BREVARD NEWS, BREVARD, N. C. REVIVAL AT TOXAWAY W. II. Nicliul.^on cf Oak- luml Vfi' Mitly n vi'vival nu*»>t- 3n"Ht llu' I’l'xuv.ay •^Iinrcli, of \vliicli ho is t-ic assisti'd by U»‘v. A. J. Manli'v t)f ?u»siuiiM. Six p.’rsDiis were, biip- ti/.i'il on Suntliiv ii i>f this Jiu't'tin^r. Hiul {h*'ro will bi* uiiothor i>iH)ti/.iiiLi' n»*xt Sumlav. rht' r«‘vival folio.vrd tho nni >ii icm'oiiTj;^ rmmtly hi*l i Ht tho sumo church, which Mr. Nicholson pro- nouiici',1 to hi' otuMtf thi best iiinon »iicctiii>;s hclil in tlic couiitv for a 4oni^ tinu'. 1*. Nobk* Simons will jjive M\ t)r>;an in the* Methodist iliiircii "I'hiirstKiy eveniiij;, Au gust 1(», at S;ir> o’clock. I'ho pub lic is ci'rJially invited. Admis sion 2i>c. OLD NORTH STATE HEWS Helps Sick Women Cardui, the woman’s tonic, helped AUs. Wil liam lZvcr£;ole, of Hazel I’atcli, Ky. Read what she writes; “1 had a genera! b r ea k i n g - d o w n of ir.y health. 1 was in bed ior V. cek5, unable to get up. 1 h;vJ such a weakiie.;3 and dizziness, . . . and i;:'3 pains were very severe. A friend to'd me 1 Ind tried every- thiP:; c’;-e, why not Cardui ? . . . 1 did, and soon saw it was helping; me . . . .‘\i:er 12 bottles, I am strong and w’ell.” TAKE The Woman’s Tonic Do yea feel weak, diz zy, worr.-cut? Is your lack ctgccu lieahh caused from nry ci the coni- plaints sc common to ■] hen why not give CiM.i-ii a trial? It shctilJ fjrely do for you nii 'ir,5 done for so t .^r.y t‘,r..;r;nc;s of other wnn-.c: w r.j su'fered—it fhou.d he!;i you back to health. A;!: scr'^e lady frierd \vh_ h ;s ’nken Cardui. She w.ii u!l you !iow it helped Try Cardui. Pn’ggists J. 67 £ IliTStiav. ■ r-’»: r*. ^ I- J • S .^v On 18 :i-Li D.-r- » jf O'.hv :IVX'Z r W-- V dramatic rnard by tL-, S.X-V^ Qyixs «/ & y A and or beauty wcr . !ivc parts. :33 it, it's the Dor/t :r: b;st yet* Ada ;lS5lO n iO and J5c. Matincc 3:30, lOc. DR. LYOAY TO MOVE HERE Dr. W. M. Lyday infonns thr News that it liis ])nr|)oso to nn)Vt to !iri*vrtr»l and Tiiake this bis homo He is (itiin;' n]> an ol’lice over the Duckworth Dm*' comj)Hiiy alul in tends buying a hotno and iiiovint; from I’cnrose, where ho has jirac- t'ced inedicino for over ;»() 5’ears. 0. L. JONES’ COURSE UNKNOWN Brief Notes Covering Happenings in Thia States That Are of Interest to All the People. Bessi au'r (Mty has furni.^hed 75 men for service in the U. S. Ariuy. Four fhonsami men are now employ ed in l)uiUIinK (’auip Greone at C'har- lotte. j ()ra L. .lones, fornu'r editor of tlie Thi' Southern So»'ioIogi»-al ('oiiRress Hi’eVi'rd Nows and w(‘ll known to has just liel.l its annual meeting at newspaper fiatt>rnity of tlu* Aahfville. state, has taken the examination ___ for tiflintM-s ti-ainin^ cam]) at Fort Ml .1 Frank Mitchell who has heon : ^—^’^tntcsvilh-Landmark. Mr. ,1 ones ex])Oi*1s to learn of ac- cc])tancc or rejection within the next