(Name changed from Sylvan Valley New5, .1 r ary 1, !9!?.) > \ 1.) ; I A rAllKW \ I i Jli 1 1 TO I ONE CENTO -inolSl.OO m 3/lfiHELOF FIOOB 4 f<> S' !i fnr ‘n.'/t*- riir<ui;4li (lojjty MisN In : 1 T t lia t ; H I M.; i ' 11 u i in in I'i U'iS i;;i w : 11 ;i K ' ■ ' n t I! : • ■ WM It ■ n 1 n i ;: -1: . ! • : . t: t !: • ! I - 1!■ ’i I:.. ■ • ■ .^t II. ■ v>- .. I'linin;i r\ in . ■ rMinit\ ■ :ti ■: ■ t * ii 11- •? V !' ;-i .1 w ^ ot t.i‘I- ;i■ i ,: ’ ■. I ■, . T i;i' . ?• 1 li^' Koaii> I'l.h.i M I- 1' 1,1> i X]i’ I r<i!nl> i'Tlt •! 1 rnpr (•' i I 'Ml I':. • ; ; i.i ti !’• ^ta ti- a ti 1 i I ; ■ ’ a 1 i: v tie inaiiita:’; ; at 1 I: ■ < Sta tf 11: • h A a c-i irn A- '•tal- i ‘>.'Torr Tl ■ p iM' 1- I'I ; ' 'IT (■- , ■ '^i‘\ Tl'.f L' 'V. !■’ Ml.'Ii: with tlif t.! ! -l^taT . wurk will 'Im- 1 .H(> \vl ilitii)!!- n i \v : • Cl n tit y Mi''h i-n*. IIH1M-. 1, . Vv I !"h- ■ . : I' " ■' 'I . • 'A .': _ : ' ! 1 i : ■’ 1i 1 irt . ' a ■ ■ 1 j I ■ . i ■ ' ■■ ■•li • MU ii''l 1 * > :i- .1 : 1 . > -I. i t 11, M •; rk t ' la \ ! I III, ’• \V I',!.; II. NEW 0!TY EDITOR ■ 'A , ■ . ; - ’: t ■ ■ a ■! hi I u;;'. T o 1 air I'fai i- I' i'r> ti;.;’ M '-- tit rlMi'li’ li. Zu'liarv. rdai .■ I'l llic 'I'raiisyl', ania ; - < liM ] it I t 111* ( 'i\is>. iui'^ hi a. I .‘ !n»' <'itv Kilitiiv til tlu' i',ri‘\artl a'' N-'W.-^. Mi>> Z icliary nrrii.- ti<» iii- ■ I 't i< .ri 111 Ij>f'j)ic I't' l’.r«-vanl. as slu' i> Wi'll known and has many anv ! rii'mis lirvt'. 'J'lu' N< '.vr^ Iff!.-- tliat ‘ '•I- it .-'inr.iM fu“ c.'I uln 11 (1 <m sr- ’ • t'urinur Mis> Zifliaiy > siTvua’s. \v; I lii IKt I jnt '!U' i;' ■ i- i . W f ' ; • i ‘ ■ ■ • ; ■ • t 1 . ■ . ' :. ;-:i U .:. ; ; la . I . : I - ..I i \ < •!; Ii. • j> ■ n 1 1. . 1. •: i. 1. 11 • :: . ■ t . i 1 • i^'i 11 i i II ’ i \\ 1.. (•’! ,:i• ;. ' ’ \'v I- V li:-' ‘ • ' a ■ i .1'- - ;: ‘ -in’ ■ : i\ i-i ^ \ '1 la ;■> : I,, i 1:; ' . . •; r ' p :■ MU 111! ii. ;-i'Vi vi' '1 . ti :r ca ; t'nnn Mii' "ta'.' v. it!,-. .■ a ::>• i- an-.'. if y^.-.v ‘in. v.. ■ ■: i;, ■ i a III! in j M-i ■■ i 11 O' i I !'■. . v. 'i l.a a- ^ ’ii 'iii’y III live 1:11 :‘'i-i.; . i. i);n, i Ai’t 'iiniii ilia tl ■! V . ii.,v :. N'- i V'.' y. ' ' ' ( W. II \ 1'. \i. D. BI! I i ci J ” ' C v T ;\T ■ i!--, : ■ I ‘•w 1; ‘ I !H : a. itn.'-y \ I '■: J it i.i ; Vi: :is! y ; iiiii a!.-! '.at Ul ! ■ ’: 1 ;i ' ■ 'a • ■ ' . * |.. 'I;. : : { ■ ’ ■ > * ? \ I ill !;. I th ' •ri wli' : ■ I ' ‘ ? r ^ t' r \. !!•'!>; Ti • (• - id, like a * ‘1'■ r ■ , .i:• » : ^ t'liWi:". A ' 'f.‘ 1; ■ ■ n ;ti t; t,. \'. V : l].«xv I ; ■ <. ' 1 I;. ■ --a' apj)l’"M’i . !• • I ', I !. .r. !U-, ■ ■ M f , iTi . n 1. 1 ;r T-; V .a ! . ■ Ml. f- 1' : •• fV- t n itiL' !i.a!''i-li:i) 1' ''1;' .' ’ I ' una 11 ■ a> i ■ ■ ’ u' a i.ai. ■ IM ;’la’iMiic.-. >tiil it is -TV' a ; i'l : i' • ■ i : he m'l \vh' ■ illy !ia< a '-:i al] nn’.'-'niT uf ’U'^in' ' ' ! ly ’...-ci it \< ai~' :'a fri''tic 7,1'ivcnu’nl and \vc sli< NC SCHOOL YET th|. Ml- 'rii(‘ <:r;ulfd sc!n ' l was to Jiavt' rc-iipciK'd I'll last \;<iTidaV, Inti Ht'vc yniir dr c;-’.;;,!.'