Brevard New VOL. XXIII BREVARD, N. C., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1918. Number 46 THE PRAVER CORNER ^Thanksgiving Day” BREVARD NEWS SDB- SCRIPnON CONTEST IN FULL BLAST NEXT WEEK-CANDDATES BE ANNOUNCED Owing to an oversight of the restrictions placed on weekly newspapers by the War Indus tries Board for the purpose of saving paper and pulp, our an nouncement of the circulation contest was made prematurily. However, we have been advised by the Chief of the paper and pulp division of the above men tioned Board that the restric tions will be withdrawn Decem ber 1st, and a full and complete! tragedy of war. Thanksgiving Day this year will evoke a gratitude deeper, a spirit of reverence more de vout, than America has felt for many years. The celebration of 1918 will always be remem bered. This year Americans from Maine to Texas, from the At lantic to the Pacific, will turn to Thanksgiving Day with spir- tual exaltation which President Wilson has, with such feeling, expressed in his proclamation, i “God has in His good pleas- I lire given us peace. It has come I not as a mere cessation of arms, j a relief from the strain and It has come announcement of the contest, as a great triumph of right, with the names of all candi-1 Complete victory has brought dates who have been ncminat- not peace alone, but the con- d up to and including Decem-1 fident promise of a new day as ber 3rd, will be published in -^vell, in which justice shall re- our next week’s paper, Thurs-i pi^ce force and jealous intrigue day, December 4th. | among the nations. Our gal lant armies have participated in a triumph which is not mar red or stained by any purpose of selfish aggression. In a righ teous cause they have won im mortal glory, and have nobly served their nation in serving mankind.” There will be nothing half hearted, nothing perfuctory, about the celebration of Thanks giving this year. It will be a day of prayer as well as of feasting and rejoicing, a day i when thoughts will wing across the sea to the manhood of America so lately in arms for the greatest cause in the an- inals of time. I Almighty God, the Sovereign 1 Commander of all the world, in whose Hand is power and I might; we bless and magnify i Thy Holy Name for the success which has crowned our arms and those of our allies, the whole glory whereof, we do ascribe to Thee, who art the The following schedule of &iver of victory; through votes will be issued on paid in J^sus Christ, our Lord. Amen. LIST OF PRIZES ONE $550.00 PLAYER PIANO $100.00 IN GOLD or BANK ACCOUNT ONE DIAMOND RING Purchased from and on dis play at Frank D. Clement, Brevard ONE $100.00 ALLEN PRIN CESS RANGE Purchased from and on dis play at Brevard Hardware Company ONE $50.00 HOOSIER KIT CHEN CABINET Purchased from and on dis play at Farmers Supply Co. ONE $30 WRIST WATCH Purchased from and on dis play at Frank D. Clement’s advance subscriptions to candi dates working in this campaign. C. D. C. 6 months. 1 year... 2 years. . 3 years. . 4 years. . 5 years. . ; .75. 1.50. 2.000 votes 8.000 votes CLASS IN HOME NURSING The Department of Nursing 3.00. .18,000 votes Southern Division A. R. 4.50..40.000 votes ^ jg anxious to have a Home Nursing in the 7.50. .90,000 votes Chapter. Those I interested, leave names at the It is with pleasure the Bre-|Red Cross rooms or communi- vard Telephone Co. announces j cate with Miss Annie Jean to the public the installation of; Gash, Chairman Education AFTER THE WORLD WAR (Written for the Union Thanksgivinp: services of Brevard churches November 28, 1918, by J. J. Miner.) O, bless’d is the peace that now comes to the world, As kaisers and princes surrender their realm; And the banners and flags of tyrants are furled While the meek Prince of Peace is guarding the helm. Thank God that the death-dealing thunders are still. The voice of the people is voicing God’s will, And orders from tyrants are ended. O, bless’d is the peace we have fought for so long; Now Liberty’s armies have conquered the Hun— Crowns, helmets and scepters-tyrant-emblems are gone While Democracy’s conquering hosts have come. Thank God that the edicts of monarchs are dead. With the blood of our heroes so valiantly shed War’s hell has forever been ended. Bless’d is the peace freedom’s defenders have won From crowned heads and hirelings of tyranny’s clan. Servile submission to earth’s rulers is done, And human laws order that man be a man. Thank God we can vote for all laws that are just With hearts for humanity. In God we trust. War’s terrors forever have ended. DOGS VS. SHEEP TRAYEUNG UBRARI’S SHE KEPT THEM ON THE JOB There seems to be so much said lately about Dogs vs. Sheep that it would make anyone think that a dog and a sheep could not live in the world to gether. I was raised on a farm and we owned dogs and sheep, raised them on the same farm, and instead of dogs being a detriment to sheep raising, they were an aid. In fact we could not have raised sheep without dogs. With the dogs we chased the sheep-killing dogs, wolves and bear av/ay and caught the cats that would have destroyed the lambs, which you still have to do if you raise sheep in this moun tain country. What killed the sheep industry here, was a few men in the towns planned and laid out stock law boundaries and voted them or had them passed by the General Assem blies. Now a few men in the towns —I do not know w'hether they belong to the boards of trade A chance to read and enjoy good books is now open to peo ple living in the country and in small towns. There is a very simple system by means of which a case of books is sent to a community to remain three or four months, in order to give