(Name changed from SySvnn Va!'ey Mev/s, January I, 1917.) VOL I) ME-XXII BREVAUl), NORTH CAI!»I,INa. ^'IMKAY. HECKMIiKU :i<. 1917. NUMBEK-5'4 RECIMENTtL PAPED SENT WITH lETTEIi BY TWO N3ME BOYS R. G. Siniard uid W. G. Fortuiu' write letter from ‘ Somrwhoro in France”. Setul also copy of RAILROADS ASKING FOR LESS TRAVEL Unusual CondititMis Cause Rail roads to ;!sk I'uhlir to Stay at Home -'.s '!iich as Possible. W ; NI. I. ^. i) l)if. —Ab- MDi'Miiil f r !>-(irniajuls i»!! paper puhlislunl by j,,,. s,,,.. Well edited a:id intcrestMi}^. Shows life in Zoiu*. CHRISTMAS BAY AT ST. Fine Pro^iriTni of Special Mu .ic -To lie .it N4 \s Su iil; > Morninj-’s Service. Chhsfnnis i!'iy. n I ways (»!>-< i-\ti in (I'r rdT-cnonji. v>it!i ;i jiki- n hirinn-ly Mt tli:> ijsiil {liurc’i, c.ii jiVi i;):;!*’ of iili'h iiuTlt. \v:!S !!'•' ('! a ;*i! -'I i i' ili!> . ii.j, is 1ln‘ ju : n; •»!• ; r »•> :i:- ’ {!i-> i U in Mr; ■ : .Ii;-'' t!u' L M'C ' ' ‘.! (!) MKSlvl I !;;v 1- itr'df fit*:;!' • 1 * : : ; I;. !• i-H ■ : • . i‘\ ■ > ;■ < 'M-iiWiiht ii'x'ut liv till* will- int'c.i'is iiii: a cnmiilrtc i-cvrrs;i! in ti;*' Sol. iMriti.in n!' ilit‘ !r<‘V On Sunday, th.' X.v.s I >‘p-;•* im.-i! ;i • t In->ciisc.i\ riWivi'u U h'tlfl- i'v'ir. -'s.Mn.'-vli.Ti' i’’ T ' li -'ts li> j'v. 'IN'!.' :f!J| in Fraui’o"wrini‘n t>v ('.vi» i'ci n* - i^- i h!'i i s■ .i iliiluy t I'n , i. t in■ S' lu! h • Viuiir; liuys in t1i(' ’.I'Mi n I't > p ;-^-iMiLrtT rt-pi' scntn f i Vi'-- jirc rMili-oiul cn<:in-. :•>, IJ ^ ! <: !«.• t-. n'fr.nn Ii.-m; nvd j-ul Will (' F. . 'I'i' ■ .] ;t.‘ I I'lnkMii: !snv inp .hn i-i- Hi.- <'nriM Of tiu' U'ttrr shn-AS 1; 1on:r n Hm.<- | •!’ ’>"* a !'>■ .!ul. ] v n.'. r .nry was T;il;i>n ii^ t r,i >vtt i<-n . Etu-losi'il ii; I’m.' 1'-H. r vv,i- n ( I'Jiv Of thr "On I/i l/i" rinv'<. v-M'-) . u | tiir,,- s t..r by tlir ITtli r. S. KT,-iiK Iv:,v I ' i :•! .Mvii--r.M .Mivalf if»f^ il.-i f f uj' 'I'l' : ’.'I' ' of l-uhiii'iitii >n is 'il'.; ; *1 ! '1 1;-,. ■ Naint' i)f tl)'' DM?'- r is sVlt at 11'.' I'm nr!i I'l', ’Mr,''' ina^t. ry hi('h n:> '■ fi»i i tlian anv '' 'il: ovt'v thfT-tv 'rhi' 1' t'i ''Vu'r'i'il intcr<'>( Tint I'Tily as c. ■Miiri.-' t'’ < -m fr nii i),. ^^av :■ ih'. but s.'i t bv t'-v- *i\vTi t)ovs. It 'i' ' ’ • t i ■■ r- I ‘ r'l 'il lin’niiV that ir.lv a ci 'I'-Vii >.l j ■' • AuUT'.'M i» bi>v> l.TH’V.s I.’