MIRROR OF TRANSVi. vMA COUNTY lAhK New (Name changed from Sylvan Valley News, January 1, 1917.) VOLUME-XXIl BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, AUGUST :f. 1917. NUMBER-81 200 MEN CALLED FOIt PHYSICAL EXAMS TO APPEAR IN BREVARO FOUR DAYS NEXT WEEK Total of 100 Men Wanted for War, 22 Enlisted, Leiiving 78 to Be Secured. Two hnndrctl iiu*n lu'twt'on tho ages of ‘J1 ami •’>! vt'urs old Inivt* been Huinniontul to Hi*ju'ar in l?re- vartl on next Monday, Tnesthiy, Wodnosday and Tlinrsday for physical examination in order that the jdiysically nntit in:iy be elimi nated by the Uteal exemj)tion board, which will say who shall t;o to war. The olTieial documents wen> re ceived from Washington on Satur day and the local ht):ird \vork'd on thii list of names Saturday, Sun day and Monday in arran^:inf; in regular order the numbers and nanK's of the boys and the order in which they will be summoned for examination. One hundred boys will bt* called on for military service from this c«.»un;v, t-xct“i)tin;4 -1 credits al lowed the county for the '2'2 ])i'r- sons who enlisted before the first of flulv. This leaves 7'' men to b** lurnishetl for encamj)iiu“nt in Si'p- tt'Uiber. Jn order to gt't 7'' m«'n the exem]>tion board has sum- nioni'd st>me of whom will b»* found ])hysically unlit for military duty. The oHicial list has bi- posted in the window of tin- vard Hardware comi)any. the names and address men who re^isti'rc’ from this list week runnir .*11 list will > . . \ 'Fhe list 1' . WHS not of'’ .1. 1’ ! • i few errors, Th. '1 ' \v V is ollicial and each i' r-on r. others will b*‘ sumnioiii'l -'y letter, which will contain tall inf(»rmationas to what is expcctcd, re^ulativins for t*x»‘m])- tion, etc. The board expects to examine ."lO mt'u eac h day in ses sion. Extra ])hysicians will likely be called in to assist in the exami nations. Each of tlu' i»ersons t)f mili tary aue in this county had a num- her re])resenTin!^ his name Tiiese numbers wen* drawn in Wa.-hin!' ton by blindfoliird men to tix tin* order of their military liability and the loc*al exemption board iiad nothin^^ to do \v:th the druwiuLT. which governed tiu‘ order in v. lm-li thi* m.-n will b * called. This same plan was used for ever.y section uf the United S?;tes so as Uf deal fairl,y with every jx'rson dr»wn. The nrunber*- given beh>u' show the *M‘der of the drawing «nd the order uf examination : For I'irst Call 25s Willie nu'.K'rt Warliik. Ikniirson- ville. 45S William W;tninlcr (iravlc?.-. R. i, I’is^uh Fnri-.'-t. 7S^ Fulton Sw;iiin Kinj^, Brevard. h.^7 Albert Sto;»lu‘ns McKinney, iVnrose 337 Lum Townst nd. Ikcvard )76 Carl Ilanlin. HrLV^frd 275 Janies Nelsnn, ('hcrryfield 509 F. Augustus Pirr>xjn, Selica 504 (ieorf^e Wasiiinjrtur Smith, Biviard 5% Harler .-Mixiinder ilolliiij^sworth. I’is^ali l-'(ircst 536 Newton Ihath, Iv. 1, Krt'vard 518 Th(tm:ts Wiley Nicholson, I'isgah Forest 126 John Hun van Hyder, I'isj^ah Forest 784 Julius W alter Slatton, Ualsani iWove 753 Robert (laslon Siniard, Brevard 1*7 Jerry llobert iJishop, i’is^jah Foresl )!(» Allen ii.Ien, (\ iitral, S. 373 Claud Mason, F.a’s'un Cirove 775 William C. Fi.