VOLUME-XXIl (Name changed from Sylvan Valley News, January 1, 1917.) BUEVAUl', NOKTII CAIMLINA, FHIHAY, DKCKIIISKU 7. 1917. NIIMP.EU-4!) PROSPECTS ARE GOOD FOR CHEESE FACTORY Government Kxport in Diiiry Manufacturing Meets with the COUNTY OBGANIZEO FOR NEXT YEAR'S FAIR Kxecutive Committee Elects Officers an(! N.inies Sub-C'otn- Farmers at Penrose and Little j mittee of Mei.ibei s in AU St e- River— Factory l’ropc»seil on j tioiis of County-Meeting tt> State and Government Co-op-1 Boon First Monday of Next erative Plan — Mucli Interest ; ^ ear. Shown. j Th*' t(M< of tl.r I). Reevi'S Nolun. (i;t:ry j Tran^vl vaiiiii ('onntv Fair Associu- munufaetnriii^ .1 tlio j ti-ni i.n>t in Iho county ntr.'-'.t's I’liited Stuti"' Tit. Mict j ..;i Sat'.r(i;iy :i i’ 1 ' \vitli H nniubtT •'! f.iviii.'rs nt IN-n-1 f»'»! I\. H. Zu luiry cl'.!«innm j I rose on MoiKl.iy Tii^'ht mkI n* Iftl<> ! ::n<l P. K. Luwri'ni'e MPn-tary (.f,| River on Tufsday iiiirht t > w.^rk | t!;*-niitttnv |f an intt'rcst in till M'!• ■> v-i T1-' .-xt'cntivf' ('i.ininitt'.'t' h1s!>| or of rstubli.'hnt^ ;; 'i.« <’s I'f:; 1 ry ;*■]•■•!('(! a ci'i’rnitti't' for tlic f’ouiitv lit U l^ Li'AiM'iu i' was sections of tlu' ri'Ti:.ty to also nt thi si'ijii't an I ! tiu' intt'v*'st^- of tin' fair THIS WAR CANNOT ItST FORtVER; PEACE MUST COME SOME TIME And when pcacc comcs a long line f)f American soldiers will make their way homeward from the depths of this German manufactured heil. Some ;f these fighters will be minus an eye—maybe two; an arm, or maybe two; a leg, or maybe two. These men, who have placed the uttcrmo.st offering upon the altar of patriotism, will sometimes grow reminiscent and talk of the battles w'hich saved America. If w'e who stay in the protected shelter of our homes give OUR BEST SERVICE to the AMERICAN NATIONAL RED CROSS we can listen unashamed to details of the struggle, for we will kiiow that we have helped defeat the foe. If v.'C have done nothing for the RED CROSS - or almost nothing in a half-hearted way--when the NEW RECTOR HOLDS SERVICE ON SUNDAY Rev. John Seagie Holds First Service at F>piscopal C^hurch; Came From New York, But Originally From llenderxon County. K»iV. .fohn th«; :u‘w Epis copal ri'ctor, h^'M his first service lit St. I’liilip’s last Sun'l IV morn- Tli(^ iniprcssicn made ally Wfis that tl"^ niinfl.