-- ‘ i r, V tlic - . ,'v ; ' i ar: ic li r- i t In- -: ; r t • f ■; v.' j * ■ v ! n ! :i. a . i 1'“ Bt'Uuv v.r r. i»i'.‘t t!'.- ' a jhI S’’!iu’ f\t i ;ifl-- i'.riiii t li-• 1' . i !■' V ; j “ ■ N.j 1- liti r Brrxavi N. will liiul a (Mpv I ■; ti | >- \ 'a 't c i!.; 'Ti>, H; vtal I’a j'! r vl. W-,-t Inal::^ ■ ■ i*' ' 'r-'M', c ivi; y.'U hill' tl) i‘ it, av. 1 ])- r- >■ ■ l;ai» liiul siii.'i 'f hli,;: ’!i n • it \ - r_ ‘ ' \\\' liav.- b.-rn ‘ at tl;i> t.) ‘I’.' ■ : ! tha lor smut' t:nu', aiivi ’ m \ ();•-ninr' )nVrioir;-" '!’(* 1) ■IIDI -1 (!!'-ria i\ \ I'if T.hi Vccl 1 !'!l ;■'>);! } I \ rnn •');) <! riiion ( iiaiil '[’'tins in F. TolJi r- iii I-', i:: (’ ii^- in !'. in . . \i;an: DR. V. W. DS30RKE GETS LIEUT’S. OeMftllSSIOfj JJI Ak t-Uli tfitifia tr m Meiubcrsiiip 0)ni:iiirt(’e Contin ues Me<iii(!t{ at Pisj»aii .'^oresi V>'->rIr Meiii- bers iu Priv:>,tc ‘V^;y. !)r. V. \V’. <)sbortio, fDi nicrlv ot lircvanl :ni<l vvoli k’lO’.vn licre, cofntni-'sion :is litsi ij’cnti-nant in t h<- M< (1 ifa 1 r >• < \ i> ci n’j>s nrf.jii'l }l•l^ 1 it;iiai!i(l ;i bi!i: • ninnb< r < I in‘J! Id liic aj’rnv, .aiid | ^ -n.- tl.r :ir-. ,„n toivcrivra Th.‘ <•« n), »a i-M t wr .v . t.v mm f')r t)i»‘ ib'd f’rt .'-s. «.,n'lnctt'd by tin* tn(*nib*‘i- liip fi innni 11(c, had l( Ston.-M MU)ta.r,. vs),nis„oKva fh-tl*"' Hi'Ufi .iMit in t!i(‘ Medi al rcx r' c 111!! W;:- !•’■. \’. W. < »sh( iin<-. '•(‘il i.ti')Ufi piMc'ifiriu'pli\s’(;i?iii of idvcfst- wi'aniri* (“■ >TiM 1 ii'in:ind on]' il b'w 1(1 tl !ip;ii ini'sK'n!*- met A pi'.blic incflin^' v\as lidd jj' F' f. si 'i'i;V!r.'-<bi V niirb) in (•..yps. liifatciiant ('s'iM'V)!' is ji well kno'.vn nativi' oi' 'rraji'vlvani.-! (•<,UT:t\. A^'Ti-i- .c l-furi i Km.„y. Dr ')sl,. rn.- Nv. nMn St.,j I «unt .in v.b. ,v i,(. h-:s M-d ' .‘<L ip. r.-c.«iv.,l bis I = at!.■n.b,i;( . OctMb.'r p.-. ,,T.d <n l».--nib.r 1-J i>l * f. .< was ! t.. r.-v,,r1 to F-.rt < )-■ I ‘‘ thnrj:-, ^v!^rr■■ „,,n- on dnt' !'• ’ r.-^nb-nt . I’... .{.aji lir-id.-,. ]:a-:n-a bn-;- -iinnbrr ^ • ’’ ' ■ I i :< t.d ^ il i <; i ;.I ( ; ‘ ];i - - ■ ci if ' ■ .‘M-. - . ,; • ;t- :i ■ ! .- •:nd ! J.-n d t , ‘d^ 'd' i/iviiis. ^ ()•• biirn*- I‘ n i ! '■ t' n b- I'^a. r., . I (van-- ! i ( on.rr'’' i;<i ’ !