Thursday, August 1, 1918. BREVARD NEWS, BREVARD, N. C. /vwtvw I^aiv4 otcouMt >VWUWl4^ I I I h Safety ^tCTlON THE BANKER IS INTERESTED IN HIS DEPOSITORS. HE IS THE ONLY MAN IN TOWN WHO WILL GIVE YOU HIS ADVICE FREE. THE BANKER LIKES TO SEE YOU AND EVERYONE IN HIS COMMUNITY GETTING RICH. SUCCESS BREEDS SUCCESS AND SUCCESSFUL MEN CAN AND DO ASSIST EACH OTHER. BE A SUCCESSFUL MAN. PUT SOME MONEY IN THE BANK OFTEN AND BECOME ONE OF THE RICH MEN IN OUR TOWN. BANK WITH US WE PAY 4 PER CENT INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS BREVARD BANKING COMPANY SOAP for EVERYBODY For the laundry and for the toilet. Soap that floats and soap that sinkls We have selected Soaps made from vecjetable and some from animal fats. They are good Soaps because they assist in cleansing without injuring the most daintj' fabrics or delicate skin. MITCHELL The Grocer. set MONTHS SCHOOL AIHEMEffl' CHAPTER 192 An Act to amend the Constitution of North Carolina so as to insure a six months term. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: Section 1. That scction three, ar- j tide nine of the Constitution of 1 North Carolina be and the same is j hereby amended by striikng out there from the words “four months” and inserting in lieu thereof the words “six months.” Sec. 2. That this amendment shall be submitted at the next general elec tion, to the qualified voters of the State in the same manner and under the same rules and regulations as provided in the law regulating gen eral elections in this State. Sec. 3. That at said election, into a ballot box labeled “Ballot Box for Constitutional Amendment,” or “Bal lot Box for Constitutional Amend ments,” those persons desiring to vote for such amendment shall cast a separate printed ballot v.ith the ^vords “For six months school term” thereon, and those with contrary opin ion may cast a separate printed bal lot with the words “Against six months school term” thereon. Sec. 4. That the said election shall be held and the votes returned, com pared, counted and canvassed and the results announced under the same rules and regulations as are in force at the general election in the year one thousand nine hundred and eightee:i for returning, comparing, counting and canvassing the votes for Gover nor; and if the majority of the votes be in favor of the amendment, it shall be the duty of the Governor of the State to certify said amendment un der the seal of the State to the Sec retary of State, who shall enroll the said amendment so certified among the permanent records of his ofilce. Sec. 5. All laws and clauses of laws in conflict with the provisions of this act are hereby repealed. Sec. 6. That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. Ratified the Gth day of March A. D. 1917. HAVE QUEER PETS Lonely Men in Signal Tower Welcome All Sorts. -V.’SS- BREVARD WITNESSES The Names of Brevard Persons Fa miliar to All. AUDITORIUM SATURDAY, AUGUST 3 William Fox presents the Lee Kiddies in the 7-reel production ^^AMERICAN BUDS^' A fast, snappy and absorbing picture. You laugh, you cry, you laugh again. Even in distress Jane Lee is funny. Mirth is her middle name and you chuckle, smile and roar. Come and see how Jane ‘‘hitches on'' to a big balloon and falls 2,000 feet in a para chute, how she falls into a tank of water and is rescued by a woman diver. It's nothing more than you'll expect when she captures a spy. Matinee 3:30 Night 8 O’clock ADMISSION 5 CENTS Save Your Nickels and Buy Thrift Stamps Patronize Our Advertisers They are all, boosters and deserve your business. BOSCHEE*S GERMAN SYRUP Will quiet your cough, soothe the inflam mation of a sore t&oat and lungs, stop irritation in the bronchial tubes, insuring a good night’s rest, free from coughing and with easy expectoration in the morn ing. Made and sold in America for fifty- two years. A wonderful prescription, as sisting nature in building up your general health and throwing oflF the disease. Es pecially useful in lung trouble, asthma, croup, bronchitis, etc. For sale by Duck worth Drug.: 30 and 90 cent bottles.— Something to sell means some thing to advertise. Who are the Witnesses? They are Brevard people— Residents of Brevard who have had kidney backache, kidney ills, bladder ills, who have used Doan’s Kidney Pills. These witnesses endorse Doan’s. One Brevard resident who ;:pcaks is S A. 1-Jn.uIan;!, retired farmer. He says: “I am j-ilad of the opportur.ity to recommend Doan’s Kidney Pills for they did me a lot of ^ood some years a.uo. I was troubled with the too frequent action of my kidneys. Hearin,LT of Doan’s Kidney Pills I used a few and they made me feel a jrreat deal better.” Price 60c at all dealers. Don’t simply ask for a kidney remedy—.iret Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that Mr. Enjrland had. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfjrrs., Buffalo, N. Y. Adv. wss ENLARGING MILL W. P. Henderson is addinp: more room and putting in new and improv ed machinery in his mill. He is in stalling a machine for cleaninc: rye. Mr. Henderson handles corn, wheat, rye and buckwheat and his business is growing at a rapid rate. wss PROMOTED Vern Clement, son of our w'orthy townsman, F. D. Clement, has been promoted to the office of orderly in the Signal Corps Service. wss REAR LOT IMPROVEMENT The lot in rear of C. M. Doyle’s hardware store is being lowered and a few stumps removed. The dirt is used to form a floor in Mr. Kilpat rick’s new garage, in rear of Mr. Mitchell’s store. -wss- RED CROSS SENDS HOSPITAL GARMENTS Miss Annie Jean Gash, Red Cross supervisor of hospital garments for Transylvania county, sent a box of garments to headquarters of the southern division on Monday. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as administrators of the estate of John W. McMinn, deceased, late of Transylvan’u coun ty, N. C., this is to notify all persons having claims against said e state to present same to the under." igned on or before the 8th day of July, 1919, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate in any way or manner are required to make immediate settlement of all accounts. This July 8th, 1918. Ethel G. McMinn, Welch Galloway, 7-K-6twg Administrators. Cockrosch That Likes Tobacco and Drinks Ink Is One Visitor—Toad Came Regularly for Its Feast of Flies. A Boston nnrl Jlaine railroad signal toweruian tells this story of pets he has made in his lonely porch al)ove the tracks: At niidniRht nine months ago a cock roach crept out from under 111;* tele- ^rnph n eaiut* back to the cigar; he ri';t»*afi‘!iys foiiiid a tiny musk rat in the mrirsh l>ack of the siirnal tower one day, and he brouglit it into the tower. The muskrat l>ecnnu> very tame and proved a most Mff»‘<*tioiiaf»* pet. He slept on tlie desk near the telegraph instrmiients for over two years. Although he went out v»*ry often, he wouldn’t stay long, and would scratch at the door until some of us would run downstairs and let him in. Unfortimately oin* pet was killed by a freight train whi!*' erfiss- ing the tracks near the tower one day. After the muskrat died we brought in a tiny woodchuck that a trainman had eai»tur