MIRROR OF TRANSYIA'AjVIA COHIVTY VOLUME-XXII (Name changed from Sylvan Valley News, January I, 191?.) BREVAlin, NOHTII CAROLINA, FRIDAY, AIKII ST 17. 1917. NUMBER-:;:; Hon. M. L. Shipman Buys ^lews and Quality Print After an Absence of 21 Years From County Invests Again In Publishing Business; Cam OsliDrne Will Run Newspaper; Jones and Kollowell, Present Owners, 60 to Ft. Ogle thorpe and Hendersonvjile, Respectively; Transfer Effec tive September 1. 'I’ho ]ir»'vnril X«‘\v> ;iiul v Xovili iiroliniaTi from .1. 1^. I’rint Sliop h ive lu' n s^ld t > II.mi- ’riivUii; v.>ii tif S. iiiid M. 1^ Sliijdimn, S'.at ■ i v citrulticlfil it tnidi'r tli«' iiartK' of tln' ‘»t il Pii r.!, r.i 'I’l'i iiryl viiTru llu'ili'r fnr.-ix yt'jtrs Uy I’cii-i'M of I'i-; Mr lif"r.' jnovitm to I Irruli i son villf. \v’.n r.ot )'■' inn ]u'"iii •:! .lust ;> iMi-t' inovititr to I iind.-rson- f,’i vc tln‘ ]’\-i i!l ]it> 1), I'M Tuil .'it villi' y\r. MMpinnn iiKiniid Miss t»Miti>'11, t ■!or.' li:is ]‘ast .1 tl,' -. >,l,()rni‘. hnrinir lii-; ri'si- to his I rvt'-M'v-in l:i\v, ('. 1> ‘(!' ;i '■ \'i th-- coiiiity MShi])ni;in liornc, i.f S]>:irt;iT!bni-L:. ]iii]ili - school t'.'.'u'lu'" ami for . Ilwti- vt'avs was co>,nify sii]»('rin- ^^vlvan Valh-y -;v vr:ir> a-o. o| hooN. rivni- tii.M.llic- iinii who lias hn n runini;:^' tl -iMia..!y I’iint sinc' ?i iv. 1" : will 1 »•;. rt a ♦ I 'r.rt t ' , NOAH M. HOLLOWELL God Gave You Health. Thank Him For It. Go to Church, jico|'lc iic\iT ihink of (iod until a lovci! I on*' i.' ill "T a ;:rfal tr(p;ii)l»’ lic.''1s tii'Mn. | Tlicn i!r'\ '>i'k i!it‘ S‘>L,\(M (>|' IM’.IJ- * A (iiri^y M!a;i i- •■ailed in. aii'i ^ liraxiT" arc f-aid al liic Lcd'-id*' l"r lln' lo\'d • oll‘s rrroVcl V. (ioil IS 1 Ij, ai’d I 'oftliiiK's tiif .-t' [)ra\.'is are an?\Vfr»‘!, and I t he l.iVi'd oih- 1 c, o\ 1 BEGINS NEXT SUNDAY Several Al^lc Men Will Talk During C^onfc*rence of live Days at I.ocul Baptist Ciiurch. Kciin niluT that Ihi- iJili'f r'r.fiT- fihjT Aiay UAfT , 3 \V.\shi\.;T'.N, Anu^ l-‘!—Th‘ tire ‘,H7,(r ■',) ni;-n oi)i)ii)osiri^' th'^ii-.-t incrfiih'iit of till* urjiiv draft for. • - %\ill h • uixh'r training i ai lv in ‘o- h.T. I’n'h-r orlt;rs issn - I toi'.; fill- fir^t :io jicf cfnt >f tlr- f|'i- ta only a ]) irti'in of ills tii-u'. Hi* ■\va ilcf'o .1 fora MT' r.il tiTTU liy tin*] insti - ■: tl:- ]> ace hr.t in the ! , ■ , - . I I.; li.l>tc!ill llu- 1 !)Sll :nisl S I IS •{ (' '!i t! ■ ! I till ■- ta.f f a nd an I .1 'iiil’U; !;( ('! ^'.ii.vinti i.ui'iits was. T'la I IM till- c k> of I ('■'Mrt.-. rf.'K i;nu in a in ^ til.']' i-;o!ini]oi ,--’,;;K'rin!>'! dr!its. j ' !r. I i’>!I;iwrii. V h.o (nttM’iMi t i..' n ■ .