V fi!R£VARD, JM. C. >r>^ ^ il'i ^ ^ ( K I) A \{ M l'. U n i: E ZES. ^ TO' ■j^ V ^ ^ >'x'c ^ ^ Mrs. K!i’])!i Ij ‘i* l iis ! «'.>n quito ill f'.M- tl'i' ])!ist \v('('k, hut !im f^bul to f>(i'', slif is much im| ri)V>'>\ >’r. !iml iMis. Wiliviiis (’iif.'lo who, ! at 1hi ir -\iruin r Iu'Tmo. i( ‘ ;rnt'(l to (Irf'tMvilli', whoi i' tlu'V i sju’iui tin* wiuii'r. •' >hii Hunt wont jo IJivrr Falls ?! M'l-iy. * li^ M. I{ , nshoi no of (;rrciuillo, ii 1 hiT ! -Dll.or, Ihnn’in, liavo Ium'h \ .. . I illl; {h- ir r. ■. n i M rs. t V \V r> sl'.O,'. ’1". It to il; if lionu' Mi>mlay, thoir Mil.' sister, I,aura .la*..*, \\i!i tluvo. t . \isit tor u wi'rk or tv-. i'iiiiu't' Mvi'rary wt-iit to Kivor i’aUs MoihImv (III buviii( ss. Hu' ;j;a vt' ;i sin^iii^ at tlu) ohurcli Sunday iiijj;ht lor siiiiif 1)1 tin- suinimT visitors, wlu» rxpvi't to rrturn to tlu'ir wiiitor iioini's soon. Mrs. I’lill Wynn is still on (ho sick list. Mis IJohfrt JonoH 1ms to (ir« fii vil ;o, to ha VO her \vos treat oil. Mr. Mild Mis. .lohn U. (’ajtors of \\ ashiii^:l*>T, I rtdnrni'd 'I’hurs d'(v to Ihi'ir winter lunno. Libraries in Coffee Houses. Hri’o i' t!ui (lava of free libraries Ix'dk rooTii.s wore* attached (o Knglis! (•(ilTee lu)ii«eH an»l every cuRtonier was (Milit'.eii fo peruse a book while sip- l.in;; his eup of eoffeo. Some of these li'araries eontained as many as a thou- saiul volumes and even printed cata- lo.'Vtes. Two such coffee hou.ses are said to have existed in London until us lato as tbo early ’80a. Try a Diversified adv. f'l Years Ajo# TLinkiB" SLe Mlglil Die, Says Texas Lady, But Now She !i a We!!, Sbong Woman and Praises Cardui For Her Recovery. Royso City, Tot:.—Mr?. Mnry Kil- •^n, of thisi I'lare, pnys; “Aft* r the ~ih of uiy r.it'.o sid' c>nv.- ■'lived to hurt me. I had to tr.> hac'.; • bed. V\’c callcd the doctor. Ke i'atrd 1110.. but I get no bettor. T * wor.'v and worse until tlio :ni.‘ ry -!S iir.l enralile. .. I rvas in b.^ I fo." ree r.ionth.s and scri'crcd r-’ch n.wiiy ■t I VT'."^ (h'.'.v.\’i> in a l.aet. . . I tol'.l ii'v hiiLai?!'..! if li • wc>:M lu * ' a boHa' (if C.r. ';’ii T v :] i ' r coniuicuccd lakint-: !i, liowevcr. that oniiic: I callcd i. y fr.iniiy about e... for I ];ni \v T could not In.;* iiuy day.-' Dnl. ^s I li.ul a c'^r.nge for • ir»r •* — -» NV 4cri floor. CL:X^ujZZL fincft Ol ri’Ur inJ that iiiakos oood bread and gooc! '.•■'u n;il”r vlv ucl interested, rlour is the most iiijj-.Kaiit uitiLio o! lood in the household. We carry c^'iiv brands ihat ! ave stfi d the lesl o( years and ihot we can lu!!y vouch lor personally, COX & KILPATRICK Phone 41 1 iicsc arc liiw-.. lUST bccausc you feci J that a iaif medium prize is all you care to pay for your fall suit, is no reason I'y you need li iiit you: expectations to a ij^cdium clothcs scrvicc. }u^,: r:.r.icrnb:r to say ■ L.OTHES lilt' boitor. That was years ago ar.il I am .