> nui ^ I i i >!’i -' ; !. * . \ ' I r- 1 lb'. < ! 11.; j ‘i I’., '"'■•ii .\ni!'(n\ :'’:=r Spa; tnfd inHR'-Tpfl'; p.ar,pjur !UOiu-j i J i f'i'J-.iili I I AT ;b‘-vT \ :^v. lb\--ar-r- ! f » i L j'io i » i li-i ' i 0 I ••■^a'vjM; i ri f‘i ■ "-'b;; I1 \ I •) • I ^ i f *! I * ■ ■' ’ j I' i t • I, lilt' * ■ (' s ^ .11 ^ i:t'Tu f’j : 1; Wt-rr u-ti'i inpi : p ■ t !■ n ‘ . 1 bf nan:’ iT j^r-t in • il ■ !!u ■; n ; i !;h’. .■ ii' ndc ■!'.■■ ba\ ■ b.'.'i) ]i'; ,v in ■■{ n r.. n (' a.; ■ T)-.:- n ’i’ :i ■;!' ■ ]]■ i > ■, 11al!<1: ■ ai! ( no r iilAI u i htif. L-;n':) i (b.did'-ratii (1 !>y Si!iui.;y ‘'.c'nool j I’-vd V'-t < 1 ii.- laiv.ati- s ,. j well AtU'nd ! r.>./r,nii Kxtadlen* i 1- I’ijs ha-iab‘1 i ContrilM'.ti^')!! of (b'.nr>od (ioods j tbat' i ihc !>ur b' I t<» (.’Ililllren's ffonica j-^pcak' !• I ;■ the ti.r.'M.T b;;- j nii'ct t i. ■ (•' la'a'i-’i' ' i, i il pri' i - -j i- i S * ■ S -b'l i Ar lb. .-bMr.d! v ! • •pp'-^iii-.ii in n.a i-v ; r>-f:i i.-. a w<ifi5vj 2 3VJ -J 5 V ' .' i!' • rs •. irU'ibr tb;' S-i;;'ia>’ Sidiool ■]. brut- i'd tl.c I !n-istac'.s M'a-'.n •.■.■i'll a i|'iu :.n! (•'>’1.'1sti>nr I't si-ii_'~ v |iiiins. and ri'.!’';;a\, v.j.i.'ii v,\Tf ; s( in,('t ina'.s liJis tn <‘n unnt r b'di's. 'V li I'cniiiT.-d a id in 'i> 1 bv .•in ! j ''irTl'^P^Tr ainTro (itdefirati'>n liv (diilareii ..r i aa iii la --oi <) ! {• ’aaiisi Sn;-'(la\ Si hool-Pro- n ' n.-ri?)’ n. d : - gi)otl it>r us \\ V* a 11 - rath. r ’a'"'.' all the time a'.id : !.i i et- a’. 1 ■ lie d > not lia ve time to t lank t : t I ’, w tbdi'.as th.at are i • -t as ora- I luld like. We have 1 ad but litti ' eold ueathcr hci’t* and ])b :.t y of rain. If yon can ai'■,* ns a 11 i 1 i 1 ir !na- tion !i.- to what rt -inie n.^ tl • no\s i'.tt h;i. ve letthen- bi 1 ‘ ’ ■ ^ t ■ we v.'tadd apprt'ciate if v I -■ Tl; ' ; ] , • J -we v.aiuld then liav.* i ‘Ij-lTV t ) b.' on tilt lookout lor them \ •' t ' --.dly we v»t)idil b‘j uiad to st e t:, m o, edd I Ip —f V, b,' 1 ri n"t ♦ vi 1 ' b M ' ( a V v> I : I •! > 1 .I »■. ; ?■ !’’■ 'fs t I'at ' p' ai if i.- ’ ; i'll id! t !:i‘ • ■ lai r;■ Vi r W I.' ii f V 1- ; . • ;a > ;.;i , I • I I- I.' ; 1 ^ . ’ !■( ' V iri-n Irt tb in hr saii' b* sen! •> f r<‘iii'I'roe Distrihnroi! |ir"ids. ctr. . , b > s nt inibt* < iiild ;t i.'i li.f ii.i’ii i:i li Vf I a‘1’s r ! T( n > (i'.n'.f al \'a’,.