NEWS, BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA I 4 HOME Eiestroyed Fire Insurance the only safeguard. Is your home insured? Is your business protected? You may insure just before the FIRE But not one minute after the BLAZE The smoke of an hour may carry away the earnings of a lifetime The cold autumn winds bring; a most dangerous season for FIRE. SEE US GALLOWAY &h MINNIS, Agts. AUDITOR! U M Tuesday, December 4. Bluebird Photoplays present Dorothy Philics in the five-oart photoplay "THE PRICE OF SILENCE" - ( H, v N J Sir. Vr -k 5Jw i itmg sister, Mrs. J. II. ltaers. , ... . , . I VT t ' . u f -3TL HA,.if?it, !. ed within three weeks. This will ! j: u u s v.a ';tji ; T ' ..- i ir ' ar t -iK. tt ' -Jv ?i v i" ;'"'1 ;fl,i li" iMi.-icii neces-uaie Keeoiii'' i ue v.urii room 1 ;tU4M . IKrSi!--5 y morning and afjCo. KtKml 4iV?14JI 'lyhtut. The animal', leg was I ternoon and very likely two or I W TJtt&xY U4?4 V5B !i broken while running in the past- three llonrs every evening. Ad-' L h tf llure. dttional workers will be needed for ' P W tiHJlff IwI, I ... .. in.;....., , -ffff f5W -JUtVStLr Ts Mi.- i)a:sv -Nicholson recent v 1 ' -l -v UI "m::'.1 Ymrf i? tiwxpf-zy sn,;, t..f,,i,. ...,!.. ro,,,,,,,,,,,.,.,. ; f l-fi-al 2. re.dv to re-i:;ne lu r worK in nurs- - " - - I 'MT .JMWWy, ff-M !f"'"I"'li. to i;e a.-H,nt last wec-K A villian. pocsossfd of a w'h-' s.-c:( ih.'it she gie him, as his v; tliri-e timt-s the girl's agf. :: :lit ear of exposure an:! drc-.d ot ! how fate intervene.s and save.' ai jg her : Admission It's a Uluehiid; it's got to he g ed. Kenier.iher, the presert la'.v (:: ':; urns lriust pay an admissioi:. :i" ;. :r forget the i.ieke!. MITCH ELI Th? Grocer. Buy a Good Four st imlard ?n ikes in stock Pope, i:Ac :m:l Aniiore all provi u wheels of sure Mual:: Priced and up. Socono h;md, fill) to S25. Always carry a full liio- . d IJicycIe Tires and snudri- .. Small rep.iir work of kinds o:i bicvcles, goiis. locks, keys, und e-.pcri .sh.irpciiine at rens""tahie prices. Articles sent by mail for repair receive especial care. Frank J. Nevercel 47 West ollese St ct Asheville, N. C. FIRE IK 1 1 t. liemar.ds .o i'r his .'.uiihtt-r. i r.e ilegrri :;.( :r.(tt'e.; - r i- di-:ractcd. :.x.r:s. li r:;ig fr liter's unhapj y i'ctcre. Cne ad Iafgktfr. 1,4 5 and 15c Tr.xe.; -p'.'.-i.-'es tlui cbi'drer. i.ii'l : too large :e he '..:..rri. i , 1 ' i We Point With Fride J , L;:rf Sele-t;on t.3CiCJij"i.., i. aas S j. OUT PAIN rhat'ij (j 1 ji ' Si , " i ?1 ?f 2 -l lUr V'";' ; r : '.;" iv ivjcsi ' ; Sl lal I i ; " .ri cf ?.T. Tz. !". J- j . C it;, iur;-r.. ill.'.:. I i -- J'Z. JVC. - , -. .J T- 1 OR K NT Store room next I li li i lie be .': . i-o-'jiirvr liniment i r to iiucKwo.i!i wrug v.o ,n the important business of pull Price and terms, st-c A. M.Ver-: U-., train v-ch supplies theiight- I .cr2.. l':?0?.U: I ir' i:cr vilh I-o visions? and is de- J Ilenuvv before expirutu-n. ; ;:;'!'' ' vith I.:s work. Personal Look through these fuluniiis; see if the n:mies of your guests are there. If not, yu h.-ive iv-glectcd your duty toward tlum. It tines rot t-;;st :.ny lliing. Telephone, write cr bring your news to News office. I Mrs. .1. S. Siiversteen 1ms been j quite ill for several days. ! .1 S. Sdversteen returned rccent j ly from a business trip to Chicago. I A. II. Il;:mpbn's son, Alfred, jr.. Jets been seriously ill for several j days. I .Imliie Ferguson left on Wednes day to spend Ti Hr.ksgivmg in Hen sonville with Solicitor isebemk. Mrs. V. II. Cor.klin andchildten, i who have been living on Oaklavn Avenue, left reeenfly for (Jeorge ! town, S. ( ! Mr. Floyd of Jacksonville, F!a.. and daughter, Miss Agnes, are at ithe home of T. K. Patton, Sr., of ' 1 )avidson Hi ver. i Mrs. tlcorire Maybach and two lehihlnt of Creenville ro visiting i Mrs. Miiybach's parents. Mr. and i Mrs. W. P. A'eilt. j Mrs. (i. W. Tais, who lias been . visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. K. ' Hamlin, returned