THE BREVARD NEWS, BREVARD, N. C. Asheville’s i> I I R E C T P V COUNTESS VON BERNSTORFF ' ■‘'■"lina \.-rv\- Auloulob ■ n (>3 Cill ' .'stfi'n • dill. Cj’fes ia Dr up; Su.i'- T v> ;:r fr i„ h- H ■ ware •rr ">rd ^inislr: 'mn*' P.r<-\vr; Mippi; 'try mce Or' T 1 ri 'i'! o\' ” H!^h >rra-;*- ; rii;, 'plifes d Op ^ ;ers I*ac “ PRIN'TINC ' OtnderM Seed? STRK'KI’H S')Kn ' “ galfi ‘ try sup:'-'.’-' " Goods Tire HFINF' ^’onr tir‘ Ai-hfv;’-' •■’ ,Trid tuh- Vil' :V \7/:r' •'.y J. SEYMOUR LLOYD /■ 4 This is Mrvi. Marguerite V'vian Burton Thomason of Burlington, N. J., VNho was married recently to Count Christ’an von Bernstorff, son of the former German ambassador to the Ur ted States. The countess is about thirty five years old and already has divorced two husbands. The count is only twenty six years of age. IjyiGK WORK IS MOST VITAL ENTIRE UNITY IS TO BE THE WATCHWORD OF NATION AND ALLIES. WANTS TO REGULATE THE GOV ERNMENT OPERATION OF RAILROADS IN U. S. IS llPPIlOyEO BY CONGRESS Asks T>’«it Cnrrier Be Guaranteed CTmpen^ation on of Average Operating Income for the Last Three Ve.i-s L»'^i.slat ion liili' !h>- i;ovi I'MnK'fi; opi'ral ii >11 of r(i;ii!" .iTi ! l<> r.'int'>•' M'.' . ('(<1!'. ,11 ;;s;i ; oi' thr '.MSI.-; .)f tln'irj i • mi:; iiUDiiu' for ■' I-t llii'-*' \va •- of ('imj;r*'ss : h> I’rt- '.ili'iit Wilson in ;ui ad(ir<'S8 <o i I’oMi hoiisrv; iu joint .sc.s.-^ioii Hills’ • ■riihoiiyuii; liis rciomiiii'inlatiotia Jiitd 1 i-ai ryiti^ .ui .ippropriat ion u half ; yvho has been made director general of hillii'ii -iollar^' ,i.s a "!‘i‘V()lviiiK tiiiid’’| recruiting in England. He is wei' vM'ii' iatroilII. Oil Miniii'diatolv ami an j versed in military affairs, and under attoinpt v^iIl h" mad-' M) rush tiiHrnj his supervision recruiting already ha« to prompt pussaj;*' Increased largely. prosidf'iit’.s addrrsn met j' ’.vith I'Biioral approval anioiin di'Mio crais and ropublicaii,- alik<', tion i-'- •'xp'M’foii to (!( vi’lop to ;i pro vision in *h'* .idiiiiiii.-^! raf/on l)i!I tli;it j If'dcral I oritro! shall r(mtiiiin- afftT !li(‘ war itiiiflliiiti'Iy or until coiii;ru83 New portrait of J. Seymour Lloyd, MONTICELLO HOTEL BORNEO Agreement Reached in Conference—Allies to Par>s War Make Avail able Necessary Transports. I-Iiiiiif unity h<!H'f'fo: | !i to bo tli“ a'rli wot (if the rintf.i Slates aiid allic.-^ in the i>rosf>i Ut ion of tho war .Ani'Muaii liiHi|)s an* lo !)•■ rnslu'ii to ■!)f froiil-^ in lai'^'' numi>>'|-s a.-; ■|iiir'-. 1\ as ])o.-~^ihi‘“. and tli T*' to he .I'llf. 1 I o o’dination in na\al mill ^iry. ilr.ani ial. food, war iiniu-^t r ics .md diplomatic niattt-r.^^ 'I'h' a>;ri('ni'‘nt Ix'twcfn ;iif allio.-' foi- lunrn'.i artion wa.-; ifa. hfij at the I'Ti.'Mt intt'- allii'ii icnf' lii i’ari.v wlii^h was at ■''li iod b> an \n;'‘: ii .i:; in:--ion !!fad<'.l hy ('ol I-', .M ilous*- and a:: :ii;.;fni''nts alr> ady 'ia-f bf-':, n.a fi'T tif' 1 niM'd St ;tt‘ 'o rari'v on ils part of the conii'iu*. In nrilf'r thp’ .\ni‘ r;>'ai\ trrtop . may aiih'"! !n a 'on'iaiif sr!''\in >o 'II' th.