New (Name changed from Sylvan Valley News, January 1, 1917.) VOLUME-XXII BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9. 1917. NUMBER-45 Brevard ELEVEN MEN LEAVE FOR CAMP JACKSON Original Thirteen Reduced By Excuse of One Man and Unex plained Absence of Another Twins Seek Not to Be Sepa rated. Eleven men out of the thirteen ordered to report Monday to the local exemption board left Tuesday for Cm nip Jackson, Os-e 1- Mer rcll was temporarily excused on account of the illness of his mother. The oilier man absent from the departing contingent was Charles U. Shitt-m, who tailed to report. The local hoard desires any information that can he given concerning his v!i reabouts, such information being a kindn.'ss to the board and to the missing man himself. The eleeii, having been pre srnted with eon, fort ki's prepared by the National League of Wo man's Service, left on tin "":" train Tuesday morning, apparently in the Pest of spii its. An unun tl incident took place in connection with the present draft. Fred Met 'all. a twin broth, r of Fran!; Met "all. one of the drafted men, accompanied the lifter when lie cam- to report and besought the local board to allow him to go with his brother to cnmit. The twins resembled each other cry much and wen1 dres-cd alike to minute details. H ud as was the duty for the board, the request had to be ref 1 . U. D. C, ELECT OFFICERS FOR M COMING YEAR At the I. lectin:,' of the I , 1). last Saturday the following offi cers were cic; fed : Miss Annie (L;sh. p'vsid, !r.- O. L. Krwin, iii st vie, r, sd'h-nt ; Miss Maud Allison, second vice president: Mrs. T. F. Patlon. jr., secretary; Miss M tririrct )eaver, registrar; Miss Margaret Hrccse, treasurer and librarian ; .Miss Mar tha Boswell. historian ; Uev. I' D. Chajiman, lnmorary c!:ailian. It was vetU' --ted ut tlif recent state eonventioT) lndd at ivinston that the regular li'.ectinu-s of all the chajitevs thr-.i;i;hout the state b'!'in w itli a ra yer i sp-ecially for our boys in the army and at the front. DEATH OF L C. TINSLEY I. (.'. Tinsh-y died Tuesd ie. after about a week's illness. His death Was the re.-ult of meningitis follow ing an attack of nenuio'ii.i . Mr. Tinsley was in his i li year, was the father of ten children, sev eral of v.honi are still 'iivinir, had been a member cf the I'm -by-terian cb ur li for years. Funeral serviies wvvo held Wtib net-day afternoon at the liomo mar Mount Surprise. In the absence of Hev. .1. lb Hay the services weir cmductidbv !; .-. '. K. P.. .cy. The burial t , k jd.iee at ak drove ceu.cter,' ::v 1 made ac- a rdin to ihe rite . f t.'ie Junior Order, of which .ir. i inslcy was an homorary memh'T TO THE TEACHERS It would b" erca'Iy .ip ;re( iatt d if uli the pubbc sc'ie- 1 teachers who have not as y. i se,it in their census of the adult illiterates wonhl do s.. at Further, turn in any other s that are behind. The hi"' requires all monthly n jiorts tv he ;n before vouchers are ppjiruvrd fi r ay nient. so jilcase hear this in inin.l. The c;o'iiuls ; y law is bci;ii; car ried out now in nearly all districts, and I desire that it be carried out in till as nearly as possible. Piease do all in your power to enforce it, and many thanks. A. F. Mi i ii i.i.i., Co u n t y S n pe r i n t e u de n t . A LONG PEDIGREE BRINGS A HIGH PRICE There are not many men and wo men in this county, it may be safe ly said, who can boast of a pedigree clearly traceable for live genera tions, hat this boast can he truth fully made by Rose Donald. Being a modest female and not given to blowing her own horn, she leaves to others the work of singing her praises. Her pedigree table show? not onlv the names of her father and mother which is about as far as many can go but also of her four grandparents, her eight grcat gratulp.irents, her sixteen gnat givat -grandparents, and ail of them t'le be.