BREVARD NEWS, hii RE® ON mm CONTINUE TO POUR IN People in All Walks of I Tell What It Has Hone. Aina/iuj; rojKirts fr.nn Hrcvnril and other cities in North ('Mvolma continue (‘onuni» in vi'irfithe cxtriionlintiry powers et 'I'anhic. the now Tn(>(licino whi' h i'T i'vuiu the sensation of the iiu'iii' f‘l wiu lil. Tliese n*])orts are (‘"Mni.J' lii'ni people in all walks of hr*' nu-hi.l inil .iuilf^es, lawv(*rs, ihhi^h oHi(*ials, ministers oi traiiu'd nursi's, si‘lu'> 1 •hi'v bankers, nu'r«*hanfs nittl oHm'ih Some of theso sIjiI'HU’mI'i mt' really reinarkahle. and. Joi the luixh stamliui; u» n\i> ciMnum nity oi thosi' niaUni.". tlnMu Hn>v wonlil se»*in ahiiost u\ct imIiMo j Thest' rejiorfs ii-ll oi l>ir, in \VvM‘^ht, ri'stv'H'd MMii tXi'stion. sh'i'i* !»nil ht'altli. ( hu* ]>ri'Tiinti'n( nnni' t.’i «>l the ijospi'l ih'clart'i) th.-il ihi'ii' wm'. no reason ti'r ]U'opl(’ f«> the many iJls vf.-'ul t iii;: li. in aeh liistM’iiers w lu'n it was pci ;iltl.' to sei'i;vt' I'anliu’ 'I'anlae is sold by otdv on»' ilt'iv'u'i in eaeli town, ai^d may hr M ruii »! ii\ iirevard fruin I bitUw oi t h iMii;’. < W) EXCITING EXPERIENCE miih' !i dt^t.’ini'f without s. 'em;’: ■w •anythin;^ ti> shind at, wlien Sill 1 Tilt' lullowini; is a st ■ \V! . 1 1 t‘T) detlly ht' h.rafti : I t ern bh' tli>I->o h.v Xaiitiii' (i!irr(>n. 1 rade jiist behind h’tn in th I' iind('id»ru"'h pu])il in tlio S(dica -rad ,\s lu h'ldced anmin i lie S'lw a bi" thi'ri' was a : l.a-t black bear ia>’iiin ri^ht 10 wa rd just (‘ume into ixisses-- : e w him v.ltli It.- niii nt il W ide 1 Hien ' (hu‘ Tnornin;_^ ' I 1 nd Witli I'Ut ta kiu'ii t ime 0 think ; bout early he started ' •. \' sltiiidniLr. the bi>v r 'in jtlNt ;i- > tas( illi; he Wdtilil shoot a’. that MS In- CcUid. Till' !.e i r i:ot so 1 ’h '---e finue jih iii:. dll il ’.m In' dro]){>ed his ^iin and H ' had yp tn' intt' I . 1-r c'.itnl ed n;,) a Itj^r tr IV. 'I'he bear t’onld ehinb lint. >^n ho took rif^hl iipthi'hpt' allt'i IimiK "IT ms h<' wrnt. 'I'hi' l>i>\ thi>iii',ht ht> WMiihl bf' 1'nlrii ii|» ■iiot' i'Hi'ii}’h, l>ii) I"' happriHMl l<» )i III >1) • Ml I li( - (III-, I in lio well I Tht' I'l'Mi I liinl'i il Mil lip, liiit he liHiml I'MI bi;' Ini' th*‘ llulr Ilf I'lawh'd mil iin a liiiili iKiirliy fi> \\;ii( lot (In' buy |i> •itriif niil rb<> wii'i "liiiiin.'t •-'* \Mi t tn flir bt'iii wt'iil III ^.ll•l'p. \\ hill' 'li i'.'imm;' (>t w h.l I M j'iumI fiintUT lit' wMiiIil |iii\('. Ii(> iiisi Ins l*ji 111 rii'i' fill 1 1(11 <11 III!' "iiiimd vvifh Hucli II tt'iiiMt' Ihc liiiv wjis sure lio tinisf lft\t' lii'i'ii UilltMl bv tht' lull. Siiht' I'jMwliil Itci' 11^; 1,’ist MS I't* cnlllil rhi> I'l'Mi’ ;'m| ii|i, i m I (ill-I I lll«* ^;UIl Mini IM'mI ((I ^d|n >t till- l»i»y, III it II'it l»Mn:’ u •I’ll fii haniili!!!: a L'Uii, 1m- shut Innisi-ll \n-li‘M'l i»l tin- buy. Patronize Our Advertisers They are all boosters and deserve your business. ^uring the cicnt SL?:;; cxpcntr. trade has d. u circumstance ot our **(lar ' 'e ar sug ‘‘U - staiiccs into < period - to t’. Supreme o- ti'-icc montiis it has been impossible for us to provide suffi- r oiir Icc Cream Department, and \>>"c have tried as an jbotituie sirup for sugar. The result—as most of the ''Jeed has net been very satisiactory. and under ex^ntinj^ -inj ourse'ves unable to maintain the usual h-i^^h standard :ia!" fee Creara. "d to announce tliat we ag^ain are in position to obtain -i*::ient quantities to make this our popular product as it and it is our earnest hope chat the trade will take circum- .’•i^n and pcrdon us for cur inability- during^; this short e quality thai ha;, made '‘Carolina Special*' the ice Cream be To or II uses. conserve i ClSCOtiunUi; Ices, V/*',- no iv.»oci vai . -L’ticn is rot cor'^dering; Ice Cream as a r^on-essential . ■.\ isely reco.i^iv'zeo it as a hcahhiul and nourishini^ food. :nd to cripple indt.irtry by holding off sugar lor iis :^o^di has requested that we ; our normal su.g:;;- consumplion, a request we meet by .. .i.e war the manufac'uring of all Sherbets and a larre pcrcenta e ct su^ar but otherwise have little or • P It is ar materia possible food va we hope th.': us back thci n\ decision regardless of the steadily rising cgsl of raw our ‘"Carolina SpeciaF' Ice Cream as good and if than ever- a product that combines delicacy Vvith real nov/ that wc again arc able to rcccivc suiiicicnt S“Uj^'ar ’ ; .lomers. whom we lately may have disappointed, will give >n:,dcnce in our QTLzaiity arid Service. Asheville, North Carolina. Ice Cream Has More Food Value Than Meat Serve Ice Cream on Your Meatless Days riL Europe's Pi/lcat Supply Mu^t Come America. Warrfng Nations Have Depleted Live Stock at Enormous Rate, Evei Kiiiing Dairy Cattle For Feed. Tf fhi- AriiorlfMn Hrd Crfi."? liaM n<‘Vor rrquiron nn f»ptTatif>ii. ho Is in th? !iiiyl hiii;, i lsc tliiiM nr":itilzi‘, t'fpilp haii'ls of 1!k' ticst stirLrcnns (if flii* lan*h j imil Mipi'ly 111-' h;is.- lio' ;iit:iIs \vhi«-h ^vll!i lli<‘ fin<‘st sin ;.-i> :il tooN to do are tn-.v h'ckiiiir 'n,r Mrniirs, it wmiUl work. And th<- liosyital has an , ]tjivi“ iTiMti)i''I it'-- «'xi 'I'Tuv'. < >r coiirHP jnujih« sMjijily of \vo\riul ili'i"-; jiads, ; It l;:is ddiif. nii'l sti:i is dointr. <-o\nit- sjilinis, hospitiil suri:ii'al ; li-s ri-Mt tiiiii-; r.u- An-..Ti<-!i :in liii h llit* Aiaofi- j ‘d si>Idit*r .shi;) or unit i f d.i' Ann i'i''an army fi'i’iti till- tiiiii* h'- is Sent hai'l< Ifnm was ln‘;;'li‘d fur c-. 'riiirty-six of th*‘ jlcirir un:;’ Ijo is alih* to ho tlio'f !i«.