-till here and am a well, troii.tr v.oman, and I owe my life to Tardui. I had only taken half tha hot lie when I bejran to feel better. The in:.‘>'ry in my tide {;ot loss... I coniuiu'-'d ri.rrht on taking the Cardi:l uiuil I I'.rul taken throe bottles and I ti; 1 1 c't nay more for I v/as voll a”.(l i.i'\vT ft It better in my life... I lia' e n vtT had any trouble from that y to thi.-.” Po y 1”. .'■urrrr from headache, barlc- !u\ : a‘iis in sides, or other diseom- I'or's, eac'n month? Or do you f»'el wealv. iievvou,-^ and fa?c;cd-out? If ko, "ivo C.irdui, the woman's tonic, a trial. J. 71 ASK TO SEE liSS LICENSE No nca*;cn Why Any Ci'.izeii ShouSd Be ImpoGcd Upon by Anyone Claiming to 1/3 an Agent. There is no rea :on why any eit'y.f’.n should !)e iiiipo- d u;)i)n by aavoaii T'f!»'-i‘riMitinK hini.ielf as ati a'’e;;t of :>>i iusiirance cD.r.iK’.ay. The law pre.- vi les tiiaL every a.',’Mit shall I’arry liij 111ciise v.ith liiiM and e.vhibit it on do maiid. It. .i.l Ilio h;\v : Srriiou •li'in;. Ak mu.-^t protnire lic'“ns>'. i'/vpry a:.;'.'af of any insar- i'.Ui'o eomiiaiiy R.ul!e'rlzed to do basi ue^s in this r'talu shall be !t’(]uii’e:l I;: ol)taiu annualiy from Hie I n.airanee Coinniissi:-!'! r a lii i use under tlio seal of tiiis olYicc-r. sh.»\vinK tiiat the einapruiy !\)r v. I'irh he is a^ent is li (('list'd i'> do busiiM'.'r? i!i this Stale and that hr is an a;;'‘iit of such (om pany r.r.d duly an*hori/.‘il to ib) busi ni'ss tor it. Ai.d • very such aj'cni. on denia”d, shall exiiibit his lleiMise t( any ofiicc'r or to any person Irom whom hi' shall solicit InsuraiKe. Sf'c. .'!}Nr», .\Kent to exiiibit license If anv asent of any insn’-ance co.u ji;.ny sliaU. on (bsnand of any person from willin’, he shall soli, it lusera.nce, fail to cxiiinir a c.Ti iiicati- fioai the Insurance ('oinmissii;ner lieaiii Tae sea! of his olTice. dated wiiliin oiu year fn-.m su. ti deinaml, be sb;-.!! t>e fined five dollars or Imprisoned ten days for each offen;:e. SUSPICIOUS FIRES. LAKE %iV 'I’iii ])ulili.* seh''• I ai L • li \ away, ol’ wi.ieh -I. Asliv\ortii is ])i incijj.'.l, is in a II luri.-'hintr con'li tioii this year, a.-' shown bv ili. honor I'oll helow The ]i»intsrn tItlin^ j>upils to a ])(isiiion cm this r(dl art' {^ood ^M’adi s j.ini t xct Ib'net* in Mtletuiaiiec. Mii'li interest is l;ein^ shown in the school by I «• Itaronis. 'I’iu! ])UI)iIh aio takni;: Vireat iu*er( st in literary society work iiv.d ar(‘ enthusiastic ovei a!hh ties. A new tctmis court lui ■ ■; V ^1 lieeii Cdni jiit ltd. Mr. Ashworth returnel as prin cipal al 1 ei'an iihsenc!' (.1' oie.) ses j sion. his i(cord lias Im i n ' excej tonally (rood, as shown hv the di'siro tor Jiis return. 