\ - ■ J VOL. .XXIII BREVARD, N. C., FRIDAY, DECEMJBER 13, 1918. Number 48 WHY NOT LISTEN TO OPPOITONITY’S KNOCK? \ A TCDAY—NOT TOMORROW ^ NEXT DAY—BUT EN- THE CONTEST NOW —GREAT PROFIT MAY BE YOURS FOR the ASKING. Every Candidate Who Enters the Contest and Abides by the Rules Will Receive a PHze •or Cash Commission— You Caiinot Fail—V^otes are Free—Send in Your Name Today. Tho ini!iienza will in ali prob ability rett)rd the progress cf the contest to .''ome extent | the nominees v.ho announced in j last \veek’s isf^ue of the News | aro stili Tioniixiees, most o^' * thrm, for they have been iin- | able to actively into the ! . - ‘ f campai‘^n hold, and become I candid.-t('S. Yes, there is con- ' si'lenible difference betweer. the ncniineo ard the cand'diite, as niucli iliiference as th::'r(? is belvs oci'' a candidate and co". - testani. A i'lonirico is merely a per-'on whose name has appeared as a sir^g-estc-d Vvin.icr of the usT 0^ PRIZES ■ ONE $550.00 PLAYER PIANO $100.00 IN GOLD or BANK ACCOUNT ONE DIAMOND RING Purchased from and on dis play at Frank D. Clement, Brevard ONE $100.00 ALLEN PRIN CESS RANGE Purchased from and on dis play at Fjrevard Hardware Company ONE $50.00 HCOSIER KIT CHEN CABINET Purchased fron: a?;d on dis play r.t Farmers Supply Co. ONE $30 WRIST WATCH Purchased from and on dis play at Fi’ark D. Clement's THE HOLY LAND STOP TBE OVEREOW BREVARD NEWS OF FRENCH BROAD R. To the Citizens of Transylvania County: Several of the citizens and farmers of our county have been talking to me about a ver;v vital matter that we should dis cuss v/ilh Hon. George T. Ly- day before he leaves for Ral eigh. The matter concerns the clearing out of the channel of the French Broad river. Just before the last freshet l^e water v.'as very low in the m'er ar.d Vvith only a fev*' hours rain the river got out of ii< banks and did thousands of dol lars damage to the farmers, lo the county bridges and to the railroad. This injury is one that every person in the county IS APPRECIATED I will write you a few lines so you will knov/ what joy your paper brings to a lonesome Tar Heel boy. Whilev reading it this morning it brought back memories of old Brevard where I spent the happiest days of my life and, and hov/ I long to re turn and tell you of the great things the boys fror-i the U. S. A. have done. It did ?ne good to read the letter voii printed of Corporal David Jrlunt and to ]:nov/ he is pickinrr some of the Kuns of^;’ ■‘.vith the great- ma chine "un which the U. S. bo vs are using, working the Wc same country been has vir^ited supplying tho heavy artiliary with hordes and it is a feels for vvliat hurts one section i sight to see the destruction this effects the wel-jyrj’.r is caiising. But neverthe- of th; county THE GRAND MUFTI, HEAD OF THE MOHAMMEDAN CHURCH (A WHITE TURBAN), ARRIVES AT AR^ERICAN REO CROSS H§AD- QUARTERS TO TAKE PART IN THE FORMAL INAUGURATION OF THE WORK IN PALESTINE. TO ICSEASE RELIEF IM PEESTINE - Miss Beitie Z\itLean. . . .IG.vOO Miss Ethel Kilpatrick.. 10,000 i\[iss ?v[ildred Eryan ^ I Red Cro£s Commissioner Reports Stcirvation and Suffering in Holy Land. n- of the high est award. In other word>-. some one wants to give so-ne person an oppo-’tunity tc make good and the name is sent i'\ Of cou”se the rest is left to thr ovio vrarren iUis.- Dora Connaly. , . . Miss ^lae Engle Mi:;s Cora Grogan riiss irv'n Mcl'-Iinn. . . . Miss Margie (^ardner. Miss Fair Snelson. . . discretion of the person l_ ^vner.. Whether or not she has the Gladys GaUo-.va ability she is given by her nomi nator is ([Uickly ])roven. A candidate is a person who ac cepts her nomination and the:'! sips succulcnt svv-eets, snug- lO^.'SOO .']1,000 .10,000 .10,000 I Q - -Of, .10,000 I .10,0001 . 