Tlivndbij, Jvl7 4th, 1918 BREVARD NEWS, BKEVlRD, N. 0. We have a large line of Croquet Sets, Ten nis Rackets Tennis balls ropes, pegs, twine, etc. A We have eversrthmsr necessary for for your recreation and sununer sports —Fishing Tackles of all kinds, Base- ball Goods, and everjrthing you will need in the way of sporting goods for your camping vacation. You will need one of our Ever- ready flash lights. "We have them at a very attract ive price. Hardware, Farming Implements, Furniture, etc. FARMERS SUPPLY CO., Brevard, N. C. Serviceable Clothing for Life in the Open Your health and comfort may be insured and your pleasure and profit enhanced by the wise selec tion of comfortable and suitable clothing for out-of-door wear. Come in and we will assist you in mak ing your choice in the latest ideas and styles in Duxbak Rain Proof Clothing. We are headquarters for “Have You Been Stung? Hundreds have; then don’t let the same bee sting you twice”. Have your watch re paired at GLENN'S the home of fine watch repairing. When you want to see a good picture try SAPPHIRE THEATRE in rear of Glenn’s Jewelry Store, BREVARD, N. C. HAVE YOU BOUGHT THRIFT STAMP . YET ? Beef, Pork, Friers, Hens and Country Produce. Try them from th^ City Market. They’re all nice. CITY MARKET ^‘Experienced Butcher” Brevardy N. C. A BREVARD MAN’S EXPERIENCE Can you doubt the evidence of this Brevard citizen? You can verify Brevard endorse ment. Read this: M. P. Hawkins, farmer, says “Kid ney trouble came on me some years ago and I don’t know what caused it. 1 had a dull ache in my back and it was hard for me to stoop or straigrht- en. My kidneys were out of order; they acted too frequently and the secretions were highly colored and painful in passing. I had nervous headaches and felt tired and run down. I finally got Doan’s Kidney Pills and began taking them and I was ssurprised at the quick relief they brought. Continued use entire ly cured me.” 60c, at all dealers. Foster-Mil- burn Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y.— Adv. Your friends would be pleased to receive marked copies of the News showing your whereabouts and activities; 5 cents a copy. Always at Your Service for Printing Needs! Buy From die Merdiant Who Advertises. Is there something you need in thefoUoiv^ ing ttstf BiHk Aaaomc^arata Wedding St«tloaer> Eav«lope lacloavM S«l« Bills Brad BUls Price Llato AdMlssloa Tickate Baateaaa Card* Hriadow Carda Tlaaa Carda LaMar Baada Not* Baada BUI Barjda Eavalopaa Calltad Carda LaailaCa Stataaiaata Milk Tlckata Haal Tlckata Shipvlai Tais Araomcaaiaafa Brlafa Notaa Coavoaa PaiapUata Catalotfnaa Blottara Circalars lavltaMeaa Paatara Foldara Ckacka Blaaka NoMraa Lakala Laaal Blaaka Haaa Carda Placarda Dodtfera Poat Caida PradiaaM Batalpis Fron^t,eartfMand dent attention given to every detaii Don’t Send Toor