- :\!lit'ii na'ii ■ U'T.hat'r art’ SI- !i pjiini; t!r l ! ■■ ai'v t ransj.o'I.- wiii !)r ava;l- i ■ ^ T' 'hi' ; .isk :■ t nui^'u 1. i: r ’’\ii : ■ \ ui< ri: a;: arni\ t ■ !: ! :Mt a 'S' ■■ i' ai iniii' .il*'d 1; v •. ■ airi;! t'i' M;'" ” - rai M.atiri , i !i: ■ --ti-r <■!' ;■ .;-y oj.- ra: uv.s a; ■■■■ Cfi’ \v:!r 'iTitf- ('.I iK'-al ;.ays ir i ;.|-ot'nbh- tlri: vvi:h Mp-ir \y I'l 'Ts frof In-- ■a • to til-' n I'i'ii'. th" - !'>fily wili iual\*' a of ■ . \ a. t ! !,.■ 1 !-i: isii a ti.l ! 'i. h a ■ :i t ;ia: t !'.• cn- ni \ ni- > ’ > . ' • •■'1 ' 1;',:ki‘ . "ti:.' ^ai;i> SEPARATE PEACE W!TH GERMANY NOT PROBABLE Pr . rout a i- I !’>■ thf -'X iat(>il ! ’ i ! > a •; < s if a p.-ai-■ bftu -’n n'.i.-.=«1a and tho central ■ V. ■ f b'ani' >'!'l■•i-t.-il '-•■■•in t '-n. ■'< -11; ■ r:f \v!)at ar*' r* i'ard'' ! a- - iiiu'''a.'0?,ati!f d*'inands r'<U/’k>. th' hol^h' viki foi-ricn ■ ■r. a'v! hi-; a ;s.)cia!p.s take tl’.-' s'ana '! .it 'he }\il'ii’ Tirovinc's ar*' in rr>;il 1'y iitfi'I inili'ary pros;’!r(‘ wliilp th^y ;'OTitinii«’ to b>' nccupi'M! hv Ci'rninny, OT'd t'lat th'‘ir vo^pp wi'h r*'spcct *o f' must 1-0 lunoiPd, as n<wv thpse {iro\Inc*.-: ai'o vlrtutilly (Iprman lif' ;>f*nd(‘nri< s, ih<* loyal Rt:ssi;uis havin.' M'-d. 'i'lu' K’lssifin df'h'K;'ti'^'t i'-"^ rr-turr fi!>ni itr^sf IJtovr-k laid hi-fo'-. thp rouncil of c(iniTnissionPr« at Pntro- Krad <t'-inianv's drTvanfis. which <aus ordors otiif’wisc and othor d^'ail.s of ' tho l oinpt-iisat ion l)^ I I i Th>' [)lai! will aiTiM't iiiHni>diat**ly I only th.' roiiuc.sts of th>> broth j ('rhoods hilt doniatuls whi. h tnny bp I riiadp !:itpr by ofh(*r clas.^^os of orpaniz- I oil labor i>rohi\bly will bp haniih'd in tlip sam>' way .Mr. Mi .\iioo r> 'p: . InK jthi- ri^iit to inak>- v.hatrvpr di'cision lu' ^ hoost's wiihmit rcirard to rpconi- ■ inpudations of th>' ulvispr.s. j -'ionip iTiiT*'asps, both lo tliP broth ; •M'hooils anrl N) otht'r railway labor, arc ^pii- r.iliy ( onpii'.prpil c«'rtain I'lip dire, •c-r j:pncrai in a statpniPnt prom ; i.spii nvcrv pinnloypp “that hiM rii^hts and itit' rps*< will bp juHtly d' a’.t with.” and apj'pahd for .i heart;- ; spirit OI >'r’h’i.-;i 1-m and ■•ooppration j from ••'vory ('n-- KTf.'.rt. ■ sp,. -d :hp :navPiiPTit of i con! aH'! nth-'- frcjiTht continu'd alonir with th-' . i ;l:itivp and labor phasps of the --a.:wa\ tl' '•mci<t and sppcia! .'•■Iprs \si T-' :ssi,‘ d p--o\ idint^ that afx) add:'ioni' c.,r s’>a’l be fiirnislied daily •i> :i ■ ■ I ' iir\ spr- ifi.-d bit uin:nou>= and : i- ■ Tn'’!es, uMi^.iv in !’: :"isvl 'itmiyiTU’ New Ivn'laii'l 'r, .'i! Mr Me tp'.ie l-'ti-ei nn ONE MAN KILLED AND SCORE INJURED BY FIRES AND EXPLOSIONS. Nearly Tv^o Blocks in Heart of Busi ness District Is Destroyed—Military i AF?E THO.SE WITHOUf FAMILIES DEPLNDEriT UPON THEM FOF-t LIVING. F^E'iV POLICY IS ANNOONCED I Ail Met! Wlio Have Reactied 21«t ! Qlrtlulay Since June 5 Ar-* j r.'cciuired to Rerjir.t'-i I 'i'' ■' !i; n • I. u; Ml nun i i lo wa ■ ' :li:; Id t), :,i:-'d ■)■ th' ■ ^ i 1 ' ; wili ■ oiu' i’''III < ;i■ ' 1 nd‘*; iiP'.