BREVARD NEWS, BREVARD, N. C. “That’s Jim Siniih’s Building- and I'll bet live dollars it isn't Insured.” He was corrcct. Jim Smith had *^put off'' the mat ter of insuring his property and it was the same old story—‘‘totil loss/" This May Happen to You Any Day. Fires come without warning. Many a business has been halted on its upward climb to success, by a fire. Yours may be wiped out any day. How are you protected? We write Fire Insurance in strong, reliable companies. See us today. GALLOWAY MINNIS Real £st>aLe and Insurance Going Visiting or to School? If you arc you will need a suit case, grip, hand bag or trunk. You can fiiid culicr at our store. We have trunks of all kinds: suit eases in straw and leather, and hand bags in fiber, straw and leather. We have a good supply of these articles and would be glad to show you the excellent quality of our goods and name you attractive prices. Weilt's Gents Store Opposite Court House FOR THE STOUT FIGURE A Fabla For Pacifisis ..... A ♦ - .'V •. SAMi:!. ::.>i’KiN,s ;iliyi)l;c ill till'! ■ "lli' -liiiwn jitinvc ;i tif.crnin;,' m.c ;i:k1 tl.c ■...'iiiaii i>f li'/ui’t* will 1.11,1; :';it sh" i ; !: ll]. i!i it- . 'I'o V. !.ii lila* iifiiT iitiove Jill I'lsi' j’l i >’iii^. iiii> !.i'\v inmlfl will an in>iaiit ap jcai. ! pai';.!!*-} i-mu-; i»i ; arrow ltr;ii(l, a!.'!.. vi:h ii > iirJ. - il; •[ jiiifs. it a lit: li«ii siiiarihan. ■ 1 iiiijirovt' liiKi!,. (I'lUlur ln-1', i-, a (if i I Jt lit iii:iiiai;i'iih-r.I ami tin- 1d1.,„' wait J;n* at th«- li'Hi' aii'i l-iiuihfHi‘1 slur: r':i«“liii*g ii' ai’ly to tln‘ install, mitj; bfio'iil to tli»* tia'ur**. To Cleanse Fur cf a Cat. Take a large cuiiful of frrani:!ate(* corn meal, add iiIihI; of li.-ip Kr.iro f.eed. Place rat on r.pron or othr:r cloth, then rub nip.ot "on'ly »;.-1 thor ! or.ghly through tli'; fur, Rathfriiig ti e meal up and rep?rtitip thr**o or f ;ir | fmes This will lira! and Icavn s.:;n perfectly clean and the fur aoU ynd luxuriant. WUI also renjove lloas. Personal Mention Look through these columns; see if the names of your {guests are there. If not, you have neglected your duty toward them. It docs not cost any thing. Telephone, write or bring your news to News oflice. By Samuel Hopk'ns Adams of the Vig- i!anles. IN ri:i- of «;cn.’i-al \V:i!- tin- lii'( t 'i'l'i'oi - t'.H‘ r,. s; ri';;iai:.('(l ;![ I’l'a I*, 'ri’iii tlii'V i:ii.ul;i .nn'lia’! tlirir I’:ii'.i!i!s iiiiliaiiii'cicd. ihr IImiii;. r.i'i's as liic'i’ Icim!-!-' ifitaiii Siii. j i;’ ".; Ill’ ( iiiii: '-v aiiii I'r wc^s I ■ ,L;r.:ii’] lii Ir liiti'r- f -i>, li:t il- l.iV(>.: aii'l I l.'-'r 11 :ii 'I-. T ■ I h; -1' I ;i:anli- Mi '-a!';!- S I'l' ‘1.1 llu> 'rrilic I'f lii:! iil. 'S Sit,(lrrs, ,-a\ iir:; *1 iflH rrti'.I ll I In* Air is I'mi'al l i, I" \iiui' Wiuus, I'l) ;• I !i f r^' ;i re S|i:cail I II!' W.'l s I'ur "li;- I .iii'iiiics." ■ r«nt lli»‘ .\ir is "iir |ir.ii.i-i- I’rnv- iliri'." l.riiti"tc.l IIi(‘ 111i(‘!i I.! aiI- or> III' ii;c 1',. cs. ■‘Slnil "lit iroiii it ii,.\^- sliall \v.- l oiitiinie lo ,*\ist ill I’)!'-,: •! iiy ami I lolinr’;'’ "'l iiat is iii'iiiiiiu' 111 I ' rr[‘Iictl tin- Km lilt'.'S S|'ii!r, s. "Nv liii'-i (iisnlii y.' "iir Wc will d .;iruy. 1’.»‘ w aru( tl." ‘■'i’liis Iliiti;; u«* will ii..t Ijiduri',’ siti'l tli‘ l’t“(‘ l.t‘a(ii '.’ , liu'v si*i :ilI.illt I t’aiiiiiu't iii'ir \N 1., , ^ !h1 :.ii;jr;> I'liia'. !la'ir Siiii;:s l'«.r l;iir as they iiri'iiarcd :■» tluTi' ai ii'i- Iriii'i aiiii'iiic t!ic Ma.