‘ of t h- former rcctor baii fjilic!) upon a wortliy successor, and that tlic church will continue to }>av«'thi‘ RESIthS TO ENLIST Principa! Jones Leaves Graded Schooi in Midst of Third Term to Enter Aviation Ser vice-Excellent Record as Head of School. J. <nyde Jones, j)rincipai of th« Brovard (irisdcd S(;hooI, l<ift on Wednesday, haviuf' ^'iven up his l)ositi< n l:«)r.- to enter the Hviation servie<^ of the l’nit>-d tStateh army. liiK ini)ii(!(liate dcsjination ojj leav- iHf: liere was his honie at W-ti^ate, and ai't< r a urief visit th(!i*; lie (?x- s.n-vice of n sfdioliirlv mid ahle ■ Ls to n-];,>rf r., Fort Tii our heads and feel like both Mr. Nolan and Mr L;i'.vren;-• | iatj. ;n in tlu'ir ci.ininunitic's. rej)ortcd a lively :nt i -st in tlie; Ix'.iowiu^ are tlie n-.enibers of projiosed enterprise a;!e'T’.‘-’ the jiee- [ the s'iHcennir.Mei? : I'-le of hotli c unniunilii s. ' 'l:u>y < )wen of Ho;^'ba<-k. .T, H . i j In e(uiversati' Ti wit!; !. N.' Asrtj) jlliKx'cf (ihiucf-ster, M. J. (ihj/-‘-j I resc'ntative Mr. \> h.n reiat, d t’- *T;<r . f !•; ;s:nan. .i;ni Toweii of IS boys comc back from thc trcnchcs, weM! have to hang history td (diee~e ’nak n^' ;n \Vj'- I [-.usta t. »e, Leon (iillespit’ (if Fast | [■ tau^'H. e(Hinty. >vher*' the tiv- t e^t-| Forl< V. J-) ^?:‘(^aha of Cedar Monn-!f • ipeJative fiu’toMcs w« estaMi.-'!;- ! \I. ]. ![.nir.lt«)n ot l ittle 'f ( [ ■ ed. At''ove ('reek the lirsT r> ;IiM‘1. I! N. <’;ii;ier of !!".nr,s ry h( tra’T i'ju rativins in :.ni,I’ .e\, I' .1 ef lilai.tyie. wi-re paid tv) f{.r?n» rs f.>r | \Va \ e^-’, v milk in that year. in the : dan Whiterf i f < . ninnuUT paid V.as Dear]" tea ti’Mr- 1 s;i’) 5t're is t us nr.ich. v, hile in the I’rie \-. ;:h tli.- ‘ Xi e’iti m .■ , . ~ . ''rr an-.l {-.iMiiv Ti'.uvi 1 fi oM seven n.ore fact..re^s hud -V. M ti:" f.i>t r. ..anu:;iy. i;rc Asked t<^ (-O-Op-' the .n \v ' }< » Kh.>rnes near the lirst. and ail w;:h-Ti ;t r.el .M.", Tins me. tin- v. ;]i he held te ■ orate with Quur.ituiae Officers -..p.-a vhe-e ius of live rn;les. »'ntM- :n I t. r-i,-.:..ie ph;us f.-r r,.xt Control (;:)nt;XKi'>ns Dt- v rr wia i ; --V .'f ' h.‘ mothers can do j. c, orr moves to TO GONTHOL DISEASE niinist'T Mr. Sea^le manifested at the out set l.is interest in one of tin? threat n.’ttional movements hy savin*: that lie v.as most favorably im pressed .vitll tl)i‘ v.'ork of the local Red ('ross, which In* commeruled liiiilily for its patriotic /.•■hI. 'I’h'‘ n«*'.v rector jtml hi.'^fjimiU arriv.^1 on Saturdav, niakinj^ tie- journey frcni Nev.