(Name changed from Sylvon Valley News, January 1, 1917.) VOLUME-XXII BREVARD. NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, NOVKMHKR 2:]. 1917. NUMBER-4V FULL AHENDiNCE FOR UNION SERVICE ON FMR ASSO'N DESmED McetiiiK Last Week Not Ropre- sentative of Whole (-oiinty; All Ur«ctl to lU- Present At Th;inks};ivinc Service at IV.iptist ('luirch Next rinirsihiy at 10:M Aiidress by Mr. Knij^ht of Meetinj; on First Moiulay «*f ['»rev;ird institute—'I'lianksuiv- iiijX Oftoriii'i }ioes to Ked Crt)ss — Public I'ryed to Attend. Court Week. A f.iirly rf])ri'M'nlHtiv‘ crowd d uu'Ti :inii woint'M lui't at 1 lir fourt lioust' on Wt'vlrii'sdav .m t ihmiu tli»‘ of Jissoriiition fur ni‘Xt yt :iv. i'Ut atti-r t‘»>nsnlt!iiii)ii t!u‘ TmftiTiLt was a«l I iiioii 'I'lKiuk-'ri\ iui; st‘rvi(*t‘s will !)(' hf1(I on 'I’hnrMlay inornini^ of r'.oxt v«-ck at 1' loO o‘c]o« 1 at 1h(‘ H iptisi ( luiri-li. ac."o;»li::;r to j>!:iiis iii!!di‘ on W rilni'sdav at a C 'Tii. r jouMifd to nu'ct at th*' noon hor.v j t nr.-of l.-i'al iiaslr.rs. t>n the lirst Mont'ay ot C"Ui t wo: j '1 !\ • 'I’lianUsui vin'x addrt's^; '\ i1l iti »vdi-v lliat tii«‘ fo'.intv j j,,, j, nd,. iiy Ali'uloin i\Trit:]it havi'a hotter ri'i>) t'scntalioJi. j ,,t Hrov.-ird Institntf. Kcv. .1. 11 it IS Itopod tliat fvoiyhttdy intir j |j;iy will rr;;d tlio S( ri))t in i* ]:>son • ‘.''ti d in till* tnatfiial iiphuild i ni: >•! j ‘I'liato to tht* occa-'ion, an.d thfi'onntv will ho jivoM'nt at t’.at ■ fj ,.,.r , ,f t lio I’n'vidont's ]»ro- tiinc and *a Ut* ])(»vt in tho i j ,.1;,;,.., (jj,,. w,;\ [»;ado by Kov. tlon i (' 1). ( b:i i)T*'.an. Tlio (dire ks for i)ri/.-s w hioli wi i i [{,‘V \\ . K 1’oovcy \\ ill prosi'nt the Hot mvon out at t he tinio a]>iiointt a may hr had hy a]ii»lyin>; to 'I' II. Sli;])inan at th»> hank. SOUTHERN HOSPITALITY REMEMBER THE CHILDREN Next Sunday is Orphanage Sunday—The Greatest Charity is a Gift to Parentless Children—True Patriotism Will Help to Train the Children in Orphan Homes. ‘•Snnri.'-o and .sunsrt. snt^sliint* j siiir.rf'st lliat l)rrrinhcr 'Jd h‘oh- a!)d shadows, sprinirtimo ani t\n- tnnin, sordtinir and IttU'vi’St. (diild- li'ii.d and o';d ml;* , hlriid r*isily and srrv.'d ;i ‘ •( )i piianjii^o Snnday." L'“t ('vi'i’v riM'i-n of th‘ stato i'is»i to the !lrrr-sltV of tho hour and nat'nallv into our liumaiiitirs." ' in d*j)'••-itin:; a h(inds(iin«* In o.nr fullnt*:;'; of hrart wr!;r«v tc in t i>i> orplianat;.