THE BREVARD NEWS, BREVARD, N. C. PERUNA Best All Around Medicine /^o^glEver Made You Witt Publish This Letter Word Picture of Jerusalem. Th»‘ h«\st word-ploture of flu> aiiciciit of Jorusiiloin is rit'rrt* T.oti's. 1I<“ ^HMit tliillu'r on a t'rotn Kpypt iicfoss tht* (It'sort, iiloni: ili<' siiiiu* liiii' \\ liich has ticcn fii 1>\ tho l-'iii:Iixii I'orri's. ‘•’I'hc sun PhIo. oinili.iuvly yellow. M "-UI1 "1 itonii, .Miiiiil thr*>alfuini^ '\rilos. '‘iifyond, :i Ually r»’\ uii stonv fu! nioiliitaitis ; tlifMiii:!! la^hini,' rain it n..t . KHisll It 1,1.; Tii/ahlr rioni all otln i' ;■ foniildaM.' walls ami i!- oovt'i'i'd roofs (if sti'iit Kl""iny iiiul hi^h. iii.l..-, l*:i11IciiK'iiis. midi'r a <!. ; Mr. W. H. Edgar, 49 Cooper St, At lanta, Georgia, writes: "I suffered for fifteen years -wltli rheumatic symptoms. Feruna cured me and I think It is the best all around medicine ever made. I hope you will publish this letter for the benefit of others who suffer.” Those who object to liquid medi cines can procure Peruna Tablets. .■lini'i--." !i'' cily is ^'lail :iiul ni"urn '!i.‘ aii<! , \ 1.1 .! i '■ t i 11 ■ .: 1 i ^•|’i !•- : ' ' . II'hIm ; . ■ I Russia Needs Mrchif’' Kiissia iirrsciits a ii':.: ^ ' ’ frlcnl iniic'tiiiu's and su; ; ' turhliK's ;m«l cimi]n'l' a. tllators. liaiilini: nm- ! ' fotiiiilry iilatUs. !a l li' ; ' < ■' She Li'.os It. ■■ \r«' you fond ol > !n', ('-iifclally tliat Hro hoarini: so niui'h ali L11 ngs Ar^ Weakened H\ Hard C o 1 d s CASCARAKpU!NINE The old fami'.y rfmrdy—in tibirt form -iafe, sure, easy to take. No opiatfi no unp!rasant oftrr rffprta. Cure* colds in 24 hours Cinp in 3 days. Moncybackif Get the genuine bo* with Red Top and K!r picture pu it ft! Wa 24 Tablets for 25c At Any Druf Stor» Save the Calves! Stamp ABORTION Out ol Your Hrrd and Keep It Out S •Vpply tr»‘atuiei't Sn'..i' Writ •• fi >i-f ri-s- Ikm.,,:.' t'Ti Abortioii, •• u 1't i> 11.■ii;'; -»trA6B5 \ II ^ XV »■ rmiiul'i T vf iii h*T<.l, Or. >..oerts Vet. Ca . ICS Grard Avente. Waukesha. A GREAT DISCOVERY (,Hy J. Ii. ^Vals>-n, L'.j Need of Haste. I A man (Inth'.s ket'p him up o’ ; nights, rnliMod a downtown rostanraut lit a latt' hour one ovtMiinK, rt'lati's an oxclian:;.'. ilo glanct'd at tlu> clock, tluMi :ii III.- rjilrndar, tlu'n at llu- nu'iui. fioiii wliii h he ordrr»Ml n fru>:al r«'par<t. 'rh' ii tic wailed, nrrvously. .\l llio end of ton ndnulos, li<> sue coed, d in cati hiiiu' his waiter’s *\vc. “l.ook li« ro, li.iw loni: am 1 {.'"in;; fit Ii;i\f lo wjiil for ;:ni'> I or dcl'<d?" lie ill'lllirod, ■'t'li, I i;ui vv Ii Won't he Ii.iil; now," yawn-'d the waiter. “In a hurry?" “Iti a hurry V Say. I oi <h'r.'d a meal \\i!!iou: mi';it h»M-;ius(' It Is meatless d- > Aii ! i! I li;i\e to wait five mtn- l..’iu. r, it will he a w'leatless d;iy, !ii.d 1 w • 'U't I a IliMm !" WATCH YOUR SKIN IMPROVE When You Use Cuticura—The Soap to Purify and Ointment to Heal. On rlsiii;: and retiring gently smear tli ' f;.ee with Cutieiira (Mi.lmtmt. Wash 1 'r »>!iitment in live miinit« s with Cuti- ciira Soap and hot water, (’ontinuo this tre:itment for ten days and note the elijinge in your skin. No bettor ii det i'rei>arat|ons exist. 1 tee samjile ejieli hy mail with Hook. ,\ l ilt ss postcard, ('ti'.lctirii, I>('pt. L, I’osron. Sold evervw here.