-^t'cillcr V : ; lii d'T M r ! '^lil’ir.Pi at i'I,.vill • niiio' V; :.r- a_-o. !):■- !u ;i ;■ - ciatcii with flit- i’.u,-!;. r i ; o:\- ■ it oran- (■tin ^ !':> '1: - IT- >i-Tit IT 10 NOT FAIR TO GOD, HOWEVER, | TO ASK HIM TO r%EMErvlBER YOU WHEN YOU HAVE FORGOTTEN HIM. WHEN EV- ERYTHir-IG IS GOING ALONG SMOOTHLY « AND THE WORLD LOOKS CRIGHT SOME [ MCN I'Or'.CET THERE i3 A COD. THEY J NEVER GO TO CHURCH. WHILE THEY WILL RESENT THL [ CHARGZ THAT THEY WOULD OPENLY OFFEND GOD, TWZ'V \ OFFEND Hir/I DEEPLY CY NOT GOING TO CHURCH. THE SUC- ( CESSFUL MAN SHOULD GO TO CHURCH TO THANK GOD FOR HIS WORLDLY GIFTS. THFI SUPREF.IE BEING GAVE HIM ALL HE HAS—LIFE, HEALTH, HAPPINESS—AND HE SHOULD THANK HIM FOR THEM. riiaiik.' to lln‘ i) l> Ml li’t II I'M\fliii I;t. lias Im'imi | \ a ri‘li:^ii'’'''av. akciiiniT ovt'T ih'' l;;!id. I!! .1.1 (i I ‘ \ .\l\\ I-.IJ \\ ,\S | JM-'.Ah. AM lliai It I'ciiiiii''d a -I’Minius. a.nd l!;at slini'.iliis | ^\as |iio\!di'i'i I'V till' ’M • ^ ill i>^ 11 I a ni j la!,::! I. h j-hoiild n it j lu- ur;tS'arv to ni':.'c nan to iO 'I'n ( 111 li'('il. T!;-'i'' i.'n'l an } t’licc will hcLrin at the |!ai>fi->t ouch di.-'tiict will h'’Lrin Ciitra^,. 1 churcli next SiH'.ilay aj.d last fi . c . inciit f«.r'•MTitonincnt-ScptcrnT days j till' in“xt i" ;- cci.t Soptcnihi^r 'Die opcnintr addri-';- v, ;!l Im !tiad>- ! and aiK^fhc:' i p. rci-nt Scj^r- on Sunl(iy at I ! M a m ’)'■ lirv. h>r' .‘in. 'I'he ?'TiiHin.Ji;.'’ P' ]» r c ' ' K. V. Miller of I ! nd>M s. n villc. >i will h- ni »})ili/..«l hs soon alt:T 1 d i to as ]>o>.'i' il. •. an j I, J3NES will. G: TO FT, ai'i'M'i'riit tlial ran he ;.d\:”'- ' i I''. ii.an \v’: » in (j.-d in favi'f of .'ta\iiiL: away fro! i ciiurrii. 'I’ak" av.ay t!.o i-liurclic' ;■ nd \ oil will lia\ I' a cond11 h .| hot ;(■:•: ii_; oil anafi !: . ni.Mi who (!»!.S '1 ' ' t I'll Ii‘( II 1' 1 to AN\ ' h'l. IS, nioi.il. jili\ ' ;| or l', ■ ai; !al. i I failh in a S;i H iM'i i>ii> r.cin.." >a."ta;ns ir.ni in iiic i;\^-t > vi-i'c tr aU. doi.N 'I'ill-: (.> To (Hi'IK II ’I'lllMNC M'.xr .rxi>AV. >. L .! 'n. > 1 : i V* I fi' t; t' ' ■ on Sa!i;r.. i.i' a] p'iintnici : . the id'.’, ■••rs t.a'.iiin^' o;nip at 1'. ' !.rl 'thor|i'. . 'i'iiis ail,I-nt;.. foilowi ^i a r, '. inifiiral and id;' ilEV. K. V\'. CA-.VTH'j;-; ti :,e al.d tlie j f i: iiiV 'lv(S an cx.-ha v. -' V. t:.’!i o!' Mr^ .S'li]-! ii ■ nc'.al interc.-'ts in the' lli.'-tl.T t ' Mr. Hollower. for tlu* X e ws ii>-.;.- \vl; i->- > u'’scrii)t a.ns 200 m GMLEO M.\NY O rUKKS IOl N'i) IMIVSICAIJ V I NM r III Ortlcr to Make Sure of 78 Men M! 1 li st >a!l to Annv Ser> ice Mr. .lono a few W “ -ks a*_c : Aslicville. 'I’ho 11'if • I ti’111. !it hy , ■ A. (iroiri;, ,'ir. f;- •;> (irr-‘nsh ■■ ^U'n!;l ’ii 'd Mr .!.m, to rojH a V'orl I ,1 (,-i jiiorn^r. ' .\uirn>t v;. T!!“ inf.-riTii wi: |cinph)Vcl h\ L'lm i .1 wiiidinir u: !.