MIRROR ru- VNSVI»\ ANIA COUNTY l.lh'K (Name changed from Sylvan Valley News, January 1, 1917.) VOLUME-XXIl BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, AUdlJSr 10. I!ii7. NUMBER-3:2 200 MEN EXtMINEO FOR mi DRAFT 75 PER CENT PERFECT; MANY SEEK EXEMPTION Out of 100 Men 2f> Physically nisqualified—M of 75 Will for Exemption. GAPT. T.C. GALLOWAY OIESOFPNEUMONIA Respccted Citizen and Veteran of Civil War Died Last Friday Af ter Brief Illness; Funeral Sun day; Burial in Alabama. Tha fl3ivt*r i>f TrHiisylvainn ciuin ♦y’s mnnhcoil. tlio youn^r nu*n fnnu to 31 years old. luivo bt*'n un- dorf»oinff a physical tfst this woi k bet\*re an t board of phy sicians, \\iu> havi' boon \vi'» the stronK from tht‘ wiMik and thoroby fifloctinfi thosi' pliysically fit for the army scrvioe of I'ncb* Sain. Two huiidrt'd Mn*n wfiT suiiitnoii ed bt'foro lhi‘ i‘XaTiunin«^ hi'urd for examination on Monday, Tnosday. Wednesday and Thursday. Thot^x amination to;.k ulaci* in th»‘ frat*>r nal ha’.l. whore r>(( men pathiMrd each day to bt» disrt)bod and t'xam- ined rari'fnlly by nion »jun’iti«-d t» Hay who woro snlVu'iently strong'. l)hy^i^•a^y, to iro to war. 'I'ho n* suits showed that the yonn^ man hood of tlu‘ eounty was strong and sturdy, 'riie ]»er(‘»'nt«ge of thosi* disjUMlified by reason of physiciil ^.lisability was not as largo by Inr ns that ill some sections. The men underwent a fairly thorough exam ination. i)vovid*-d they pas.sed sue cessfully tin* tests of si^rht and hi'arinix. After passing these te.'^ts tlu-y ut're disrobed an(» ^oni' t'Vi>r carefully by one or more jdiysieians. at least two running over tho>*‘ who were disjualilied in i>rder to make sure of imi)erfc(*tions by ver ilii‘Htion>. Visitors were permittt'd t«t wit ness tlie I'xaTulnations, w here th-ri' was in the lavf^e hall an jitmo.»]ilii re of solemnity and seriousness ratlu-r than t;rait‘tv and levity. It was an ordt'al that may result in activity oil iLc battle fr*>nt and the situa tion was taken seriously, though a littlo Immor oeoasionally mad»- liKhter the ordeal for the yt>un^ luen and the ]»hy>i«nans and eli-rks, A call will lie n;:i.do for .‘iO m(*re men for an examination at an early date in order to secure enoujrh to make up the county's (]UOta ol i nion on the first call. Thi* majority ol those passing; tlu' examinati’'ns suect'ssfully filed no- tici' that they wmuUI a])plv for i‘X- cm])tion. and these Imvi* to Ite heard within ten days after the e.'cnmina- tion. Dr. C W. Hunt, the idiysieian on the board of exemptions, (tlie otlier member: oeint' H. V. Smedbt r' and G. F jathroi>;' was a.'-istfd by Dr. VV. c A'allis and Dr. K. S ICii ^llish. C I L. .lones, who was ic tired frr- * tlu‘ board and succ'-fdcd by Mr. £ X'*dberi:, by reason of the former sage, he beiuj; of draft aift*, made the eye and ear tes'.s ana A. H. Kl/.er, I*. N. .'~inu)iis and Hil liard B:>oth sorvt'd in the capacity of clerks to the board. About one fourth of the men examined on tin* first t\vi» days wt'io ])hysically* dis (jualitifd and diseharired from fur ther liability. Thos* dis'iualified on Mondav and Tu'*sday for ]thysu‘al defects are : 27."^ .hiinrs Xflson. (.'luriytiild f-JS 'i'lio.-n:;s Wik-y Nivholsur., I’isyali Fonst .^7.