ASHEVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Use it to Plan Your Shopping Trip, or for Mail Inquiries. The Firms Listed Will Serve You Well. Advertising:. BOOKLKTS dfsij;nt’d and written. (>3 American Bank buildinjj. (lill. WKKKLY NKWSrAl’KUS. Wcslt rn North Carolina territory. Katis? (Iill. Automobiles. big link rSKI) CARS. or credit. OK .\uto Co. CHEVROLKT auto servicc. distributers. Livery and Chambers & Weaver t'o. CASH talks. I’sed ears. Kvery make. Overland Asheville Sales ('■>. Cafes. BOARD of Health says; "Cleanest in town.” (L’l) Hroad'vay Cafe. HOMKMADIC candies, restaurant, soda. Club Cafe and Candy KiU hen. Department Stores. H. RKI)\VOt)I) & CO.. clothes, hats, umlt r wear, etc., for everybodv. Dry f'oods, rugs, Butterick patterns. Druu Stores. MKET your avenue. fiii.nds lure. 1.^ I’atton I’araiiiiniiit l>nt;', Co. Fiirnitiiro. WHKN you see a Green Urolheis. I'uniitine .\d tliink oi Loan Office. FINKELSTEIN’S Loan Olliee. Jewelry, trunks, leather {foods. 2.^ Biltmorc avenue. Monuments and Tombstones. MONl’MKNTS, Tombstones, Cut St«)ne, Tile. C. S. Gud{;er, .SI Broadway. Musical Instruments. 76 I’atton avenue. FALK Music House i’lione 20k Men’s and Boys’ Furnishings J. \V. NKLLY iNi CO. for Stein-Bloch Smart Clothes. WRITK or fee Truck Bodv. General Mechanics. McKarv X Son lot yoin Office Supplies. OFFK'K SCI’I’LY CO.. typewriters, add ing machines, safes. 91 I’atton avenue. Optometrist and Optician. CORKKCT CiL.VSSFS. 52 I’atton avenue. (Henderson's Jewelry store.) Dr. Denison. Pliotographers. HlCi(I.\S()N STI’DIOS, I’atton a'’e- iiue Op])osite post otlice. .\rtistic por- tiaiUire. I’l L TON STl'DlOS. Pack Square. Hi^h j'.rade portraiture and commercial pho tography. Pianos Tuned. Rl]l’.\li\KD. Kxpert work. .\11 ^iiaran- tt i d. ICIks huldinjf. Williams & Huffman. Poultry Farming BROODING ^HICKS. Care Should Bo Taken That They Be Kept Warm and Free From Drafts. llat«‘hiu); tho chiek.s is the least of ilii* iMHiltrynian’s worrit's. more important than the hatehini: is tho itroodiiis, which oflVrs all kinds of oi»- portunities for if not handled l»n»lH>riy, writes a correspondent of tho Farm and Fireside, l)i» he v«M-y caro- Inl aiiout drafts or sudilen ehani^cM in (oni|>eraturo in (ho ntoni where tho brtnMlers are kept. Thi* chleks, ospe- eially durinji the lirst few weeks, are particularly snscoptible to irregulari ties of this kind. That does not mean (hat there should n»t be plenty of fresh air in the room, hut if it is the least bit ctdd scre«‘ns shouhl be plac(*d by the windows so that the air d«H“s not strike the hi Us diret (ly. The bro«Mlers themselves shoiild be kept at all times warm enouiih for tho F^ETHOD OF BUILDING CONCRETE CISTERN CUT RATKS. or more. CJroceries. C.rocerics amountijig 'I'wied iNi Collins. I’KI.NTING, Hinders. Printing. BookhindinK, Loose Leaf lia;knev & Moale (^». Hardware. BUILDFKS' hardware a spoi ialty. Nortluip Ml Diillie llariiv'are Co. Jewelers. THK House of C.ifts. >1 l*att..n iivrr.iu’. Ciias. K. Real Estate. W. T. HOWL.AND & CO. Farms. (.'an Me Don«.'.’’ l\lv\L l'^''r.