tve been selected from the clioirs of all t lie local churches. 'I’he mnsic ls of a nature t • make it specially Isuitiibleto ])i[>e origan aecomj)ani- [ nuMit. a ]tart whi( h will bt* })cr- fornu (I by Mi>s Maml Allison. 'Fhe ])ublic ha;> been invited to this recital. \V. l-^ I’oovey, Welch (lalloway. (4. ('. Kiljiatrick, ^L M. King. (>. T. Crary, sopranos; Mrs. L. II. Hay IK'S and Mrs. A. M \'erdery, contraltos ; 1* L. (ialhimore. Her cordially man Jordan, A. B. Kiley and .John , Hamrick, tenors; \V. H. and Ku- CROI> INCREASE SHOWN HELD BUSY SESSION IN TRANSYLVANIA CO. Tho board of education met on Mojiday to Htt(;nd to matters con tinued from the r«“gular .Inly meet ing The cdntract for building the new school houses for the Fenrose high school was let to I*. F. Mc(iruire on Ills bid of 'I'lie house will be constructed ot wood accord ing tt» ]tlan N(j. I of the state build ing plans, Hnd will be a rootny structure suflicient to accommo date all the various dei)artments of the high school. The hojird ajjpropriated funds for assisting tlu; Car.-ons creek dis trict in covering their school hou.se. Ai)proi)riation w'as also made for rental on the Turkey creek build ing. Tbe salary of county sujierinten- dent was fixed at a month, or $'.()() a V(*ar, as in tlu> jirtivious term. The board ap-pointed the cluiir- m(*n of th'.' various district school committees as attendance ciHicers to enforce the requirements of the comi>ulsorj* law. BREVARD CUTS TUNNEL TO UY SEWER LINE \Vhlie the cantata consists of sep- gt'Pe Allison, .lot' Kiehle, (-iaither crate number'^, tlu‘ ctmnt'cting ('orpening and Cecil Shelheld, tlK'ine is the life of riirist. Fir.^t bas."(‘s. are ])ro])liecies of His coming, then In addition to the or;j:an accom- the story of liis birth, next His life ])animent, instrumental parts are and teaching's, and linally His su])plied by Mr. and Mrs. \V. H, (h'ath, resurrt“(‘tioii and ascension. Harris with cornet and clarinet. CANNING CLUB WILL FURNISH CANS CHEAP ! The Canning chili of Brevard i wants all ]*eo])le of Ti ansylvania I county w’lhi are interestetl in can- j niniz to know that (“tins may be ' secured from tin* said club at four ct nt" a can or less, ]>r'.vided a> | ; ni.iny as forty thousand cans are ^ll:ned for. 'I'hcse can«' n-tail at se \ I n c(‘nts, but tlirou^h tlu' go veru- ineT'.t a car U.iail may be bouixlit for the above itrice. Any ]iersoii who . want> tliese cans will ]ilt ase notify Mrs. M. Macfie bid'ore .luU ■Mr. 'rrviwbridge t»f Brt vard Insti tute will d'l your cann.ng lor vtjii I at a rt'asoiiable ])rict‘ on Tuesday I and Friday of each v,fek. Any fanner having a >ur])lus aniotint of ! vi'getaMl'S itiiiy di>])t)sc ot tht*!ii to ! the club on canning ilav.'. at a (aptain t h. rrv was here tli'.s week, ; ... , 1 „ 1 „ I, >. I ♦' : reasonable iiiii'c.or the>e veiretjibles und ordt.'r-' ha\c t;ei ii i>-ueil tor- ' Ihe men t'^ leave here t>n ’riiur'^ilay f»»r (ia."tt»nia, v.here they will lie sworn into the letieral servict'. The coinj.aiiy. when fully re j cruited. w ill b" >’ibje f t > a call to j TEACHERS EXAMINED the colors "11 Auirust -i. It will may bi^ exehangt'il ft r cans. I’lu' cans are ti,* l»e storetl in tlu' Allison building on Main street. In laying tho sewer line to take care of stowage em})tving into Brushy creek and that from the 'Pransyl vania '^I’anning com])any when the plant bt'gins opt'raiions tlie town struck tjuite a gigantic task. Xo great ditliculty was encuuntered in following the con tour of the hill ah>ng Brushy creek, but (.n leaving tlm creek for a vhortcr routt* to the river and crossini,' the road at a low ])oint shortly this sitii* t.f the home of