VOLUME-XXill (Name changed from Sylvan Valiey News, January I, 191?.) BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, MAIiClI I. 1918. NUMBER-!) INSTAIUTION BAN QUET 1.0.0. F. Connestee Lodjjc N‘>- IM, I. O. O. F., Installs Oflicors and lias Banquet — Larj;o Attrndance. Miniduy. iit'Sii't' Ijodin* Nil. -ili < ■ ( •. I" Ji' ltl tlunr n*'r;nliir \vt*t'kly ■. in tl;*' Konnis. 'riu' ollu'iTs 1 tt r thi' Ci'iu- minir t»*nn wt'ro iiist i- > N. A. Millor, NuM<' A. Bfiiiil. Vico I insiul. ti)U, Si'cri'tary ; '1’ Tivas-in'r ; T. li. M. |).).vU‘ MUtl \V. .1 . I’l ' Tin* s])i'akt'vs w vi A. K '! 1’ Slii]un!iii, A. K. ll:i- Mllli'r, T. 1>. Kii;.'l;n!il. W in A I'.aiul !in«l ■ ■'' A I'tcr till' instalhi: aTu’i t lit' siu*ri‘]i-in:i 1. I lu'st 1 mu' of all. ' ” a]'])ftitt'. look ])la i‘ was niUi'h sti t liat I'l's* ■ > ;it all .''I’.bsftiut'iit ’ ii\aik' iiy Intht-rto i; lirrs. 'I’l.c Unliii’ dt'ci'ltM all bi'i.tilers who u’-f til- sii'.all rayini’!' ■ ,i Uf>. 11 was a I.-' ■ ' nt I'l sll !ll* 'lit S 1 "T '' itmti- I 1 !• i\. It li■( A.' lu-sTi c 1.- a t)oiit t. a - jiTi •']>i 1 ;ty aiul ilo i’l t' fV"l- I.'.-lOl-i 'I'hf 1> 1! ■■ LoiIlTi' 'li riili'S t ' it will mvL* till* Hri \ar 1.raiul : W'ni. \ . i . 1 lain]) !> I'ni-'laml, j. r.aii, M. , ll-'tt I’S. ■ :>t ■■ '»1. ■ M (Jash. '1'. II. X. A. 1 lovU', 1 otliiTrs Uvlt'll. tlu* lnini:ry i’; ovsti'r liai. so ' ,■ ]>vi‘st‘nt T i t!" wt r»* .ficiit nu-ni- WAR CAMP COMMUHITY RECREATION FUND \ I'ry soon jiftt'r th«* (*aTni)s woro built in tho sinallor cities it was found tJiHt wht'n the buys were turni'ii loose tltat they t)ver-ran tht‘ !>lar(«, inastnurh iis oft»‘n there wt*re more soldiers than }ieo])l(* living in tlie town. It soon dt^vel opi'd that the only j)laee the boy bail was the stret'1 corner when* lie v.as a ])rcy tor all sorts of i*vil. 'Pile only itlaces oju n to him were ])larcs where he must sitcnd money t(' bt> wt'lcoine. When bioke he bad no ])lace to }to. How many boys from Transylvania county ha ve walked milt s of si reels liopin;^ to meet some one who would say a kind \vi rd to thi'inV 'This matter is bandied in the camps by the V. M. A's. if thi' boys are to have a ebance to stay clean, to tui'i'I tin* ri'^lit ]'( t.j)le. they must be ]>rovidt d a home, hall or club room. A movement has been started to suji^ily tlu'sc halls and ('lu>)s, w ith th'- I'iiiht kii'd of i)t'oplc in c)i::ri:e to Iook after tlie welfare ISSUED BY THE TED STATES GOVEEKMEHT It Your Duty of the bovr ,lil I :o.iMIII 11, take ab(\ut ; r>'Viile the .-okliers'I j , ■ I rlnb. North ('arolina has bem ! instate I iiskt'd to raisr 11. and 'I'l'aTisyl- \ vania county exjiect-'d to send. SuT'rlv ''. I' eonntv ciTi ri\. r vvi'ars t or If yea r's V- ic bave .> r man ;.i ('on- , ,• !'i>n;ier \v rk than ! uinount. do tliat UMirh anU'Ui'. 