! Howard lit^' \vl;(>n it canif I" hcatinir I’j) tlic ' ''■' I!, dir Imildin;^ it \va.>' fnnrid tl'.at vatcr : ' : :>'l * •* 1 1 li'-. 'I'l!. tin--!;] ! i' . (■; a 1" n 'i. l a .i:i;^\ i - i i; j. a- n; \vi iI a 1:■ ; ;! i■ i'|il \ ^ '"‘'"i di.-'- ^ }n- :~ ; ni' tIn >c i .4II >u'i]uirt the ^iiv>*rn.iucnt '•llilinc ari't ; !r. .;.-v,'!u;i'.'ii-:if. Hr i , Avas ::ri,ui,.. I's, a.a! I him t.. A; p.: - t n rrnnsri tunc .d ui.ivc dan-cr. lit* sii'iiim 1'liV';''a:!’ i'c ir. t l\id li\' l i'iu' lary i I iini.s. H. I^hi] “Say, rr:"l'- 1 •: n." s^.id “I W KNITTiNG ENTERTAINMEi'iT , \Vfll,’' sai l I mc!.' !>aii. ‘•m Im> frank j I tliinii it ij(i'<; ;.c'i nir'i tiii' saiii'* i had iiccn hdt in tht“ h I'dcr and tlic tliiiiL'. H>i\\:n;! .ii'l -iii- li!:.' ;* at {irsr. I Mrs. \\’. S]iij»?t:-in i)t K">n;an I fr(‘c/,^ cMUs.'tl l!to],ul^t. Iri-not; am t-.ld f.,r a ';s lir ha'l ‘n.uirh \Nitl/a k nit .;i a ri y i ''nhcrs 'I'runsyl vnnia whrTi '^It'dtii.fc*, I'li; (illta ln‘ liiiai'i 11.at tllO , » I ii* « » (It nniT. 1., .a rt I nui.t a \\ n. n x nuoi , ^ \\ t •• v .laTi'iar .' I'i in f-oud ( iun'ni>si(in. ■ n 1 , -..I only \v;tv was t«i iirdrr.'-, Ilf vaiiudit ■ \M 11 rc-( I it II. (Hit as SI I'III as rciiaii > : ... , , . . , i i i,. / ,.i <■. „ ' I the .spirii ui the lus'.itiitinn and hkcd I'lH.ci d1 A.I'. . >i . < .nil Ic- ( m , ci . i can he math'. it. Wc did n-if scf hi;n fur almiit sis now ct' A>hcvillc. Dcin ion.- j- LUMBERMEN WANTED ^\'a>Ilin;J.t^>n, .liinnary '.’I —So nrL'’cnt is th.f need tor lunihi>rnM'n and I'oad Im.ildeis toi- iniiiiediatc service in Fi'.ancc that the War I >e[(rtrt rnent ha> niatii' an cxce])tion to its previous I'nliiii:, and will now aiiovv experienced int*n of drait ! hard as nails, he st..,.d as strai^rht as L-wis. M.s. A. (h Kitc!;en. Mi<. aue *-o enlist, uinh*r ct-rtuin ctiiidi- < \1. 1 )oyh*, .1, \V. .M-.\hn Ii. li. l* avi>r W. K. Brecst*, .los S i^ilvers. j inoiuhs. tlirn l;e can!.- Imnie for :i few f..hnien!s wcr-‘ serv.'d, 'riiox' : TEACHERS AND COMMITTEEMEN I ’ i p(ninds in weiirht. his lausclcs were as Mr-. 1 . fl BREVARD INSTITUTE NOTES 1 TEACHERS’MEETING A PENROSE ti.ms. Any man hctween eiizliteen and loi'ty-oiii- years of ime, whi) is! 'i'lie tea ll‘ !•' ■ d' li fiiver t'Mvn'!,::is a;- a t fend a n;e.-r • _r a t not lt; \ .-n, h-i' ',ve ]iii sake ot till- i-'r iLrrai sjienkers may i ■ l>re chance to tii.'^ ut IS MS {■' How- : 1. 1 'nil' T't.i ■ ■■■ oi Scho' '1 K'.innin —M rel’, TueetinLT id vonr liorn I'uhh' hodii-s i nrriiw, iit' was <'(turttHnis, cniislder- \ A. •Itdin.''(in. Airs. 11, F. Sc tt, is called at u. m. on Saturdav Ftdirnary ‘j;;, I'.M''. Many inr.ior-| tant sidiool mattt'rs ar,' tti he coi;- ' 1 to inalilie.lphvsicallvand l.v experi-| l>"l^'tlHil to >,e present.; ! -.■ ay enlist for this servu-e ; M-'”''*’ tdiunks. A. F. M 1ii ■h':ol e t') tlic 'i/:e Wil- Federal .'-.id t t Edncation in N >i. lln;i:ljcs l^'iw—N T. F rMtriofi- 1 in • Miss Lilly 1'udv- Isirner 4. I Jejation •!' ('on. School—IIcnry Xicho. Tl. Helrtti'jn <>f th^- Ctwnninnity Li*’ —Mr.