^ ('lau] .Masen. lial>;im (irovc- William Oiivir (ialloway, )i;tl.sam O'At' 110 ,Iohr. llrnry Hinku', Sapphir** is Williaai .VioiuiK- Ndrniaii. P.lantyrc (>Ul 'I'honias Suplica Smith, Hlantyri' M2 KoU rl 'i'hnrmiin (ialUi\v:iy, Rdsmr.n l‘>4 Ona (''ifftinl Piayr.arJ, K. 2, I5ri \anl 2*)S .Mat Townsend. I*i>gah I'nirsl (,7.S .IffT Davis Htid, Lake 'l'(.xaway 432 fopico Whilfuld btf, I-aki- 'r)\;i.v;iy Kdjja.’' CoVrrian Lyda, Saj)piiirc 5,5m William .Mi Junkin, IJn-v.ird Willard Cody. Pis^;ah ■.7.IM Noah Mafirudcr Hollowtil, F.avard 5 Jolui ^b.lson. I’is^ah I'or- .--t 51 Franklir* i’erry Shulonl. Un vi'rd 41(» Harry llt-iss Patt(.n. I’is^ah i'onst Dana Jfi^hurum Hulloi k, Kusinan .^5,^ Crate O.'tten. Selica () William (Ouley Owen, Rix'-inan 4(W> Janies Lev.i:? Reid, Oakland 5H.S Sam .McKelvt v, Hrevard 714 Wales bee K-id, Sapidiire About two.thirds of tliose j)assin^' the physical t»^sts saecessfully, {'ave notiO'/ that they W(iuld ask for ex emption from service. Thoso examined ott M(inday and Tnesd^y o will not ask for ex einiitioii ST.!: 53f, Ne':»'t33 Heath, R. 1. Brevard 126 John Bunyan Hyder, ris^.^ah Forest 7S1 Julia# Walter Slatton, Balsam drove 616 Allen Eden, Central. S. C. 6(X) Charles Amos Hamrick, Brevard JO William Jason McCall, Balsam Grove Homer Nelson McCall, Quebec 46 Koy Lamance, Cherryfield ('aj)t. TliomiiHC. (Jalloway died Frulav afternoon of ])n»>umonia af ter only a few days' illness. Dur- 111;; tlie wintering had sufTered from an attack of the same di.seaso, hut had seemiiifily recovered ard had resuTuetl his habits of active work, unusually strenuous for one »»f his advanct'd «;.:e. He would havi* been “-o vrars old on the 27th of Ni)- vemlier. (’ai>t. (Jalloway was. the son of Washington and Betsey (-ialloway and was a native of lliis county. (*f this family three sisters snr- vivi* ;—Mis.-»es Mary and Vick (Cal loway ef('alv(‘rt and .Mrs. Cora Howell of (Jreenville Cui)t. (ialloway was twice mar ried iiis lirst wife was Miss Ida Ramy. whtuliel many ycirs since (>f this union four children survivt ; Ida. Charles, William, and Thomas (iall»>way of (Cad-sden, Ala. On May I'.MH, lu‘ married Miss Belle M.-t'arroll, wh ) survives. Of this v.nion tliere are no surviving ehild r*. n. The (I’I'l'IS‘d s‘rv*vl the ('onfed eracy throimli-ut the ('i vil waraiul Won cre\lit. He was ^iven tlie laiik of eaptainand in tlie latter ],:irt of the war was enj^a^ed in the o])er- ations that toi'k ])lacc in this part of the state. After tlie war he rrnu-ved to Ala banui, wh. re he spi iit more than half of bis Ion*; life us a plantt-r. There his family "as reartni, aiul then* he yt‘taini'd hitf church membership in a Baptist church till the day of his death. In recent .years ho returned to the eounty of his nativity and made his home in lirovard. He was an active worker in his busint'ss aff lirs, a faithfr.l church attendant, ■» render of the Bible, and a clieerful contributor to e'lureh interests In his personal manner ht» bad !rany of those traits reco^'iii/.ed as belonj'inj' to “^t‘ntlemen of tin* old selu)ol," now too few, and rj4]ndly passing;; away. Funeral services w -re conducted at th«* Brevard home Sunday after noon by K(>v. A. N\‘. .McDaniel, while i>rayer was olTertnl by ]{ev. (D. ('haj'man. The body was taken on the Sun day afternoon tram to Ciadsden, Ala. for interment. Mrs, ialln- way and other memVeisof his fmu ily aeeom]»anyin^ tlie remains. The ]»all bearer>‘ to th(^ station were W. K Ilreesi*, ('. 