K. W. Blythe it w'ls nec.'ssary to iiuiy the line feet into t*arth :n oriler to elTect a jirojier gradi'. At the ]>oint where the lin crosst's Mu* rttatl so mueh digirint: Would havt- been nect'ssary for a dit('h that thret* wt'ils were* (Iul: and till.' earth tunneled for several f(*et. A windlass was erected over one of the wells to make l»*ss ditli- cult till' rt'tiioval of water and ■arth. A small f(jrce of hands has been (‘mj>loyi‘d at and m ar this jiuint for a good long 'vhilo Most of the tw»*nty crop report ers who were r»*eently ref|nested to make a monttily »*stimate of crop Conditions iTi their resj)eetivo com- munitif's faihnl in th(* first attempt since onlv nine resiK)nded with the government reports fjlle«i out. These reports showed the a verage iix-ren.se in corn acreat'e. uf about 'J't ])er c(*nt with conditiDus jaxjr owing to dtl weather last month There was an averatre j>er cent in. rease in Iri'-h potato f.Toj) with conditions favorable, an average cro]» af sweet ])otatoes and rye, but nly ahoiit 7.‘ per c«'nt of a hay croji; not half a crop of ai»i>les ; not an avc'raixf* jiasturaire, j)robably due to crop acn*age. and at^out an average crop of vegetables, scarcely any jteaches, little over half crop of irrajM'S ; with blackberry crop a lit tle ofT and sorghum cane about normal. Th(* Irish potato croj) was re- ])orted as doubled in acreage at Blantyre and (Quebec. The News editor, who is acting as county secretary, and who sends out the blanks and tabulates the re ports and forwards to Raleit^h, will forward the s(*cond batch of blanks the latter part of th* month for the •Inly report in tht* hope of fuller returns from all the reporters. The names of those reporting follow: ('. F. Baldwin. ^ son, .1. H. House, W. }’ Leon (fillesj>ie. C. H - ■ Zachary, Geo. W Poor. .n ‘TEN VIRCIHS” Bi • IkTmEA CLASS WAS WELl RECIEVED support the Fir^t N C ;-.ivalry COMPLAINTS TO COMMISSIONERS The county ( n.n is'-loriers met on .Monday n, r:.:t ' U'. ordin^' t" rc(‘ess on .1 uly ('om]ilaiiits Wert hen!’ ! on ta xes for r.'iraii'l adju-tui'-nt-' matle. Tbe (d»*rk WHS orilere 1 to forwiiril foni])iaints to t!ie ci i p.'r.ition com mission. The c'lcrk wa** onl, tfd to serve notic'es on ta.\ payr'r*- who ha i not listed to appear anti L'ivi' in lists of ]»roperty for taxati n. MOVIES EVERY NiCHT Movie fans in and around Bre vard are now (*njoyii'g motion i)ic- tnres every night in the w’eek t*.v- cept Sunday. The daily program was inangurat('d last week and will continue through th(* summer. The management is showing a good lino of pictures and they are en joyed by tairly ^ood crowds. Superinteridt lit A. F. Mitchell iieltl exaiinnations t)f flu* applicants for e auity te.'ielu'rs' certilicates at tile graded school on Monday, Tues day and Wethiesday accortling t«; nistriK tions from tht' state board, ami iilso gave oi)portunity to those who hatl been misinforn»ed about the dates of e.\amination to take the examination f(_>r stM'ond gratb* certificates on Thursday and Fii- day. 'I’lK'n'were 11 a]»i)licants on the first two days, of whom only two took tlr* examination for first gradt' cc'rtiticates. Xoneot the a])plicants were men. UNION MEETING AT TOXAWAY 1.%- Arn‘ri aii I’r- -.s .\.