VOL. XXIII BREVARD, N. C., FRIDAY, JULY 12, 1918. Number 27 MORE BOYS TO CAW OF TMFWLVANW Twelve Transylvania boys Kft last Saturday for Fort OuU'ltnirue. Ga., to be.ijfin their careers :is dv U'sitl- ers (»^|^iemocrary. ThF \>oys left on the af-i rtiooi; train. Before u’ointi: to iln’ they marched in a body to icvr-t house square v.Iv>'re each nur.lHr the ^^as ])res.i’nted w itli ;i . >ii ;- fort kit, niaile and tilled bv nu !.d)o 's of the Transylvania brai'.'.i'i '>■ i'>'' National Leauue of Wonu'ti’. St rvii .-. Tho kits \voi'e presentovl by S. Silversteen, chainiinn of tii'.' Ici-.i' orpranlzation. From tlie ? '•oyi? in France. i>v ;iv i Aorth Caro^'na at the cost of nearly ■ I.'"'00 so thai i'lO cor.ri tak-* care of '•'lO ".raiM cf our fnrnu r?. ?.Ir. (.'iay- jtivi' li;io Ilireshed in t-'.is county for j;\\. ral ycrrs :mu' ;.voe^ to the stack j y;ird <.f the ."••mall fanner as quickly 1 as U> that of the Ir.ree farmer and he I i:a;- of A r fi'ireshed for !t;nv .NOW. j.;h I led directly to tiu' dv’pot. ! li ■ • < i-| pT'o<^rr;;sive citixons. men wt re immediately fell. »’i 1 ^ V j (). \v. ( layton, has L-om' to ,'-Teat ex- two boy scouts who carr, ■ ' -’i''■ pmse and i)urchaseil the lar.;:'sr an is •' Red Croi's lianners :'.»id f’ ' a number of reiiresentativt :- Tr Won;; j'.’s De; a'’t:nent of *!'•' Cro;-.-'. who v ('rc‘ their i! ; - : cosll'me‘^ These la of cil' went to sa\' :.-:oou-bye ;;n;! to Tra.nsylvania’s new sol.'.i is. Following' are their names; Da.i'ic'l Buford Muleiu'x. I’ Forc.i, X. C. Baxter Runyan Fowler. 1. id S. C. A. T'd.^ar Wilson, Selica. (' (icor^'e Wallis Reece, Qv< ' . ’ Ilenjamin Franklin .AKt’-.’! wah, N. C. Lambert Elam Ra.ewe!!. I ■ N. C. Franls' Winthrop Scru-,i’s. N. C. Vir ’il McCrary, Penros' INIerida AndrevvS, C’eda.r N. C. Sylvester Winchester. Kes;:;;;’: C. Jes.s M. Galloway. P;'hc'. ' Charlie t\ Batson, Clu C. Vv' SS is rvTorto.i that :::j\cral ■^resiic^’ ;r(ii” on ,;n>’ i'ui:- cf'mbe count;. ■■ ; re tau:;v,’ lulvar.* of llie il 'ie c't' thrv'shin;’: in coun ty ;ind are irten'iinj^’ lo cor.rj '.n for .■Oi'.’. ' I-' ou:’ a.i l deprn ^-r. e *h''re i;- 1.. tlie ti’-i\'liiiv, ••vain ;->.•ro\.■er^; I. RESOLUTION OF THANKS Resolved: That ve, i.ie of the facility and sUkk..:’ ! ■> Brevard Institute Si'ji-nif':- ■ press our apjireciation to h ■ cry Co. and other citir-ens , f !,r for the very plea.-ant i;ii; us on the automobile di' afternoon, July .';th, I 'l (Si.trned; ]\iis WS5 *' (';;i\ion ci whai : ii' t!:e ■ hr.' -hiii!- I'Ur-iKC;-'-'. . 1 ; ■’ 1 ) n. lie is the i nan ni^o takes care of us an^l v.e ^-■’aoLihl take care oF h.im. His r.'.a- ivhine will save ten per c( nt more j crcn'n than the i-maller niachines and , li.' i.a.':u I-!.■)(;.00 for an extra attae'i- '■j.'-cat :o as to save tho .u'rain v.'hieh iLi ti.'Ually lost. Let the Henderson and Buncombe j men stay at home ainl do the thresli- i in thoir o A rr counties and not ; la.ke advanta,;v of tiie law and come •'>r I up here. This is the time for Transylvaiiia j farmers to hei}) the man who has in- 'vcsTod his money so as to help thorn ai'd save theh' eraiii for them, a'd !' ri lav JUNIOR RED CROSS The Brevard Juniior Red C’ross held its first meeting!: at the Trans sylvania Red Cross headquarters last Tuesday mornin,". The lir.st thln.u’ in order was the election of officers. Miss Agatha Deaver was elected chairman, Miss Ethel Hayes, vice-chairman, Miss Dorothy Silversteen, secretary and r'riiss Vir'rinia Stradley, treasurer. After disposin;v of several irnnor- tant business matters which came before the nieeti".?!; those present set ea.u'erly to work under the direction cf Miss Louise Brunot and Miss Vio let Henry. The youni!: ladies sewed and the younjj: ti,cntlemen made pil- lov..