BREVARD, HOETH CAROLINA STOP FIUINC THE GARBAGE PAIl More Food Goes Into Garha^re Pails Than Would Be Re quired to Feed Belgium. TELLS HOW TO ELIMINATE WASTE Tbe Americ'un nation is Iho l)t*st fed ])fopU‘ in the world, iind wo hto also thegreatost food wasters. We throw more j;ood food into the Karbapje pail than wt*uld lu‘ r* 1 aired to feed Bel^inni. Sti>n lill in^ the ^arbaf^j* p:iil! This threat waste is not wilfnl. Most of it is eansed by the ill health of some nuMiibers of the family. Indifiestion, eonstipation, sour, gassy stomach, weak kidneys, blad der trouble, slus^f^ish hver, etc., are ailments that are almost eommon to us. In that condition there is very littl(‘ ajtpetite created no mat ter how t;ood tlu* food that is plac»'d before us. The n al solution of eliminating' waste, therefore, is foiind in kee]>- inp the svst>m t*)ned up and tlM' vitnl orpins workin;x ]»roi>erly. A good tonic is the pro])er ciiurse. I Acid Iron Mineral is the best tonic j to take. It aid's the dijj;cstiv(^ oi- I j?ans to perform properly, creates lapiwtite. purifies the blot)d, in [creases weight, brings »» bealthy I color to the skin, stn-nf'thens weak i kidnevi« and bladder, .sets the liver ' to workinii properly, and tones uj* ' the whole system in j;eneral. ! Acid Iron Mineral is not a patent medicine. It i.s ohtaini'd fn.*m the 'only natural medicinal iron m’n eral deposit of its kind known to the world, and is tree fn)m alcohol, will not injure or discolor the teeth. By dilutiuf; a fifty cent bottle of ,A1-M in fonr ‘>f water a splendid mineral water nmy be had for use by all the family. Try this . recipe, watch the contents of the ^arba^t^ j)ail diminish. At all druf»^Msts in r»Oc and sizes.—Advertisement. 1EACHERS INSTITUTE Su])t. A. F. Mitchell has been in formed that .1.11. Hif^hsmith and Miss Snsnn Ful^ham of tbt. Stnte lU'ard of Kxaminers and Institute ('onvlnctors are expected to arrive* in lirevard and bejxin the county institute m S*‘pt. ‘,'1. All jiublic school t«'a('hers are rc(|nired t(» at- tt'nd this institute. THE U.NIVERSAL CAR (>wners of Ford cars are advised to l>eware of “(‘(mnterfeit parts. ’ If jronr car needs adjust- nu'nt bniijx it In-re wln*rt* j’ou will find reliable service witli the comi)lfte mechanical eciuij)- ment to j^ive the bi^'he^t (juality of Ford ser vice obtainabh'. All the Ford jmrts used are sup])li» (i by the Ford Motor Comjmny. Y».*n caii not ex]'t*ct yi»ur Ford ciir to {;ivi th(i servi('o and t iulurance y(.>vi tiernand unl(*ss j’ou have it (•are 1 fer by mnu-xju rienced in Ford methods. Hunahout Tnurin^ Car Sedan SOl.j, t'onix lft Town Car S.'.'j.-)—all f. u. b! Detroit. On (ii.-j*lay and (dr sal‘ by KlX(i LIVKKV ( OMPANY lirevisrd, X. C. ;g.arrving. riNE. We Point, With Pride tu (lur line of I'liast* i Sanboi n’s lint- Teas and Coflots which we carry and on which we have huill lip Mu h a .'ij'lendid trade. A Large Selection (•f lione.'-t giKnis at l^nnest jiricts U(.n us patron;;f:e of cur hest cus tomers. ,-\ie you one of them? MITCHELL The Grocer. “MY OOMPAHY FIRST,” THE RECRUIT’S MOTTO By captain GEORGE. L. KILMER. After tiic war iieviee bits taken tils stund on tUe motto “My country firstl” aud prepaies to for it lie must face .the call of another slogan loss uiiitealin.!' xl the start, but one to ^row on him-“.My company first I" Th!>; ♦•ompany fealty Is liis everyl:iv job. He must work for that as cea.