11 Deaver, Welch (ialloway W. R. Robertsr.n, Hayne Boydeii and A. K. Hamj)ton. 6,500TINCANSF0R SALE AT COST ONLY Tin- Brevard Binkinj' eompany has ])urchased tin cans for t!ios ‘ v.ho wish to can fruits and vet^etables. '^I'hi'; cans ar-.’ to be sold I at aetual e tst .'^r>.fiO per humlreii, ' and C’ln be ])urehased for eash from the Hrevard Hardware eomj)any I and tlu! Farmers Supply i-ompany. j These Hrins have furnislu'd lloor space and time* for their salesmen I to handu* fr(‘t'of charge. No one j is askiiiL' a cent out of the eans, it I is only to (‘ncouratic tl\e jteo])le to I taki‘ eare of food that will be neei] ed later. 'I'in 1 ans are n«.)W stdlin*; ! wholesale at U(t. N,\> cans will be c'laru'ed since lU) ]»rolits are made. Do You Believe In God? Then Outwardly Manifest It by Going to Church. IT i not enoiiLh for i>ne to s;’\ tlial lie lives a I'i.uliieniis life aiio that lie 1-eiit vt,' in a Sujueine Beiiiir. ll‘ iinssi ;ivc Ol'T- WAKD MANII KSTATION’ of that lelief. 'I'liere is only >iie way tliat a map. can u’ive (M' TWAIM) M.W'j- I'1‘'S r.M'jON «'f his ln'iief ill :!ii‘l lovt* of iJod, and that is ii\ (;(>INJ '!'(» (Til K’('H. 'llu' (ln:P(h !'»• liouu' of (iod. He r-ML!!!' lliere (Mi at feast (l:iy like i-]aster, TllanksLMvi!^L^ ('liristiiias and New \Car's the cloirclies art* jill(>d to o\eiljowiuL:. reople (iO ']’(> ( lirKClI to honor (ioil and lliank liini for liis bies>inLrs. I'en't wait for the-e fe;!t (!;;ys to (i() '!''() ('lirii’Cll ;ii!ii t'len st;;y away from church for tlu* reiiiaiti'ler of tiic year. I'.Vl'KV Sr.\h.\V is a feast day of the cliurc h. AS A RESULT OF THE COUNTRY WIDE GO TO CHURCH MOVEMENT THERE HAS BEEN A SPLENDID INCREASED AT TENDANCE IN T1:E churches, but THERE ARE MANY V'.'HO HAVE BEEN DEAF TO THE CALL. IF YOU ARE ONE OF THESE. MAKE UP YOUR MIND TO GO TO CHURCH NEXT SUNDAY. TELL YOUR WIFE OF YOUR RESOLUTION, AND NOTE THE PLEASED LOOK ON HER FACE. TELL YOUR CHILDREN, AND IT WILL MAKE AN IMPRESSION ON THEM FOR LIFE. A PARENT CAN ILL AFFORD TO ASK HIS CHILDREN TO GO TO CHURCH AND REMAIN AWAY FROM DIVINE SERVICE HIMSELF. (.oin,.; to(huvch i)oi:.>N'T i:FA>rii;i-: aw CiiiiiAT sac- li11'IC!•'. 'I'he ^t■r\il■cs are at :i sea-oiuil>le liour. 'J'hev are not l..n,u^ You .surely MI-:KT 'J'lli-: JJK.HT K1.\D OF IM:'►Pf.K there. Ttie sernnnis iuvariaMv are 1 .\ STIH C’ TI 1] A.\J> L‘I‘- LIlTlNi;. Trv c^oiiii; to church i!e:\t Sinuhiy. Se(* if von ilon't feel Ix-tter lor it. li will help you to ov( i‘c(»tiie tin' teiujiiation." if the worhl. \ ou !] hesitate hei(»re vou do a v.ronLf act. Sin hriii;;- its i';’iii'!;!ncnt: rii:htcoiisnc>.s its rf\v;!!'il. If von u;int, to the rv.. ;iri! oi riu''hleoU'iicss and av(>iil the puni.^huienL of ',n, he a rcL I '. r i-hu?’ch ;iltetnlant. ST.\I:T NKXT SUNDAY To RK A COXSISTKNT (.'IirRCH- (.oKir. Careful Buyers Read Business Man’s Message The printe(J announcement in the newspaper is the merchant’s personal message to the readers. He tells them what bar gains he has to offer. He keeps them informed as to the ar rival cf new goods. He shows them the way to obtain quaL ity at a saving in price* Careful, economical buyers watch the advertisements in this newspaper and save money on their purchases. Are you one of them? Or do you buy haphazardly, mercily to accommodate some one else—to help lome ona profit by your thoughtlessness? Look over the advertisements in this issue and see what bargains are offered today. ,V III (i77 7()(i 711 stl .