* trras- tirirs, It will he .a jiriiMo invr>t n;>‘nt for hotii rl tii'di and''stat«*. first saving fr 'ra dr^('n(>rarv thr 1hi‘ tc!.il( I' words of ll.r Ahist(‘r : “SnlTrr little rlnldrrn to ri'),r un to nu‘, and f irhid ihrin not. lor ut siudi is the kinirdoin of ho.avoji " SnlTor thmi, citi/rns of Nor^h Carolina, snh'rr thrni. />nd wlx-n I nr^s in Ihr (■tuonion a ra li h an.l second (diildhood coincs you w ill j KiiiL::!oni. hear the sunw Mni])assionate voirr M. L. Shi])!iiaii. METHODIST PASTOR RETURNS TO BREVARD Kev. W. {'. Poovey to lie-in 'I hirti Yt*ar of Pastorate—Pre siding Llder fl. (I. Tuttle Re- ni 3i!is in Dislrift—New Pastor, Kev. Ci. W. Vv'rij.:ht, at Rosnian. 'I’he annonnfrtnrit (»f the an J)'lintuu iits rua*!e on Monday, the (dosiiu, day of the \\ r>ti ;n Xorth ’aioiin:i ('..nfi ri nee (d‘ the Metho uist ( h:ir(di, ludd at Asi!e\ iile. ••i,n t.iiits tlie iiaiues of U.-v. I! (J Tu! tie, ])tesidin;' el ter for Asheville • li^trif't, lit V. \\ I'. I’liovi'v ];as1iii of the lirevard har;:e. and llrv. 5 'A. T ;irht. jiasf. r at llosTuan, The ietijrn of Ijtiv. K. (i. Tuttle as ]>rr-idinii eld.-r and Kev. W. i! I’oovev ar- pa>tor of this (hurch TRAINING CUSS TAKES EltAMIItATION Red Cr)ss C>!uss of l‘> Member*- Kquipped f:»r Kfficicnt Service; liox of Dros^in}^ l'’eccntl.v Shi|>ped; Work of (^hapt^’r Ilijjhly Praised. 'I’he Red el.;ss iu Siir4i(.‘aJ dressinL', t!iu:rl;t hy Miss Iiyrd-5 Ulank(-n>hip, ( Un.i to the rl :se jf ;i Irn-day s(.s!.ioit la."1 Sa»nrd«y \vit;> ex uninatifjns w’;i(di were taken bv r.i ladles. 'J'he 1 ■ iiiiiiiation-'. \V'‘jn oial, written, utmI i)rartir,i], ;()h! wi )’e ijuite sti.'i riiou'.di to insun^ ri'irit IICV in tue>.- who p'i' — 'd. i'he. htdi=> |^)^lpo^in'/ the (•la---; are; !'ll>.-^es S>»'iie Ni.it i;. Man 1 Alh' ti. An:ii” .d.r--,in;' i ;ree.-e. i jj/1 \Va!ll~. i-]lise \\':.!ke; tiiost e\j.( >cd fliildren i:i the world, I ' ^ i a ]')»i .i nt ni( !i i 11 i,.it!-;id,* /i(:t:.rv, Mr.-laiiic.- W and then trainin::: them for nst fnl- ^ \.t li .is tli itoi j Zo hary, (' \i ''oni-e. \i • ( laitns I f ’ir Iv .1 i 'ro-s, a fter w h.iidi a (• il !t r : '!i will h> ta!(r-i for th(' li'^e ot I I'.e h ical ;di'i]'trr. Mr-', r. X. Siniti.s will iia v‘' !*'»'I'uttic ciii/.'tis (d' a i:reatc.>Tu- ( l;av.:r of t: .> ir u i -. n tul I !n r!i, .ir ' I'lonwea 11li v. e will not reali/.-th.e wid I"' c.p -I d of i>-Mir fidl drii^'ht of s( rvire to h’.nuarr.ty SHOWN CAMP BOYSj-n - I: 1" iTi'i I..';- 1 ii. ii f-. V, ; vi I “akland w.is ’”j ‘ ... ; ;i t !,.> ii'j .er-r;i 11 nm 1 tejlV^P to..n Saturdav. lie w.s „ v nu | t • v. h • c. , u :m t ^ ^hxr, ^AiiJ ULAfilb ])am.d ;.y IMS n, Wadrr.I Kr.d. ; ' M ' s i h >tati> and a m a! _ ' I 1 ; !i‘- ei! ■ ' 'M> 11; our eoiUH! 