(Name changed from Sylvan Valley New., January 1, 1917.) V0UIME-X\1I BRKVAKI), NOirril CAI{itI,INA, FRIDAY. SIH'TKMlii:!! I I. 1917 NIJMI'.KU- WRiOTIC MEETING PAMDE AND SPEAKING l^rafted ?.Ien, Votorans, School C^hJUlron in Piirado; Oowiioil (^ourt ISovise; (iood Spoccln” ; Fine Music I idtic rallv on Friilav of S. J. ROSAfJIOND DIES Well-Known Summer llositlont Dies While on Mountain'I'rip; Sj>ef)t vSeveral Sutnn^ers Here; BrevartI llis l>o\liooii Home. !>i(lncv .1. Iiiis.imdtul dictl snd- last wt'i'k \vi;s nn In br It' liifiily v.liili' id uriii iii; Inst Safur incjul'crt'd 'I'owii ami c.tuiity unit dav Irom I! i luN. eii in an t'lfort to ]>:iv i- to tlic ! ?vlv K’osaim r.d iiml Mr. "I'owt is nu'ji who luul tirawii am! liad | liad ■ n:i i-'iidav to Hi_:lilai>d:-. hct'ii (],,, c,,Uiis >r \\( i«' H wait 111'4 ilun- call j.p'.f.Lr I'Ti il l* \\;iy to Ttiakv' tl.cj a-i't lit of \\]\!ti'S’i(l'“s, The' sjn'iit i Im advi'Vtisiii^' for the ni'.'* tin ', thi‘:.i -’it at IliLrlil-mds aiwl wi n ' ]*".sti'rs had hiM'ti di-tnl'il d l'\ . ii-^ c.'nun / iiarl;, v.h.’ii a!.o;it a Tirdc , ^ ouTicil li.r Natii i .1 ! >.■!i i.-'.‘ and'thi-' ^-idc o! 'I'oxaway, >ir. I^osu | thf .‘m’II levs' ,\id conniit t ’t' in in- ; d j'i'id t'lu‘ rar >a \ iiilc 1 li.i t I many ]: ivts of tia' county. j !"■ ti it sici . 'I’hcv were !!>.c la>1 j I *ro’n ])t !y ii t ;i5'' o\\. ■ 1;. a ]«; o- ' wi ■! d In- uttered. Within ten! ees'ic;; |:e;_';i!i to f.'-riii in ti'o’it ot !> s' ti'ne lie wa- dead, t ne ' i a'led >cli( (ol huildin;::. l'ro!n j j lie hidv was "hniiL-'lit to Hre that jioint, niarchnii^ to the Ta]> •'* I \ai'i Sit'vda\' eveidn:.''. and on t lie d r iiin , t he pi . icer'>it ino > i d i o , x, j , l,i \\ ,■; > ^ a ken to I re» n VI1 le Main street, (iown tie- ■'ir» t't lor a t"i' in'i'inn In tli" ]iartv ae- >li' ■. i ' i 1st :i nee ;i nd then ha k i o I^ e. '!i. I 'a ny 1 n : 1! e ’cinai n.- were M r>. (■our; hou^e. In the \ , n w ere a i |; i-:i nnid. M r. a nd M rsM .t ’• tev. n;C(1, !!(le Veteran-. i e\i nil :in'i - ;,f l-.i-l-. y. ar.d Mr. 'ani' t iie .vt n.i'Mits l>re\arl 1 - i’eriv :.T;d Ta;] (;:;dek of ■ ' •''a I d a I ■ e r 1 In l: i the ) iU] >' i - ^ , ii \ i' ii . ; . ■ i\ i s of the de '' • :riill d ^eile■ il. niakiHu' a ;itie i ^ , ., j t ti | , j-. ! ;-i i;;i t !ii- [ lae,' ;i I :■!. lei -til. , V :,.;ii,;r -:.l. w’.^eh 1'■ a ' ' r " I' w !!11IIu11 s a 111 r t h* ■ ' t . ri • u ; 1 ' on I’ '.-'da \". I • ■ ' ■ ' i ;'hi ; :i n n; n.: t le ■ ji;. I ;e i . y\v. :i r ' ? i ^ T. 1 i. ^ j ir. ;a n. th. "urt roi'M' w a> lilhd unt il I nl . ; \i j- jj-.i Mdnr. ;;n,i St :i V . i ;i..: r« . ,|ll a " ult, ;ilu! ' ■' n ; J ,1,-. ]i 1' th.l’ at a |*Ien!liini, ill^l'ie iht I '•■ t , j' j '*■*;: h^'l’fl in I'ar .