W(fk. trnvdinf; itassi'iiger agent of the Xor- f>>ik SDutlifiii, will he I’cdera! diri- hur.siiiK olTi. cr I'or the aeh> tive diaft in North ('arolina. A numlx'r of anhitcrts .suhnntff'd plans before Ihr« ctnnicil o!' state for tlio (Mfction of tiit^ nt‘w staf‘ ware- lionst' soon li> be Imilt witli apjiropria fion made iiy the litst h'eiishit»n>*. W;ihor I^awIin^’:^, i prononnit far mor of .Mt'cUh'sil'r.rf; co'.miy. \v:is kill ed h>' a Si'i'.!)(i:ird ,\ir I.irM* p.i.; u' tr;'.:n wliiV walking upon tho track, t'll was 10 y»>ar.; agt*. Sonu'tiiing more th; nn ?(1.000 in finos and cnf.ts have Iwimi paiil into tio' oiTici' of ('Ir"k of I'. S. {'onrt Loo n. Ili'artt in ; , :rlemoMt of tlic cases a,'Min>l ilic llal d):’! 'i»Hior (b'aU-rs in w’ i( h jdca (if j.”,ii!ly \v I'o snbinittfil in tlic I'tMkiial Tnldwtdl ('.>ni)ty’s Fair assm iatlon has issiit'd tlu> proinitim lists. w!iih ar' I'fiim luaih'd out. and niaiiv sub- stnnti:’.] pri/.«‘s aio ntTorrd for the dif- l>v.'iit I lass of “\liihl(s. The fair will 1>'‘ tu !d I his year Octobt'r .'5, 4 and 5. The Th.rd N’unh ("aro- iMin i .fa’iny, Siitiday Ic'canie a iiart of til*' i-.‘^:n!ai’ T’:iitfd Slate.; :trni\. in aicorilaiice with orders received by * 1. Siiliiey \V. Minor, from war do- par: ni-'!'’ ofl ii ials. Five tiiof'' full-blooded Indians, hail ing !'i' "I! ('i;e:-('I:ee c.innty. w.'i e en- li-:i i Ml coni'iKiiiy F. First \orth Car- I'lir.a infaiilrv at .\si: 'ville. b;i:r;ing ill*' '>>ial Ilf rlie aborigine.^ in the coni- pai;v up to st'veii. THE SKATING RINK . LATEST STREET SUIT L. K. Mull instead of W L. Mnll, as slatt'd in the News last wei'k, is runiiinu: the skatitij' rink in the Al lison bnildin''. Nine Miles Southwest of Jerusalem. 'I'he story is told of a teacher whc wa.s accnstonied to ask the same quea tion of Iho same scholar each Sunday 'I'om always had the question. "Where is the lesscm located?" tie wa.s always prepared on the qnt'stion, and thalj being answered felt no further inter j «‘!«!t In the lesson. Tom was away on« ' Smnhiy. ()ti the Sunday the 1 tea( her asked. ‘Where were you Iasi Sunday, Tom?" and he answered me chaniiaily: "Nino niilf.s southwest oj i Jerusalem.”—('hristian Herald. I m Diversifieil Ads Are Business Builders A suit that will commend itself to th*‘ young woiuari who likes simi>licity ai d triiii neatness in Iier street clothes. ' is sliown .iliove. liesides these excel- I lent attriliHles this..suit pos.sesses nov. city, andstyh- that is iii» to the. minutt*. !is skill is plain and narrower than ihose of the jiassing season. It hang.* two iuches below tlie .shoetoiis. Tin. ci>;it is ;ilso jilain to the waistliiH* wit!; I hox-jdaiied skirt finisiied with machiiu ! stitciiing in three parallel rows abovt J tll(‘ he:il. 