o r ew rd N ew VOL. XXIII BREVARD, N. C., THURSDA Y, AUGUST IS, 1918. Number 32 DAILY CUIUNGS OF WAR NEWS Friday, Aup. 9.—British supported by French troops launch offensive on wide front. The Huns were taken by surprise and fled in confusion be fore Allies. British tanks lead the J^ive against the enemy. The Franco-British offensive aujiounced that they have captured 7.000 men and 100 sruns, and have made an ad vance of from five to seven miles. Crown Prince Rupprecht’s army has suffered heavily, while the 117th division has been badly cut up. BREVARD PROfflKECT RED €R«KS TO Fill ON EDOanON’L MAP ♦ 1 Saturday, Aus;. 10—The offensive established by the Allies has become the largest battle front in history. Fighting extends over a front of pi'ac- tically 150 miles from the Yser to the Oise. German loses estimated at between 50,000 and 60,000. Sunday, Aug. 11.—German strat egy is weakening under the iniluenee of the Allies. Crown Prince Rup precht’s army completely ilemolish- ed. Germans make retreat in confus ion leaving behind guns, ammunitior. and supplies. Monday, Aug. 12.—British steam er Peniston and Swedish steamer Syd- land reported sent down by German submarine off New England coast. American correspondents uive in teresting quotations from editorials in leading German papers. 'I'hese editorials emphasize the villii’.ny of the United States as a nation of blood-thirsty ruffians who are bent on the destruction of Germany as well as determined to mal-e vassals of the Allies. One of Germany’s most influential \vriters declares that by enterin.ir the ’camp of the entente when he ilid 'Wilson struck the hardest blow at European liberalism and democracy that it could have suffered. Tuesday, Aug. 13.—The (Jermans are getting a good sample of what the Americans can do in tho way of hand-to-hand fighting. Six men in the coast guarc! station off Smith’s Island are overcome by gas attack by German subm;irine op erating on New England co -r-t. This is the first successful effort of Ger many to injure persons or property on American shuros. Citizens of Brevard are justly proud of her many natural advan tages and soon they will be able to point with pride to the public school buildings of the tovm. Before many weeks pass Brevard will have one of the most up-to-date high school buildings in the state. Work on the new building is nov»r being pushed at a rapid rate. When finished the structure will be 123 V2 by 60 V2 feet. It will be three stories high. In the basement floor wiil be located the gymnasium and domestic science labratories. The 2nd and 3rd floors will be given over to eight large class rooms, music rooms, of fices, library and auditorium. The auditorium, which will fill a long-felt need, will have a seating capacity of 500. While the work is being carried on with as little delay as possible, the building of course will not be ready for the opening of school in Septem ber. Therefore the fall term of school will open in the present grad ed school building, which will later be used for the prin'iary grades. The fall term will be opened at the regu lar time aiid patrons of the school, a member of the board states to the News, need have no fear that their cliildi’en will lose time on account of I the improvements now in progress. VACANT PLACE PATRIOTIC RALLY IN MISS GASH IN CHARGE EDUCATIONAL WORK ^ By unanimous consent of the di rectors of the County-wide Evange- 1 Jistic campaign conducted by the Bap- I tist churches of Transylvania county, last Friday evening was observed with ' a ijatriotic service in every Baptist ; church in the county. I Special speakers from the Council ! of Defense were present at a number of the meetings to talk to the con gregations about vital points of the j present world conflict. The object of these addresses \vas to give defi nite information in regard to the national situation to those who for one reason or another have not yet thought much about the matter them selves and to impress upon each in dividual a personal responsibility in winning the war and making the world a safe place for the highest de velopment of mankind. These special talks were made by Rev. J. C. Seagle, J. S. Silversteen, R. H. Zachary and others appointed by the Council of Defense. Miss Annie Jean Gash has been elected chairman of the committee on Education of the Transylvania chap ter American Red Cross. This com mittee has charge of all educational work done by the chapter, which will include classes in First Aid to ihe In jured, Home Dietics, and Home Nurs ing. These classes will conducted by experts and will offer a comprehen sive course of information to every woman in the county who desires to bcconie a factor in the conservation the health of the people. ^ Up to December, 1917 Canada’s dead in the war numbered 15,766 men. In the same period from six preventable diseases, typhoid, diph theria, scarlet fever, whooping cough, tuberculosis, and measles, Canada’s dead numbered 22,560 men, women and children. Women of Transylvania can do no less than enlist every energy toward keeping the U. S. from bavina rec ord like this. All interested in the courses named may obtain full in formation by applying to Miss Gash or to County Red Cross Headquar ters. NOTICE, FARMERS Owing to the peculiar conditions existing in Transylvania county, as it is a rye county, the Food Adminis tration has agreed to allow the farm ers who have been in the habit of feeding their rye to their stock, to have a limited amount ground for this purpose. Permit will be granted by me upon request from any farmer in the county. Thos. H. Shipman, Food Administrator Trans. Co. He Hadn’t Realized. The custodian of an Indianapolis building recently hired a colored man, George, to work about the building. George had always worked as a “house man” and came well recommended. The first day of his employment, how ever, George was out for lunch the greater part of three hours. The custodian was naturally an noyed. “Where in thunder have you been?” he inquired the minute he set eyes