\ ' It-'tiN' ' r\;c ■ jdau I'iial te ,1 the ‘ i; .' t n S to i'" il' I- by \(,anr i;i i, Without faniilie, 'l‘'pe’n|c(,I liji'i'; ineir litilOl' for sup po ' and ui; killed iu nec. .;.-^ary indii . t fia I I ,i aj;i'icult M ra 1 work. ! i'l'ovost .Mar-hal (I'mi* rai Crowdei .anriounces the new poii'-y in an «-x 'ha'i tive leport upon t)u operation rf tliP .“li iive draft law ‘aibmittpd to 'Si‘<r<t,;r\ li.iker .md spi i in i'ouKrt'Sf^ lie say-; I' 1 hould j>rovidp uion for all military needs oi 'he country, atid to a' I ()iu;)iisli (hat .d)j(^ct ur^ps amendment of Ih-- draft law >o a^ i" j pr>>vid<- that ai! men wiio ha\«‘ reat h :‘d tiieir 1^1 St birthdays sine** JtUit; 5 ■I'.'IT, siiall l)p rp'iuired to r«'>;istpr t(>; j cias^-iti'. ation. .\lso. in th(! intpre.-^l ‘of fair disi fibution of ito- military bur den. liP projiosps lhai t.." ijuotas of ,-t.itPs <jr distritts 1><- dptprniiripd hereaflar oti the i>a.--is of number of ' men in f'las.s I atid not upo)i popiila tioii. .'.vaiir.hle ti>Mire Police on Guard- Unknown. -Cause of t-ire Is t. Norfolk. V a Nearly two hlc k' :n tlie heart of .Norfolk's di trict, inclu'linK !li<- .Monticcllo ilotf wprp d"sl roved, at h as^ i,n*> man w kilhjd and .i -scor" miTe itijurcd in .-.'•riPri of p.'tplosions and Iii-e.- whii both tiip policp and naval autlioriti bpiievp wpr'^ incendiary Th" fir" h; bP(Mi rdipckpd hu; was burniiiK tiPreP in tht> riiin.s I'h" los^ is rouehly * timate.'i at ni'T" than ?2.pnp.')t)u. 'I’hrP'' distimt exp]i)-<:<.ris Iti many biiildMms, one at:, i- th" tiip on virtu,illy had bpi'ti brought nnd-M' 'c tro! led to the ^M-neral h"’,!. f that p emy aK''nt-' wei-c at work M,i>' .^^a>o ^'-t !ctii a!ly pl.aced i!..' city und military l;iw by lurnp.t/ 'he situatio over to nava! on’i<e;.~. at; 1 .-,.>nie 2.Tin marines an-i bluej;.i kp' from ii"arb n.: val s: .'ion,; .i i t"d tii polj. .■ a home >.’'\ia:'il ■ in ina ia' tin .i or'!''r ;• indicate, thf re pot' ~ays. that therf' are i.dOn.oOO piiysi'-ally and otherwise qualitied mon under the present regulation who wiil he lound ill Class 1 wIhhi all qupt< I la’ined or tnadp 'tl lo freat ■. ic ! ■ a li tO'11 ■. • h.11 era' pr"vis’o^:;, can 1" fnr ''\"t'5tii itii: - 'M th'"' dral'* h" :r oeal to ''H'a] d-'f ;■ t ’ e > allini; t'l '■ > ;ni:- o'' th"i:' not 'Hsr’ay a ten tli" rail''o*'( Is as an f'i«rn whicii eni tl" t.ik"ti for niili- P’.'V a; at' \ 1'. !111 ; ii‘'t ’! i' '--d ia a'ly ■ th*' Naval . -. and- ■d ap :n - j.*' th' hi■.:a^ ;i"- -am t liiiai:’:' ''it Ml.- :i!' ‘ I' . \a; ■| '; 1 I' wr. 'ii-dpr whil'- r.\ me; were a''f' t ■■ 1 ^ tl-. ■ ;i I. t 11 latt in.-'dp i oe :1 V Ill K A > • , !l' ■ 1 ia.- a ■' ' 1. ' • 11 f • - ■a- p. I . t. i ?;;■! lip'III a; at . ’ ."'I men V ' ! :i V. e: :■ nj’ : ■ ! . ■ ' i : 1 ' . p I f * i . ai‘ ■ aa' aai-t of :1 ...... r .. i •: '■ a;:. ■■1 ■ T:.I ’ ' K MUT-* I ■; ! ': y 'la';. . i- f tile a.t; Were ''pi If t' ' . I 1 ■': iia'i ’ I- ; III-11 i a ii’>- o'h' !' b"-'ii atil^a ^nr .;i ;• lav. I la 1 ; -sc ry -^anri. blit m it!'