-^s (,i‘ iy«‘iir;.- i‘>rc^ a cl.iiiiur III' i‘;ti-ili' l !rs, ;\\ iii;^ Hill ill ia.i;.\ v«i;i'i ( -•■ .ac> of wliii li • ■i luiftl t h:‘ Siiiilcr ai '". i: "It is not tlic will Cl’ t!:-“ Irilt* that wf ;:o In war. .Malvi- i.o iiiovi ni nl iia til oppoi triiily is L'ivca I'o,- all to voi ■ u[»oa till' tiut'siitni." So tli‘ CIioscii I.fa'lcrs won* liouixl to inaction, awaitiiii; tlic vote of t!i‘ Jloiii'y Itoes. whoso intt'rcst and livt", II ihI honor l lii>y ;,Mia nlnl. When in 1lij eoursi* of trihal (‘vents ttio voti* ll ’ ''I'Mn r«'.:,'isten(l tiu* I’avi- list r.n:'/,crs i, overthrown !»y the re- sentiiicnt of an anjjerod trila*, and the word went out to Iho Thosen I/'aders: ‘‘Our litiiior has been assailed, »*tir will is for war. ,m> forth ami liiclit.” lUit lliu Chosen Leaders did not liuht. Horn, to Mr. and Mr.-'. W. S. Pricf, .ir., a (laiighttT. Miss llattio Aikon is vi.sitinf^ Mrs. 1). 1). (’artt'r at Mars Hill. Miss Mildrod Jonos of Asln'villo is visitin;? luT awiit, Mrs. O. T. Oarv. Mrs. Davis of Aslu'villo visited hor dauf^litor, Mrs. J. R. }lainlin, ' Sunday. I’nrvis Hnnyan 1ms ucooptod a j)osition at tlio foniitiiin in I)ii(*k- worth’s drn^ ston*. Miss (’allio Shuford has rotnrned to Aslu*vill»> aft('r visitinu: lior nioc»*, .Mrs. O. 'P. (.’rary. F. Ij. hs'Vatio of (irecnsltoro has .ii)ini'(l his \vift‘ and dauijhti'r, wln) art! visitintr rohitivos hero. r. 1>. ()sl>o’-n* of S]»artnnhtirf' vis ited his Tiiothor, >lrs. W. K. Os- ' home, during tho week end. Miss liuis ('artt'rof Winston Sa- l(Mu, i’orjnor r»‘sidont of Hrovard, has horn vi.«sitin,' Mrs. ('. M. Doylo. .1. \V. lii'nnott roi'iMitl.v rotnrnt'd fiKin Kah'it'h, wlu'n^ ho has h(‘on attoinlin^ the A. and K. suinnuT s(dioul. T. L. (’(tpoland and two danjzh- t(*rs of ('liiiton, !S. motorod hore last woi'k to visit his sistur, Mrs. .1. L. IJfll. M. Ij S]ui>iiian of Kaloi^h visiti'd dni inu: tho wt'ok his wife and child ren, wlio are spending the snnj- iner here. The farnili(‘s of .Mr. Hall and Mr. S«'a^o of Auijnsta, (ia., art'oi'en])y- in^ rooms in tin* n]>])er I’netteeot- ta‘:e for the sutntner. H.'iivy K. Sp'>i^M;l of I’ittsford. N. V . lias !)( t>n visitin; M. l>oyle. Mr S])c’;.,'rl has joined the Wash- in;^ton aviation c*or])S. Miss Martha lirooks, who is tak ing training at the Meriwether ho-^- pital at A>heville, si>t‘nt last week in the county visitiri^ relatives. * W. A. Brown came to tlu> it li‘f of the News this we(‘k. and aft»T an ahsence of ahnut 1 (> V(“ars from the ciises turned Ins liim.-rs to them a^'ain M. L. Sliipm'in, State ('oinniis- sioner of Lalior and Printini;, of liftlt'iirh. visittMl his family, wliieh IS summerini^ in Brevard, for the week end. Major W'l;. Kohertson. wh>> has hei ii for several wt'eks in a Traiti- ini: camp in )klahomn. sto])]»ed here last weelc to visit his family liefore' joining his regiment. liiihe Lewis. )verton lOi'v. in, ( 'arl llardin and Mei'ry Scrntrtxs, who recentlv enlisted in the coast artil lery corps at lieinlersonville, sjtei'.t the wei k e!!(i at Home. Mrs. Oliver Crary entertained last 'I’liursday nii^ht at her Imtiie with a rook jiarty. .Manyenj^iv able LTaiiie.^ were tollovved bv re tiesliiiients consistit'iT of ice crea!ii and cake. ('harles, liavin^ p»:isst*d the ])]iv>ic!il e.\aminatii.)n lu'fove the exemjttion board and clai:nin^ on e vein])!’.o!), left this Week for a visit to his home ])eoplf in Rutherford county, wit’.: the e.