>her, Lake Toxaway 4^(> Lois Esk* i Sims, lirevard, K-2 W2 Press M. (jalioway, Seliea tnK) Charles Amo^ jhimriek, IJrevard William Oliver (Jalloway, Halsam ('irove 507 Clarence Walker Fisher, Lake Tox away 309 Talmaj^e Riehmon ('hastain, Halsam (Jrovc 437 John Henry Woodward, Rosman 604 *John (lash (colored) Brevard 43 (»rady R. Holcombe, Rosman 420 Taire Harold Hart, Fis^ah Forest 514 Louie Carlisle Loftis,>Brevard 433 William Sword Morgan. Rosman 10 487 797 110 432 IS 652 739 (.01 ()0) 182 513 4(» 223 117 (.02 3'»0 75 / N> 2.S0 757 332 37‘» 512 194 552 2‘>S (.75 313 72(. 15 •152 .'.'5 530 SO') (115 21S t.L’o •I 7(>l 1S3 •>ro 51 519 llil 711 711 (..IS M’3 t>>5 I l‘>3 311 .VII 3.=^3 (..^7 j 3f.(l i .571 ■I.SS 7(14 72 35() 112 128 j (.79 K05 11 M>i (. 327 (>(.! 93 315 103 .55(> 154 5] 717 30 388 773 6(»8 4(H> 519 25 392 383 588 703 576 122 642 222 700 William Jason McCall, Balsam Grove *James Smith (colored), Brevard Robert Lee McNeely, Lake Toxaway John Henry Hinkle, Sapphire Avery Cameron Neill, Pisgah Forest William Monroe Norman, Blantyre Ernest Wilson, Brevard Walter Jethro Merrell, R. 1, Etowah 1 bomas Stephen Smith, Blantyre Himier NeLson McCall, Quebec RolHTt I’cnlinj' (lillespie, Brevard Monroe (Jalloway, Rosman Roy Lamanci*, Cherryfield Dolphin Alston Davis, 1‘isgah Forest C arl Cleveland Breedlove, Lake Tox- awav Frederic Lansing Smith, Brevard Harney Jackson Chapman, Quebec Hud Anders, Lake Toxaway Warren Riley (lallowaj’. Balsam (Irove Walter Washington McNeely, Lake Toxaway \\ illiam Burton McCall, Halsam drove Alexander Kennedy Lewis, Brevard *Sam ('.ash (colored), Brevard Homer H. Israel, Cherryfield Horace Augustus Davis, Brevard ‘ R.bcrt Thurman ('.alloway, Rosman Ona ('lifford Baynard, R. 2, Brevard Theodore Johnson Loftis, Brevard Mat Townsend. I’isgah Forest Jeft Davis Reid, Lake Toxaway Alfred Hen Zachary, Brevard Overton Lewis Erwin, Brevard (Icorge Daniel Shuford, Pi.sgah For est Copice Whitfield Lee, Lake Toxaway John I’oscy Morgan, Rosman Kdgar ('oleinan Lyda, Sapphire Cie(ir;:e I’aul Heilman, Rosman John Fate Reid, Rosman James Perry Hinkle, Sapphire John Cilenn Hennett, Brevard William McJunkin, Hrevard Leonard Bert Heath, R. 1, I’isgah I'orest al Perkins (colored), Pi.sgah ! ,iest vVil!;ir.l Cudy. Pisjjah Forest Andrew l'..v 'i.iriett. Little River Noah Magruder Hollowell, Hrevard Sylvanus .\lonzo Smathers. Hrevard Roman Cornelius Powell, Rosman Elbert Hmerson Jones, Cedar Moun tain Ceorge Richard Ciibstm. Pisgah For est Frank Wilscm, Penrose John Mason, Pisgah Fort st kora Morgan Hlythe. Penrose Franklin Perry Shuford, Hrevard James Meltt)n O’Shivld, Travelers Rest. S. C. Harry Heiss Patton. Pisgah Forest Ernest Otto Milkr. P.revard William ICdward Hollingswortli. Pis gah Forest Llihu While, Pisgah Forest ’Kdward Harbison (colored ;, Pisgah Forest Charley Bob And*rson (colored), Hrevard Dana Jeshurum Hu 1 lock. Kosman Leonard Simpson, Pisgah Fiirest Riley JCJbert Johnson, Lake 'i'oxaway Kicluiul Ithvl 'I'honipsori. Pisgah Forest (ialc »oode, Pisgah Fon.‘.«t Ha^kell Allison, HrevartJ Cniti* Osteen. Selica Thixxiore ICdwin Reid. Oaklantl Ku-Tone Ray Keeter. I’isgah Forest Wales Smith Lankford, R. 2, Brevard C.a.^1 Moore Cherryl5 Jd t'ii;iid Leon (Ireen, Balsam Jiichmond Piersoc Aiken, Rosmas Edward Parrish McC-jy, Pisgah For Herbert Lee Bumgarner Pisgah p'oresi John Pressley, Pisgah Forest Davis Clingman Biirton, Selica William Thomas White. Pisgafc F urest ‘Pete Price (colored), Brevard Jidin Lusk Perry, Brevard W illiiim ('onley (Jwen, Rosman Jesse Carl Scruggs, Hrevard Virgil Merrell, Ltowah Venion Sentelle, Brevard Harry t lyde Chaplan, Salisbury, N ('. States Lockwood Webb, Hrevard Herman Parker, Penrose Hawtjrth