—Adv. Interesting Distinction. ‘■'•lie w;iy to tiiid out who likes you wti-' iloesn':." remarked Miss (’ay- I ui;;‘, “■> to learn to p!ay the \ iolin.” “What has that to do wiili friend shiji?" • The people who like .\ ou will call >• I vlollhlst. 'I'liost wlio don't will ea I voii a flddh'r.” It. I’ierce’s I’leasnnt I’elhds are the oriirinal little li\er ]ii!Is jmt up -10 yenr.s ago. 'i'lu'V regulate liver uuil bowels- Ad, S"!ll< il is hard to >ee llle sil- \er side I'f a eioUil. hut It is there. I’ut on lii lit L:las-es. W : i i; M s I". ■ Pli;.*! n;'i> p'.m ^ !. - il ii;-lii' 111” f. r rt^.i- '•■■■li >1. liv.r ,i;nl l -^w. It. G. t ;i -\ man of h'l;. < wife gets a t’(’ !iia\ 1-e iea.lous if SwollcTi hnndr, ankles, fe^t are due to a iln>ps; loiidliion. oi't< a liy di«ofiK-i t-i! kidrv.vs. Natin all.v when the ka’.iu\.-i are doranired the IiIoimI is till.ii Wit!, p ’iseii'ius vvasio mattoi, wl.loh s< t- tl's 1,1 the f'Ct. ;iTikle.s and wii^is, or i;a- dcr the ey^ s i.i I'-iw-like f<.'rni,i ti"!!.'’. As a ri-n.ed.v for ca.-^il.v reci t;nizod symptoniii of lii.’l.irtiiiialion i.aus:ed by uric acid-as s' uii’h;;; u:ii;o, lia kach.' and fro- q'.ient urir.;'tiea, n.s wt-ll as .sc iiiaont in tlie urine, or il uric acid in the blood has caus<^d rl'.iinnatlsni, l’iinbn;;o, s iati.;i, pout, it Is simply v. ■’nd* rfi;l la'vs- <v.’h'l\!y An-ti-rlo acts; the p.ali.s a::d stiffness r.tpidly dis.-tppear. f-r .Xiy.ri'', (dout.’.e strcniTth). is tiiany times m.-re pe'';;t tlian litliia and often ehtnln.'.:• s i:r-i- a'i 1 as hC't writer melts susar. .Ml dniKf-'i-^ts. I'r I’ierce's I’leasant Pellets fc.r tlie liv. r and bowels have been fivorahly kr.own f'lr nearly 5'i ye.irs. An\iri<' Is a rf'ert -ii n'iri'’ discov rv by I'r. I’!-rce, ('hief o:' at the !■ valids" Hotel and S'n^-'ical Inst,, in I-i,.' f.iln. N V. Send li'i- there f'T a tr; :1 pkg. of .\nuric. Large package 60c. A Nnrtli Carolina Woman Speaks Whitakers, N. ('.-- "I suiieml from backache. I'requeiit. scant urine, riieu maiic jiaiiis and a W(iri.-oUl feeiing. also had sjiells wiili '•i'.y hi-ari and sw>'li- ing of feet and an 'kies. I learneil of (IMerce's Anuri<- iisi'd a sample //j f i package and then ordered a full-si/.t* package. This relieved me and I iraineil considerably; it also relieved me of le ;:iiaelie from w hieh I sulTeretl very iiuie!i. Anurie is tin for the kid- ne.vs.“—.MKS. SARAH A. SllKARIN. If .von \\ ish to >eiid a samjde of yotir water to 1 *r. l’ier<‘e‘s Invalids’ Hotel, P.iilTalo, N. V.. and describe your symp toms, same will be examined without any exjiense to you, and L>r. I'ierce or his staff of Assisting I'liysiciaus will Inform you truthfully.—Adv. Habitual Constipation Relieved If j-ou wake in the morning with a had taste in the mouth, coated tongue, perhaps headache, your liver is torpid. A torpid liver cieranpes the whole system, produces sick headache, dyspepsia, costivrness and piles. There ia no better remedy for these dis .rde’rs than DK. TI.;TrS LIVER PILLS. Try them just once and be eternally convmced. For sale by all druygists. II Ask for and Gd. CHENEY’S EXPECTORANT The Original Cough and Cold Remedy STOPS THE WORST COLD IN 24 HOURS Beat for Colds, Coughs, Croup, Soro Throat, Whooping Cough. 