on the erring George. “Me? Why, I’se been home takin’ a nap,” George answered, in a surprised tone. “I always takes a nap in the middle of tlu; day.” “Well, believe me,” the custodian de clared, “you don’t do that any more. You’re needed around here.” Was George aggrieved? Not a bit of it. A most appreciative grin spread over his face. “Well, now,” he said slowly, “you’ll have to excuse me this time, boss. It’s just that I didn’t realize before how important I is around here.” Labor-Saving Harvester. One thousand improved wheat-har vesting laachines, known as comblces, will be used In Washington state and other states of the Northwest .this year, according to farm-help special ists of tlie United States department of agriculture, and will effect a great sav ing in labor. These machines, which cut the heads from wheat and thrash the grain as they travel across the field, can be operated by two persons, and each machine will harvest from 350 to 400 acres of wheat during a season. They are marked labor savers over the old type combine, which re- Quired about 20 men. No Chance for the Old Man. It was the first time that Richard’s father had seen “her” and they were talking things over. “So my son has proposed to you,” he said, “and you’ve accepted him? I ycy might have seen me first.” Slu* blushed sweetly as she replied; did, but I thluK I prefer Richard.** The Home Service section of the Transylvania Chapter of the Ameri can Red Cross wishes to again call the attention of all soldiers’ families to th efact that this committee is eager to help all soldiers’ families in any way possible to them. Any one wishing information and advice, or in need of help because of conditions existing in their homes since husband or son has been called to “The Col ors,” may come to the U. D. C. Rest Room on any Tuesday morning from ten thirty to twelve thirty or Friday afternoon from four to six o’clock. Letters will be written, information given and help extended to any sol dier’s family in need. The Home Ser vice Committee will be glad to receive information regarding soldiers’ fam ilies from any reliable person, as it is the duty not only of the members of this committee but of every other citizen in our county, to help inspire coniidence in the hearts and minds of our soldiers and their dear ones, confidence in the fact that the Red Cross will stand ready at all times to help at home as well as at the front. The committee simply asks that all who can will please come to us ci send some trustworthy person. If unable to do this, the committee will send a representative to them if noti fied. Most sincerely, Mrs. J. S. Silversteen, Chairman. -wss- SOLDIER’S POLE TAX Brevanl N. C., Aug. 14, 1918 Hon. J. H. Picklcsimer, Chairman Transylvania County Eopublican y Executive Committee, Brevard, N. C. Dear Sir.— In behalf of the Transylvania boys who are now’ serving our coun try in the Army and Navy, I desire to submit the follow'ins: proposition to you as Chairman of the Republi can Executive Committee of Tran sylvania County. It is not right, patriotic or in keep ing with the duty we owe our country at the present time that any purely technical objection be raised to pre vent our soldiers and sailors from voting if they so desire. Representing the Democratic Ex ecutive Committee of Transylvania County and the Democratic Nominees I therefore propose that neither poli tical party or its representatives chal lenge any soldier’s or sailor’s vote at the coming General Election in the Fall for the reason that said soldier or sailor has failed to pay his poll tax as required by law. Please write me at your earliest convenience as to whether your party will agree to this proposition or not. Respectfully, W. E. BREESE Chairman Democratic Ex. Com. Transylvania County -wss- BREVARD CHURCHES TO PRAY FOR ALLIES The pastors of Brevard churches at the last meeting of the Ministers’ Association decided to request the members of their respective churches to spend one minute in prayer each day for the success of the American and Allied armies and navies. It was agreed that the Methodist church bell should be rung each day at twelve o’clock as a signal for all to join in intercession for divine guidance and blessing on the cause for which the life blood of America is being poured out. -wss- SUNDAY SCHOOL INSTITUTE An institute for training Sunday School teachers will be opened in tho Brevard Baptist church Scptembev 1-3 prox. Ail teachers .of the Transylvania Association and such others as may desire are eligible and are urged to enroll. Prof. Hunter and Rev. Sorgee of Asheville will be the instructors. HOSPITAL GARMENT ROOMS CLOSED The Transylvania Red Cross has received instructions from headquar ters that work in the Hospital Gar ment Department is to be discontin ued until further directions are re ceived from the government in re gard to what the Red Cross will be expected to furnish the army and navy during the period beginning November the first. The Red Cross has filled all orders made by the gov ernment un to that date. *While the local Red Cross workers ara asked to stop sev/ing for a short time, they are asked to continue the making of sw^eaters and socks with all speed possible. Wool for these garments may be obtained at the Transylvania Red Cross headquarters on Tuesday and Saturday mornings from 10 to 12. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons from 3:30 to 5:30 Miss Delia Gash, chairman of the Wool Garment Committee, will be at the Red Cross to give out wool as well as instructions in knitting to any one who wishes to learn to knit. -wss- 60ES FAR BACK IN HISTOKY French City of Montdidier Was of lm> portance in First Millennium of the Christian Era. Tho National Goo^raphio society Is sues Uie I'oMowing war geography bul letin on Montdidier, a few mile.s, east of Amiens: “This little town, whose history dates back to the first inilh'niiium of the Christian era, bad a ]to]>ulation of l»‘ss than Tt.OOO at the beginning of the war, but it w'as rich in liistoric ass