\i!. ti.i-.'hiei ]>artlei;>,i ..r- e' e ve..r.' ai' . the t \ 1 n ; ,—chi 'ii' ii\ .'.inn ■ i r • '' ^ \\ ,. ;i j;, ■ w ; :' i ■ ~ nia 1 i his t a t h. r | lad-.-..I..- hv,:s«- hand iroiu Ih;. . ,i t o t hi- i.l.e. . M uiy of the Religfan, Witlissan .-n?" CyoiciL-’.j*, Has Sur= I vived Tlirougii ihs Ar^es. (i-i to Chiircli. A nii;:iiie|' n| tl;e |iedji'n' \'.!iii (lO |() ( ||| jj( [I ;i;(> nieri and, \,oiricii wiili i!i'‘ \\i.'sl>n\l ij ') {•.Ali."' A \ M !’. ,\ 1 ’ i . 1. I L. . ( i''. M.e:V \i :r.l,; je.i].'.' \vho .-eeni In 1,’lv \\ lil'iN 'i llL'i .\liii ( .\l.Lrd> I \ ,\ U > noi only faii to (.(> 'I’O Clll'LTii. 1'..! llij'l'anilv r. to iin-.'.eiiM ;,i. ('i.e vreat wntiT s.iid. ••V. l!" .MJi': l.l'lTi.l-; \Vk-i-; 'I’M!; ni>r I'ooi.s i;m." .\-oiImt •: .i. -a i.iii'u; 1 .■> .\ 1 >.\ N i !.!.’> i .'s I'hu, i. !ia\e Mii \ i\i d ihio'i'di tiie ;i.'e~. ()i:e hates io ih ;i’-. \'.'ial : i-. icie ni ihi- \‘.niid \.ii!i n:t ctiur'lie> jiiid reliu;e!i. I lie i iiu;'. :,i 11'..\'II L’i'iiii - 1 ! * r X I',SS. Ai'il \t i tlnT'' ai’i' vieuiL: neople who ar‘ d.is- TRAKSYLVANIA TEACHERS A ’oiint.v "I’cacliers’ ! if ute will he In Id at l>r“v?n(l («rn(h d sfdiool he^’inTdnir .Sept. Vi in.~t. ami eontin- uiui'two we(d-;. All selio.ils will ^n^jel‘d. 'I’lie law r((|Mires tlie c' Dtii u‘i:' att' i.damc of r;ll ]nih!ic .■- diool t( l.CTs e| the Sf:ite. rUl'.'ll and urhan, in. in. in^r ,.,ii jeiMie schoi >1 te;i(di acia'i-', ]'!H.t 1 j. ij; U’.iT I ■ 1 i! ! t 1 '!..e 1L ^11. 1 ii: . ' j.:- ..'iiil ‘ d * i'() ( i l i l,i 1 i ! io\ eii!' :il. llajij il', l!;i V ai'e in I'le irr- a! a 'd i! i.> eel'l.i ll l:i:M ihe\' Will -111):! he nio\i'd I'. (i, • '■ \ !. \ i i >;■ ! I! d . 1 ■ I 1' • ..•.iT I;:.' L.lld. !m e.iai,'. ehl'.' ! i:i i'e \, i ' ' ! I'.'j-n a Si’i.! \!>li> :x ! • \\ !’ 'i' 'I'-i THE DAV 13 CCrJLI VVH 'N IT CAT. DE S.MO THAT IME CHURCH IG ALL RIGHT FOP. OLD WOMEN AND CtilLKrjCN. GO TO ANY OF THE GREAT GITIZG IN TH'Z COUr.'Tr.Y AND NOTT.; THE REAL BIG MEN. T:-',L: f iETJ YOU D LIKE TO KTJCW, AT SEPiEMBEl! MEETING OF ALCEB’' W. n. Duckworth, New Men?! f)n .Street (.'ommittcc. 'I .Snolson on Wiiter (ionifrii: J. S. llrornfiM to Attend i ( iiief Convention. ■.i'-or.". !;nd >e.].. lintemh ids’, i.nles-; At tho Sepf.-’n'i-r ineetin!' ' providentially hnidei. il, nr ui.h "'jhoird of r.ld rnu n, Vvhndi sudi )ea(diers alt* r d an .ae, rt d:* ]»'a''e on M' ?iday i f la: *’ v.c( i ^ niniM' r S( l:o(d in I'eu (d'an 'in r.- il. haekworth. a la' v ini'Tu* DIVINE SERVICE. THEY A-^Z f I^CUD TO HE CT-irj iN C:-:URC:i. || NO. INDEED. ThiE CH'JP.Cii !3 riO"’ FOR THE OLD A' ’ • ? THE WEAK. IT 13 FOR THE YOl.::G A'JP STP;0\G. IT IS FOR EV- ERYCODY, FROM THE HIGHEST TO THE LOWEST. PF.ECiDENT WILSON HAG ET.