• I hiis’.ncss atiairs ar'.d in nu/ :■ I otlu r ]>ri'p ii-.ttion." for a, lojj. vli•■'IiiiL'uislied. iii*'h- ti'a' li* i' '/.le^so ?^cni‘e Ironi homo, sorvicfs nre in d“iiia)id from il 'j Fort (V^dethorjic .frr.-oy, (Jult to ('.:ivnhi. I.'r. will ^ ortnnitii s to th ■ a-jiir .t j LMVi' live addros.-cs—S ;nday [ military ])ro7'iorion 'I’li-- s jll:ce a.m.. ard p.m. i,p will he c,mp. ■! and M'.ii hiv at P';0.i a. m. and ;eo p. Tl). Monday at SI" I'on. .1..!. !5rit‘ will i:ive ;;n address i n - -r. ■ t’: m m.'.t^-'.ro iiir 11 than th - i^rst n-. tr>iiiii:;'_: i> ih'>iu'-n.al t ) tit thi- ]) isitioTis of TO'ji ;-i>ihiiity , I 'V.c't coiii’ii;>'i( n L'rantcd !:avc I i-M'ii'cd '..ill ci.ntinue to ,, , i ■ i-. r , .Several I)iscnanLreii lioeausi* >1 Me No .V.- cM.tili';,- (‘X])ira .■ DepentjetiiS IP. l anulv—Scv- 1ioi\ot tie 11- Ml'iscnpt-..'II — Die lull, , i (ia.. on A’l^n.'t '.‘rtot iko trainii:!.; , i i I era! Ciainis i)enie(.l. t’.;ee t ’r wlindi thev iiave ] aid. j for a ci.mnii,-"':'ini'd oliieo in tl;e . .. i. i i i > *V. l> 1.1 .cy. V. lo ti;:-' hcen on t he I \ve> d; 1 he N e \v» lt i ve a T'ar- l mil ^tatc> !!’’ii\ . , , c.i . 4 , ,, , , , olt!.- loi ,-.ini. I ti;,i ijs* , t 1 hi se oxamined and Noali_.Nl HmIoWo.:. \. h. > ]• as. I [■.\eniptioii Boanl .Siiinnions | appnq.riato t > tii.' ..c:-a-i(.!) a’n! t • -i.,. pj-.d.at' nar .- training i> t! 2(K* M-*re .Men to .\ppear Ne\t ' h:s lior.on >i ]). >i'ii n as a i liri.- tia’i V\ eek. i :-t!it'‘Mnan. I ('ther di>tiTi!;ui>hcd ^l eakers will liv-l li’Mib 'laii*. raid tile Ip. that I'f lieuton.int co],,iiio]. j nnderst'j.■;! to h,- the policy the Ni 'as inc] aim.''- the jol. pr.io- -y; ITILT de]iartnN-nt. on .Ian. 1. I'l!'., and ran uid> r this plan until ly. 1. r.*l'‘. wh n he I'lircli i "I tl tin- News froi*'. Mr. .lo;ifS, h ..vet!i‘' early iia^'t ■ f Se],t irdi.-r ar, I will te'Umc Wi Tk'vviOl tie' I-'/ :■ .'i Ilr .a I i i u>iler of r. .>ndei>')3i \ i';h-. !!. .\ ;',1 si.i i .'j;d‘ r l!;e p!a!;t on !. Mr. t >.-h> lie will ral-.“ c!:-;r:_-oof the (jfnali !•; :‘rint Sho]> imnio i.al . He a. 'Ira nsvl \ a nia h>y.- n ..i tlie lato \V. i\. >>hcrnc. !!••■ re t’.irn." t ' Ilrt vard ]ii_'hly rxn ricn Cl din ill'* mcl.arical end ..! thi' husiness \.‘]iich lie v.ill coiiduct, havinu' lie: witli tin- 'pviniiiiir ami ^tuhli-hini: o>t.i i ’l.-'l'moiit o! Ilaivl ,V White . f Sparta nie;i LC f..r i v y.-ars. He had l;’s tiaini’iL: when assix '^atod with .'vir Sh |.'i:an at H iulers. nville in tie* no\\>pa]»er husinos. 1' I a ? i n Li 11)a t I r i nsv 1 va nia co11\.t \ j he I *' ■ v. W . 1" . 1 ■ -v. 1', I). ! ^ . no\, j \-.-ar (h’paT t nit’n t to. v.n t i 'd■ w.eili not ho a'le to f,;rni>h 11 | past'of t In- Fi r-> tia p ■ i:>: tdin'vli. [ ^.,,n-!niand uf mm from the!;- ' tar a‘> p >-'>ihh.’