BREVARD NEWS, BREVARD, N. C. srocic PfiSCES. LOW ITX.JJ i nivt! IS SEEKING FL can save you money on soap. We have in stock many van- ( 1 • ' ■ I' 1 I I ^ I I I ‘ It. 11 I 'u‘ roiid •iiiiiii - > 1 ^ I ■ I . I 1 ■ M I I ! I • 11 I I I I ! n iv S \\ i 11 ! > Ml I .' ' 'f A ii li iiiLl ' ii'iij I ii '-' I ri'iK i i-i I) eties at many prices. H you ihmk you can (’el l)ctter soap at less cost throuj^h mail order houses you are satily mistaken. Keep your money in town, anvwav, even if you don I buy (lom us. But j)erhaps we fiave ]ust the soap you like. Come m. Get acijuamted. COX KILPATRICK Phone 41 a ft /ItX 'jratarasi aKs.'tacsmtr'-rCsariiw • '£2?— ■niKEffl^i^;:SJ3Be7^XCmr2L^ FANCY !C£0 CAKES FOR EVERY OCOAiiON- WEOD3?^E5. BIRTHSSAYB,. P.4RTIES, ETC. Philipp’s Bakery 1 :■ .1C 24 ‘nlvm ard Ilnsiitutr \ D-:iVARO, - - NOriTH CAROLINA I Sunn'er " s^-cn Jui\e 1 2th to July 2 1, 1917 ■' • ■ ; t '•• N' -f;!.!', 1 )■ >n’.j'.tic, . -I;, ir I,. Krc; .r..- : .t v'''u;;t\ O' iniiuatio;:;., iur r •' t 'f v,. ri.. . vt’ry low. /-r . i k I V-*’v: T*v,: •••u .. Jcr:J»rr v^ :. r rJWOBKr«s*'«5n>i»E»’n^ Store News Ladies* Go->dri:h nin coau, S3,25 to $13.^0. These coats, although :ust received, were bought before recent advances in prices. Rain caps, 51.00. T here are good values in our wash skirts, mostly white, icw colored, for SI.23 to S2.25. Sport blousco i;': color;-,. ' .23. Wash wai'to, o to . . _J, Silk waists, all colors, $2.25 io S2.50. Georgett crepe waist.s, 55.o5. Crepe dc chine waists, S2.50 to $5.65. House dresses, 75c to $1.50. Many of our customers arc finding some good money values on our BARGAIN COUNTER. The name is all it implies. Inspect these goods and prices. Weilt’s Cash Store IJ !•' >.ltl )l IM I ( I I I! II I! :i ' Mil ■ t ■ ;ill(l 1 iliiis Mr. .MfCtili wiiM s; ' 'I’hc '|'(»X!i- '.v:i V Liiiniicr om I ).i IIli\nl«ini :i II M Mit> (It) v’> n I lie M >t 1 (>r K > I'rcnch iivtr and almn-; huiid n‘( 1 > nt 11 fi - a ' • It' ‘1 tii; fii t )Hi' ^ li'tt in ilu' n^i-r 'Vitli all th.' hfii^h 11' Ilii'ic >li(>;iM a m tin n\(T we wmilil be liUr wc wrii Ia>t nri'l tin- cfups in the v;il lev of tlu“ Krt'iifli Uroail woultj hi «Icr-t i I vi‘(l. 1 ui>!i till' 'r«)\:i\vn 1.11111 !'ir Cl iiii])a n V It isili' iiii," a lTi'imI tiling till- flu- pmplt that {-rk nf th- iivi i-. it iiitcTiil til rut up thlv tl in til-1" ;inil u-m' It lii7- m ill and ]>idp hut it >hi'iild ht> diun' as It IS cut di»\\n ami iiot allnwid III remain in the tiv.m- I wiiu this witli the hcst of \vi>hfs tor thi r.)\a\vay liUmhcr c.Miiiiany and thi county. ETTER FROM J. A. HENDERSON I’ditoT', News: 1 like the iii‘\v name ot' youi i'Mi'er 1 havi' heiMi a reader oi the Ne\\> lor ahout seven months an ; It IS a welci )iin‘ vi-i tl If. Witi arid I t rv to -ee which I :iie can u>'t le ui 111 it lirst. S. miei ime we divide— she takes one .