BREVARD NEWS, BREVARD, N. C. CALOMEL SALIVATES AND MAKES VOD SICK Acts Like Dynamite on a Slug- ISfish Liver and You Lose a Day’s Work. There’s no reason why a person should lake sickoninp, salivating ealoincl when a few cents buys a larqe bottle ol Podson’s Liver Tone a perl'oot substitute lor calo mel. It is a pleasant, vej^etable licjuid which will start your liver just as surm at ts ht tti-r ilian horTihle ealomel your money !> w.iilui'; ! ■;• you. Advertisfiuent FOOD ADMINISTRATION PREPARING TO PUT SCREWS ON UNSCRUPULOUS DEALERS Rumblings of Impatience Being Heard Around Headquarters. Selfish and Unpatriotic Consumers Will be Dealt With Also—Fine of $5,000 and Two Years’ Imprisonment Penalty for Hoarding.—Administrator Henry A. Page Tightening the Reins. BREVARD INSTITUTE NOTES Haleigh.—Not withstandintr Uk off- repeatod and provt*n assertions that its attitude toward all deah'rs in food- stut^s i.s first of all friendly, and that it is de.sirous of (o-oporsitinK with all haudlfTs of foodstuffs, rumblings of impalienee at petty profiteering are hepinniuK to bt* hi*ard around the tjuarters of the Food Administration in tlii.>< tity. Tliat Fond Adniiuistrator llonry A. I'age lias at heart the interests of the I)n>duft rs and hantilrrs t)l‘ foiuistuffs has lu'(Mi deiiioii.straled by his aition in strai.L’htfMinK tail tlu- v.'iouf si’ua tion in thf statt> and by l;is atti;ude tow.trd all wlit'Iesalors and r<*tai! rs in H'ltiVf < onftTcnt f;; h< ri'; l>ut i: not I'aiiHHr; eitlior lt:r i:;b in the laeo t>f injury, nor for araiirt' win n law's ar<‘ l>i - i and niijir-'.-, >•,; th)'('in:i il;.:’ ei'f'il tit !‘r:is)uim cr lui- p.:;’ii>'.« (i*ali'rs. Offenders to be Put Out of Biisinecr;. 1 I'c w.inion v:f!.iiii‘;n> i i;ia!id polii > ft' t);- .\(in;- ij ation art' !'i»und, it is ant icij>a; od ill.;' till' I'iTt-ndiiig (it':i;: rs will he p’.i:;- 1 h: iiv the l iiap’.i' I'l O'-cihii o ol jva'- tiiii^ them out ol' Inisiiit'.'s, Wliei'f^ I)r(ililf*rs ar(' slin'wd emtueii to sta>- LAND SALE BY TRUSTEE Kv virtue t>i llu jiowt r of s.ili' I'on- taineil in a tfrtain tiee.i in trust t \eiute(i by T. I'. Mfl'all and witi. ' P, Mcl'all, t "wMth the ineanders of a ridj.' and with the C. C. Whitmire line to white oak. in the A T. (.iazi-n.'r line; ih with said line wt-si > thf Itemin' in Except a one-half und vided interest the mineral on said and and minir privileges. Sale made to satisfy halan'e due < said note, interest, cost and tx^jcnses • sale. KlLA F Dl’CKWOKTM. Kxecutrix of the will ot W. ; Duvl worth, deceased This Decenibf"- 'QI7 ’ ' SELL OR BUY ANYTHING ^ Carry m stock all of I Beat s. Channels, A glcs. PlaT. s, Concrete Ba > Plain Rounds and Rt iv Rail. Faciiities tor pun v ing ind cutting Lat stock ot black and ^alvv, Bees' \a rx anc Metal or Rubber Sc-ap. X STERNBERG ^ CO. Jtsh evilt ?, hi. C, pra(ti.000 or two years’ imprisonment, Or and in aon. the commod ity hoard*‘d is subject to comliseation. Large Purchases Inexcusable. Stati' F(Xi'.! Atimini. tr.itdr Henry A. I’aRo points ( tliat thcro i.. abso- luti'ly !M) < \t'usf for in’.r< liasinK food- iu< «1» prict'". have bfcn .stabilized and a'.f iitt nu..o apt lo udv;^m'(' lhai\ Ih* y art' to (I. t'li!'.*', an(i (2) tho l-'ood ,\'!- .ui:.i>lri;tifi;'s (irst concern is to sun- ;i'; I'U” (i\,:i p.'opic with t'oodstiilf's a'.! 