L. XXIV BREVARD, N. C. FRIDAY, JANUARY 24, 1919. ALL PRIZES AND CASH COM MISSIONS WELL BE AWARDED EY THE JUDGES AFTER THE\ TABULATE AIO COUNT THE VOTES. i-latc that I have never Walter C. Whitmire v.as the eld est son of and Mrs. T. W. Whit mire, formerly one of BrcvarJ’s most prominent business men. Walter has i^iiown a winner in one of tiio?<? ■ * to c'‘i'tify th;it P>. 0:-l.( nil' S2r,0.00 * in *{ht^ ii \'v;n>i Co. =!= b"nk. v:;v !. X. nr ’ si: ti-> '* i'''- '. 1. i.- liu' first * r-cciM'"’ ' vi:',: si."(1.00 AJn.] ' ' JS11 v>,-j fnily. :o * r»v iiK' con!. - =■ a' v;;:%! (•;.■- ■ cu';r: ' n at thv> v.lo;-<' friendly siru-x^’lcs to orii::inate these false rumors. To J.Iic Subscribers Th;' ou your j)apcr .ivives the exi'iration cT your subscription. The );U);;th a:'i(l the last two lii.urc? oi’ thoy left here to make their home in A?hcvillc. Tho death of this splendid younjr man has cast a shado v of r-orrov. e-vor Brevard, the town of his birth. Tie was 27) years old, educated at si.own. John Doe Feb ly'Wofford College, Spartan,irurt>:. S. C., ih-it ]o]',n Due’s sub.^;*’*'-r'io" member of the Centra’ M. E. church r s I' dTuarv, 1910. Prd ablv !of Ashr\illc. \fk:r hein- pas^:.l ; , ' * i . • .-u'■ crip'Jcn has airca iy limited strvice a r.tar was placea expire in tlK* next me, •of Cenl>-al ch.jrch i:;-e-<;r fo-;- n;onths and if momory. While awalti-r hi^ ('P. \ u- cont;' i;inls vi-;. a!P.‘ ^•’ithful'v :or x!: •- T!:' Co. ■ !’■ ry, T;‘i’( r. of ,f!!) 1 1 do SO now and i.ot \vt. !•: of youv 'laper as yc.L, our I vou r.-i'ew oPj a.ivar.of ! on - .1 c;: Tn 0 '.'s ■ n ''t turn to e;o to training caiv.p tlie ar mistice was a-croii, tliei efore V, ;’.!lrr ;u vcv too-; ti:iini:i'j; for (iuties ov r- • . Iseas. All who knew li’ni bcc;vn:e at- to li';; f-'! arc :u'n- bo:l' i.; v;:’ : ;-:v: -A hcvd!, ;-!s death will bo felt with pro- scrro’.v i- both 'o'.v:';-. Hi.- n:;!:i’y riiri.^llan chr.vactc'r en- : lo liie Ir..*-' • of :.'i . ^ IV< ^ .1 a, I ..uat cf ■ ’ 1 ’ c:' r II,. ■_ : and i'. ' aiio\’cd ;o L; Editor Brevar l Xcws: 1{* you will allow the space I would like to express, throurh the columns of your pc'iier, a few words of ap- prec;a;.',on for the work done in our county by Dr. C. W. Hu.it as iiealth o.l'ccv. I do not inean to criticize '.lie ac ..on of the llf alth Board, »s thc> ai\; ;.uppo.ic ! lc; express the will of the ]!oo]»'c. Neither do I wish to ■ay anythinr'- tha.t will hami''’r the 0*' our rc’v health olTicor. ]>r. Walii.'^. He is ’r.:;n throus^iii. a:: ! lh:*cu;,h, and, no doubt, is well filted ior t'le place. Dr. i'vnt was criticized by many ■ oi' the v!eci<i’jfi ^ i be tooiz a.? ro •■he nK'lhod. o." Cvintrolin.j: the ■'!!;:a C;)i:! ' but mo.;t, if not. ail cr'tics have se^;'' the W::-uom of <'.■ ;; ,v!--c. a:*:I ''.‘.d thal in -lis «i!V‘ C\ ’V i'lilinj, Ww'-l'i.'!?' iiilu *.'‘11'; li'?' couiiA h;. - d a ^ : Hs y;-:.r> of tireley^ d.■'.■(- 'o.i lo !v.: work, hi:; (!oep :;tu'’y o; al! i: ;.'s <-on( t. -jii-v- ‘ r h:':ULh •viiiio: s. a;’.:, ai t.,.- in;- ram- ■' <-f i;-- !ia^ At the mc'tin;;’ of the Betternionc Society Tuesday afternoon ari’an^je- i.ionts were conipleted for the Lyceum Course. The t'ckots w'll be left with Tvlrn. ^lacl’e to be disiributed to all mem bers of tile society '.vho Vvd^ un 'rr- take th:'ir .