r 24, 1918 THE BVEVAXD NEWS, BREVARD, N. 0. RD NEWS e chaneed from Iley News, January 1,1917. L. SHIPMAN, Editor OSBORNE, Managing Mitor and Publisher ERTRUDE R. ZACHARY, City Editor Published every Thursday. Rntered at postortico at Brevard. N.C.,as sccond-class matter. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: One year - - - - $1.60 Six months - - - - .75 Three months - - - .50 Two months - - - .35 Payable by check, stamps or money order. Cards of tlirin’acriiises th^y have made. They ^people are backing the admin- proven their v.M rth and have j istration to the limit. And he shown their patriotism by their ^ is not the only republican who untiring efforts as our local ex-j feels that way. Mr. Herbert emption board and we feel we , D. Miles, Asheville, is of the speak the seniiments of the : same mind. Before leaving for ill this little Chicago some days ago in an- ! sv.’er to a call from the Nation- i jal Food Administration, with v.’hich he is novv^ connected in a:i oliicial capacity, Mr. Lilies leTi a ballot upon which ap peared the names of Simmons and Weaver. Commenting up- v.'iiole com ni unily tribute to them. REGISTER AT ONCE The registraticn period icr the election on Novem.ber 5 is, rapidly passing, if your name ^ is not on the re?:i.=;lration books , . _ , , . already have it placed there i “"/his action ho made this s.g- , - i ‘^04-- inificant statement: before sunset cn n^;xt Saturaay,; If you fail to do I, “I have been a republican, ' but am voting for Senator Sim- October 20. this it means thac >ou will deprived of voting in the most |it is necesary and important important election held in this I that the administration’s vigor- country since the United States prosecution of the war was engaged in war with Spain ojstaine , and that ^ ^ Itncre should be no change to twenty years ago. On^y a lit- |the Government’s plans for the tie while ago President Wilson i prosecution of the war. I think journeyed all the way from I a ^^istake would be made if the Washington to his former home |P\-3’dent should fail to be sus- . T ^ 4 , • 4.1 1 tamed in the November elec- in New Jexsey to exe cise tne ^ failure to sustain the privilege of Voting in a primary., President would undoubtedly MR. MOREHEAD’S TIRADE The news comes from Ashe county that John Motley More- head, republican candidate for United States Senator, bitterly attacked the democrats in a speeck at Jefferson recently for having failed to keep the country out of the war and be littled their record in the con duct of it. He went on to say that the “democratic orators” had “adjourned politics” be cause they were afraid to face these charges and called upon the people to sustain the indict ments he had made. Mr. More- head need not take any conso lation to himself on that score. A ten year-old school boy knows that the administration kept the country out of war as long as it was possible and en tered only v/hen the situation could no longer be controlled without resort to arms. For more than two years President Wilson did all mortal man could to honorably keep our peace-loving nation out of the war and no one knows this bet ter than does John Motley Morehead. However,, it is needless to recite the causes which led our country into this war. The time for debate has long since passed. Grave and solemn we are marching for ward in majestic unity to meet the foe and this is enough for any true American patriot to know. Mr. Morehead is either in tentionally withholding from his republican brethren infor mation touching the matchless achievements of the adminis tration in the perfection of war plans the past eighteen months, or he is too ignorant for the leadership of the party he es says to represent. He ought to stop and consider that the war will be cither won or lost while Mr. Wilson is president. If he wants Germany to win this war, the kind of lingo accredited to him at Jefferson will help the kaiser along. The election of Mr. Morehead, in the face of his recent declarations, would be a spoke in the wheel of Ger man autocracy. For Senator F. M. Simmons, whom he seeks to displace, is considered the country over as the strong right arm of President Wilson in the sen?,tc I 'anch of the American Gc’.ci i. ient. Of’ course this is not coiug to happen. The people of North Carolina have no notion of retiring Senator to mud-slinging at home while j citizen and popular miller, is | the boys “over there” are giv-1 rapidly recovering from a se- i nig their lives for the safety of jyere atack of blood poisoning j home and country. jfrom which he has been suffer- | The people of North Caroli-*ing during the past len days. I FOR SALE—2-story pebblerlashed house, 7 rooms, practically new, and completely furnished, subject to lease till June 1st, 1919, $3,500 Apply at News office. Something to sell means some- hing to advertise. So, 9lot tDait ‘•Kntif Olle- SfvccI iaoli/xjvlct'.ijoux'u||tcc/,AllppftcA/.afiJ' oxt'cx'xit .oiicc- ttlticFcA .llial' arc/ .ruiMiia^ ,.6^art .o|/ -j ioih' it) Urini&tu arH Oux' ^pectafl^' VM Si it; Si It; It; l!M w l!M IV It; Si vt; Si Si Si Is to PLEASE. We are here to please YOU, and if our goods are not satisfactory in every conceiv able way or if there is any inattention on the part of our sales people, we will consider it a personal favor if you will immediately let us know. WATCH THE NEW FRUIT STAND! Nice Fresh Native and Imported Fruits. Fresh Asheville bread Tuesdays and Saturdays. Fish and Oysters on Mondays and Saturdays. Beef, Pork, Mutton and Cured Meats at all times. Look over our Canned Goods. Farmers, bring us your Country Produce. WE BUY HIDES Carrier Building, BREVARD, N. C. It; it; it; it; Si it; it; it; it; Si St it; it; it; it; it; it; it; it; it; it; it; it; it; it;