MIRROR OF TRANSYIA'ANIA COIJNTV I Brevard. (Name changed from Sylvan Valley News, January 1, 1917.) VOLUME-XXII BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY. .IIII-Y ^0. 1917. N[JMl!EU-^0 PEOPLE PAY TRIBUTE TO OR. T. J. SUMMEY They Banquet Him Before His Departure as First Officer From County to Enter Eu ropean War Activities. UST OPPORTUNITY TO GET TIN CANS CHEAP Forty of his follow ( iti/,«*ns mot arouiul thti bourtl at tlu* Aothilwold hotel lust Thnrsd.ty night Miul ilivl honor to l>r. Ilioiiias J. JSuimnoy bi'ii'fi* his (It'iuirtiiro as the first ollu'or to loavi' Irannyl- vania connty to f'ivi' aid to his country in tlu' Kuropt’an war. Dr. Suiutu»*v ri‘(‘»-ntlv tt'Tnlori'tl liis si*rvii‘t*s. ^1'bt‘V m'l't'ptt'd. Ilo was Oi'ininissionril as lirst lii'U- tenunt and h'ft on Tnisday for Charli-ston, S. T . for bru-f work hoforo rtpovtin^ at Ft. (>^lt‘thiir])t*. (^a., to on^a^t' in wi'rU and training w'itli tlu‘ otVuHTs’ rt“S(‘rv»“ ci'r]'s. C'Utsf Irii-nds of l>r. Sninnioy started arran^i*nu*nts fiir a gatlu'r- 111^ in his honor and as a r»'sult 10 citizens fnMn dilTorrT't parts of thf county hanqurti’d at th»* At'thcl- wold and a." a turthi.T t'.'kvn of tluir j^rosontid Di. i^nni iiu'v with a wri«t wali h. 1 he prc- scntativtn wan nmdi' by Dr. W. .1. Wa'lis. M»iyor W. K. Hrecse was toaPtTn;i*’u>r fi'r the »>i.‘casii)li and ! brfc't’V' the event was closed tLej fi'llowint^ had resjumdt-d to toasts ; j i,n(l to hav(* the land cultivated so Till'S. U. Shipman, .1. S. Silver* to make the institution as m-arly Tho Brevard CHnninj; clnh wishes all who intend buying cans on the olTer nwdo by tho clnb in Inst woek’H Nows to ipj>ly to Mrs. S. M. Maclio before tho end of the week. In order to get cans at tho low ])rico of four conts a])ieco, thero must bo a total order of at least 10,0(K' cans from tho government. Th«i busi ness men of th' town have given orders for 10.00(1 cans, and l.‘>,000 more havo been called for by pri vate subscript’.on. Arrang(‘inents are being made ti) offer i)ri/-es for home canning tv) girls between IT) and COUNTY HOME WILL MOVE TO SELICA Then^ was n special meeting of the C(Minty commissioners on Mon day 111 w hieh details were completed for the ])\irchas(' of a tract of land for the h)cation of a new county hom»‘. For this ])ur]ios»' tho oom- niissioners have bvniglit l''* acres ut S.*liea iroin II. X. IHlake. The land is near Si lun station and contains a gi'-.nl water sh'], ii fine building pile, nriu a number ot acres of b«>lTum land. It is tlu' jiurpose of tlie comini>sio"ers lo build tlu' home in thi' cumum frill sti'in, Hali>h K. Fisher, I’ol. ‘ . Hedges. N. M. Hollowcll. D. L. Fnglish, K. L.Jash. Dr. D. Gn:- vi*r. Krnest I’axton and Dr. E. S. Knglish. While tho speakers appreciated , tlu* largt*r liehl of service, ex- ])(‘rienci‘ anl u^etulness to whii'li Dr. Summey hail I'ei'ii called ttiey mini:led wtsrds of regret with their Congratutatu ns and ]»redieted lor him a future lilh'd with the bright est prospects. Tliey congratulated | him for his success as a ])ractising