25c and 60c at all Druggists CHENEY wmKSTjcs <or<>« ■ OANitk. @dllTc^nic Sold for 47 years. For Malaria.Chills and Fevor. Also a Fine Gonoral Streudtheninii TooiC. PARKER’S HAIR BALSAM A toUet prepnratlon of merit. Helps to eradicate dandruff. ForReatoriac Color and Beauty to Gray or Faded Hair. aOe. apd <i.ooat Urugglsta. INIIMIONAL SMrSQIOOL Lesson <By E. O. SELLERS, Acting' Director of the Sunday School ('oiirse of the Moody llible Institute, Chica^^o.) (Copyriptit, 19t7. WfstiTn N< wsp.ipor I’nion.) LESSON FOR DECEMBER 16 BOSCHEE’S GERMAN SYRUP Why use ordinary cough roino<liea, when lioschee’s German Syrup has been used so successfully for fifty-one years In nil parts of the United States for coughs, bronchitis, colds settled In the throat, especially lung troubles. It gives the patient n good night’s rest, free front coughing, with easy expectoration in the morning, gives nature a chance to .soothe the Inflamed parts, throw off the disease, helping the patient to r«‘galn his health. Sold In all eivili/.('(l countries. 80 and 90 cent bottles.—Adv. NEHEiVIIAH ENFORCES THE LAW OF THE SABBATH. Strategy. "*.i;hei'ly keeps ;■ bundle of hi'- wlie v love I.'tt<'rs lied III) wi:h a pink rilil'on." ".\iid l:e'- Keen iiiaiTled for years! A -■eu':II,' IIII i-n'l he?" ‘•\oi pa ! 1 il nlai'!y. hut he's crafty. I'>y fli-uiliL,' llial hlind.'e of lettel's out of !ii> ti uii!< at the ps.\ ■■ho!oL:'jea! moment he lias vtopped maii.\' a tirade." A Saving. “1*0 \oii timl it i'eonomi('al toliv«*so far out ii; tlie eountry?" a-ked one w I tuian. “Ve-," replied the other. ".My hus band has to make su< h a rush to eatch th.- I'ai' he ne\i r has time to t>at much breaklast." When the Man Is Wise. Wise is the man who kiatws himself thoroughly and <loesu't try to lind out things about his neighixu's. W. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 50-1917. Some peojile say they do as the.v please, but do they? When your Eyes Need Care Try Murine Eye Remedy No Smarting —.Inst Comfort. 60 cents a% Oroggista or mall. Write for Free Byo Book. KUBIMB BVIE RBUBDY CO.. CUli;AtiO T.KSf^ON TKXT—Nehei>iiah 13;ir> 22. OOU'KN’ Tt'IXT Kein<'nil>er the Sali- bath Day to keep It holy.—Kxod. 20:8. NelH'mlah remaliK'd In .Terusah*m twt'Ive y«>ars, from H. -Ill to 15. ('. He was then ri'ealled an<l was in Persia some .vt'ai’s, i>erhaps tive «u‘ sev(Mi. but returned about I’. -rjri, the .\ear Artavrves died, for w«- know that he returned b.v permission of that king. 'I’hei'efore, the date of this les son would b(' sometime in the summer or earl.v autnmn of oi- 4‘J7 1*. C.. 1C) I r IS years following last Sunda.\’s lesson. In the st'efion. v\'. 1 1, tve see (hat the Lrifts for the house of (’.od and the l.evites. who h d in worship, had been IieL'leeted. Win never the house of (lod and its service of worship is :;e' leeti'fl. we ma> e\]>eet th.Mt the Sab bath d.-i.v atui tlie wor^'hip of (!od will also soon fall into eo'iiempl. Iv/ra lias ilropped out of our histoiv without a him as to his end. I. “Remember*’ (v. 14) vhe ^ieglect of God’s t-'ouse. (v\. 1-11). 