>elessly as lie studied nnd worked rtt srhooi for th‘ honor of iiis school or Ids ball club or team. 5eitiiif; «lown to the rompany ph'Uie of thought iuhI aciion plays havo»" witli lniai;inar\ ideals. Hut riirht here the individnnl is i»ut to test as a sol dier. T!»e otticers and tluj crowd "slzo" him up. Culture and manners are re- Church Directory BREVAKI) PRKSBYTKUIAN CHURCH John U. Hay, Pastor. RoRfiiliH' ehnrcl) services every Stimlay. Mours; l''irst ami tliinl Sumlays. a. ni.; second ami fourth Siiiiilays. 4;.^o |>. in.; iHtli Sundays, hy annomiceiiifnt. Sunday school every Sunday, lo a. in. Men’s Hrotherhood Bible class. Yonnn IVojile's Society of (."hristian Kii deavoi eveiy Wednesjlay cvenintf. 8:00. DAVIDSON KIVKK PRHSBYTERIAN CIIFRCH John R. Hay, Pastor. KcRiilar chUM'h services every Sumlay tiouis: Se.iind and toiiilh .''iinilays. ik'.o a ni.; Inst and third Siimi.-iys, 4;(io j). in.; liitt, Sund.ivs liy ;innoiincc-n\i nl. .SniKJav SI lioil every .Sundav. a. iti. Kiideavoi- isl and ,iil Sundays at ■ I a. in ; on .’iid and 4th Sundays at p. 111. '■ * , if ^ V - ... i /^HEAP coffee is a poor investnienl. There’s plenty of il on the market. Don’t buy it What’s the use of spoiling a good meal with wishy-washy stuff that leaves a muddy taste in the mouth and harms the system? We sell only good coflfeei i ivv. lt*s cheapest in the end because it gives satisfaction. Everything for you in firsl class groceries. COX 6c KILPATRICK Phone 41 BRKVAHD BAPTIST CHl’RCH. Corner Jordan and (laston streets. A. W. McDaniel, Pastor. Phone No. 14.^. Bitile school g:j5 a. in.. well ^railed witl chisscs ti suit all. I'reavhiiik' services a( ii:no a. ni. ami j p. m. evei y Sunday. M idwcck set vii e for worsliip and fellov.ship S:oo p. in. Wednesday. Aiivisory Hoaiil meets on 'I'liesday evening; aftci the first Sunday of cach niontli. .^\ ll \v1h> ilesire to em iivirakie "i 10 assist tin w.nshii) of iod or to li«- h«d|)ed hy norship are cordially invited to attend all sTvicf-. Strangers and visitors are esin-cially wcK ouic. Special Announcement. Subjects for Sunday: Morning: “Some Inspired Prescriptiors for a Sick Church.” Evening: “Saul, or the Man Who Made a Magnificent Failure.’’ BREVARD METHODIST ClirRCH. \V. Edgar Poovey, Pastor. tjnnnnnrtnnnanunnntJnPnnPnnnn 3 Fliofo by Aruencari I’resa Ast-oclatlon. AITKM ION. spefti'd provitled tlie novice makes K«'otl at eoar^^e work. fr(>ncli illK^'iii;:. hiking and ruiMiin;:, as well as at drill and on parade. Lat'king a ohance at bard i>raetioo with ax or spndo, the beginner can nuike progress by the simple prof«-ss of elub swinging niovnnonts. flub swuiging «levelops nms( k*s of limb, chest, abdoiueii ainl back. Help may Ik* had also !iy horizontal l>ar exor ci.«‘s, je.nijiing and clinil ing. In eoui pany wtdk. which Is onlaiued team work, the Imi'ortiui'e »f fbe.'^e tliing.s appears. Some of the niimlMT will be* e\pert at one thing and sot a stand ard for all to train np to. The rt*cniit wlih his spt*cl,-ilfy win be a teachor for otiu-rs and learn from others wherein he lacks. Hero conies Into play the faculty ol’ attention. Kvery man kntms liis o\vn fallings aud the merit.s of another. SELF TRAINING FOR THE INFAfjTRYMAN. I Sunday —Sunday si'hool at q:4.5 a. in. I’reach ins; at 11:00 a. in. :ind i«. m. Interineiliatc i Krworth I.eajrue p in. Momlay—Y. IV M. S. S;oo p. 111,. tirst and third Monday nights. 'I'uesdav (.AftiT tirst Sunday) Hoaril ‘i Stewarils, H;oo p. ni Wednesilay—I’rayer nn^etins: P rn. 