10,000 I T • ilE Aniorican Hcrt Cro:-s intoiuls to udministej' relief work on a f;:r ^'n’uter scale in Palestine than heretofore in order that thou sands of men. woiikmi and children in that part of t'le world may he resf;ied from iheir jiresi'Ul sufferin;:. Dr. John Armenians in and about Damascus and more than three tlioiu-and in tlie llau- raii district, tlie cable asserts. Dr. I'inii-y says the .-Vmerican Red Cross W(>rl:t*r.s have been doin^x overy- tliin.u' possible 1o relieve this distress, hut adds that ,u:reatly ir.creased help mu.st come at o:ice. He requires two il. Finh>y. Ked Cross ConuiHSsioner to 1 ad(iilional iios])i!a! units immediately. Palestiiu* and former Conimissioiier of [(^Jener;'.! Aiie)d)y has. cabled tlie British . 10,000 ^ Education for thf State of Ni*w York, iMiss Daisy Nicholson. . Miss Janie F. ?,Ioseley. Miss Ruth D’j.ckvv’orth. Miss Eliza Wc'Mis I\Iiss Reba Ashworth. . sling up somewhere near a so-'j;;.,, Yonguc da fountain or seeks vote credit ^r,,g g cfie IMrs. H ?.Irs. HaiTy Clarke H. N. Carrier within the depths of a 3Iorris chair cheerfully expecting sonic- one to leave at her home a firc:, . . piano o” other costly and valii- able prize. iMrs. J. Y. JdcKinney Mrs. M. P. Brodie 10,000 i A contestant is a person who g Wright. . 10,000 is awake to the opportunity at ; Tyjj.g g q Yates 10,000 hand and who has the grit tf 10,000 grasp opportunity nimh by its Florence Sumrney 10,000 tender throat and shake the; ^arr WhitmJre .10,000 • daylights out of it. A differ-1 Loftis 10,000 ^ f, , ertee and a distinction you wi]l! ^^jj,g 10,000 Mrs. Welch Gallow’ay. . 10,000 | Mrs. John Bogart 10,000 Mrs. Jessie V/ard 75,500 [ Mrs. A. M. Verdery... 10,000 has cabled that tiiis additionul work is immediately neces.-:ary. At least one-third of the population of I^'banon has die<l of starvatior an<l disease, due to lack of nourishment. Many villages are virtually depopulat ed, and thousands of po«»ple are In nee<l. owing to epidemics, lack of em ployment and the proliibitive prices of fo(»d. Families formerly in the best of cir cumstances have been reduced to des titution. Every one is clamoring for an opportumty to rehabilitate himself. Owing to a luck of physicians the con- 1„- ditions in many hosplials are deplora- ■ J-'^o,UUU More than ten thousand sick civil ians have been cared for by the Amer ican lied (’ross during a single month, and lied Cro.ss antomo!)iles are trans porting hundreds of ill and wounded prisoners to hospitals every day. There are at least ten thousand refugee .10,000' .10,000! .10,000' 75,500; .10,000 145,500' .10,000 .55,000! .30,000 I .10,000 .25,000 War ollice to approve this plan. Dr. I’iiiley journeyed on foot from r.i'ersiu'ba to Dan in the wake of the advancing T.ritish forces, and at the time of sending the cable had just com- I>leted a tour of the Palestine and low er Syria, passing throtigh Nazareth, Tibt'rius, Tyre, Sidon, Haifa and Bei rut, reaching the latter place two days after its occupation by the British forces. “America should be the first to help in the rehabilitation of the Holy Land, which 'uH'at Britain and our Allies have redeemed,” dech •es Di^ Finley. “The lirst medium of help should be tlie American .Ked Cross, which makes no distinction as to race, creed or col or. Under the trusteeship of those who recovered this sacred land, wiiich Is the cradle of three i .eat religions, the civilized world is now given the oppor tunity of illustrating its highest ideals for humanity.” ff h' admit. Now is the Time The campaign has not m.ade anj” headw’ay as yet, very little indeed has been done and if the ANNUAL R.ED CROSS. MEETING John Southern, one of the icst rep.idents oi‘ the Cherrv- Mrs. D. L, English.... 