., •r 'tie t'.ai.-. ; i'. a I 1 <; ■ ■.. : ai ( '-I > W'i a- h'.-lti';, ^ .volil i 'I' m. ■’ f,' I'! ’.tpa. ■. ;-d • llP eX[>- ■ riip !ir ‘ : ' .1 rt e(l 'je. ... J -wn >n th'' i : oT tli " ^ dec!; V" Old Cia".. ll.eater- "> ir:i\ i':by ,-trei ' .•1" ; o- hiaa '; iia;'". ;a- .ind i’ ,;ne ■1 rat): 1 h-'a.^ \V.1\ - 'hi' •'■!■• . ■■!. of < vilians wi; men W: r-c liand icappe i h> fl'' '/en •• an .I'.iiK .-'t •rvicp ia in.; rtion I and all rcKistrants •th*'! divisic.n o- :ho :it:;i!vsi(i ; -.i'-nf n t'ili wa by Sr-Tiator Smi’h nf r,' 'ik !!!:■ I)( -no- r:i* ori'-ludf'T th inlr' diice.i In '■'on»h in* m hyilrat'.'s. t.ear .•■^'li : i'r.'ad to rl?'' o'ii.-r nearby i.uih It w.i-^ broiii'-l'r lit iay, blit l)!'ok, niuht. Ic.iped aifo: levpl" ’, half of th" (:^ Inby block th-’ pre-.'Ure and I’ (iui».l> ho hot' • 1 in »hp bh'• 1; "i'lr..! latp ia anew eariy a‘ t:--'-t and hut ai.--o to th- iiiat !'tiP tirsi !alic,ii of the pfvice itlen oidy (O th" - hav" f;rvpn vin;4 ii..‘ plan hii;h pa;riot of th.p .■\ineri>jn p "t;pl‘ as a ',.>r . f ;lo' i'-''.r=!at" comti - r"- cc^m Fali'-^ took toll mii'ee !r. a.ldi'i >n to ai.propprititintr „i' tii'-men a.,d mual Ku:i:d-^ Ou" ,»,.‘iiiO,i'0P 000 ;nHi jirovldiim for thp tirpman, ('}; '.rl''s M. (’.)v, killp l compensation iia-^is ami-r wh’< >i thp and spvpu others hu't in tii" ioilapse eoverntnpnt i:uarant(M‘s aa ai'Errppate ,»f ati U[)ppr tli'or c'f !hp .M.aiticd'.o rPturn of sonu* ?!)ci',ooo.MOO a ypfir. hotel aiid two tirompn and -^pveral thp niPa mre si'ts forMi in dptal! the sailor.s wptp caught in fa’litiK wall of ('oridil io!>ujton whi«h fzovPi thu laiiinx huildins. Thrpe wptp operation is to he carrii'd on. ■ brought out badly hurt but two othprs I'li.dpr th;* hi.^t ]>rovislon prt^s- were U'ft in tho dptiris. idpnt is exppftpd to isstie an ordor Firpnien of Norfolk, PortPmoii’h tratisfprrinc to Dirpctor Clnnpral Mr- and Suffolk with orKanizPd sailar .-\<iof) all fuiu'tlons vpsted in the rhief , brigadps, fouRht hproieally amid lop f'.xpcutivp T'his will punblp thP dlrpo- anci blindiuK smoke, ami blupjackpts tor i^pnpral to or,i?ani/.p a corporation led the respun work whpn thp tij^ht '.gt. I ■ A- .Me • i o Real F'-ate W T ROWLAM '• ^ ^ ■’an Bp I'onp" Ri. KSTATK :n- ' ^nce. 18 ' xrk 3q^r<‘ E’hone ' I.A5rirk < REAL FSTATK P-r.-■ < W Behen. Street iSHEVn.I.K Amerlpun Hank P.«lW!ru H<*:>rv T Sharp o iiTjit.r'-l.yl in '■""'ii Jahn appp Ulk to "d amazpmeiit and th" i1p( laration that i handling railroad sepuritips in ac-! ftrs were trapj)pd Spveral of the fir. the cfuiiu ;1 was tavorahle to :k • conhitii'p with a plan now undpf con- men caught in the hotpl wpre brought , purpi>.sp of atteinpliug to modprate the pptam-p ‘ sideration i out alive through thp daring of a ; i^iiuation. Railroad officials arp pxpect<»<l to ■ acore of Jacktarn. ( - tirpp! a numbpr of modifiPationB of the ; Report.s a'^ to thp number of ex- accountinp method jireseribRd by the | plosions vary. It wa? first said that bill for rpaphins th*' standard return jthe fm) in the Granby theater had baai^^. but officials expect the scheme ; f«Howed an explosion, but Fire ('hief I a.