^. AJl the officer:; an 1 the following; members were j)re.sent: Amelia (jal- lowr.y, Jlar^ucrite Watson, Eli/.abeth Shipman, Blanche Doyle, Joe Poole, E. C. i\’eil, Jr., Odell NichoL'ion, Inez Vicholson. Helen Duckworth, (ieneva. Xeil, Lilliaii Kintr, Evelyn Townr>end. The next meetin.u; will be held, in t:ie local Red ('ross rooms Tuesfiay morninir, July 10th, at 10 o’clo'-k. r-]v>’ry Kill and boy in the town who vishes to do somethinsr to heli) win the war is ur.wd to be i)resent. -wss- IIYWi & St iLi t I'C. l::yton is the ni;\n v, ho threshes for ‘ r'cli and ]'.oor. b'^r and I'ltie ar.i i’e j (U'scrves the patroiKm'3 of every .uood jcicizen of the county. W. E. Breese. LAUGMS ‘Man is the oniy animal 'r ail Cre ation that can Laugh.” W SS tiL> itJ £. a. ' PROOF City Dweil.r—“And so n- I'.ei'.'h- bor is a reai philanthropi-- . ’ Commuter—“Yts, he ,’,t worth of {■arden -eeds fo; : ; i-!.ii. k- cns this sprin.u'.” Our n'.achine is run nine: by elec tro- ]u>w(.r, v.iiicii is furnisiicd '<>y a ; ov.■ comna.ny. F('.r som:* cause, v.e not 'vl:;-:. rnurh of our lime i.a.- been consunv d in wa.itiTiir for i>ower. "I r.: se \vaitinu' hours efi’ect otu- vlude - o ’ wevk and cause disappoint- ■r.en^- to many of otir rea'iers. We hope for better thin.u's hereafter. wss SUGAR USERS |l MUST TAKE NOTICE 0? LOCAL RED AFTER JULY 15, ALL HOTELS, BOARDING HOUSES, RESTAU RANTS, ETC. MUST HAVE CER TIFICATES TO BUY SUGAR. “When are they ,e'oin:>- i'> ■.■•et a Fcrd?” As scon as they can afur 1 lo ^et aafr.ortiraire. Tather—“Wi:o is thh- .ii:;;) ihat writes to you so oftLU?’ Alice—“He is teacluru' i'• swiai in a correspondence school.” Uncle Si—IIow many cowy do you keep? Uncle Eb—One to i !i:ise the boarders and one to cx't vi!;'. over. vour White—Preparing- to s. wife to the mountains// Brov.’n—Yes, I’ve ;.'oi n ; letters here already written. Black—Got all equipment for your car? Green—Yes, an extra rire, an alias an alibi and onouch cash for bail. Ned—Is their new iiotel up-to- date? Fred—Indeed it is. 'I'hvy furnish sleepiing powders with every bed room. “Critically ill, is he?” “Yes, critical of everythin-? and everybody.” Mistress—And why did you leave your last place? Maid—Me and the missis was not congenial. -Mr.s. F. H. E. Iloss, v/ho is treas urer of the Woman’s Missionary Council of tixe SoutheT’n Method.ist j ('hurch, and also treasurer of Ere- | var.i Institute spen.t several days with us last week, in the interest of the school. The Institute is ahvays irlad to welcome Mrs. Ross, and re- si'rets that her arduous duties do no'.; ]>ermit her to make a lonsjer stay. l\Iiss Alma Trowbridge is visitin,<>' her brother, Di*. Arthur Trov.'bruli’.’e, of Iowa University, who is spendin;;' the summer in New ork city. Dr. ! Trov.’bridji'e is a member of the Edu cational Staff of the War Council ! of the Y. M. C. A. and was "ranted a \ ear’s leave of absence by the Uni versity to enjjage in th;s work. Miss Trowbridfie v/ill visit later, relatives in Connecticut and Vermont, and will l)c away most of the summer. Word has been received from Miss ?ike that she has at last reached her ;:ome in Norway, Jlaine, after stop- >inu’ to visit friciids in Boston, Ports mouth, York, Portland and other places en route. The North Carolina teachers in at- tc ndance at the Institute are takinjr the State examination this v.'cek un der County Superintendent Mitchcll. wss MILITARY CAMP OFFICERS AND WIVES HONORED The Red Cross Tea Room will be formally opened Saturday, July in in honor of the officers and their wives of the military camp at David son River, who will be tendered a re ception by the Transylvania Chap ter of t’nc U. D. C. Hours, 5 to 7 p. .m. Fa.ir Brevard lies in the mountains ‘Mid si:rcams and fountains And rushin;^’ water falls. ’Tis there amid her fair domahi Of hill valiey, ro; l: ar: 1 plain Th.at beauteous luiiur.