-f blood of a nobb family. lint who is Rose Donald:' She is a thoroughbred Hen ford heif r. just hiidc'.ing into cowhoi d, and she took a liistj iizt at the county Fair. She was bought April 1, 1 : 1 by Tics. H. Shipman from (PC. Mc Reo of Straw Plains, Tenn. Her la rents were Karl Donald and Prime Lady. When Mr Shipman bought her sb." was only a calf, but her puicli-i-e pri e vfts :";'.':!, which ho j il with the calm confidence of ' fon-si-ht ! Tl,,t this cont; iencc was i.:sti(iod.i as Weil asth I;i,l,,,.,!,!bn!,r ' . . . ., , , . oca.ers iu pun- iiiMroir.nil'rols may he seen fron, the transaction that .1 i. i .. o . . before tic Fair. ()ri that day M r. Shipman sold Rose Donald, good ; will. jrospecti ve mater?. ity and ail: to Volnev Owen of Fake Toxawav ! for t ho sum id" -".."i. bi th.c next day the jrrcat Fair day l!oe Donald stood in her stall, ua. d at by of ad mirers, hi r native white and red made ;at'oiial and patriotic by the blue ribbon that announced her standtue; in the opinion of the .p.vtyes, atul Air. wen was rejoicin-r j in a trade that somewhat diminish t his bc.n.k accoviiit but greatly in crcas! d his pn speets as a catth raiser. Mr. Owen is no novice in this in- -, . , . ilustrv. Ii!iiii' ! lent s"VrraI vea rs , oi iiis uie in oioraoi,! in inis very business He now has a reeisU red Hereford bull on his farm in the I White Writer section, when- lie will curry on the business of raising thoroughbred cattle. FINANCIAL STATEKEHT OF CROSS TREASURE! Mcinl ershij) dues received to date slv! Contribntior.s ' 1 ' . JT s;."illl . 1 1 vpcn.Utun s U v cl.cpter supplies to date. s Fxpenditures for work mum st. jellies 1 ".'.. e'i Membership dues sent Wash ington. Jl ..,n This leaves a balance f s ,") out of which we must pay some thinir over s".'oO.( b for snpiilies al rcadv in our work room. This will h ave a balance of a ppr ximat dv 1 or."..'''1, while we need other sui- 'ites aie.onr.iiii to far more than this. II. X. Cakimki: Tl'.i: si i:i:i a-H mrCf rvrO nillOr mn. JUrtCO CICO UaUOC LOSS OF G0Mf4!SS!08 Tb.e many friends of Ora L. Jones, former eiiitor of the News, will re gret to learn that owing to iroubi with his eyes he has been forced to resign as a student at the Reserve Officers Training Camp at Ft. Ogh - thorpe, (b., thus losing his chance to win a commission in tin; Rcservo too,v place , October ..o, the JjiVi,.. oVM,c , .-,.;v, r,.. P.r.v:,,-,! Army. Mr. Jones has joined his!f,rst' 11 1)c:lvcr- "con!- 2; K R wife, now on a visit to relatives in .. . . ,. . . . the (astern art of the state. As A . ' r yet he has nnule no jilans for the future. Renew before expiration. PRIZES AWARDED FOR COMPETITION PRODUCTS Many Prizes Awarded to Competitors at County Fair; Complete List of Those Who Took Premiums on Agricultural Exhibits and Livestock; List of Other . Departments to Be Published Next Week In the columns below is given a list of won Ht the county Fair on agricultural and livestock exhibits. It lias been found verossary to leave out of this week's issue the prize list of tie other departments, but they niiiv be expected next week : Agricultural Exhibits : first, $1; P J Wood fin, second, $2; Robert Corn - Hampton Scruggs. F.revanl. f:rSi ' Farmtr- thirL prize. S.VUO; T T P.Vton. 1'isgah Forest. : ,U'lfl'r ,,vtr "nc ear-P J Woodfin, first, s.-eond. fail Allison. Pisgah Forest. ?h F II Holding, second, $2. 1 ,.,...,.;., (., or,.r,.;,.,. iUili Calf .l C Cnrncntcr, $!. third, 1 year's subscription to Progressive 11.11, l V I I O rul'.ll LILFliWil i' - i'tiv .' . v 1 Farmer. Ar-m:sT T Patton. Pi.gah Forest, Ul:KH Kitten, second. sub. - . i.