Mr. Business M When you need j b t- inting, remember we are here tor that pur pose. We guarantee to please in Quality, Price, Promptness The Brevard Frintery Wm. A. BAND. Mar»af»'er HONE 7 BREVARD, N. C. GOOD ROADS SNOWPLOW IS EASILY WADE Effective Device for Clearing High ways in Winter Can Be Put To gether by Any Farmer. A fiiniirr who is ji firm b(‘Ii«>v»>r ii pKMl roads in wiiitiv iis well as in siim- iiM'r, could not any salislii« i ion from his town suii»'rinlfnUnl wlnii snow lilockt'd the six and on(‘-)ialf niih way to town, writi's l.aun'noe \V. (lils Wold in 1 arm .Jourtial. So instead of f-Min.u to the town-I;!lhcr and liawiitu; iiini out. the I'arnu'r knocked togethci a snowjilow and starti^l out. Tin work done with tlie jilow that day niah* it ('asy for a team to trot all ihe way to town and noi io troulile when it was forct'd to turn «iul for an- otlier ri;,'. And tlie j'lh was «>ver he fore a v.iiit; ot* men wiih shovels could fairly have start'd. I>irefiions for mal;in;^ llie plow' are ;is fiillows: 'I'ake a 1! by S in-h j)!aiili, eiirht teel in leuLitli (A in the aeeoni- |ianyin:x pieturc), and use II for t!ie '•ide which is to travel Hush auaiii-t tlie side of the bo!) runner. A teii- ineh i>!ank nii^^ht work, hut a I'J-irich eii(' Wiuild not l)ecaiiso il coiild not ahead of tlu; rear hoh wli'ii ft VI VS v£ i)g VS ve VS vs vs ^ vs vs vs vs ^vi VI « vs TEST SEED CORN. VS « VS In Iho spring I cxaudncd and VS tested all of the ears, and all •,tr th«)si* that didn’t tost at least 98 VS VS per ccnt 1 didn't plant. I made }« Vs the test b.y taking two kernels VS VS from the (ii». two from the butt VS VS und two from the oontcr of the VI VS car and put them in a box of VS VS dailH* sawdust and covered it VS VS with a da 111]), warm clodi and VS set It near the stove. At dil'fer- VS VS ent limes I wet lii‘ sav/dust, V4 Vs and It was oidy n few days till Vi tc all wMH> sprouted tiiat would.— ic V' Artliur \V. Cates, 'hamplon 15oy VS VS Corn (irower of Missouri, 1'J14. Vs VS VS !*i VS VS VS VS VJ VS VS VS is VS VS itS FROM LAKE TOXAWAY iiji. *11 ij I teM : h—fli Ornamental Furniture After the necessities in furnishing a home, such as beds, tables and chairs, come the pie. : v'hicn give an rlmosphcre of beauty, eiegrrice ard prcsperity. Ou? Cfeba Closets aisd Sideboards cannot be .“^urpasseJ for their decorative qualities and V the eyas of every fastidious house- liicsc cabinelSj .appoinled with gieaitiing silver^ • j and sparkling cut glass, will help to make your hjiiic Oil abode oi iu::uiioiis comtort. Effective Snowplow. niakin.i; turns. Talce another ei^ht- I'ooi jiiank and saw off two feet lor a brace ((’) and spike this iu' at ri.Llil angles to the lon;."er jihiuk. It may he iicessary lo lei out liie i'e;. ii so that thi- outer eivl of ilie lira!'.' will :i'ii lie MM) far I'nrwarii on ilie t’Suldl'iia!■'! fP). 'rii.“ l'rae,‘ .