all access. When the first case is returned to the Library Com mission, another upon applica tion will be sent to take its place, and so on as long as de sired. The only cost of getting the books is to pay transporta tion to and from community, and at no time will the cost ex- coed one dollar. Now, there fore, will any interested persons communicate with me at once? Yours for success, A. F. MITCHELL, County Supt. VICTORY GIRLS Can Transylvania girls help? Well, they can. Almost any or the food administration—igirl, if she thinks hard, can ther latest model Kellogg switch 'c||fcrd. It is believed this will giSatly improve the service. Committee. Buy War-Savings Stamps STARTING OPPORTUNITY COUPON •RETURN THIS COUPON BY DEC. 5. With a New Twelve Months Subscrip tion to the Brevard News and receive 25,000 extra votes. Subscriber Address Rf d Contestant Only one of these coupons will be ac cepted from any one candidate. HOUSE REGARDING CALL FOR THANKSGIVING SERVICES Mr. Editor: I see in your last issue a no tice calling Brevard Baptist church to meet in a Thanksgiv ing service next Thursday, No vember 28, and advising all other churches of the Transyl vania Association to do like wise, signed “Executive Com.” There is an executive com mittee of the Transylvania as sociation of which the under signed is chairman, and as such, he has been present at every meeting of the committee hav ing a quorum and will say em phatically that such a thing as calling a church .to thanksgiv ing or to any other service and of advising all churches of its constituency to do likewise, was never agitated, was never men tioned in any of the several re cent meetings of the committee. Such an attempt in normal tim es would be justly construed as an act to usurp prerogatives, but in these abnormal times not JOHN HENRY IN A BAD WAY On Tuesday Brevard assum ed the ajipect of a military town when the county court house became the scene of a military tribunal. John Henry Powell, private Co. A., 444th Reserve Bn., was tried for desertion. Powell was indicted on three counts. The trial was held before Judge Advocate 1st Lieut. Nathaniel Golden. The court consisted of Maj. A. T. Hayes, Capts. Ma- geean and Taylor, 1st Lieuts. Wilson, Jarecky and Carrico, 2nd Lieuts. Goucher and Cron- krite. they come hollering “kill all the dogs, kill all the dogs;” be cause a few men think they can grow rich raising sheep. Your memories are very short if you do not remember the faithful 4 dogs that materially helped to win the late w’ar against the despised Hun. The faithful dog is the only animal, man not excepted, that will stay with his master, or his master’s children to protect them till he starves to death, and leave his bones there as a monument to his fidelity. I want you to tell me how many lonely families live in these mountains, while the hus band is off at work, would be safe from depridation, tramps thieves and robbers if it were not for the faithful watch dog, both day and night.. He is a protection to the wives and children, the pigs, lambs and poultry, upon which the family subsist. Yet I am grieved to know that we have unscrupu lous persons who will scatter poison broad-cast in their com munities to kill dogs, cats, chil dren, or any animal that hap pens to pick it up. The common people have had their personal rights and privileges legislated away from them until they will not endure much more. Unless there can be some happy medium be tween the dog and sheep in dustry, I fear the next war will be at home among our own peo ple who feel that their personal rights and privileges are all be ing legislated away to subserve the interest of a few. E. S. ENGLISH. thing of some way to earn five dollars. If you enroll vdth the Victory Girls, under a pledge to “earn and give five dollars,” you will become one of a home army that is doing beautiful things for our fighters, things that would have made the fighters in any former war im agine that some Aladdin’s lamp w'as at work. The following Brevard girls have enrolled as Victory Girls: Irene McMinn, Mary Blythe. Marjorie Cooke, Mariam Silver- steen, Marguerite Watson. Gladys Glenn, Dorothy Silver- steen. Pearl Duckworth, Willie Aiken, Marion Yongue, Ophe lia Allison, Martha Breese, Mil dred Bryant, Fair Snelson. MARY JANE KING, Director. THANKISGIVING AT CAMP Thanksgiving was celebrated at Pisgah Forest Camp in good old-fashioned style. The boys w’ho have been doing their bit by getting timber out of Pisgah Forest enjoyed a turkey dinner with all the customary fixings. Following is the menu; Oyster Stew Crackers Roast Young Turkey Jelly Sweet Pickels Sour Pickels Creamed Mashed Potatoes Candied Sweet Potatoes Creamed Corn Light Bread Fruit Jelly Pound and Fancy Cakes Coffee Coca Cigars Apples Oranges Malaga Grapes Pure Apple Cider Buy War Savings Stamps and help the boys back home. only that, but a spirit of de fiance “of the powers that be” might be inferred. The undersigned would say, in exhonoration of the execu tive committee, that the notice referred to did not issue from it; and that the letter spirit of this erratic notice is repudiated by the committee as a whole. J. M. HAMLIN, Chm. THE BREVARD NEWS This Coupon not Good After December 5 THIS COUPON WILL COUNT FOR 500 VOTES For • • Address Ml Good for 500 votes when filled out and sent to the Brevard Nevys cflico by mail or otherwise on or before the expiration of date. No ballot will be altered in any way or transferred after received by the News. Unless coupons are trimmed carefully around the heavy lines they will not be counted. Do not roll or fold—^fasten together. Address all coupons tc Contest Department.