=ale. As the time is fdio”t, it is i;(;pcf! the laditr; v];] see Mr;=. iilacfie at once and t-lart on th; ir rounds. It will 0? neco.-;" .'.ry in r,ell C;uite a numlj.-r of ti- ’;etr, for l;r ttermer.t The Tranj.ylva>iia Chapter A. R. C. has received an allotment of 400 refujtee jjarments to be completed by March 1st. Every woman is ask- e'l to make at least o.ie .v;arr.'.er.t cac!- week and the fonowinfj: are request ed to t;ii;e char;.i:c of the ;4’arment room cro afternoon each week: :\!rs, r:. IL Za-hary, I\:rr. N. Car- r’c*r. TiTrs. iL V. Smedben;' and Mr.s. J. W. Smith. Ar bra 'iih'’!' 'in ’ the older .;uniovs i::ay help in thi:i vorl: j”st as soon as lO m:i!'.e expv'iK'e?-'. jlo'.vev' r, h '-h ] tlie ri a-lv‘.'.it jiuv.-i.ie'it;' a.rrive froir. class or-^er'aiiimer.ts mc.ii; 'o nii’eb. ! Atlrj'ta. in the u')!iit of the community for the soLi^-ty not to talce the lisk. ANXr: GA^ fl, D. W. W. ■iner: • IK :e .-nU j- in th., JTst will be “'The t .'.'li'; .i a.. .’*i Artists’ Trio" on ]*\'bu u\ number ro.i -is!.:: oi’ ::ui p.:. forii.er i^ Cl'.', iaiirv.'. Tr-■crnatiana.iiirn is a i l;r . ’.on o. r line. :.a V.- , ■ Ic ui a.i . iO' 'UU' e-*.>var 1 ■ I!;', .it. c ’, • ' V/ \ \_» L - lis.O ri) vol- ■' ; ■ ) t : OO.Dt.O votrs j3 ; n. i!n- •iv iivui Pg- ev. r t'\i > I.) be . - . h'- last i'v.r- lii; nu'ih.-r sat i)V his !cis; a ■Oi! of M lie 1- :0T,5J0 W; ■■ ■:. 'i-uary 1!‘. T!:;- ' ;■) o;via;. fov ..rizi S e'»c ■: .ho ■ ra; t:'* -s of i.i; c: ,.: ■..V. n.-ldes... t!. ■ nriz^ - w:!l ' . ..: > ,1 to i':e winnr'*s at Jie -v' o*li (. ('.‘.tc.-'t I' ooruary 1; a:- V. ;'i! ■ t'.ur cent commv'.\oo ('n coT • 1- w* u;. ■ .I'e ' fa.il to win a pri/.e. X.”.\r lia.-; the manaeer of r:rcvirc:, R. F. D .ua-'ie I.y(i;'y . . J< 3tooli;r . . S'pphire ii; : r;.-r not tv) \ bv ; ravijiii’ cx.'i' Iil; I'oicv li’e hsopital ar.d Iv' was rejidy u: ihi.' (:ud at a-’v mon'enl. i V-i •-••o----. ..1 th.' •; ■'-"i ! I?'’ i'a.- tn.- nar, i:.: ii . i ? t • • 5 ' ! O|9 50()'met his Saviour, ijoi emj)ty i.anded, Ibut in i'!-rfoct bliss. T!ie sc^.*;ls of ^ ^ -^.^ilove and kin'Ii’.ess have been .-;trov.'e I or. v nsp 14o,o00 I’H"' .- ’ in by the ct .: r.i.'Mi'. * ac'ive v.'ori-;.. - V : ihj cct::c.-l np.l .3. C. Wike 241,500 Balsam Grove Doc'i: Rontley . . .258,500 Tcxaway, R. F. D. Vance Clr-lloway 160,000 Selica .. Gnicva Wilson . .424,500 Namur ]\'iss Sue Heath 85,000 co:.t;'> ra’i liuo a.^ many handicai^.^ ?.h’S. Will Hillkle 235,500 ov .• \ i;M; i;.)::-’ but tl'r Ht.nd of Rosman ihovidcii:.ve conivoix^;!. .•■s Aidti 'White . . .420,500 he li;', i tlie life of th's ore. PisJjaSl Forest Cun;i:'.ual raiiis, impa.-ra.ble ro:a.<, AIt;Xie Reece ...349,000 epidemic', of fatal di.seases and otli-, Fl’cd HeitIs . . .’. .185,000 crs too numerous lo mc’tiion, aiui i> ]VIrs. W. R. Warren . .336,500 is to be ;-.ope(i that the next three or Pnrose fc/ur weeVv.'ill i'e more favorable Mrs. Walace Riistin . .332,000 an<i, Koo 1 rcsuUs may be ac-j Blantyre compV^r . .Miss Lillie Picklesimer 305,500 Rutrors in the A5r j Etowah R. F. D. In competitive businesses rumors j ?,irs. C- S. Merrill ...195,500 on lop of ruinors become circulated j and th>; air full of them with ar^ av- '??