^IPHATICALI-Y GIVEN hIS APPROVAL TO THE GO TO CHURCH MOVtMErrf. If \ (.1! ;;ri' oee id' t 'le \ i'". '' I U V. i !■■ - !•( ;i I'l ■■■ l-i] h\- t (dl '!'i I (dll'!.’('il ,'I!']" .d 1’ i'..' . . i ■ ' .d ( !: ; M'l ^ \ oil ;;re t" he ii HI!' ' 111 ’ i d. ! hi i 1..M O" ' ■ ^'l>:l i:;U eeluei' I t i ,-j'e,(l \ V. hn 1' I!" ’1; I i i ' ’ . ' I ; i j ■ 1 !1 t ■ e ( , I > ' 1'' > ('iil'IN !! ;!'iiiii'j'. i." ■. 1 ' • ' i :.,r\ liiin t nte. A cert 1 li at’■ f a 1 ten 1 .e 'Aill I'C is.-'iM (I fit all whi)'•! i:i; ly wit h 1 Ic la \v. ^ I u v\i!l mid to have Kendall and Mm ick ' - - I iov. to a. li 1 h I'undani' t.'.d .-^u* ; cts.” I’ri'iuaiy teaidier- sho'.] ! ’ ail t !;■ hi 1, iir.i d in t lie iirr-1 1 h m i^radi s, a ] ‘iir o! ;-cj>.«i)rs, a ho.\ id ( rayi'iis. ar.d a ]' ik il with soil, i la I 'C Icfi' 1. t h‘ hi la rd, . a > .. j .j)-in t d ■ I.;, e of I lie >t reet ( niU;' ' t •(■. 'Id. e ■T’.ey ot th “ .Vi; »• ’• ;ii;d ,V( Tid ! te.' w: " s’ipl !; d hv ’ !.• ■ in- nt . 'f 1 in; eh ll I iiM n . .1 ^ \'r. - r.:' ■ ’ -d- ; t I } 11 • t *; ■ • T' I; ‘ ill f ': • l 1 ( Iiief I)f the j' V ■ : ! ; r! "e. ■ ha ve Cl >n (i;: r v !’"■ e. . ^ ed r ch.. I ;. Tai i!: ; t I ;e '■ ‘ ' 1 n ! crnici 1 rj *e t c;;, hei'- ^ h( .uhl !;a V iplls. lleWu-i .1 ,V. til' allf.'ie tc’;t h:>oks if the fou rt h. ! a 111 •rijcv f ■ a" ' : ■ d in. tilth, si.\th and ''cvi'i tii ;/r.id' s \ tiMii. I’l'id. .1. II liiLdi-’nith and Mi.-sj ('• aiijjlaird " s :j ]iy ‘ .'^u.-a n FuIl; 1 am oi ; ! S:ati- 1! ani i 1 > a v r I'lr * i ol M.xaniiners and li.-'titufe c .n icently letu;:; . 1:i'ri; >■ li- d.iictoi's will li.ave cl ;iiue I'f 1 !;e :n- | that ilie >-'A r . . .i'C rv. stltu'e. 1 ,d 1 ' 1 t ll-“ la' i .' 1. Mile A . I'. Mill ni;i i . ' e .ndi t ion t !:a‘ i. I f V, d le 'ri.-. ■ ! lie r:.. ..t \i.. .. ai do t ll: , \ • u'l! he d (,ii 1 '.'1 !■- : * '!'(» ( !! I id !' I'l-M Mr (le; l-n I . (ii) i;\ i^u^ >t si 'A dersiiiwilh. the s]iea!;cr-' i ! il.c hour, a:; 1 i .le men ol tlie ui, ! \. 'riie.-e la11. r. .1; « ,t I'.e wi.it n e ; .in i V Cl 111 1 c l. I.: I' .. 1 he h-t 1 )ia 1 ■ p.ie.- within the I'allin.' ann oec.ipie.i tic' stand re.', rved fur .juri' -. I\ ry man id them v.a ti- on t lie lain. . .1 liisci.it ;i rihhiiTi o;i \.hl''i. wa.' ]>nnt'd t lie w .'Vdi.-. - I'alled hv my 'i lunt I y. ■ ■ H li. 7. e h.irv ])iesUh d and in tiodn.'ll t’.ie spi al;t :'s. .'v!. i; n it;;.: prayi'i-was imi'l'' hy Ih v A. W. Mtd >ai'.'.«d. Siiort addrt s>e> wi i e ma le hv W . 1'. IJrce>e, .1. Sdvi i - r.ilei r.ri \'..: l . iri.',. t>> were Mr. h’ i.-ami'iid's s.di'iiini" te-, and re- ne .v. d fr;end:d ii) with him on his i Conmii-aea r .laaies !..