^ outlined in the bill probably will TRAIN ATTACKED BY INDIANS AND MANY ARE KILLED Tui son, Ariz. —A train on the South ern Paciflf railroad wa.s attacked 32 miles .qovith of Kmpailme, Sonora, and ; followed In the main. Some dls- froin 20 to 30 passengerfi were killed, j cuggjon i. looked for over the bill’s according to advices received here. The conductor an an expresR messen ger were among killed. Some of the passengers were from Tuceon but thir names have not been learned. The attack was by Yaqui Indiana. The train was the continuation of the one which left Nogales several days ago. UNCLE SAM MAY TAKE CHARGE OF ALL SUGAR ■tl’.VNY who’*, m hanf - f’oul- Washlngton.- Government purchase of and pale to consumers of all sugar used in the United States and control of the amounts and kinds of food to be .served in public eating places were advocated to meet the abnormal war conditions by Food Administrator Hoover in tpstitnony before the sen ate coniniittpp investigating sugar, le said additional legislation confer ring upon the food administration siich powers should be enacted by congress. provision that «ew federal taxes un der the war revenue act are not to be charged against the revenue in computing the standard return as are ordina>"y taxes. The effort of this will be to require railroads to pay war taxes out of their governmeiital compensation. PLANS REVEALED FOR TWO BILLION DOLLAR PROGRAM Washington.—Plans for a two-bl'i- lion dollar government shipbuilding program were revealed when the ship ping board asked Congress for au thority to place $701,000,000 worth of j additional i*hip contracts. At the 'same time an immediate appropriation of $S2.000.000 was asked for the ex- I tension of shipyards and for provid ing housing facilities for workmen. Thus far the board has been author ized to spend tor ships $1,234,000,000. Lotuion. Compulsory rationing is McLoughlin and naval investigators i to be put into elTpct in Hngland at an announced tonight that thi.s wa.s not ! early date, according to Lord Rhond- the case. They said, however, thorp : da. food controller. spe?>klng at Sll- had been three distinct explosions. ! verton. He prefaced his announce- The first was in the cloak and hat i meut by saying that he was afraid shop near the Montic«llo. The seo- that compulsory rationing would have ond was on the sixth floor of that ; to come, th.a it was on its way, and hotel after the first fire was practi- ithen declared that his department had cally under control and the third ini completed a scheme and that as soon the Lenox building, which later was j as the sanction of the cabinet had destroyed. ! been received it would be carried out "BEST MEDICINE Wfiat Lydlla E. Pinkham’a Vegetable Compound Did For Ohio Woman. HOSTILITIES MAY BE RESUMED BY RUSSiANS rh>' v.rtua! c::!l.i;ise of the n.'goti- ritioiis he!w""n t’le cppt.ral power.s an;I thp Russian iioNlieviki for peacp and t!;" possibility that hostilities a,:.;ain ma\ b" r< .