■>lieet and >:ivcs me the i»t her I me. ^ e>. I am a North 'a ri il; : ia n. ! horn and raised on the olu I'i'ench I j Uro id nv(‘r. I Tuoved 1'roru thei-i I to (ii-ee;iville almut j.'l years auo, ; .\lliiiiUL:h N'lrth ('ir ilin i w my ! ii'itive home 1 l.'ci h,;e I will ne'-, v ' i-i'turn tin !-e t m ]i \, ;i;'iin. I Id..' ill" i-ld slat ■ a: 1 he;' iph'. and ll I 'Wnid a .'iiiall iarm i :i the i. vcr I ' >r .•'oniewhei e '.u ’rran'V1 vani'i 1 I would lil;,. to live there, hut I will ! neviT he ahle to d,i mi, j'.ir il' 1 live I to sc(' the Ii'th ,ii ih-xl AuLru>t I will he I'lO years i 'i 1. 1 ri'mienher v-ry well whi ii mv father. H \V Hi ndiT-.iiii. ~t:ir)i d til t he war. a nd a!- i the day In came lionn-. | r> Tm-m'.er. too. t hi' lir.-t school I Went to The old school liotisc stood where II lard man's house wa huilt and wa^ ‘.lilt'd tilt* lietliel ^-(diool llous.'. Mv n. ither .an.I her (diildren livfd whi re W . 11. 1 > i:‘k wort h's hon.-e now Stands. 'The lirt schoiil att; r the war wa> in ;in old Iol: hoU'c on 'he nd_; ‘ hack o! th,' i.M .IcTikl!i> ]»lace. Mv latli"r made his lir.-t crt>;> on tile M' ( lien .1 'hnsoM larm .\ltcr that 1 w.-nt to the ohl Iiurii"; K .ck 'School l.oii-c. ( '.1 ji’. I h-n-on aTi 1 . 11. N r .vn d ;inrt otic is Wfie the tciiidii'T's. 1 \',a iiiie i-i' t!ie old blue ba'-'k sjiellini: hooj jMiiii;-. in the la-t I'Siie 1 lead an artii-li' 1 !'o!n I»ev. 1', M. ,h rdanan l wa> Lrl.'id to hca)' iroTn him once more; wa,' Sorry, t'! C' ur.'c. i i hi-ai' o',' 1 ]-, ir-nc'S. I woUiil en^,'\''iiu h'.m ] r. jo-h oil;-,- moro ;i I'. ] * • .--in ,' t .. :i t 11 I. "1 old - i !• li.-,-,; : ., >. I, r. ■•'1': ere \\Cr.‘ Ninety ami ..i.'." In till- coK. Ki u;;! t V w hi re I i;.. Vv- liVf and aiijoininLT are liiteon fami lies, and ai; oi- j> n t ol' th >;i are North raroliniaii' hy Mrth, so 1 am not hy my.'clf altoiri't her. ^'e.'. 1 am away froi.u my old h 'me and may ne\t ro\\n ;i In.’i:.- hcri' in t hi- \vi n M. Fro:ii oin‘ who tlearly loves the )ld North State. .1' :\ . H i;\ itI.KSi IN. Ka.-ley, S. ( K - 1. A USEFOL PAIN Brcv.:rt! Pco|)le SlioukI UcchI It.s W’arninir. llave you a shai'p ])ain ora dull r.f'ie acro-s tin* small o! your hack? 1)1 VO 1 realize tliaf it's oitcTi a timelv siirn of kidney \veaknes>r I’l-omjit treatment is a siite}^'uard airain.-t more serious kidiK*v trou bles. I’se Doan's Kidney Pills. I’rtdit hy this nearby resident's experi- I'llCl*. M. Kelley, furnier, R. F. I). Xo. I. Waynt'svilb*. X. ('., says; “Doan's Kidney Pills have always been a ludj) to me for sore batd'C. I have been troubled considerablv in tiiis way ever sinct? the war. When ever I feel an uttaok eoniin;' on 1 i^et DoaTj's Kidney Pills and take tlioin. 