- York state in a Ford. V« Idle comin.'r dir.-ctly from Moniit Vernon, X. V , lie is really a Western N-rtli ^arolinian, a n;;tiv<' of tliu Fhit leick section of HOME FARM nort!-. this sei'tinn hail aK i:i-; f:nr creas('d. sease<. ‘; 1'. '-t ai:d t r; ■ u-;as7n in t, 'h(' ee-t id' ^IdliiL: fi‘ t t v : ■ fa;!' f r :> \t v- :ir ;; "e 1 eiiur sh^ .vn ne A . 'Unt;- ; -.i' -. Mr ■■ •■■I ..V V.1L ce. th^ ubont I';: ler ii. Bluke :iiid HUHS, ivv , With tjK! ’jros]>eot of hoin^ s; nt k.ter t .• Fort Sam Honston, I'eXaS. Ml !iine>,' de<;isi( n to re.-:u'n tho prin. ipalship of the, school and to f!ili-'t, was hrovii^ht iih(Mit hy tho eoi'.victi )r,' thtit he v.ould be num ber* <1 in t he next draft. H;sobj»cti and 1 :vpectati;jn is lo ^^et ii pusiticjii in t!ie, cleriea’i dej»artment of tho aviation sei'vice. The surj;ris«* causfd by th.is re- sicTiatii.n '.v.as and th ret^ret; is ^e;.<-;-jil. Durin^' his two and A !iall Vi ars of wui k in this ])lace, Mr. J lias el* ;i.rlv shown his b-.i;ly as. leij' her an?l inana^'er and leav. s the vcd'.') j’. in a e.nulition de ■ ' e;(h- ily improved over tliat in w!;:ch ]!•; found it. At tho station W> dnes(hiT mom- TO MEET OEMANOS' "- "f 'i*" I h.i;’; S'.h-)v;l <ie]iart:ii.-nt. v,> o had I me: the’TT: t‘j ^ive th ;r priki -ipai a 1 i 'i'I;e workers in tlu' Hrd <'ri»s.-: .,,,1^ j7>.-ov-.l'on. i !e,' lar_'v ' ! • , . V' a -lek •■•b'ld ll i; .‘ 1 ;;i' ’.lie* h tjvophtU.no J'ewirthun ; a . „ pt; ‘t ,,t . ;b< < is. h . ar-' , j, ;i„, ;;vkiu^ t l:e ne .1 in r- ■; n.>e i ^ : he :. ■ ei;.- no w ui,'b>r ; *•' ^'diool , m>iv tukt' st'iL'k. In ’ '.'.'Idiv.i; aii I ! ent u '.^a!;iiu' tl'.‘ t.Ti'.-rrns id' th;.s c iunty, i sp.r. t eii te with t 'ieir ' o'h' V Irijj!:!) seh.. 1 teaelif v- Mi-> , . *■ .. ..... r I niirlit for the jiast week endeavor | for:;e-rly done hy Mr. .lone-, v.'i'.l ■ ' i V i.. • I . , ’'. i i i f ‘ r >! ] r! I * T ♦ ‘ I 1 ^ ’ 1,1 , ,, .V,. p.,.. I,.’"'''f tor ! ; be I vivled :i]> ut ]>resent an; th^) - . - - -' ^ ^ ^ ' V'!];’S ])V 1 )i*ct‘mb‘'r j. ‘LIME EA^LOSIOfi ^ t’..i . Jok.vu o-sn :ii. '< pie- V..: V. Ml-;: •, .-t uiihni-iied. 1^ ! e..->i,.,d, not ,UWC CAfLUOlUH !v..n.aMe lih.* . n v .n’ ..r.dmhihtv -m.-el'"'’" ->"^-‘rHted HUHTS FOUR MEN .---'-s. f. v, ,• 1..-I .r.. !!,.■ liv.. in -'X j rise i.'( in truininir Ihe expert'" h-'lp is i’:* ‘ on t Ci-'.i' -y '-wee-s nished by tli ‘ state d.'iMr'Tr -.^ | Whenever the o)!*':’.- : rt-:'k‘ within II radius -1 tlir -.' ::\iu " :r ’.)