- Hon. f). Iinporfan of Tea . Su pervision <it < iHWf‘S~y.: .NJHry ^>rr. ^ 7. The Tea hers’ W , ^ Community—C'lura :^tson. H. Increasing: Fnnd h ; lucreas ing Teacliers’ Salaries It f. F. Mitchell. N. Ij i '.M,K1{. METHODIST CHURCH eliec. m hut tliey mnst obtain ]»ermission to ' ^ " lio >o from Maior C. F. ('larkc ^ y,(]n.‘r (d- Kntfincers Ofticc. 'VarDc-! ^''-nntv Superintended, t of Public ‘ ]»artrnciit. Washiii^'ton, I). ('., |)y j inail ur lelcj'rai)h. Tlu‘ men re-| ’ (luired will be sent to Fi'ance a.-' I GOD SAVE, KEEP, HOLD, OUR MEN 'I >oon MS th.ey are assembled, with out bein'; hidd here for uiilitary it: inal j trainin''. smitii- j ’rreinendous <]Ufintities of Inniber j in^ used in chnrche.s^over this (.*onn- ! are requir«‘(l by the American ; try and Canada. The air is “ Amer- troojis in Fninee. A special r»*^i- i icu. ineiit, known ns the :.'Uth Engi neers, is being reernited to ctit timber in th(^ forests of France and I niannfactnre it into hinilier. This Th(“ i)oi*ni, reproduced lielow by i recpiest, is a patriotic .soti^ now be- ' Themuin auditorium wil] be nsod Sunday and the pastor will preach both morning and evening. Morning subject; “< )nr Allies.” EevDing subject: “Ke-enforced Concrete.” Yon are invited. regiment will include experienced men of ev(‘ry class retjuired in lumber camp operations. The ‘JMth Engineers needs iinnie- diat(dy L*.UdO woodsmen, sawmill men, machinists and others who have worked at lumbering. It also needs ;^,000 men who have worked at road building. These men are to construct roads from the woods to the milla and from the mills to the distributing depots. In connection w’ith both the lumber ing and road-building operations complete crews of men exj)erienced in the great variety of machinery used and in the camp and repair work involved are required. Subscribe for rather than bor row the News. (-»od save our splendid nu*n, Send them safe home again— God save imr men. Make them victorious. Patient and chivalrous ; They are so dear to us, God save our men. (iod kec]) our own dear men From every stain of sin, (iod keep our men. When Satan would allure, When tempted, keep them pure, Be their protection sure— God keep our men. God hold onr precious men, And love them to the end— God hold our men. I ,M rs. M . ,1. (i la /.iMier. at Uu' same tinie luS n man t«i (;n»nij Mr. T. II. SttNuhnan of < ainpo l)(dlo. .s, s’pent th(‘ week-end at tlu> Institute, visitiii" his son Wil bert. Miss Kva Lon;,', '.if riifTside, N his enuntry. why should not l.'ncle Sam Inis ri^ci'iitly entered scliuv l. furnish this trainiii:: at the -overii- Lontr's brother L-e is also a ment’s expenst'? Tlu- Lrovernmi'ni has i t i, it . , * ' pntnl OI lUevard lu.stitnttv till' riizht to call aiiyi in' to serve in ‘ case of war. and without traiiiin,:.:, a ' ’ Sheditdd was in Aslu*viilt man is worth nothin? as a sohlier. T7n- for a fi*wdays tlie latter pjirt ot the cle Sam has splendid lU'W training ■ week. <-,,raps that vill s,.on bo iiviiil;.!,],. f,.r „,.v ,h„,. the purpose, theretore. here is dounle i reason wliy the