« I «ft ^’3 ^ S II erajre of I JO per cprt cf tliem start- ; Vila"l-i’ ed without any ir.iih or found.* i ■whatsoever an;! ihe voting popi. . ity or cicruiation newspaper « i paij!rn always have more than .. r Doyle writes from Raleigh share of those manulactui’ec; r secured the summer meet- ports to contend with; therefore. 1 iai-- o[ the Masinoe Grand. Lodge contestants, wh«n you hear thes^e ru- Lecturcre and Custodians. The mors as to*hov,r many subscriptions | c,r,-.!;.| Master. Henry O. Grady, and his a-id bis devoLed ('hri.stian trait- will ever be remembered. ]\Iay our lovins^ Father comfort, shield a:ul !>rotect the loved ones left behind him is the earnest prayer of a de voted friend. A FRIEND. \ TO MEET HERE ,-o II’;::'■' le tiiis i'ricniis wci’;^ ;K;r.bt :';^d by b;s ac- ■ •uaintenCvS. Taken a\. ihj -tjfo of 2i> In ih;' ■ '■bre a!:d vi,;or vf liis n:an- ’.cod. he b '.' left in tb;.. country a f.'putalior. for chariict. r. ;:.i:;i;ioail. iiit. ,1’ity ar;i real v.’orth that i:' iu.st- ly the pri;te of his family an.l fr'cn.is and well desei’ved the eniulatio)i of '.I'"' you.’i.u' as.'oc.ate.s. Il:i\inri' knov\’n him iniiriiat^ iy from his infancy 1 can tr;u.'ufully .;ay I never heard an imijure v.orJ escape his lips, nor seen an i:nproper act. Tie entered tlie busir.esi; ■'••orM carlv in life a"-d .cave pror.iise of Per.iiit me snace for an ex^-^re ■-| ^ ^ - i.. ■ - - I sustam.ine’ aie cnr.rar-ter ne naa ma-.e •roau' - n i:-,'rceni ii. count if L oo-.is a.re o:’ i.out con-i'^anv Aci'-ou: Va. ; LO I'.a:;, the l>cji: an.i i y ;t ci.:\ ('.n io to ' ab- ' and voti-s so oiiiy th>,; solutely no autention to them for,, if for some mirical they w'cre true, WjU could not hoip ih and, if tb^’^"' i.re not so, they car. (io you no b.<(irm i».t sion of appreciation of the faithful and untiring efforts' of the retirinp; County health officer, Dr. C. W. Hunt In his watchful care over the heall^ of the public greneraily; In his insist ence on an early and strict enforce ment of a county-wide quarantine against the Influenza, and by his exc^lent weekly messa.t^es on qucs- t'ons cf health and sanitation, he has rendered invaluable, services to the entire County for which I feel this word of appreciation will not be out of place. Sincerely, W. E. Poovey WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENT. Friends of Miss Maybach will be in terested in the follov/iYis: aniiounce- in private liJe. Open, jronial, frank and rnr4nly in association.^ v/ith all v.ith whom he came inccntact, he was especially deferential and respectful to his superiors in aj^e. But it was in his home life that his brl}?ht, happy, sunny tempera ment manifested itself. He w'as all that a devoted father and mother would ask. 1 Yes, Walter made good, although he v.-as ever quiet about it and North Carolina has lost another fine, clean young man in the death of 'waiter ■Whitmire. J. L. BELL. ?.Ir. C. L. Sams, slate bee si-ecia- lip:t, has a;.:rer'’eu to i';e mer> bL-r.i of ti..' i " .b trr.rste;- their bees, from tl'.o bo;. ,u‘um to tl;e improved, hive in iMay where parties \\ ish them Iran sf ere d. ?»Ir. L. M. Wr.'kir..; wr.o at,te;idtHi t!)0 s'*T-te b?e nioot’M;:' beld at Ashe ville last week reports an interesting meeting. The outlook for the bee industry the coming ;-ocd. Every year tons of honey fvoes to waste in tlie county on account of not bavin;; enou!