‘tn d’ht-M- a- Si'.a'.iis SiiiiMps. (’ t'.'.ini;. 'i'b" cia’ Inai ni tb.- ilip’-a Snn !'-Vi-r'' ’d in'^id-- tln' liw (■-■111 lliiin Slimp,-, tind r.i' (b'lv >c !k i. ■! l'i vi- at) cxi-.-'i!.!'! pv. !^ ii-I'b QHlLEO QMHK3 1! irTi t' I M V. a iM M ' M < b ^ ( 'all a S' i; that I la- Stanijis arc ]i i-t- d in Ibc Lrv.-mi :‘r tb :r I ar.ri-a ,, ■ "lanl ’a I Idolain'^ '• 'in-'.^tnns ,i I piiipc" raia. niunt bcaiai' bi!'_>' a I'.dnaa'f. ; i 11 vill t:i> a n fa-'\ n la 11 (•!' t or (d;. 1 - (j)iiiit* u man;-I'! la* vi‘ti na ] ■'■']di' I ROSf.iftN SnilOOL KEW^ liiii'n t iu rn.'td vi s to raiai t^r.r dnl touk ]''irt in i in' t‘\ri'ri^«'>. 1 \\ iM; Ibid a!,l 'I'ii ' i:i \M)itb <1 1 \\ < n I y bi \ ctDt At't<'i- the s..nas .-'nd ?’<'(afaticns j N<)?dh < ;t!’o]in;i I);iv was tib. a’ft'ariiat b;:-i-' w. tlnir ^chi'-l^ I'laitt Stainjis, laily sixtttn in wti i- '.ri v>aa the airi d nii.a-t-is (,i ! s.asfd in tlu* !-Ji'Tt;an s diool witb .Ml '.ad 'roxav.-ay b'lvir’^^ •' isi-i n- . . - ; 1' i : 11 .'. I! 1 liia I : 'I ! a ; 1 ( I > . I i: 111 I' I M’-s ida :.id!ia' .a:d Krs-;.- ^ ni.ai.--, a..mi I.. . Sat nr(ra.’ ■ a' bist '• f.d<. <’lvd;‘ . ^ba'id, , i b^y I'.ai'. sonti t-'-a.di lb-, ir (‘inldrt ii idans, wlin di-t iabat.‘-l ^at* ’ Mi—'N'.xa K-i''-• - ni M’."' iP)-a,a tu li-al t h--sana* rat !n;>i;isin in bny- n liiif (’Iu i-^i n as I r« a t ) t la-.'•^unda.v tin V ci'in;' uur way. ...... .. , . , , , , .. , , „• , lb..-.. :i!v ai! af li-an viili i )u>ir ! Hi- Mnat t .^!ani])s tli.it t hey Stdn.ol. \ li»’I't* T 111' V 1i M k r 1i t• I . : ! • ' I I> j N'’ th«'V art' nt-nb-d by onr ■! a dr Sain’b F<a- l;'ar thi^ dnrs not pass (“< nsoi-, \vt,‘ Will cbi't' wa-lun:,' you .ill a merry < hri>t!na-‘. i:.(; ,-ixi\!r) \v. (•. Fi 'i; id NK. FROM “OU LA LA ' TIMES \Va colebralt' Tiianks'^’.vin;^^ l»ay this Vi'ar far frnni dui t.unilies aiid ,,f {jn* s ‘V. nth •■aid ■'p^t tb ‘ fin<‘>t and st!oTnrest that tin* ciani- bonv XMiiit have wr to aae ^.,.,V.i.s v.cn- of l;-di qniditv. b a it , t r v !ais y. t pn.dnc.'d. if tlnyv will ^vil}) a trat!.‘-v. i'. a- tliwnks loi in tbes ' t iini's of I a- j,, ;-r i, c! mai tnc ?nann» r in ni nj)<>n tinir riiiblrt'n t hi'irnpta'- ^b'* morninir of *ha.t day tion and a svorbl at v.arr Fa a, ^v.