\ NEWS, BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA Real Oiy Sale Do you want a Jiome in town or country? Are you looking for a safe and profitable investment? LOOK-SEE Ten years have more than doubled values in and around Bre vard. Ten years hence will more than double these. Brevard Insurance Agency GALLOWAY &. MINNIS, Agents Personal Mention l.ook throimh these columns; see if tlu' names of yoiii an* llu-rc. If not, VDii li;ivf (I your «!uty toward tlu-m. It does not cost aiiy- Ihinj^. Telephone, write or lirin^ your nows to News ofiice. S. \V(^ll)orn of liJiko T»)XHvviiy spi'Jit tlu' (lay in I»rc*vur»l M')iuliiy Lf'o 1j. \Vincli»'st(*r, jt \vcl(!r of Httsiiifin was in town on bnsiiu ss rucstlay. A |i:n ty i‘onsi>:1i?ij^ of Missos liu Niciiolsi.'. ! i.’ittit* and Arabi-l Aiken, Myillti HiiktM’, Mrs. (i. W. ('layton, and Mark I) ('layton mo tort'd to (iroi'nvillti last Sunday. 'I'lii'v cxiicct to rt'tiirn Monday (‘Vcnint; ])ut a hrakdoA’ii cansrd tlu‘111 to h(“ “.’I hotir.s lati'r in aniv- irj; Ik.mc. HjiEETiNG OF MATHATASIAN CLUB WANTED! Potattx.**^, Onions, Slu'lUd Beans and I\*as, I I’oi!'.- try. Butter, OainivHl (looj.s, an«l Dried l-'ruit; also Hi os and C-oiintry (lured Meals. 'I'ell us wliat you have, or sliip to the house that pays you cash. Weslarn Produce Companv •>0 Nortli Le\i‘.i^t(*n Ave. .\snKviiJj: - - N.(. Health About SYRUP CAr Gallons 20c cach, $18.00 per 100. 1-2 gallon 12c cach» KOO p^r 100. C. M. DOYJ BREVARD, N. C. A\ a n y thousands of w 0 n: 0 n suffering fioin woni;;hly irouble, I.avc been bencfiicd by the use of Cp.rdni, tlie woman’s ncccrdit’cr to letters we rcc'-ivo.. ’...iiiar lo d;i3 one ’ro::i Ali3. Z. V. Spoil, ofN, C. “1 could net stand on \:\y feei, and just suftcrca terribly,” she says. “As my suf- ferir.,'? was so Ric-'it, and lie had tried other reme dies, Dr. had us ^el Cardui. . . 1 be;;an a;:d it curcd m?. I know, and ray doctor knows, what Car- diii did for n'.c, for lay nerves ar.d hcxUi wciQ about tone.” It. II. Itrown of Spartan’>nro w;is in town lust w» ek. S. Maxwell of Ib'ndi'rsonvillo was in I3rt'vard tins wt'ck. Wade Merrill of Litter IJiver whs a visitor to this t(»wn on 'ruesday. I’ersnadt* yonr iiei^libor to .i"in the |{ed Cress-and join yourself. Mr. anti Mrs. (Jrady Kiljiatriek left 'Puesday for a w* t>k's visit t» Atlanta. llt'V. A. II. Stnbbs of Ashe\illo lu'ld serviee Sunlay iiiornin" at St. I*hilli])s Kpiseo])al ebnrrh l»ob('rt (>rrand family of Kind's Creek ^len retni iieti I'eeently from a visit to relativt's at l)altm. Ca. Mi-is Lola Hamlet of A^'lievillt* was a recent visitor to her sister. Mr. S. 1'. Allison, in North Br.-- vaiil. Kardluy Aiken lia • '.'iven n;> bis woi k witli tb.e liroMiJied transfer easiness and exjieet-i to work on the lailroaiL If you baveu't tim' to work it) tl’.e lied ('ross Koojti vou can In Ip y i^iviTi'^ \our dollar. It will buy materials for hospital sni>]ilies. J be toilowiii'; itei'i, taken from .laeb Fisli(>r of Asbevill.*, lireman i>,-,,vi(b*nee. K. L Uulletin, was )M the Soutlu'rn. s]>ent t nv.lay, | ^ . Sunday and Nbit'day heroTi a \i.