to her home in j Asheville on Monday. ! Reginald Kitchen, a student of Brevard Xotitut, left Wednesday ; to spend Thanksgiving with his parents at I'.alsam (Jrove. ' lb rn to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kil- genr of St. Albans, West Va., a son 'on November ! . William John is the nephew of William A. Band. Mrs. T. H. Shipman and son, Jiavs, r 'turnei Saturday from Ta- idsom where they have been vis- from her duties on account of sick- r.ess. Jesse Scruge who is now da- ji tici.ed at Camp Jftckson, Columbia, j's. '., was here f;r a few days re- ceitlj', visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. li. JScruggs. Mrs. P.Noble Simons Wis been j - . : e... i. . . - , .. , tertaiuitig a numl cr ot music lov- , .. ... . ing triends with piano recitals her lionie in West Brevard. i apt. A. F. Mitchell and ife ha vi on a tour throuIi The eountiy in tin ir car to hnri.:tie j to att.-nd th. htate Associate o: 'or.ntv Suta-riTitendents. Hev. J. P.. Liner i for the second I time srering from an accident j met with v.hile at work on the tan- J nery Ve ihii:". tie h:.s been com-i pcile.l r: ens-iuenc to use crutches' leer, received here that uum v is t : pec tin leave Fort (Jgletiiorpe at any "time for in France, a part of tlu. 1 i C:v;s:o:i which he is atiach'.'d. uav;ng dt-stintio cad 7 b :i moveii to that i i . i . Duckworth ' i leave Monday to - ri - e ut the lirevard chr.rch in t tate Convention t Ithe Hint: Durham Uev. A. J.Manley, mc(i - orator of the Transylvania Associ conventicn. ic .aeuatT returned Ats'.-.r.t-., t;i . wh.ere .-he attended the convention of the Southeastern p.:.:,:.., Ithe American lied tross. Miss Kli.-o Wuer, who also nttend- 0i cu ti u.nvrr.tu n. fi,'veu or. re t ' t r- r-- l- -I f n ti it ui-r lister, i .mi's, i.t .mi -. it ;-' ciwars interesting J i !C,-r! 1"f ' ill I.e hv.e boys who Law to si-rve conntr- Mr. i.nd v.,.-v.,(! h -vtter fr.-m their sou, Rob- icii. wi.u i.:, set viiii: as ii raiiVo-au engineer in France. He is engaged I,,, r- . 4 . . ,,.. ...ithe n-siuenee. of Mrs. h. Aor-i Mention Ilosea Smith of the News force left Wednesday to spend Thanks sri v ing at his home i ' Spartanburg. The ! lome Guards in observance of Thn nk-giving have cancelled the r meeting for Thursday night of this week. W. ',. (i illowav of Gadsden, Ala., i son of the late Capt. T. C. (Jallo vay, has been visiting at the home of Mrs. T. ('. (ialloway for several days. The new rector of the Episcopal church. Rev. John Seattle, and fam ily are expected to arrive here from Alt. Vernon, N. Y. on Saturday. Principal J. C. Jones and Mrs. . Sj. Wilson of the graded school tin attending the State Teacher' As- I litoriwm ti Monday night, J)t ccin-. simply ask lor u kidney remedy , ,, her 1! i get Doan s Pills the same semhly at ( hanotte. Missilattie ! t !. a t M rs P i vne h'.(. t '.vice ,.1blicty Aiken of Brevard Institute is also '"''trio, known as the mona r..,.,,,,,.,,,.,,,!,..-!. Foter-Iilhurn Co'., in at Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Shyiie ot Asheville spent Sunday with the parents, Mr 1 " ' ' "i II. Duckworth. Mrs. Shytle, whose! talent and trairang ir.ade her a! ! leader in church music here, is now i a inemuer or tne ciio:r of the i'lrstj Baptist church in Asheville, ; LOCAL CHAPTER RED GROSS TO FURNISH 5000 WiPES;;!-:::,;,,,,:-;.,,1;;; "Tin Second Mile." The Juniors Telegram from Headquarters in or" the local council will attend this Atlanta Asks for 5,000 Gauze service in u body. Wipes Within Three Weeks. Mrs. H. X. Carrier has just re ceived a telegram from Red Cross; :ead'jn.ii ters asking this chapter MCGARRELL- HOWARD On Wednesday of last week. Miss Io';ise McCarrell and M.illender Howard were married, at Uer.der-j sonviile the c reinony heing per-j fornicd hv Hev. Mr. Woi.ihle, iastor ' of the Methodist church, and the j miui riagc taking place at the resi-j of the minister. ! I The bride is well known in t b'!n- thsi '- nnd Mis. S. P. McCarrell. former I residents of Brevard, now living in 1 1 j Ashevi'Je. Th? is of Rich-; mend. Va.. but is engaged in r: road worti witii lieaoo n utei s at;? Asheville. I Howard, who for several i winters hns 1 t en at the home of Mrs. T. '. Ualhwr.y. re-j ier riiarriaire ti i n"n,:tln ''U T r'tmas. Af-j t'r th:lt' t:me- Wr- uvA Mrs-"wird wll! ,n:ikt' tlu"ir homc in Asheville. MEETING OF MATHATASIAN CLUB f The Mathntasian Club met at I. , i J Wl ast Thnta'y w'ith 'l 'x utt-udance of nu mbers and guests. a i ; . l ; i.