'I'he nei:- leet of (lofVs house grew UJi otlt of the Inctiision of heathenism into .lewish life N'ehemiah realized that the pur ity of the race de)'ended upon absolute separation from llie mixed mulfitnde. (v. ;?). Nehi-miah aNo confront*-d the (litliculiy of having a i>riest .(vv. 1. r>). w lio had (hd’iled himself and also dese crated the temple, and the jior- tion for the support of tlie yirb'st and the templt' worship liad beep withheld. (V. 10). II. “Remember” (v. 12) the Sab bath Day. (vv, 1."i‘J‘_’). Nehemiah’s next and most ditricnlt reform was re- trarding the fourth commandment. He at on<‘(' set jibont to b'arn the faets; th(‘T\ relates \\h,‘it he saw (v. l.'O. The rt'cord also ts'lls how he testified ag.'iinsf them in that they were s< llinLr merchandise on the Sabbatli day. He Contended with the nol.Ies that the.v had doTK' e\il o:i tlie S:il>l>:!th (hiy. (v. 17). He testit’ed a::'aln^t them that 'he merchants and sellers of 'vare lodgt d about and v.itliin .ferusaleia. (vv. l’i», LM). 'I'he root of I'le trou!,|e with .lu<lah was tii: f they forL'ot <;od's Word !ind f<i'Iowed the de'. ji'i s and de- sir>'s of their <'\\', heart'-'. 1 iii‘ .lewish Sabbath in its oni'-.vard f" "u on th'' exact d“\' of til-' \veek is Hot luildilig tipon tlenf i'e (':iri' ’ ia ns f ('ol. L’: 1 'i, 17). It was L;i\en t i l-:'ael as a t>eople, (l»''Ut. r>;1. 2). f)s a memorial "f their diflveranee out of the land of I'L'ypt and the hou^.- of b-indai-'e, ( I >el!t . : I The <'hri--1 i: II. by 'he d'H'li of <'liri'-t. is I'ladi' dead to the i. Tl-’r of the 1-iW of M"'-.-,, (1 7:1). h'H th-- prin ciple of the Salibatli is older than even the law of M ises !ind is as bin'ling iipon the ('h^i^tian believer as are tie* many other luinciples which underlie th-‘ Mosaic law. In Its exact form, the seventli da.v. the obs,-r\:in<‘e of the Sabb.ath beh'ti'wrs to the old order and not to the <'hristi;iii order, ('hrist.who rost* from the (h-ad (Rom. 7:1). rose o:i the first d.ay of the week, and we. as ioined to ('hrist. are not under ob ligations to the Mos;\ic lav., but to Christ. Theref<'re. the T.ord.'s dav, the restirrecfion day. the first day of the week. (Rev. 1:10; .T .bn 21:‘J0; l:l‘.t ‘JC; Acts 27), Is the day of lu ivileL'e. not of obligation and is tnore sacri'd tn us tlmn the Sabbatli da.v of these Jews. The .It'ws in Neln’tiiiah's time showed their contempt of the Lord’s day by making it a d.-i.v of protit. hence tliis exhortatiot; which we see set forth In this section. 'I'his sliouhl be a w.arn- ing itnfj an exhortation to us in these days of a secularized Sabhath. III. “Remember” (v. 29) the Holy Priesth®od. (\\. L’.‘>-'’>I). In this s,.(-tii>n we see that t*'.(‘ iiriesthooil ha-l e\> n 'el11e<l (hi-msejves witli women, and aL'ain tiiis Xehen:iah entered np.-n a (•h'ansiri:' Jiroe. -s, (v\‘. .■v!>;’,l'l. 'I'li" use of this w ird “r' tiiember" In ver-e,- 1 }. 22 and 2.> gives strong emjihasis to the three «'arditial sins against which Ne- • lemiah was battling. IV. Summary: .\s in Nelaiiiiah's time, so no .. Sabbath desecration is th.e sure>t road to national ruin, and a large jiroporlion <d' our present calam ity can be traced t.