\ I'F. Insurance, IS South I’ack Siiuare. I’hone l.Vl(>. Lorick Co. K'i'AL KS I'ATI-: BROKKR. See .lames W. lu lu-n. ll‘„. Chun h street. .\Siil'\ Ri'aliy Investments. Aineri- ( an I’.ank luiildin^. llmry T. Sharp ('o. CQi: CCK ocn Q3c; Cf'fr) m Let’s Beautify Owr Town What are YOL’ willing t:. o.o to rnakj; our town a prc‘'i«ir and cleaiitr place in wliici* to Iive> A very little bit of monev, a little tiiiiP, anl a little PR*DE will work rr.irar.lcs in in ;,Ty cases. You v/ill be tickled with the change yourself and the v/hole community will thank you MILLER SUPPLYCO. I^KKVARD. N. C. MaehinB Shop mid Otl Near Staliou. PLAN SHOWING HOW CISTERN MADE Ncte—For R'-nera! repair .-'nd in'pnvemer t work, no lun'.cr will {;ivc ”rpat-. r s.'itisfa ion than North Carolina Pine, properly pa::. ted. We s 'Jlie folluwin;; arthde and llhisi rn-I Moor well wil h wooden posts resii n;r »»n (ions dcscrilic in dcMaii tie- bosl nietli llirboltoin of tho eisltTii. Around th* ol of buiblinK a C4inTfto eisiern; rd;^es of boI»>, and rvtin^r on (lie tloor -MaUo !i ••ircular «-\i aval ion If. inc'hos desrrllied, onstruct :i v*rti al form llinn the desiicil diaint f.T of tho extt*n(||iij? up to the • •jsiciii. oi' allow for a wall two thirds ;rround. tho thi‘kness of a brlek wall that r.niid a eone-.shajied in«dd i»f very \'.(iiild be u-'ftl for till- same pnrpos>, fine wet .sand froni the «tuter ed^te >1 and from 11 feot to 1(1 foot «b“e|i. .Make ih«‘ lloorin^j to the top of the form a •yliiidrira! inner form. (Soo ('iru- iiroinid tin* stinare bole and snn.oth lar [•drin) the tntside dhiniotor of witli v.oodcn float. I’laet* a lay r ot ^vllieh shill! bo the ilianiotcr of the e«»nerfte four itiehes thiek over tin 'is(* ru. The form slmuM bo about !• ' sand so that the ediro will >n th* f'.‘( lonK fora 1 l-foo( holo. and 11 feet , side wall, Fi>;. N'o. lonu for ono 1(5 foo( (b'e^p. Saw (he Removing Frames, form Icn;:ibwis(‘ into equal parts for} Lot eonereto set for a woek, thon re- eonveiiieneo i;i haiidlinu. Lower Him | move ono of tin* Iloor boards and lot sociions Into (Iio (■ls(crn and (boro (he* sand fall ;:radnaliy to tho botti*n. unite them to form a -ireb* | "f tho eis(ern. W’hon all boards and bloekini' up Jit intervals (*> iiiolios ' for(ns are remov-d t!iey r>Mti be oasil\ aliovo tlio bottoin of exeavatbiii. pas.scd ibi'in;rli Tlo- (wo-fuot a]>ortnr« CLASSICS htted. lf> Church. '.xpeil watch n pairin;; 11. .M. l'r«‘st. IF lal interested , to J. K. CARIMCN'I'KK. .b-weler. Wat. ii r. pairinji spc'iaUy. 1(> Norih I’ack Snuan-. Kodak Finishing- in Asheville Roofinj;. Real ICstate ■lohn Acee. KXPKKT work, orders solicitoil. Faj'tman aj;(Muy. .Mail Hrown Ko'ik Co. Kodak Supplies. KOD.'XK doveb>j>inp, printing:, n'.ail ord.-rs Amateur supplu ^ Robinson l*hotoSt:>re Laundry. THE \i.hoh lion. wav for Liiiindrv S- ti.sfai Asl'.eville Ste:un l.i'v.aiirv. Mi' lWL SHIXCLFS, Ciuttering, Spouting. '•5 I’att'-n. A. L. .MrLean t'o. Seeds. S'l'lMCKF.i; SKKl) ('OMPANY, wholesale and retail seed merchants. Poultry sup- l)lies. Sportinjif CJloods. Tire Repairs. SK.NI> us vonr tires and tubes. .\sheville Stram Vulcani/.inj^ Co. THE NEW OLIVER NINE A TYPEWRITER REVOLUTION New Machines for Half the Former Price Was $100 Now $49 At thH vory hei.rhT of i: ■ ••’irct .