% yi BSEVAKD NEWS, BKEVAKD, K. 0. •s VISIT OUR SODA FOUNTAIN We have asplendid line of COLD CREAM* Use plenty of it and protect yourself from .sunburn these hot days. BUY OUR ICE CREAM MORGAN'S DRU6 STORE “We want your business” Rosman, N. cT Have You a Home? If you do not have a Home, come and let us sell you one. If you do own a Home, ccme and have us INSURE it. Two of the most sensible things that you can do: secure a home and protect it. GALLOWAY MINNIS Real Estate and Jnsurance Agents It’s Up to You To Eoonomlze IT’S-UP TO YOU TO BE ECONOMICAL We are now in a war-ridden world where prices have gone skyward and to reach them economy must share a good part. We do business in a low-rent district, and have a splendid line of Groceries which will please the most fastidious epicurean. Just Remember, A penny saved is a penny made We want your trade and will appreciate all orders received. R* P. Kilpatrick GROCERffiS, NOTIONS AND SHOES Phone 141 Near Depot. Brevard, N. C. A CAR LOAD OF BEST ACID AND ^FERTILIZER JUST ARRIVED. IT WILL PAY TO FERTILIZE HEAVY ON YOUR SMALL GRAIN AND MAKE A BIG CROP. THERE IS NO TELLING WHAT WHEAT AND RYE WILL SELL AT NEXT YEAR. Brevard Lumber Company FRANK JENKINS, Manager Phone 120 Close to Depot I TOURHEAira “NEW” OR SPANISH IN- FLUENZA J Our State Board of Health states: “The disease is due to spit swapping. Spit is swapped or exchanged in the following ways: (a) by coughing or sneezing into the air instead of into a handkerchief. In open coughing or sneezing, an infec tious and invisible spray is thrown several yards into the air and floats for thirty to sixty minutes. The greater the spraying, as in the psychic waves of coughing that paSs through assemblages, moving picture shows, churches, and I other gatherings, the denser and more potent the infectious atmosphere; (b) by soiling the hands with spit (very small, in visible amounts) and transfer ring the spit to the hands of another person in handclasps, or by handling something, as a door knob or some article from which a second person gets the minutest amount of spit; (c) by using the comon roller towel contaminating and being con taminated; (d) by using com mon drinking dipper?, common drinking cups, and common spit infected water from a com mon bucket; (e) by using any thing other than paper cups, ice cream saucers, and spoons dis infected ia visible boiling water at soda fountains. DONTS “1. Don’t associate with the impolite and careless, who spray your air with their spit. “2. Don’t go to unnecessary public gatherings while the epi demic is on. Put your moving picture show money in Thrift Stamps. / “3. Don’t drink from comon drinking dippers and drinking cups. “4. Don’t use a roller towel. “5. Don’t patronize a soda fountain that does not use pa per cups. “If you get the grippe: Go to bed and stay there until you are well, until your temperature has been normal for at least 2 days. If you are past fifty, or if you are not strong, stay in bed four days after normal temperature. Remember, the danger of grippe is pneumonia. Pneumonia is the penalty for disrespect to the grippe that gets out of bed too .soon.” The county board of health ever watchful to prevent the spread of disease and protect the health of the people, has closed al churches, public schools, places of amusement and all public gatherings, in order to prevent the spread of Spanish influenza which is very contagious. The people should aid in this work and should avoid all pub lic gatherings, social gather ings, should stay at home as much as possible, and should by all means, keep their chil dren at home and away from other children. To prevent the spread of this disease, isolation and sanitation should be car ried out to the fullest extent. Remember, that the soda foun tain can spread this and other diseases. Paper cups should be used and everything else sterilized. From a close bed-side obser vation of several cases of the Spanish influenza, I feel safe in saying that it is the same old grippe, but it is more acute from the fact that it is a fresh importation of disease, differ ent only in some symptoms, be cause different organs of the body are more affected, giving different characteristic symp toms. '' , The grippe that we have had for years, has been different in this respect in each epidemic. In on^ epidemic the n^uscular system seemed affected, in an other the nervous system, in an other the digestive organs were most