-mhi’iiM ii:- ■I'ai'cd all inch or two so lii.ii iic • v \'. l. -.'h in the u wiil out r^'ailily. Wlc'!: s^'iki'd to'^";;: r '.lie p!i',\- sli'iiild h:.\. a ciiuij::M a;i\'*' small .''prea.d. say ru;r I’cet. A >prt‘aii rat'ans too In c.vy a dra.i^ and uiiiiecrsv; ry labor. 'I'o hiicij Uie i>!o'.v lo 1 he inih U't' two cleviscs and a ri:i>; aliuclied to th(! cikI of the lel'l side «.i ihe jildw (jioint ni;'rl;ed li). In ni-.ler lo dll elVcfii\i‘ work a man slinuld liui- ihe plow. 'n-- disiinclivo feature of the plow’.s consiraction lit-s in the fact that ilc- I' il side of the phuv is two feet loHi^'T lh:;n Ihe rivht, side. rill' lel'l silie is inndt' so il can 1 s:i',i.::ly aUa'-lied to liie iuislde n!' ih>- I’iuhi-hand I'ront runner of an oi-iiiiKiry pair of bobs. W'hea lravelinu^ ihe le:t ( side jiai-all« l the ni.i.icr an ! tile riLiiil ('^lii I •;■) side li'i'iiis liiC w hi'le jiiow iiiL: .■'Uri a'-e. FIX ROAD FOR AUTOi.'iOBILES Radical Change in Treatment of Hifjh- vvays That Bear Brunt of Tiavcl Is Suggested. \s^kaianty of Hone&t Values HOME SUPPLY COMPANY >1. Cn.'iv!;, I>ropr!^t' r. BRHN ARl), N. C. $15 Per Cci'd fo: Chestnut Wood Cut >our telephone poles and you will rcccivc about ?15 per coid for them. Write fcr prices and sp::iri:ations. ERSKT';}:^ PCI.- CO.. WEAVERVILLE. N. C C.u*i Fa: J at Siding. A^cvei lids oiiT iiiie oi for men, yovtiig men .a.iu boys been so good as kov/. We have v.'^d at ^bfy com** petilion. Boys I.e . co- but tha: we c^n fit them a. su.t jvuA knee Danis wlien W3i!i':ed. I Oil can oe econ\^niiza.i by buying a pair of extra trousers to go with your old suit. Our stock oi extra trousers is lar^^e enouffh that each rran in the county can obtain a pair. Kemenihri ihe p>ace. \¥eilt*s Gsi'its* Store ■ ^ii3 C?:5\2 2*t Hotisa eiai 1 \;r. : ^ 1 li'i- ;lu- ROUGHAGE FOR HORSES. Foeding of Oats and Pea Hay Permit! Reduction of Grain Ration. While oats Jind p':i hay are well known IIS r'lUj^h.Mue for (attl(‘, par ticnlarly in (hiiryin^r, as n'Uirhauo for lior.--;-; pii'haps it is not, so common ly used, says I. L. Owens «>f tln‘ New Jersey cilU‘:-re I'arin. Timothy buy hits been held as the hay for till* lii'ise, aial oilier hays, csp»‘clally those lirh In proK'iu, are looked ui»on somewhat unfavoi-ably. As rout:haue for h'irses oats and pea hay ar»‘ Avorthy of a more ext('iided ust* on account of tliclr ureat feedinu: valiK*. 'FIm* p».‘as add I'ri'teiu to the lalitiii and more iwarly l»aljiuce it, so that with proi»er jud,i; nieul a ilei 'd. d n duetion may be made in th(> aiuouid of j^rain fed and the ani mal kept at less cost. I have w intered lw«‘Iv(* head of hnrsos on (I,Its and pea hay, feedini: them sin-e « ;uly f;ill, and have never win- ieied horses more ecouomiially nor e\eii had tlicm lo.iking better. The .urain rati"n has bee!) corn and oats, mixed so that the (orn was nbout two- thirds by bulk. When* some of the h.-rses havi* had (>nly sutlicient work for ;^,i(m1 e\cr'i-e, nt'urly all the f;rain was taken aw.