■ m TiiE ROE GiSieiCIS reii!:;': iias i- ( onnty S’lpcr. dt I h n‘ lahnut i.i' -i'-. ! ..a.- I'ld'ei i. 1 » ■■ ■ ; ;■ ( tee fi .r 11; \ c-^. ' ■ • \i r. 1 >i ,1 \ r a . • a ; '.iin t !'.e hi;; n -eed • ru • 't' a lit 1)1- r I oil file, a -telTi ! . " I ‘ ’ 1 I ,n ' ‘ Wa- heciiniinir '> i.'i’-ai.ce i? j j i|’iartef, a’ld t . i :;n. • ' The XeW. elM-whev,. eariieS „ n‘ ‘^ ‘ ‘‘ 1 ;'r. ninceim nt tr im ;!ie i'.ievard I'H! !■' .I''’'I ardy i i.i- i ! :■. f r-,-:ero.!. nr nuu-i.l irr il | ‘ ‘—ol X., ; : . 1 ; , . 1 ;l ;;il ;( lipi'. i V I 1 I)V j ’ ' '• J ■ ' I) U C_' O ! t hi ‘ '''til -C M - ■ t liB^iLOiiiG ,‘uO ir,':; ' I CPEilS ! 0!h .SERIES e- > lieleit liere V.dnie Still youn_'. ; to te.iihiiii^r ia.'pi" i ers. liiief'^ nf !ii-' ihi: . -t a l.ein^^ in a kmd.I an 1 | tu(dc on Se[it. !:. ; tliriiaiiliia-i de' St.it.* i:i fiai.;" Iniililir.i-’,' in tire lii rceair.-; ■'(:>>tnh'nii 11; llf'caiise i .Ml.'- i.- t r liiovinu" to .\h \ico, .Mi.-s., \\hiie I e Mi.-.- Id.a Uosa ■ n. >m 1. > 11 d 11 \a ■. In I •Cent \ears Mr. liosnnioiid ; : a- had hi- ';ti/eHMdp in I'ort i r‘-t;ir..lii;u ar i ■ niil'usioti i: I’dh. Ark. He -.v;,s’>y ].rofe-^l .n te I'raiii" biiila:- ir, tire ili'M a !i\ (lr,iidic i iiLrineer. • il‘‘-“fi n* Ueturnin- to Brevaid several ' t-' -*'1 'o yoar aiteatina lb.' f. yea!> .-(i^o n- a siin;mcr \i-itor, he . '11 ]•• . ailie ldie!;titlcd With the il aai.-; 1 t , -. J i |V» . c-r. 1 1. > and iKi- 1. a: ' in'■'■- P ’ n \ , 1 a ■ i lin A , .-..f.i di; 'p al.at. . a; -1 pair- . tn 1 :i 1! ; I r ’ * ) w;:; ■ *. the ( y 'niiii . !:• r.il; ''“'■■'f i The I'udd:!!:: a-. l Laan ha:- a r. '- , ,, ' "• ! 1 rd for !ud;ieveme!it in thi- i‘..ui.fA a;:..; ■ .-hall r. i.ioriii t."; tin , . . , . 1, : 1 ■ ‘ * 'A l.i.di It IS j,y pn lud anutm- 1.1 w. 1 1 -Tfit will I)|-v ) .| ina.t ters. ■ fill!'!' si'itian ‘J'.i^' the p.; Ill c.*’^l’y ■>'> a ] >; il a ,i tMl nil tie- hhiali de ni.li-riiif-ii nr rnln!nis^in,:.•.•. ..1 ,vch ; .1 liy dl ■ IUm.: i tni. Ilt. \ I I town iiri^t 1 la a li ..ii 1 li ■ • s* itiaii : !^ t inak* vin’atinim lii'V. \\ . 1-, 1 oovey. .Ir.du'e Auuer- , i,,.,.,. , ^-(.vy j.,|,, death fn,.' a !iro ili-trii t in t^a'ir i . y ;i mi - ’ la. a., v. wi-'i a ■ of ;iot le-,s Sun. ch'.ei jnstiee ol tho ^ajna n.e ( | )i;:;;iv;v i'l eh- that it ha.- town. lii',, ’ :'ia « ;■ ; ;r tlsan r"".i a. ,, , ! eo])le ar*' 1 o he c riI'a 11.!,tfed U]i I 1 :!i.’ r-'- ^ in haviiiLT su' h .a livi- orirani/a tion '' iih:i‘ ha.- I'l'.'.n' nradi tic.v. i il h.nm cvvniriL’’ aid ln'nm hail, .inu'in th;.- ore.mun;t.v. a- v.a ll .a.- p:; .in^ ltoi d ntere>t on i n \ e-I tm'rds. Steen,.! L. liell.c. H.Tr.oviiiid.a.. :.,,aha- made i:i- rcMdenee ' i, ,.n 1 .1 c.aiirt Alaha.nia. and i>r. ewn citi/.en-, one i "L'. I'lnlrr s.ctinii 2'.