-r. Th- )’.iv--r Typowritor Company up^ots the typewriter intiu.'-try. -I’i-i i-..- ciai '.n whon it iiitrmivicoti vis.;ble wruin^ artd toreetl all othf-rs to J.-j'.!'-'.V. i.;^- ix'WiTtul (.ompriny worldwide in enoe c*a!ls a lialt to old vxi:-. o v. a\of .'ollinkr tyj.owritt'r.s. It bviye*ra e;' h \raf.temi buraen. A str)ng eno’.;4’->, ( and brave enou^^h to do bi^:, staMiini; tiling like (his. dtser\e.s a L.arr , . The fiill facts are set t(.rtii in or.r amazinp exjxisure. entity '! " I'iie li.eii Cost of Typewriters The t^■.•‘■'un and tlu Remedy." One cojiv’ he ni.iilt'd to you if yni send us the cov.j^on bciow. HOW WE DO IT Henceforth Tlu-()liver T pt writi r ( .ta- pany wi.'l maintain no v-.-.prr ivi- sales force of l.^.tMKi salrsmvr .md^. Hencefo:.'.h it will ]>ay no ;_li r« r.t^ ir. cities. There will he in.- I'.’li.' You. Mr. I'siT, \v ill dt-ai d rr t umw v. ith the actua'; mamilactnri-r. . i’iiii^!i;-!r.-a — no usele- s toils. We enf"' tlu- Vvaste :n'.d give you t'U- savin;.',>. ^'ovi tlu- .551 by SAVE $51 This OKver Nine is a t'vi-ntv-var deveiipnien‘. 11 is the tin'-r costliest, most succetsfid typcv.Tit--r wi' cvtr built. It is ' ours for I(t l ei' s [» r day in monthly lavntents ot Kv- eryone 'an vw n a t\ p ,vr» rr now. Will any san- jtersnn \t ... ain ]>ay $100 for a sla;.’!ard tvpewrilr. when the Standard V.dh!-.- Olivor .Ni u- sells for .$ r>? Senil today tor and furthi-r deta; ■our copv of ou": book You’ll bi-t;uri»/ised. b(dnjr your own salesman. .And wc ,cain i-' or.i>r.'it‘s tor ourselves, too. So it isn't [diiiarjtl’.ropy. Just tl.e new, -iT!L:iint way ?{ ditir.^' Juisiness !■? meet prisent- day « ''tnoinie han::es. No'v' this ta.i -t larofu!:v. \^'t• ofTrT the i'.ien-i.'al ,)li\ er .Nine - the lateiU .n?ahd brand iKW, tbt exact one %vhich was untv Marcli 1-L The Lcte!.t Model I'Ve not (■■ir.:visc this i-Jit'T of Th; Oliver T.rill r “.. .eripany itself o!' i brand ne\*i, iaivvt rr.'^'lc i '•> w. :r. offt-r;; of second ha:.i or rfhu'It niach'rnis. In it'-.- :irst tin*;- in hisi i'^r that a re-.*, stiind.i'ii ?l(iU ty7'ewrittj-' has bi-t n olttn d for We Ct> not otTer ?. sui>sti- tuti: miK.lcl. cheaper, oi.^crent ot rebuilt. Kexd all tbe secre.: facts in ai;r docu- mi r:'.. entitk-d “Tht Hi^h Cost *:{ Tvpe- wtiirrs The Reasor and The Ki*medv.” The coujjon Tdow mailt^l today wili brin^ vou » ne C(.7JT_ FREE TRIAL Ni> m.ney -down —ne C. O. D. After you read our book yoj may ash for an Oliver Sor fivt days" trial. Ht your own s.ilesmais- Save yo'urst lf $T1. You (Keide in the privacy of jour own otiice or home, a.s yot see tlie Oliver. Tkx'n if you want t(» owi: an OliTtr you may pay at th- r;;te of liK'rnts ptr day. ■Mail the ctiujion nc)w 1‘ir “Tht K.i^rh Cost (f Typewnlers—'I'ht Reascjn «nd The Remedy.” It rips of! Ihe mask. Cut the coupon out now. THE OLIVER TYPEWRITER COMPANY 1223 Oliver Typewriter BIdgM Gbicsgo, III. KUooD ctM)i* rsi;i) at c.ovkknmknt rovL- TRY F.