■! i the ]irop< red f e * TV ■ ’ ^^allons daily, e:> ^ ])T''>du.cti 11. tlie e tidiri- n" al e ri’ie j - ' f->r cheest' uiak ’.'.1/ ph.n | p . ;■ t].,. a.; w rk fore*'—; urd by .'ir. N' 1 . .■ r ,e n d*'- i K ■ djius ei. 1 r. o' s S' tu'.r:is. ■ 1 n^.te st«]s,ha.e riiki n. the | SerufjL--. a'd 1‘eiry Full ];r..]>eers se-Mi hrijht f-.r .'Stub-! i,r; t had an -n th. lishmelit a tae* .rv : n thi ''t'.'M 1 -vi \ in.i h includir.^ I ■'.•nr^ I'C i-:.v.--. j .nikr »' • ;av t;ia’ 1. i }d'. t heiia. IS l:.r a*- i> s'loie f,; SMriir I >1(1 - - II* 't Til - ■ ■ ii*T> ■;;>■■ i «i :* !■ T I h( li''ve t h.i t ’>vh- le 1 ’ ;;<les i.ke t:t .es , 'i'’ - el • : ( iiii.e. and t)i .j.-r »I;.'v • \ a:;!•> i.iid v.i'ur." tie- l.ti.-r But n^'V,- iiMitli- rs k»;cv. ■].■; i- Tit. 'I'h.-v . r. .1 p>«T^* f'. I ■ '.nt y h' ;iie c 1 :> ^ ■ :.e V.' :\a 1 11 r^ . VISITS GAMP BOYS UNION SERVICE ON ■re ir ■ , ! no'.\ t):at ev< n if e.il dr. n ^h' ui 1 I.,., ri,: i avi- t’n.’.'e disea'•eS v. hel-thev lM ' w ^ -V. .11 Ilf ;; -iiai. was h^■re 1 : \>e.'k 'ii h;si . tv;rn ft an <'o- T!.'*’ik<^iviiii: D.;y a ; ; »> I- t :i'' I ■ j ot tile i.r.h- I)' • ish; k:nc th.' h ' j bv;.k- t. ti'fl'-.’ V.,';' a s'.l'ldell exi)h> rain; Ui. and it m h'ei.ia, ! . > ; v.-:, i;) v.it-h a r.!!;!. and r. as-.n .h.- ik].tist cb-.r-h | m. n rece:v-.l . -ha-.-th. ‘■•i’ ! h w !.;re an t.pi^ ]..>-h:;id with tiM'l.l tie n. j,,,, n to ^ •" Visir some . f !!«.• Trans viva mu boy.s V,-, I-. : '■ ' I- a 1 vwit -.v, 1 ; * , . ; !'l"Hsle> it i* Is h ..lal. *!\i‘ \>ai- (' i’(;W.‘!l, 1 ’ 1 e IC ■ A1 k e U ;. ’ ' • ^ .1 a o '; ; "t! t . , , , ^ . ... . T 1 ,1 ' .Id. slie r. viT k v.lieT !;.-r 'i! i< . (.Vt*I e. ea h‘.l sK’.ev a!!'!:' : . •. . I', t I i.... • .. j. .. i. o;.e\ rrewiioo a‘ *h ‘ h- :r j.res.eit, r:-:i‘ — ’n::n:: ri;:ti'. e.s ;t' L :.i-■ in. a; r ip. \^b M i'.!ni L-' t I), 1 I;.ro:a In l-a. . » r , * s pv, . d K n ;;y i-> d p ay •; H;v:: nl ib v A*--.: mud* • tie • Taa’ik^jivia A \‘- •V ef • < 'e t; VC a ’ t h •' r. hy t • i< un a>n cb ar. ” b' train-' 1 '' V Ml-', ."in': a.-. A^ th.- . ot Mia • dress, bb V. \v. }■: V. «I)P' d ; n l-’iadt or • b*‘ un-i in --neb: .-a.., ■. ealle d : >r a . - ■ . «b-n • )f :;a;:d- . t'ub l1: n ! ' . ■ ' ! . r. ; ' 1 iiHp rt. r. i'i)»’ ’ ! ■ ' . I ' was ’inn. 11 • ■ I r' ' ■ • th.it tiie !i;en sa ■ dd f:re. tT' - !•. a- a t :bd‘ ■ : ]»”dp 'd, :i: id ' b . * ’li ' ' hciU J s' 1V' 1 :• ■ .’e 1!' • ; «• - TIic re:-j: ior ■ ^ ' both : i;ri ti' . '0 . . ; Thc tot> ' a t a ' ' ■ ' ■ t:.’