1 am always sure of j^cxxl results and 1 am t,dad to reeoin- niond them.” Price ."ine, at all dealers. Don't sini])ly ask for a kidney remedy— iret Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that ]\lr. Kelley nses Foster- Milbnrn ('o., Props., BuH'ulo, N. Y.—Advortiisomout. Highway Engineer Fallis Making Ef fort to Construct Number of High ways in State. Kalci,'-!i St:it(' liiu'iwa.v i^iiKiiic.r W I 'alli.-.; is (if vo! iiii; iiun h iiin; now jdeni; with In.' cnii f f;in c to v.( ; I-,out the s;m ( iliciiiinns for lilliiil;"!':; e!' liv',li"’a.v t i )iist nifl ion jii')- Ject.-; in vJdch il i.s Imped to il.a f' (l*T;d lii'-'liway on.';!i .n iion aiiilu/ri- tics iM(>ri.-tc(! ill tu ilie exw i;t of ^iv- intr tiiiHili ial and c.\|nTt aiii in coii- jiintlio;! witii tin* fimi!;; that coMiiticB an i lownships pledge to p!ovid\ I’ll- fot't unalej y tlio leuislalivf! slip that hut tile stjite hi);li'Vi'.y cominission iniinu; a ^oi-(l part of it.; usual ^niM'ort i- 'eriuiisly ha ;i licappiii!,^ the work in this state ami is ih velopinj^ tin- ic*- ces-;ity for the loc;il units to jnit up Ihe finuls in toto for ili>^ proi)o;a"l i o- e|iiTativi‘ work wilh tin' fcih ral aii'h- uiti'-s. 'I'his is r.'-ill i’c.; in a ri'i't iiumhcr of proposals for this o-opcra- lion onu“ thitry-iive in all. wluM't as. in KiO‘t of the other states llu-re is a '■oiirent ion of the roopi>ra'ivi‘ wo.'k of thi'fe or f(Uif I'ejiarate proj. i ts, tiic 1.4’ter ((MiiiiUen nicanin^r. at ilu- 'ame tiiiif* irreater eccuioniy and far more I’fliTtive progress in luKhwiiy con- struf't ion. Mr. l-'allis is just now tomentra- tiiiK ino;.t particid-ii'lT* on furtle'rint: the ciuistrue!ion and n ituiMin;; wo:\' on ilii-> Hickory Nut (laii-liidtri'ir-st ro;id. Stoan's l-'erry hrid"e. Mc klcii- I'uriT and some other preje,''- The state hi,»j;h\vay coniniisiM'oii has hre’i in ^;t s^ion perft'i tinK soini' mad i>n)- jei ts ami hearinf^ n'ports In th'- iiieantinio J. (’. (':> ri>'-nt'»r has arri\>'i in K;ilei^!i as an e.xpert for till- f*-dt'r:il K"vernru‘ i.t to look aft'T tin- iiitipfsts of the govei-niiu'nt in llie cooperaiivp hi^liwav coii:lnic- tion and r.iaintt nam e in this sta'e ;nid has a dek in the olTi: i>s of th .‘ state hi.^li\vay coniniissii'‘,i with Mv. l-'allis. lie ri]);’( i-r.ts e.-peciall.v th' l iiitcfl States imhlic roads ;iiid etii^i- iiei-rin:^ division of the deiiaitin-Mit of :ir : ii u!i ui'u ar.-l is io work M I-'allis. riiiTlliE OF SALE OF .OLO COUNTY HOME I'ntler ;iik] by virtue of (',ha{)tcr 31(), I'ulilic JanaJ L:tws of North Carolina, I Sc.ssioii l')15, the un(lt rsi}.>,n« 1. c iaiuiiis- j SHUicrs ol 'I ransylvania counly, will, lUi .Muiiday, Au^ ()tli, 1V17, s.-li to the 10^11* St i)i(l(ler the old (ounty Ikhiic liere- ii)!>re u.S(-«l lor the a^ed and iiilirin. I he ti-nii;; ol said sa!e will he as fol lows: First Cash in full on d;iy of sale. S. roiid One half e;ish. halaiicc in lli .iiiiutlis, with intin-st from date at (- -( ui«-l t,v deed in trust on tlie pn jx rlv! 1 liiid ()ne tliird eash, l(;dane- in oru- • iiid two years, tielejr«-d payments hiarini^ ii'.ttifsl Irom date at o pi-r auiiuin, pav- .