-h bees to gather it up. With proper care and attention it is possible to make fifteen dollars per year otf of one hive. Mr. T. V. Smith of Quebec says that he got as much honey from one strong colony of bees in an im- pro'^ed hive last year as he did ofr of five box gums. R. E. Larence. i^odrye olaccro will at- 'i'he meetir.:^ is for J.une 30, July 1. 2, and on July 3rd ther.^ will be a district octing. All tb:'? lodges in Western l.ortii Caror;":a -.11 send ’ bv r»!rc. :.Iarv II. Mai::. alL ^ For your informatioj * j r ■,..-esentalives to this meeting’-. I^Ir. and Mrs William H. Maybach :'..’.r>oui:ct’ t-.e n.arria'.ic ' of their daughter, Marguite Murton to Mr. Arthur L. Kraener on January the twelth, nineteen hundred and' nine teen, Hamburg New York. SGT. OVERTON ERWIN. Gjt. Over ten Erv/in hr.3 arrived c.’. his home from France after receiv ing an honorable discharge from the I^-atior.al armjv His many friends here are particularly proud of his record which was officiallj stated 100 per cent perfect. '• . .!..:y ail rt-ivo to cherish .1,'; iS. ;.ny i: v: irood will to- :rr>is cti'...'i naiioi'.s ti'at bave come to tiio v;-;-; tba: we may ^•a;’■ i'..' siv'r - a ;ab:::-t our natioiiiil a’ld. ii'.iicrited race j'roju.lices; that Vv’c r.ia.y be '!jliv-_re'i fi'orn commer- ; ial se n^iincss in our internationaJ (le cl lings. O, Co;l. who har-t appointed a day v.ben tiio Kin.Li:dom of (iodi and His Chi'isc ml;fiitily move U:3 an.i the al- nation? that we may nov.- and alw::ys cl.oosc Thy will as our will. ’.va' as or.]’ i. il'' pCliC our p'cace. To lock o'.^i* fortunes to Thy purro.?e. that we may, in abid ing fello-.-sbip. win for the world that frco.loi;’, and peace which will en.'-ble ail nations to bring their '.ilory a:*.' honor into Thy Kingdom, Lbrou.cb Him v.ho came to set men free, Jesus, our King. Amen. C. D. C. KING BROWN KirfI: IJrown, age 35, died Friday night ah his home in Turkey Creek township. Hi.'; death was caused by pneumonia follow'ing influenza. The deceased v.’as a highly respected far mer, who had resided all his life in i;he community where he lived at the L'.r.iC of I'lC' (.cr.th. (’ccc.''.'cd leaves surviving him hi3 v/ilo ar.d one child to whom much sympathy of neighbors and friends is extended on the account of the loss they have sustained in the death of the husband and father. AT r.lETHODISST CHURCH. A. M. Sunday School (The boat race across the Pacific” is grow ing in interest. Thirty first-class passeny^ersv.ere booked last Sunday.) 11:00 A. M. Rev. J. P. Rogers, of Salisbury, a former Presiding Elder of the Waynesville District, v/ill be in charge o£ the service. 7:00 P. M. The pastor will preach on, “The Crossing” 3:00 P. M. Rev A. Knight will prcach at Oak Grove. AT BAPTIST CHURCH. Sunday Sciiool, 9:45 A. 'SI. 11 A. ]\I.—'‘The Lord has put a difference between the Egyptians and Isreal.” 7:30 P. M. “When I see the blood I v, ill pass over you.”

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