-um'-d by the itussians on the .'astern front, even though with onlv a .-omparatively .small army, have caus. d suriu ise and perturbation in HPrlin and Vipiina, Rpalizing thp seriousiipss of the sit uaLion. the German and .\ustrian em- V'Ttrors have piinferrp+i ar length with thp.r chipfs of staffs, and liip German and .\usti o-Huntiarian foreign mini*- tPr who attPiidpd t!is' ppace negotia tions at Hrpst-Iatovsk. have b"pn sent hack th«*rp post ha.ste probably for the Porffsmonth, Ohio.—“ I pt:fTerp<1 from Irreprulari Lies, paitis in my skJ<; and was .so vpuk at times I conlil liardJy get around to do my ,, v/ork, and as I had jj four in rny family ' and tbree rjoarders i t made it very hard for ni('. Lydia p]. Finkliarri’.s Vege table (Compound was recommended to me. I took it and it has re.storf^ rny health. It ia certainly tlie best meijjptne for v/oman’.s ailment.'^ I ever paw.’’—Mrs. fxAHA SiiAW, li. No. 1, Portsmouth, Ohio. Mrs. Shaw proved the merit of this frerlicinp and wrote this letter in order that other sutTering women may find relief as she did. Women who are sufTerinff as she was Bhould not drag aionf? from day to day without givinj^ this famous root and herb reme<ly, Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vep^e- table Compound, a trial, l or special advice in repr^rd to such ailments write toLydiaR. PmkhamMedicine Co.,Lynn, Mass. The result of its forty year# experience is at your service. Famous Policemen of the East Two of iiur lamoiis won lh( ir laurels in the La.-l TIip old side \'v ii, ca r .M'liiocracy, s'uys a wrifpr In Si Nich(>i)iS. which has handed down her Indian r.aine la h>r Vang- tse SH<’< pssor. was ''or years f.tu- of t.ho most familijir -'^hts in ' hinesp watiTS. She liurued 'Aood, and was tmwl' ldly ;i.s a ferry boat, bui did yeoman servic«^’ even us lute f) > th" I'.o\"r troubles in The I’etrel, one of .\dmiral hewey’s fan,‘ US -■iin.dr'tn ut me battle of Manila bay. is now used us ;i ,>-'i!ition sliip in <'uhaii wiiter.s. 'I'he (’aliao. I »or .hian d'- Au ’i i.a, l-'.lcuii<>, I.-le (Ip t.u/.<*n, i’ampani^a (julros, Sandovai .^aina.'" und the \'i!iah>bos <'iice tle\\ th. Ihig of Sptiiii, fi>r they were papuir*-^ from the Spaidard.s at .Santi!i.;o or M-. nila bay '! h" Villalobos proved tix. much a iia:.'- for Vank">- tar'-, so lhe\ h.tve r"ch I i -1 "i."‘i h"r ih" \'ii!a.:. Ho!i... RECIPE FOR GRAY HAIR. To halt p'Tio "1 w,ttcr add 1 oz. I>aj Rum. a -ULui x f)i Harit') (’enijKuind. and oz. o) ^ilyaTino. Any drUf^iiirit o.ld put thi.s up ur y-'U '.mu raix it at home al very little <■> .‘■•t.. Full dircctioas for raak- trif; and u.-c 'onic in each !,•)>: of Barixi I'•'ni;)"!iad. if will {.Ta'in.iIIy darken f’rc.' .d, ra ;■ d jray hair, aiai rri.akp it .-ujft utid .ritr sy. !: wiii n.-'i 'olor the is not slaky or gre.-->:.. an.i docs n"t rii'- oil. Adv. S'.'jeed Preventers, Ir 1- s*.;'-d h:i! ill (ilaPc> i ra;u . ciimpanies are co‘ p-'bed ... ; ^ -j --- veilicj.