'Ih • honor I'oll, suhiiiuted hy liini to the News, is as follows: ; Honor Roll. , I l-'irst (irade ('leo .luncs, Artelnu.s Tins , ley. ! S( I'eiu! (liade hcster Thomas, ('lande | Owi n. j Third Ciraile \’iiKcnl Owen, li.irold Willliaiiks. j I'diirth C.radc lllu-l ()vv«n, Il.issio Tinsley, ('it rlruiie Raiiu-s, Kdith San'h r'^. I'iflh Ciiade Floreme (iillespif, .Icssie Ciiii,' jiic. Ni tlie .^'an(I( IS, .Mae Kiiisland, K:i!ci};li Kaines, Annie Kaint s, Fred Owen, I iat i lu-c hvi. a. i Sixth CiiMde Leonard Willhanks, Fran- i IS ilail, .\lariah Tinsley, (Irace Hull,! Peculiar Superstition. If fake teeth eould talk, they would tell strange tales. A farm»'r’s wife at tributed h('r j;o(Jrl luck with a certain kind of delicious cooky for Vvhieli s!;e was famous to the fact that tlu' mold with which sh(* always cut »ul tlie cookies was n .set v»f fal.se t«'elb willed to lier by an aunt who, in b r linie, liad been al)lo to cook to l)‘"at I he l*an(k Success cniwned her culinary olTi»rls because ; he )vorked with this weird and unwieldy ere.'-ceni of W(U'n- out t«'eth. Thu.s d(jlh siiper-slition lead us captive! DEATH OF MRS. ELIZA M0B6^N “Meticulous.” The nso of the word “ineticulons” in the sen^e of ‘ iiarli( niar," may Ix' un derstood by the follov.iiiK delinitioiis, wliieh wt? |Uote in answer to a re- (juest for the citation of authoriti(-s: Century I>iclionary, “timid; over-’ai('- fnl .\ew Standard, "over-eaut ion- Oxford (’oaeis(>, “(tvei serupidoiis aboiil mimiti* details.’ 'I'Im* wonl is from Hit' I.aliii “metieulo^us,” '‘full of fear,” the (leiivation beiiijj from ‘metus,” “fear.” All snsi)icious fires must be investi- paled and prosecutions made where t!i(‘ evidcn o calls for ihem. Sect^>n IMf*. ’.nnraissieiu-r to tako | Tinsley. Clar.i Owen, te iin .iny. cai'O arre a.nl in is^-cn | th.n.-. and furnish information to so- ' licitor. It sli.ill he tlie duty of tlie In- .sn:-ance Commissioner to examine, or ('aiise (‘xaniination to be mad*', into the cause, ( ircumstances and c.r'gin of all tires oi'curi'iai; witliin the slate to which his a.tti ntion has bt'en calb'd In accordance with the provisions (tf th^ next precrdia;^ si'ction, or by inlf-r- O'Jte’l parti ‘S. by v,hich property is ac- !dent::!ly or nnlawfally burned, d*'- .c;fi'i!Vcd or dainaw h.'-iever in ];j-; That’s Why. “Myi'rs is a el.'an,u'''d man since lif* bou:;hl that place in Ihe country. Wlien be lived in the c ity be used lo be too l.i/,y to lian:; up tiu' pictures when lie iiKiVed from one apartni 'iit to an other. but now he's always pottering; aboul his house and Ki’oiinds. niakin;: some iniprovein-nl o!'oiher." ‘“.M;!\be h('\s tryiii}; to fix Hu? place up so he can s;ell it a^ain.” Seventh (ir.idc Leonard Thomas, .fcs.se Hreeiil'ive, \'irji;ie ()\ven, Kuhert Willbanks- , Walter Ureedlove. Ki;;lith (Irade (leorj^ie Hay Ivinsland. ji; l'nrc :;t th" P\id '^lee Is su;Tic!r>nt. ni:d to s;v' ;;.’’