^27 (•(>1 M) 773 1?.^ .V»2 H.-’-rni-y .hu kson ("najimri’i, (,)uil)i‘C Lf?'ti;ini Hirt Heath, K. 1, I’i.st^ah .Andrew ('»y Surrt tt. Litt'ic KivtT Honiaa ('orndius I’owc lL Kd.sinan iiriust Otto .MilKr, Hr-jvanl I'lihu W hiti', I’iss^ah Feres', ('arl Scru^fjs, ISrevard Vir;^il .Mt rrell, Ktewah Ikrinan Parker, I’enro.se Relit rt Thomas .Mlisen, Kt(ivah .lehn Haywciod Brown. Urevar.'J Kiiij' Sullivwn Whittakc-r BrevArd Jchn Luke Osti i-n, Sclica Th‘* Xi*v, s is rnnninf;on]m‘'e '2 the names the men in this eoun ty between tlie a*.^er; of and oS. Thes(* iiHTiH'S come in tlie order tlie men an* called on f»)r Korvice. Two linndr-d have been (*xannned. Fitty more in the ord(*r in \vhicli th(*ir names appear, atl«*r conntintr ofT tlie already o.xamined, will be summoned to appear soon. This list as well as that showing the physically disqualified is worth keeping; by every yonn^ man in th«^ county in order that he may sl)o\v ' future peneratious his exac’t t*t«tns in the uatiou-v.ide drdft. NEW TANNING PLANT BEGINS OPERATIONS The Transylvania Taiininj' com pany recently irnmei.-'cil the first hides in vats fc>r sct.tkini^'. 'Fliis is tluf first step in the }-r;;ce>s of tnvn- inj; hides into leather. COOO SALE BY PRESBVTERIAHS ' FLEET OF SEVEN CANOES NAVIGATE FRENCH BROAD The ssile conducted hv tht* Ladies Aid society of the i^veslivterian church, s/iheduled for Tuesd iy, was postponed till \Vedne.>-i;iy on ac count of rain. The s:ile was lu'ld on tlu* verandah of tho T. 1). i-iiaiiter house. Fancy v. »rk and ai tisliejilly wi’ousht «])partl formed thii chief articles of sal»*. Th»* weathiT on Wednesiday a;.*; ) wa.^' uniavorahle, but tlie ))rce, t-d^ were* eiieouiaj^in';, about bein^ rtal- i/. d. This sum will cancel u debt assumed by the society for work at the church. A lle(^t of .seven eanites, manned j by ‘js French Broad campers under j('onncilor E, L. Faust, left the camp lisndin*' Friday and headed down the river for Aslievilli*, Nifjht 1 v^*rtakiii!^ them m tiie voyaf^**. they W(>nf ashore noarSkylaud and j iMMih* i-amp. T’m*y reached Aslie- I viHe next niornin*.':, s]x*nt a f{tw h.inrs there, and returned over lan-vi to tlu‘ir (juarters. Tliis makes the fourth v 'ya.ije on the river to Aslu^ville by boys of the camp since its eir:tablishmi‘nt. DIED SUBJECT TO DRAFT Read the Diversifieds also. ! James Hinkh* of the ^^•i])phire 'section diei? o:i Friday after aTi ill ness of thre(f days. was iniried I on L'at urday, ihe Rev. Nt)ble con ducting the funeral ceremonies. He w^us the sou of Perry Hinkle, and was years old. Being of the draft ago, he would have been ex amined on Tuesday by the exem tion board. BROMFIELD AND MIUER RESIGN AS ALDERMEN O. L. Erwin and W. H. Duck worth Elected to Fill the Two Vacancies on the Board. The Imard of alderjm n lield the r*gular Aiif^ust meetinLri Ti Monday night. Mayor W. K. Bre se ]>ivsid ing and all tlu* aldermen being present. .1. »!