physician aiul for the high esteem I m which 111* was held a> a citi/.eli. In his s]>et‘cli of Hcceptaiict* Dr. Sniiuey thanked those ]>reM'nt tor tlu* gift of a watch, a ti)kt‘ii of ri's- ])cct and gtuid teiding that his memorv would lonir cherish and ex- j)ressed his api>reciatlon toi- what the ]>,*u]»le had done tor him sinci' tluMr I'lieouragement had nu'ant rnueh to liim and any credit tlu-y miirht give him. WliT.t' tlie banqiu't was ])rimarily arranged in honor of Dr. Summey. those ])r»'seiit hail not U)st sight oi jthers from this county who hud volunteered their services t.. their country. Following: the ba’iiiuet a nuTuher of holler- /"'iifd the men in u (hmce 11^ the Aetlielwold. ^r'le iH'e;i>lon iitte>tfd the l;':-jh esteem in wliich Dr. Summey is held. Ill-IS one of the most pojiular men in the eounty ami hi.- 'U.ce^s iis a ]i!ivsieian bas been di'CithMily inarkiil. Alter L'laduatin;; fmm the ,IetI(T>on Ml ilieiil colU-ge iit I’hiladfljihla Dr Summi-y ~eiM;red Ir.s licence in .lum*. I'.'l.";. ib- lo-, cated at iiw>man and tmilt v;]i n (latter; ring jiraetice. S, i nig 1 ;ri:er , o]>portunities in l>i»*vard !ie moved* hert' abi>ut the lii>* ol tlie .-'eiit ; year and upon li iivi;i;: loi' >\ne| in the re:tlm of v. ar jtrejt ir:ilions and activities Dr. Sumiiuy left a ])ractiee that halt L'rown tn jiropor- tions whieli realU’ taxed his time. Dr. SuiMuey had his li:>t ex])e- rionce in polities last tab when he ran for the otiiee ot corte r on tlie deinoe'ratic tieket and n-ceivedthe highest numlti r of votes ea>t tor any candidate for any olliee in tlu; county. SEVERAL LOCAL MEN WOULD BE WAR OFFICERS The following have apj/lu-d for admission to the ofiicers’ training camp at Fort ()glethori>e, subject to examination at an early datc^: Ora L. .Totu's, Nathan ]’. Dwo- retzky. Eugene Allison, A. II. Kizer, John Hamrick, Koy Holland, Over ton Erwin. Harry Clark and Brown Carr. self sustaining as p.i^siMe. There is a new hou>t* on the j'n ]>erty. 'I'hr ])urehase i>ru‘i' i i the pro])- ertv was .s-'i.ooi). Going to Church a Good Habit, Says Champ Clark. Go to Church I N* a It'lter to Edwin B. Lord, seeretary of tlie Massillon (().) eliaMiher of coiiiineree, whit ii conducted a (JO TO ('IH’IJCIl l anipaign, ('liainp Clark sny.s tliai he doesn't know of a ix'tter ]>lace that ])eoj)le could be on Sunday tlian in church. A repn*- duction of Sj)caker Clark's letter follow.s: THE SPEAKER'S ROOMS HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES WASHINGTON. D. C mm m soldier BOY HA$ “ARRIVED." By CAPTAIN GEORGE. L. KILMEg. SoiiH* day. .‘suddenly perlinps, like a rrvelalloii, it will dawn upon the re omit. nf((>r weeks and iiioiitlis of toil and setbaclis. tliat lie lias “arrived’ and is a .soldier. He needn’t l>e told. AnuMiK otlHT lessoiis Ik? lias lonrned to bo true* und square at all time!? witli ottieers above lihn and rorarade!; Ids equals—trtio und sijuare to duty’E TRANSYLVANIANS JOIN MACHINE GUN TROOP Several Local Recruits Join Cavalry and Will Have Train- inji at Ciaj>tonia and Greenville better place that Mr. Edwin B. Lord, Massillon, Ohio. My dear Mr. Secretary. I do not know of a people could be on Sunday than in church. Going to church is a good habit. Your friend. HB “TEN MEN WHO MISSED THE TRAIL” LADIES COUNCIL OF DEFENCE ORGANIZED HERE SATURDAY ('n .'