-r.; ibdiaied. Mdi.', i:. ner of tlieir j'art in Anua iea'> ’ ' ^ > ^b.Xeely, on.< of th.‘innattes, for tlif b'Vi* ana b'ValP''' tino *’ '•’■' ! by tin'irirls iii a i- eita-‘ ^M-’-at n.ndia takin^r at this tinn*. w;is bnrm-tl to ili>.atb. ni the nn ))lac‘t‘ tion of th.).se we h)ve ^ S ane .,1 Us L,_ ,.j ^,„ | i of his own rooai. are reall/ini: for the li^ ,-t time p r rend.rrea. .Miss [> .nbah | [I tills w t>‘t\ s\is- pended their s !n:. t',.;- tb--(’in i-t-j i'^'bV- <’ou’il tiiere bti a lima- n)as b"b.davs. j .-ifj:lit 1 ban to t,' eiaidtin < onipet riie era. rt aiaina.t iri ,en ai (.Jao. 1 ina in the -^Mnu* of thritt? Tln ir i)ec ('ot.iar,'. I.'d'i-'ii.ii 1 ■'..■ t Satnr-j I'‘‘i‘ ' i- ail.is stnnnlns into day e\t-Tiina was ,-v .elleat i!i evta-v I thi'ir lives, and the cianiiu: nnai re-aeet. • b'lita' p r? et. •• iabt'ri v | ^iid wo;nt n of Aincrit'a \\ ill be liner , and Her Al’a's." wiiii j it lioNe a. i'■/■.. iis • ai Ji'‘conid ot i!. 1). !). McNeely, .'\<je<- rf s. mas ;i7id. tb- tdaa s.ibatta e -n-'ti-! •-'riie eiii Id a-i :ithia-1 ■ i t In* man,i County Home, Burned to Deatil ON CHRISTMAS EVE. till' tlen(..;nana t i"n were reiiiern |H!ti?i;i- t‘\e]-ei.-.es .a'. Frid.ay attar bt'red in an i .• i i ii a 'ale-:. 11 r th* ir | mmn, 1 )eei ndier 1 ii li. '] hnft, non beTH !ir. I ser\atn,ai and pa ti'in-i'-ni wi'ro Fi'bta' Tnade ii tiin ti> lifi'Vad ■]>.' ' ”* *’>>■>''- niai. i i->-;. i . t.nii^u:^ i 'J'he !ina 1 ]>art i f tlu']:■!•'■!:!;• ni was ( ressed iii t he sanas and re.al ams. in the iian b-' of Mi-, and Mr--. .'<<tnta j The j>rvi;^rani in part was fob 1 ^a t' r'ro!!; i iov.'S ; 1. Soinr—“Aniericfi.'’ sehool. 2 •■Meanina of the Fdaj.',” Net a.- tiii'barils' 111 • ('ons.-r aitian and Thrift," Cbiuu* < 'annon. b "Why \Vi^ Ar. Idahtin'^ (-Jta' many,” Ettji «^b;.<;‘^er. o. ■•Our (’onntrv i'tcejil-- the bhalleniio," Avie F-'Xi^ai. School flosed Fiiiay for t>na 'vet»k's holidnv. A nam' rr of new students ait'ex])etded toeiir ill for tlio te; :’.i. oil for Iht* Ibirti ; inonth f dlo'.v.-^ : t nted •'. sa 'lia 1 feata.re .if I’n- p:r.)-|aial tin* jaiiaii..' iif An;ericii can I Monday Morninj;. rum. 