10,000: section, died on Frid: fev.' days pa.st are to be taken Mackey 145,000 j gth, of pneumon- * as an indication of what is to Mrs. Everett Hays 10,000 _i|;Dme. then for the first time in! Brevard, R. F. D. 1. 'Oie history of the old Reliable j ^iss Mae Quiette 10,000 piano, good solid American | T^iigg Do^a Reece 10,000 Eagles, precious stones, range Miss Mary L. Barringer. 10,000 and jewelry, last but not least , ]y|isg Georgia BuiTell. .105,500 cash, will beg for recognition | ^igg Florida Cantrell.. 10,0001 ' n /» 1 • ia. He v/as buried in the Mt. ?»Ioriah cem.etery on Satiu'day morning. • At the time of his death Mr. Southern was a .^niber of the County Board of Education. A in vain. Now is .the time to take ad vantage of these conditions. Now is the time to start some thing that should bring you big prifit without risk. It only costs you your efforts to win one of the prizes listed. You will either gain one of them, or a cash payment based upon the amount of money you collect for the paper. Following are those who are taking part in this friendly struggle: Brevard Miss Annie Snelson 85,500 Miss Irene Duckworth.. 10,000 Miss Marie Kilpatrick 135,00() Miss Louise Townsend.. 90,500 Miss Georgia Burrell... 10,000 Miss Maude Kilpatrick 90,000 Mrs. W. A. Allison 10,000 ^®r some time as a mem- Mrs. S. M. McKelvey.'. .10,000 Boarrl of County Mrs. Leon Hubbard. . . .10,000 Commissionep. Mrs. W. T. Brown 85,500 survived The annual meeting of the Transylvania Chapter American Red Cross will be held in the court house on Saturday at 3 p. m. for purpose of electing direc tors for the year 1918-19. A full attendance of all the members is desired. R. H. ZACHARY, Acting Chairman. Mrs. Chas. Gravley.... 90,500 | Mrs. B. A. Gillespie. .. 105,500 Brevard, R. F. D. 2. Miss Virginia Allison. . .10,000 Miss Mary Belle Oit. . .10,000 Miss. Cannie Glazner. . .10,000 Miss Lillie Picl^lesimer. . 10,000 and four daughter three sons who have the sympathy o^ a wide circl of friends. 3 MARY JANE KING WINS APPLAUSE Ralph R. Fisht i France that he time to enjoy the visit some of t: -' Miss Marie Lyday.... 125,500 | Paris since th^ Miss Etta McCall. 10,000 Mrs. JoMe Moeflcr 90,500 Mrs. Clara E. Allison.. .10,000 Mrs. J. W. Morris. . . . .10,000 Mrs. J. Gaston Neill.... 10,000 Mrs. Rachael- Orr i0,000 ]^rs^ J. A. Surrete 10,000 Mrsi John Boggs 95,500 (Continued on pag 2) been put to flighi expect sto retur) before very ma; y ’vrites from >ow having 'anery and low places lluns have Mr. Fisher •o the U. S. months. ho music clubs of Asheville giving a series of weekly cal programs at Kenil- 1 for the entertainment of convalescent soldiers. The id of these recitals took on last Wednesday after- Vv’hen Miss Mary Jane AT METHOi>5 >T CHURCH A chalk sernior- to children, Sunday at 11:00 u. ni. Preaching at c,: 0 p. m. pi of Brevard soloist. r singing wa? enthusiasti- received. One of the best n musicians in Asheville )unced Miss King’s sing- fai’e and prosperity of the tire county, and extra taxes will have to bo collected to pay for new brid!’’es. Since the great activity in this county in the acid wood. t:;n ba:'k and lumber bu5ine: s! there has been a vast aiiour.t! of tree tops, brush r.nd other; refuse matter from sjiid opera- tons that have gone into the streams in the county and fro:n the smaller streams it has .'got ten into the main channel of tho river and has collected in large drifts at many different placesi™"^,^ and has practically dammed the stream, the resi’lt being that the fiow of the current is .'Tcatly siov/ed up, eddies are fcrmed and the stream is very easily put cut of banks. This tree tops etc has cone L’roni practically every section of the county that is on the v»"at- rrs of the French Broad and its tributaries. less the Km go forv/ard. for ”6 won't re- ;n uiitil it is finished ovor here. Wish I could t^ell you all about this country, but they won’t ?.'