-iy, only three or four (pi.irts beiii^ fed a tbiv. The horses have a healihy appearaiice .'iiul ai(* in tine :-ii;i]ie I'i>r flu! Ii^avy sprint,' wi’ik that will soon bei;ln. Wilh the ( .\'eptiuii (if ;i i-a e of colic, due I'l all ii\.1 .if’ ther(> has n>t bi :i a ( ase nf si ivi;e s ai lon;^ the 1\,.Iii',.d Iff h lalili': llieoals :i:id 1 ( a !:. y. );. • '.'A-'.-.i uf alne in tin* ^row in'4 of oats iiiid pe.a hay : liould be taken int> ai'e-niil. It is the yield an ;iere. Often p lield is coi:(inued 111 tiuiofliy when tin Haiid is 1 and a lii^ht yiehl cer tain, ia ord:'r iliat salll ieiit hay may be sei '.ired lo fei d li'Tses fur the f"l- lici\ iuLT winter. If :-l and sowi il i.i oals and jseas ;i mu h hi-her } i»-id ■ iitild 1... .-e' i-eil. Aii'ithi-r i'ein in fa- ■ \ .'i- ■ r rai^iiiu the I'ats ami pe.-is is • Ip; Mil u’lily t" keep lip the feililily of III - .'I'i!, 'A'.iei'eas with tim'ilh.N’ Ih.- op- p">;:-- is (piite "rii'n Ihe a-e. >;i:s ■I'.’ : are l Ut f' r h;iy when lhe*i;its a n.ilk s'a-'e. .\n oiipunnnity s ;:i'.cn t'l S'lW the Lrr"U:al tocie.v- ■- \ 11. aiis o’- teller I'.iir'iU' n {.'ath- Iiiaiii';. V. iu. !i. 1 111 ,\ e l um’er f^r t;rreii maiiuii', add ;^'Vi“aily to the sal fer;iiity. ’ov,peas ai..! ^-l>y beans may al-i* lie cn; .and fc.l trri i-n nr an be put in til'- si!" witli ihi- ' 'irn ir made into hay if the seas-n will a!liw. Tho Molt/coin])iiny is pro{?rPss ing with its works. Tho gradinj' to tho mill sito is almost dono and ties are beinj' laid j)roparati)ry to finishin*' thu rmd as soon as tho rails come. From the vSouthcrn railroad to the mill site is over a nnle. They arcs having the inrtin road graded now and ar? crossing the Hawk monntahi nearToxawuy. We are looking forward to an other nsvival, which will hegin next Satniday evening ot -S o’clock. | It will bo condncted by Rev. .1. K. j Owen of Mars Hill, aided by Kev. | ■bjlinson of Rosrnan »nd Rev'. Nich-1 ilson of Oakland. I’ me(^tings j Ail] bo Indd at theToxaway .Metho dist church. Ward BreMllove, who has been on tl)o sick list fjr some time, is able to he out again. Mrs. .1. A. Rrcedlove and Mis,'« Ira Jalloway, who visited friends tt Rosnian lust wu;k, returned Saturday. \Vallac(?, yonng son of Mr. and Mrs. It. A. Cfjllins, is r(‘])orted to bavt‘ be(?n very sii;k last week. Carl lir*'edlove has been called und notified to be ready for niili- t^iry servic(‘ at an early date. Rev, Johnson will ]jreaeh at tbe Lake Toxaway JIai)tist church ne.xl Sunday at 11 o’clock. A temjier ance lesson will be studied at 1*' o’clock and talks conc(!r!;ing this and oth(;r subjects will be a.'ked • or. v(‘r\’body is invited to at tend. .Mrs. (’. ,T. Ij'-e returned from a vi.sit to Hpartanburg last week. With bi'st ri'^ards to the News and our new editor, A 'I’oX \\V AN'. good dld-fashioned IRON BEST AS TONK Plain, Highly Concentrated Nat ural Iron Stronger and Con tains No Habit-Forminjf