- ...... - j..' cck v oi v .i s ie-gnii.ou . i 'I'- I TO i lli The su'ect discussed ! i whs "marketing." led hv Mrs. Ida i S Brvanf . Tho nuc-sTien box irovetl verv interest ;r.:r the rt-t of the report from the Fed eration meeting at Asheville, also bv recuest. r.ddrrss iiivcn on t;jat ;H.c;isi,,n. Mjss Cora Tvner layed a piano selection whieh was latich enjoyed. The t:e::t meeting .viil be with Mrs. Brytii.t on De cember PJtli. JENKINS-B WN I'cputy SherliT B. E. Paxton ad ded to the rapidly grtnving list of marriages pertornu'd by him by ! rrUitut in vvf.fllneV In f S-' t T"it : v n couple from the upper :avid-on River scctit.n. The !:au:cs of the i .. ... . a o... ...... ; Hli.a Jenkins. Bud (Jla.enor, tLo .shoe man, Iier.iers()nv i'de. 1 ! - J:i-tfc Complete assortment Flower Bulbs at Macfie-Brodie Drug GIVE PRODUCE OB MONEY TO MAKE BOYS COMFORTABLE' The sale of produce, collected by the National L'-airn- of Woman's Service, began Wednesday at file Ihewtrd Hardware (Id's, stole. The woman's committee of the league urges on ali citizens to con tsil.'Ute produce or money, that the hi i s in camp ma v besopplitd with sweaters at n comfort kits. EMRTAMERS AT THE AUDITORIUM The conrst under the auspices of the P. 1 C, wiir be given at the An-J i.niu iii!iv:, is comjosei oi 311 ss . Joseph.ine (Jreilick, reader and so- ! prune. Miss Elizabeth Chancy, vio- ' 1 T. iinisx, ana iurrov. s , a i!vii, n personutor. I Hh KU M l THE SECOND m Next Sunday morning at Hie At the evening meeting the sub ject of the sermon will he. "Tin; corid Man." Mr. Poovey will fill his umo!nt- ment at ();ik (irovv church on Sun day ai'ti-rrioon. Complete assortment Flower Bulbs at Macfic-Brodie Dru J. W. Mr MINN P. 1 11 I 'iT r:j:Ur, But they are needed very much when you are working among trees. Every worker in the woods jj knows the value other necessities Saws Axes Canthooks Pevies Timber Chains Everything needed Get an outfit for A TWiiE-TGLD TALE One of Interest to Our Readers. (ioiMlnew! Dears repeating, and when it is continued after a long hip of time, even if we hesitated to bejievo it at lirst hearing, we teel .-eeiile i tl accepting its truth no v. The lolloping experience of a Morgan ton worn in is confirmed after six years. M's A. i'avne, ( ireen street, Morganton. N". C , says: "I suffered from pains in the small of my back an l imv !iid!ievs acted irregnlurly. I'm.illy I bought ln's Kidney ji'iUsand they relieved 1 he pains an ! made n;e feel much better gen erally. OVER SIX YIIARS LATKIi, Mrs. ; l'ii ne said : "1 always keen Doan's i Kidney Pills on hand. Whenever imv back gets lame I use them arid ,,,,. a,,. fe-i ),iee OOc. at a 11 dealers. Don't I'rojrs ment. BiilVaio. . -Advertise Comp'ete assortment Flower Bulbs at IVLicfie-Brcdie Drug Co. Si t i iversm Are Business BuHdars cent r w r l fer :u it: nr .C'.rf-vi.iti' ciUrCinc ;i- v LOf'.S V,Ti-:i) We Supply Co. Millt-L'-tfc letter tfc V A NT! I' Wi'll'pai (': cash. M.irk.-l. TOWN LOTS, farms r:.l i:xnv- 1 mds for sale. I'rar.h j-. nki'is. Hrcvar.'., N. C. tf i-aiorn.'. "the J.-im-;" :n : 1 '-i en.' am 0-n-tfc rok iKNT-store -ext ior t i'i:t -twertn irii;.,o. I' a;.; terms st c A. 't. VcrdL-rv . 1 1-30 5tc WEILT 1 V 11 . .-r d of the tools and in the following list: j Logging Dogs Log Chains Coal Shuts Logging Trailers Godevils in the woods, your business. ed Ads Supply

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