'J'iiursday (I'irstand 't hird) Woman’s ^^is- , sionary society. .^.'•1 p. m- l>ocal Auxiliary p. m. I‘'riilay—('lioir practii-c S:..o p. in. ■■f.'inc tliou with us and we will do tliee 1,'ood."—Num. 10 -Q. ST. PHILIPS EPISCOPAL CHl’RCH. '■ Rev. Chalmers I). Chapman, Minister in Charge. Sundays—Mornin>r service at ii;oc o'clock. Sunday school, u:4c, a. m. Week Days Vvensonj; every I'rid.'iy. Weciii«-'-days and Fridays durin>: Alvi-nf. Weilin'.'ilays ancl Frid.'ivs durint; I.ent; d:iy in Holy Week, also (in Saints liays. Holy communion the tii st and third Suniia\s • it every in nth; :iIsd n tli*- i ila\ v. t'hiistmas. I" pii'l.;;liy. .-\sh Wedn'-si’;i v. H.;y ’riiursi!:iv. Kavti r day, sihiish n day. Wliit Suni’ay and 'I'linity Siim'av Special Announcement. Tenth Sunday after Trinity, .August 12, 1917. .Morning {iray» r iind si rnion at 11; subject, “ The l’«tsscssion of Power.” Mrs. Sim >ns. with the assistance of Mr. Hillinr.s and .Mr. Davis of the Fteiuh Broad Camp, Miss Lee and .Miss Dutterer i of Charleston, .Miss King ard Miss Krwin 1 of Brevard, w ill give excerpts from ‘‘ I he ! Holy City” by (iaul on Sunday afternoon j at o’clock. Friday, August 10, evensong with ad- tlress at subject. “The Saints.” FOSTER CUTS CLARK Value Received Justifies Price Even the bargain hunter realizes that his effort to obtain full value for less than full price is in vain. We know that when service is satis> factory the customer is glad to pay a reaso nable profit. Our busi ness is con ducted on this policy. It means ma terial of merit, honest work manship and Standard" guaranteed plumbing fixtures—real value supplied at cost plus a reasonable profit. Let us submit an estimate as proof. yUitd«nT Lavatory W. E. BISHOP & CO. Plumbing Tinning Hardware .1 nnnnqnuannnnnnnnnnnnbnnnnD By CAPTAIN GEORGE. L. KILMER. ']'ho infantry arm is tin* main foatnr* of nii'.ilaiy force oh a hiriro scah* 'i\iliaiis so(> jiiort* f"of suMiors than horsclia'k ivuiitcrs ami aniion(“ers. No si*c‘ i:il prrvinii.s; tiaiiiini: Is lu-co';- sary to' n fair infantry icruit «»nr i' a civilian. 'I'lio iiil'antr\man is Jill th*‘ bettor for good stature, from tiv(* f‘i*t six i!i« lif"^ well on toward six ft'ot four, and \v»*iglit pnuids t • 17.".. .V man’s forcp of l>«>dily impa t may servo a ^>id idiriuiso in inf.'uitry. Eye and iMTVi* lu-lp in tlio .-luxiiing proi- es. but t!i(‘ man behind tlio ba>i>;rt sliould be !is well sot nit as a pnuil'sr as tirni on fci'; and powcrfnl a!ul tskillful witli arms and hands. iood As the result of nil nltereation i ruliiiinutmg in h flight Saturday nf- termicdi in cotton mill town l»(*t\v(‘fn Lonnie ('lark and .lot' Fos ter. the forim r was badly rut by the latter in several places. ’The condition of the wotindod Ilian is not considered dangerous. Foster escaped aft(>r the li.^llt and has nut bet n arrested. FREE OF CHARGE .Any adult suffering from cough, C(dd or bronchitis, is invited to call at the drug store of Duckworth Drug Co.. Hrcvard, and get alj.soluteiy free a s: nple hottle of Boschee’s German Syrup, a soothing and healing rcn'.edy for all lung troubles, which has a successful record tf tiftv yc;:rs. (lives tlie jtatienl a good niglit’s rest free from ct>ughing, with free expec toration in tlu* morning. Regular sizes, and 7r> cents. For sale in all I'ivilizcd countries. .