'Tiui d'.a'l.inaitions by tin-j'n-i kt‘ tin- erowinj: La in ration tin-; (diiistinas Fve al tin* t.’iinntv We .are li i\i' a a ratlit r <p- ' vaa'atioti, ri'- tb- ve nn* t»nl tha ‘‘ pi'ople '.p -'aTl'ia tbe-a- hi-d(b.iy-' at ' a sat), t iic- i! s (diarle.s li.-anib'!: i^s t- liis h' ; in Forest buv <ai a. -ht-i'^ fnrlon.ia-; Byron ll.aninek. v.holi.id exi)eote-i ro reniaai here d'arniLr vacati' n h.as tr-aie hornt* ttj \isit wirli hi^ ia-otber di.b.n 'lainriek is now at the n i val tramitar station :it Norfolk, \*a Mr. a'ni .Mrs. li, 1^ Wilson v.t-i dinn* r aut>>ts t>f Mi.'." Puiiule.vtt'r qv (diristfnas day. .Miss Avii A.shworth was u dinnet mie.-l i.;f Mi.-'S t'.iilitaian tjn <Jiii • ina> <luv. On »’hn>tnius inornini;, tiu've was a at le-ral t*xt h-in.ai' '.jf vari-a.'-« sina’l ( hns^nias tor-er..s. bv.-tw.*eat teachers and students al tlu* brtMk- fast t!.d)le. Webeivt' nsiialty laid a tret* b-il li v,-;!s ib'aided ntjf to lla V' one tb.is Vt.il', .-aiee everv OIM* ha." bdr tl;<* n. i-d )t li?nilina rhrisfm.-f- ^^afts tais s-.'ason. in vi* v »>f the rp, , 11 *■ ,1- , •'Jiore pressina ?n-'ed.s elsewlier *. Tin* honor roll for Iht* [bin- ‘ Fii-f <Jr»ab’—b.-s;‘ Leo (\.lhns, | D.'ylt' >b.)w>. I’iiiu lieest*, \Vbl'it(»rd DIED AT GAMP JACKSON «b;' W ..-:;oii. .b-;ni ibilbick. I 'I'h-' bedy td Ttan Turn-r, ..a«‘ , Fii^-ibeta White. Badie Lo.e | the t o mb b- dtaltt d nien who di ■ Paid County Commissioners j The body was diset)v.>rf,i by two Fonrt’i (ira.b--1 du I'avr.a,. Fdaa r- ‘'^ -'-^y ..t aaaip .biebson. b ;bra Mara>'riiain.-.s b-'ina'ttn '.Mnner. Htanvrateasw - never b.vt-lj, ,:^^ -,von in tbis content, before, what th ;t Tn.-aii;-, b. >v. nia-li Unit means. iUi.l ho ,v Piach v e .e.ve of the hi'St that is in us to that K;sfn«i home loVt*.- I'roia <'i,a j l i; a's add re^^s. Itisonr duty .iv.d -.air piivileire here to deiiiaafe th-s ])lot of aioun . ,is the last rv*.-tin,!: jdace fe-rsonn' of liswholnive conn* to Frinee, at'd some who v.ill ei.-ma t-i France to fetnrn no more l'< oav native bind Ttijs is not un fjrtlinara’ t-ee.-isioti. It is (aiston a’v Ita' a peoijl-* to jir^)- vidt* pl-i-'es for tl)- a ♦; wt? (b) liert* to day at, it is the part of ‘at people tt) a L'rt at Sewidl's address i:>t Cfintdery fur oaals iiJi ve bt'i n <d' Wb A Jii'owii’s ehilren. who -\t tin* close of th- literary pro-1 io thi‘ nnanbers of <he Hoard reported in terror what thi'V saw . , 1 ' <>T ('ountv ('t)aMnissioners dnnn^^ n- • n-' »,e-i ouwrs r i, ,,i th. < i.,.x.s n.