.‘ ' sunj ' ,x " ' ' . ! V . Wait, r hitnr.re aj’d l. it Me d. (b-af. la:..e ,3;^ {>,,\\man Mr. }’..w,dl r-])ent ‘^ ;^ulnt >'-. t ,, , , ,1- thre. d.iys iu !Mp a!id wa..^ V'ar is to tah- m::-'); pleas.al witli what li.- saw — - , .. *1 , I-'*''* ‘ an. .he~e ~o ;,,i;v -A’th the j^Mod treatmeiit I V ,.i a d.stance »'f : , , 0 ' ; , . ..'v ‘ , , , Cahe.l dir.-ase>. (hm-eu ...n, t h :b.: V s weie r-vi:u'fnjin i' I de ' --'d t'l.-. , I . . . I,,. , * , ;,.1V <■ 1 o ,.i . i‘ t l.i ni. erei'-e v. a.' led hy ivev W. L' I’oov I'y e!\ that day. Wv)rkers expr.-ss their a]t- pre iation of th(' a'-r.on of tli.- cai p liters' un^>n in h'Udinir tiieir Ivmtu for Rfil ('ross w-;’-k. SUPERiOR COURT STILL !H. SESSiCH ■ U ::er V e- Ion. OCCIDENT IN WOODS '"’l.Je «;• 'v.jrk in thiO wiods 171 ^h" ihnk ii.'ds iS' et: >n on Monday c*" l.i~* we* k E-l >>eav-‘r met w’itli it s I. -'.d- ut. A tree, having; b. e:; (‘ut. down, feli against anothei.* tr«'' >ind hu Ti i-T 1 lea .ir:^ th>i lower j part susp-'nde .l in the ui:. Tho 1 ov ”balav. ■ .irr top ■■•:iused K ; win^‘ Superior court r.'sum*.'-! it- s. s b,;t[ -.vl.ii-h stru-k H:-'work- sioji after Thanks_'ivin{;, and will i >n tli*-left Ici,'. l>real;i:both j rcd/ahly not adjourr; b*‘fore Satur- j b >n"> . *iiy. I T.‘u^-. i ondif-on ~-eemed Hcriou*} Si'vera! minor cri-n.nal case-i »•.*- ^ morni.:^ 2dr. \V('r*‘ di:-j)' .sed of las) vv >ek. ‘ ! D-'a'.'*i'' tr,)uh';c v.'as cour.ilicated . i:: V, n e. tr -ni v.uien ii ' I j :s > ^ ;■ sr.e.'-'i 1 S--rij_-^r- \ lighter, with s .me fs.'ial I hlir-ters and a ha . on.’ “U tin^ ar-e. I A :• >v 'e.ui- la’iT. ('.<>. iiobii'.s i!i . i,r.d lb S>'? Ui/L's d .'ili. at. d th-' ac- . ! ei-lcnt near f l- r.d.'rsv-nville. In I . tliis insta?!er. M ■. l\ohinson was . . i r. •Ti'Ct t !;■ le. ■; ; So!!\t • o; t lie t b i ;> - ‘ bf ; S , ' . I to 1. !‘el> <!o .V n V.' T ’ . u' e : i'. ];. : l eM'l.'S, s.-i.rlet ir'Y' T. ,! taiMil - pa A‘ tie HENflY'ROBIKSON :i' i ' :■ ". r ri> ' ; th ■ i^i' r>* 1-.rt ;iTia'>‘, Mr. Scruiru.- ' t'ir'i.' hN f;- 'eadly blistered, i'I ie' I':!!.' :nd been taken ir'-ui th.' BEOiSIRMIS KGVINO s:«.i'‘!ii‘e !' 'Irs T. H. ilvsis ar. I d ]diti;eT . . in tii -.r >.;;ni..ey on K) : hiv afternoan. N ;o!.if s and. eon: m i;n: ■are. 'li s’ \,'.nber I >ow 1 (t. Ivobins >n of o srsp.-r-t the disea--' ai .i 'p eiat ‘ i.e v. s and N ;S' -'rtriide I leury ■in.