^. Uromfield anl.T. A. Miller jr t(>nder((l their resignations as al dernien, which were acc*i>t(*d with exnressions (jf regr(‘t. Jioth these* gentlenien gave as their rea son for resigning the fact that they could not consi.-tently remain f>n tlu‘ boanl and carry on their r-- sjieetive lines of bu^in^■ss, whieb cnmju'lhtl them at times to work for the town. (>. L. P>win and VV. H. l)uckwiirth were aj>pointed to fill tlu^ vacancies (jn the board, and 1). (t. Ward was (dected to sue ceed Mr. Miller as mayor ]>ro tem. Mr. Brtnnlield was a new member of the board. He and Mr. Miller were gcn(*rally regarded iisellicient and prt'gressrivc (dlicers. The tax c(dlectijr was ordered to colh'ct all back taxes not paid tjy Sei)temb'T 1 by process of law if nccessary. BAPTIST CONFERENCE IN BREVARD, AUGUST 19-23 guarant^'eing a ’ b’oan for the r Tited. - .ifii 1-1 ii.d, 'i the ■ lernii. I * > T!i ry . ;,t Tl.'t*!. A subscription salary to a nig smmer mont: s C'*'ving to the i;‘ an otbcv r for it was decide ’ su*!seription t. nent, the town agr»*eii^^ t-i 'U!>i ment the subscription with .^1 a month. It was decid(’d to take positive steps towai d supi rO'.'-ing the rowdy ism of negroes in certain sections of town, nt)tat)ly in tlie neighbor hood of restaurants, as their con gregating and noisy ('onduct was amounting to a public naisanee. BARACA'PHILATHEA POSTPONED Tlie Baraca-l’liilatliea t'nfertiiin- meiit at Mrs. Silvi rsteun's, has b. (‘11 postjioncd until Frida v night. August 10. Do it now! Delays are dangerous! Swat that fly! ❖ 4* ❖ ❖ *t‘ ❖ ❖ 4* * ❖ »> ❖ ❖ »!• Preparcdiu'ss is ttie lii'-' word ❖ of tlie couiitry today. .\re \ ell i rep.-ired for tlie fly ❖ iiivasioiiV T;;eri-’s an eld saw *J* that “an emi'c of pi-eveiitien is ❖ la-Iter tli.iii a pound nf eure." If(re are ."'oic.o ways t" I're- pare f> r the !!y eanipMiirii; «J» Carlt.im*.—Ti.is is food wate 4* only, .\lways Ueei» it in a metal 4* tail with a tiuht cover. l*o net ❖ let Hies i.'^et into ir. ItiiMiish. -This iurh.des avlu's. 4* Ix.'ltles, tin c:nis, junk and lionso •I' sweepiiius .\lways keep ii in 4* boxes or li.irrels of aver;'.ue size. 4» Wasie raj’ef.—This s’.iould l>o 4* kept, from rubhisli. .\lways kc.*p 4» it dry. I’ni it in burlap nr 4* ti(‘ ir np in I.undies. If kept iu 4* the lia'^-'meat it should never l*c 4* near tl‘e lurnaet; nor niider the 4* stairs, ,j, Vaa’t T.ots.—The owners of 4- vae;nif lots are respen..;blo fer 4* keejfin.; iliem eleaii. I >0 ihit 4* tl'.nv.v your iiililtish or ;iarltai;e 4* ill tliesi‘ lots. It is not .trood eiti- 4* /.en.'hip and is a mr-i>ai-e to \our 4» lieallli. Try to j;et. them cleain>d 4* ’.ip and see if you can put ia a 4* pirden. 4. I wi.sli to remind the i)ublic of Brevard anl of the county that ther(! will be another religious con ference August l'.» to '^'4 after tho manner of the one held two years since. Tho o])ening address will bemado on SuTulay at il :0) a. m by Rev. H. V. Miller ()f H(*ndersonville, a. distinguished Bible teacher w’hoso servi('es are in demand from the (iulf to Canada. Dr. Miller will irive five addr(*s.';(‘s—Sunday at 11 :iO H.m,, li ri'.o und x :0(» j). ni., and Monday at 10;00 a. m. and S ;()0 p. ni. Monday at Hon. J. .1. Britt will give an address on some theiuo apjd'opriate to tlu* occasion and to his honored j)osition as a Christian statesman. ()tber distinpuished speakers will bt* Kev. W. F. I’owell, D. D., n«“V/ ])astor of the First Baptist church, A.sheville, Rev. A. E Brown, I). !