‘.hl(- .innually and set urt'd hy clet-d in oust on the property. All hills must he st aled and fih-d wilh the rejdster id dcds of 'I'ransylv:uiia oiinly hy 10 o’l lix k a. ni., Aueust (,th l'»17. 'I'iit- undersi-m .1 resi-rvt- the ri^ht to i ji-t l anv and :dl hids tiial m their jud^r. 111.lit are under the lull v.iUn- td said propi-rty. 'I his ,luly 17lh. I'M7. FOI N ' V (O.MMISSIOMCK’S 7 l_'U-.te d 'rr.ui.svlyania County, N. C. Contr.-'.ct For Steel Cndges. ]Hi kory. Mt- ai-ts for ;he huildine; «'f tln't‘1- st'-'-l Ic ;i1;:ps acaro';s llie (’:i’"wh:i !ive:- a' Isiaial I’ltd. I’.uf'.alo Shoah and 'I'.-:'!'-II ht-*wi-i-n Catawha and l;-c !ell c .lintii-; were ;iwanh'ii the Vii-^jji'ia Ilrid'-'. - a:;;! Iron company at a .joint :r.'-i of tie- coininission.Ts of till- two i;v;!:;ties (-one, ■ med here. 'I'lie i-o!i'r;:ct p!i;f> for the thrt'e hridi-M's :'.pi'.rii.\;;:iaf('s .^I'li.oOi). R. L. (;:t'i-!:Iie of r,I iric;! heen refai’i- ed a- advisory I'li^dneer to represent the two -ounti.’s. ^Our friciuls would l)o pItasotJ to receive marked copies of the News .shcnviii^ your w liereal)outs ! aiul activities; ,S ccMits a c>})y. ! We Do Not Skimp the Scales City Market The City Market is all the name implies. It is here you j;et what you want in the line of poultry, meats, fruits and vejjetahles. Boiled liam Chipped Meats Armour’s jjoods Fish Broilers and other poultry to suit you. City Markets S. F. ALLISON, Proprietor PHONE 47 S2,fjOD For Davis Moni;nient. I Ml' i:,i 111 Ci n. .1 : r h:is si.ii.-i • il. -i! : ■.. I'd lie- i i>-.- iion tie- .1 ll-.-i’s. a i';.\is nionntie-nl ai Ka ;!'\,>'w, Ky . a:a! th'“ im u:id lallest nil nipri.d in the worl l will h*‘ roiii- ;i!i‘tt .1 !iy Ocioher !, I'.'IT. 'I'in' uicanta- i:ili-!p'i - :ht- W.i hini’b'ii n,-'iniinert u:'iias.'iiiK ihe oln-I; k of liie C.o;;t--'!i‘:'at.' I'l' :ddi‘nt is tie- iirod.'n t of tii;. I- {••a h-;'.', of ihi- Con- fi->., li.-iun ;i H. "f I-ai: vill.-. K\'.. llu'i-'' tin;'.- romni;;:;d- -r-i;: . ie. f of t In' -I' nit • d t 1 I'a : , \eNi.ii.s; (Iiii. Cii.ii'ji- W. I,i:ih‘ ‘-f An tin. 'i'l-.xa.'. wi-,.I':iy owiii-r of \ a t pii.ii)^ i s’aii-s lii I'l .\a.-. ;,’ui (h-n. Julian S. Carr. .I«':-.-;-oa liavis I Ionic As'ocia- tio:; ]>ri ■i-:.'in>’' i'iem-;al ';irr in till.- 1 r UI'I' (h ! ij.c IVe (d' tie- tllollll- i:;' ;:t s:;i;.-s; --ll. ni\,n nion- and dicic n. for Coi;!> d'-rati s than a;;y luan I , -t of tie- .Mi; issipjd rivi-r. A parau- o. of ;.:i-:.-‘-. .'y. hi' iia’i-l is a ■; i-peii - n.i ]•ii,.y to ( !;,irity. 1 !•- i-' :V‘ 'o C ^ ;'.‘ih ratI's. t!i ir I ' 1: i-'.. ! •;■ o!-;.:,,; 'IS an-1 t in''!' in- \.u. !