Drug, Narcotic or Alcohol. WHOLE FAMILIES USE IT The use (jf jnst plain, ordinal natural iron, i)rjr*iirabl! at drug store under the trad** name ^ of Acid Iron Mineral, will stimu late the digestion and aj-j tite, and make any man or woman run down and weak, str;nger and in'ire vigorous before a dollar b'jtile is half gone, and acfH>rdinu' to tests of ♦liirty years the; absf*nfof aP-idud and ])urgativ(.'s in tbis r> :narkah!o remedy makc.s it iileal a- a habit f(jrming tonir and purifier. A'e are Tx»und to ii it; - prov«*mi^nt sliortl.v alitr Acid Iron Mineral b* ■ ;i j,.. from two to six time- -tr than the ustial chemieallv jiared” t«jnics. I Icing a natural me(liM r:,i 1 with no narcotic, alco' .] (,r!n.\a- tivi- ad k'd, Aci(l Iron ,M:ii. i i; ti.jiy be given freely to t!ie v. 1; ,e- tainiiy for blood. kidU'-’/s arai d linn. He .-'Urtf .V'ti t-'et tlie ] i_;i:ly • iircii ' trated iron, 'rhe t radi- n; iri; A 1- M” ])r(deets you. 'l'l;e!e V.- no diingc’T o! reaction, lal''' ^’;?i t;la- tii>n fir of aiiV >iie l:.r!:;;i._ the habit. The more you';- ! Aeil Iron 3lineral the b'.-"' y i t. .1 ;t. It the ])owels art' t; ;'i. il >V’‘ strongly advi'C a;_^-iin-t u- - nf any r !mi‘ly I’ont lirs ti - ; liut where oiie's bnv, .~ u:-- insh the littl" ! M 'i j; ,n- blo()d an ini- ta king ■■ It is Hirer 1 roi! ' HI aiii; .^1 r* ■ i-- 1 ;r. J * Rend the l)ivorsificils also. IJ.M.AROKER, REASON AND I EX-CONFEDERATE, DIES HERE i ' j e:ni get at tbe (Iri.j ‘ i : ■ On Tlinrsday Ilf la.^t week adtnira Me lifl' • i I 1 .lames >i. Areb- r, a r vis ri^-rulat . - a:! i ■: I !t>r, (iic'i lieri; ironi an attack of in cwii j :•'ii I i:^di-esti.,n. Mineral i Mr. Ar(dier liad- been a visitor drn‘''_'’s*-' liave ir - ; 1 I here for si-veral seasons. He was ti tlie !'■ rr ■ 1 J: ^ ' . "r .Mason, iiis membersliip bfi?ir in (•,,,.p. .;,noke. Va ; : ■ . : — ! the iodgt? of (■olnml)ia, S. ( '. When .\,iverti'eineiit. t!u* news of his deatli l;('caiiie k„.,W” thr t.,. k ygyug HftH LOSES FIKGERS iH ACGiGEHT jtbe n'maiiis were sinpjied to tlie aiblt e.-s I if Mr-^. Archer at ♦ i V, ■ ’ e en_ tu'ell T.ceeted ; rhapel Hill. • , , rp, , , . , v itli th'' I'a’.lroail 'teai:i ■ iVel la-t 1 he decea^'c.l was unniari'ied. was , ?!> Vi‘ars of a'.'e. ami - an obi (’.in- we; ]•:. .IaTv.e> {Taml’.n !. i i b^t I federate. Vii-ginia v/.is l;i> Lative },-;vi ca’.n tin' ;..:i ;.:r. ■'* j .-itate. l t'V'i ol ; ; !'> 1 - ba.l'y m-;s!.' 1. Att > x m hv i Your friends VN'ould be pleased ti.e ])}iy^i 'an a tew day- .* r : i to receive iiiarked copics of the .. au d tli - l i t ti. it t ■ > j New.s show iu^ your whereabouts .. re ho]it '"iy m.i ;r I. and activities; 5 cents a copy. tiiev had to 1 e t.ik- ti ■ MmL^'iiiin iii.nle Py l-'raiicis M. Iil!_'i, .'-ea'el :i r,\' oJ’ Slale of .\|\V ^.i.'\, j tha: a r.’idie.-d eiiaiiLre is calh-d fur in j l!ie ! r.'allllenl of the reads llu.I 11. i i!ie main brum of aui" .