^.'iturday aiternoou a inmbt'r of ladles. r»'presentin^ several of till' local ttr^ani/.itioiis, nu't at the r. D. ('. cliaiiter hous(‘ and organ ized a wonian’s coniinittee of the council of national defenc'. North ('arolina division, Transylvania county. The folhnvin^' ollicers were elec ted ; Mi>> Annii' ,le:in (i isli, chair man ; Miss dulia l)eav( r, sei retary ; Mrs. Welch (ialloway, tii'asurer. The ori:ani/.atioiis rt'jiresented at tlu> nil ( tint; W(>re tlu‘ lv‘d (,'ross >oeiety, National Lt'airue of \Vo- niun’s Service, Allu's Heliei Work. tli«- IJrevard (’annini,' club, Matha- tasiau club, Hctlern’.ent associa tion. 1'. 1>. C., I). A. R.. Metluulist Missionary society, 1’j’t‘sby terian Ladies aid. Ladii‘S auxiliary of tlu> Mpi^eopal church. The orirani/.ation of a woman's ('ominitt'-e of the cnUTieil of national ileft'tu’t* was the result ot the aj)- })('inment of Mi.-s Annie (lash to tlu' chairmansliijt in this comity 1)V the central eommittti' at Ha- h i'„'h. 'i'his ap])ointment was r(>- ct ived by Miss (iash abjut tiu* lirst i t the nu)iith. OPENS DEHTAL OFFICE Th(' nbnvt' is tlu* tlu'me of a se ries of Sunday evt-ninir sermons announced by the ]>astor to beizin at N o'clock TU'Xt Sunday at the Methodist church. 'I'he followin'^ order of subjects will be (>ust*rved : 1. “'riu- M.in Who Spoi’.cd a (’i( u(l Be- uinninK.” If. “Tht* Man Who (Was) Staitcd Wron^r.' ■ “The Man Who Couldn't Take the t'lirvf.” Thf Man Who Marked Tinu.” 'I'lu- Man Who Mt-ant No Harm.” 'i'lu- ‘One ('lalhis’ Man.” The Man Who Spoiled An A 1 Vic- JURY LIST FOR JULY AND AUGUST I’hoto by Ar.iericr.n Prc; s .V.s.=?nciatiori. INSI'ECTION. doniaiids; n> sliirklii:;; tlie ri^rors of caiiii A u'lMiberof men from this conn- W' T-e recruited hist w*(*k for tho M ifliiri*' (4un Trooi> Cavalry, N. C., loM.il liimrd. the conijmny bein}? f 'I. (t ot voluntec-rs from westfirn No )i ( 'h ri >11na. I! (1 Clierry t)f (iastonia, wlio uh' lu re last week on the businesH ot I eeruiti iiL'. IS captain of the c;in- i‘fto .bdiii K (iray of Tryon is e..i,ii lieutenant and Eii!'t.*ne Alli- s -n sertreMnt. 'i’he lecrtiits from 'Fransylvania art-: llolbfrt 1’. Wliitjuire, Klbert W 111 t iriiif, Frank \ (laUowny, W lliiiiiis II. Head. Frank Swani'im, Wilham .laeU.'on, Lee Nicholson, Nirison 'ole, l)oll Swuii^im, WhI- tT Town-^i-nd, Jesse Moore, of Ito.s- •iinn ; Monroe Wilson, Van Hutrtiins, F irni; M. (ijirren, Claudi* K. (iilhK- jne. lTvsse>> B, Thrift. 'harlii; ()rr. of I’.revard ; Kdwin l^•or, Fv(;rett I , Orr, .Mark Sitton, d' Davitison I liiver ; Hskel Sims of Pis^ah Forest. ' Tlies'- men will re])ort to CWistonia moral jiiid on .1 uU’ 'J'.