-it j marriatce lieensi' was issued to bi brotb.'r. lialph \{ Ki-ber. | y,-,{, rd ly at the town ball at A].- Miss-'s May and (iracti .lolnison ! p« to Willia :u ! larencf? liraek- ! Asheville sjient the last wei--];-|'‘?i, '.’1. ot lir'varti, X. u'ld ?di."; end here, an I many of tlieir fort:uT ! li’ltb Blanelie (birdiier ot Ivan-a.s n.’.iMl." wi re deliu'bted to >ee tbi n Tlie .Matbatasian Club met with Miss .M aude Allison on 'riiursday of last weidv'. 'j'lie fidlowin;^ substi tutes weie cbosen to represent absent meitiiiei’s: Miss .lasinie Mos.'ley. Mi.-rs Million Smilb, Mrs. Frank .It-nkins and >.lrs. IJ .msey. The topic studied was the “I-'amily I’.udLrei, ’ wbieli was led liy Mr--, [{amsey. ’^I'be m xt meetin.L? v.ill Ic witli .Mrs. II. Denver, and tlie topic will bo tlie ‘-(’onservation of Food", to be led by Mrs. F. F. Sbal^M*. GARDNER BRACKEN The soady that is beneficial to teeth and stomach is best for chiidren. m wrissey s is h to all S£Ees. It inassa^es snd str3n0.thens the aums. Etesps tseth cSscn and breotis sv^eet. t 'v every appetite IV V and QiazsUon. KRAPPtO. .7 V - - r-'O.'-- TAKE a.!Z.l!!l. Mr. Nan W'n.kb' o',' tii" I'li'tn ot Harknis and \’an Wini^le of .\sl;>- \ilb‘ was bere tbis week lookin;: after the business aft'aii'S of Mr-^. Vanderbilt. ■'■It.'. H. Lock(“. wlio lias been \’-itiniT ber dani'btevs. .''lr. > I. i'b’wni ai.d Ml '. I'. 1’. Sledu'C. re- tnrjii il lo lie)- bohic at (irct :'..~bi.ro. ,\la . Monday. !.,enoir Ilawkin> r. ])orfrcn.ark- Ciiy, >b. ! >iativ>nrd s et o!' a ! fai'iiier. r Jrac'Kcn is a tldi. r at Fo! i (ii'cble and is the .romiiii Tit N'oi tb '.‘.i-oli.iu It i.- e.N'iceti’d til at tbi- ^ 75: Wedding wllltalw^ ])laee >ct ‘JO, at ibe bon;.‘ ot .Mrs. William II. AIIcti :it Norwoid, witere .Miss iardner IS a iru. 't." I'.otiitbe e.intiaiiimr liai’tie^are w 11 kncA’ ii licn*. Miss ilutb (iarl- ner IS -tel* dauu'bter of .Mr ('larciiier. and h »’la '-e-.iee oi ’it tuM n ib-a-k- ■ lat! i n, wbieb lie is it; ST4TE!4tNT OF C''^SE!’.SHIP. •.nN.*»CE*'ENT ETC t;- ' ;i ■ ■ ■ ■: • . • Hr.-.. ; ! N I' N '!- !)!••. u- > - ••rii V- \V M \ n K N - w ‘ • l-V- ablv savini: f( r the l-'air. The is t wo in. lic> t bi'ou^li and b.‘a. . ai s, ea( b a f ot in b nrtb. !u dalk t .VO h'l’. till, ;n lirevari! •11 is tlie Si'll ot William iJne-'-ien ot’ tlii' ji'i.ae.' and is ]>!iasanliy re memi-eied by a nu::;]x r her.'. •t frieiub . in. N The Woman’s Teaic She wTiies further: “ I am ia splendid health . . . can do my work. 1 feel I owe il to Cardui, for 1 was in Ci'^aclful condition.” h' } - U are iicrvc-.iS, run- d"w:i n-’.vl wca’c, cr r.m'fcr 'riit‘ ti i. nds of .1. S liroiiilicld will reirri t to It ;irn of tbe deatb ot hi.' -i.-ter, Mr-. baii. > 1'. 11 eiub'rs>. DEHH CF 010 GSSFEDESUK AUDITORIUM wb o-e funer,al servb ■d in Asbevilb- la.'t Sat'.i!> at{t nd- V . Item So the Peopl May Know that you are in I u[]i- ness, come in end let vi? show what we c^ri Co for you in the way of attractive cF.rds and letter heads. Gc-od print ing of all kinds is our specialty and if we can not satisfy you we don’t want your business. rr? .,1.^ in • Tiist s Fair, Isn’t It? he, b.’c!:uc!:c, tic., ev.ry month, try Card I! i. Tl’.ousands of v.o:r.:n pr.’