AK,i> BREVAKX), M. O. NEWS HONG^ ROLL . . f l!u' i>ul)Iivali.m of ;\ii hoiioi roll s i. rii)ers, thf 1 iiiinios h:ive r ,iii(!nl. fithor as ju w sul)scril)eri or lls. 1 ttuH', i>ri'v.U‘!, Roule 1 ■ ,al>l l’i'li(it.‘r, r..i-\ .11(1 . ; )u! • 1 . Hiv'wn. lv)i:U‘ 2 ■ Hiirn>viiU ... I. r. '.liu-s, S/li'. :i . '‘I. I’ 'vl.-iuuT, Div'uisoii Kivpr I ■. K. S. - 111, llo?,!'. !!! 'l.viK'b, I’is'^ili I'ort'st. ! ii iViiti;. Si’lii'.i ■ !,' i!l»cllfr, S. C. V W'ldfry, Aiu>r.'t:i, (i.i. ■ ik 1' U'!', dri'lMl'.. •'. ',1. S, ('. I ■ -vt I'r.uvi.- ■ i\- Ily. I'cri.-' I I I' 'la I, 1 Imi’i's'. . \\ . r. .I,>ul in. \ilu n’.ius. V.'.hIi. 1 M. li n t. I’i.-.ih K..UI.', 1 ' !!fi.• i. Ky. m:k- \V. Koi ti', l.i'.'uo \\’a.\ aiii.nv , 1 ■. \ti-n. ('!'>Tr\ ii^ !(1 K. S. Whitaker, Camp Jackson, S. C, J. H. Srailh, l.ak * Toxaway, Route I .1. A. Hoiulersun, Kaslov, S. C., Koutc 4 Mr .. .1. \V. Morris. !]ro . arJ. Route 2 Mrs. \V. r. Ariison, Itrovard, Route I \V I’, ('ir.)^an, Wild von i, Fla. Mis. Wm. Sliipnvan. Klowah I'raiik L. Wolls, Cull >vvlii'c 11 .rul'i ii udin. (’amp .laokson. S. C. v'l. \V. .M'. v'ali, l.il) rty, S. C. •' i h.iry, Kn \ aril .1 \V. !• )ils(>n, Rosnian l i t.' R ’.'isluT. Rosnian M ,1. -1! T, Rosnian '\. ( : iz - itT, lJ >s;n;iii .1 l‘. ! 'I'.iotins, I'a! VvtI M (!. v''.Kiiiiiij;Iiani, l’is>- ih Forest .1. 'A'. I’-nni-tt, !’i::;4a!i I'oiest il.il l! ir!, .larksoii. S. ('. M',-s I'.Mii' v Mo.tre, Urwanl. • \\ . \. Aikv'!!, lv>>niaii. .1 A. .1 I’Ms m, I’is.uali I’. .1 Wi'oliin, Illaiilvrt'. ill Mi’.'; Ivtys'clvilhin:' set \'v li'.imiri'iV Lynrii. I'oi'o.st 'I'rv a Divor.sifieil ;idv. Ever/ f; rm:r in ta county shouU 1 ave something on exhibition j at the Count/Fair Octo-er 3L i WATERJNG STOCK IN SUMMER As Springs and Streams Dry Up It Is Highly Esscni.ial to Fiirnish 1 Abundant Water Supply. ^r> 'mi m\ hv Spfety first! Avoid thvi fire ri^k US:!"-!:; ibis ^ fiR'proi^ii^stormproof, and ciiira.Xc roofintr. Lac't as 1 lic;- as the building i and never need repairs. ai n: ^ For Sale hy MILLER SUPPLY CO , BREVARD, N, C Aiilm:ils need waiiT dunui: h-'t wrnlliiT liiaii liiey li» (iiiriiiir llu> win tor. 'rinM’f is :i litss ul’ wator troiii llit'ir Imdies i;i tin* pron o* ht'iit rmilalinii, dificslinn. “lc., const' HU'Hlly llicy diii.k ii'ci'c if thoy have it. As tl:‘ naliiral sourei's, such as strcaiiis iii.il s!>ri!i;i> dry up in Iho sum nii-i', i! is lilL'!i!y cssoniial that {lai'Mcu lap !iItr...j( n lit* f^ivi'ii 1(1 I'lirnisiiin;.^ :i ph'init'ui sujiply of fr"'h water durinf4 the In alcd Jk liod. I'rc-'ii a:nl «‘xil wafer supplied in aiupl* amounts will serv(‘ the very use fill purposes of ••liminaliii;' many of the dii:.-iive disiurhanei-s (illcn 'om- jilaiued of liy fet’ders. I’liless tlio di- j^esiivt' ai'eneies are jircpcrly fune- (ioned tlic Inst resi’tls «-an l>y no ni('aii In“ re.ali/’.cd. .