lieall, Pisgah Forest Lewis Tineley, Lake Toxaway Samuel Hale Siniard. Brevard Robert Thomas Allison, Etowah William Thomas Mitchell, Waynes- ville Albt rt lienjamin, Pisgah For«»st Jtdin Haywood Brown, Brevard Thomiis Settle Teague, Brevard James Lewis Reid, Oakland Perry Elza Raxter, R. 1, Brevard King Sullivan Whittaker Brevard John Luke Osteen, ielica Joseph Duckworth Bryson, Selica Sam McKelvey, Brevard Lauder Bernard Lyday, Brevard Monroe Wilson, Brevard Jerry Hampton McCall, Brevard ^Marshall (lash (colored). Brevard Rol^ert Pinkney Jone?, Cedar Mt. Benjamin Arwood, Brevard President Wilson Emphatically Indorses Go to Church Movement. Go to Chnrch. PKKSIDKXT WILSOX einpliatically indorsed tli(> CO 'I’O (’IlUHClI ciiiii]>:iign in a letter he pc'nt to the Ma.-sillon (O.) chuinber of coniiiiercc. lie declared that the liai)it of elniicli- going LAY AT THE FOrXDATloN OF STEADFAST '('ILUiACTEl? und the MAIXTKXAXCE OF THE STAND ARDS OF LIFE. Herewith is produced ir faesiinile of I’rosident Wilson’s letter: THE WHITE HOU3B WASHINGTON X 1166(3 not tell you that yonr effort to qaioken the oharoh-golng hahlt aaon^ onr people ceets with ay warmest sympathy* .. It has always seemed to ae that the habit oi ohuroh-going somehow lay at the foonflatlon of steadfast oharaoter and tho maintenanoe ot the standards of life GO TO C liriK'lI next Sunday. Indiice others to (M”) TO (_'liri;(.'IL bl. FINE CHOP CONDITIONS OF coum IN TRANSYLVANIA CO. Crop Reporters Make Encourag ing Reports; Apple Crop is About 57 Per Cent; Rye and Potatoes Fine. DURING PAST WEEK JadGrment in the case of Luther McCiaha: defendant must pay every year $5(J until the sum of ) eball havti been paid, said anm to be applied to the maintenance cf tbe child. .Ind?ment in the case of Frank Althoufrh only nine of tlu; 1 i Alli.son ; defendant pleads guilty to blanks sent to tlie croj) rej>orters | ri ceivinf' stolen goods, and is son- scattered throiigbont tlie connty | teneei to hix months on the roads, were returned to Noah M. Hollo- and to wear the felon’s strijKiS. Advantages of Buying Advertised Goods Merchandise that is aJvertised moves much faster than that which is not, and therefore the stock is kept new and up-to-date. There are* no shopworn, slow sellers to be disposed of in the store that keeps the advertising columns at work selling goods. And you can always depend upon the quality of advertised articles. The merchant’s reputation is back of his merchandise and he cannot jeopard ize it by misrepresenting his goods even the least bit Furthermore, the dealer’s newspaper an nouncement usually offers money-saving bargains, and every thrifty person should take full advantage of such opportunities. Read the advertisements torlav. TO PRESERVE LOCAL HISTORY !|_AO|ES IH TROUSERS BOOST THE RED CROSS well, the county rc'porter, cro]) con ditions were re])orted most favora ble. This report covt red conditions on .Inly 25 as observed by the r«‘- porters in their secttions and condi tions were reported on the basis of 100 |)cr cent representing a normal condition. The condition of corn was repre sented at 1*7 per cent; that of rye at 1(»2 ; that f>f Irish j)otatoes at 121 ; that for sweet i>otatoes at ; sor ghum at M and i>astures at 04 per cent. Vegetable contiitions aver aged about HU) per cent, K. L. Hog- sed estimating at r>() and J. 11 House at 12') jior ci*nt. The hjwest ctsndition for corn was by .lohn S. Bogtrs and