-^. a iic.._;-' >-:ii uiv.'r. havo f‘ . ; hi:i; ia Iihi-r:ii:'y ;r I h'-.;.'-s to t;."''- wlio are in m-i d. ■ Prrparing For Big Annual Picnic. Chi-; :-y \ .:h- ( ■. \-ill.- i.s :i"\v innii;:.^ ; ri-Iiar;-'lor ;';c i;oial lu;; ai' i-t-h ; j!i and pit iiii- to ho ^d\i;i o !■':■• !,iy. :;-it In. th: yi ar. 'h' I... ; r ai.d i, ^ of :i■: ’ I\\. i! he ;■. \ i‘:i w l'] i li'- a I- oi! - ■ of lie- - ' ; an’-; ( i 1. ;li. wHi I’-- i' ! O' ’ -i' :. I. 1 sh. iws. -I.: . all ' hall, : ; ' y ...■ : • v. , ie repii- l:c I i u;id~. ' .u-i;.;, all borts of I I ai d t In- I:k-‘. FULL HEIGHT We give fuH weight, V/e sell tlie diciccst cuts of meats. They are always fresh. We specialize in fish and poultry. Give Us a Trhl Or-ier Osborne Market Phone 27 The Beauty Secret. Ladies desire that irre sistible cliarni—a good complexion. Of course I J they tlo not wish others f know a l.)eautirier '■’^1 has heen used so they i buy a bottle of Magnolia Balm LIQUID FACE POWDER and use acriirilin;? to clir»*-lions Irnrjrovc- niriit IS ii'itii rrl at on. r. J'o.itliiiii:. ooliiit; uiid refresliint;. Mrdls Sunburn, aton* Ian. Pin!,-, H hile, Ro^e-HeJ. 75c. at 'Dru^nnti or i>v ni^il dirtci. Sample (either color) for 2c. Stamp. Lyon Mfg. Co., 40 South Fifth St.. Brooklyn. N.'j’. Dewiirc of » for Cutarrh tiiat Contaiii Mcrciiry ■ ; ni ;■ '11 l! ■ V li !i:' - f .-ai.-ll .-i:, I I- . s> Ill V. O' ■- iina-1 '-.iS Ii: !.: r p.- i ■ N-: :ua:'■ I a>- a, . ,t 111!-'-': -!i .1. ■ > ...111 pt I a 1 ; -"■1 ip;a'i.s NORTH CAROLINA BRIEFS. Dr. Ralph Hay. of Gastonia; Dr. .Tanir: X. Sturdivant, of Canton; and Dr. 'riiomas L. Spoon, of (lihsonville, have heen appointed tlrsl lieutenants in tlu- dental coriis. Estelle Summers, the 10-year-old Durham girl, ,who reii(h>rf>(l service ;n preparinK the registration li.sts in the pehM-tivp ilr;«ft hy expert of t;a; typi-writcr l;as received a letter from Governor T. W. Bit kott. The Cover- *ior exiiressed gratitude to the little girl in his usual happy styh\ The North Carolina Insurance Asso- ration niei in Aslieviile last wt'ek. The I'niteil States Navy recruiting station here has been officially advi.-'. d that enlistments in North (’arolina, af ter July 10. would he reduced to eight recruits a wp(k. Since war was de clared. it was annouiK-tHl, 427 men have ! enlisted through the office here, j The autoinohlle registration in the Secretary of State’s office has reach ed 40.XOO. Between ;no and 400 reg istrations a day an* now hein,g made It is #xr-‘(‘ted that the avt'rage a day I for the next month will he ,‘{00. Last year th.e registration numbered SO.SOf* ■■.III r-'iii.I.ip;:'. -ini:. ■ l!;. i!:ii:.a^'.- t! .-y will lio IS ; ■■ ; 'M i,. tli - J^otu) y.'ii :ia ;p. .--i'lly .l. jiv.- ih.iii. Il iK's I'.il.-irrh 'iiri'. i if i.-i >: i-d bv I-’. .1 I'!., iit-v iV I'.'. 'I. ' Miil.iiiis Ie> !i!i.i-(-ui-y, au-l 1, a iic t i-..i;Iv, .!