\UM, I;EI.!S\ lI.r.K, MP. ehieks to bo tlu>rou}:hlv comfortablo without erowdinir, whieh is oftoii fatal to them. Fnonuit brooders should be . ] ro\ idl’d so that eaidi ebivk will havo jilenty t>f ro.iui without I elnt; forced oiit'^ide the brooder at nii;lit. Whon th(' (diieks ronio out of tho Ini'Ub.ator they ha\o in their bodies uii- j aiisorbi‘d the yolk of tho cltu, which ; nourishes them for at least thirty six ' hours, s*) that no food is necessary ut I lirst. Tho water iiii'l fine ;:rit are os- ; sontial to the di;:*s!ivo oru'ans to I do thidr proper fuiK-t ion>^. We fed dried ^ iTei'.dcnunbs and finely ib'piK'd hard 1-oilod eiTLTs as a lirst fii 1. fet'dini^ this I cvi'ry three hours for tho lirst (hree ] l;iys. j Then we ^ sub'll ilu(od rolled oats ;:ro\ind iti a meat frrinder and mix- I ed this at (irst wilh bread.•nu’d s. as they bad to bo tanglit to rollsh this diet. l»y the end of (ho week W(> iiad boLiun on tile ;irain l'">d, wbirii we didn't mix ourw-lvos, I'UI bouuht In the ^iTni «>f •■onimerdal clii k Ie«d. We this e'ory throi' iinnrs f-'T tl’.e tiist week and tlien every four hours at the r.i(‘ of one half pint f"r a hundred liieks, whih is wba( (!ioy .an ih-au lip in about ton niinui*-'. ii; botwoen 'inies they had befcri' ti'oin a hopper ontaininj^ a nii.xtnre of oi.o i art «'f ■ ineiy sifl«>d beof s.-mps, ]>aft ‘-*f I'.’io eliar>-oal an«i tv.'> pari-' "f J^i.oiy 'illod bran, wi’.ii the addiilou ••f one liart tf -ornni’al in tlie second woek, also oniittiuiT to slit the I Mirin;; the lirst w oeic w o fvd them .also U‘ets r tnrnips ;,'ri'ii:-.d in tlic nioat i^riiid-'i', o!forli!;r this .v! oi.t om-i' • ■I' tw ie(* a >iay and j^i'adna'iy i^iv ini; it to (hem t j'lener hi (bo '^.-oni.d w eok. \V(* aNo h^id ( I.ilibor liolVr.. t!.‘i:i when Wo had iT_ ami tliis (boy -r.-lis'ic'd ^rreat- ly, .and, of cour-o. wf kop( liar-'ual and i;rtt ^)ofore theni i-stantly. (Wiihdraw bbxkinir aftor tillin;: in .-'jiaoos bo(w‘‘M wKh conoroto :inl then lill hoios loft by blocking with rbh niurlar.) ♦ Making Concrete. Mak«‘ coiieroti* of ouo part Portland • oonioni. (wo jiarts cloan, roarso sand, and f nr pari brokm '.(one or i:rav«d. Mix Jus( sof( onoUL'b (o pour. I'’ill in ''p:toc lM (Wfoii tbo Conn and tbo oartb wilh oon*To(o, ;ind pnddio i( to prevent tho forniaiion of si.>no pockots. usi?i>; a b'ui; scanilin;,' for tho purpose, jind :iIo a loni; bandlod p.-iddlo for working bitwooii t!o‘ conor>to and tlio form. To ciinsiruit tin- dnnio without u>^inu an oxponsivc I’orTii, as follows; A' Toss lop tif the form build a Iloor. baviii:: a hole iu tho conter two fc4-t si|T:ai'o. (I'iL'. No. P>raeo (his ami (h“ sand (akt-n out of (bo ojstori: by nioans of a pail loworod wi(h a ro)»o. 'rids does away wi;h all ex- ponslv> forms ;md i pcrfootly fo!is Ibh'. 'Fh‘ bottom of th‘ eis(‘rn siioiild bo built at the satno time as the sidt walls an«! should bo of the sanu“ ndx lure. >i\ inch-'s ihidc. •\ -^(piaro rii rn i> nnn-h oasjor t build, .and In ino( c;iv, s. an -;w*T (lu l>urposo as well ;is ;i roiiiel ojvtorn. Kxeava(t‘ to dosir. d dojith and put In six lin bes conTeto Iloor, ono jiart Port land oriiK'nt. (wo jiarts sand, ainl four parts broken stone. As >o,ni •(> pra- ti'aldo, pu( ujt forms for s Ineb walls and buibl (ho four walls simultanoous Iv. If !iioro than oiuht foot s^piare. walls should bo ro-.