\ii(l sinei* water, which i-’ 'Ilf of Ilie mi>-'l ahiindanl 'ie luenl ; w»‘ hav(‘, server sueh a us('lu! piirjios.' it .sti->uld lie Liven srrious e(Ul- sideralitin p- 11ieularly at iiiis time of th»* y('ar. v.lien the (iry. Imt weatht r »\ill soiin eomt*. Tlit> man who has a never-failini: sjirinj: in his piasluro is iii(l(‘cd Imky. hu wi!h a ^""*1 deeji well ec.uippi'd v.ilh a wiiid jiunip m belter siill a pun p run hy a ;ras.>lin‘ cn;:ine one nt ed hav(‘ lilth* worry oV('r I’ie needs of his ;-!ock foi’ uali'r, so loni: as lie st'es th:*i their drinkiiic troughs are always full. COLT ATTENTION IN SUMMER • Young Animal Should Be Placed in Dark S^all During Day—Encour age It to Eat Grain. a a A;/-; * * . • o! o 0 iL— il-...'2..' n:: The cMlt >liouTd hi' left in a rool. a||>» 0 ^ * t) " In) ^ dark stall duriiii: ih»' day if the mari' i|)|i ' " ''‘ '’'' 'k a ! •'■. {''. W. -M ;‘.i?ep ji'l i T'‘n, asM>ei:':.‘ ;.i >i' «if Milni'd [j, h;;n.iry in :lic I'v !ns.(S s!, .‘i^'rie; tM - cifr' Risgs asid Carpets You wiil find an unusually varied supply of floor coverings in ai! grades at our store. If yea v.ant one oi the rich, soft, beautifully colored Oriental mgs for your parlor or hall we can put it there. And quile ps readily we can give you the siniplei* v;eave3 ir* rugs or carpets — strong, e!eg:inl, longwearing goods of American man- ufaclu-'e. In fact, we specialize in domestic materiais of medium price and highest quality. lur Word Is a Guaranty of Honest Values HOME SUPPLY COMPANY y\. CO^Ki', Propriclor. BRLN'ARD, N. C. iH o rr Cl o c tz'J >J\ . tural eolli-r.*. I For th’‘ tirsi few w‘eks Iho mare shotdl he hroUL'lit l() th(‘ h.arii in ih>‘ middle of tli(* forenonn and liie middle of the afternoon and th»* eo!i allnwc.; to suekte. 'I'he eult h"UM he lell with the !iiar(' at niizhl. I'lieonraL,'" it lo eat as soon as !' issihl>>—pi'eferahly 1 en-.iifd o.ats with hran. Tf oats are I no! avaihiMe a rti'l'in e.it!-i'lImu' "• ! 'I'tir ii.-iit-^ (if f.ifn, ’hrt'e of liran, and j i one nt' liiiveeij meal h\ wei”i!t may he' I suhstitut('d. ! Let tlu* colt have eh>V('r or alt'alfa j j hay as sonn as lie will eat it. Se,- in! . it that lit' has aecess to clean, pure | w.ater at all liti'.e.;. If llie mare ai;d ' I foal ar> ninniii^ in ilie pasture a er>'ep i should ht* made wliere the colt t’an have access to ^ra;n. I A A Oar New Serial Is a Treat In the Realm of Adverdure I 1 BEnER THAN Tarzaa of the Apes Jack Clayton, the Ape Man’s Son^ Feels the Call of the Wild and Flees to Africa With a f/y \Z' '*‘V» AKUT, THE GRAY APE Therd the Boy Learns From Akut the Life of the Jui^»gie; There He Meets Merieni, the Captive Girl, and There the Trio Have Many Strange and Thrilling Experiences Among Wild Beasts and Savage Peoples* This Great Story Will Appear Soon Watch For It? THE SON sf TARZAN PROTECTION FOR YOUNG PIGS Fender Arranged Around Sides of Far- ! rowing Pens Prevents Sow From Crushing Little Ones. This type of f('iid(“r is used hy hun dreds of ho_^ rai^sers in the corn Pelt, and uivi's excelli'Ul re.'