1. even \\ 1 Tt!, V ::;..':ise that l.i > v.ill I'.ay Ibr There is not a man or ;amily in the county bv.t could conti'ibute that To know about War Savings Stamps. The Thrift Stamps cost 25c each and pave the way to systematic sjiving. The War Stamps arc $4.12 each, bear interest at 4 per cent and will be exchanged for sixteen Thrift Stamps plus 12c in cash. They are for sale at the Postcftice and Bank and all stores will scon have them. TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY TEACHEaS’ MEETING t ( on- ' : >man U'.'e 11 IS carTiestly ri =i’U" TiifTnbeT v,bo all' M nd u imt tance t' i 1-; 1 lainvt n. i'. I > i-> I >tirru;4 ajij'eal a t bem plcas- i that all r-'ais will ' . * .rv. A. '.a’ i itiiide M:i mbers ■h cuTi'iribntioTis to i chaiinian committtH’ lowever. if you caTi no* , ir M'lre. si ral any i I ni'-lvle. Send ali M . i )ovl('. ' The Exercises Were Interesting and Instructive From Start to Finish. All Are Prepared for Better Work. Foilowinj' is the ]>r(j!'rani carried out at tilt! 'I’eaeji' rs' M<v;tini; heli! Feb. ‘Jil, in (traded Schof>l bnildinj^ . 1. I)evotioTia.l (‘xercises by Prof. <'.11. 'i’rij'Abiid!^(;, Brevard Insti tute. l:ei)orts from I’rincijials an L Teachers, .1. M. lieTiiM'tr, l)avids')n Kiver. Mr. Nicholson, lilantyre. N. L. I’wndiT, renrose. Miss (ii‘or;^i 1 P»ell, lin^vard. Mr. B.dl, S. lifM. Miss McCfiil, C.-dar Mountain,. Mi:-.-^ .Myrtle iihod.'S, Hrevard. .Mr, Ashworrli. Lake Toxawa}'. Miss Susan dordan, ('alvert.“ Address ; (German Barbariti(\s, Hon. W. K. [?re(>se 1, Aiiriri'.'.'-: War Savings (’. r- idicates and Tiirilt Stamjis, Su?)t, A, F, .MitcL ■II. •'>. The Mt*d < ’ro>s, liev. \V. K, 1’oovt‘v. < ounty i'ommen''rmei'.t, (leii'.'rai l)iscus>ion S:;- i; l iy. K. !> i. hi'\‘'-.ercises by IV. 11, S, ■ 1 ;i a . Soni'; St'ir S{)an>'led Bann>u-. < >rL^ani;-,at],jn (»f School U. li iA‘\vis, .Mr. Z;ic:iary, ('.il 'I'i COOiWY EDOOATORS MiiT FRIOftY m SATyROAY >ba t- aT':d ii';i sts that a'l n.« in'ui-.. wiu» '^iv.vt ly can. m T' I in ■ iic v-'av : Ml' -- '!l aiia 1.''''. I’at li. l.''d_'t tIt■ ] luct'11 i 1' : n. ;.'i!ly, I ;''menib r ♦lie ■^att uril' V u alTeii I t he l.( '(iiri' ]UiWt rl.">' ; 1 frei'lV. Let every Tiu ni’’ ' r 1 M ■! '.ay. .Man . ’ >! i ;iin'_' of the ! ■ ei _;n. All i’. I-'. L, 'r. and ca’ I ;• '.r'l II'. the C' I’.M! ■- . il 1 to be ]irc'ei,r -1 .veur 1 aith V-'. 'I’lie 'rt'aclu'i's' Association of i'ransyivania ceunty met in the ilrevard irraded >,']nn)l buildinir on (il,. i last Fri':a> ai: 1 < ontinued its S(‘S- sH ms uiit il 1 he. fi .'.ii ,v. ini: Siiturdav Buy a THRIFT STAMP every day, help yourself and help your ^'ovcnimcnt win the war. Remember that il every person in the United States bought a 25c Thrift Stamp it would mean $25,000,000 for our country. WAR SAVINGS COMMITTEE Transylvania County. lo-iaT^iii i f 'readier to Sf-h .1 ’ 1>. Miss (leurLMa Bi ll. I niform 'j'axation for S.'hooi ; in.; fa( t. <Md;ellovvs. r:.eetim:s act fullv nt on I’. M. afternoon. I l>urinu' tie' iir,'-f miu-ninic s-'ssion 1 rc])orts fr.iTii t !;e ])rMM-i]/als of tliei \a!'ii MS scl.-i (,f {]|,- coiintv wi re ' L‘roi. .\shv, 11o .% to N i.. Mr. H •- ,\ (■' 'in;:i';t ti l < 'ounty ('■ Of. .\p- :i . : il I A " ■ i;: 11, i.e N L 1 '■ lu! ■ .), \ . Beniii .Mrs, H L. ^ .■\iir>> Ma ud' M:s.^ Sn:'aa . I ir<■ h, Lake I’ox-1 v,-ay. VI•■-]) tlie S.‘hi II ils (; o- :' Tuier, i’l'iiro^e. t. I >a vvlsoii iJive;-. :o manaLTc for ‘ r.e neeiii 'iit 1 » he 111'],! '■ apiK’.ute I a- to!