-nforo«d with a wovon-wiro fabric or ste«-l rods. CERTIFICATE OF DISSCLUTIGN State of North Carolina l)ep::rti;'en‘ State. To all whom these presents n y con:c - (Ireetin^: Whereas, li r.ppi ars to my j:it isCu'. t i by duly aiithenticali.d n-cord i tl.-.: ceedinj^s for the voluntary .i.-s thereof by the unai.inious eo! i i.i t .'i the st.ickholdei-^. !ei)os!tfd ir ii;’,' tha.t the 'i'oxawav Western Rai ri.a! Co -, panv, corporation ()f this s'.at--. wh.'** principal tdhce is situated in tl ti.wn ,» Toxaway, county of 'I'ransylv; ; stat^ - North Car(dina (K. C. .\ioltj; ielnj^ i.- a^‘nt therein an i in har; ■ there‘.i, up(>n whiin proet^s n'ay be ^'v complied wilh tl- • r ■•purtTiier' trr 21, Revisal ot 1 n1iti : ‘C I (ions,” preliinirj.';ry to ihf' i.'sui; • - Icertiticate of di'>-.!ut:on; I Now, therefore. I,.I. I’.ryan ririmt s. s- •- I retary of state of the state of .N'lrth >' ;sj.> ! lina, do hertd»y certify ti’.al li.t .r- ( j porati(m did, on t’r.e .V‘th dav 1 .‘t;; •. 1917, file in mv otrice a duly \ rutrd attested consent in writinj^ to ;lu- (liss' tion of sail corporatinr.. ex«- u‘v'l by . ^ the stockholders thereof. whii 1\ saii c " • sent and the recor." O! EASILY-MADE HOPPER5rowing few filberts the in n 1 , ■(■( cdirL V ^;;id ot^. ' Poultry on Range Should Have Supplemental Dry Feed. Mash Tends to Prcmotc Rapid and Uniform Growth of Fowls and Is Economical—Device Illustrat ed Is Efficient. No Other Nut Comes into Bearing Earlier—Try Them in Experi mental Way at First. Probably no . boariuL' larlior '.vhiili the comii; • 'ii s. 1 n;i sm u' 11 > nut conios lnt«t llian 111" lilbi rt, of on Iia;'.--1 nui is a spo- a.' it.s near rcladvc, aforesaid are now n til-, as provided by lav. In testimony whi-reoi'. I 1 ;•'.>■ Ii- T''^? set my hand and •,-■1 n.v of'i !a. -.-..ii Raleigh, this ,^"ih day of Julv. .\ 1. 1' .T .1. BRYAN C.UIMI'S. S-17-ltc Secretary • : S:at- (ho haxol nu(. is so wiib-ly di'-tribi’.t.'d (bionubou( (ho co\ui(ry, it so.-ni' woll woiahy a (rial on u small sc-alo. Plant iIm‘ nu(s in tho fall. Th.'V mav bo Care of Young Turkeys. Abs'.iv(ely no food ■■■■' all should bo driven VMJII-Jr turkoys r .i:; tbo (hirl day after batchimr, and ti.‘-n (bo important 'on.'tio?. is less wha: > feed than how much. 15o!lo(l e.u;: I'UXod wi(!; rolled oats, rvidied lino, :.n,.i a "ood third of ri-;i Uer crumbs is (b.- I'ot food. 1 >on't !o( them hav(« much, a l ito 'r (wo. lion't ’le ovorcrediiio ;s to the often (old laLe tha( a baby -.rk ba-^ n> .appe- (iti\ .'^'•mc of them ? so as trreedy as juirs. ujjd thtdr dii:«-s! \i“ !:|'paratus i.-; so (hdii'Aitely aiijiisted • hat a few bites too upset them. Loa>i* corn and 'orn pr.oducts mt of their menu f« • best results b id keep a variod assortiUhiit of ^Tits iilvi.ay.s in reach. Tho fci dim: of dry mash to farm poultry on raujc 1^ not i>rac(l'cd a i:‘ncrally a> it .■'h"uld be. 1 *ry ma cMi:ip(iimdi'l of lin. iv uround ;::rain anil U'Uallx contain^ some aiiinial i>ro tcin ill the V. a.v of beef scrap, li-l -^crai*. eic. Tbi^ dr\ ma^h is inten«led io iii'p! a. :,i (he L'raiii ration and (o be an a«liiiMoii:il soiir(‘e cif supply t" the eliicl’e!.