.y e\ -rne and dc, i-b"* wh' tlier tl’"' ■ w ■ ‘he r.-.oi'.t of ca - , ir-siv's^ or "lie p-' '’f an inc. iidi.iry. 'I'lu' ’oiici- ■ball. ;e, by’ deputy or oilu vwbn, fidly hivr-sti.^ate all eircnne :ances snrron!iding sneb i fire and. wli- n in hl.n opinion such pro-1 cecdinir-i are nece--;-ary. take or eaeso tr, lie tak'-n fe-'.iminiy on oa.^h o!'' all jH'i-ons sup}vo..pd to be eojfiiizai ' of any facts or to have means of knowiedi;*' in reiaVlon fo tin* niatf'^’'s a- to wlii. h an exaniinatlon Is h 'rohi riMiuiri (1 to lie made, and .-ball caa -p r}ip same to l>p reduced to wi'itiiiK; ar^l jf lie shall bp of !b,..‘ opinimi iiiat tbpf^' eviilencp sutYicipnf to cl'.us.’:e any I'Prson witli the ci’inp of arson, or ot'.ier willful b'lrni’;^. h-"' s;i;!ll ('anse ' such ))crson to ba al■re,-^; 1 and pharg- pd wi'M s'v h off.-n-.^. and prosec li’.-il, ; and sii..'’.! !nri'''!i to tie* so'ic’'oi- nt thp di--:iiit a!' .-uch rvidpiicp. t er witli iho - i.f -v'd all t1- ■ information obtained by bin’ hicie.ir"p’ a coTiv of all pertiuMit and mairiia! fisfi;;;o!iv 'ak-'ii in lae ea-se. Optimist. An optimist is a wonuui whose daughter is eiitrat:'d and whose son cares nothitii: for the ^.drls. A pessi- misi is a mulher w luxe son is on ihe way to the altar and whose daughit'r hasn't a b'-au. —Claude ('allan in the Fori Worth 8tar-Te!e;::ram. Why Do You Worry? Why shoubl anyi:ie worry? T*‘ vMii'i'y sburleii'; life. I.ilce aii^xer. ii i’-acls and [loisoiis ilie system. 'I'he fedei'al beallh ser\ice has taken worry so seriously that it has issue(l a bul letin warnini; the American people against the danj^er of \\orr\inji aiel the blessinf; that eojnes to tlm.a^ who are active members of the glad-hand so ciety. ISIrs. KlizM Moi’friin, a da lighter .I«jslina Bryant, was horn .May thc' ilnd, «nd d«*i>arled this life; .'-!( j)t. “21st, 1D:7, Ijhving attaii.e I tl,o a^c ol nearly scor«' and 1" j i ars, Mrs. MorL'aii beoaite! a. menibt r ot tlio liaptist (Jhnreli at tiie a;'o (,! U vrars, and lia.s Ihm n a fai'l lul it,emh«T of tin; .sanit? every sirnc, She was tinileti in inatria;re 1«j W. 1’. iMors^an a lltth^ (Uei- j vears a^o, to which union weic !,■ in , ])()\saod *' jj;iriS, f>ix ol lniUi a itj still livinf'. Mis. Mor;^an is also .-vii";!\i I bv hrolIjcrs and 1 sisters. Sl.e one of a fair.ilv ol eleven ciiibJren Mrs. Mor^'nn was a v r\ a !1 e( •; (, iiti‘ wife and niotlier. Al'Aays bcinK I'iiid and lio>j,itaiile in her homo anvl toward all with I whom slie (diane il t(j rjie t. i Slie was a ]:atie?it sufferer f.,r '.t ! weeks, expre^^in^^ lo r Vv ilhii;_^r . >, t«> TiK ( t death, and al'^o in \ in/ dinctions, ('(jneerninf.; liei tan,-.,'.' interests. 