> growing irrever- eiiee for the Loril's (lay. Jesus swejit awa.v the cobwebs of Sabbath irri'ver- eiice. but (lid t;oi tear down the hotiSi'. lie k'ept tlie ]irincip'e, lutt removi tl the barmu'les wilh which the I’harisees : afid Jews laid ('iKMinibered it. .h-su-; tiUight that the Sabbatli was made t’i.r ' man and not man for the Sabbath, j (Mark 2:27. 2*<), an 1 he set himself as' { an e.-:siniple in this regard, for hi* is ! Lord of that day as well as the otlur ' days of the week. j Tlie Sabl!:ith is a diiy of rest and if observed. workin»‘!i without excejition will produce more than is j o.ssibh* if it is not «»bst‘rved. The chief value of the Sabbath, how ever, is in connection with tin* wor ship of Ood. The feeding of the spir itual nature; the rest which is to be dtiT^rpntiated from ir.ere holiday or pleasure; its need f."ir adult tind child ■ife; its educational value; its oppor- tit.ity for Chi-Isliiin servjee and exal- •ation of laciily re'atious. all sliow it '> have been cr»*!!ied. i»» fill a real need • nd to maiiifest .he \xisd.i.i; and good- • • of God Hezeklah’s Progress. Speaking at a dlnnt'r, Seiijitiu- Por ter J. Mef'umber of North Dakota re ferred to the progress of tin* farmer, and smilingly recalled this little story: Uneb- .fokfi was on his way to town on<“ al'teninon. and chancing lo see his friend .\b-ier working in an ad.ia<‘ent field, he pHtised for a simill chat over tile barbed wire leliee, 1 iiiidelil a 11.\ ln<pilry was ma<le after ,\biier's eldest son, Hej,t klah. “1 lezi.lviah is ill the eit.\ ie>\'. ail swei't il .Miner, with ^oiiu- ^bow of pride, “r.eeti I here most a .\ t ar," ‘■\'e"', I know (hat," returned rneli .losh. “What 1 was otideri ii' a whi»‘h '•idi' he was on." “Whi< li ^ide he was on." M'leried \'- tier, with a iiii/''!id <Npre--ioo, "! don't hist (piite <:it “What i ni'’:’!!. .\bi,<\|ilain‘'' riieje .lo-^h, "i> lleV.Ki;ili bu\ill' U'-hi briciv'- yet. or lia'- he s'arted li. to si |l Vm ? " Si.'ife of Oliio, City of Tol>?d>, I.iicaa I'l' i'r ml. .1. Cli'-'iu-v nia’Kes onth th ti he is Fea'or t rvi-tner of th-- firni of I'. .1. !'h<-i!cv iSr <’<>.. doin^ biishii SH in tl'-'’ <’ify of 'I'-t- Icd.i, i'(n;niy and Siatc nfnr- ■•lid. and iliat said ilri;i will p;tv t!;c sum i-f ')N1'. 1(1'\'- I)]{ K1) 1 ( ij ,r>.-\ KS for any (as-- "f < '.(t.-rfrh that c.-iaien be eured bv t','- I'se of HALL'S CATAHKII MI:I df’l .V I'. FRA XI-: J. <'ili :XKY Pvrorn to before me atid s- bs riln-d In niv pre.-;(-ace. ihl.^ ''Ci j;iy of Pi-'-'-inber. A.' I». I'-SH. (Pe.'ill .\. W I 'r . on. Notnrv r'ntilir- rAT'i:i:,i ,Mi;i >b'i ;-:i’ ip t^k- en iTtt'-rna'iy anit ;n'ts tbri.'icrh tbc 'R’"(k1 on the Mticous Surfaces of the Systom. I'niL;ai>ts. T.'e, T' ■ : inioi;; i::- fi'ce. I'. J, !'hcaoy ^’o.. Toi-'uo. OliiO. At the Hairdresser’s. ‘Is this the I'.iaid- barb'T ■'linpV' ev, nia'iiiii." "1 wan! .\oll to cut II .\ I'tt'e i>o_\'s hjir." “iiia'aill. .11:- ! h ' iia t him in ilps chair, tna'api." ".\'•’^v. 1 don't ''.."II’ oil to use tie elippel's on liilil, ol' tiiose lalUe .-ei.^sors or sillLTe it C'ff, eithei." "Well, ma'.