-. . . - i f r ,11,...-.,,- io l iocissie 1 aiPH., .1 m ii.iiiow.H, - third. k.isu I'ota T'.ks W L Aiken. I.ievard. T s w,)(,d, P,revard, third, 0 mo. su., t, pn,.rrvjVe Farmer, Sweet i'otaroes - P J Woodtia, IVl.intyre, first, ?1; V jl second. Onions- 11 N Ciirr'ar, P.revar i. H. X. Carrirr, seciaid; V. Foi.tain, t!:!id, Tuiaij..-: V, ! ri.e, hrst, .) P ih,b for l, pecind: T il Siiiaman, tliir.i. Manpre! beets- 11 X Carrier, first, $1. Kutab-i.iras K 'i Kiiclien. iirst, M 15 r.aviKiid. second: Y i. Aiken, thi d. Puivpldns -Mrs II .! V.'hiiniire. l:rt. ?!: M (' ....,...!. W 11 I.' ..,,11 ..r ! : r 1 Cabbage - .1 M Meeee. first. $1: S F Ai" lison. second. Kye-W L Aiken, 1. Apples - Kol.t Orr. first. $1; W. .). I'rette, second. ( mo sub. t Progressive Farmer. I;';1,t ,T- lhil(L Celery - ( i T (ila;vncr, first,?!, - Sov Fee.ns C F Baldwin, first, ?1 Stalk Velvet Ieaas. T T Loftis, tint 51. Stalk Velvet beans and Corn- T T Loftis, first 51. Fest Collection of vegetables -b K Scruggs, tirst, 5-- I'.est Pisplav Arieiil ture Products - b K Serocs, 515 plow. Pest Pound Putter Miss Mollie JJood, Pest Display Garden Seeds Miss Cora (Jrojjan. 511 worth garden seed. Paeon - j C ikiKWel!. 52. School Exhibits Potatoes- Uaymonai Thomas, first. 55. contrihiited ,by T. C. Henderson; Fkive orpenm. second. Corn --Madison Allison, first, 55, con- tribute.l hy Prcvar.l Hardware Co; Frank Duckworth, second: Kalnh Osborne, third. Chickens-F.iant( n Mitchell, first. 55 eontrihatetl liy Rev. W F I'oovey; Rebecca Pivthe, second. - ?,!adison Allis.i.i, $5. contributed I bv Prevard Ikirkin:' Co. Livestock Draft Horses -A C MeCulk iirst, Frank .MeCa'!, second. 51.50; II L Allison, third. lini.wt Vr,-- f rr! fir. t i V I'nm j (M , C1 . ,. , 'n ,' 4 1 e iavtcn, sie-jiio. sl . il: l lai a!e Osnorne. third. Team of Mi.ks--.las;er McCa.l, $1. Mule under One Year - II L Abison, tirst, $3; Prevard Institute, second, .'1.50; M. J. I Clazener, third. j Horse Colt over One Year - C K Osborne, ; first. :CW. Tallcy. second. A K Prowr.Hnrd. i , - v ,r ,. ,-(.. Hall (Peef Type ; Sutton Wilson, :ii t, 5; C K Orr, scce-nd, '2.:-r, Y P Owen?, third. Cow over Two Yi.irs -V L Owens, lin t, ?!; R R Peavcr, second, M; Jordan Whit inire. third. Heifer over One Ye;.r and Fnder Two T T Patton, First, f; C !: )rr, second, $L'i j T T Patton, third. Heifer under one vci'.r K M Peavei, j"l"ar- ,11"n- I Hull luiiler one vcar !' 1' Peaver, lirst, .., - , t , ,, 5d; f l Patten, second, . J; R R Peaver, T . . I ' 1 third. ( Pull (dairy type)- L R Scruggs, first, $5, IP J Woodfm, second, $2.0. Cuw over two years- YV II Faulkner, IN FARM AND L1VEST0 CM!., II... M' - T .. T .u.i ....-. etnwM- jiiM, mum'u- -in. first. 1 yr sub to Brevard cws; Mrs to I.revard rv.s t-re.l J oh 2 1. son . third, ( mo sub to Brevard News. Pest Lady Kider .Miss Louise Frvvin, first. 75 eahini!; er.rds, d mated by Prcvard Printer; Mrs 11 L Wilson, second, 50 cal lin:; er.rds, donated by iirevar 1 Prir.tcry. Swine Poar W L Aiken, t.rst, 5); Prevard In sG'ute, sieoiu!, 52.r('; 1' J Woorifin, third. Sow and Ties A II King, first. 55: C S O.-borae. second, 52.50. Pr... d Sow-- P .1 W'oodfin, 5.i. Mrde Fie Carl Allison, first, 5.V W L C:.riiii.i!a( I, second, 51.50. Female Pi.- Carl Allison, first, 5k V L ( arn.iel:;:el, second. Poultry Cornish Game C F Orr. 51. (trpii etcn V," F Poovev, 51. Plymouth il.ii ks S F A'iis. n, first, d: t S G Giazener, second, 50e; li HoMmv; third. Wyan.lots F. V 1-lythe, first, 51; W I, Carniiehael, second, 5"e Pesi Pisplav t.f Poultry W V. Poovey first, two food ehoppi-rs; C F Orr. sreond. water fount. BREVARD INSTITUTE NOTES Our Haliow'ccn jnrty on Satur day nisjht was a ;reat success. The usual witches and ghosts were in evidence and a number oi" novelties' were introduced in the smies. Ive freshments appropriate to the oc casion were served, nniontr them 1 einr pu!ndin de. .Jeter Matthews of Asheville sjent thu week end with friends at the Institute. Mrs. Carrie Thomas cf Spartan burg caine for a short vi.