. THE DEKONSinATOn Bb'S (|n..!n i.l I' nirr. .'ii .'iivl .Till j A>Im-vI!).., !!-v. .V. P. !;r. .tn. I>. !>.. M-i-tiuiw far a- i> to 111(1 ^)n^>’callv ali!o t' r !>i;i:tai'v i . i ■ i n . i trom t I rvaiiiiiio.l la.'t v.-o.'l>.! '-hi. vill'*. s'.:;i.'r;nt■■iid'”it or t:. st rv.'-e. hut who didn't (daini ex- , ■ i i n i 1 , i i i . i The (•xonii)!! i;i : .^ar.l !'as cail.'u to; -.Vvicin c! .‘-eeof.ilarV .chools Ji.stt'r- om-Mion. (>thors (omimr in th’;- t ■ '(I inor.’ to apn. ar on r.' Vf .*! in- ,.,t hv t-le B’-.jitir-t II M’'Siou eh;s> aiul not made Icuowii last , ,,, i ‘ \v- ■ i i , , , . ir.. sh:’-, \\.-!r. .itiv ai;d l?.,a.rd. !{■ v. I\ .V.. (.vrll l..r V." K liavi‘ the toHowine’ serial , . , , lhursi!a\'. .lOi'a. !i il. v. to am>. av iMimhers; . , ' . ‘ at the eitv nail ' .r j.hv.-'ieal ■ .\a:ii- >even years the >v. aa .'.-i’ul iv, -o,!i- i.. La 1 e ' c ■. c e.mtv th.e First ly;p::>t eiiareh ol liei.do' ''ii'-n.-tratioii n:ent, l:as In ei si;iivii;e. and Kev. -I.h. re. of 'im-e his arn-^tl lu-r,. I , d j. - li'il -i-h. \].\.\\ 1'. s. I'.'tary of ' 'unty a-.d i; t ti:.^ a. •; ; North Carolina. . acdi of whom wi’.l ' the;f.armer.s. ll > li.a-- ah l.'S, .^na. /I.'', p),. CM. Is,, ,il. illation. /'L*. ‘»l. ,'(:.■>, /ii;.. 11,, ]s,^, Konders i:iaV learn t’r.e name ; id' those call d to app ir next week Physically Di .^jkialifiecl. ' )\* l!i’;'iniiiir_' -.Vi; ii the lirst name. | ,,u t he ;)roL, lai m f. jr t wo or m •!'* alie\e I'nthe er-'j>~ a :■!. ^I'he followimr have heeii addeil Alien .M rail, near the j ,,,h]ra -..s, | >peoiariy en • lura^'in- Vv ; e.-t to till' list puMi^hed ’a'- week of f' d» ef t he secwiid c lumn..!' names the ])li vsieallr di.li iie>l ; ]viire o! tle> N’l .v-> ar-i eontin- 7.^. .^(.0. 'i.\ ,^s-v !,iis. ii'i', ,^i>! te V. ii'iam I'rankliii Hol- 7M>. 2'*2. h'l, I'a. HM. ..'7, .^IM. s, Ii-'.,_'SW' rlh. a'lout foi-r 1 ri(d,es from , ,^,-'7, 7'1. L'.^. sen, the to]»of tlie tliinl column. The : .= .'.1’, 5(11, 711. rri ]'ro't M. L. SKIPMAN As to Ml ,'hipm.ln^ in> >l:>. -.it has lua'Ti retained and will it is mer 'lv c.a-e oi 'a' )ii;i:e: : a> k liorne." li. ' as fmarly i;i tiie ne-.vspape: hii'ino' - in l>i-e\ anl d 'Vi 1 hi-' lull time to th." News, 'i’he ]iri ^•.'l.t eslifor of the News i I'ho.se Ii ischarijeil. ! '!'']ie followin^^ ha\e heen ili ■ charired from militaiv I i-e.ison of th(> fact 1 depend’ nts. c.nisistin.,' ( f wifi' .;r and (diildren ; ''(.1, 775, .^(t‘>, 1.^7, f.et, ( 2. 7.VI, I nJ. 77_'. 7* a, 757. ' I'J, I 5(>, .v5u. .^11 (>.^7, 571, 1'S, 7nl, .'an, IL's, (.7'». ^e5. 11, 15 1. r-J, os.V ••11’ Mr>. \V. H. Wo lall of A-li 'vii; will iiave cdi.ir-M' of tie' \-oman' he;r in the a i 'eriioei! at I *• consi'lei'ald'' donamd amo: ■ ■ '[’he L'eiier al ]iu'lic of al! creed' farmers tor a r .Her mill i' Mi' i.