Brevard News (Name changed from Sylvan Valley News, January 1, 1917.) VOLUMS-XXllI BREVAUl), NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, FKIilillARY 15. 1918. NUMBER-7 Por a County Rest Room WEEKLY PUBLISHERS MEET FRIDAY, FEB, 22 MASS MEETING AT PiSGAH FOREST of Stimiiliitiii'x Interest in the Red ('ross—20 New Menjhers I’residf'nt, Xnnli M. ll(>llo\vt‘ll. li:is (•:ill. a tli,« Nortli i'av- Mcetin}^ C:al!ed for tlie Purpose olitia W’tM'lvlv I’rt ss Association to nuM'l ill Asli('\ illi‘ oii Friday. l'\-li- runry I*’-, Tor an nlti'rnooii and | Added to Roll. ni>;lit session. 1 I < )n last Alond.'iv a jtatr; An int;-i fstinir i)n';:i-ani is Jiiiin-i i ■ ..i i. , ^ I'ally was lu'ld in tiir hiividson — ■ \ I r IHR.MvY 1 “'I'ln- ’ ipi'c aas ia,r . . '' ... -a- ''.ai 1 thronrb- ramf t d' saint' ])oi ell. d‘-> Til Of v’;, .\t I'f tna’’\ d : A Lrranr of (- nit a hie moi 'thly ; at ■ .1,' li saib a; a • ax. ! mnintctin ace or janitor’s le. ' ior ' .. I >. ai;t'S. ant! 1-. t In' orira 111/a t ion in (diar^e to kt'c]i 'id' ■ w :,en - I' 1\.- 1 T > t . : saiil la'st and tiiil I't looms i n s.ani - ei ■.!.;■ p, , ladv t ■ '.t ry i.rv (an iitiiiU ; .nil tipeji (a ■ rtain \\ t'm ■ - ^ ],., . 1' 111" •’! i t a ’a ,-t ].< 'Ui s tbi ily. a nd all hours duriiij^ ro. ’i; = . 1 r ince tla . ; ■'■d ^ c 'iirt wt 1 ■ks. (d. ) 'I'he ins talk ition A -» ;• -a ;. - : ! . ■ 1: fi •It. 11! 11 'a ‘ !T ' >n ral pii m b 1 n. a nd 1 ' ■■ of t ' - 1 :• • ta ■ ;rt i 'i ill ! t h - Fia.m tile town of 15re sa - I!. ■ in’i't d va lal .IS a (a iT'poT'a t n !i ; .'v - •U !d •ient In ’ apter b .. ■ 1 1 auud.. ;ilv , f wate-- t : 1 ] i] >t rlv Cl m t. r- . ! < -nieil' ! ■ . ] -i V( duct s a i 11 rc-i ail; toilet ra. ' ' 1 1 s a vab ' ; 1 ‘f Fif 1 li — ! :■ ■::: t le I'.rev a ti 1 .mht tin r - t n;. ].v.<\ . a ' 1 r aril! A- I’l \vt I < "n;,. ,1V : A - niba ■il r;t a I. vv • ■ 'hiriL's M Hi. su])]>iy oi ell ' I : it ;iy to bu 111 ^ ;me. 'v . • . -■ 1 rn ; ■ ■ ' 1 r>!i :-;xib i-'i'- ':; ; ' lb d . . 1 .. 1 to ; • ..!■ tb. 1., b '.1 1'.' t!, ;ane nb ■ ?■■■ t 1 a.die;.-, lb.- ; —.. 1 , T ■ied— ; r 1 ' i . n !j' •■!'s, :|T,d tic CMl :niy :ai;- a -s ICl” - a t • - . a ni 1 1 1 • :;.n-: ■ p' Mil n ent t.f a naa 11 !■ -r c. lurt ■ ur-’,.. t b.- 1 ' :. • 1 ■ I; I be I'l immi 11 ■ a- \\ 11 li i!,.' h'n. . be.l' d 1 of the < .in;. ti- '1:. ■ itall - a CT'a ay . nit Hi ■ rn t b ■ \ , : r • \ n.ei hni; id' t'iis taim- r.iit <•■■■ is an- ! ■ liM n . n led- cad d to liC'i'! ;it the liliiar y nr 1 !