-im, e\e,’-e me, but s|i;|ll I b;te !t oirv" Benefits From Sleep. | Sleep Is a gresit pres<*rver of youth. l']iglit hours at night and a short nap during th«‘ day will do much to keep till* face free from wrinkles. Always sleep with th<‘ h<*droom window open ti few Inches at the toi», both in stim iner and In winter, says a physician. A daily morning bath, tepid In wint»'r and c<*ld in summer, with a brisk rub to follow', will keep the skin fresh and ; clear. Two hours must be |»assed in i the open air, walking, riding or play- | ■ng games. All tight clothing, and ■ ('specially tight lacing, must Ix* avoid | (*d. as compression disturbs the cir culation tind ts often the <‘ause of eii larged veins and red noses. .\ cele lirated woman, who wtis famous even In her old ag»* for h**r beautiful, cl«*ar I etimplexion and freedom from wrin kies, was once persuaded to tidl tic ! seci'et of h<*r youthful looks. '^I'Ih* an- j ! swer was simple. Abstinence had j 'been tb(* rule <d' her life. No tea. eof- 1 f»*e or stimulant <d' any kiml. 'I'o keeji j well drink h-moiiade or wali-r. eat ap- | pies, .urapes and Tils re^ularl.s, Take^ the raw ,iui<'e of a lemon exery da.\. Ne\er fail to walk ri-gulaii.\. I’.aihe frerpicnlly. To Drive Out Malaria And Build Up The System Take the Old Standard CiROVlC S T.XSir.LMSS chill TONIC. You know wl'. it vou iire taking, as the formula is piinte„l on everv label, showing it is yuini le and Iron in a tasteless form. The QinnMio drives out malaria, the iron build; up the system. 6o cents. When He Is W;se Enough. A mail d'H- n'i know e\.-i > i bin;:, but he l\tii'\\s to ohiain infonn.a tinr, about llie lhi:lL's i I 'Iieei’v-a I'.\ for hill, lo know. Why That Lame Back 7 Morning, sharp twinges when bending, or an all-day back ache; each is cause enough to sus pect kidney trouble. (Jet after the cause. Help the kidneys. We Aniericans go it too hard. We overdo, overeat and neglect our sleep and exercise and so we are fast becoming a nation of kidney sufferers. 72% more deaths than in 18iK) Is the 1910 c<*nsus story. Use I Joan’s Kidney I’ills. Thou sands recommend them. A South Carolina Case tvirf tU- turt T'tUt a Smy- ’* John M. Wilson, K, F. D. No. 1, Traveler’s S. (’., says; “Hardships weakened niy kidneys and I had awful palius In my hack. 1 Kteadiiy g<it worse and was terri bly annoyed by soald- iiiK and too frequent passajies of the kid ney secretions. Rlieu- matle pains in my hips kept me awake and my a.nkles and feet swelled. I bad awful dizzy speiis, loo. r)oan’s Kidney Pills restored me to Kood hefilili.” Get Uoan’a at Any Store, 60c a Box DOAN’S ■VfJifs’ FOSTER-MILBURN CO., BUFF.\LO, N. Y. m ,\laii.\ It 1 e.M a t ions bbe, iiji \'. hi-n a jr.liiieal eanipaiuti ;s in full l.-hi'-t. f'ot<ls f'lMis" Ile;id;iche and (Irip b.^.VAl'IVK HUC'-a) I.II I.NI.M5 rt-tii< .vf, t lo n i:^.v I . s **!iIy t>n»»' Ur« 1 j!i<> * K W. (iHu V WS is i»ij o. Give some people their jiii k and they will pick flaws every time. Pains Vv’1;y siifTer fro:n C' rfti- T ' -'::x -lains when fin af.r'li' ati' n < : : .-.g-r’a Llnirr.snt v,;ll t; Tl.i'^l itarr^rnt is^'-.od t-.o, forr-ic-i-'-.m, S' iali ,-i, li<}a I..- p'i;n in chcalorsidt-.spraii;cutsand Lrui'-es. 35c TER BOTTLE AT ALL DL.M.fT.S Kii-ti b'tt !e riiiK.- Ins f'.re laun lUo nsaal f.oc b.jiiioof •'W \'"\T I—■ !■■■■ ■ li iH I P Net Contents 15 Fluid Drachm iuiiBll: CAUSES Ste'OliS CAGKAGHE l ! Wlion vour der ,.