\pi‘ctation of later beiipj called to the colo’-s. St. Philips (iuild will ^ivea '-il ver tea and co.Mduct a sale of fancy articles at tlie l.piscopal rectory on 'I’uesda.v, AuLCU.'t 1 !. from ]o ti» !'J in (lie forenoon and from 1 to ; o clock in the afternooTi. AdTfiis Sinn will be featured by a silver oiteriui^. Refreshments will he free. i'rof. .1, ( lydo .lone.s finished his work as instructor in tlu> (’ullo- wliee summer school recently and Went to his ho’nt* at Win^ute for a tew (lays. He came ht're on Tues day to confer with tin* school com mittee on matters f'oniu’cted with tin; ^railed school for next session, this h«‘in} his third year as prin cipal. Dr. W. W. Smith h. IS >iceej>te«l a ])osition as ]uvscription clerk with Walker's druf,' store inAshi'ville. For th«* ])ast few weeks Dr. Smith had heen with tho Duckworth Dru^ (‘om]>.iny on a temporary arrantre inent. I ntil his inarriai;o r»‘contly he was with thi* Maclie-Hrodio drnj; (•om])any, haviui? worked there for nt‘irly tv.o years, durln*' which time he madt‘ numerous friends who re;j:ret h:s dt‘parture. Mr. Billinurs and Mr. Davis of (ho French Broad C’amp, Miss Lee and Miss l)ottert!r of Cliarleston and I Miss Kinti: and Miss Frwin of Bre yard will givt' a f»>\v *xcerpts from • Tho Holy t'ity” of (iatil at St. i'hili])’s church next Sunday after noon, August 12, at five o’clock. There will no adniission ohari>;ed jand no collection taken, htit volun- , tary ollerim^s in u plate near the I door are asked for tho permanent jOrf^an Fund. Tho T. K. h. (dass of the Btiptist Sunday school will meet with Mrs, Rol)ert Orr on next. Tuesday at 3 :oO o’clock Miss Beryl Martin of Easley, S. W’as here this week on h visit to h('r relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Rosanntnd. Mrs. Mary Mills and Mrs. T. T. «a’loway ariM'onductinj; hoarding houses at the |»oyd*n liouso and at the latter’s hotne. Mrs. W. L. Aiken lias as lier ^ut'sts her father, Rov. T. IL Wal ters, and her sister. Miss Martha ; Wultius, ()f Raeford. i Fiddy Hallenher^ loft Pis^jah For- ^ est this wc(dc to (*nter th»^ forestry service. It is his expe(‘tation to lo (diaulVer work on tlm French fron tier. ^ Ladies ni^ht was t)bs*rved at the Brevard club'i'uesda.y ni^'ht, when a iaru«“ ^ath.-rin^ of ladies ami ni(‘n enjoyed |)ool, cards and daiu;- ni^'. Miss Annie Henry has heen ab sent from tho ]>.)st oHict* f(»rsev»*ral days on ac(;ount of sickness. Hu bert llardin has temj)orarily taken ht'r ])lac(! as clerk. Mr. and Mrs. Ira IlaTndton have moved ht‘re from Ashevilh^ and an; oceu])yini; the l*atton house on \\ hitrnire stret^t. Mr. Hamilton has acc(*})ted a position with the Transylvania Tannin}.; company. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Osborne and diiu‘'hter. Miss Marie, motored from Spartanburg fin’ a wei^k-end visit to the fornu-r’s mother. Mrs. \V. K. ()shorne. They were accom panied to Brevard by .Miss .lose- ])hin(* Siiipman who has been visit- in.ij: the Osbornes in Spartanhur*'. j i House—Ivy Tlu' marriau:e (»f Miss Vera House, tl’.e attractivi' and ai’compiished liaut'hter of Mr. and Mrs. .1. H. House of iialsarn (Srove, to rlohn ' Klie Ivey of \V(‘st Rahd^li, took i place at the brid(*’s home on Weilnesilay evening of this week. I Miss('lai,i Ijeathi'rwood (jf Lake j.Iuuiiluska was maid of honor. Lon- j nie Ivev of Norwood was best man. ;cen jn.iMv^ Ji.i--- ' \\ . MeDan- I