affected, giving us the so- called “intestinal grippe.” In this epidemic which threatens to spread rapidly, while the sufferer complains of a general grippe as of old, there are special symptoms and to a great extent different organs affected, principally the head, the joints, and the respiratory organs. Sharp pains in the hips and other joints, an intense weak ness of the knees,'patient feels as if he would sink to the floor, the headache is severe, split ting, . mostly frontal and straight through the temples, there is a feeling of vertigo, or a dizzy feeling, patient feels as if he had lost his powers of equilibrium, a feeling as if he could not balance himself, the stomach is affected with more or less nausea, there is a great deal of pain in the back, in some cases great soreness of the skin, some complaint of great insomnia,^ impossible for them to sleep, sore throat is fre quent. The disease is ushered in with pronounced chills, or chil ly feelings, the loss of strength is sudden, there is a feeling of intense weakness, a very hope less feeling of weakness, the lungs, bronchial tubes, mouth, mucous membrane of the nose are affected and throw off con tagious germs. The lungs expand poorly, the respiration is frequent and shallow, the cough is very ir ritating and constant, the pulse runs from 100 to 115 and 120 or higher, rather soft, the tem perature, 100-102-103 to 104 and sometimes higher, the ton gue is sometimes slightly coat ed, the bowels torpid. This disease is at first or sooner or later, essentially a di sease of the lungs, there is al ways congestion of the lungs and frequently pneumonia if the latter is not prevented by timely and proper treatment, and the congestion and pneu monia prepares the lungs for consumption in neglected cas es. While all of the symptoms call for relief, the lungs should receive the first, best and last attention. The lungs are the doors at which death enters. C. W. Hunt, County Health Officer. $1G0 Reward, $100 The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages and that is catarrh. Catarrh being greatly influenced by constitutional conditions requires c-onstitutional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh Medicine is taken Internally and acts thru the Blood on the Mucous Sur faces of the System thereby destroying the foundation of the disease.>giving the patient strength by building up the con stitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in the curative power of Hall’s Catarrh Medicine that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that It fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address P. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. Ohio. Sold by all Druggists. 75o. I Philip’s Mm I I ^ •i ?! S S I S THE PRESENT CROP OF WHEAT IS GOOD AND THE BAKERY NOW IS GOING TO MAKE ONE POUND LOAVES FOR 10 CENTS INSTEAD OF THE 8 PENT LOAVES AND WILL USE ONLY 20 PER CENT SUBSTI TUTE. I Philip’s Bakery ’’ V Tliursday» Octblwr 10, \ : CASHICRt W4l, djotCoAA i/H. idii. o/vul YOUR MONEY IS NOT SAFE UNLESS IT IS IN THE BANK. OUR BANK HAS STRONG LOCKS AND THICK WALLS THAT FIRE OR BURGLARS CANNOT ENTER. MONEY THAT YOU HIDE IS NOT DOING YOU OR THE COMMUNITY ANY GOOD. IT IS DEAD MONEY AND MAY BE “LOST” MONEY. THE NEWSPAPERS TELL US DAILY OF PEOPLE WHO HAVE LOST THEIR MONEY BY HIDING IT. THERE ARE LOTS OF GOOD REASONS WHY YOUR MONEY SHOULD BE IN THE BANK. BANK WITH US WE PAY 4 PER CENT INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITE BREVARD BANKING COMPANY BIG BEN BIG BEN—DID YOU SAY? Yes, we’ve the Big Ben, Sleep-Meter, America Good Morning, Call and the Indian. They range in price from $3.00 down to $1.25. An alarm clock will help to get you out early these dark mornings and start you on time. Buy in Brevard FRANK D. CLEMENT The Jeweler OUR GROCERY STORE comes about as near meeting every want in the grocery line as it is possible for any store to provide, and EVERY ORDER large or small, will receive our best attention. A trial order will convince you that we sell only SUPERIOR GOODS AT MODERATE PRICES MITCHELL The Grocer. Duckworth Drug Gj. Prescription Druggists We receive Fresh Shipments twice a week of NORRIS and NUNNALLY’S De- ^ % licious Candies. * Come to our store for SOUVENIRS. We have some mighty nifty Baskets, Bal sam Pillows, ets.. -Duckworth Drug Company Corner Main and Broad Streets. Breyardt N* C BUV A WAR SAVINGS STANP - V

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