1’. d. w.,. ' Subscribe for rather tlian lior- row the News. THOROUGH WORK I How Brevard Citi/.ens Can 1 Ind Freedom From Kithu > I r(#ti bles. UnaGsailablo Conclusion. “I am cnmiii;^ In ihe conclusion,” observt'd the restaurant iihilosojiher ai Innclu'on imlay. "that the fewer siin^-in law and broibi'rs-in-law a man in bijli political life has, the better uif he is. "—Marion Star. What “Peeves” a Juryman. We have served on -everal juries, and our exp(*rienet' has lieen that w h n lb" V, ilnesses made liiiils »f US iiere il ealnil.v : but when tb.e lawyers l;ii| up III mil il in wi.li the final ar- L'limi iits, niiiy the fear if a eonleinpt line l.ept us from d-iinLT murder ritjlit there.—Kansas (.'ity S.ar. She Preferrad the Son. 3Ir. Coldi-nx. ‘'Sm my sun has pro- pM^rd In and y-ai've acceiited 111;:)'.'' I think ,\nu mi.Lcbi have seerj I:;" !ir1." SleliO—*T (lid, but I Mei'erred y.iiir son.” No Need to Tell Him That. said the yniifiu' wif>‘ iHoiidiy. “fatiii r always ;^ives s>miethinir expen sive wle-n !>■■ niiikes pn-s.^nts." “Su I i4!seu\ ered \'. lit :i ]ie ua\'’ .\’ofi away, " r-ji>ined ihe .m'Uu;; hn-'brin'l. .\nd wiih a lar^ie. ipen-]'a'ed 'i:.;b he eoniiniied to audit the muiitl.l,\ bills of his bet- ti'r bail.—Stray Stories. ( If you sr.fTer from haekar-h From uiinary di-i^rdei> I ,\ ny eurahlt! disease (,f fl,. I ncys, I’.^c a testi'd Iciiliiey ren.i I hoan's Kidtiey i’ills ba.: I tested by thousan'is. (Iratcd'nl j)eo]dc te>1ify, ('an you a~k mi ^re r: ])ro(d of merit .1, A. Lau^'hrnL'e, .-~b. !" iniiu^ M venoe. M i re 'M. N . ( ■•My back aehed auM t!;- , secretions ])assi d ton fre ;■ ’ id.di^inir ni'* to L'et on sever a iat niL'lit. 1 iri-t h'an''- i- I’illsalid they hel]’( (I me f:' lirst. When I finisiie.j on,- ' pains h'ft mv back ai:d my !> became iiormal aL'^ain. " Pric(' I'c.e. at all dealer^. sini])ly ask for a kiiine. i 'i , m-t Doan's Kidtii y Pill ti;-- j that SheT ilV I.a'iizln idire liaij ter-'N!ilburn o.. !‘i-ij)s., Bw!' V.—.\d VI rt isi’iui nt. i;’ I- j • I. N. you hear \’our nc^hbor say that “bo-and-so caraes tlie Vv er.-’iiiri-m slioa.ii he 'ir •, la llle L J,l u- WiSDDf^ OF THE ANCIENTS , In the Dnys of Abrah.im People Had j Clear Ide-.s of Personal Liabili- j tics for Fir-s. ^ In tl'r> days of Al,rah.>m, •Ji'S.^ L’2i2 P> !l.;!.''aur::'>i, klii-. "f r.joylin, pf' ’ ;i.'>'a?. d a law that tiev.e liliy , (m’ avs'in or inc ;hrov. 1! i.it•) r'.p ; j l"r of I ;ui!i:s and I'ah ve;- .■ ii; ■ !'.''al ; la.v.-, ; r. M.: ..s. caiiKhr lio; l ■!! tlie j smie ;'ca and wrote a - follow,;; •'ii ; tire br-'ak (.ut. a; ■[ cat.'li In rn- j dlry r;rass. pi; s ef r> ,ii'i* a.id rut) bi.d: I so ilmt tlie stacks ef corn, or j the standin.K corn, or the l:> ld. !;P ce;i- I «u:n.'(| !bpl■e^' ^:a. be iha' i;] idle’li ti;" I fire (l!irou':ii ca; “ie.^sncs.s or ;ti.v i other inea-isi .