~,,i:als io <-ar<- fur tho r<‘iMoV( d io :i hos]i[tnl in his own oouii- wnmidi d of an antiv of a iiiilliun nn'n try. —have Ini'n mado nady to Tin- last It is ahiio-^l i;nhi‘li!'vaMi“. hut ncvi'r- str'j' of IrnidaLTo a.;d tlii' la-'t < tiriilli'(l thoh'-'S a faci. tliat until tlio Atiii'rican slrt'l<'!u r I'O.' ri’r. S•^^‘^al of tiii'in ar(* Ib'd ('ross took hold of ilio ta'-k n tuiw in I’rani'c, h'-'’ int: to car*' for tht* yi ;-ir h:ind< tufore ('hired :.nd the Ji;.di;inu' ht ,':in, ai; ! tho iiuiny Wfi !;-. woi'udi'd inon lay v. on th'> l'.a<'li nf lio'-jrtal< rails )Xroi;:id. for tl.*- scrvi.-cs of 2^’. '^ur;r*'i'r.«. 2 Always, of nnir'-'’. Th- r" hav.' boon dnniists, 7.*, Ki'd T'-m'^s i.ursi--: and ITiO a fi'W ar;i’.y suru'ron-. wi:li ca' li rcj-i- jirivat' S. i.H'hidin:.' >Td’ i'll'■<. amhii- nu n’. '.\'!io natchi'd uji the sliu! My lanof itrivrrs, slroti'hor tn ar< r< and wouu'iod and ;:ot thi-in hark intu ;h<> c'ork''-. firiiii: liiif (piirkly as lui-siMo. A',so. m’i.,, jicrmariont TPiniiuum <‘qiii;ini*>nt f)f r. ;;rs(', ha\'' al'.' ays lircn in ^f hi''-i':ta! ortation d<>vh!*> or tr:-,.h‘ 11]!’;lit. of tb'‘ si<'k and woi'ii';'’it b.'Twi'i-n iho 'Vh*'<- in'':i:i:iahl(-ii’i-'S of ir)i lios- fi'i'ii’ ;;nd Th ■ ho!!i“ liO'-jii'a's. was pital < o; uf cra'i's of !ianda‘j'“s, MiS'-i'iL,'. 'i'iiis has inv;i’i'i: hly h'd to wound pad'. '-I'lin^'''. frai-t'.wi- pillowc. ‘I ti'i'rihl.' c.inL- -iiiin (■:’ ■.■■'u;. !'d on di'-'ssinL'-^ :;nd h.ospiial suppiiox of tlio h.'it’lftli'id'. wli' "'> Ihoii';:;'ji!s suf- cvi'Py i:;Mi! to th«‘ !;^m''i-r o,'" -12.'s'j, all f.'ivd li.'ciiloss!',-. Il ;t .•'.rnis and ’i-irs mado 'i]i lo army siandard. paclcod. tl'.at n;’;:li: liron !, ur 'li-'d ) i.V"'l a'.d irdi.-lfd >-0 r!iat si’r^' '!;!'- a'ld whon a litilo curi' wou'.'i have pro- nr.rsis ]iut 1’.-."ir hands on th-Tii siTvi'i! -’iim. In a luonic:!!. • '"I. .h'ffi'-rs'111 R;i!idoljih i\ran. 1 . F?. >.'ow—rroin iliis it niiL'ht s< "’>i tlinr A. Mt'dii jl corps, ilircctor ^;|■U'•^aI of iii,. <'I'oss has don*' cvcry- i:.:’:;.'iry relief of ilie d (’mss. li;;s thinir ni .'dful. and there i< r'ufh- likiU‘'ii r,‘ W.-:'e a LTe:lt of ' to di'aw' i!''ii:;, !l:" Il ■ | '':d •.'.■•’’.Id lind hrldL'e of whi'di tlie eU'! si .nis were complete, out the middle '-[■an :!ie ha'-e iiii-pita!<—was er.iirely l.ackiru'. V.’li'!i \vo’;!:d' d in h:'Mlf\ the l;;e*h .i] of eai'inc fo!' hM!l i'! rl:'<— ri'.eii'r.' ■!. of coiH’s.’. tiv varyi.MLT ei.r-iH- -■ o'l ':’e :',i'1 in Xo >Tan’s ^ “ n ih“ hae>. or in thf' ti'ineh v; ::1 i.e is ;dile 1 I dr-.;^ iii’i: idf away, the sir.'ciier hearers can j;<, |f v;;'ii r.oo W'.::,;d"'' liand, and h t.Ini, and cyrry him to i-i.o of The !l;'’e t;r-' ■ id I'ia’ie!!-. 'I'!;' a;-,- no dresviii^' for ih< w Ihro, a:j:.:n. «',,r ;i,,. i;ed Ore ,Mi i.v. :• 11, ‘ iai.d. v V "ever Amorlrjin Piock hre«'d<*rs an* hein? Hsked (o conserve their tine! s aiid herds In order to nieft ICwri.p-'s in'- inetidoii.s dcniand.s for meats dnrinj;; th(» war and probably fur many yey.n> ufierwanl. 