* calls. Aiul she calls in tones neither cold nor harci “Breathe hard, breathe hard in fair Brevard.” Prink deep of this })ure ozone i'iavored witii ])ine and balsam cone. !;ii^.:;le this ciL>ar and sparklin.;- air Oil, come all ye who love to roam Anti make with me your tented home A?';.v! these scenes so fair. Drinl; crystal water that is not hard; Drink hard, drink hard, in fair Bre- vr.ni! Come men and maidens, old and yount!: -And listen v.’hile this son,i; is su;'."*': 'Tis one the i)ines are sinjvine;; The meiody of harps a-strin.u'in,u'; ’Tis callin,e\ callin.t;, “come, oh, come!’’ Like joyous bolls a-rin^’inj:’. .\i'.d this is the messa.u'e on nature’s post card: “Love hard, love hard, in fair Bre vard !” Love me long and love me stron.e;! Ye toilers, ’mid tiie city’s thronic; Come out and with me pon<;er O’er these yrand views, where’erc you choose To let your eyes a-wander. For thou:>;hts come fresh and freely, pard; The mind is bri»-ht in fair Brevard. Think hard, think hard, in fair Bre vard! And SuR-ar Loaf to help alon.a': There’s Mount Pis.u'ah tall and stron?,", We’li feast on Chestnut Ridfte. You may Hocverize on Ivlount Sur prise, And bathe and boat on Sapphire’s rise, Or hustle out a partric-A’3. The air is bracin.y:, muscles hard; Enjoy your food in fair Brevard; Eat hard, eat hard, in fair Brevard! You may picnic out of Caesar’s Head Or trip to Ribbon Falls instead. (There’s beauty where’er you turn.) Or j^aze enwrapt at Connestee; “I’ll please you when you come to me When you for water burn.” “Como out” cries nature, “and play iu my yard. The people have named it Fair Bre vard.” Oh joy! Oh joy! at fair Brevard. Ernest H. Norv/ood, Brevard, N. C. County Food Administrator Thos. H. Shipman is anxious that no dealer in suj-ar or hotel, restaurant, ])oard- in”- I'.ouse, hospital or other institu tion shall find themselves in such position after Juiy IHth that they cannot purchase su«:ar. “The order is perfectly clear.” stated Mr. Ship man to a News reporter. “No dealer in or user of sujrar can purchase su.’.iar since July 1 excopt houseliold con.^umers. All retail deal ers, hotels, restaurants, board ine; houses, hospitals, county homer: and other institution.": are included in this list. All of these sliould write v/ith- out delay to the Sui^car Division of the Food .Administration at Ralei.irh statin.u- the nature of their business and askin.s' for proper forms upon v.hich to iile their statements. W’hen these statements have been made out and returned to Ralei.ub the Sui.rar DH i: ion will send certificates for the st-::ar renuired of each iirm or in stitution. “The attention of all dealers in su;rar is called to the requirement that all de:devs must keep an abso lutely accur;;te recerd of the names of pureha:;er.> and of i-aies aiid qua;> tit'cs of su.^'^ir ancl are further re- mii’dcd that the maximum quantities of five )iounds to th eouiitry house- Iioid aiid two I'ound.s to the city I’.ousehoK! Miust be rie.'i(’.ly observed. “Suirar dealers are required to sell su.uar only to their re.uular casto- mcr.; and to c(er month.. The two pounds is not an abitrary allotment ^er vecl: or any other period be cause ti'.e size of families vary. Some fiymilies v.-ill require tv.o or three two-pounu;', D-'iiti.