- e)i\lially invited to >hare the ^'‘Ounty. ■oo ii\ jhe lirst and s -coi d columns j !;.io,d thiiiLrs df t||, - > day.' ; they i hawr 'ive leavi's onS;-/ ’ ■ > wa-re examined la'( week | did t v.o years au'o. ' to iitteiul tlie a:;ni:ai mi*et: , : i’astors and otlu'r oflie.’vs and .‘‘‘'Tinly airent s . ,f tli' State' Workers (_)f the (amnt.'x (diuT(da'S l'’i’ ii\s .lewil. '. . ivri' esjiecialiy irivittal to attend ' ! ii' de;l c eanty : ; ■!' these .-ervi(\‘s v. hu'h will chjse ! ret urnini,'. i’lie m'( tin.i,' . i' ■ Thnr.'-day Tii'dit. jt.aniiers o! the state v.ill n ' Auim.'t ' and ;i '. m lial- e-'i!. '' MR. BOOTH'S COMEDY {hat th(‘V ha\ TO BE AT AUDITORIOM IMa xy's I’roxv, a comedy in two acts hy i'illiaid I.^ioth, will he ]iro- seiited at the Auditoriniii next Mon- Siinday, Au;j:ust l‘> Ih V. ii. \', ’'.ii'd-'i- v.i.'t aive till movini: ti t* Fn-i- h 'Uer id rd;:LT hi" swaTi Si‘!’.^' in the lin.il | L'I’l', 700, 7o7, (,-7v-, 7.’s_ ii;]_ 57.; io_ ni!'‘h.t. .AuLrU't L’ >, at ' o (dock. ^ s p i.'-sia- uiiih-r his niaiia;^ement. An- P»ilATHEA“SCCKeOClAELL^ 'i'Le I’hihithia e!afSoi’tlie Ik;]) ti>t hui(di will ”1 ve a *'So k S.)- ehihi>- at the ciuirt huu>* on Fri (lav n'.. hr, A!!nr.>t T'lejx* will mb, hehosssoh'swhe^:' t'ia RVE MILL mnm FULL 177, ](>s, 111, S‘: 71, 555. i'enefit of the ’hai Cress. A I)iscd'.ar‘;( .s were u'r.anted ''117 for clevei' cast v.ill ]irtd’;(‘i' tlu; }*lay, dependent iir.itlier, .Mm; for ]>ai‘ . r. s’peciul ma'ic will he ]u-i)vidtal. ;il wife Jind p.!;rent, morher. Admis.-on w;’l l)e twt'ntv-live cents Niimes may i? * had hy comjiaririLT tlu're w.;! he tio la'r'crvtal seat. with numherrt on j)a,ue -j of t-he i The writer (»f t he eona'dy heiiii'a j "^^’.y .since the new crop was h. Ni'W;;. ri'sident of t-»r(‘vard v.dio follows tneme o. I);. Jil.ei-iahlri- .j A nunihe Monday, Au^iibt 20. Hr. Miller will mve tvca ad- dresst's, at 11 :( (i a. m. :iiul ^ ' ji in. Hon. J. .1. }>ritt of A;-lievilh W. I’. Hen'i.-rson ha>flni'-'' : i?:-t.illation i f hi.-> rye and . mill aial h.as heeu runnimj: r. , i( 71 were df h“ in fi>- hov-e a i»r(»'.n'ani ;f vo-,ni solos, m-.: • (iiK.rtetu s. mixtd quar i loarnei :ettes. n ciiatlons, rendered •rot claims for the cast mostly;^’” ! The mill is a c^imiilv eon. ilonicd hy th(' lioard 1: r d'auhtless at t.ieli niucl; j As ^^Kehiteu to ' j phn-e of mat-liii-.'ry aiul an : irnei u'lon thoron-lv iv.. interest to the performance. l"ropiie;-y. ’ ' ive f.'aturo is that the ]vi\' RED CROSS 80OSTEO :;.er>ts v ill h.* served on tiu' lawii. 'I’he o!iject i;i ;.nvin^ th.e soid.a id( istorai.'-' fill! ?.: for hnihiin;: ^ ana htts l)een named hy 'hi^ L’^overmen'l ti; look after it.s in'eres’.