the highest was ITiOby W, B. Hender son. There were only tliree reports wheat, this averaging per cent and i:i bushels to the acre. Kyt* averaged Ki bushels to the acre, ranging from S bushels reported by F. Henderson and 2»by \V. B. Hen d»*rson, who a’ - had the highest Condition for ^atoes, report ing 2‘' per cent The ajipb f-rn> ihm'I-'' • "'igc of ]H-r ' ■ nt tlu‘ nhti. being rt‘])orted ''N ‘s. «, 10(t, the hjwest bt ini: .. I'v *■ Haldwin and R. L. IIoj^m 'I These rejiorts are com ] il- • monthly by tlu' connty secretai.. and forwarded to the held agent a' Haleigh, who comjtiles those of North Car.ilina and forwards to the agricultural deiiartinent at Wa.^liington as a basis fur cro]) es timates. County Reporters .lohn S. jjoggs, Hrevard, R-'.': ('. F. Bakl’Ain. Blantyre; W. L. Tal lev. lVnros‘; M. L. Haniiltun, Kto- wah. R-1 ; (Tfortre Bisluip, Cedar Mountain ; F. Henderson, Brevard, {{-1 ; A. (,’ Laiidreth. Hrevard, H-1 ; 1. *i)n • iillespie, Brevard. R-1 : b.,. M. Whitmire, liosinan ; R L, * alvert : W. Brovk.-. ( In rryiieUl ; ('. R. Sliarp, ^elioa : .1. H. House, Balsam (iroV(‘ • Vanc(‘ (iallowtiy, i Lake Toxaway, R-1 ; \V. H. Hender son, C^>nt‘lH'c ; T. B. Reid. (>aklaml ; T. .1. Harrison, jr , Sa])])hire ; R. H. Z-ichary, Brevard : Edwin Poor. Uavidson River; C. E. Orr, Bre vard, H-1. These reporters arc retjuested to make monthly rci'.orts covi.rin^ tlu'ir resi>ective territory as far as possible. EUGENE ALLISON RECEIVED LIEUTENANT’S COMMISSION I At the reijuest of R. 1). W. (\ n-1 ■nor, who is identititnl with the !State Historical Commission, Noah j il. Hollowell has consented to col- : ^'^oss fund was appreci iect local data bearing upon activi- tune of about l;es incident to the prt'sent war ^n 1 uesday when a number of aJid forward same to the commis-1 ladies app(*aring in man’s attire si'jn with the view to preserving , disport- for historical reference the part their baseball playing jiroclivi- Tritnsylvania is taking in the war. ) Franklin lawn to the Soiue person in each county in the I on-lookers. It 8tati will be asked to perform a enjoyable event and sulli- simil^r service for historical bene- ludicrous to cause tho coin fits. I to llow more freely than common, as was desired by those promoting the event. 297 Doll Swangim, I’isgah Forest 321 Herman Sedj'cwick J»«r^an, Brevard 736 Theo. I). Davenport, R. 2. Brevard 707 Seborn Kimsey, I’isgah Forest ,308 *I)cnni$Cleveland Hall (coi./ Brevard 320 Marcus Williams, Rosman 656 Mitchell Gille.spie, Calvert Sylvester Orr, Ktovvah 73;^ Charles Delis Ashworth I’isgah Forest Preston Leon Bruce, Brevard 121 Elbert Jinieson.Sylva 221 Janies Harrison Gravley, Brevard SELICA SCHOOL OPENS I3TH The I'ublic school will oj)»>n nt J«'lica on August K5 with A. P. Bell of Saluda, princijtal ; Miss ()r» Proctor of l)avidst)n, inti'rmediate teacher ; and Miss Della Gillespie tf Rosman primary teacher. Try a Diversified adv. The Xews inadvertently over- lo()ked the name of Eugene Alli.son in the list of volunteers last week. Mr. Allison n ndered vuluable aid in recruiting a machine gun com- jianj’ and was ])romis(‘d a lieuten ant's conimi.sslon if he would enlist 20 men for a Held artill(>ry com- pany. H** raised mon* than the re(|uirv d number and has rectuved hi.s commission as si'cond lieuten ant. He is statioTU'd for training for about two weeks at ]\Ioores ville. Licut. Allison v/rites his peopk that he has scored the