'II ;rrmvii;e, Waltrr i- hi-lily j jy ““ ♦ tlwith camp life there. H • -I'S Uwia W 8 3 I V l • . ,■ ,, ,.„,1 . ^1 ^ ‘ t.'.;i i,- -rr.-at ii.i- ■al^inj^ the c!d«ad>lcd of a^e. ,\s .las. IJ. i). l>rii'y. A S. 1 larnes. 1.. \ i ter-*! I >:i .lin.'on. initilwc provide cotnfoi t and pro. I’ulii’cify ’oniiidrict . trrn-iii 1o I h- .-'tate's ui.tort un-ite-. Ualri-l;. >, ( No v« n.!.rr |o. lirr.-ntl.- aircir.-- h:: vr a’ppr.a 11 d ■ Waiter . Kr.d. i >' M '’"’' '! '• WllO IS >t:i11''nc.i at « ;im]> >rvii>r. I ;r:loye OW^ BBYS liST till* ]>eo]>lc oi (irrcll v'lile a:-- I ;ie Jni:st hi >’)llahlr he l :i>e\r! I;n'. and that out of ihr ."'"i sol.iirV- Ai'O MaOE Mr. 1‘oovry. 1> .! matter for co;. ; i; I’aiton, P. ]- -ratulation am.-n- innnhers of . m u' r. k,.,,,- their drnominatiMn anl tiie citi Mont- :-u-ry. li. N. Car /.-•ns oi ;irevarl in LCrnrral. ' n, r. .1. A'. Biii-r-'tt. .1. A. Mid-r, .ir \V. Snath. ihii'ire.,' the ^ .ii of th“ ct is-'. ;i tx'A c(iT’.taiMlri'.r : V, : ]r,;i|i • irai./'- di’r-'^mti>. will •!) 1.,1'i I)* ■ jprrv;ou-iv ])rr-;)av,.,| \va" ."hiinM^'" 10 FIGHT TUBERCULOSIS I I krr.r.'Mp. w;iw >.-! • lii.it til.- artich Tii.ide in the lifi-v.trd. Work ron , wrre ^uic-rior to tnv .'■hr Irul .-e.-., 1 n North. « an>iin:t, and tliat th iC-.innared most ;■ i .i ;.hi v w ith t'i .'dr. I’l'ovi V wi’l meet his r«*!^u1:tr a!i])oiritmr>^{s at the Mrthodis e'uurr’n '.rv* Sunday- BUY RED CROSS SEALS IN'rr.v yr.il- (i ti ir Wrru- ] iT'rrrdl f. ^ ('Iill'tm S t liele a;i lliori.-aiiii' o* pi'd Cj-(.^-; vrals s.ild lAVE CAMP GOIFOI slMlL.iud ,.t .. ,, ('..i' W. niKni’s' "r 1ii'"''-- I""" , m ■ i i ... - Sen u-v .-.kkvs «> iv.-|n.-l..l 1 ..«r i -'h.- , ,:,t„ „ i.„ v I,,., n Ia .vill !.,■ s.-nf -r pio „r n,-I. -X,-,. h- -..-I.-, v. ■ • . ■ , J I''. ''.'I'H- -i. n, I,,.-, „f v,.,r II,,. P'-..i-i-- i>nv r-iIi*Jiti !!; ■ di.'tvi-s-rd. l)-.rvtlu' dead. > ^ ‘ ■" ■'' ' uu c , .i.-■ i-i ■ 'iir-simrs, tue i ‘ Ir r hi.'s;,if-,l ir.n - . >1, , ■ 4 formation o! a liiai.trr in tlii'. SliMukl {l.iveSvVo;itcrsa:un;:!>., t t an., .dueate th.> orphan/'^o > '‘V ' VIV ;d ly a. :.•! praci ir.-iliy r xt : o in i!. • i ■' ‘ -dix .......1: ' •. • 1, .(.-n .n i ’'-^'iiile Tt‘aehl?iL^ t’le class M.- ... , 1 ..-.I, 11" I ;'■ oeen a ;■ - , V I . .. -I t , the >rnd.-rs d Ci.n-tuias par. ' ' * • I've to t'Ii’> riL'httMCis r.ira ]'i' u.t ?i s i .1 ; Arstiu i- .tiui- ! _ . i work "i oldi r a'ld ! i vu'.ir ny.Mni’. , I : - i au'i'S. I In- vear ti: - li- u ( ro'~ I 'rh;;nir-- ivP LT ■ ■'trr’.!!!:. to 1 ,• n.vr-t- '> 'l- ' ' ■ 1 o 1. i --C i.