- ciiairmaTi ; il.'on, A .i;".,in, ' dan, r. airi" \\;I1 ■. K ■ helli \ ";!'!v Ta;.e ’ . , a’e ev- < onu' and r 1 i > "• iicie Fi-iday add ieli Vered THE BAPTIST WOMAri’S MlSSiM llfillTO MEET I'.eai'Ci. 1 lie tea^uic of tic ' a:: v'l’V; )U >■ '.vas tile ^>ar X a t .iia I < I '-y W. iireese in liis U'Ual liiient I and eonvim iivr style. I < )n .•^atnvdav rtiMrninir a juint I’lieidin;^ oi teaebci’S and sclie.n] ! cninniitte.'m.'U wa-^ held. At thi-- T:!e:la..;-' < t co-o; lera t i n I th' v,airi; of te-.ctN and C' lainit- I tei'!!;,'n v.-ere di'cu^scd. interestin'.: li. 'I’n.i'.veialir.- IN ^^EMGRY OF CEO. VV. WILSON I 'I'he subject of tins ."k holdim: tl'e iTi.piO'Janl elective ]io sitii'iis and .o'l'-es ef 1ns iiativt \ctch is ,'-0 county. In !''''i li>‘ v.'a." electei ]>a;ie be; n -. ,ini lail ■d, Hell a 'i':,' ,\mUial M' a’ - ' l’>-ionary will be 1 M .!■ i!'<. 'I'i • . • 1M ised of t be et; - t bi onizboiit r;iei tue," in .\sb*-v. In ev 1), t \vei‘n fi ’ I a ■ ^.-ati'S to that v \ s]ilen.iid V’ ' - in.: j)reiiared. 1 b ; t^ -r of tiie home ■ ' il 'A alter N . .lohlis . iioaiil. will both da V nii-'ht. tb.e ”1 i m vice u double <p. ’ t « )n 'I'hursday m.'’ ’ !)r r. X. riiini' !.. wl.i b.:is r.pent ill Africa, and \vl till- mi''Sion st mance < if N la^'ara A delt'uate In.i.'i ■ w ill be cntcrtai!.» d ^ and the vis•toI•^s wi; rates in lh«‘ir la voi', will be held in ti.e church. if . !l tills siibjecf 'Those >_-ivn by and Frot . N. L. iclicrs' A.-socia- Wil.'i'TI ot ’he F.dvr-atain were i\ ed. an iii- .tractive talk on tlio w>>rk of the 'uni or Jvcd ('.’‘oss 1,'V liev. W. !•]. I’novey fuHicvveil by s<imt* cuter taiTu: remarks by .Mr, Brccse. j .M !s.- < '-ei ir;:i : t!i- Woni- i f'!'- '•'< on, I f this| Luther \--} evrile M'on.nty Hoard .:ai.i.' i^i.n is : '■si-''eially well r. ■ a-1o<-ul soci-i 'I'be TiK'ctim: closed with t,it( . and tin , i t X])' eti'U to i ' ■' ! liV- Iran- 1 ' v.tdl know n that there is n-i room for s’'ccula{ion. “I 'ncU* (leur'j:"'' as he was s,i iainiliarly callcii. was a son of William and Huth \‘. ilsnii, b(.irn<'ct. lo. 1'';',^. \Vith the c\- c‘]ition of his I'ivil War -service. ,\lr. Wilson -oeut his entii'e within fec.r nrib's of liis birt’n jil ici-, and the town ed lirevard. N, (I!e dit ri:i' of 'I’ransyIvania c Kinty, In l he was elected to t|i(. ('(institu tional ('olive:.i-.dii ef the Stale. ! n he was elected Sl;i1e S. liator ironi hi.' di-trict. lie was ciected coiti’niMed to e-irfli fr.'"' wli"nce it caiiie ai.d he- soul t.i ! i ;d 'V: • L:av-' it. A lonu’aiiil bii-y L,e is cT'de;l. .\e- M'.ore will we '_;!-et't Lll'de (icori:e's sniilir.u' faee in his Lonic, or eu our street.'. No nioi'e wul bis voi.-e b’* lieard in !iie 'The iil'-.c-.'S tflilti'i‘Jr uch-.i LITTll mm MEEGE or three {(‘i rns as niem- .oari! of :'onnty ci in:;ni.'- countv. He Vv’as I been a citi/.t n i-f ounceunbe hfUl i leiulerson a:id M’r.in^vl vania coun- member id' saii ties without ever having: moved b.is residence. ;> :iuv; be- : r 1 Mas- ' 1, Seei'i : ary ’h'- -tate Wednes- ■ ’bat ser- 1- ".ill o(di l!^th, j' i>>’ioiiary 'f ins life !: author of ■ 1;.' lio- ’.