\dv. Cullowhee Normal and Industrial School State Co-Educational Institut'on for the Troining of Teachers A six-year course in regular high school *nd junior college subjects. A foor-year course in the Department of Education, supplen'.er.tcd fcy ipecial courses for teachers in other departnientr. An efficient Practice School urder the direction of a supervisor and three arsistants. A strong department of Domestic Science. A practical course in Agriculture. Vocal, Instrumental and Public School Mutic. Dormitories and administration building furr.iihed with iteam heat, electric lights and other modern conveniences. Environment unsurpassed. Location healthful and beautiful. Tuition free to all who are preparing to teach. Fall term begins September 4, 1*^17. For catalog or reservation of room, address A. C. REYNOLDS, President. Cullowhee, N. C. BREVARD, - - NORTH CAROLINA Depa.'trre:\ts College Preparatory, Normi.1, Music, Business, Do mestic /\rt, Kv„;5ehold Ecor.omics, Agriculture. All depcrtmets are directed by teachers with rpeciai training and large eirptiiencr. 'I'hey know their business. Influence of the Institute are alone worth the cost of tuition. Opens on September 6. ii;- ^:1 lii .mi. L 1‘hoto by American A.Joiiciaiion. Bli.Ml ^nOrU)i;RARMS. pra-tNV for a,L:llity and control is tc »t-ilid eivcl, with feet together, point:- op«‘ii about one fc»ot. I'lbows to ihe reai aud hands, palius inward, resting on the hips. I Various uioveinents may be made i from this pose to e-vercis#* the back, shoulders and hii>s, but it is especially ' important for the inf:iiitrynian's train ing to take it and, while holding shoul , ders firmly back, rise up high on the toes and ri‘i»eat it again and again. The strain here is on the feet, and o e ••an get further n'sults by ludding tc a strap or rope suspended overhead ,'.;st %vithin r(*aeh while on the t«»es : nd swaying b.-n k and fortli nnd Traetiie marches are good training for infantry. The long march is im- like the parade gnnmd march in that i the gait is natural, one the soldier falls Into to be comfortable and get over the ground. On parale the rifle may be carried in various positions, as ordered, but on the march at “shoulder arms," either right or left, is the rule from choice. III irm Do your hit for your Flag surplus food in these days it is your duly ns a housewife lo do your bit toward con- servinjr the luition’s food supply. You can do this by [ .rt voutin^ v.aste of food in your own liuir.e and by {^rcscrvi!!^ the surplus I'oods wl'.icli y(>u find in the nuirkets in such abundunce during the :v v. in^ sct.soug. Not only viil you thus proviuo your family v. lth d'. liciously wholesome foods durin;T the cnning v, i:iter but you v. ill be doinjr your i;harc in the gi'oat war just as fure'.y a:id effectively r.s if you carried a rifle or rode in an ambulance. Every hcusewifo knows that the most important thing in succcssful canning is Brevard Hardware Company. Automatic GH Cook Stove heat — heat tc coo’k the ve^ct.^il.les and fruits and to slerili.vj the fiik-d jars. 'i'i’.e Florence Automatic Oil I’colc Stove I'-roduces tliis heat, almost">iit!v on the turnin" of a lever. And tliis l;eat is concontrated just where you need it. There is no heating of your entire kit chen, which makes the work of canning practical'y unbearable in hot v;eathen And remember, with the Florence Automatic, there are no valves, no wicks, no smoke, no coot, and no odors. Burning kerosene oil ;the Florence Automatic is the cheapest stove to run. Perfectly safe,beautifully and strongly made, guaranteed to give satisfaction. Don’t order—G. Doyle.