~, iiM rali-ie. l*ry iaa"h always ac'e"siblo to poul try helj-s to promote .a rapid and uni purchased Sold, and wilerever !lUIs an investment ai*. of usually ■> or 10 lo-eded unit j I cents i all the ‘xiiens , oMo desires to ti'v son'.e known variety, when ti;. bnslie.s may bo obtained frotu a nursery. , i TWa-o i.s no ('ertainty as to tho rpial- i ity of the nui-' wbb h may be obtained 1 from the seed, bttt some Sort of an I edible fruit is almost -eriain. and ono j should (r.v (hem in an experimental ' way at tirs(. anyhow. Tliey are said to be very susceiidble to funmi at tacks. but aldiouuh thei-e is no liifor- matloTi of any experiments, it is be lieved that bonleaux mixture will oyer- c.iiiic ibis. If you :tre intereNied In nuts and care to try an exiieriment, it may be worth while to [)lant :i hand ful of tilbert>. Professional Cc* d?. ROET. L. GASH E. LPEES GASH & BREESE I.AVVYER.S 11 to 17 McMina Build'ins N'otarv r DR. J. Y. McKIi JNEY DENT!ST Office Pickelsimer DANIEL LEON Er CLSSH Attorney and Counielcr a Law Brevard, N. C. Real erftate'law a-.d a f-pecialty. ERNEST H. NOr Architect cr.d B Remodelling and Repair a 5 . V i T i:dcr Ct-, t' cic ECONOMICAL FEED FOR PIGS J O I With Grain and Pasture, Skim Milk Will Make Rapid Gains—Provide Ashes and Salt, Detail of Dry-Marh Hopper. Over 600,000 Sold THE OLIVER TYPEWRITER COMPAHT, B-7 Oliver Typewriter 6ldg., Chkago, III. Do not send a machine until 1 order i'. M.iil me your book, “The High Cost of Typewriters—The Reason and The Remedy,” your de luxe cataio^^s a;)d furtl’.er information. N'.'tft'.e Strev.t City, Address , State .. iCure For Scaly Log. The liiwi.ehin;' st'.asou i*; here. Those who hatt ii by hen.s ‘Uhl see that they do no* have scaly h-^s. as (hey In- (erfero wich jrood hat'jU‘s a:al live chick.s pet Mie infection ;'^Min tho old I'.eii, Take the la-ro.sene -•.an and throujrh the fjenhouse after dark, (ake each fowl fioni tho rootle and i:ive ■thoso that havf> scaly lo;is a iiood bath •it kerosene ri-.iiit on (lie leuv and t: H‘Ui back on tie roost. Oiw applica- tk-n is scnerally sutJicieiii. t-.d in a few’ weeks’ timft the sc.jleo '.cill nil haY»5 disappeared. m- \\, ADMINISTRATORS’ NOTICE Havinp qualilied as administrator of the estate of M. L. Jones, deceased, late of Transylvania County. S. ('., this is to j notify all persons having claims against said estate to present the same to tlu* undersigned within twelve months from this date, or this notice will be plead in har of their rerovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediute payment. Overcrowded Brooders. Tho avyra.iro brooder will sat'ely han dle just ubout half (hoiiuiub(‘r of chicU.s for which It is claimed to be made. Cro\vdin{f ie almost certain to brinp dire results. He chary of the liomoniade brooders with lantoni heat. There I.s I dnnwr of asphyxiation uiile^g it is liroperly constructed. This .Tulv 21,19]7. J>. 1'. x(;i.isn, A tty, (I. T Ly!).\y> Admiiii.strator. ■ 7- 27 6tc -dle Be Prepared. Hatching: the early chicks when cue is not prepared to care for them will cure tho cUlckea fever every time. f yni irro'.vih and economical. Poul- Xii- is not inciiiitMi to overca( of dr.