-it with her daughter Fstelle, at the Insti tute. The last month of the iirst term began Nov. dih. A number of new pupils registered ;nd others aie expected, amon beir, Joy .Mot se and IV-nniner of (odd Hill. Among new pupils registering this week are the Mioses Adelaide Patton. Ottih: Picrson and liulph ( )sborne. Miss Verne Johnson of Fh t 'in r I Vas a. nest of A.iss Leatherwoou .i...,,,. TCWKSEtlD-EACVVElL On Sunday, October ls, John Hag well an.l Miss Kachael Town send we're married, the ceremony taking place at the home of K. T. ll'-nniri', with Mr. Henning tdTicia t:n r as magistrate. M.r. is u well known citi- ..-n of this plaeo and a farmer by occupation. The bride was a resi- dent of Penrose and was the sister of the lute L. X. TownsetvJ. Try a Diversified adv. RED GROSS DELEGATES' VIEWS Oil CONVENTION Delegates Return From Conven tion With Increased Zeal for Work N. C. Women Do Acceptable Work in Prepara tion of Supplies The Need Great and Imminent. Amonj; the oOO deh irates to t'ne state Red dross convention held at lialeioh on Thursday and Friday of hist week, there were four repre sentatives from Transylva nia Mrs. O. y. Doyle, Mrs. T. K. Patton, jr., Mrs. I! N. Currier u d Kev. d. P, Hay. They reiunvd with a deeper nivierstanili ;ie; ,,f t ho nie.iniiiir of th''? work and of the urgent need for more work still to be (tone, and 'lone now before it is too late. They expressed th ois.dves as hav inj,'a ''iirl:( ni'il M il-- ..i the reali zation that some t.f our boys are now suflViin tor lack of a piece of in,:' to staunch thir wounds, be cause we, pcrhajis yon let mere selfish pleasure take your time. As reported by the delegates, P. M. Hopkins, if tiie sujm.'v depart ment in Atlanta, said that '.': per cent of the work done by the woinei) of Xorth Caroliici vas ac ceptable. There was a -zrave sus iccioii that ass rtions to the con trary sprang fj-npi Ciei' j-roa- ganda at work everywhere, and such shiTTicrous stories must be hnnted down and. their oriuin lo cated. Tin; matdiini'S now working day and night to produce sweaters, uauw drrssinu, etc., fail to supply the demand; move machines can not he ini-alc, for t he factories a re now making guns; therefore the j women must sa"nfi--e many things! to make, up the deficiency. Another address reported was that of (rovcrno: Jpekctt who said that this is primarily i woman's war. In the outcome of if rests t!e tafc of women whether they shall have the place due thorn or be ground under the h"cl of a despot and suffer what cannot even he im agined. The week of tlie civilian relief committee was etnphusi.ed. sine th.e morale of our army is helped by knowing that the folks at home ai" being cared for. There were '0o chapters on Janu ary 1 ; now there are :;,oo:i. It is desired that a Red Cross I Christmas tree b in every canton ment, with Christmas packets for 1 :"0,e.oo men. 'Fhe Kcd Cross deletrates and workers are convinced that com mon sensi; is all that is needed in the work. They are nothing but human beings working for the good of other human beings. All red tape that hinlers result.-: should be cut, for while we are writing and arguing t.f how to do, men are dving. SERMOiiS ON PROPHECY Beginning on Sunday, Xovi ruber K'v. A. W. Mcl)!uiu 1 will j preach a scries ( f sermons at night ; services. Tlie general the-iie for this series will be 'The Mes.