• tm^ i-lly Mi.- Mim..1 aiM n;-i.-i>us siir- I:'.i-f.s of tile lu ln;>ii;^ llall’s ('atari !i ’iii.- si;r.- vu’i t, tlie n iiu- It is tak' a int'-niany and ina.i in 'I'oledo. I i!.;,i. hy 1'. ,1. Cla-iu-y A: (’o. TfS- tiinimi;ils frt i , Sol'l t.v 1'niiririh'ts. I’rtro T^e p.'r hntflo. Take Hall's i-aiiiily i'lila (ur coiiutii)atiuu. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATOR C.T.A. Having ijualirud as admini.'-trator. e. t. i I 1. of the estate id .Marv Jane .Mactie I Clarke, tit ceased, late of Transylvania I . (lunlv, N. C., this is to notify all persons i ii.iving t lainis ol any kind against said I j I state to pre-enl s.une to the umlersigned, | I ir his atli'rr.e\, on or before the 27th day j f June or this notice will bo plead I 11 bar id iheir recovery. ! All persims in any way indebted to said est ite will make ininiediate settlement. I MARRY 1’. CLARKI-: I I A indnistrato', euni testaniento annexo of I the estate of .Mary Jane Mactie Clarke, j (Ici'i-ased. ^ Phis June 27th, 1917. ' W EL M C.ALLOWAY. Attv. (>-2‘M)tc I I i Something to sell means some- ihing to advertise. A ne:w suit COSTS FROM $10 to $50 \'our old suit can he cleaned, pressed, repair ed and maiie to look almost as ;ood as new for .SO cents; $1.00 a month f(jr four suits. City Pressing Club J.E. WATERS, Prop. NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE I ndcr and by virtue of th»- jiowt-r of ,ale > intaira-d in a eel taii; I >11,-d in i rus:. i!..’i-d 1' l enibi-r, 2 I. I d.^frnm .h hn Iv K,... cs u ife ll-.-s-.ii K.iiiitstu !). 1,. i.i:- . t, I r’ s'.i-e, s.dd lit-t d in 'I'ri' .1 heiiij.' i -i lo ,-(-iure four ( ertain iiuU-s of even 'i.itc tiiei'i-v. ith, said not-s being due ,ir.d .-li-.lf in three, six, idre and twi-lve inoi !i;s :riiin llu ir !es[ t-ctive d.-Uts, aau ..f s;iid notes bearing intert st from il.itt-. ;iiid ; laull h.iving been n.:tde in the pa;, iia nt I't saiti notes, ami eav h ot tlieni, w-ii as I’, thi- p.c.n’;-at of the intt-ri ’ tl.imn, \. ;a-ri-!'y 'i.:a' powt-r cl .-:-.le ci i,‘:,.:u d in s:'.ai !>cd in '1 iii.--l iii-eame I'jjrr.tlivf and o'i-.- s::id .lohn K Raine.' aiai wift- l’.e--sie;es. haying hern iii:lilit-d t!' th'- !'.oii|--r : . :.:tid nolt-s has dem,aided a sale I ! tia- iM'iperty ta.ati-iy aid ni't--; .\i.w, t.!i» :’ef :e. 1. ’die umlt-rsigneil, ti ii-ti e. will on S:.;arday, tin- 1th day of August. I'M7. ill tiu- 12 o’(.!"ck .\1.. at the louit housi- ciii.r in llrevard. 'rransy!v:inia eountv. N. C . seii lo tla- nighest t-id-ier tor cash. lli- following properly to v. ii; Lying and bi ing in Rrevanl township. 'l'ia!is\ivaiiKi county, m-ar thi- eastern o; I lit.- liir.its of the town ot I’.revard. L i.’i'.ing i’!i .1 s!.tkc on tin- .'m'MIi siiie o! ii.ii-.iand .\veiu!i-, and bcin.; lie Southi ast ri' ot Lo» No. 21. runs Soutii - ■ degri ‘ I.a't 217 It-t-l with );d\lan.l Av»-r.ut.