- I r -1 11 1 re , , i , ’ ■ tlOTl- elsewhrrr. X..t a 1, ^;, . V lliive a -_M'e-,trr SluMilll ! . , . >1 in ill:- -:'fatrst oi ( l.aritn-:—c ;i- >•; iim .| . , . t’-clc iivt'parrd ;..r smpmrut wn- ' 'I'h-- ;:iC Ul.drl- V. aV • l' i:nj:!(iVe has failed t-> rcre:\ .■ a.u trum Some familv in the cii v to d;i:- canre than r\er het(.r> . Ik cau.-e tllr a !it. ! h'■ iiri (! s I. I' the ori^ini . n have he- ii hriu;.'ht h.ori.r h\ I’rlc ]ivt‘parrd ;..r siiii)mrut w:;' j i hr! 'wn . lilt. 'i'.Vi I I'll)rr, .. ill 1)1. snir tills v.i-rk. one c.intainin^r ncr. i Pi ( ailU'i : ,\ :a y l>v)\ ! rilisf L d .Mr. !•:. D H id -ai.l t'.iat hi- .-on. j Silt •nld I l.i\ e .S v‘. c 'iitc rs anil Iviis. i Duvid .M . Hv id. had. the ilis^ 1 Mcr. a j i « f ht intr tl '• fi'.st 'rran>vlvaa; I '■ j 1 to hr in ai'tri-il -i rvic>‘ iii i i.iu | 1 iie X'a i loiiii 1 I' au'r.e f'a- \Vo- , man's Ser\ ice i t 'I'ra n-vlvanai ' BUSiHESS t^EETIKG OF ‘ :’,.nty ])a s heen i ■: ; ,i 1: ii tic lai. - f r rkia.r * 1 . , . ^ ahac_^ all -evr.c. BAPTIST PHILAlHt^S 'i;. lit h:'-. atiii 1', . . ii ro 'I’.pp' '1 ell, la V- ' '.V' ;iy a 1 C Mi cid-- am: i. rl la!:-. ! _iv’.ii^ T 1 i a. !i • ot ;] • d;..ftrd The rennlar husine-*' mrr;i;i ' t : h ^ air rt T )i; • 1 . fall t kits. the liai:-:^! I'hilatl: a c'a. wa- : fi e ■ t' lU I '. a .-^ i hr ni.m'"- hchl on Mmday ni-::;t a.noTlc l"1 ‘ • I a IdiT.-.-- -if t h , ^ * s 11o I•;1 - hcAin'-'ol'tici*]'-an 1 c uMiiit '.' > ' -ii' h ;• a ! ri m thi:; i , ; Illy aa a le id'.'cted and a] ]>ointrd ; 'Vi rkii'.' 1.0 :ik • ra •h on- - o! I ht Tea, her. >.i!" Mvt tie e - . ! 'o\ s al.-o a Col' il' ir I l.it. jiicsidrVit. Ml'S Annir y i j \; 'i he hi ly.- . 1 me f 1-1 iT'i all pa,a-: "t ])rt'^^h a;t. Mi^s Cu--a‘ ;i;.n'..a I'j- ui;t V. .Ti'i as Vv r ni ■cd li.nd- srcret; r.v and trrnr-’iia r, 'i' - - 1 ‘ a r” 1 a in 'w oi k. %.e •!sk that sir Brac':en ; it t'-u'ter. Ml- - ' .m ' :■ fa rto'-r- hr;p ; IS l,y ih nat huckwiir’i’ ; vi iunti rr c. i; . an. ]ioia 111', s. i ^ hr.tt rr. ;iam])- Ml: -1 - M" ua ihw .^1 a. C ; 1 ’-sv. ' !.•• - o;- r;,;ii -i ; r-i,! s '11 . ■ L. a::a> lin, May \Va.'.-- : meiai'. r-h;]i : ■,s ill a:l^l a 1-• ■ ' at ■ hit!;:.- alid miitrr. '.;i'S' :■ : /-nu'r 1 *i: k-v. i ! .i. ' iM a •- -he na'::. v a n t! is Ma/i‘ D .niei-. K l^.a lal wa;‘ ; ' e:i--ip t: ’ 1iai.c r "1 com - col-.milt'-r, M : :■ -\!0.i. - U. . ! l.ai:.--. V-'i .1 1 ;.h -■ hu> yai'a i 1 cia- i .'a'd V,' r» h. 1’ la :" le i;. to ].-• I!.:.it.' i;;to - v\ i ‘ 1 i \ ' r.-; fia the 'i'-'ai.'-\ I''a'll'- i'i.