'Ilie in.selled brt'ast JlOckeL I wide ejiiie collar and linisli of wiiit€ j jiearl hiiitons besp»>ak a wideawake de ; signer for this suit. Crimson Clover A crop of Crimson Clover plowed under is equal to a coat of manure. It makes a fine winter cover crop. It makes excellent grazing during the winter and early spring. It makes land rich and mellow; fills it with humus and vegetable matter and will in crease the corn crop. One man has planted the same land for ten years in CRIMSON CLOVER every winter. He has grown more corn each year. We will be glad to furnish you with the party's name. We have J5 bushels that we offer for less than the present market. We bought it right. Our price is $12 cash or 20c per Ib. We have Red Clover, Sapling Clover, Burr Clover, Timothy, Herds Grass, Orchard Grass, Feather Edge. Our Seeds Test 99 Per Cent Pure. Brevard Harware Co. Don*t order C. Doyle. Brevard, N. C. 'nr 1 i-iif :i wiit l ‘i>r first in (.i-nt .1 w. ;.I I.If f.t: !i s ;’■ ^ iM. I; irv.' nr a' ! r\-v::i’■;! •A- -1 ■! '.’ILK For ! isbrl lie. 1J)('..^ W.\XTi:i» Su|>ply Co. W rite ■rr;"!i: one ■■■nt iT'.~rr;i .11. | 1 .liintinii if. a >ce. ( . 1 o 'JU i; W'e iiav c.i>!i. 01.1) ni:wsi’.\im;r.; i!lc at Ncw.s (itlu c. Fiv Cash paid 7 i> Ifc rireoii-^inu'o is to hav(' within the n'>\? .'ixiy iia>s a knitting mill, with a cajiacity of six hundred t'lilCKKNS. FCtl.^, lU 'i Ti-^K i!o/.en nien's half hosf' daily, T!ie far- tor tluni. ('ity Market. liMV Will be e^^ttibll.'-'hed bv the ,1. 1’,. iijii'ci'c lifc'i'O I 4 1 i f IHH Si'.b .\.M) LUIS and vacant lots fur Latham -oiui>any. The machinery See W. II. Faulkner. lL'-2Mte for th*' factory has alread\ lieeii pur- (ha"-'il ar.d a portion of it is I '^l^ KI'.N P ( lll'..\l* Nine roein house; inodt-rn i(inv«-nienccs. j-;. 'f. Henning. now II; transit. s-lo-tfe No ( i ('(L’s against ipudas for l->;ti\>'> --ii'iNico • xpccted fro luth" vn- riot’s wi'iits in the stale wilt bo a! lowe] fur e;ilislments up fo .Inly 12. in thr* first draft, but the.~e e:ili-^'- ’U'T- will be credit.‘d .inaiiisi th‘> e.ui'ias (if 'he re-j|ieethf' distrii is in I'' >1\ S.\L1-. ' !ie iL aft. TOWN LOTS, farms atid ti'-ilur lands for sale. I'rank .lenkins, Hrevanl, N. C. tf W’ANTLi) Chii'ki ns and beef cattle. Osberiu- .Market. lu xt (hmi to l5isho|>’s. () til- Six reiini liouse oil I'r'-n.di Uroad av“, just below dej/ot. l^ K. Ikill; r(i. 5 IS ttV :».irlwiw Rift.I JSj ttlon. H. Bhss. Doctor Says Nuxated Iron Will Increase Strength of Delicate People 100% in Ten Days In many tr.stnnces—Persons have saf- 1 )'' w 11 • t I.; > ' u i-:r: V. .irk ir I. ■. • .r y- ♦ T ferecl I'.ntoUl ag’ouy for years doctori-ig ! ■ 11 u .11 k w 11 11 ■ ut li. '-'le 1 for nervous weakness, stoii’ach, livcv or : • t u .1 . . r-l ! a I -1 l'|. • kidney disease or some other ailment .''.'ii ■ ••.'. il Ir. n III'. • IP I a : when their real trouble was Ir. ck of iron 1 111' :i Is I'lir t V. ■ V.a.;,s. '1'!:. ,, • r In the btod.—Hov/ to tell. 1 :'i-n 41 11 1 ira i n 1 mi • t'"!' > : .