|,e • ra ■> . ''luil i- • -' t r '••lUrt 1; iri ■ cunds ^ 11 ur day. la.' :■ acci ; • : It).. '-’-bTaaai v at :b;:o p. in .— Mr-. Hut ti; . ■' f 1 ;. r t 1 ti I' I-; I’a- n. . b,: M'maii, a n.l M r- tbl- • . n 1- t ■ 1.-' .a ’1’ lb S; ■.Ipii'aiU anil Ml's. i » \;. la tisi t imd;.’ I- W'a rd b. 1 nu n fi' ': 1 ■! -' fn 1 n tl 1 ■ i St Tl-. ■ \'-1. ■ 1 ■ : id i > ( a-- la. ■. 11 ' . ■ A t r 1 r 1 ii.r pba r aia> 7iK i.le d.'ti t e r ■; a ; S ■b V-.'U I' 1 >n nite lists id;.’- v;e can list'. and han 1 , . • a; ar- ’ a TV i list S cd' t hi TIL'S Wt ‘ call sell will lie Can s] a - . \v mbl ]lo>teil. riieti a !' nation (bay v>ill Tl' -A ’■ ’ ,e f 1 >1 i ■ y -ts : iie !i]ipoi!itc(l \\ ht n menibr rs o ■■ 111,. l-’ir-' i'v •n th- ■ J Ni- \'v > ! la imrint te e will 1 i-ia'i '.a* t ( 'Tit • bn ! Spa- . ; ike ] :b ]M, ms. 1 i 1 1 r 1 s of • tisn, lli -l, .iiai !,• Ad.' anu 1 1 our v. : ; , • 1, hit-I • CM 1 1 : 1 ■ ■ri.a;'intei tlia: eVi'-.y ( ion: nient. Wld be U sell dirt ■t 1\’ I'l- S' lid 1 la 11'!' I ])i‘d out i'of lilt' occasion. It sliould be a ])atriotic iiicctin;', tor it is \\ asliini^loii's l.irthday, !ind ]tr('scnt international coni])lica- tittns re«|Uire ri'al j)atr;otic '.ratlier- inirs. (‘.■-jiecially o) neu>|':i]ier !iien. 'i’he :>ssoci!ition will ineet at tlie Swnnn uio!i-1’■-rki lev Mold, w’c.i re Kiver school i oust* at l’’st:ah For est. betdre the lioiir a])point- c‘d tor tlie ineetinirthe aiiditttri.iin was tilled with i»eo]ile frojii the town and siii roiindin'^ count i v. Tlu' ])ro^-rain w::s oj)eTi(‘d vitli sin-nit!' hy the cliildren. and !'t d RED CROSS EDITION OF BREVARD NEWS The next issue of THE NEWS v/ill be a RED CROSS edition. It will carry information of interest to every man, woman and child oi Transylvania County in regard to this g;rcat crgani,'^at?on, which is the inner line of the Nation’s Dcfeiisc. 0, ! , llt nnett. jirincijial ot the conu'nieniheis of tli<' ^^reatcst Ine-' 1 nni rnn u.v,tor.m.>i.l.-th.-urmy»iKl n,.vy r..r i ArrLlUA I lUN fUK ^ ^ ^ ^ I ulso iiit i*( 1(1 U(*rd tlw* s]>(ak- tlu‘ SMviiii' (»! Aiiu'ricii — naTiit-lv. j j er ot the ('veninur, \\ . t',. i!i ee.''i\ ol the American Ifed (’ros>. ’ ' niou>lv a(hii)tcd c:illin!4 upvm tli<' i;r,*vard \*4\ i r ^ * _ . . ,i>i* \aiii. At the (dost'of the MCidre.'S twenty ' M asons id' t Ills (Jraiid J un.-'d ion ! -vi,. i*.-,.,>■<(> ii i . i , I . t I s(, iii.iiK .1 n im jii e^^ioned new ti.m roes wei-e :i}•: io r to A\ai! riieniselves of 'Ilic Low Rate. lnf('rmation he Had at I'he l?revani liunk. M’!'' *• sMi'c.iit r^"e(i witli ]!alrioiic t>er>hi]> I’l :11 < 1 tli< r* n n t ly < i ;;;t n *-ndeav(.rs. es].ecially in t lie s;i le ol . hetirer.