> , riKi a>- all ai- nmB TRjiBYlVA5^:M^ ' •! ai> . ’’'I !t)a ' .\ .11 1;.- ui alc! uliy a ! ■ ( ri'p: I i.v sit,,all. .1. FEELS A TEKAS DltOyGliT Any w ho wai-l to laakr lair ho;'s la. ppiei a nti ;ii; ' e c . '1 a 11 ir t.a 111'- fi'-i.v -' lid di -natill’,.-; ' i thr I.- - alrtice oi A h-fter 1 i-om . !1 . tr.'.aiii > ‘ 7 7 7 'r. \ • 1 S11 •1 u ' ir 1 hr ('oahoma. 'i'i X.. loiancriy a n .a-. St ■. . ; . M. !).iyl. •, IPe vai'.l. of this criinty. c.ei',iii-.l a ehi '.c !'a !/'. \ cK. 1. .'a. M l.\ 1 l:s! .i.\, for a Vear s -ah.~ -! i >ti(ai t-i ii Ih'*‘-i'irnt Xatiai.- . 1 I .■ -a-re !..|- N,-ws and a cir | Ir -i.i a'i’ex;.- '\'on..i .r.- Si 1", ire of 'i': a ilisy 1 vai.ia 1 1.- in 11;" w. ii k id on!' orpl. ; n 1. •, . H i.- .lie ■'.•.th-i. ' 11,1 s'.. li w,i 1 U - s’la p. d u I A ' I ‘ f;. r •■re .;,n i.inu 1 a 1 !i' 1 It sr- and iv.ot rh -s ch ii; i i ; ii r rr .'tati-. v. ii- ’ r i ii , N:'-! i •' ^ t' ■ t'l II!.' ( a rr a li'l ] irotf' - t ion l :>7'‘ '’.r.' li- | Mir ; r. ■! I i; •; t hi“ ii;;l hi-; ■ 1 : ■ ! i' - ■ . ■ , ! . '. ! 1m ■ r ; ?,i p".Pt.'d t hai’. Iiv.!’ -li' 1 ; ■’:! c, iniii'l •;••• isr'.d ill luivi 1. I ■ : iJiankeU'hip 'v.-i-. the u'r at d .' 1 O • I V 1 ." ■» I ‘ !fi;t limr- lit Ml-. !l. >' ('ar!--'-. I j r-'M vj.. \ ,...1,.. , , ^raiS f ■1''-...' p. k;._’r>. i'i.i- srfils wil \!r- 'r VI I’att’ jr., a i l Mrs . I ; A Milli-r. if. ( ; ;t th .. yi a ! - 1 • 1 heir '. Vl ' a a nt. i: . i>' l.'V a I'r 1 : 1 \ 1 n t! a • lu. ■at ;• >n •I ■ d tl a anil'.: »-si-nt al :c( ■V ill'?' ih' ■ o'. t i n 111 tl I ( .11 ill ■ 1 h-! C Ir for t'a '•a^ el-. . !t i- t II 1 u>‘ ■ f 1 hi • ' si.h- • i 1.1.. 1 1! -1 ! -I ti llir- hat rvr; y riti.a -n ■f X' rth 1 1 :’o; n;i 1 ' a - i\ •il :.i tl '■ 'A 1 id 1 ■ M ' 1 Can loll da:’ la: the • n i.ic h ! m_' a! :s'.’ 1 vii'.'.' : i-a>i a. II i-^ •1 n 111 \ stn ■ ni Vv hi( h til'll lir-l s n 1) an- I! 1 dia tr II.' ’:i n t!' ry 1 ' • alii liU’ ill a a; in M ectin J' mi inv ii iti. • -1 ■ 1)-- in*- ■ h-‘ wa\ - ot I'le 1 ■C - Th nd j a' '■ We * : ' •! I ! iI' I e verv :• c ra -t >.1.0 1- s UC li I r >a a /.i-allUiS !. ., I . •; a 11 - 11i-h lie-i: •- 11 .-cr V.- ' - > ■ ai ; * ;• i! .thi v vhl •I i-is, \s . 11 111. ■ i,. . .. I' .’;lv a i- .Vi r t hr ca. 1 to a.'l ai t i..- ).i '. 1 i.| * w rlv' at h( ? ue. t'a^ I'' 1 ■! •! ' 1 ' ! ■ . - .- at >• h ’ - 1 1' Oil I’" • f. i’ )\'V 1. a ni; 1!.,' an a n-e! Ii>h 1 hai !il--. : !ii:> fi" n a.-T. worthy ti .'