\i-w ^'erk. Y. ill a r I'l at ilis- ii'Ui h ,\iiu k . ill' ll, i I. • ■olirse 1 »r. i;. .-' ill* I', a i:...-^t..;i ; h 11 ■ 1 1 r 1 i'' /.• IlS "I' la I . a---. I an i}-- \'. il ' li.-.r fa ll .1 wi.i' 1 . 1. a i 1 i.. ' . 1 . • 1 a 11111 u; a 11 I . 1 -oiiiitiv .-iimI f(i I.ur..;>' ■, 1 !■ -al • . ' !l ! I 1 . It 1' ■ I" ' I • , .. 1 ns! ■; 1.1 !• 'le■ s;i 1 ! I' yira V. ■ 1 . 1., .1 ' a till II.' M 1 \ J ■! * • ■ .aai ail i*.-i 1 t 1. • .1 t ^ .>i 'ill ■ !•■ V. h . • "t '1.. ■ I , ■ ■; r'- : I! s c u w > i; la. i -- .l> ! M 11 ill fr"in • 1 ' • I' ■ : • ■ •i -1 ■ •!ir.i'«l .-It 111.- . \ .-,1 ■. ■!;. larj'. a ;'ly II. ! a i . • - 1 ■ a r !.ij 11.1 ’-r \s 111 1 1 II 1^ I r. II :i III! Il' :: I •■ I i i ! ' r i; ■. a ml t ti i . ■ ' ■ • r • ■ ‘ : f" 'T 111 ■ 1 a ||. |- I'l -I'll t li;. a i '■ 1 1 ,i': !' 1.' I II .1 .' • ■ : ’ ^ 1 ' 1 1 I I 'ti. 'I'll' II ■ riH 1 a 1 i-i ai 1 ; •1 ill "'.''ii.t; r 1 : . . lli'ir iii'ilt itiu.'. ■■!' ''.1r. e ■ ■ a 11 ' ' a :1' -1 •a., -,11 • i| is.-i I’l'i r. \\ 1! h' '111 It'll Mil I ' .1 a- I'l.111 II■ li . 1 . u r. 1 1 il-. . 1 !ii " Il 'Si -> 111.- i>.' vv 1 r : I'll in--' f ! ■ a 1 1 .|. •• li..\\ 11 t.. li.a-.l 1 iiii 1 11' If;,.: 1 i::.-;i|. ■. ;i ml II • : ■ ■ ■■ II-'! II' •!a:iLr lil.i. .■ .,'1 ,.!,i : ■ • . f li'K > ' lU '-a ' i| .11 r. . ■••■!. \ M 1 a > 1'II r . >11 •!:■ a r-.l ■ ^ ■ 1 t * / i|"i:'! i-a t t !i. 1 11 iii^t )i "i: r . • IV ^ '.a:- 1 '.II \ '. a r 1- : .. - r I'.i.'ii 11,1 r'-l.i' t-'is.'^.-s 'hr'a'i ; ' '11 r ^ . iii r\ '' '1 s' 1, ■ J 11 111 1 iki- 1 1 'rn 11 r- 'i; i;h i ■ ..' 1 \|. i 111 1111 ■ I'l. I" M il!" '1 t'l 'I :• I's 1 u I'l' ■ a" • ;a 1' ■ • ini'! . ■! n't • l> : V. I • 1 . . -■r e n ml. s a r. si; i; •' f 'hi- • 1111. r j; 11 ’ . ■ .. ■ 1., 1! ■ ■ ' II- ’ a !'■ ■ ■ ■ • r M Ml '• 'il a ml III r-. e si ■ r-. a • I.' - •1 I I.-|!i . 1 1 • n ra i ■ ■ ■; • ! 'a i iiiiii- ui-ii- r 1! ly wiak' ia il, iii- ■■ 'ai> ainl ' 1 ' ' li. a;' . 1 • ' • : r s t" a I 1. ■. ■■11! niII ill■ V. M ;i rifl rr - ■;'a nil> i ■ M 1- all !. .1 :;->ii. i’-.'. 1. 'i..i f'.r •■.. . ■' ‘ ; 1 aa ' Ir I "I; 11' i. ais. • 'n>’ i 1 ■ " ' »il 1II. t! I I'l . . a. r' ;• 'I''! I .. r- l. tr: ■ -i .\rraT'a.iiiiir? nrf* rapidly ccTiiplet'd the tifieetilh annual !'ar:,''Ts’ and Farm Women's State Conveiuiiin, whii h will be held at thff S-:r.' (' o! ,\tri'ii u 1111 ri‘ and Kngl- n-erir.u. im ;’" ning Tu-'.-day iiuirninsr. \iu‘u t L' '!! a: n'l loi-lc a;id eiiiiiinu- i:.;-’ n:;'.' T'. .; d;-v ni'o’i. ,\im;i t It ■ - . xp' t'‘d til l) t; It b's-, 1 "I'O r and lariM ■.vfur.en \' i!l attend li: e"e:\‘-ii’i n V'-a'" Tlv all'Mid- ar.. e hi'* vi.'-r w. - PMie t!ia’i Ti"' hf’lr!?? S.M.I-. rhcstiiut 7 L’7 ,^ti- Three-year-old mare, ( heap, liill i'arni. Ihtvard, N. IV’"!’ \ 1’ W ■ idninl. i‘M‘li of r : ' d );'.y and I .aiI'l i;i r,! ;; ‘ •■■ ■ . . lts e-~r a!