-a:e of I the Ancient Prophets to the Mod j cm World." ' Mr. Mcl'.inicl h.:is devoted much 1 thought for svmo time to the study of prophecy and its fulfilment in history, ami will give his congvega ! tion tlie fruits of his labor and rc- ' scare i. FINAL SERVICES BEFORE GOfiFESEHGE At th.c Methodist church Sonday night, Hev. W. F. Poovey will have I the annual report, to be made to j conference, read to the or.grega i tion. j Mr. Poovey will leave for eon ; ferenee next Tnedav. 3 lis manv friends hope for and expect his re turn to this charge. Something to sell means some thing to advertise. GALLED MEETING OF FAIR ASSOCIATION On Thursday, November l.", there, w'll he a meeting at the court honstj of citizens interested in the county fair association. The meeting is called by C. K. Orr, iresidi-nt of tlie association, and is for the pr.r pose of electing officers for another year and considering jilaus for it jr-rmanent enterprise. Th;j mceti in is called for 1 o'c lock. At this time, tin? prizes won at the late fair will be distributed, ti the si.i'i essful contestants. A FINE LECTURE AT AUDITORIUM Last Friday niuht at th- Audi torium Paul 'Snnhine" Dietrich appenrci in the second number of the L'.reuni course, under the, aus pices of the U. I). C. -Mr. Dietrich lectured on the sub-, j'-ct "A Sacniieo Hit." The lei - ture was f; (Jf r.: sense and tin idealism, with rnorh of h'iu-.or tv make ;is oints telling and to jus tify his stu-r title of "Sunshine." Tii- r. I). are fortunate in having si cured this ieetnre in the course. If t'j.e remainder ajp'roaeii j it in excellence, those who patron i.e the Lvceum htivi a treaf in store for the rest of the winter's season. QUEBEC QUIRKS Rev. A. .1. M ir.ley filled his regu lar Mppointment at Oak (iruvc Bap tist chrreh last Saturday evening: and Sun. lay morning. In the nftor ii"ou, Sumlay', a prayer meetir.g whs held t the residence of H. O. Th.omas. Miss M rxio Keeee, the teacher of the pritnarv gr;ab s in Pig th Fores 1 graded r-'-hoid, was vi-isting at tics heme of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.. L K. Recce, last Saturday and Han da v. L. R. M.-Call left (-lehee on Tues day oi this week for Johnson county where he begins work next Monday. He has a 'position a o principal of a. four teacher school at a saUry cf so no a. month.. His brother, C. S. Mcfall, is teaching in Robeson conntv. He is principal of a three teacher school, an I is paid si".ol a month. Mr. and Mrs. Lester K"ll, who for some years have been living in the state of Washington, are visiting Mrs. Kell's i-arcnts, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Raines. They expect to re main in the South duriiig the witi tcr. T. C, iiender.- n w.-nt to fire card last Saturday and arrange with V . I-. Bisiup. V C". to in-t::U in his h. u-e on Ish.n : Ford road a bath tub and other necessary bath room fixture-;. Mrs. Lesa Hidgen returned from High Point to ijr.el ej last week. MATIiATASIAM ClUL MEETING Mrs. Chas. Dcaver. was hostess to the club on October -'"'th , there, being a full attendance of cluhrnom- ocrs as well a number of gu"sts. There were thirty two in all present The subject for the afternoon wa "Conservation of Feed." Mrs. P. P. Sled:,-; h;..l charge of subject. Mrs. Ye!l:n:.:i. was riveted a mem ber. Next meeting to be with Mrs. VY. A. 13 .-a vans. MCSTHLY HONOR ROLL PENROSE HIGH SCHOOL Prim;.rv YYilh .:o 'lda!eten. Fula Ly day, Rani'-al by.i.ty, l.ewu Lyday. Mar Surrc-t, Willi -M-ie hy.kiv, Rupert Lj day. I nienv.c d kite C eral Ji no Holiday, Jewel Holiday. Fiora Lydiy, Ruby McGuire, Venna Lee Surret. Kna Williams. High School Garnett Lyday, Ralph L-daj-, Marie Lyday, Mary Lyday, Sula Hani et, Bculah McGairc, rcarl Lyday.