■■'■ile ira\ ■■!, I mu'-! -iriUe la.Miii'ii. hast, a- hiLiiiiy ; i'Mpnr:- at. lie pi'iic.s I'lji iliat only a I '-^mall p.- I’t of the wiath uf i h- '• r^i,:'’'; I is ;!e'ii;,ll\ n-^cd by i:i -I cf ih - I \Jiieh pa^' o'.- i- itii'in. and ".v 't I when t!ie road has lo b- repaii'i' ! ur I I r!ii'Wi'd the whiile v.iuili ha to he j deal! uiili, fer mere p,",!ctiiau' in la-i-. l a.s 's cannot be regarded as i!. ■ ; : -' I , , , ji":le| ;e;il taellKi'i o| IlUl: I'l I' : C! He . CMr,lia_'ly. he [iropo -rs ilie ii- • of pi ■ p.iv.'il traeks “made of ].. eial '.e!-i:.i. coaiinuous and ."iaoiiih in el.: a>Mi|-, ;iuil sullicie!!: ly A\i(!e.'' wo:;ld •‘lii'.ir nearly r'l tin- tralli • ci: ! would Iea,;:tlien the iife of the r lad n n tin.I--; il'i jiresent jieriod.”—New Vm-k Times. HOES m I MONEY FOR RURAL HiGHWAVS Cord", fcr Cc'ir.ty Roada S'louiJ Never Riai Lender Tliari 30 Years,. Soy Agricultural Experts. !'■ ads S'lld I'l'i' ceiiiry hi..l:w;)y P’^e.-, at. in the cpi.U'iM o! read -p - thi' departlaei't of a.rrieal- •liiiiild n.-ver nm for u;ia\- ;h: :i and retireni 'at even ear!i ” :where this can be U'-' oi \- I witho'U too vi-eal at! im rea ' \ rate. It. is damri-ren- . ! a'. e bonds riin for a I.mcj: p-‘- ' li'C in siieh •; ' s i'.i“ iii- - 1 ,1 ( i:l live ■: 1 he i -1 ilardeil :he iiaprovemcnts made wiih 'Ui'.v so raised. Jbmey bei ;'o'.vel to baild roads sIk uld bt' rc'paid by lia'-e wiio enjoy the betiefit of the i; i- pre\ i i. nis I'lus tinaiu ed. and a : be a deht upon ih s(> w lio ,uaiii no In n- - lit from till* e\penililiire. i Or. LENGTH OF PUBLIC HIGHWAYS Of Totaf cf Aboi:t 2.452.000 Milt' About 277,009, cr 11.3 Per Ccnt Arc Imijroved. t'!:-‘ piibiic ro.'i Is of the T nit-'d ] S a;- s ,>alsld.‘ ilie liaiits ».f incurp. ! d t'A'iis and eiiie^ l\ad. .bmuary total Icnulh of about L’. i-'i- \ ■ U'.* 11. les, of v%i:i Ii aliout LITi.eoO iCiil-' I •• il.'- ji> r c. lU. ar.‘ improved w i j - .iiae ; Ill of >m i'f.'iii r. Ti:e n-’ '. ■i' smiaeed ruads is incrcasiiar a' ' I .;ie \ji j1 mib'.S per ii.iio 4 A a i is approaching and new shoes and wiriter clothing will be neccssary. V/e have received heavy shipments in these lines as v/cii as in dry goods arid notions, and are we!! prepared to se: ve our ci.;«Comers. s vvh>!c the price of shoes has greatly a.dvanced, 3^ou wor-’l feel ^ tiic i.icrcase much v/hen you trade with us for the reason ihr.l ' e g priiciia::cu early and in large quantilies, v/hlch necossavily nica.ii lower p. JT IC-OSj and we are going to share these benefits wilh c-* ^ - -A customers. We watch the market; take advantage of it every time per ble and by pvirchasing for two stores get an advanla;?e over nic: t merchants. Give us a call. Buy yoar fall goods early before the prices go higher. J. C. WHiTMIRE, CherryfieW, N. C. WMITMIRE & LYNCH, Pisgah Forest, N. C. Please mention this advertisement when inquiring abottt these goods.

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