-iai V,.,.,-I'.u,: •' '■ ‘ ' ‘.e.st:a.a1t> baind tlu* obi man ni a Wl.itta Jaia (Uven, ,V;ny Wiate. t-ia. s was l)r.-i;-lil )aa.i-' an M<a* Wlnta^ barl Cla/aiar, dames ; ba’ar-t:nas (My. lie was tb ^ s^^n (',>p,5,-is. j of F^a.r b’ar-aer Oi Selien and 'va- ,i Fifth (irade—’r. eie ('Hnti'elb i yisna nian of - -ed record ? na part'd bv t a.' y<>nna ladies (d thn , , . . , . , t * wi I \ n i li n J t \, \\ t *i’t * 15 vl till* t V r*)nin)issi t *nt r ill ^ J' V 5* M)»11 ^ ^ ^ 1 ^ ^ ^ ^ ] *1 tiotu 1 j LJi'X 11*)’ L*( > 'A * i 1, ^ I ' li i < ui /.t *!) (.' r, ; ^ ^ ^ * ][) 11 * n i i >* ‘•int'Vila t.'le ’ e.kt* wt* t to tlni: most l-p.hti Orr salary as ci'.airna'a . JiiO.nn , ready <b'atl, his b-.idiV fi'otn the knees I Wilhani Watki’’-- ''^'u-eki Min'v j This is the lii'Si (b'atli y..,r,,: la.lv M.-s | imrn. .iin,o con j Sixth!!b., ! vl . t j (b r. Lytiay 11 sj)fi.iid ilavs at S2.'-0 ' <*itian. !b T. Lyday mib-a;-f V.On j Jt is thoatrhl tlait Mr. McNeeiy 1 \V. lb Shipnaui 21 rt-taiki.'<iavs as I, , . , .i, . b ! reiintN t-tmi. ^it ^2 0() ,^ert!av !2.(KM “ii'<)rnin-and DEATH DF A. V. BROCK A. V. Brock, the b,ib*r. dietl on ' vV. K. Shipni: n 5 si-ot iai uay; at ^>2 lOan lantib'd a lire, and that heini: snb- Vednt sd 1V nnaht, aeeor!lin.'.r to in )V ; ^^ - ^.leia' to di/./y S!;t*lls, hutl fallen b . ^ I .■nv.-r'!ic-l :u iounts, ra'tiiai'^ ' . . . . , dead is - H f) • d ' CrtU ' ttt dt ^ Anici I sonnd(*d, fti’s c.arc, ■ last ])?ir!i(Ua When I And v'. And wo i ’> Up tlmi . This, then, .r St Peter Tell ns lo . .vi'th » y**ll; Take a fron. seat, 'Jlailway Eniri- ncers, { V\ ira'.ition rcccivcd jiist ht-fore tin 'Cews went to prt'.-is. Mr Brtx'k h.-id been i n clmriTt* of t lie jail fta’ Mie ]):ist six or eiaht na)nTh.'^. Ht^ h avt s il widow and on** dani'htt'r OLD FOLK SERVICE Seventh (-ratle — N’irainia I’owell, liohi OvVtai, ssi;' WbirliiTis. bbiade i;ichaid«so'!. Tht* folio'.vi; .a ])ro!'rain was >aiv(*n hv tbt' ara'les in tbt' ( hiist- You have done you*^ hitch in bell. • Chased Hook.” Rev. W. E. Pt)()vev wil' proacli to the old ]ieo])la Siuuhiv inorninir at 11; snhh'ct ; “(Jrav Hairs and (Jnice.” 