'i'hi; Unltiv] Slates food :id:;dt;;? tration reports that American .s?rmany foilay Is probably f'ettcr s’ii'iilied with live sto(d< than any o;b- cr Kuropean nation. When the (jcr- niiiti armieji made their .-ii.ei’ into Fraiict* and then retreated vjr- tiially ftll the eatih> in the in'TMh-iJ •errifory — approximately 1 .^1 *•'),( head -Were driven behind the (itrni'iu lines. I’ut In r'lm'.and where 2,-!'•'i.OOd acres of jiasiure larids h.ave been ■ uru ed into L'rain h--ids the caiMe ! '-rti.s are decreasp;:: rajiidly. <•:■.(' th*; reasons a ppa r.>i; (!y is th« d‘-',' ma-iiae.m pri'-i- scale adopte.] j,, thi» J-'nc:lis!i as fi'llo',v>»: [-'or Serc.-i.^i.or. S 1 1. 11 i per 1 (pi I I III -1 s ; I tct oi )i'"', N"\ein!ier and I iee;>ndier, S'Pi.O' lary, .'>1 l.lo, Tl.e elTeet of these was to drive liei-:' ai'in^als on ti; kef as s" -n as - -:l le. In J-'raic'e :he number of cp. •! well as the quality liave slec.v: oniirmiius deciine ;■•’■ Ar.d I'rance Is ' ;y j,i-. :.pic,!i_ o:,i- ;_'a!h.n of :k compared to and o:;e half calbu s |.--:‘e;-(' r' e 1 >"iiiiiarl; :ind Ih-I!and hav- for' cd to s-i:-ririeo ih.'ry icrds f ■” fee.-;iuse of the ; ■ K );ece.'-ar;. (■'.o'^e si udy of I!ii> I jirope.-n siti;a:ieu has convim-od the Food minis! ion th-it the future j r.. of Ame' icji ii,.s htru> iy iii the ] r' rion of mea' protie.-ii;:: anima'-' ilairy p'oduc's ra’her than in ti;** duction of (.-ereals for ex[iort whtu the war iil have cea»ed. BOSCHEE’S GERMAN SYRU? '.■• il! (lU’.ci your co'j. se..;hc tl'.c / ;'.; ■ r.i.;’ii.'.i (if a sore lu: . 'II-i.itiii.’, Ml t!u liroiv. '' i.d tuiK . ; : • ^ L,.i ’(i V r . -fci t’l ■ i ■ ■ : will' ^;l^y c\;iO' ':\\v i i t' ■ ■ i'./ Ma V-' did ! ' r:i : ■ " t':i! . .\ ■', ! ' u! ' 'I; ->■ V X ' ‘ - . : .0urc in h;:• m: 'it' -ii) \. ..■ hc; :’i a-'l in..: I-! i!:ec' ., . ;■<-* i.iliy i.scf'd 1;-. tre;d.!», I ; ^ . 1- --r m;'c !■'. 1 e; 1 wi rti'. Fir;:;; ('■ ; ■ ;!: ■! '*(' ct ;r b-. 1 7 I'S,: p-ices - ni;!?- r. r ]iro- wdier-- The t:; yi hiSH GBaOE ic^ -eo .vt 20c 'f. .** * . f* K *V*v , Af ter wounded soldiers’.‘iceived fit St aia in ine irencli drec^ir.g s,io- , tiops til-:’/ are carried back by Red Cross v/orkcr.- ur^i-,r i';re tr v.nitir.g * Red Cress ambulsnces i" '-•^>'ii':h they are corveyt-d to r. I'ii'ld h.os_nit;M. : Ther.jc- they are rernovea to the base ucspit?,!. other wonieii to t;;l:<> nji tiie; fot splint- ill ca^e ot broken h-ont''-;. a.i(l makes il j.os'-iiili- for :Iie j .-iiient to lie tnovi'd to the iit’le hei(i iiospiial a sh'ir. d!^i.-inee Trei.t the t\^htin;j: hne. N !;eid i!o-;;‘i[, ! js i;s';all:' a tent — o;-ie;i^;!es a h.!l tU' :i barn o'.‘ e\eii a ^pa- ' i:i t;.