. a ' > I * s I' -it’ ;• it V. ho -t 1 nd s t ■ r ti ' ' r ■ .n ^ t V- \ ati ui of the flit lil t' i; li. n . i •r 1 tail: idu lod 1)! Xort h ( a. ■i ili' a. ii 1 * cry friend o f the c.i 1 I-C vhi'i ll • n- li t a •live; Ill siiiiti.at of t his mi c,' e n ;■ nt the home frca Mil- ies ouhl '.N 1 . \^ , i.' . I ; ■ I ] i '■ t r 'Mi 1 hr 1 ' “ ‘ ‘ - w:dk :s 1., Ki. i :.. r.,;. i:..-.!, j''"''- ]-nnyapircr. a'.d will h-'cnsil. :.t 1 isr two dr I. ' ; 1 iii.irr eniliu-ia- ^‘f/i d'h.e Uni ( 'i'. -;s TS, .vliri O! r ] la : I r V 1- 1' \ : 1'j: t !ir I j r-r.T. s >i.'r.ire the ( io-e of t lie -.v: i-;,. i rv.r. r ,->r;nu.‘ tw meet in thr w v indiviilr; -! -nh sv.'.ll al.-o in- ni,;dr. ri-ei- at the iMun .-. II hi"',: OV PC'J C 'r:\ Ul HlV Ls ;.L iand 1 lu- l;r];i if tli'- !’ v ritsand i ue hour> o: iu'‘etii!-,'' ai't* C I • - I !!• i’lv .-I tin _;irl- s • :.p ■(•;! i! . ^ >i rl .-'•w im 1 ii -d ly and ! lii'r- “■ di I d'I.'ir; y. ar !" j»(‘i‘ rriit ot the }»ro- ' d't> mornin_'s. ari'i at V; ’h r, I'd.-: w ii! u'-1 to the .National lied W-•iliie.-ih-i v ail'i i'.'l lav a : iei noi.-nr- t j Cro'S, ! pi-r (-eiit will he taken for i'i'tir lu uMrn -nl v.i.rk' i- ne .• ll'-v. L. just rlo>r l a ; -xpen-r-. aiid /'i P' v cnit will ::o to . i ne i.n W ednr-I.i v' and I'rid.! very .•'U> r. -.- l!,: : w ■ ,v . ]■.- :n(rtiii:: | {|i,. -tntr t" ai.i I ’l i;- warfarr oti riiooi;-. at Cr .h ’t rt k in v. h:. h t’!--rr '.vri e tuh, rrul'>si.-. Tii-. -t.it - Ic- pit'il at j hid'.rs. h. -'de tho,-.- w’; .-'r\rral CO’! Vi I-1. and a Tomi hrr j San.iT riuiu will *-e the recii vin.r | t • .k t hr s.pt*rial triinirii.'’. aV'-.-t;.! ■ t I'r-i I ;ra t’.oiis. 1’ is-a'i; t;iat t h'.s ' ]i, .((](| •• p j tor th‘->v* tuii'is.'.j* wi'rk.andan ui..;rnt inxita^’'-' orit-'t the iir-t n i‘r I. ■; r ■ v. r i-]vc’.y T) .; .■:i.;srr ot a "ra 1 w’di ha : i- vi-n to ad ■ \\ li ■ h ; e iii.r y ' held i;>. 1 sect;i r.. a:ul 'iral v. ' tj;, sati-ru'Cou of kti, ■ lULrtlait he t .ken ]).iri to >-n: '’. then.-rl- . -• Mr .\i!'..-iti ( •'.’••d .-mvthiv:' hr j rxtrrminaie a disrase ' ,1-j ' t iie wurker-. 'Ti' - d 'na..i iia-i . , 1 d' ne i n 1 !u-way ■ it prc.. h- I xvhicl; at thiS tir-.-.e ir-a I'nnac* to iP. t'lo -j-rrai t> hr i n i l-i ■ • s ;y II'a „• 'a ■ e a I. j our ;ti mic.-' in ii hi ' u- in ca:u]i. CANV.^ S FOR -SWEATER fUSO 'j — — M,s I. I, vr- II.IBBEVABD II^STIfiJlb NOTES ;i fi! 1 ’V VlSlTr jh ■’mr 11 Vet t-ikm hv lii,- si.j'p,; [ n aidurn tlial can m-;ke --li}-.-.; ' ' al di' ss;'. /- ar- ii,-dur laxi d ' fhrir Utuio-.; ca|ri' i:.', ::’ld Ii.i'v tile ha nd-t:*:;.ir ;.:-':.-lrs a; " ‘'O' ‘ I'I’ro v!iriiim’. were lii.- M:-s, s Kii ic. ' -'ly nrrd-.-il. 'I'h'' iic-mh. 1-; ttcn'liU'.