> for two v,fcks of train- no sliirklii:;: :i!id field it is \v(‘ll. then, for tile IKA i e I" lirat’i' up tlie Spiritual man as \\cll as tiie iih\si al. • after which they will go to the -VII this eonies to tlie foie in train Int:. Nerve and nir.sli‘ mod moral' naeUiiiL: lo endnre. The army nmst| cet at the enemy. No'.v. tie- oriomy's tir.'t I'lay is to bloil; that u.itne. llei puts -I deep riviT to lie ro'-snl or a cami» at (ir«cnville, S. C. a!(‘ i'ct v.'een 1. • 7. lory.” ,s. Trail.’ 9. ' .\He.” 10. The Man Who HlazcMl a Lower 'The Man With ,\n .\hsorhinjj; Mcss- “The Man Who I’nmade a EVERY ONE CAN HELP IN SWAT THE FLY CAMPAIGN iir. .1, Y. E McKinney has dcciiled to o])t-n K dental ollice a^ain in iirevard. ha\iiur ^nveii u]) his ]>rac- tle.- itl Jialei^ll. lie will US(‘ th(‘ I'llieo in the I'lckelsimer buildini; until recently occupied by l>r. T. .1. Summey. Dr. W. .1. Wallis expects to dis continui* his ollic(‘ in the Cooper liuildini.' and move into the I’ick.d simer buildini'. where he will have a waitin'' room in common with; Dr. McKi.iney. LEARN YOUR NUMBER The county board of (‘\ein])tion announces that it is important that overy reij;istrant should know’ b.is serial, or red ink. number, und that every man nwiy lind out this nuin- b(>r bv t'xaminiii'’- the list of rc}iis- trantsttt the court house, or by aj)- plyin*.'to ()ra 1j. .lotu's. clt'rk of tlu; board. There an- men regis tered in this county Your friends would be plea.sed to receive marked copies of the News showinj; your whereabouts and activitic:;; r) ccr.la a copy. V i: It Y one ."liiinl.i ex ert lilniself and ln l]i ill these ant i -1 1 \ e a ni- liai.Lins. ^^(art by Uei iijii.: Hits mt t‘1' the honirs. In- spi' t every nook and eonior in tlio iKtuse and make it a jioint lo see tliat everythiM^ is clean, 'i'lie kitelien should lii« kopt seruiiiilously -lean. ami the result will he fewer tiiea anl less tlisi'ase. Tlii.s iiisiieetidu should take phu'e onee a week. Lveiy Sunday inoniiii.^r Kimlisli ships ;;r* eaiel'ully examined by tiie eai'tains and either otli ■»-rs. If this were done in evt>ry liousehoid there wouU! be liettt'r lu^aith tor ail. There should be an or;;anization a^'aiiist liK'Sf ihsi'ets, and ll.is eouhl be ac' oinpiislied if people would in- foriu iht ir nelLThliors the dan;:er of hoiisellies. It is also essential that children should kine.v the (lani;er of Hies and how ‘ > ;^uard a.u'ainst it. Cldldi'en should be taui^ht by tlu'ir teaelii'rs the importanee of a ele.-in peliool. Much illnt'ss will be | !e\eiu- ed. doctors' bills will bo reduced, the health of all ini|>roved, if lionies are kept swt'et and clean. The ('ouTity commissioners met and made out tiu‘ jury list for tlu‘ • i uly-August term of court, which fidlows : T. U. Sims. W. A. Jenkins, I'u^ene Southt ri\ .1. II. Haxtt r. T. W. KV id. W. 1'. llollin;.’>w( !tb. II. L. Soutlu r. W. M. Cieor^'c. .lanu s W . I'.uhanks, A. liennett, 1’. A. Aiken. Lee F. Norton. .1. ('. ba^^wcl!, Hranee Tinsl y. .1. I’ W ilson, W . N. Corn, H. Iv. Niehoisori. .1. O. ('antrel!, Kutiis i Ciuffey, S. I>. ilarni tt. Ci. 1\. L;itl;roi), .1. S. Siivcrsteen. .1. K. .N't-ill, S. H.Siniard, W . L. Aiken, 1). L. (Iru-ne. I’oscy i>. ()wi-n, (.'leveland Keen'. F. D. ("a'lnent, S. A. Sinathers, Juli;;:i .MH-om, W . !'