-t couaLy, so a. Avide I'vdd six o’clock, beginning Tuesday morn- \ of opportu!’ity is o .en to the ntw ing, July IGth | p.a tor. 'Plie cal^ v.a^ vltv er.thasi- Members of soldiers’ families or : astic. young men who are to ent.'.r the j .Mr. l-.IcDaniel des; -es th.e prayers army or navy r.uiy come a.nd find out, \ of ;i!l I’j-e^'a.rd fricii-.’.s in beiiaJf of free of cha.rge, all a.bevit \our rigliv-j j hiir'elf a.nd his r-ew v.u-ri'. lie also under this nevv l-r.v. I rpnreciates tite i-any pleasant The Home Service C’ommitte'^ 'l-T• '..'n! aeqaai luii'ces ma-.le i.n glad to be of service to you in this i ];r yard a>;d bids tiuin an affection- way, just as we stand ready to heln I ate adiea. or advise you in any matter which j '•.•Ba.r.iel I'-.r. ] children v 111 may be trouohn.'-’, ,'.011 bccIrs. Alacfie Tiic entire lov.'er floor of the house was thrown open to the guests and lavishly decorated with field daisies and rhododendron. A delicious ice course was served during the afternoon. -wss- ‘^1 John Posey Morgan, who left Camp Jackson about Christmas, sent word to our local board that he v. ould like to return to camp. He reported Jttne oO in his uniform and was ac companied to Camp Wadsworth, at Spartanburg, by J. L Watson, chief clerk of the local board. Morgan’s sorrow for his conduct and his wil lingness to return to camp will prob ably save him from severe punish ment. wss A “speechless campaign” is to be waged in Buncombe so that the can didates of both parties may devote their time to the war activities. The plan was proposed by Thos. J. Har kins, republican candidate for the state senate, and promptly accepted by Judge Stevens, the democratic nominee. Fine. Who next? -W'SS- Mr. and Mrs. John Marshall Price, of Augusta, Ga., v.'ho are making a motor tour of the Vieslevn North Carolina Mountains came to Brevard on Wednesday for a short stay. While here they visited Ceasar’s head and Connestee Falls. They left on Friday for Asheville, Hot Springs and other points of interest. Pl?^asc aliov/ me to wr'te a few w'ords on various subjects—not a formal composit’on, but just an old- time tall:, in v.inch 1 v.-fli try to an- .swer questions that have been put to me. The children’s teeth should be at tended to promptly. K the work is put off too long, the time will have jiassed in which it v.^as to be done. Our dentist wishes to do the work and finish within the time allov.'ed. See tl'.e dent'st or write to him and make an appointment, then be cer tain to keep the appointment. The dentist, Dr. Bennett, over Weilt's store, cannot d.o all of the v.ork at once, and you should as al.'ov^e stated, make arrangornent.' with him so that he could iiave a small bunch of chil dren coming every d.ay. This den tist work is free of charge for scho(d children. Those who do not act ;>romptly, and who fail to get their children’s teoth treated, will only have themselves to blame. Do not wait to be called. This is the only call that will be made. I hope that everyone who needs this, will tell all of his ne=ghbc-s who have not read the paper, so that all will know about having their chil dren’s teeth treated. I wish that those who take the Brevard News would induce ail of their friends who do not take tnc pa per to subscribe, so that I could, roach all in the county v,'ith my little t.)lks on health, and. it wotild enable me to exnlain all of the rules and re;;uh'.- tio’is that are made from time to time. If the committeemen of each one of the schools in the county wdll see or write to me. Twill exnla.in to them all about the vacciiuit.