^to reali/e lx‘- i/., ,1 IMslmIi F^.rest ])rant h ot the Its seciinti. s, and instnictin- the I j, that— 1'ransylvfinn! Red < j-oss. 'I'he fol- (irand Mastei- to issue his ]>ro'd:i-^ --We are in a war 1 jtK'ans vie- lowing' ' '''rve ni.. 1,011 at I < II din^l\. | i(>r\ orileatli: \ ictory or sl;i ve j’v ; on t In-execu t i ve ci ;!n j>ii t te ■ of tlie Now. t liereti re, I. < n'oi'ire S. j Viet (.ry oi'dishonor. people id riM-Mih Fore>{ ei_r!ni/.:ition : W . S, ■’net hi re: ■ iver six vd Xnlhct, (Iriind Mti>1'■'da hn ve heet; :i p; ,b i v in \orlli Carolina, do call ni;i.n,tlie sjieakt'r. ‘•sleep in ]ti'ace and tive ci mi rnit tre ■ llirrv I’atton. | ^'d 1 r craft to !> id ; .'ccui’ity t>ini''ht by the -race of chairnuin n ci!iber~liiT> coTiunitt,','; i 'i'- H. Shipinan ^ Br-'- and. a>'ist oiii- uMivcrninent and U-| < lod and tlu‘strciiuMh (d‘ tlie liidt- Fred 1 !a;-ri>. ( haii man : :ii. I airr* -li t-. ;;0t a-- a:;. nts in evi ry way p":'Sibl(‘ in the , ish llect." inittee jau'cnt for t]n> fai'iii-r-. The )4o\. ■ d a’..! f-.’. ”i ' V'.’; t). •-1• o i.! a ■ ! - ! • ■ | ,i. • ( u r, •( i ^ t viliTiMMfy "n'y t 1 :C .‘'M i; ‘ 1 i .'i 11 i ■ ' c U! i ' i; ■ ' . : I i 1 , II he 1 a I e ' ,; . \ I:. e i lca ’. ! > h e I a 11( d I o I i V , 1 .. ! . ■ . . , ' • c■ • li■ ■ ‘- ! 1‘ • t : t 1 . ! o t he 1;, d I Ti ,a i;d . .M . t . A '^1 ve a(!■ ■<; ■;;; t >-up;m .rt I o iler a Hies LET ALl Bt riiEoi-i^ i j.eople . h.i \ e a p;/. n-d 1 v 1. .■ war li., I- a; d in l!'.' wb. i lia \ e b, .n >t r ti^ -.vit h t he ;;rateid' :d;i t o de]>! pa\i!!cnt t.i all taxes iTii]io>ed ii; ^ ti rnoii^t. r id' inili; a !'i>ni lor alnni.-t All nienibers ,^f the I !a ]-t ist | ' li'' bank ior >aiii‘- Sirnniai ■ ',;r ]^“ople. to li e . nu tliat mir t.'i’i yrar>, (diund! ai'e nrLT< d to bf Ti’-e^-T.t next ''vill tb.-n f>irv,-;ird nioni v t a rn I y a III 1 na n y and t !i > ■' e , ■' 11; r I 'I he sp’ at k • i’ ^ t a t. m i that a lto, i 1 Sunday n ■ oi' i n f i at i ' o c! ■ • !< 11 ■ i n !-rt' 'ti i he i \’e rn? ?., - n i v d . ■ i. ■ ,. ;i Hies in.. be sMbic^eiitlv cb I btil. ddier nia k< > a bi t te!' <■ Idler 11' l;e consider 1 he call of i M' tv \\'. /v!e\- oiah-r idtrati- ot soda .'h:]M'< ■■ *■;;> anip,>- t > J i p;b d.. a ' I, :i-: e-.-. ^ t in- ] >■, id'!'a(i- b':-’ have a nd' r v. !;i; ] ;-rei ehed a t t hi s chi;r'-li c,.unty. dilnrent ;y ,-a T> ii t’^r. li:ai lb;.'