^ults in a ma jority oi ea>es. It consists of u t'.\ o i'V lour plaei'd aliout eiirlit iriciie-; from V-- ^ ■'r.s'.v •• > Pig Fender. the lloor, or just hi-jh e!iou.t:h so that ill (‘as(‘ a sow liv s down while her yotni.c are h.'lweei'. Ik" and tiie wail tliey can slip uieier the fender and avoid hein.ir i-ri;siird hy the wi-i;:lil of ihe so\v'.—(»ra!iL,e .ludil i'armer. WORLD SHORTAGE OF STOCK Speedy Ending of War Would Not C'laPiye Present Basis of Prices —Tax Is Protection. ||F we told ycu how many barrels of su^^r we sold in a year you’d open your eyes. This world is not so sour after all. Buying only the best grades of sui^ar in big, who esale quantities, we aro( fable to keep youi su^ar bowl filled al a very leaoonable price. Our satisfied customer? are pleased to recomrp.end oui complete line cl groceries. COX K!L ^ PIlO.lv; ” T! the is evi'i'y reason to believe that (:iL levt‘1 of pric‘S for live sioe\ c for some time. I>e- cau .* ih. ;i‘ I - a world shortai^e of stock, a speedy eiidiuK of the present war shotild U(jt cliaiijio the basis of prices until a normal supply of stock is raised. Tlie 10 jier cent import duty on stoci, meat.', hidt's anti wool will serve as protection against ship ments from oMier countrie.s where la bor i:ri cheaper. ENGLAND'S CAST-IRON SHEEP Herdwicks Are Noted for Their Mut ton and Wool—Able to Stand Ex posure and Hardships. A writer in Tlii' Shepnerd’s ,/ou 'ai refers to the Ilerdwick as lln^!:! I - cast-iron sheep. Tlu* llenhvicks famed for their mutton and tliielv. lk'eC05. They stand the hard and exi>osures of an inclemewi better thau mo:^l oih :• I or my deputy v/il! bs at the fol!owing places on the dates given, from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m., for the pur pose of receiving taxes, and trust that all tax-payers will prepare to meet me and settle their taxes: Gloucester Township, Macedonia Church, Oct. 22,1917 Hoffback Township, C. R. McNeely’s Store, Oct. ^23, 1917 Eastatoe Township, L. M. Glazener’s Shop, Oct. 24, 1917 East Fork Precinct, Baptist Church, Oct. 25, 1917 Cathey’s Creek Township, J. C. Whitmire’s Store, Oct. 26, 1917 Cedar Mountain Precinct, H. Garten’s Store, Oct. 27, 1917 Little River Township, Merreli’s Store, Oct. 28, 1917 Foyd Township, W. L. Talley’s Store, Oct. 30, 1917 Dunn’s Rock To vnship, T. D. England’s Store, Oct. 31, 1917 Brevard Town.«;" ? paying time. s Office will be open all during tax 's PAXTON, Sheriff and Tax Collector. %