--s Secretary of War Newton D. Baker. I’hi.to Itv Pr. -\ss. ii iati.in. Chief of Militia Affairs William A. Mann. TriE cnuRcn EXPAnwnG Th(* union meetim: of churches of the Transylvania Baptist assc- ciation will meet with the Lake Toxaway church .Inly 27-‘i0. All j)astors of churches in the assucda- tion are urged to attend and get a good delegatif)n to attend and make the meetint-'s a succc'ss. sTrorr\ol2o s “ft OapporLC) E)cUzr Pablio ^tScKooit:) PrOvidQ^ R.ecr(2e^tior\ Dt^vJcpo I I iJOUlU( Pro:»pcrit>i c3pint Good Co opQ.r5.tQ-o WiiK. OtKo-r C O rr\-rr\. u. rx 11 y CultiV(!wtZ^ OpirrLuo..! Growl K, frorPsoteo Ovic R.idK.tzout!)r\2,o Trairvo) for ^(z.rvieG. DxiVdlopcLi) LoV(3ilt/To [jeve!ope>5 R.i(^KL Id e 2^.1 o C‘orr\rr\ar\!t Good lionvzo ENROLLMENT AT CAMP SAPPHIRE IS BROWING The ('urollmcnt at cam]) Sa])pl'.ii e. whicli recently had tpiite an au spicious ojiening, has incrcasetl un til it has rca'-ht'd r.’.'i. In additiim ti> this number of ])Uj)ils there are instructors. SOME OF THE REGISTERED CONFUSED OVER NUMBERS When tht' st'lectivi*. ttraft regis tration was madi! the rt'gistration cards were numbiTed serially at each registration ]>laCi*. The t'X- “'I'hc Ten Virgins," the song and sacred ])lay renib'rt'd by the ^hila- tht'a class of the .'’v(.*vartl *^ist Sunday school Sundav • = enjoyetl by a crowd th- church ft) overt!'iwin^ In adtliti in to the vt'ry . parablt' rentlertd by canti. l)y tt'n y lunir hulit's rol Cv. white, a cullection of songs, ta* and recitations inadt* up an interest ing ]>rogram, for v.hich the Phila- thea class of abi.ut I'l unmarried latlies IS entitled tt) considerable credit. No services weri* held at the Methudi.'t church Sunday night. BAPTIST SUNDAY SCHOOL REACHES 350 ENROLLMENT Tlu' fiuart 'rly vejiort i.f the wiu'k of tlu' Brcvaru Baptist Sumlav school to tile clmre’’ last Sunday i showed a irr:itity:i;;-r L'l owt h . Tlu: averagt' eurulliueiit daring tlic I (iuart»*r was ii'> and the averagt' ' attendance ‘J1 I for each Sunday ' with a total (.•olleetion td’ •'rl 1. i Tht' larg- sf ennailment in the ! historv of tlieschi'ol was on .Innc 1 7, wlu-n it rcacht The ([uar- terly revi-'al of the records left the enrcilb’it'nt last Sunday at -K'* acaiust'Jl- one year agv>, vvhich i::. considt'red 5i heaithv trrowth. t*m?ition board of coiirsi* c(.iull not ACCRED!TED SUMMER SCHOOLS pri'tit'rve these* numbers but inst.ead had to number tht* r*i:istrur.ts s^‘n- ally for the whole county, lu-nct' A lett-. r ttonni r snjierirt*ndent T. C. Hemlersi.n fr.im F. V]. Sams piv-sent numbers by which they w;ll i secretary t f tlu- state b ianl of ex- be drafted do not corrcspoml w;th • amint'rs and instnute conductors, those on the registration cards. j gives the !oii.,uing list of ac.‘n>d- The exemption board lias c>an-' sumii.er seh-.ois which tcacher.s pleted the tabulati«*n i»l i.aTces «nd . atten^l uisteail of attending the their numbt'rs, a copy of winch is ; ot)unty institutes : posted at thi* eourt liou.se Tlu* j r„i‘vers;ty of N. rth (arolina, draft will not be nuule until iii strnctions from Wasliington. 0. G. WARD BUILOINQ Tnt OTi RUML niGiTrcoosncai Any in«liiutioa that h«« Ibr ^ i^ion uf the aJvanccmcnl of ihe KtnKdocn of Hod u^oo ••(tb ou^ht to rncovra^c by cll Ibc mc«o» ta iu power cvcrydiinK tUm rooiluci>c tu the %«clfare of tbe commuoily it bM beea crc«tc4 lo •err*. The Board of Home Missions and (Ihurch Extension of the Methodist Episcopal Cburcb 1701 AKCU bTKEtr. raiLAUtLi’tUA, rtNNSYLVAMA The foundution work and rough flooring for D. G. Ward s house opposite the reisidence of J. S. Sll- vi*rstein has been conijiletetl. Mr. Ward will have nuite an attractive residence with large basement and six rooms. Statt* Xoriual ('ollegi*. State ( i.jllegt; of A. and F. at Kaleigh, Fastern Carolina 'rejichers’ Training School at (^reenviilf*. (’uiu'wliee Xorn al, and Aj)pal.;chian Nor:n;ii at lU>oue. WHEN SCHOOLS BEGIN The board of education ordered that no schools ojion before the first Monday in August nor later than the lirst Monday in October.

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