THE BEEVARD NEWS, BREVARD, N. C. Friday, May 17, I9I8 P What does it mean to you to know that your American Red Cross: Is supportinji 50,000 I roncli childrei;. Si'iuls supplies to .<,42.^ FrtMicIi military hospitals. l*!ovi(Jos 2,0(V,) I'roncli hospitals wifi; sJirijicai tlrossiiio^s. Is operating thirty canteens at the front hne. Is operatluij: six other eanteens af I reach railway juiictions, scrvinfj; .‘.(>,000 French soldiers a day. Operates a movable h.ospital in four units, acconiniodiitini; s,OilOi nn'r.. Is operatinj^ a children’s refiij^e in one part of the war zoEie; ancl in another a medical center, and travelinj;dispensary, both ca;nihle of acconiniodatin*^ niore than 2.00(1 children. lias opened a IoiijlI ciiain of warehouses stocked with hospital supplies, food, soldiers comforts, tobacco, blankels., etc., all the way from the seaboartl to the Swiss frontier. Has warehouse capacity for 10O,OCM> tons. Has 400 motor cars and operates 7 i-'ara;jies, maiiinj.^^ alJ repair?. Had shipped 46 treij^ht car loatls of assorted supplies to Italy from I'rance w ithin two weeks after it bej;an operatinjx in the former country. Had ;• hatterv of motor ambulances at the Pia\ e front four i!ays after the I ’nitcd States declared war on Austria. Has t‘stab!isl:ed .S hospitals iri l-.n^land and operates a w’orksliop for hospit-il supplies employin'^ 2,00i) women. .\nd t!:at 12'),(MM) cases of supplies have been received at the Paris head(|uarters of tfie .\nu rican Red Ooss froir. your various chapters scattered tl'.rou^h