ie' oiiiciatini.;, waslarii:ely attended. ! ."ome of the friends id the bride ] and irioom ;^oimr from Brevard and ■from points without tlu‘ county. ; 'I'he weddini^ march was jdayed by 'Miss Flora l>uck\vorth. .Mr. Ivey arrived in Brevard en- I route to r>al.sam (Jrove Sumlav 'and reCfivid i-onLrratulations from friends lie madt* here while a mern- ' her tif the fa Milty of Brev ird In- I stitUte. ' KILPATRICK-TEACUE Fhoto b.v •■\inerieau I’ress Assoi'iatioii. Major General Hugh L. Scott. Your friends would be pleased to receive marked copies of the News showing your whereabouts and activities; 5 cents a copy. ^risK 0U4>,> .US It will gstyosahome ^oiricntlcss Patch for auto i.res hr.o {’i j strength where you wnr.t it. il 3 thick ia t!ie center. Covers a lavi’f i" cut, hut L ccausc all waste rub ber is elinninatcd costs lcc5s. Most cKicicnl anci beet value tire patch on the market — thr L'-st insurance you’ll t home. I his piitch is one of the Kiany standard i-’alue Tins SUNDIUES There’s no hij»hcr quality any where. No should be with out them. Among the best known Fisk Sundries are Fisk Emergency Patches, Pure P ine Para Cement in tubes and cans and Fisk Repair Material. Fiik Tres For Sale By King Livery Co. Havolitic Oil means better per formance, kinj^er lit’c J'.nd oreater cash value wheii tradin^-in linKj COint-s, to every car that uses it HAVOUNE «e?i. U.3.PAT. OfP- OlJb *‘lt makes a difference* The three fjrades of llavo- line Oil llavoline Medium, llavoline Li^ht, and ll.ivo- line lleavv, answer every possible ruitonil>i!e lubri cating; requirciueut. On Sat unlay niu'ht at tlu' Meth- odi.-st ])arS’iiiaire. 'I’otn S. 'I’t'aLTue and Mis." Ada Ivilji itrick were tnar- ri.'d in the j»:-esenc(‘ of a few iriends. Rev. \V. H Pouvey ]>er forminir the ceremony. ^ After the mairiaire the ci»uple ' ;icciiinpanied by .MissMane Kilpat- j rick, a >i>rer. an 1 Misses .Mabel and ; Neliie Miller. cou>ins of the bride, motored to 1 hiidersoiiville, sti'])- ])inL: there fir theniL'ht, From ll'-nd-Tsonville th'* ]);u’ty v/ent on by auto to I'harlotti*. wh*T.' they iVi>ir'-d the irroom's sistiu’, return- iiiLT to i;r-.?vard'l n. sda.v ni^lit. i 'I’be bride is the daughter of ,1. M Kiipatriek and is well known and ]i )])ular anion;^ the yunuLr I to\vn,-'|)euiih‘. Tli ■ um'o.'in is oU" of the projirietors of Teairut* iV Tur Tier's (laratre. an 1 ha> many friends in Brevard. 'I'h -y are making' tht‘ir . home at jir. seTit with the biide’s I parents on Whitmire streid. Mrs. 1*. Noble .Simons will jjive an t)r"un recital in the Methoilist church rhur.silay evening, Au- ; j^ust U), at 8:li> o’clock. I'he pub lic is cordially invited. Admis sion 2r>c. 1781 5 gallon can for S.^. 1 {gallon can for 75c. Gear compound 15c lb. Brevard Hardware Co. Don’t order. C. Doyle. BRllVAKD, N. C. medium .V"’' □ Solid Comfort is what you want and what you need after the day’s work and supper are over, and > the evening at home is before you. It is what you will have, too, when We Furnish Your Living Room The line of lounges, library tables, readiiig lamps^ bookcases, easy chairs and similar furnishings which we sell will satisfy the most discriminating cus tomers at the most reasonable prices. We will prove this to you when you come in to see our display. Our Word Is a Guaranty of Honest Valuet HOME SUPPLY COMPANY C. M. COOKE, Proprietor. BREV ARD, N. C.

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