. Merrill. W. L. Townsend, A. ('. l.yday, .\. I\. ('lillespie. Charlie Hatson, S. M. K'eiil, Lee -Nii'holson. I'. 15. Carr. Ii. lleiliiik, '1'. 1’. Callowav, .Ir.. 1’. .1. Sitinn. Seconil Week 1). 1*. Kilpatriek, W. S. I’riie. .Ir, M. O. .MeCall, .1. I). Hryson. I’. C. Townsend, .lames M. Mc-Call. L. M. Aiken. .1. H. C.allo- way, C. 1'. Weodlin, .1. W. Smith, J. H. i’ii kelsiiner. I,. 1'. Powell, A. 15. Riley, W ill. Maw.i’ll, Maek N. Kaines, Ht nrv Ciarrtn. W. 11. Mekelvey, 1C. W. Haxt^r, Clifford Kaxter. W. 1C. l>ishi>p, C. \V. Henderson, '1'. Vince Smith, C. H. J^illy, iC. !■'. Kennemere. JEWELRY STORE OPENS niouni.'iii barrier t(» b( iiis amp juhI tlie fo(*. .\n!aleur; can t:ic!;le no be’ter j(»!i than iii’pro> !sii:ir a briil::e. wading .•ind swinimii.;-' tr nut in place m.-Ltt'rial that they nnis: lai to llie sliore. Hill cliinl'ini: is siini !er k fri ni a dl.-'anec jii'.tl nii’Untain i;i ('»‘t;uls. but JONES GAP ROAD TO RECEIVE STATE AID Greenville-Brevard Highway to Receive .\id From South Caro- hna Highway Funds. (Kroni C.reenville News.) Tlu* .Tom s Gap road has boon des- : ij^nated by the state hi.;luvHy corn- tors can't ^:o there*. I’.iU nien can and iua\’ h;n e to do it on •‘;ill fo;;rs.” In a tiL,'Iit tliey do if on ihn'e limes, kopi) in^ one hand free to clu'ch the ritle. ABOUT THE SELF M.ilDE MILilARY OFFiCER harder >n a mat 's powers .Ml ;rood traini.'.i: of rccr'ii: > ;’.-ot;i tov. iis and cities i'c-'inl'-'-- mi'!;n!:ii!* ’Aoik r.ridLc biidi'.iiiLT e.il's Tor slvill and conr.at,c. Mount.dn work i-‘sts endnr at. e .MP.il ii'uSii. l!i c;inipai,:ri. •! c.-mno!; and machine Lun-^. :imm'ini! ion fial ra :ions sometime- have to be haul.-d u’. 1 mission as one of the roads to re- steep moe.ntain sides hari' of roaos bylceivc iiid from the sta*’ti hii'hw’ay sh(cr m;in streiicili. Horses and n’.o This hijihwav leads from (Jre‘nvillt' to the North (’arolina. line, sroin^ by way of Travelers Rest, Hiver Falls and thence to tho to]) of the mountain, wTiere it con nects with the highwfiv to Brevj’rd A County force is already at work ! (.HI the rttad betw*eii Travelers Rest land Marietta and will be kc])t vu jthe road, the supia-visor has, au- By CAPTAIN GEORGg L. KILMER, | nounced, until a top-soih‘d road i» S.irnewhei’e fit tliis tlu're is a .built all tlu* W!i\" to the North ( aiet- Voiinix man at werk av.d putting: in his ; Inin litu*, just as tliO one on the i-)VM-time at such irainiim as he hopes ! This will ■w ill tit him to be a s> Mier whcj he j jrot's tt» camp to »': ■> h’s I>it. w h-» w ithii. two years .)tn> year if ti';> army .iioe.-^ campai.irniim —V-id lie v,(v::inj: sli.nl- d.er strai's. V;y :i siiorr cut he will sidestei> West I’uint ?ii;d ::( t thife l>e- eause he is r boiii leader. While p't- H. L. WILSON BUItDINC H. Ii. Wilson is pre]>arin^ to build a housi! for liis o%vn r»‘sidence on the street recently o]>ent*d itef-.voen tl Fd«nk .b-nkins und \'erdery and W il'on lots. The house v*ill he a two story cottaf^o w'ith seven rooms, situated not far from Capt. T. C. I (ialloway’s residence. (ilenn's .It weiry store hns»i»cned opjiositt* the post(lhce in the Aetludwold b’iildinLT witli .ly-.y Allen (!lcnn (d Xi'wport. 