^ the con- -fv . ti-aininu' I'kas-'i ar-.- no.v i’l a ■ »d!lr, hi -ide ;’rot. n ]u i > .it’p*"s ni irr r.’’'r- (-r ntlv. ' ‘■ lo i ’ "'i • - I'-T I I'l auce T, III - ^ lia her a n,i ( 'e.-il. ot t lie faculty, and >iil(l !iy ihr Xa';' n:.l i. as-riir i r;j,|^. liarrdsou. K-utli and W Sc;\l r P-i- ifi.‘ PHI'P WPP;;,;,I- r, ; d Ku-. ri lte >u pi.jcjii.': :c! - 'i.iu r-- trorn t!i> -tud- nt hi 1.'. i irtTii'Tied .Mt'n- new s]»upr r i-;!.;u.' rond’t!'.;'.' , da V r, • Hunt V. resulting ti'iu. th ' dr ;.^h.t in tliat I'::,::'FivoBiieiE report by fr*v»‘rnmci't aid i.' ’ \r-: 'li,''Tr..i. Mr. ^h Minn ie.:a^ d i r;,i phei' man Sjiol.** t'ul.' a i:al' Ii 'i a \,h; :i lic tnath* hi.' ^ ’ 1' u> 1. ‘ ; all-’.- 11 ■ ,^vHr-aiid l.Tt ' i:l a • n ',: 'it ’!'\'atd-;s'j;ivini: au>i thi maini'-nan i'he ai'U- al i,.;:di h\- tin n . ii:;'. .Irtv-r .'-tat t li'Wvs w. w. hurst EfiTEBj. AVIATION SEBViCt the sixl -rn orphaaa--- dnr;!i- v!:-'loi . m , v.i’a :'U r.coura-m-, f..v,- hour, at th>' Ashev! ill 1'> 111 u 11 , til.';il'])roa-diitiLC x intcr would he v. spi u!Si ■ I I'o'a 11 ;i' i a!a iS. 1.1 ai_^h! oi I last Se,n:l, y. 'I'he f'dhiwiiiL' fakt'M from a;- rcr.I i^.'lle of the A'heviile ( i ; . wil; he uf in'iuost ti> th.e lil- nd'. , ,, , . Mis-'i'.-- iu.i,;h-:.e r.irh.am an l ' •a cvird hard- i W alttu’ i! urst ; , , Melrose i>r,-l:north were ente>-. > ... ,, • . 1 -..11-. ,vi- ii,.,,. are ( o!:i])a!. V s r • Vr. : -..I til si!' . , , I V.Uiiam W . :Iui>t .ett last n:-: ' j'-'-'" oil-, 'all.' oi n -I >pr, ,M I tiiiru'1 a a;i'i-.i ;■ 0.1 Sund:iv h_. .\!r.l i- i ■ ' ■ — — ! .f i,.,r f... f V , ti will h.‘ made i u v, riinr-'la \ . , , it.irl-T. 1 homas, K v . hein-_: '-rn* * ■ .\t” :MiT.i!: .c ]no-i. !i.\ o ii, ^ la’ulMrs ■ radv i\i]>a11 ick. ' ■ 11 . f . 41 > 1. „„ I tMh'-r i-i'Tum’.i irrs vij^ -..inva^--, • t’>.e .nrii arccided hv t a otam I >e* ■ . lui.t rcp'is loj-!’•;■«.iriL-anda. an.I . l.c st i . I'v- •. h’.>. m; - , . ).i-.i- .o' - i.-- ther ]iart.-•; the county. A can- a1’>> ‘ • n .c • Ja.. n .'l ^,hit.i..u MUGIiGOr^i il^o'IHED C';.- an .ih o:' (!.‘:o!.rr thoi'\vir' ! re- iercd is invalaahh- 'i'I‘C t!;.- " r. ■ I I; u;';u ■ in-'hie (li.-'Cas-.'>. ' .n; ivenicnt nniv lu'ir^vtn -he v,ides va-'s of t''.c i.e.vn .m!1 t'c J;ia ic 'ai \ vir-’.tiUT hr .-:--tci . .\i.ne lii li, . a ih- id: o .'xpv,d the hi-p.' that : !• ])uhlicity, v. e ,.;r.c-.tlv ^ !i" oph- iK-rally would re; "i t I >'‘1 pastors o; cauich--s, o! , I'ri.i.i v (- i tli-- W! t k. a fe.v da.\ >. .-a:: o;’ f:r.r ho.\ s hehl a v: .dimi- n iry C'‘:'itv .-l in (‘l-'.-u^uai la.