^.1 ’ ■ I \ (,i;r ’ • ■ ■ 1 bottle cf i):. K'l:-:! -. aii'i _'.0!ir M.'.'! Ml be -I 'll lod, : 11; I a S.-, i:;,!. K-...- it is a t ' > . - I'll- -I !l'' I"!' I'T :-;.l K/al;- of the '.airu . .'a 1 i ,■! !er. It h.i - -.T , ! ;;;e 'e-! ot Ve il ' M .] i;:;' a rc]ni!,na>n v ..aa '-lx aa l ei’'-*-tively giviriL' ri.-u;*' mi t ia'ii-ii. of ea-',-;. Till- prcjiaia' -.> ver;, e!T.-‘\(‘. has been placed '-r. .■-.ile eia-i \ v. lie*-'. (Jet a bottli’. inediiiin < r lai>:e M.'e, at j'.ar iii-ar- cj-t dni,f^i>.t. 1 lo'>\ e\'er, ;f \''U -.xi'ti iir~‘ to '.*st this* prcparat'on -ciai ten < ii’,-- to lyr. Kilmer & l’.;i!;jli:in.’,.'ii. N. \ fo'.- A sanii'le bottle. W hen w: -i';,' be Fi;re and men tion thiS papfT. .\'lv. No Time Wasted. We i-\«n saw I'lif 1,-ii!,'. earr> lor i<niiting io the iiio\;• She U'U in I wo or three '-tiiciii.v w h, n iln- lii:his were fiashe<l on.- l.oin-,\ilb-''<>urier .lournal. Optimistic Thought. Reality and shai.i ii! no nine mi\ than oil at.d w ater. A p.;*; r-f 1 -Mia i'\*- IV!- J-t (...1 u :pi,.. rni- ’ ’.i 11..I.i iMm;.: 1«of til-- iinii i:i :• .\dv I'\eti if the v> orm doer: turn w ha; does it benefit him ? ALCOIIOL-3 TER CENT, j AVoi,^ctnb!ePrcpnrationfor:\s CVil ' similnlinrttlicIuadbyKc<5i!l3^ ubj ; tini^ihcSlv^machsaodjiowtstf MMl^^gCHltDREg IV-.S '/ir*"- •< ’i-Z.-i *.-r «'■< V. J -Z - i - ^'0 3,,, S f /J il: 3 ^ •'S^'3 I/. J. I. C; C ® j Therein PfomoUn^Di^esUon I Chortfult\cssandResl.Contams neither Opium. Morphine nor I, Mineral. Not^hcotic, Pumpkin ' AlxSmita JtocheUf SiUs Anisr Srfd ^CarboKutt Sum ,| j Worm Scfd J Cttnfted Sugar j JQiiirfrrfn fhfor 1 A hcl pi 111 Ucmody Constipation and Diarrhoea . I find Fcverishncss ana LossofSle^ resulting thercfr^y*^^ rac-Simile Sijnatm°t The CESTAvnGoMP'XTf- new VQ^ At6>onthsol^^ 35 Bo$es-35^^ Exaa Copy of Wrapper. <:iT,!trf{T * CO.,Hftitin- T. >T,i. cim Forlnfants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Al'ways Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA TMK eCNTAUR •OMMNV, NSW TOHII OrTT. Overworked Women must learn not to neglect their heaitii How V/omeo arc Restored to Health Spartanburg, S.C.—“For nine years I isuf- fere«i from backache, weakness, and irregu larities ;-o 1 could har>liy do uiy work. I tried many rcniedies but found no perma nent relief. Alter taking L^dia E. I'iak- ham’s Vi-getablo Coiupouiid 1 felt a great change for tiie better aiul am now -well and Btrong so I have no trouble in doing mv work. I hope every user of Lydia iE. I'inkhain's Vegetable (Jonipomid wi'll get as great relief as 1 did from its”—Mrs. S. I). McAbee, 122 Dewey Ave., S^tartanburg, S. C. Chicago, 111.—“For about two years I suf fered from a female trouble so I was unable to walk or do any of my own work. J. read about Lydia E. Tinkham’s Vegetable Com pound in the newspapers and determined to try it. It brought almost immediate relief. My weakness has entirely disappeared and I sever had better health. I weigh 1G5 pounds and am as strong as a man. I think money is well sp nt which purchases Lydia E.Pink- barn’s Vegetable Compound.”—Mrs. J<*s O’Brtam, 1755 Newport Ave., Chicago, lU VOU CAN RELY UPON K LYDIA EM VEGETABLE GONPOUND

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