- th-i:' ehi’dr. n b-vin^ v--' f •,;h ’'■'■e •■■■ ne;’j-i:'d, K''\ fer.dnnts found <.'Uiity \v- re . j da’oes Srnitli, disi Mrb'n.; i eli_'' us I i. v/or.'hip. judirni.'?’.' on | \ liavTUt nt of Costs. I iir>t svnijttoi! s. ' hroHt:' or ht avl eoh. b a- S’.".' W t’’.ov '/ ,1" on^ th:‘ ] ■ vtieiilai ly A 1 e .v i: .-'T; . re nres I '01: .• ‘1 T FLrOLS of residence : V. ii; th'-n tell ! litany (‘.■n;:'.L’'ous .r.-t.;-.s i:-.- !the C >nr:; .TUty. •>). ;;; ( >- ;; M. n’;.. : : ;:i ; ya I no ] by 'i'iiT is eall. d : ■: t ■ e:;d r h^ ih • . a • d , ai; ■ r ■ d r: : . I;: ‘ K it? !I' I , ■ ] ‘ ..' . ' I . 1 I th.' diseas-' is i. p.i:'*! i - ..nv 1;. ' iinnae di- '' ■. i ■ ;' at [>. « V' ;' I . • 1 ^ ;t!•• 1 e. ■ ;:i -d ■ t !■ 1 I ' l’')Vv 1 i tr< at tiie c•as•^ 'i'!. ' la ’ ti, '■ Mi.Mi Clive* Notice t.> Local FrC-.ard * ";ii'''s her to do thi;' .• “ r • i’ercy Thomas, r a.b--- iri v.u-V bhi- m al costs. Dick 5 'att.ai, a^-s.i ..* \. ■ ' ). l.aai ly v.ciinon, j id.aeip.en t s a^^ 1 le i an payUicnt of eos!.~. iiober t ,b)hnson. iip te. r- s. iial ]>.• .iperty. -•' (lays ; >et-'a’ .* ! i ut-hinso’- ’;■() rnry ;a rCt Tl V 1 .f ail!-). ? • a.:M . • ts. i.*v Str -.‘ter, t'-i.iji -ra IT b-;r ■ • ! «.> 1 ;nt. ■. s ! •■ ar. I .• "b' ■, _.\. Ivdiin"-. n. a^ -a’.': • . i»ray. f 11 ; ;:a.z ;c.t'ut eon'.‘;t:el . pay- :a-'!'d ■ (a.'sts. bi.uid a' < , ibibinson. .1 T . ' U .1 . ■ t y . iida'i!!' a: .■^.a-p- ;'i i-. :-a-n" of easts. ri atbi vif p::eun;o:i!... H-j i LI. : l.e; . . irh :> sot- -iside ( ii liTi'i i>a^. L<-* :no nrtr-5 an 1 r* . ve'sf. that each and nil d) v verv best t > le.ake it th*' most; t'e' biv ;i the history of th i Very'^ truly y o-;i -■ A F. y'.ii • I., < ’ounty ." u]‘t. mm PossieiLTiES -d ! ! uf NvVr' Addre-'S At Once: : i tle i sp. .,;]d r i .u!,;re May v.diuso Loss of tie ^ niptirxi. . :r it ;nav ’V.\ i..r slii;ht!v hi'.t \'.b,. v.i!i a Of; THANKSCiyiNC ;:-s 'I. 2...: ...) - t euterta': the WINOHA ENTEFTAIMEro 1': . )'• M irsiia! le-neral Trcjw-' »ji v s - 'did IV lib e'.-:i if ■ ' b ■ !-(-n\>'st-'u newsp:! ;*.*rs to, s.j ves him ir ra a li:'-. 1. e., .b'r: I i l::p.u :i !^y to t ord*‘i- t dal ad ; bko him lne>s. whi di > I re'’s-: -A bo have ' han rcvl '. ; he after-elVe dr> ■ ! ; ■ .i-les. '1 I . _ .1 |t'' '.r pbi ‘es ■ e, ss ;ire r; niet!:.*:' v.l. • !' t ;ie .’.■ I t ■ ■ ’:uieaie V.'. h h k". 1 !'o;j: d - ' a Mil':• 1 i w i-^ u- • •! . v au •u ^.'v and >:rs .1 .