>li"-hed a . i,i"-y lii~ re,i,lfiie“ for the loll f ir hir Wo k. F”. :■ I'f wl'at !;•• v.-:^- e-’’- ' w irking from :‘:;d eanno^ kepp 'hilt has be.-n i ''•ii;- i.j:. i ‘ 1 , .1 n- I'] i;r; ;'f ■ !'■ ' :i ;n. to !• !’-i W'-’. ■!. ' ’ in. Fnis SALF. 'i'wotrcsh eow s. See (>i ar Kaxtrr, ( I'.estiuit Hill l aini, Fre\ard. 7-L’7 .'te 1 d\l-]SSM.\l\lN( i, plain and fancy sew ing, next inipr li- piistntiiee. .'li ^ l!li;'.ibet!i IJennett. (. 15 tic UVI-: .\N!i WllLXT Nw.v readv- i..r ■. lim! in:' :ti !iiy new mill in Ihv va’.il. I’, i lel'aie: .'Oil. I'll' STiiLl.N .'S Smith iv We.-s-n pi-lol. No. I'M'oi. Iv V ard i’lir iniomia; ioa. W . 1 >. 'ila/.' T.i r. 1' 'IV S.\LL Si I'or.d hand carriai.t in goi 1! coeuiiii.n. i\eaMe.iable iiiice. I'!’.' ■ tnul I'h. I. Major General Taske. Ilonu’-mailc Knitting: Needles for Kcd (]ross work. Brevard 10c .Store. \S M I k kllii s.• iiif 111 t!,k 11 !• y ( or II > I I r. '111i!. .'It nlirliT. i.ih.r n 11 (t.'i %■ , VI.: . i'm\ - I\ !i.V .1 i:'i ! •'. ■ 11 I t I r: .' )in f'i 1 \ ■ I'S'H. t ,rK'- i II ;i I.'I t III l; ri • ■ I • : I: ■ 1 I'll trx. w h 11 ■ Ii ■ ' > \\ t' 1 j • u ; \ It r. 1 p. u .-r-; r 1 f iip 1 III.- , .f y ■ 1 r 11 !'•■ ! nia!; • r w h 11 1 n v 1 .:i'- t • ' I a I'l- ii"» 'it f. • ■ ■ >! u . I; \ * ; . fiij-Pi r ■ i , I M' I ■ r :i f . >•■1; 'I-, ' I/:il iiji'tifv in jir. ■ yourself to n.ulic Ihe fonowinp test; See ^ "s a:iii]eii«ed m th:i( H-l.l I : ■ . -.H l.-|. !ti .~:e li ■ r IM p.- i‘- >;r f ii'.uiiit; tii.-i\tM :it •r X(. "U, if ,V"U ■ ■w“ Jt fi i,t u I :• ('■' I-' !.. ■ a . :■ ••iiiil !.■, i-; ■ir>- tl'.- ly I,. N"T:- . 1. . ■It) . . l^'ll.t t>> ' I ati'l is .il :lr: M.’.cfit -Br dif Drv;j Co.. De.ckworth DrugCr.. Brevard; R. S. Mrroar. Rosman. N. C- 1 lill l';ii i;i, i;rev;ird, N. '--I .'1i an ■>' ;■! r'-; 11 ''o'.' !', n t.;-^inbor rif T1;iilpry M :ii!,'.’-iy (■:' \ovt1i ('arolia'- ., ■ 1 (I: d. d!“ ! i;i loi .il h..'-. !i’;)ih’. r i oiling can ■•■ I ]■” . iv ■ ■’ : '■:• fr.oii his arm \vi:'i • ai y !'i ;i ii'a Mr. Toler u ;is ',i;in V. ' I i-’rc-at ’.;!i . ' I • \ - irvi\ ■] liy 1) it!. ■! h ;! of tl'i' S' . ' ion nt Craven , ■ r \ !!■ • was :i young 1 u :.'d h:‘’p/ . -lad w.;.; thougl'it d''.;i of !>y tho n w l;o kne'.v ;,'L’ y ar-' oi ;u;e. ai; 1 i- nar'-nts ami :^*veral ilai si«te! V.'d :n’', cidorr'd. wns sc'n- •11 "^Upe'i'ir coi;;'r iiy I bi • el ■ I >'.(aiI t-d o'l naltv far to ]';iy the I- :• (.f ih- 11 a ! Il 1>iHi;di-r i':-. oil M' ■ ‘il no'i'cll.'^.’it • •■';ind coui'tx’ a loa.i. i:i':;;!:i ■ I- ,ii. in of of he w MS .ig!;;-nag St :un;'y l’:ill.U on. \V.\.\TL1) MIDFS, WOOL .\ND M RS. F.iiiig t!;eni to W. L. Aik n tor I i 'l est market pticL.- in casli. lL'-''-;rc \\.\.\T1-M* C;;.'!i i';iid for a!! V(.i;r feed sacks. I'.ring or sliiji them lo .1. |,. .'vikt ;i. Frc\;trd, N. 7-l.vtlc WIIV i‘.\'i Kl-'.N'l' W’li 'ii yen i !ii;y a nice hoira- in town ( r a sni;i!l farm ju?t oTi the outvide of lowri.’ See I h' S. L. Walters. S-lOtfc llAHIx \\.\.\T1'I) t'liestniit Oak ;iii(i lleinlock. Iligl'.i >t cii>h in;:rkt t pt ice. 'i'ransylv;ini;i Tanning (. ompany, Lre- vard. N. C. M’7-tfc W.\.\TI-.l) 'I'O HF'i l-'arm aihipted for stock purposes. St:iti‘ jirice ami fu!l pio'ticuhirs. Address I>ox Asheville, p. doHice, 7-27-5tc 'i ilF PL 1 ; ilF .\NI) SFO'i'T rve ;ind corn mii'i .it ilkinty.e is now readv to serve ;tuir cMst(ui'e rs on Tue ,;iavs, '1 hurs-, I.;;- . ;;i (I Satnrdays. S 10 Itc | |'»)K KIC.NT laght-rtiom house on Uroad : ; r. 1 .r W. Hlytlic; liho rooms for ii;du housekeeping abuve Mitcludi’s store. A. M. Verderv. () 8 t!'c i J. W. Mc.MINN T. M. ALLISON W P. WEILT With crop cultivation about over farmers will turn their atteii- tion to hauling; and this will require wagons. We have many wagons but v/e have a $100 Chattanooga, heavy two-horse wagon we are going to let the first man who comes have for $75 cash. We have one and two-horse J. I. Nisson and one-horse Hickory wagons at appealing prices. m. argain in Top Buggy I the sh‘ Iby-F;!!!.-'.- l:ill;ng th;“ driver. " ;; lie t' 'a niii ii’.o mnl' -^. i'll the I (Mill of fcajr Me'>il)f'i ■ of tli-^ ''.uarombr' (aainty ■'■lard ■: c"nin" ioners rocently vo!' d !o pun !i i; e "1,(1 , fo be sold at I 0-1 to i!i‘- ne..: le cf the county who W'-h to cat! fooi' ■'lift s for wMiiter. FOR S.\LH Modern cottage, pr:ietieallv new; six rooms, hath and j)antry; de-: sirable loiadion; goad (oir.mnnity; price roa. onable. Rev. A. \\. McDaniel. .S-.Vttc I LOST—Wat( h, gold-t'illcd case, Klgin movement; motio^>ram on case, "K. \V. I?." Finder return to K. W. lilvthe at Duckworth Drug Co. and receive re ward. S.V2tc r> r. 7' a-" ■ nn a(i;uainia' ir- r'peadia"' )"'it\ with h' ■M-. Tea.mii-? I; 1 ecu''-; ■ d ,\i ‘ '! ii.i - a''aiu? : a Moxii-au citizen and ■ of i'ratiejsco Villa, '1 weeks in Cat.iwna l.r'iilfr. J. r». 'reaguo. -'i! PresT ingly of his v.ts horn n”d coi ty, lull ha? ' • • S-,:i ira, Mexit-O, . . W:'. ILWK Vor SK.\TF,D Lntrance is free; skating Ire an ht.ur; in. charge to ladies | for skaliiig on Tues lav and Tiuirsday nights. Kink in .\liison building, M;iin strt«t. 1.. 1'. .\hiil. 1 tc WiXNTlvD A responsible ]iarty to take a I contract to cut and (K'Hvc r on car | ahout ().(tOO cords id' . lu stinit acid wood, m-ar Rosnnm, N. C. None hut respon- sil'Ie |>ei |)1' nc( 1 a; ply. .-\ddress, John Feilman, Ih x 11^!, .\'licviiie,N. C.7-20--ltc We have one top buggy, good, attractive and up-to-date that we want to sell at a bargain; and cash will mean a bargain. In addition to these vehicles we have harness, collars, pads, bridles, check reins, harness, leather, axle grease, etc. We invite you to come in and examine our goods whether or not you buy. FARMERS SUPPLY COMPANY BREVARD, W. C.

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