■■IV Miciety ' i f charge*. ; ml s|ieciM 1 '■' le niM-tini? Fi!>t Bajiti.-t I lie was married tt; Miss Laura .1. .^!lllerof llaywut'd county, April' '.'.‘i, and to this ba])];y union j v.’as born four children ; 1’. .! . W’.l- I son, -Ici. W ilson. .Mrs. ( 'os W tjodlin and .Mrs. Freil Middleton, j 11 is de‘ oted wi! e and ail of the I chilvlreu. e:<cej>t rief. Wilson., wiio cba"ed the s]dc".did farm from (\ 1 away iiajre than a year -iLTo. FIKE STOCK FOR TRANSYLVANIA <!•’. Hay, w ho recently jyr.r- j L. < 'ri\ i-- introducin;.: sc.nu I line .-tofk into this seidiuu. viu- DEATH OF AN INFANT TluMnfunt son ot Mr, unil Mrs. Spurgeon irainlin died last Satur day. The funeral .services \v(*re (‘onducted from tlu' home at toO on Sunday l>y Rev. \V. F], Poovey, and the interment was at the (Gil lespie cemetery. I still survive lam. iiv- lived to s.'c jail his children mu'ricu and s(‘tile*l I in liappy liomes nearby. •‘'I'he pride } of human life.” j Asa neiLihbor L’lude (ieorL’’.; was l»i'. ai d Mrs. .L McKinney j vTisurpusscd in kindni’ss and hroth- wcTit to As' eville where i\lrs. Mc-Uulv love, iio nt'vcr turned his fel- ann serv il -r I'f rile ;,iiai'(i siunei--.; t'.ii- ]ns e’eeted aia! M rved for three terms inourst'.te le;:is!atui’c and dii'd a aS'cm bly. More(;V('r dui'ini; this lon^ tieriod lu‘ was acrivi- in moulilini^ and j sba])!!!-.: puiilie seniinienl-, and by j his l:nowledL"(' of hr.man Tiaturcj ai'd personal ine'-eiu-e he \.'as con-I 1 >tai:tiy araV'.'it'.i^ a iar::e uercenr ot j the commitn jii.'plet.) his views, j lie was i;;i:st ori-ii.;.! in his ideas, j auil althoui:h lie unswervingly held i to his i.r’inioiis. he was fare and ! courteous to Ins o]ti>oneids. liis * conniM.') sense and ])crs;.nal (.v|)cri- cuce and ol scrvation durin;^ a Ion;.: luiblic life, nuul(‘ him able to mei-t St-entorian halls oi’ our ci mrv In ihat once kuer.’ him vs.li kuo'v'> no n^'“e. We wiii j;)is.-; i\ to In.- leniains. A Friend, '1', ![. (! The ainrel," i home of .\lr. a Mid carried a v tie -irl. uioni i;eav(‘n I'ntered th” . M-s, W. il. Me.'c- y their- darlin.: lit- ;in: • 3i ece, a;^cd year^ aiai '■ da vs. .^leasles 1!1.11 croup aiiii, pp.i ii'uonia (U a t! i u n . I. n; , c v !.) hi a 1'ath. d causml li ), iUi''. >re inotlier, i’o'.ii' si>t* aTul toi.';’ erothers to nioi WAR mm t'/SiQ i her loss. j We syniathi.'e with tht' bt'reavo I I family in llKir rr-iul'le in the loss (,f ■dear littii- ('or:She v/as a very I bright aiiil i’;t.'Hii;ent child, it I Set :ne<l ihat si.‘‘ v.'a.'' tile pick ot t::.e I family She. 'viu reail, siiijx and ' make .'-Tieeche^ witll t i'.i'i.itiler cli.i- i dreu. hut it en.s tl'.at •ait'alli let.l- 1 1'. lovi'S ;t sh!i'.:n_i mark." TO UNDERGO AN OPERATION Ki.-im y v. ill und( r^u a serious op-1 hiwman away hun,i:ry, nor empty- vcar, the timt‘ allotted by erarioii. 