*^^. lai _ Th'. j.-w j a mn t imp’’rnr’ ■lad ' tiili- ! ' ‘ ' ' '. , •■■ ... :i.iii nr-i I-. ■ a ’ ■ ;.>r ih.' pi-ie.,! ■ m ■ i tn-,\ a .. I - n. .'.'.illv ;li'-;r l.ii'iia''':s m r’ii'.. ai'ii ih. lot al Hard, an I'.plsCimal mini-’, r ol ^ . i,. ca-ily or.c who i 'iichiliai: irmi-cla , ha:ie>tun. S. (’. All t!ie .p.-ehes:,va.:dvavs interested nithciown's' “'I'f -nr .id MR. HCLLOWULL LEAVES I null tancns. I'niha ^-ei tion ne fraiU" ! or wnnileii liuiMin^ i aa 1h‘ alt' ii ''. i'^'- paii'-il. nr iiinvi'd cxi cpi tiiien a pP” ' tail Ilf thf liailiiia;.’: in; fv . tnr. ai'i'r-jv AT o^viDSON RIVER I .'ipjilieat :na i piaiml upon ii*'‘ I'lilM- i liiK iiiHp'.'cior by thf‘ law; Init hi.-- pe"- ndt i.-^ net valid or .MToi tive in; d an- were j.atr; >!ic l?i toT^e an.l t e , i . | .^r. wth a..d w- Ifare. t hu-la.-t 1. .ail;\’ leceiVnd hy the aa.l;- | iioysE burnt .1 and I -pei'ially to that ])aii oi it in j wh:ch tiic le.eii d the n> 'unt dn- did ladih service. The -juakii'S; wt-re iniiucntly intcrruii’ed liy an ' jdan.-e. Several stiri'iiu: pieces were ' i)la\ed hv the hand, and the ul.l a;r . , i, . i , i • ' ■ ■ , , , I ct .\illsons. liurnetl at >tl^ht. hi.ilaiim imw nr In'r-'alt'^r bun. - :a. of •d>i\ii' I'rouuht the a\:.:i nee I tu It- ot v.ith en;hu-ia'^ti'> ehcei ; ^ , help ILLiTERATES im:. 'The (dioir il d in >t“vi ral pa- 1 U' - lay m.irniiiLT. htdorc day,! irw.t’c Mis> r-lke nf hh'e Vi'1 • I A 1 f r ■ d ,'d 1 i - >T1‘s (i We 1 li n t i>,lVld-i ,, - ,i, iriote S.)11„-, .MIS.- 1 IM ol I i lav. IV s(dii;ol in I r.ansvlvaina is No.ih 'd . Hoihe.vt 11. fi .r?;a r edi I. r of the NeV.S, wauind U]i his husilK -S ,aI'fairs here la.-i we- k .and ’.eft f'lr Hendersonville I'ndav afterniion. OiK' of Olii'vSt Itoiises in C-ountv , , * I i,r.jV(Ml hv- d: ■ liisuraiii" ( .-:>ini’.- Destfoveci fiiesJa'.; House . , fcinTiOi . SludtvTcd 'rhree (lenerations •■j i,, ...(■tir.n inf'll' w‘ tiinl: 'X > iurp' tnrs ana nrieial- w .:i !>■ lu‘! I ; it was Mr. lli i low ell s inteiit'.i'n tn a .-trict ac'ouii! Ter ti;eir iMifntao jtoas-i-t tile editorial .-ti;ff of the na iit atal any va iatm- - virr. rnu-^h | lln>th-r for a few ‘ ’‘ti'il. I ■ . 1 ■ 1 Wet ks. and then vi-d his home in I'lahM' the law p.n inaynr or; l.na'-ii nt' :d'!''!in>‘n can iiass up- n or .ui’aiit tin'll- permits; hni the inaynr. '■itv attenny and ladi.-'O ai'i- ehai'K''‘'i with iheir e;il\;.-: eulellt. "I'diaily l.'t iiip IniVr"' your ai'tlve aii •oe' ie:iriy co (^i;aalioii iu this mat- ti r.” li -e v> a- lli.-t I la ■ ; * ^ ■ ' loi ikeUi fi r . ?.. !• ■ ' \cecd' sp"i '.1 limit ’I'ln- 1/1 li.i’ li 1 1 ’ S. ! Ii r. ];rer- -ntati . '' ■ n \a“ tire (diiejs, i.i-- ; ! ■ af e : . vdle li ach on .