«hall surely make resli ' ! iution.” S-. nie clear ideas as to i;er-; ■ oonal iiabi'iiy were evidenil.v enter- ^ ' taiiied b\ tlip a!iei‘*nf l;iwn:ak(M's which tlii'ii' modern successr.r.i would do well to cultivate. - Fire Facts. to Tax-Payers I or my deputy wil! be at the following places on the dates given, from 10 a, m. to 3 p. m., for the pur pose of receiving taxes, and trust that all tax-payers will prepare to meet me and settle their taxes: Gj IK3PECTI0N OF FIRE EISICS. iiiaic and styled so vvcll that tney render y rj ;« cloiii ^ r^er'vice e'“^ual to the hig^h- csi: priced ready-to-’\\/'edr clolncs yoi. can buy anywhere. \Vc not only tell you, bat guarantee them so with the niuker tv': cac'-. up. V/e promise you in GRIFFON CLOTHES, smartly styled garnijiits oi rehab e l ibri:s, shape-retaining hand- tailoring, and cv. ! . o -. r c i ntial ot satisfying clothes service. And y^x u)c r pi iced >'lc25 to 73.00 s its* Store I’ridor the law ena ■.•1 bv the last I/P^islatnre. no f.re iii.-^uraa.e apeat in t!i“ State can i.- sue a ]i dicy cover ! ii'-S any projierty in p ,i,y or town! unt.l Iv has iasj^ecipd the property a..s | to it.s \.!uo a!'-' In'^iirable coTiiIii.ion. 'i'hi:5 is a very i"ni naant law and ap-1 p:. .i -V the is ;^’!i’.;,' of all pd;, ie.s upon | ( it.- tuwn p- or)e>-tv. Tj; ; i.iiiure to ( . : ly \v;t/. ';.;s ta.v msV.'.s ihe agent Ha’i .■! '. .1. e I'.is llee’ioe earn elled. 'i ■ V' invesHiTRtion of several recent} fires has in’.nrcssed npon the Insrjr-i an e Coniini.-sloTier the importance! and value of tb.is hr.v, and lie is notify-; inf? t.’ac' companies and a.Ecents in tlic; State t.hat it mu.,L be strictly obeyed ' PERSONAL LIA5ILITY. F. L. Stetson, chief of the fire de partment of the city of Seattle, in sti addr('.-s before th' Municipal Lea.priu- of tb.#' city, said tb.st “the only man ner -n v.l'W-h fire in tiiis cr.nntry can be reduced, and the only manner In v.’deh tb.e firp hazard can be con- !='v-te-:it’v le.ssened. i? by makin;^ care '^rs and eare’esp for the 'art on th^'r ■ ’’'ty (:f which the-j *'■ F^aets. 1'-- nropertv ov t r- • ■ ■ ff '' f'T-- eS h e !be ’ loucester Township, Macedonia Church, Oct. 22,1917 Hogback Township, C. R. McNeely’s Store, Oct. 23, 1917 Eastatoe Township, L. M. Glazener’s Shop, Oct. 24, 1917 East Fork Precinct, Baptist Church, Oct. 25, 1917 Cathey’s Creek Town-^hip, J. C. Whitmire’s Store, Oct. 26, 1917 Cedar Mountain Precinct, H. Garren’s Store, Oct. 27, 1917 Little River Township, Merrell’s Store, Oct. 28, 1917 Boyd Township, W. L. Talley’s Store, Oct. 30, 1917 Dunn’s Rock Township, T. D. England’s Store, Oct. 31, 1917 Brevard Township Office will be open all during tax- paying time. cos PAXTON, Sheriff and Tax Collector. It

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