-b r- r.. t ;, n'lT'■! I < n lii'i;. ••Thf '.va\'tD la>t S!in(ba\'. !' i> tlc' d'-^ir,- ''f t he ntile n.ay be br-u.Jit a make bin- 1;M'.-w t!iis," --ai,l Mr, jinli 11 c. ei;n,i 11 ,'r t’l 'rtaiTi t!ie, Mi'-<;’aie l‘iercy lia'- tb’b'in>'T s]»c( ay and >i: ■ 'e 'r_'ain/.vd w 1 di (,f e:iidi indiiv', bi.'il in thisreat Ciiiii'' lin- bir-t 'I'r;.-: 'I'lie caTu’iai^n iii ;iov. ; iVi. i t. a n. i. I appi'.al i i lliis audi ti'r. tic'ret i ire a full •■tteridance i- .-vlvaTiia < oiinty 1 o recei'a L;l;er- the sab- id' Till'd'; ar.d \'-'ar .'••a'.’ ■ n,-,. .Xniei'can cilizi!,'' t'l b.' ib-si la'd a nd ; i v t. ■ i •; t !e, t \-e-. r n i. t-. iiii;.: !■* t he -ec, Mid i'sn-■. lii-ve t HI ->t ■!! t t lit "•“.b/rucr jfirr'kAcrn -.v*:' I \ cr 11 n I c 1 i' ba' ■ tl iT' ■! I's pi .( . T 11 'Id)e 1 ui'cnaM- id tia .-'C r'latnp- t I ,'rdv lielp'i.ui' Xatl iia'; Tria-MV | but 1 nci lura _'i — t h : ; 1 :. a ir,’;. b ne . Si‘. I- c Tl* r . 1 '1 tl- ■ 'I'.. ’ . nil-"' r.i'd' r ’. et t' ■ and cut av . ; nd -cut ; ; y a '■ 1. ! :i'a • ■ r; i;n !i la ■ -a' "fur tlie ti.-ii,' i bu . I urut“ i'\cry 'i’-.'.. ■ . lit "! t i;e I! -I ]•, II !M . j 1. Hi :c 1 n N «^rt :i < a:, 'iina t )-a: l.a - !>ct i.s !!'.ake tins iMns.'i-\atii ■!! | fiua!- available ,r can save ab..i;t b'n 1,;;n ' a tit n.. nh iria i t, i : b > j ci. t v .'bar- ]>i r i: > b' t •' li. i i • '■ O’.'CI;-"' e. -I'-.-r'. -it i- -U V. 1;.. 'A ;i :>a.'i It ViC;.r b.d. e- -net bi.V a tlie • d b ■nil'pun I )re-'->“ and si -r ; ib- n-and >; .la vs‘ \ •••tli. : r v ■' My i I a ■ i 'a bi a ■ ’ ii . ' i'l 1' ' ■ ' 11 • . !a I's ’ w ■ : i i ... . 1 i ■ , d :. [ ■ n A- i..i-.b'a:; (•ash. I every \bi'i i. .n tbS - '■ vtrv sta;n;:ii" ‘ j lain ]'ay fi u' i']i to th-limit, and ' ^ b■ 1. i ■;.1 . . •: i i;rt b- r ' • ! ■ ' • a ; 1 ’-1 ano bi,.-:^ iin,>i.-; it ' t a ix-■. j \ , •inn;. ■..' ,'irit it aiai i'’ ■ c, M ,ri‘ tl:an a ‘ 'I'ei-: Tai North ( a r,(Murau'c ,,*]ie<> to liold tla m, rath-r r'-', ■ k l£||T ano'her t In ,ns.a nd ' blia n s..dl i b-'ni .at a oi-c,iunt. thn- 10 Ilic i'jLl LimiT and thi- Is but a [M-innir-: UMcs ' y uir Id. .• a! no y.-wr ^ I'llt our h.-arts and time nd ,p, ^a’,n- n< . d f.T C.raiui 1.‘Oi n- Ral- m-ncy 'Into th,. ran- '. 'r'n r.' ( an Pa«i I •.i -I'l in ! rue b,-no dotiid of victorv i' v;e Ij^lit. ' ■.ihoul ■ I .I .-upiH.T't uur ■ vcrnint nt as to c!i) 1 d<.i'vs isv. >hotdd. ♦ ♦ in.