-i j.:.y;rih r inir to d dda'.v i;a- r- ’lr iad -es. At thi> -Mr. ticld w.is au‘h' ; ■ ■ it 'tak i'> the S'ate :n-a.r" n i 'inm: - the matter ed' ti. - r luetion ■! suraiic'- on certain ci ■’ •.luio; -. h.iard has uiaiev h rati •:? jtuiidia.'inLT ! a'lto ..ut ’de i-.vtin_'ui>Iier. ]a : I - I t!iat f -.ioinu: and tiiu- i laciui' tl ■ u'cr fri'iti lire 'i -tr'i tion alici- rates in tl. • t !l can ‘ dticed. 'Idle i;-; y t!. (diace ol th.‘ 1 .I'lv ■' “r n. ■ r:iis( d. not hy a, lii't -n th • treasury, hat 'ey .nir. .' from jicrseiis w!.,-• ;:isv.;a.i howan (aiuiity on a much :intici-i ,j pated vacation. ENGLISH CHAPEL NOTES Institute diii-ctiniz, and t!ie audi- destroyed hy tire. ur^- ll tl. do It- hit in the niatt'r of l..d it not he said that there is ji sipi^le ]iers.in in tlu* county who cannot read and write. ()theri‘oun- . I ti(“s are doini: tiiis and are makiii}' • •Tiia- 1,'incd heartilv in Hie -oj -ii:’- 'I’here i'.ad been a vlancc at the «• i »• a success of it. s.>, wiiv not i:«d in tiKt j.'ini ,1 .naiiii.N ijii .....I.,. , r.ii.-im: 1 umls lor the i.arpose oi of Ameri 'a, 'Idle Ikittle H vmn 01 ii"’-.'*- ' i: .Monday iii-ht, and thi h’a the (i 'M oi die v,!e- discovered ahout twailiours hlottin'.r out illiteracv in the -wuu- tlic i;e]iu:'iie. ('oiuin h; e Ocean. Hixie, aj:d d iic r midui'_dit. No turnliun' in • the riani huildini: was saved. Tla-ro ; th h^prtnirled Banner As a llttiir' (do.-e to th ■ liroi-r.ani. ,an (her house on the \arii. oc- t.v. \V.’ exjiect to irct dollar foi- dollar from th.' .^tate lor every > ne we c;in raise. Siiouiii we lie ahle i to ”et up sii.o, then, the .'^tate the h'adV We want .sice. so. who will ci'nie acro^s with the lir--t •-.■ai of it'.:' ddie .Xi-ws will receive and deposit the niunev with the {>revard Haiikin:^ Mr.. 1 ^ ilv»T-teen 'More hi'idh cuiiii d 1-7 summer hoarders. In. ' . ' , coiniianv tor thi sidiod, said money All ‘ ^ ‘ i’'”‘‘ ei.i,i\ . ^ I Would ])Ut up - I'lO. inakin;^ in ail * ' to the live mi •1; of th.' dra't lin to -'‘ar tiiat it ah ) woi'.ld catch ; leave next day lor ’a:np .hna -n!' till- fr an its nt'ariv.-> to tlie ht.ri:- ii.i' 'Ivadim.'. fui.'.ituve was i' s-'pti. In the Invent th;;t v/e ;.':ct up .s-oij we wanr t ) eiii’doy a teatdicr to he jiaid (Uit o!\ voucher only and to the illiterati teacher. riie and in th“ nam.* o. t! -- t aiai *■ - ....^ .Idr rjnionlhs, wlio must ^ive his' I .. et Woman - Serv’ ••• nre- »'iov-i f - .111 if. hut tha hr.ialiiiLi ■ , , , c.- . 1 ; will be imldislicd. Who will he Iv ‘ '* \'OMiaii. .1I\. o.i . ^ ,.vh(di* time, exci'pt S.atuid.avs in * siaip’d the ihnnes. 1 .. , , ■ . ’ lirst? I ollna'. to the tea(dnn..' ot dhleViiti s i . F. '-'.ri'i ii 1:1.1., ('ounty >-’i;peiint n leiit. ,,.,r .