* t'.v'sid in this <'ie:';fv is iphauK .4od;y. jud..'n: ■; * - ''' 5-'' ^Tedu.'i.,n Irish p'‘ta‘. V'T ^ves evidr-nc' every n in.l It;. )i fro?p. ri p.-i’ts {.^iven . ' :;-:e ' ..'’ds } .;a.;M - d i; srnan >n six 1 . !>u>h.'is id'pi '•'■iss averaj.ro id !*' i'Usii- I a 1 ■ - ]»ayi;.en; ot (m>: r'.'r.i • ii i. •! I' )us ar-‘ d: i '"'^';r;'dTimVANIA SCHOOL ' TEACHERS AKOPMifPALS I U<' UCi’ •;i :iTi(i an a: j [1, rj-j a t i i .• a t wb>‘ ■“ ht‘V art' r ■ sf<‘ri'> i l;i vi 114 ] a ble '.i t/ \i t • Ji'.' v. ■ , i rditoriutn 3i •' :..v 5;^^! ’ ^ ■ ’. I ■ tiieiv ]-i >iei1 a r,;r*’.-'S; s v»it!io'u* 1 :a’..;eity b'lt '.s an ■ HUother su . - 1 r tie i' I». ( in j d* lay. ^-i-'s^i.'uuire:- \\:bi be;.Mu t.); vhiUlreti. t;hart?:e ( 1 the I... ■ ;n- .ur-.'. Th.* j h^- rnaded to r >-is'r.tn^s on I »e.a ni | 'J’he number ent<-rt»iii:ne ii‘ ' as l!i-‘ kind that 1 • “i' i' . ' f ^i'ire to kee;t} s, s in this . J vealiy entcrtiin- the poptdar and at t.. bb .1 ■ , I be\‘, h ;- ni: :];• 1 in-:;: \V ' a. 1 t 1 appv'a*- a ; *'>s Ma’. i Ali1- I 'I * bi’b :■ li'b ;’ ie . ie':a-y ' d ;•! i *'e :a:’' >t ta,- " a ii at »• ' t ... V.; i!, ' • » a. O . e;;dev ‘ • •' s’en- ' Br..vav:| ^ . • * ia:l ! , M ... a ■ d.'. ,f. J. ; atf.'ti . a. a i^a■^ a.atb' a’’ ;. ','orii;::'? i'.a -b ' I'o tlie aciav ;; has^a'is on two acres, !>r'*diels. ,>n-'<b '- '’'i- ‘ly uniniA- td v;ith anythin:: r rioa a lint t;;e (‘omcoy --*c i.ni j>ci s jua ■ tionn an; t’lv rnn^ie wal: icndered. ^ _ na . =. .. ■ a. 1 >.ail boai'd.s app''. >'i <1 of 1 h-i rai. t to ia-- v.a-ri- o-,;.' ease d ' — ^■.'.■ whereab■)Utmay r-'su ' i^ th -m.li p-a by i - [j. Ku.rli-d: tab losin*? (i'lit to clHiee. ev, ;;jj.!t:'>n ■ H ,sn;an. Smail p e-i patient, .bje ! Ti- a. Iht; l •.Ui _• [J.. I; ...II law ol i- :.r.d A. a;-i rJ‘’si u'S t;ie Jirv) i« !:■: discharj.^e. Try a Diversilicti ad\. i !) Smith. Lake T'-'Xtr.vtiy. i <bW. Htn”, •• aa^. 3 ..u!!- liie- e ahso i)roso:it. i County C^biaruntiuo b>fiic ;; I Thc • veulng v.ai' d- b-.-htful'y ^;pe^lt i.. u s'udc.s of L'ar^nas Vvlii^di pr.id’ajod i!i. i »>•! ot ii’;-';s e;;-''■ 1 navo many imp r.a’.t h; btfj: t ) ' o ir at bf " r: ..i.by’ -d 'ar 'ba,I. da. y I t:e:> t.> Vi ry I i u’ V y :a , A. F. iNFri.aK- : : , L. L. B.. S-inr. or rabl: ■ HAL \b.- ' ' .a'ble -a.ns will give m o’f-'an ’•otitu' af tb.e Methodist • I'irrh on Oeccmb.u- 17, at 8 p. m. \(i:nisslon fc ; 15cts, lor benefit of I'umL

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