>., Asheville, snp('rintendent of the system of secondary schools foster ed by tlu* Baptist Home Mi.ssion Board, Rev. K.. W. Cawthon, foi' seven yiairs the successful i)astor of the First Baptist church of Hender sonville, and Rev. J. D. Moore, fL Y. IV C. secretary of North ('aro lina, will each be on tho prograrfi for two or more addresses. Mrs. W. H. Woodall of Ashevillo will have charge of tlu? woman ?: hour in tho afternoon at The general i)ubbc of all creeds ■•rdially invited to share the I." d things of those days as they i;ii twe years ago. Hstors and other otlicers an-i V..^kers of the country ehnrclu*s aic esjiecially^ invited to attcn ' these bervices w-IiJcli "'ill clo."^ Tliursday night. A. W. McDamkT. ESCAPED CONVICT RETURNS Oscar Wellchance, the bigami^'j ,jonvict who csca]>ed from tho chaingang several weeks ago, was brought back and consigned to his jducc on the road by Deputy Sher- itT Faxton wi'ek before last. Well- chance was rec. isrni/.ed in the neigli- borhood^of .Jellico, Tenn., by sonic o'le who bad s“en him in this (.'onnty, and the authorities b.erc were notified of his whei jabouts. He attempted to enlist in tlu* army but was refused when his trn>- character b; r’ume known, was hell at ,Jell:co, and turned over to Mr. I’axtcn on his arrival there. D. L. ENGLISH HEADS COMMITTEE D. L. English has been a})})ointcd chairman of the Soldiers' Aid com- niitteo of the C'ouncil for National Defense. Tho object of this com mittee is to look afti-r tiie legal linancial and busino-"S arVa’.rs ol soldiers and .sailors during their absence from home on aceoUTit o’ war, V. here no repress iiijit’v.* ^ex ists. The other ineml ers of the coir.- mit.ee are \V. F. Decker. T. T. Pat ton, R H. Zachary. A M. Wliire and C. E. )rr. JIM THOMAS ESCAPES Jim Thotiuui, tue negro who con frssed to breaking into rox iV' Kil patrick's store and was sentencc'l by Jud*:e FerL'Usun to ei^lit I’lonth- cin tlu* rlails, escai>('d Irom the cliain ^:ing on Friday atternoon after serving onl^' a few days. He as trackt>(l from the caiiii) near Sum I.aTice's jilace on the Ca’sars Head rc.ad across the mnunTains into Ciri cr. ville countv. The trail *:ave onr at Cleveland's mill, an no furtlu r triices of the i J’;-tiv have yut In eii discovered. 4* 4* 4* 4* 4« 4» 4* 4* ❖ 4* 4* 4* 4* 4» 4* 4» 4» 4. A Hostile Aviator. The housefly is a hostile aviator drop ping bombs of disease upon the unsus pecting public. Something to sell means some thing to advertise. CARRS HILL BAPTIZING Rey. Elijah Allison, pastor (.’ars Hill cluirch, reports thi* Imp- tiz(*ii!eiit I'f five {)ersons Sundav Rev. (\ (.'. Duckworth as a result ' f the revival just closed at that chnri'h. Rt'V. Mr. Allison began a revivjif at Etowah church on Wednesdav- !i!j:ht o) ♦l.is week, fie is having a vJrenc.oiis soason, having attended 1 vevival mcv'ting each day for tho oasr it'iiir v.i’eks and haviiig preach ed two si*rmoi s a day for two '.veeks. LAWFUL Al!fO LIGHTS Sherifi Paxton gives notice that iie will enforce the state law re- o.uiring the use of dimmers oj an- fomobiles. All persons violating ^his law may expect to be held up ‘.td take the coasequences.

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