'IVnn.. in '•har;ic. Mr. {.I lenn and his fjither also eonduet jewidry stores in Newiiort aiui Ih ndersoii'. file. RED CROSS ArilBULANCE FUND YET GROWING .1. S. Silversteiii annov.iu*(*s thjtt tlu* full amount desired for ti Ked Cross ambnlanc(‘ bus not b(>»*n re- ci'ivt (i. buf lio]>*'S to rrti'o the n*c- essary tiiiui within the next wi*ek aiul ]>ublisii II list (if the d(.)nors. .'■^olieirati(»ns will continue tintil the ambulrtiice 1 uihI lias been si'cured. LIBRARY FUNDS BOOSTED prid’ably re(iuirc until at least the the la>t of tliis yc:iv to o..mpV t-*v EUGENE ALLISON OEFERED LIEOTENANT'S PUCE j ■»'n the streiv^tli of his sticcoss ''.n reiTuitinu men fi>r the maidiinc ! ^un Cv)m])anv- v.uirene Allison w:is ..;Veri‘d a licatena nt's conimis.siou ‘ in titdrl artillery cotmtany on the cot. iitJ-'n of raisin;^ men f(n* the eom]V'ny. During' *lrs wei'k he h:is be-'ii busv in thi.' ii \v recruit itiij wvirk and sujct'cijed iu tho rei'.uired The co:n|Vcin\ is to b»', under tho foiiu;^:ind id' (’apt. Reid Morrison «d C tiarlotii*. An inspc(*tinu oil'.cer will be here Saturday to cxmnine- Sind inspe t*ers. •t file enlisting volun- Tlie I’etlit l |>a])tist Siinday | school, colored, at its rally on ^ Sunday r.’iised by ])ublie contri-! bution tl'.e s!.;ii id' :?i.-).71, and re ceived fr Til c:;nvassi.n*^ cittbs ' m ikitiir a tot.il i>f t.'.i;’, ti> be usi*d : for the Sanaay school library. Nearly every newspaper carries the general news but the Brevard News is the only one carrying the most important Transylvania news. 1‘huJo by Anrencao Prtws At.-...'ciati(!ii. KlfLK .'S.VLl TK. tin" n'ady for liurds!iiji by sleei iti«r on a plank in the barn or oiu on tlie bare j:roni.! he v.ill be thinkin;:: over Uls I'ut’.u-e not his future loriunes. The self matle o!lie r !•; never a >:eu- itis; simply a very :>r;ieti,:; 1 man of nati\e lesiiuf'-e is a siic. essioii of accidtMits ;;n,I sU'.'^'ris-.'s. ^c!•c)nl ;i camp.ai.L!i or h.-r.Ile -co: s il-.:o':.u!i :;s WANT BETTER TSAiN SCHEDULE . .1. Nicholson of Sapphiiv*, while in town Saturday, said to it News r»*])re.sentative that he ex pressed the sentiment of his cora- nuinity wlu*n he Cumphnned ovv'r I tlu* un sa t i s f a c 11 (r seni'd^o^^* and I miiil service on tiu'n.llroad. 'I'lu? l lantied. In tlu* midst d‘ confusion I eiti/.ens. he said, liud voted tor tho iul k shifts must be n!.!ile. Then tne | milroad bonds and were payin‘>- boni leader ec'ines to the fore in flie i » » rank.s. He sets him.self to work, and : railroad in exis- then a superittr tells him to direct oth ers. The others are glad to see order come out of confusion, follow the uew lead, and all goes well. tence, bnt they were not Retting tho proper returns in service for their help and hard earned money.

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