1 j if will not p>'rinit the t'xportation of j ,-ui li an amount of any eommoiiity a:i ; will ♦M.tJanger the supply necessary fo ’ j lionie consunipt ion. The Kreat injury that would bo i worked by this practic*' is < learly pointed out as folhiws: ) It wonld add to I lie nurilon of railrt)uds. wi.ii-ii me already ined to tlie breaKin;; point. ) It would tend to advance |es ami thereby work an inj’.istice 11 consumers of feoUKh fo npt it they will be dealt with iptly and vigorouhly. A i;i;iier may tun, u.,; *4 ... ■hai-HcW-r i.; lorui-.'d ; . . i u r l('t tlial hia 1 oys are still ic. aiid luuch iuore .'UbjucL to ex- 1 iiillut iii'i's thiiii lij 1.1 - ;n- ees oi' the home. Iji those rnodcj-.u }. /enty-one year.s c:ir':t t.j he th« jiBuni iiKe at V,h^rii a youth mi>?ht llge in Twonty-flvt' ji-r.-.r;; jiun;: enouKii for most men to take [he wei il. O’.ir law.- arc too lax ils respe-'t .V ))oy is a boy nn- |e has I’.eronu' a man in every of the word, atnl it 5? the dls- cf civiliz.’tion tiiaf po ninny i,f )oy.s ar{“ idiysically. mfiitaliy and [lly taint-’tl before ih'- a;.;e of man Is attained. it clearly under!^tot>d. we do not |atp that a youth may smoke 5tlil prosPrve his moral eh iro(!tt*r Inted; wo r.iereiy speak f:ou* loiiR leal pxperie:i(** when we see that ]a mlphty difficult thint; fur a boy so nowadays. Jre Is a service mother.s may do their prowinR hoys. A mother> appoal will reach the heart and Hkull of any son Let every mother exact from her boys a solemn pledge not lo smoke uritll tw’enty-one, and thosf* boys will be ^lad of It when they are old ftnouKh to know enough to appre ciate a pood mofher. Sunday Bc.rvices were held a^uin, at tho Institute on last. Sunday, both morning and oveninp, on ac count of the inclemency of the v^eather. Mrs. Peek left on Monday for a visit aniont? friends himI ndHlives in (JeorKia and southwestern Texas. She was ac^coinpanied by Mr. Peek, who will return as soon as she is locattul. Miss Cec'il is out a^ain and has resumed h(‘r classes. A iinmlier (»t onr ]nniiK bml nev er soon snow before and enjoyed eoiistintr JiTid si ntinj; in tb»*ir spare tdonu'tits. St'vrnil bome-nuidi* sl«*ds were devised and, (>S])eeially on Monday, the icy f^ladt'S back of the old huildin}? were tho scenes of much merry-making. New pupils are still coming in and a few others are w’uiting pa tiently for the w’eather to clear up so that they can get here. Second-class mail has been great ly d«*biv«‘d ; Miss Pike, for ini^ianee, receiving her home i>apor, a daily, in a bunch of nine, one day this week. T. M. MITCHELL MAKES PURCHASE OF GOOD HOME W. S. Prioo, Sr., has sold his ])r<»i)(*rty on Majde street to T. M. Mitchell and will l(*ave in a short time for Jacksonville, Fla., where bo will abid*! in tbo future. Mr. Miteliell will Tii«)ve to bis now homo us soon us the weather b»!(*oincs (jniescoiit. im I .im tested and proven There is a Heap of Solace in Be ing Able to Depend Upon a Well Earned Reputation. For months Bn^VMrd r. nd. rit have seen the constanj of praise for Doan s iMdiu v 1'iIIm and rnad about the go..iii t),-,; it throbbed lik(? a to(.t |,. u, „ti,i I couldn’t take a step < r r; » without snfForinir ^’■ri it ; n Whenever th*'se spell- use Doan’s Kidnov l*i' : few davH tbe trouble .t. i a]»]>enrs.” ^ Price Hftc. at all df i. i simj)ly ask for a ki'ii * t'ft Doan’s Kidtiey Pii —T ;;. .- ,11,( tliMt Mr liritt n ■ i .'•fi-r Milbnrn Co.. Props., Y—Advertisement. BOSCHEE’S G'^RMAn SYRUP will quiet your cou^h, so* f, ], mation tif a snre tliroat irrilatit)n in the br«.nchia: a "ood ni>ilit’s rest, Irel and with easy expecttirat: injj. Made and stild in A; two vears. A wonderfu' - . ’ i- sistin^ nature in buildir.) ,i ncra health and throwing off ■ • , i.