.l.^'C this medi cine for ilie j ood it has done tl’.o; 1, ai’il many physicians v. I.o h.ivc use J Card'.ii succrssielly tiieir v.-c:n : n for years, t’li.; mL;;i- cine. Think what it means to be in r|:lendid health, like A'io. Spe:!. Give Cardui a trial. AU Druggists J72 DAMP, CHANGING WEATHER BrinS!' 1*^ 'I'oli ot .-•ickness l' Brevard People. PRINCIPAL PONQER SOLICITS PATRONAGE OF THE OOOHIY ( billy, dam]). I’.iri-'n:: weather is haril on the ];id>. e\ . Kvc!\ more 11 11*are C ibi - LM-i]) and i)nt‘Umon'-i ; 'I'liey (M.n^est tbe k ; Tb»*y brii;'^ baek:M lie a:ui di.- r dcred kidney aelioi . For weak kidrie . s ”.-.e a t.-.-‘e.i remedy }i sideiits of t)ii-i ’ ' ility rc' •ucnd l)')*n’s Kid’ie'. I'ills. W L. \iit(.dium. [ (..u r, Kr,‘b, r- fonlton. X. C., saV'i; “SoiMe ;t^o I srdVered l!*):?! ba -kaciie nr> ■ ])ains li'-^b.t across ti v hijts. 1 !; • tbe troubb* w;t-> bron^lit The l‘enres(‘ state bi*_'h school holiday.s in making a trip to Morris- bas o]>en* (I session for I'.M," Is and town, Tenn., with a ]iarty of Aslie- S'‘iicits atteiidaee of stiid«*nts from villc friends. Their intention was any part of tlie county. 'I'he sdiool to f'o on to Chattan(ljut loni; odcrs lice tnitioTi, a normal ri'- delays in railway connection niide ' lew class tor pr(>s]n‘ct’.vi> tea(du“rs theju dt'cido to return liuine. an;l excellent ftoardin;; conditions in i uial i..,iiu s. TIios.' who w.ni’,1 l.k.. own work in w„v family ,.t Hair i.l:',,-.. neuv IS,o- ol l,.,us..k, n.ius!run linrt rooms in ‘111- coMiniunity, A new nuMli'rn by fiillln,' biiildini' with four larg(* class rooms, a tnusic room and libr.ii v I ,,uiui> jn>t Hnil I'is I'li-tiii. .'ri.,- work in >lionl ! a.ill mucli to tb»‘ convcni cnee and comfort of the scfiool CIms-5 work an bo arramred any, J. H. Smith of Spartanburg' has 'I'iii'Mi .s U.iys, one of the oMe>t cit :.->'n.'of lb.“ cimnry. died ;i‘ the I'.ome id' bis d.MUL'bter. Mrs. I’owell ot 1 >!ant y re, on (>ct ot)er '"'t h, and v> :.s bp.ried at (! i'eeii u ood (\';ii‘ ti ry al I'a! vi i t 'Ti the I'o'lov, in^r (lay. Tbe fiin-'i il ser\ic. v,-i re conducted b .* ' lb‘V. .1 -iin.'on. M 'tli"dist pfistor of the circuit. Mr. Mays was liorn >1 yeai.-a^o in \Vautau_M (cnnty. lie v^ isv.ell knov. n in tbis countv. where be sivcnt tbe Lrreatcr piirt of bis life, anil where tint e of bis cliilc.ri n are now residii'iL'. 'I'bev are !ieori:(‘ and Frank jjavt s of ( lien y Jield and Mrs. i’owcll of Bbintyre, v.itli tbe ' bitter of whom Mr. Hays made lii> liom(‘ after the death of bis wit". When^ the call for volunt'-ers came in Is'U 'I'bomas Hays was one I of tbe tirft to inli.-'t in tbis ('ounty. I He 'vas a ])rivate in Company F d’ the j.‘dh North Carolina n\L'imt'nt. Ir '.''.as imnossibiii to t)e li'iiLrin tbe soi'it'ty of tbis old, war .-'carrial veteran withont beum' impressed with }iis .i^i'iiiality and stronj;' ]>t‘r- sonility. Tlirce old (‘oiil e,]fi\ites, 1>. .1. WilM;uof Selica, L. \V. Brooks ot llartwtdl sj)cnt tlu“ week-end ( lu i rylitdd, and W. F. Sbijmian of lilantyre, attendial tin* funeral Si rvices. I > ('. I )i \':i!',e. :i I'or.dwco ir "11 tbe ''.ab;,;!d A.ir Line, s'lendin'j' a weidx of vac;iti,,n bi re.sTayir,;: at the .