Chamherlahi Idll for ^'**^s bt-en suspeiidt'd on account c>f coinpulsory ndlitary tndnint' should be : th.e uncertain weather, passed at once, so that evt'ry hoy phv- j Services were af^ain held at the sieally fit may have this traiuinj: and . (,;,titnte last Sundav, Rev. A not h'ave it for his parents to pay for. . , , . ' . . , ()n account of the expense, not one boy i ^ucting sei \ict's in tiie in r»0 can take tin* traininir now. I am . I'l'TTiing and Rev. W . L. Poovey ^'hul that you can do so. These big I pr»‘aching at night. A number ol , crops and hi? prices. I find, innke the | members of his churc'h wei’t- farmers rather ‘cocky,’ and that the ^ il„.« is (l,.,„an,l..d h.v th«n." , pn'sent in of the inclem,-nt Itlllk* w«s lip with the lark the nest ; The Institute has twenty boys now in active training in variou.s camps. Miss May Bu. ns of Cedar Moun tain is among the new students, registering since the holidays. TiNSLEY-SINtARD morning, more excited and enthusiastic than ever. He had a plan. He knew Jluunie owned a colt worth $100; that he would make almost another $100 on his potatoes If they turned out well, and that he had from his previous savings, bought a $100 Liberty bond. Billie’s plan was to have Jimmie cash in and go with him. He was disiip- pointed to find that .Tinimie would still lack about $300 of having enough to Note the result ot six months of mill- ! see him through. His lip quivering, he ^^^tr^ning. Compare lines A-A and | mighty sorry to leave Jim mie.” B-B In cut. ate and manly. His awkwardness had disappeared. The change was wonder ful and it was all to the good. Here i Is a photograph showing ‘before and ri 11 J mui-. i ! after taking,’ and I am sure no patent Held in Thine arms so Btrong ^ medicine advertisement could beat It. “Well, mother and I were delighted. That was ten years ago, and Howard says the year he spent at the military academy was the best year of his life. “Now,” said Uncle Dan, with great earnestness, **when such training does so much eood. makes better dtize^s^nd To Thee they all belong, H»dd safe from every wrong— God hold onr men. Subscribe for rather than bor- Jow the News. Uncle Dan was silent a moment or two. then he asked Billie to go down to the orchard and get him some ap ples to eat on the train. While he was gone, it was arranged that Uncle Dan and Mr. and Mrs. Graham would ad vance the money necessary so that Jln'.mie could go. When Billie returned he was told about it. He ran to the 'phone and called Jimmie, saying: "Gome Ch over, run Just as fast as you can. I’ve got the greateiA news yoa ever heard of.** .., / Miss Ruby Tinsley and Jamw; Hiniard, were quietly married last Sunday afternoon at the residence of Mrs. Mary Hamlin, on Depot street, by Rev. John R. Hay. Mrs, Siniard i« the attractive daughter of Mrs. Columbus Tinsley. Mr, Siniard is a prominent bnsinefis young man. The happy coaple left for Greenville, S. C.. immediatelj after the ceremony. Try a Diversified adv.

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