-1 I'"--. 1 I 1 in 1 : n 11 an.l i h hurneil dwellintr \.'a- ]ir«ih-' . . , . , itniuiz i.iiiii,. 1.. « 11 1 II. 1 ..i!.p a.m ^ I in j^vDUjis ol 10 or moi.* v. In revi r I,-, leach \M t h a c >ni fi'it ki' con- , ^ii’iini: i;i ticier- iiV. ill in 1 ;.mp and ^ Copio> of the Co-|,«.ds for private :‘hlv I :'.e oi the oldest hous.-> in the , ic luniv. It was erected bv I'l iind*; ^ reaiini.U. • , MU.. 1..I1 1’ • -1 ea ki le' a n 1 th»- mu Allison, tin* fjrandfa tlier of tl.i‘i , ' ii-ni*. a KI n... .. I . i.i* .nu- ; , , m-i :‘jroiii) as deter 1, , • pia SI nt i.cenpant ol the ii.uce. ! *;en' * ere cvei', l et TC.-.HU' ids were , ‘ , .n- 1 I- mt-iTice-; ills tat .i> r. 1-di'ha Allison, and hi.s s»‘»u( i .-. I name and amount of eaidi helia r will lirsfr Will- MC we served t(» all the nn n ot thediait. uni le. !iev. Kli.iali Alli>on. were :!)oin. and besides se\eral (d;ddr«‘n I older than t lieinse! vi*s. Mecenf ’m- j ]ir. .vt'ment'-. had served to overlay the nc'.rks of a::v‘, htitit jiroli.ably t oltice, to the tea(diin;,' of illiierati s. ; ;vou]is ol 10 or moi-.‘ v. ln revt 1 V mav be found in the c iuntv.! I rnaned hy circ-un;- ^ THE COINS OF SOI.OIERS FOUR I — I .Aside 1 rom instriudinir tlie illit ouht or dav >ersi.>ns for e.udi . S. s. CFFlGEIiS ELEGTlD At K rcceiit nnniu-('.• the Ikip-! of nearly tist Sunday Sciicad, d. 1 l,\ue ,'. nes was cl.*(ded .-u/eiint ri.i. nt to .-..e- dohn Hych'r. 1 hnest Miller, Har old Hardin and (diaries llamri(di, ceed Xoiih M H 'Ho vi:]. ami TEACHERS tNSTlTUTE crates the ti*acher to l»e cnijiloyed woehi take the (a iisiis of every l>er.-'Oii in till* county u]) to-1. then, '•1 the regular drait to he* jnst th‘illiterate above that n^e. ,SatuidM\ i To have .in accurate census of niorni i>- for (a.mp .lackson. ('olum- s dnad c'nildi en would mean mo: * • moia y 1 rom the State for t he c^mn- ! Whin ll.' i;n.e o ido.di traie. tv. 'Jdie said ttaeher wonld in - roii. d i?i t > t he .-:a tion. a crowd td n,-ieL’vorih ch ctt d ar;;,t 1 ' 1 ty. J he said ttaeher w.e.dd i'u'- roil. 1 n t > t m- .-ration, a crowd t ^ ...intend' n*" , A‘ ‘ , VI'' ' ■ tli.'r he tlie !-(diuoI statistit ia!i fi.r t !.e n la. t i ves a:. ! 1 rier:ds of the il 6U!>ciiiitt n-i- n.. ! lormed thatd.H. !l'.:h-mith and 1 . ^Ir. Hollo'.ve;i. who succeed. .1 ^ >54,^ Sur-f.n Fn l-h.,m ol tie S:aie j 'pii.i.:; i-c.> taloi;::ed l...‘puit Charh'S .iwllay ;. iij»> riiiti :uh nt, I H.»ard of ilxamimrs and ins'.i'ut- 1 ios i-an ap:i*’;!l to every h.vi, r . ^ ‘‘'‘‘h ‘-’le s*riv;i';^ to ,>'.d a. >“cut)icd this ])osition i'fir neail.7 a{' onduc.ois ar.‘cx]!c(ted to ,,1'edneation in'i’ransvl vania c-our-, " * lirevard an 1 bej-inthe eoi.niv . , -ii 1 l i. * «iwi i .. . . .f ^ .