-' o; •!i atv sliepere-i by a h;!l or a c1i;m]i of ti'e.’^. 1: is r ■:.i'y litiie (:■’•■ I':;:.'! ,T! e; i r:. ■ •.! JirsJ-aid -:;:t:.’:i. will; :i e ( 'tfor n :: niore ih.-n I'J-'i v..i';::d li. wla. lie --n t:.e ::;‘'iund on tai'iiaudns. 'i'ii( re are au bet's, a’ld seld(un aii.v cots. T-'i’o;!: II!!' he'd ho-.; i;a! T'lc '.\’o,ind- ed ':re ;::ke!i. a» I'lipiioV as pix'dhh', to the :lv uat ii.n li J-;: at a i-'. .-iill fartlier 'lom tile dai./ei' Zene. Kach evaeiui- :ion h --t.i!;;: -a:!'- Jo:- ti e wounded i!;-'-!- t! 'd h i ' ilids. 'Idii-;. too, an ei;:.-r-'i ncy ;a:!r.on. ami has no .)e”iici!:eiie>'- li a e, P.i-ctioii static*n ior '.'•'••iMidc'*, 'A'l'ere ti;.' worst c:3s.'>.-^ may I.e -iv n a iitiie more attention 1. : ' f^-li p '"•iblo 1 el'ore. ; d.' inopc- anih’ilai'.i es, ;he ho-;,ital liie !I■l'■pit:^! ships, e;- 0; iie! aw■e;;eie^^ are aide t<> work, tIu' wot’.nded are taken from tin's.’ co!- lcc;i.M'' st.-!;jo..s To th(* ' hostiiial, ioca'i'd a! !li-c army sonit* di'-'taiice th “ rear. >i^re. the ilrs; time, tlie wovtnd- .'d :;!a:i tiisds li:'f ii: a real hos- i:. ih- h-; : !s of ;;r;;«-ons anti ;,r- 'I ■"■ ' • ‘ r"I-- 10 ;hiij . .:■•( ' V. ;v.- p ■■ 1 ' < a.-e. : ie J-- p,:, i::' ' real : in a r(-:;1 s;; i|id :1 wiili X ray, l>uc- I erUil-'.'ricr.l and rit iMle^dca! h.l'oru- Nirie.*^, a diet kitchen jiresiiled over by skilled cf»ok . .• nd with snrsreons and nurses drawn from Aiinerii-a'.s most lii::'iiy trained fo v.jiit on him. If when the .\ra. rieat!' !'c-. .1 te li.dit til: r - i d b-- la I s: op pi in: i!'. ■ sn-.'a n; of \''otn' ]ed utiii! liie \'.ar i-' \-on. .\nd The !o li <'ro<.- ;-ai:i,or a’Te;--i to ’et a s;;:: ' iiLrlUiiiJ' 'Dan dit' i'of hic!v of n bairl.-iL'e or a :-pHnl. Is oui‘ commii- I i;y ! •;•■■; its pariV I'l i'L'at:co r;..dif : "v the stipply of I' ;e atai I'l.e:: ’ ■ o be.\- iha' .hey : r> I'epoi'ed t'l be I: din: lid taw^pa- pers to s'atadi bleed',-; v.. t-n-’s. T»uit mu>t nev(-r !;a;ii'en in an .\’.ner;can "o!- die.-. Aial I’.nless the Aiiie’-toan jn-otde cei h diind t!;.’ Ked <'ross wi;li all :h it strei:;'th and in all their n'lmbi-rs, am? train thel?lso!veS to tlU’tl out supplier-’ for tlieir hospit.-ds. it m.a.v happ; :i. It Well’d be the irony of fate if a soldder fro;a our ('Wn ;owii- pi rhap-- \diir own family, or mini’—\',(-re lo i;et {^'amrrem' in hi< \\o;;nd. peid'.aps lose an arm or a le;r or even his Pr'e, h«'- <‘anse we fo!k'< here had failed to fur- nish the dre>sin::; for Ids wotmd. dOT.’t Iciive your rii;' in tlie r-*idd'.e of th2 ^ road and go tc fence- • post to read a 5a;^: bill ^ do you? Th the pi;oi>l<.: you ai£ 2lis;r.!* may be ■ ncccssity.but the ail )3 the thini! that do^s t.;e biisiness- Don't think of having n sriecial sale -without usin;i advertising spacc in this pat