!ovv' it. Hero’-- trood wishes for the paper r,nd all the folks at home. Yours truly. Corn. V. B. Gallamore. 308 F. R. S(id. A. E. F. Until next harvest ths Ameri- an table must be set accord- food resourses of the People who -cerse to fight do not ceasc to eat. It does not seem probable that we can get the Federal Government to help us at this nr Ni % Mr. Mont Glazener and son Clarence have been in Ashe ville for the past three or four days on business. Fvt. Julian Glazener, who i.s time, although I intend to keep | connected with the hospital on trying to get some aid from Congress, but the surest and quickest way is to get some help through our legislature and then get what extra help we need from Uncle Sam. I therefore, propose that the citizens of the county have a meeting, either one big mass meeting in Brevard, or have a meeting in each township and let said meetings send delegat es to a general meeting to be held in Brevard and at said general meeting decide on some suitable plan to suggest to Mr. Lyday and have him pass such a bill through, the legislature as will help us. I am not a farmer now, but I am very deeply interested in everything that will build up Transylvania county and the better drainage of our river bottom lands is one of the greatest benefits 'that could happen to Transylvania. By cleaning out the river and giv ing the water a clear sweep we would have less high water ov er the adjoining land. It v/ould lower the water at all times. It would enable the ditches along the river to be deepened and thereby dry some land that is no V/ unfit for use. I have no definite idea to sug- wi-.s the prin- ‘ but belicvs that tiiere is we take this matter up at once, and I will be glad to have ail those interested to either write Grove at. vvisdom in counsel and I know me‘or coiih; in and see me and that when the good farmers and citizens of the county get their heads together that they will work o\it . some plan that best heard in that city will benefit every man in Tran- umber of years. sylvania. I therefore ask that let’s get this started at once, as' Mr. Lyday will leave f6r Ral-^ eigh in a few weeks now. Yours for Tnmsylvan^’s , Betterment," W. E. BRI 'r. corps A. E. F. Somewhere in France, has notified his rela tives that he will return at an early date. Misses Victoria Gillespie, Beulah and Hassie Whitmire went to Hendersonville shop ping Monday. Mr. A. M. Paxton went to Brevard on a business trip on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. B. B. White are visiting Mr.. Yv/'hite’s par ents near Olin, N. C. Mr. Dewey Winchester and A. C. Current went to Lake land, Fla., last w’^eek. Mr. Walter Gravley spent Sunday afternoon at the home of A. M. Paxton. \ Mr. W. K. Gillespie is having his house repaired. The new Methodist preacher, Mr. W. A. Thomas, has moved to Rosman. Mr. Tom Gillespie has moved from East Fork to Rosman. Misses Victoria, Dora and Beulah Gillespie went to East Fork Itas Sunday and dined with Mr. S. E. McCall. Mr. John L. Gillespie has hat his house repaired and addeJ a new room.

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