-on to prevent smallpox, and give then pamphiei.s showing how to construct sanitJiry privies. ' I hope that the parents to v.'ho-1 I have sent notices tiiat their children need treatment for tonsils, eyes, cars, etc., will attend to th.e matter promptly. I do not prescribe the removal of tonsils unless I con-ider it absolutely neccssary. When po;-- sible, I prescribe treatment by ho ne physician, so as to prevent an opera tion. Therefore, when I proscribe removal of tonsils by a specialist, e' - eryone can be satisfied that I honest ly believe it absolutely neco; ; ary for the future health of the chih!. besi.ies v.'hen they send child to spcciahst, he too, examines and decides .as to the jieed of the operation. By his means you hhave the opinion of both doc tors, and if the specialist decides not to operate, all well and good. Xo harm will have been done. Th ? statement also applies to the eyes and ears. I have examined a great many children carefully and am struck with the number who have tonsils, eyes and ears that should be treated. Do give the little children an even race in life by having them treated for the above conditions. Do this promptly and it will be an untold blessing to them and to you. in Toledo. O., to Sevierviiie a-; i--. 011 as the ixusehold good ; arrive tl;ei'“. iiaViivAL T Revivad services will betrin at the Bajitist church .\ugust -ith an(i con tinue two weeks; morning sern on at !• a. m. and evening Sr^’O p. m. Dr W. W'. Hfuniiton of the i'lrst Br.pt’st church of Lynchburg, Va., will do the prea.-hing ai'd Tvlr. E. L. W,d- siogel of Asheville v.ill have charge of the singing. C. E. Puett, Pastor. Nev's has received cf a d;uol unto death in whicli a former citizen of Brevard, William Galloway, a son of the kite Capt. T. C. Gullov.ay, v.as killed. This unfortitraLe ail'air took ;>iace in Gadsden, Ai.i. Stonewall Ellis was the olh.?r participant in J.ie duel a-id it is t •■’.ought h'.‘ is fatally wounded. Family troub'e, it is thought, brought about the serious a.^air. Botli men were well known farm- : and lived within a fov niiks of ea di other. Both men had faniilies- They had been good friends. -dr. Calloway was w-'Il known in Eievard and vicinity. The affair is much regretted by his frien'is in this section. -wss- STOPPING THE WASTE The War Industry Board has is sued an order to the r.ewspa.pi rs of the LTnited States. The order read;,: Discoii .inue the acc.'ptancc of the revurn of unsold copies. .T^iscontlnue the use of all samples or free promotion copies. i,/i'3continue giving coni^'s to anv- bodv exc; ior oihce-w orking cop.es or v/here required by statute huv in the ca?e cf OiFicial advertising. Discontinue giving free copies to advertisers. Disco. Ti'.iUO the arbitrary forcing of conics on news tiealors. compel ling them to buy more copies than they can legitimately sell in order to hold . er:ain territory. Disccntintie the buying back of papers at either wholesale or retail selling price from dealers or agents, Tr order to secure preferential rep- reseritation. Discontinue the payment of salar ies or commission to agents, dealers, or nevvsboys for the purpose of se curing the equivalent of return privi leges. Discontinue all free exchanges. This order goes into effect July 15. The Nev*'s will comply with this order. -wss- PRBBY’N CHURCH Rev. C. R. Hemphill, D. D., presi dent of the Presbyterian Theological Seminary of Louisville, Ky., will fill the pulpits of Brevard and Davidson River Presbyterian churches during the months of July, August and Sep tember. Services will be held at Brevard at 11 a. m. on the first and third Sundays and at 4:30 p. m. on the second and fourth Sundays.