-. i * h a / t h ; 1 a It Wl,.;; . i.‘;i i !y -i Vi A 1;"!. I ^i'", '! ••;' ii: mi.'-s ■ n h Ki'ri'im; (Iu- Oiidli'v I p I. A X.\ rivK VI -M.N!-; it.'' 'Nor : T > • .'1 -.v .i' >-"nI:t ": .laV 1 r ri r, r 1'; il liTfii’ .Mt iii'Mia i.'i-i.i .. ■•1 ri,-;.s ;i 1. '.■atO' r, 'I i! ,All\ 1-3 15ii' ■ « I:- ,^:irv !.) I. :. Itlf c: '• Tl' liH3 1. b'.-su .il'h'-; : : r ii V ■ a<-.-of a U-; It. -'jm".! :iy' V.'-y L . ■ ./'-a '...I.'n. Often Mistaken, aiv ivs -a cli'.nce t<» !>p mis- >'>ir v.i-^" :iiiti,.ns (>f today lu.'iy s"' ii :u’:;h'y to'.'isj; rie\| week. 'I'a nf-.'p clean tinii healthy take Dr. ricri'e's I'ipasaiit rdl. ts. Thpy rciru- latp liver, tio'.vels and stomach.—Adv. Tv." es>ei:'ial.-^ to --UPeeSS KTP doHaCS COMPULSORY RATIONING IN ENGLAND IS COMING . 1 CAMP STUART THREATENED BY FIRE FOR TWO HOURS Newport News. Va.—Fire which de stroyed three negro dwellings near Camp Stuart threatened the camp for two hours or more. There were thou sands of soldiers quartered in th“ camp. The alarms were turned iu through the camp telephujie exchange wnich led to the belief that the camp was burning. A false alarm called second fire company two miles from the camp a few minutes before a sec oud alarm was sent in from the camp SENDING RELIEF NOW TO VARIOUS SECTIONS Washington. Fuel shortages in va rious parts of the country were given attention by the fuel administration. Further measures were taken to speed the movement of coal, and 700 cars of bituminous were orde’cd diverte<l from the West Virginia fields to re lieve distress in Ohio, A!i(his;an and Kentuikv- Producers supplying NeiW :n(T;land were directed to make up olid trainlonds of 2.") cars t'f coal daily or routing over the Poston S: Main®. HEILTH WAS WRECKED FiotUiic Brought Relief Until DoanN Were Dad. Woaderful Improvemfnt Was Eflecttd. “I had .such awl'ul cutting pains In the sni.'ill of rny back and hips, I often had to cry out,” says Mrs. Er nest Wifi hoc tpr, 0 Madison St., St. (’harlps. Mo. “The ptiin was knifp likp and I couldn’t turn In bed, In fact I ua.s almost lipli' My feet and ankles swelled badly, my hands were puft'ed up and there "were swellings under luy eyes. “I often got so dizzy I had to sit down to keep from falling and my health was complete ly lirokeu down. The kidney secrt?- tions pained terribly in passage und in spite of all the medicine I took, I k» pt setting worse until I was a w reck. “Py chance I read about Doan*» Kidney Pills and bought some. After I had used half a box there was a ch.ange and I continued to improve; the pains, aches and swellings left and my health returned.” Stcom to before me, WM. F. WOLTER, livtary Public. ALMOST TWO YEARS LATER. Mjiy 25. 1917, Mrs. Wiethoelter said: “I think as highly of Doan's as ever. Whenever I have used them, they have benefited me.’* GetDo«n*sat Any Store, 60c • Boai DOAN’S FOSTER-MILBURN CO.. BUFFALO. N. Y. A BAD COUGH a ha ipUj Ib rbkr to neglect. Take it in liand, and safesruaFd your health by promptly takins

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