-'tant a' Reque ■ . \ v a I- . U i: ,luri- . -, , , .t Ti) tli. ' ■ ^.diT '< Ira’. A. F A . [;r. th:a : ( >ur na t. our ]»•" pb' but thol'~a wliat it I' of voiir libt I'tand 1; aw-, b a \' ■ ' 'I’l .in- imp la.'ive ( in;- si'iis and bi-'tl'iTS have already ' iLToin'to ^’ive their iives, if neces sary ; shall we wdthbcld , nr Oi Ib.usr A.t a nuM'tini: lield in \Vashiin:lon n yeu do your liesb \ i' tory will b,' ! I'b-idh il'; l)e(a-mbt]-, la p’a-M'n ba t ] ves ( :f a li mU-dl sv.a'eter til ynU V.lle’t li:c b ■d_-(- irali-rnal 1 ii d> rs bein”' present. ! he ^ hovs coniC tnaiadiinj' h<'inc. " or the i’r.’si,i,.id ,and tlie Secridarx of the ' i , ■■\\ lu n ti.d. c ol (u:r luivs rt tarn Imuk' , - an bna Ida asurv n^n. sted our m re]irc‘^enlat;ve ! \\’;i,, nii.'-siil liiauli in ihi- war’s a\\ btd at lib.'- nici t’in.., iaed”','d t1u- b.yal ; nill, lanvot suppM]'t«d .Noi'th( a.lai]ina Masonry. i'ibinii ;in(l ma.itiiia! e; .aiiUd !('r hit’ ?!'s ffict. 'I'lie ( ortiin unica t io’i (d the : Mu* cniu.ltled in sjiirit aiai .saab ; iiali/.i'ii iiiand L'al^e ladd ill lbilei;:h las, And tin y ^atiic r with Iritiu's and luvi i! v.atii ill month fairly thrilled vvith ]iat?’ud-j diu‘S at hLMiu* Ml, yolii' ism and a rcsolntK.'n was i l!y the lire, ui on suiiiraei s b.m.i; day^ ' Anii tell of the tiim's wh' n liu y went j "uvfr till- in the i-ailv iiiorii’s twilivdit lia./i'; Should llay ask you wliat y>«u v.aia- (ioii.-- ihi' wlii'A- In thi* worUl's j^rcatost war tu lu'lp win it. He sure you can look Ihi-ni sipiart- ' in the eye And trnthfully sayd was in it.’” If you have not already done so, 1 suggest that yon display our Niitionul Flag in your Ludj^e rooin. Let this proclamation hu rend to your ludge at its n(‘xt rt'gular eoin- niunieutioTi tind hd it lie Duldislied ])iom])tly in the next i.ssue of your liunie paper. Fruterniilly yonrs, Geo. !S. Norlleet, W. W. Williams, (xnind jNluster. Grand Secretary. ATTENTION Odd Fellows On Monda>. l V*!)ruary 1.’^, Installation of Offlcers will take place in the rooms of Connestee Lodge No. 237. Prominent visiting and local orators will be with us. An Oyster Supper with appetizing trim mings is promised by the Refreshment Committee. All members of Rosman and Connestee Lodges aise cordially invited. : It Is a War Savings Sta:np There are two kinds—United States Thrift Stamps, 25 cents each, and United States WciF Savings Stamps, $4.13 each. Both are debts of the United Stcites Government to repay your money January 1st, 1923, with interest on the War Savings Stamps at the rate of 4 per cent. A good way to save—an excellent investment—and helps win the war. For sale at the Postoffice and Bank. War Savings Committee Transylvania County