-l Sat- io'd';v ev. idn.r to .-ch .d istu* {•> r ]>- nis ye-tcnhty. He enlisted ili • av'.c.tion .-ii iirn and v,;11lm fr ' ^ Ft. rh'.ma.'; tFt. S-mi ilous^- . TeX.;S. Ksliii...I- i- .l-: ' «.v. r..! ,h-1.-i■ v. ^,v ,1. n„..i,mn.,M. ... brina ,U. jjiAiiSllVnHlAN jOIHS | . v, . r r, ].- nr .nriiitm ,.,-s in o.- ,M.|i,r, 1,-I-,. 1,. ill" ‘"til,- i.U.-iit, -i. ..i in, ii-n. ri yja* U!|«« ftr |BUW'r..«-nt Ih.-.-.-'.lool ul lll« int.-i-l.iu'h > BU rUnittbl licliPdliNu FL(,II6 Ute. Cf tRS'i „ ,! the ct^rn fro)) at I’-': p« r rrnt. 'I li.' corn on nuitiy a*rrs of hind i - sti/. | unuathvrod. ti; • f.;r;ne,-s wai‘in-; fora bidlta- m.ilnrinir of tic rar i In some Si‘(dion>—n,dal)ly at C "dar 1 cipiivemcnts of the lav,'. BOY h WOOL T.aO siii-rti'.e coa^re;.;:: t;.'US »>n f'.l'X- i).\V, N >\ i]?d '-.'1. A s|.i'ci.-ii Si rriion hcari'u^ up-.m orjih.anare work. Ironieverv T'’ili)it in North rect'ntlv \i itiuii hnni'‘ . . , - ,, , , .. iciii,.-. T\, v.a'io ••’..ia iK-nn.'t’ a.-ni* r- (’.iroliiia on 1 hat dav, woula Iu-im h-.av .nu'^ iiia-ic'.; :i' !»icnmoiiu, \a..j I , I , . ; he'd at- I.»'.'.rham Thanl.;>.dvin-'I \\ alfc! Hampton, who wa.-; hc*\‘' . . ! ,s, after i] -lace ! .'a t her \vi I. d wa' Mountain—tlii; ^hi cn est:- And hei]> swell the T-’ansy Ivani.i | nrcl.ti; v in i emirid'.a-.r oar c'' v:t: ;nthe -'.I'lion - a \ ic ■. pas.--;''! the nwiti'd Hi mtich moro than P'^' 1 hovs Wool Fund. | s: ■' iic a-.n-'d oi t lu- o:>;or t u- e\aar.nalion, and liaii reported t>> | j Tiu^ successful numher v.ins a ' iiit.v to aidi i i tiie -^uppoit d this i’oit 'i iiomtis, K.v. I'foni I'oit The injury WHS done to tin* cor’. | hoantifnl picture of Kini's M’l’, J essential dvicand Christian philan-j Uhoniiis he exi)ec*tod to be :»t‘nt in a chieMy by the early f’osts tins fall. 1 ])iiinted ny Miss (’-.dc(idf. jll.rop^. To the pastors of country ^ few days to turt Sum tloa.ston, ! Tlu^ st a.h-nt hody attv i d'd t i.c siTviccs at the Unptisl ch.uri. 1; u Suiidi'y evt ninfx. Somethinji to sell means some- when tho ears were still eoinpur i-! Tin't ijr-'ce.-t ■ and an-(ui su'ic j (diurches in which no service may | Texas, llis duties v* ill be iiielee- lively freen. at Mucli" Urodie’s Drug store. ' be held on November we would 1 trieul work in the tiviation corps, i thinj; to advertise. Tac L i -al Br-inl in rcc’t iptof -x tr’cirr:v-:i frciii file i’rovost Marshx-, (r.’t:cial, din.'c tint't.hat there sh?;J. he no further reopi'nin" in eases -.r men already in cainp. As to the balance of the regi-- tvunts new regulutions will so.:i be i'sued.