-. and ini- der. positive in?tru *tions is re- Tuesday, ,\usust 21. j the :n-ain is short in the .«• Dr. A. K. lirov.-p. of Aslu'viMe and I ;iiid (list ri’v.itinjr ])r.^eesse-- ^ Kev. .1. 1). .Mo'^re of K.ak ii,li v.’ili |evi rv eastoiiier h. Bl bib ARTIOLES thi'inorninir s^.^i,,.j ; Mr. I prodiK't in thrve gra.los. I iirowi\ at ]>. m. anii Kev. IC (p.iippiiiir a ue-.v I'o im for the clas'.'^ to ai)])oal ev ry case dis-j Mrs. J. S, SilviM-steen, chairman | W. Cuwtluui of Hendt-rsonvilh'and !‘ i’- t‘*csin>; t OR.A L. JONES j at thei-liurch. Itivitations ai’c ht* in^" .■'v-ot out v.itli little S0(diS at t ta(died. hence the uanie of tlio eii I terlainnu-;it. I'Ju* rtceivt'r is re- ; quested toi.-iultiplv the ,://' nnniht'r I I of his.s )ck hy t > o, jiut tiu- nsnltin^ ■nninlier in Hio forni of pennies in ■the imitation >od:, and present it lUtthii door for udIni^sion. Th( cliarged by the local board on ae-1 oi the National Lea.i.jiie for Woin-; Kov'. .1. 1). Moore at nii;ht. connt of dt‘i)endeney, j ar^is Service, re'*cntlv sliipjied to I a. ^ n The exK^uiptiim bo.trd has passed , tiu- Med (’ross su])]dy depot at ^Cew I „ , August .2. upon ne;irly a 11 the claii.is tor ex-1 Yoric a hox of articles pr.'pared by ’ ^ and Rev. .Mviore emiition nijido as a result of the I tlu^ ()f tia* leaffai*. * o-enpy the niorninjjr hour and pliysical examination ;;ive!i th;'* *.'('0 The ;.ox contained .MC. artieh's ' ^ hour , . 1 -* 1 1 Ji^id Rev. ^loore the eveninj; tor tile Ufi-.' i»t arniv hosintals and . , , period. men last week. I ST DECREE MASONIC WORK from this plac;; to Hendersonvilui I , i l i t ..1 iroiit iiJ* 1 who do not wear ^or*ks .and those 21 yearc* to the e.vact datr when ho i tw.wyllablcd ,-ar-' >I=‘sons, takcfc over the News, S(;pt. !. Mr. ,n. nfs a.a erct.ecti .i to inuUe cah a- which first degree work will be {ShipniaiJ tooJf over tho ; liiiion.“ on t];c .s.:>’.:e 1)asjs, On Friday ni.i'ht at s o'clock ere wh done. was valued ai •'>?(!. The list includ- eil tirni slin.i>:s, fracture j)illows, j Thursday, August 23. head, abdominal und T bandages, I Rev. Moore will speak at 10:00 a. and many plain bandages—nearly ^ m., followed by n speaker yet to be enough to supply one army hospi-1 secured. Rev. W. F. Powell of tul for u week. , j Asheville will speak at :00 p. ui. lertMice. The most intercstint; inir; ' tlri •jr'-irram for th.'ladies of tl.. ■ m:- ^ muni*y will he tli(' womei.' houi tl hi' condui'tod at 1:00 ; hy Mrs. \\ . H. \’'Ooihaii of A- '. vilW on Monday, Tuesday, t .'•day und Thursday. Mrs. Woodall is a i,'i!ted and exjierienced Bible teach- er and her work will bo of great valne to all interested in Bible study. A. \V. McD.vxiel, Pastor,

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