- ’o a stake in a (litch. '1'. .S. \\’s line; 'i'henee North 12 (it-grees Ui-st 21o ft-r-t to a -''Mit r i f Lot No. 21; tiu-nee Si'Uth 2'' ilegret-s West 17'i lit-l lo thi- bi-;jinniag, b-.-ir;,' all id Lois .\os. 22 a'id 2.\ as sur- V ---;-d ;irni ttlailed !>y .\. 1>. Haro in Dret-m- Ih r l.\ I'd.v S;;iii sale to salisly said notes, niterest, C'.si of sale. t-tc. This July .^rd. l‘>17. I>. L. |-I.N(,I.1SH. ^ 1.^ It I- Trust et-. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Ail leisons are hi-reby noti'it-d that the uai.eisigiifd has iiu.iiilied ::s atlmiriistrali r id tile o-i-:te ol 1. C,. Ledbelter. dece.i.sed. ;ir.ii ail persons h.i\ii,o el;iit:i against said ■ 'tat - v. i;l Jill sent till- same to the undi-r- s:i,..i tl u a'nin lui-ivt.- months frt in tin- liaie la reof, "ilii-rw ise notice uiii 'oe pleatl in Ikir Ilf their recoverv. :\il t)i-iso;'.s indebleti to saiti i-state will ple;ise make immediate payment. Tins the 5th. day of .luiy, l'»17. L H. Lkiihktti.k, 11. L. Lxt.l.isil. Administrator. Attorney. 7 otc NOTICE-LAND SALE BY TRUSTEE l?y virtue td" the jmwer and authority gdven the undersigned in a certain deeil in trust i xeeuied iiy .\. L. Shewmaki-r, dated Novendier .^0, l‘)L^. to .^eeure the iKiynienl ol certain promis.-.ory notes exe cuted by s;iid Shewmaker to said trustee for the use of \L Ii. l-'owler ami il. .MeKenney; and whereas said m-its have matured by rt-smi of the fa.ilure id' s:iid maker to make good tire d»-f;iult in pay ment ot same; and the payees having directed the said trustee to give the re- Huired notice id sueh default, and if such (iefaull was not made good to advertise the hind described in said deed in trust. And notice having been given, and de- tault not having heen made j. i.ioti. now therefore. 1 will sell to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door in the town of Brevard. N. C., in the countv of Transylvania, as per terms of said deed in tru‘1 on Mondav, August (>th, l‘»17. at 1 o’cloi k p. ni., all the following described tract of land, lying in Mills River town ship, Henderson county. N. C., and near Klowah station on the Southern railway, adjt'ining lands «if J. L. (iash, et ai.. hounded as folhiws: Beginning on a large black gum in dash’s line on the southeast side of a swamp and runs south 75 deg west \5 poles to a white oak in Chas. English’s line: then with said English’s line south 4 deg east (should he north -1 deg west) 58 poles to a spanish oak in (lash’s line; then with (lash's line south 44 deg east 61 >4 poles to the beginning, contain ing seven and one-half acres, more or less. Sale made to satisfy said notes, inter est, cost and expenses of sale. This July 3rd, 1917. THOS. H. SHIPMAN. 7-i-5tc Trustee.

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