>v „onr c 11- .i ‘ i t v to coinf? .across with liis hit to All the boys aiv of tin.> ]i.acc i‘\- 3 CHI. institute (ui Se])i. Vi. .\!; ’cvnh.ci ^ , 1 • - 1 iiool tc.ifdicr ^ ar>‘rc'raired tj ! help lamnocd uj) the illiteratias in cept dolin Hyacr, v»lioye heme is at Read the Diversifieds also. | tend tl.j- institute. jtlio cuanty with the outside world. ^ t’isixuh Forest. Kev. Frady id FaKdn'r. ]ireac!it d an excellent senin.n at tin- ( hapcl Sunday imirnin_''. Davidson Kiver I'ni. a churcdi choir samz nt this jdac.' . n la>t Sun day Jiftcrnooii. d’lu‘ sin^.:in_; wts enjoyed by all present. ^ .\!isse> ?dae XN'est and >ela Kult- CEMETES'/ Ci.£ANII!G ■j'li.'v.’ V. ill ■ ■ . nil. - tiu' (•:! k (4r.'v. m •’! ceiiu ■ > ::io (i'(doi 1; T'. • day n . . All ])ersonr> irt- ’‘ -i- in tl.' ’ will }iloase ( 'rn - '.'tl -. I'Oi.dis. jj;oi)Se-ii-.’. c e-. ai.ii yi' ions. There will a • .I;a,tier - e. l.sh It ft recently for Brevard where I i^iound-. tin y are to e'.t»-r Brevaid !:i-litiite. } i*v vei^u -- el :a tiu-tn - ■Mr. and .^trs. d’. ( leniei.t of Uos- man wtie vir-it.>r-at the liop.ie of .Mis. I’erry i'avis Si.iahiy. hr.Cecil I’less. a youn.L’’ D.'iiti-t fiein 11. ar Wavnesville, is at the home ot I.,. K. >'!\-dley. 1 lonor Roil i'drst ('aro! I'avis. l-alv! ’l..v'.>r. Sccond ^ra.li': Cainde ICn;;)! h. Wr.i ai.ii Kihi 1 1a ill«.'tti r. Tiiird i.^r:’.(:(: I'iara Scntcllc. hnn.. Ila h; !i ard .\lleii Simpson. i-'uurtli (liivor T.iyler. ’.I:!..',-ic Tayhir and laila Ui.-^t. Filth ;.;!aiii: Miii-i'.-i Fn^lisli, .A']- n !!;> vis, Marjoi v Davis, Uuth n'Kclu . Hcnrv Kiiisi y .ar.d .U ninc \\’cst. Sixth ^r;ult; Ncra Fn;,dish, (civia 'I'ay- li'r, Don ()’r.i lley and ('arler Wc^l. Tiachcr, Idta .Mi t'a’.l. /, L. A.: M .1. W H. . . RErOfiT CARLS FCRSCK’.C: SuiH-1 intende’ ' A. P. X has in his ;.a- a. Iar.:e rt ' ^rade repi r‘ c.'.: -1 X h ; free ol (di;irue t any ■ aci; ; wdll call 1. r tl.;-i Tiicse c.ird.' •. :X ... ry able to ti'ache: ■■ v. :-:i;n;' ' ri‘ports to |) IV- nt- to t^- standinu' c'i tlu-:i- . h:’.dren. are enou:.:!; tor aX tX.. diih.r^ the c iuiity. MAnR!AG5G5T0URi:.'* A GIANT SUNFLOWER A t 'UIi>t r. Lcienr I i,i .v!> 1 n•- reiort. .a j max ,'ii .MoV. h;.v . X.- snn Ower on his jnacm ('i.e 'd;.; ! I’rcidiytcria i :;:.;:;-e. w': sialkahi.ie seven fi ct hi h !.a • jdolin K. Hay ]‘iil. ::i;. ; • ■ well devclo]>cd d >'Vi r h.'ail ,:;d ! motty i.r.itinir ':-arr.:-. \h more :i coinin*'. A^nd yet tie' st.ill, j der Keynolds :iv I J!iss dt ' .aa! still stand.s. The fair sla id.d. :ict ister. both of Savar.iuih, via. failtohf.s'e this ;^"iant am. r..- it- couple had been vi-itin*; at !\ v e.xhibits. and r ta\ ing at W L. TnlX y'.s.

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