highest pi.int in iihysical I'xaminatiim of any man in the battery of ll‘» men anti that every me of the boys wlu> went with him from Transyl vaniji passed the examination successfully and tiiat he had been com mended for the line typo of bv)ys enlist *d troiu this ' ounrv. Ht rep >rtt*;l that tlu^y \v»ri‘ u!l getting along fine. OPEN SKATING RINK W. L. Mull has opened a skating rink for skating at night in tbe old Alligon buildinj on Main street. James Thomas, larceny an I house br(‘aking; defendant plea.Is guilty and is sentenced to eight, months on tho road wearing felon s stripes. Dr. Charles (iruver, nuisano ; not guilty. Henrv Pitman and Carl L. (’as- , failure to work road ; not guilty. Holu>rt Kitchen, asriault ; plead-? guilty ; judgment susi)ended on I^ayment of costs. Emory .Miller and .Sallie Miller, disorderly house ; not guilty. The following cases on the civil d.'»cket have been disposed of ; Co ra Fisher vs. Cla"'d Fisher, divorce : divorce granted. John ponder vs. Peen Ponder, divorce ; divorce granted. R. L. Raines vs. Tom Ball dispo>- ing of mortgaged proj)erty ; jud:- ment for plaintitY. W. 1'. (ila/.ener vs. F. L. We.slcy and Cl race Wesley, breach of con tract ; judgment for ])laintifl. Grand Jury’s Report. The grand jury, W. L. Aiken foreman, coni])leted its work on Wednesday of last week. The jury reported having visited the chain- _ ig, county home and county • iictv-. all of which we’ found m j;oo(l C(>nditio^^|d|||||^M^^||^iicIi no recommendi'^^^^^ made. Tl-e ,ia:l was found well k(»pt and i^rir- oners well cared for. “ Wu recommend that the county place a toilet, or closet, for women at L»r near the court house, for their express benefit, as they now have none,” was the only recuni- mendation in the report. INSTITUTE CANNING RATES; RESULT OF EXPERIMENTS Editor. Xews: S'jiiie weeks auo Brevard Insn- I tute egreed to xindertake to handle a considerable part of the canmnj; of :he conuiiunity with the r.nJer etanding that the work was to be done as nearly at cost as iiossible wiihuut loss or prolit to the schoo'. To g-t some start on the o]*eration an experimental jirice of three cents per (juart was suggestin’, with the i)rovision that this would be changed after trial if nt'cessary. Experience shows that a change is nect-ssary, if the work is to l>e duiio here in as sanitary and thorough a, iuanner as heretofore. Vi e find that a swift worker strings and breaks live or jiossiblv si.v (jr.arts of fresh beans pur hour. Two Cents per (juart is surely as little as can be paid for tLic ot tbe work. As approximately twa fj'i'irts of the fresh beans go into ti one (-uart jar, wo are comiiidled t) rv-(Miire that hereafter the vegetti- bies be given us already in the j ir.--', or to make a charge of four c r.ts for preparing them. Wednesday, August 1, was a tv].:.‘ni day in the canning plant. We had a man and a boy at work for tv.-elve hours each at a cost lor 1 iljjr of Othei’ temporary h -ip and tho cost of fuel brought the expen.-ie of the cooking room alone to at least »‘.o. We linishod on that day approximately one hun.ireii Cans. By our process and *vith i.ur a])paratus it is therefore necessary to charge three cents ]ier M'.iart liereafter for canning the re 1 It ]Mt‘pared veiretabh s. Respectfully submitted, C. H. Trowbhidge, Your friends would be pleased to receive marked copies of the News showingyour whereabouts and activities; d cents a copy.