\ li. ’I'be usual inelliod «f feclini' tir niois( MUJshe>, bowe\er, i.aios- rari‘ is takeu, is vv(eful and daniriT- OU.S, PotiKry will i\ -real of wet mas'h. att.' (his ma>h quickly if iioi c.n.'-unied. par(ic;ila !y in hot wo.atbcr. feediu;: of dfv masli, on Ilie oili er !;;ind. aNe ma\ J.e w.a'^iefu! if a j)riN-*.f|y de'^iu'iu'ii tj-'^. ict' for ft*edin^' i> iio] , .’llploVi d. 'n.e tollowin^ d'.'vici i is «‘lii-ieiit ;ind ^t'oiiomieai f‘ed'.'i j aai] Jtjiv e.asily b^ ij>ilaictcd. j Thi.-i fiojiper i« covitru'(ed of iuob, l>oai-,’s i;.’ inches \\ ].-_ Tiie (op may i Im' liiiiL’. •! for convi*ni»'ict> in (illinc. or I ’.lie ontii'e (op n;:iy iw m.adc reaiov-j able, allordinir in this bc(ter pro- ■ ;iclion from ilu* wt'ari..t. Tiie V , 'tiapi'd bo^iom of (hi* J. od container! is made of one-fourth jmcIi sipi.ire- mc>b wi'-e. Sijcb as i us*;J in ren'i.”'r- i in_' corn «a‘il-^ and irraii* bins . Tiie il:i! tray, al'ovt' hich lin i'ovx! container i* suppici’teij b^ t!ie end bo;,id'-, .■•honld Ij.-iM' draiiiau'e bolt - ; '!i a!s sivuld b»‘ f;>?-teiied | aien,:; the point of co.ntact of (lie wici ! i:n "ii wiih end hoanls. (bus UijiKitiJ:' a closed joi(ii ,ind iirev^-.Mtitii: was'.c, A substan’ial advanta^^e in this f..rm of I'ood hojipei" will bo foiuid in (hat n ^ivcs no opportunities for the wcd.Lln.i: in and sniotlieiin^ of younj; t'l.Ukeiis. trowiiiji:; arotnid the feeder. Skint milk is one of tli*' best feeds for .vouni^ pi::s. With urain .and ^reeii p.asture it will maivi; Lrains on j>f js. I'a pei'ienced feeders tiiid that the best way to f«-ed It is to L''iv(‘ (ho i>i;rs out* pound of ;:rain to thr(>e poiimls of skim milk. Then If the pi^-^s have Ji pasttin* to run on ymi ma,\ i,‘Xiiect — them To make rapid L^ain. After (tie pi-s are wo.-med (hey may lose th'sh or at b'asf maki' ^'ain verv sbmly unless fed n fi'ed rich in pnv (ein to tnako bone, iniiscje. frame ;na- (erlal. mineral m.attci-. etc. If fed skim milk and irraln they will not ilis- appoinT you. Pius >!iould h.ave acc-sv; j,, ;,xJies ntul s;il(. A i^ood jilaii Ts to mix about two iuarts of .salt to oue !m>bel of aslH«=. put the mlxKuc in .a b,.x with low sides aiul nut In r(>.ach of the pfjr-' dry. Clayton, Cicytcr^ Fisiier Attorney s-at>-L aw BREVAUD: WELCH GALLClVJiY Jlttorney Practice in all the Ccuris Brevard, N. C. CHAS. B. DE WEK attorney cUl c;- Office Coopex B^Lc'r ALLISON & All Attorr.eys-at-L v In Old Cooper B: siting BREVARD PEAS OFTEN BECOME ‘‘BUGGY” standard Method of Preventing Infec tion Is to Fumigate With Car bon Bisulphide. COLEMAN GAL? OWAY Attorney-at-l -w/ Cooper B!oc‘ Brevard, N. C. Peas often become ‘liUL'uy*' in tho wmtertiine. The stat;dard niet'iod preventinfr iru"est;uien of .all kinds of uralns is to ftnni;r;ito with carlMa. bi- stdrdddo. Re sure that your s;.>rod jrrains are not in.!tire«l when it i^ so easy to pul the btig.^j out of bu.-;ne.:s. CONNEST NO. 237 Meets every Mc-tv.- Visitors v/e'v 3. F, rht. '^iSVv ODNicS ROCK L0D05 NO. 267 A. F. & A. M.

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