- i;^ pecially u«ieful in lun^ * 1 croup, bronrhitis, ( tc. I ■ ' I m; !•. wt)rth Drup ('<>.; 3 ' and Mt s .Ad vcrtismiei't ■I J a , . J, •rr. t:!’t V Roofing That Lasts half a lifetime is not at all expensive when you consider durability and freedom from the expense of repairs. There are many kinds of composition roofing in our stock that will give complete satisfaction. Explain Your Needs to Us and we will tell you the particular kind best suited to your purpose. If you will show us your plans we will show you how to save money on material and labor. All Our Building Supplies Are Guaranteed Brevard Lumber Co. Near t»o Depot> Teleahone No. 120 7tttttdard" "Karo;. l.>-i;ory The Bathroom That Pleases i is one w^hich comr'ictely ? )u.’’ instruc tions tvill please Ask for booklets. V . tiwHOP&.CO. Plumbing Tinning Hordware Mules for Sale Always from 100 o 300 cad of horses and mules o a I '*scrip> tions for sale at v >ir b*v in York, Pa. J(v kindig. SomeUiing to se a eans some* tiking to advertise. BRIGHT EYES. A CLEAR BRAIN, A .HEALTHFUL BODY or A Physical. Mental, Moral Wreck? Cigarettes in Youth Make the Differ ence. Seaver, Phys'cal Director at Yale, and various c;'aer authorities; and on the mental side by Dr. Bush, Profes* .‘■or of Physiolofry at V'orniont, and i.umerous oth*ss of sleep, heautj’, dl8- ;>osition anerculoKiii. D!«- oased tonsils nhould invariably be re moved, e.^petially \S there is a family tendency to deafness, tuberculosis or rheumatism. But for an occasional en largement with Bimpl* wore thnmt, re- 8ultin(c from c.ireleps personal hyg!«n«; and where the family history is good tha udvioe of a Rood Hpecialist ahould be sought before considering an operatlM for removal. Find Out the Real Trouble. For twenty years I have suffered from head catarrh. Can you tell me what to do f<'’" '• re”'''’’ Answer—You nr« p least twenty years' i c^use head catarrh • aj’licted one i« ke'>'. awares. Seriou.sly bt > word catarrh mejina is commonly called either due to a dev ; nose, inftammat on ;■ tal slnus«s, or t' e <• It may be slnipl : b " to the irolle;i \ flowers. The o- ly discover the (-auHe • trouble 1b in tbe r cal operation m srht sleeping the ye:ir ance of extre oially too h '• will most ( IMain food, abstinence fro also help a gi >^. -.->bab1\ pood for at ijufferlng, be- !-ver k ll.s; and the thinking (an4 * e cre«^ps on ua- ■i Tig. however, the OI. Wh't c.<5.t*rrh” is 'te-i F-eptum In '.le ■j'.e nasal or f: :i- htAii tubes Or ^r. a dlseast iue :ain we«ds and dy Is to try to «'r f»ve It. If the a surgl- Open air . d the avoid- t a>nd cold, espe- ' railroad trains, >T) a great deal. '\red, and total c beverages will »^T7ers. Let Us Estimate On Your Printing When vou want printed matter of Oualitv, the kind that reflects a hit^h dei^ree of class and refine- o ~ ment call the “Brevard Printerv". The i»riiitiiiij; House where “Promptness” is the motto. ONLY THE BEST DESIGNING AND PRINTING MATERIAL IS USED HERE. THIS INSURES THOROUGH AND PARTICULAR PRINTING. The man wh c< es not advertise is simply blind to his own interests. Ev. ry man has something to advertise, cither physi cal or mental labor or some commodity. Advertisers are the wide awake citizens of a community. They are rot only in terested in their own interests, but are workers for the public welfare and the good of the community. BREVARD PRINTERY Publishers of THE BREVARD NWS