'Pho ehoir will h,; cotr.■ posed of old people. Those h’tvinjr cars or othnr cor v»*vsinres are nrai d to assisj- th- old pcoi)lc in af'ttin'r to thesin'viet Snbiiift for S.i'T'd.ay nii^ht; “Th ■ 1 (i r K'b.,a’.rieb. li,-ister ,,nattempt Deitis and . .K olii-io eb-rk to tlie ;to stand up. tie wh.s the only Bo:ird of t'onnt\ ('on'.'iassiont*rs of ji-.niatti occnpyintf the rotJin. fransvlv.sni ' aii \, liereliy certi- j 'd./Netdv had hi t n an intnate f..-fh:.t I!'.. 1..U --->r.'-ai„l Ih,. h.m,. forr.l«mt v..,,.-. H,- stateinani v t i ' 'innamls auditt a | . . , ' . bv lilt? 1)0-:'-a i,j‘ !’onaia.-'itan'rs toj""'' ^aiii%e tit. South (arolin.a. the mcmier- bi-erta)! for s«*rvices j c.tna* inan.y vc.-;rs a:.ro to tl is ( \>nnty as (!t»mmi-;-i- vers, anti -'Iso a. (a*”. }ivt‘, and 'vvu.-' at oiu* time v>ell- rect ^datem. 'I oi tha nnadu-r of' indep,*nd: nl. He was davs navle’id i>v eac i aT.d tb.c ! amoia^!- ]>aa!to each for nalea .o, j tiuit sai*i is in coin- ] ^I'lW riMn?iins wt^ic intorrod Mon- pliuneo with tJic rta{air»*mcnts of .se(*tion i:>2i) O' the Kmisiil of ll)U5 Thi.s Nov. Kb l;Ur (!. ’ K 1 ’'-itrifk, Hc’dsit ' of Deeds. •l.jy afternoon in the burying ground of the home. jir.-t ?^a-n.de. Son;j—• (-io-s Ibyc l)t.)liy,'' first arade Uecita' ia(.~^ ■ Art hnra bs Turnua't.' mas t ntertain..a;ent on Friday ni>4:I;t. t A. .'i. I’axt e.i. •Jlst ; 5b'Citation—Kleain'.r Ande;-son. Renew before expiration. K.‘vitation—'.’:aude (lln/cni-r. I’lay—‘Se.--,',e in the bhaplain Family.” Heeitnli-in—b-lna White, liccibition- VVir’iiim W-itkins. Drill—Girls of tlie fourth and tilth grades. llecitation—Annie Mae Dentv'n. Play—“A Peep tit Santa Clans.” Christmas Song—Fourth and fifth grades. Soii.a—‘d'o on tbe II,ease Top.’ !U>'t Ixecita t a a—M:iib'in .Tcnkir.s- St'n.i.('In 1st nas [it ll>.” gUa.s t)f >r-eond a-'.tl tbinl ^ra.d 'S. liaci I a tion— Fa al - f rt aip. (.’hri-'t!!\-is Lnlbii-y—liirls a scC- and and tl.ird arades. •vcci t :i* ion— fiUcy Fnllbrigl.f. Play—I’hristmas of the Little Pines,” .second and Ihird grades. Phiy—‘-t ;iinst!nas ut Skeetcr Corner.” Piay—-‘Old Woman in a Shoe,”| Soii;.'—‘ C'hristinus Bells.

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