'i'.'ie best wishes of their Irieiids in Brevard aro with them. CONE FROM HERE th-j issues <if lift' and T.iaintain his po^iti(.)r.s in iirivate a'^Kl ]mblic de bate. n Ftdiruary f., I'.ils, in his i^ur Whitmire has torn loose and ^'on<> from here to bny more «?oods. The wheels will 1 oil and Whitinire will ride. Business f'oud. -L C, Wl'itmirc, ( herryiield. AT PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Kev. J. B. Branch, of Kentucky, will occupy the pnljiit at the Pres byterian church next Sunday morn- I ing tit 11 o’clock. banded ; anti tlu strajigor w ho 1 to livi* njien the lodged within his jrates, freely ]>ar- |<>;irtli Mr. Wilson put :iside i-arthly look ol his welcome ho.^pUality. In jatVairs auti i:rntly folded his inantli* business he was economical and i« j about him and (juietly laid himself linances his judf^ment w.as safe. j dov\n to sleep, to await tlu* call of He ever lived in c'onstant remein-I the general resurrection. On the; brance of his friends. Tiie weather i folfovving day the funeral services ; Lil>rarv on or was never too cold, nor the night j Wi*re conduetetl at his home in » | vch 1 too dark, nor his ])ersonal intert'st' very impressive manm‘r, by It ’’J’he local {■iia.pte.- 1 >* tlu' T. I> .'i‘rs[i liati'lsome I'.olu nict!:;] miiiei jniTiil of tiu' 'riansylvania ni. i!ic schools in tht' si.vth fjrade or alone wh<j writes [])(> b< sr e-say 1 n tb. • life of North Carolina's war i;o\er nor. Zeb X'anccv Tbesi* essays nmvt bii !iut less than words lor,a and ])resented in a sealetl ■.■"vcioite healing tlu' numl'' r which is le- pi'atcii on caclt pat;(' on the m.-itiu- s(*ri]it. 'riie wriier':- name tnust nor aj>])car. A committ«'(* of jiTlge's will b(‘ a]ipointed by the i-ounty supt'rin- tendcnt and all manuscrint to bt* c-ojisidered Juust bif handed in at before Hit litllo life o: larlh v.;'.s .^hurt i She was a chiM I r.ul li'cl [(' ('(ir.ni I) ri;;l in lica lllVf. her.v, .liaivi-. WHERE IS THE SPiDCE INSPECTOR'’ (“V . I so dear, that he would not bosom W. H. i)avi;.. i'roin thence his body the storm to relievo safTering hu- | was ))oriie by pall bf'arers, T. T. ijianity, or fac(i tht; foe to aid the j Leftis, A. F, Mitcludl, Thos. Wood, cause of his friends, jjr,,A. T. Lyday, Fred .lolinson, Mut the most i)otent factor in Mr. Cos Paxton, Sam Orrand R. Blythe, W’^ilson’s life is that exemplified in liuhlio life and service—for more than (oO) fifty years ho had been followed by loved ones and a long train of sorrowing friends to Da vidson River cemetery and there jl.'.s.s ^\nuit* (iash, ju'esident of rb.t' r. D. (. ., will give a library ticket good for one yi'ar to the winner of the medal. Any information desired in re gard to the contest nuiy be obtain ed from Miss Annie Jean Gash. Renew before expiration. Frjtnk Zacbar v is out a mule ar. I the end may :i >t be yi‘t. While cni'SinLr Island Ford bridge with a 1 lati of wood, t’i-“ liuttmi nr v.-as either wtu’n or w’ash ed away and when tin* wheels ran against the briJge there was a sud den sto])—so luucli so tliat it jerked the mules do'vn and injured one of them so seriously that it died ia a short v.liile. FROM FRANCE Mrs. C. M. SiniarJ. sent to her son Robert, who is now “some where in France,” a box of trink ets. Some days ago she received the same box back, and when open ing it she found therein a beantiftil silk apron.

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