\i‘tbeUv( b!. He 1.' a brotlier o' FraTd-; I.. i)eVane,a former resident (d ]>rcv;ird. IJ T K>:eit n l.i.-t week made a fial trip on a ]i:i>-.'-eni:er run. !‘ '.V!.' t b.e ii i>t 1 : !!ic ].(• has lia iidb-d t be tlnotile >iii''e the wrecb in v.liich iiL'bt band was in.iui’cd 'iitbs airo. Mrs. A. M. \ crdery and. lialpb Fislier motor to Hen :'i -:onville S:-it - iirday ii’Lrbt. meetinix tbe Carolina S].( eial and bnnL'inL: back on their r turn liov.-eli C(di]) and Farks \'er- d- ry »d' Sjiartaiiburuj. Tilt' latter is a brother of A. .\i. Verdcry. lieard for a sec- t.n. Robert wb(t C. iM. Siniard b-i olid time tr im bis i'; with the American iorces in Fiaree. 'i’l.e l- iti r .-aid tliat bo v^’as rni.niiiLr an t i._’.nc and that Will Fort line was witli tbe oh'ctric line v. oi kors. Tliursdciy, October 25. Wiliiam Fox presents Stuart Holmes and Mary in five-part photoplay the .-.P vvc ■. .V Scarlet Letter - MARV MARTirT - -rJIRECTIOrJ V/XIXIAls4 >OX Hawthorne's tragic story of old Puritan New England. Admission 10 and 15c from a rafter, wbih^ vrorkint? (jii his hous('. It is Mr. Uailev’s intention Florida ni'xt Sprinij and make this his ])crnuui(*nt home. lieve tbe trounie wa- tiron^lit on ; , i i i n bv a eobl which settb'd on my kid-j ’ students should accepted a position wit li the Brevard neys. 'I'he kidney .-cerctions burn‘d ! early. I’rintery and be.^an work here Tues- in -saff'. Doans iwdm*y i‘io.- . L Po.xmat, dav. He is an old ac(iauintiin(,*e of Ip-ll-.ed me from the Ib-.t an.i t ..o Principal. the j,resent mana^n-ment, who feel l)oxes removed tlu' tii.ubbv ’ | .......... r.oc, at all deab-rs Foster-Mib 1 “”7 T fortunate in having induced him to Mff'rs., Bu^y.ilo, X Y. bonicthin}? to sell means some-, bear a part of tbe nu chanieal load T)urn Co Advertisement. thing to advertise. I of givin» the news to the people. TAX NOTICE Town Taxes are now due and payable at the office of the collector, over the post office. Office hours 9 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 4 p. m. G. E. LATHROP, Tax Collector. Come to the County Fair October 31 and see that your neighbors get here. DR. LYDAY MAKES HOME IN BREVARD Dr. Wm. Lyday moved tbis week from Penrose, where he has lived for many years, and occupied the cottsij'e on Majde Street, recently purchased from T. L. Walters. The :*hange of residence tt> this place followed the establishing of an oflice and operating; room here, which was done a few months ago. TWO SPECIAL SERMONS AT METHODIST CHURCH On next Sunday morniDg the pastor ol ihcMtdhodist (’hurch will pri-acii a special sermon on “Tho Stirred Spiiit" in commemora tion of the (Quarto Centennial of the Protestant Reformation. The regular s'rmon to children will be delivered at the evening hour. 2 The subji'ct w ill be, "The Light of the World” and candles will be used as illustrations. In making this latter annauncenient last Sun day the pastor, Rev. W. E. Poovey, promised to keep the children awake w’ho come. Try a Diversified adv.

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